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➡ Gerald Salenty discusses the escalating tensions in Israel and Ukraine, warning of a potential nuclear war. He criticizes the U.S. involvement in these conflicts and the media’s lack of coverage. Salenty also mentions a pact signed between Pennsylvania and a Ukrainian province, which he believes will not benefit the economy as promised. Lastly, he highlights the rising gold prices amidst geopolitical unrest.


Hello everybody, this is Gerald Salenty and it’s Tuesday, September 24th. Twenty…24. Twenty-four. Twenty-four. Twenty-twenty-four. Oh, what does that mean? Well, it probably means what the Trends Journal cover is. Here it is. Israel war plus Ukraine war equals nuclear war. Unite for peace and dine in war. And that’s where we are. This thing is escalating beyond the beyond in the Israel war, what they did with the pager attack. Now there’s about almost a thousand Palestinians. Palestinians who cares, the Lebanese who cares about that. Only Palestinian lives don’t matter and neither do Lebanese because it’s not in the major news anymore when you go to CNN and the other ones.

The hurricanes coming, the hurricanes coming. Yeah, so Israel’s ramping up this war big time and we’re on the verge of nuclear annihilation. And it’s the Samson option, S-A-M-S-O-N. Look it up. If Israel loses, they go nuclear. And the United States is ramping up the war with Ukraine. I’ll tell you what a freak show this country’s turned into. They got this arrogant little boy over there in Pennsylvania, Josh Shit-Piero. Josh Shit-Piero. Signing. Put his name on it. With that, these are the fucking shitheads running the country. Hey scumbag, go over there and fight.

Oh this was the headline from ABC in Philadelphia. ABC. A bunch of crap. ABC. A bunch of crap. Anton Pennsylvania. Governor Josh Shit-Piero warmed Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky to the Commonwealth Sunday. Commonwealth. It’s a fucking state. Oh, it’s a commonwealth. Excuse me. Where the two leaders signed a pact between state and the Ukraine province of Zaporizia. Where the fucking name is? Where is this fucking place? What’s this house? COVID’s gonna get ya. I’ll tell you what to do. Quote. This is from Josh Shit-Piero. Josh Shit-Piero crap spewing out of his mouth.

Pennsylvania is the birthplace of American freedom. And I’m stealing it from ya. No, no, he didn’t say that, but that’s their axe. And our commonwealth proudly stands with the people of Ukraine as they fight for freedom against naked aggression. Who the fuck are you to speak for everybody? Who the fuck are you? Oh, here. As I feel about it. Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do? Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do? Hey. Politician. Of course, you go to Trends Journal and you get these t-shirts. So, the scumbag goes on to say, naked aggression? Maybe you’re too fucking stupid to read the Trends Journal going back to 2014 when there’s a big article in here by Dr.

Paul Craig Roberts how the United States overthrew the democratically elected government of Viktor Yanukovych. Washington is driving the world to the final war. Ukraine presented the perfect opportunity for Washington to advance this hegemonic agenda. These are only details. You don’t want to know that will strengthen both states. Who the fuck are you talking to? Strengthen both states and force the collaboration. What forced the collaboration? For years to come. Come. Where are you coming? You’re coming and going. Pennsylvania looks forward to building a close relationship with Zaperishi Woshiwashi as we continue to stand on the side of freedom.

This is the fucking bullshit. The agreement aims to leverage the strength of both regions and support the region’s efforts to rebuild the war while, rebuild after the war while providing Pennsylvania businesses with the opportunity to participate in the reconstruction through the Department of Community and Economic Development. Today is an exciting day for Zaperishi Woshiwashi and Pennsylvania said DCE Secretary Rick Saiger, Dick Saiger, quote, disagreement will help support future economic revitalization of Ukraine while boosting our economy and creating jobs for Pennsylvania. Building fucking weapons and bragging about it and it’ll do nothing to boost their economy.

It’s going to bring it down. They’re going to lose the war. And to show you why I call it ABC, a bunch of crap, it’s great. It gives Scranton a nice atmosphere. I should say people should be honored that he’s here, meaning Zelensky. It’s great that someone like him comes here, said Ron Kitless from Scranton. Now, one article in here about people saying we have no right to be in this war. We’re stealing our money. This shit’s been going on for thousands of years. And this Josh Shapiro speaking about Pennsylvania, the birthplace of American freedom.

How about reading a man of freedom, the fourth of freedom, George Washington’s farewell address. Is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world? You prick. Observe good faith and justice through all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all. The nation which indulges toward another, an habitual hatred or an habitual fondness is in some degree a slave. Yep. And that’s all we are. Plantation workers of slave landia. We are on the verge of nuclear war. I got to tell you, Scott Ritter is doing everything he can.

