It Starts Tomorrow White House Law Side Hustles Now Illegal | The Economic Ninja

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Economic Ninja



➡ The Economic Ninja talks about how the White House is changing the Fair Labor Standards Act, which could affect people with side jobs like Uber or Lyft. They want companies to pay minimum wage and overtime, which could make it hard for these businesses to survive. This isn’t about making side jobs illegal, but it could make it harder for people to have them. The government wants more money and this is one way they’re trying to get it.


It starts tomorrow. 80 million Americans are about to be impacted because the White House has ruled that side hustles are now illegal. You know, there are a lot of fud, a lot of uncertainty and doubt, and there’s a lot of fear being pumped out in the media. As a matter of fact, I use news stories to wake people up to the reality of this world. And there is a youtuber that’s out there that put a total lie on a title.

It’s clickbait. Now, I got to tell you, I use clickbait and I use the heck out of it. I use titles like, it’s about to start in ten days. And I tell you, hey, there’s a law that starts in ten days, and this is how you’re going to be affected in the near to long term. And it works. People click. They’re like, what’s happening in ten days? Or he’s actually doing it.

And you click on it and you’re like, what’s he actually doing? Who’s he? And I’m like, well, it’s the president. He’s actually pushing this law. We don’t know if it’s going to pass, but this is nutball. But there’s a difference between doing that, which I do, too, and I don’t blame this person, but saying that there’s a law that the White House is making side hustles illegal is a 100% straight up lie.

Okay? So there is no law that is starting tomorrow that states, and I’m going to show you what it does state and how people are going to be affected. People are going to be affected. There’s no law that says that you cannot have a side hustle. You cannot work your main job and then go find either another job where you work for someone or start your own business, which.

That’s a side hustle. All right? What’s going on is a change to the Fair labor Standards act or the FLSA. And what they’re doing is the White House wants to actually cause unemployment to rise. They actually want you to lose your job. Okay? This is how they’re going to do it. This is one way they’re going to do it. They are requiring employers to provide. And let’s use Uber or Lyft as an example, the gig economy, okay? Because, yeah, 50% of Americans are getting a 1099.

They have some sort of side hustle. Right? And the reason why companies were using Uber and Lyft as an example, because not only are they huge, because so many people are part of that group, the government does not want you to own your own business. I know it sounds crazy, but the IRS has hired a ton of real estate, real estate agents, ton of agents, tax agents to come after your money, okay? And one thing they don’t want is you writing off things legally that would cause them to make less money, okay? The government is running massive deficits.

They’re in serious trouble financially, fiscally in serious trouble, and they want more money. So they’re coming after your money. And one way to do that is to stop all these amazing human beings, these Americans that are working for Uber, Lyft, or all these companies that allow them to essentially start their own business because they’re able to write off their vehicle, write off expenses where you can’t do that when you’re working for an employer full time or part time, right? You don’t get to write off the gas that you use to go to your work to earn the money.

But when you have a side hustle, you’re part of the gig economy, which companies like Uber and Lyft have really built up recently. You’re able to do that. You’re able to write off your car. You are your own operator, owner, operator. You receive a 1099. The government doesn’t want that. So what they’re doing is that they are requiring employers to provide minimum wage and overtime pay to qualified employees, and they’re setting the qualifications real slim.

So it hurts these companies. So they go, no, heck with this. We just can’t do business like this. It’s going to actually cause a bunch of companies to fail. And Uber and Lyft are going to be in the hurt locker for this kind of law because they’re going to go, we can’t pay all these people this kind of wage. We’d have to raise these rates. Right? Everybody’s Uber costs and Lyft costs, and then nobody’s going to want to do it.

They’re going to go back to taxis. And so what they’re doing is they want, and it says, but not independent contractors, okay? So they’re trying to make it look good. But what you understand is they’re changing the definition of qualified employees, says many employees, especially full time employees, are also entitled to various statutory benefits, such as state law paid sick leave entitlements, workers compensation benefits, unemployment benefits, and benefits under an employer’s ERiSA or Ezra governed benefit plans such as group health insurance policies and 401K plans.

Failure to properly classify workers as employees can therefore result in substantial damages and penalties if misclassification is unintentional, as described in more detail below. This is what is happening. The government wants to squeeze companies in order to squeeze those companies to squeeze you out as an independent contractor. They’re changing the definitions. They’re tweaking it. They’re making it more difficult. They do not want to see people owning their own businesses.

See government, as it gets bigger, knows that it needs to keep feeding the machine that is the government. And they want to take more, destroy more. And one way you do that is you create monopolies, massive conglomerates, massive companies. Why? Because then you can control the masses. Because you only have to control a handful of companies. But if everybody in this nation was to go out and say, I want to start my own business, I want to be a baker, and I’m just going to have a small bakery that’s going to take care of, let’s say, 100 people on average per month, or someone goes, I want to start making shoes.

I want to start my own it business. I want to start my own window washing business. And everybody was to start their own business. They would immediately go to the IRS and go, hey, we get to write off all of our stuff that we used for our business. And the government would go, we need the money. And people would start to understand, wait a minute. When I own my own business, things are good.

I can make my own schedule. I can make my own destiny. It’s all on me. I can make more money. More money goes in my pocket because I’m not paying so much money to the government. And that’s what’s exactly happening. So when there are youtubers that come out there and say, the government’s making it a side hustle illegal, that’s 100%, 100% bald face lie, end of story. Now, if the title said something like, the government’s going to make it much more difficult for you to own a business when it comes to working for another company.

Because companies like Uber, the gig economy where you are 100% dependent, getting your business from another company, that’s what an Uber or Lyft operator does. They are 100% reliant on their application from Uber Lyft going, bing, you got another job. Okay, yes, that is going to hurt those people seriously. But you have to understand that that doesn’t make it illegal. You can’t tomorrow all of a sudden go, well, I want to be a lift operator, and then say, no, it’s not going to be illegal to go and start a window washing business.

It’s not illegal to start anything tomorrow when it comes to business, what they’re doing is they’re putting the squeeze on big companies to put the squeeze on you. And so I want to encourage you. Keep starting businesses. Keep being independent. Don’t listen to the lies. There’s one thing about clickbait. It’s clickbait. It’s business. Right? The job is to try and attract someone to your video and to be able to encourage them, educate them, and then watch them grow.

It’s a whole nother thing to straight up lie. Look, I teach people to do side hustles, to be more financially independent. That’s become my side hustle. I’ve had 22 or 23 side hustles in my life, and now my latest one is teaching people how to start businesses. And you’re not going to find a link down below on this video, because I’m not here to sell a course. I’m here to tell you, keep encouraging you.

Start businesses. That’s what’s going to make America strong and rich again. That’s what happened when people came over and landed on Ellis island from another country. They started businesses. And during the industrial revolution, that’s what made this country great and free. And you know what destroyed it? Something that happened around the turn of the century. In 19 11, 19 10, 19 13. All that time frame, the Federal Reserve came into control of our country’s money supply, and then right after that, income tax.

So you’ve got to learn a way around income tax. Pay less money legally through the income tax system. And how is that? Start a business. And don’t make your business 100% reliable on another company. Like being an Uber driver. As a matter of fact, how many people know an Uber driver that also is a Lyft driver? Why? Because they’re trying to diversify their risk. They’re doing risk mitigation.

They don’t even know it. So I encourage you to build business tomorrow. Businesses will not be illegal. That is a lie. Choose your motivator today so you can be great tomorrow. And your motivator might be another person, or it may be the one that looked right back at you. When you look in the mirror, the choice is up to you. Do you want to be rich? Do you want to be poor? Do you want to be happy? Do you want to be sad? Do you want to be small? Or do you want to be great? Weak or great? I don’t know.

The choice is yours. The economic ninja is out. .

See more of The Economic Ninja on their Public Channel and the MPN The Economic Ninja channel.


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Financial implications of new labor laws. Government's role in regulating side jobs Impact of Fair Labor Standards Act on side jobs Minimum wage and overtime for side jobs Side jobs becoming harder with new labor laws Survival of businesses with new labor standards Uber and Lyft affected by Fair Labor Standards Act White House changes Fair Labor Standards Act

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