Judge Napolitano, Max Blumenthal on your power bill. Joe Lauria, there are going to be speakers here this Saturday. Up in Kingston, New York at the Four Corners of Freedom. We’re going to be streaming this, of course, as well. But we want you here. We got to get enough people here to close down the streets to make the news. We have maniacs in charge and little gutless scumbags like this guy. Imagine signing a fucking Howitzer show and being proud of it to kill people with. This isn’t what our country was founded upon. This is an atrocity.

And he’s not condemned, but people for peace are. Anyway, you knew trends journals coming out very soon. Hey, see where the gold prices are? That’s it. $2,656 per ounce. And what was our one of our top trend forecasts that came out on January 2nd? Golden year for gold. We are the only magazine in the world that said this. Other people said it was going to be strong for gold. Peter Schiff. He’s a great guy. Other. The only magazine, the only magazine. This is just the beginning. And what we’re talking about that no one else or very few are the geopolitical unrest going on.

And this war is expanding and gold is the number one safe haven asset in times of socioeconomic and geopolitical instability, which we have front and center right in front of us. So gold is going to have a downturn. By the way, hit as high as $2,664 an ounce to that. Again, it’s up over $600 an ounce since we made that forecast. So that’s why you subscribe to the trends journal. We’ll give you history before it happens for the grand total of $2.56 a week. So if you bought the trends journal, you bought one ounce of gold.

It’d be way ahead. Anyway, we don’t give financial advice. The Dow is up 83 points. S and P 0.25, NASDAQ 0.56. Not a lot. And now the new polls are coming out. And contrary to what we’re forecasting, it’s neck and neck now between Harris and Trump. We still say Harris is going to win. But as I say, when all else fails, they take it to war. So Harris goes down in the polls, war ramps up, gets the people’s mind off everything. Latest surveys coming out is that consumer confidence is dragging down. And as we detail very greatly in your trends journal, in our economic update, bad news coming out of Germany, the third largest economy in the world, bad news coming out of France, bad news.

Oh, China is going to stimulate their economy. You know what that is? You got it. The markets may hit a big downturn. And as we had forecast, it’s right there. And our July 27th trend alert. The trends journal and forecast that Joe Biden would step down and Kamala Harris would run for president in 2024. We said this, by the way, in 2022. And we now forecast minus a wild card, such as stock market crash. Harris will beat Trump in the race for the White House. So they got it. It’s a wild card. The wild card is the economy.

And as an old saying goes that they used during the Clinton campaign. And again, this is what I wrote about and had a t-shirt when Bill Clinton was running 1992. He wears Slick Willie. And that’s exactly what happens. Slick Willie. It’s the economy, stupid. That was their slogan because the 1987 stock market crash hit and still things hadn’t recovered. It’s the economy. This economy goes down, the markets go down, Trump goes up. And again, we call it only not the way we like it, want it, wish it. I don’t either of them.

Only as we see it with trend forecasters. US companies jumped back into the bond market. Will Fed cut rates to help Harris campaign. All this is in your trends journal. Yeah. Housing market, sales down, prices up in August. Tech work a bust. Yeah. And then they have an article that came out. CEOs say remote work is ending. We wrote, don’t bet on it. It ain’t ending. You look at the data, you’re looking at almost 25%, almost 25% office vacancy rate in the major cities of the United States. So this thing, again, what no one’s talking about is the failures that are going to be on office loans, which are looking at about $4 trillion worth over the next two years and four months of commercial real estate loans coming.

So there’s going to be defaults on these loans. When they default on the loans, the banks are going to go bust. We are looking at the worst, the worst of the worst in terms of geopolitical and economic crisis in the near future. Then again, making bad situations very worse that Israel war keeps ramping up. And we have a whole section again on the Israel war. And on Israel to end the illegal occupation of Palestinian territories. Again, this is in violation of the Geneva convention and article two, four, two of the United Nations. They keep attacking, stealing, robbing, killing.

They’ve killed about 700 Palestinians in the West banks since the Gaza war began when Hamas attacked Israel on October 7th of last year. It’s Palestinian land. Stop this bullshit line settlements. It’s bullshit. Yeah. But American media doesn’t talk about it. And then as we put a clip in there, the moral army that they call it, throwing these Palestinians off the building, they’ve either dead or wounded. We’re just being killed. This is genocide in front of everybody’s eyes and it’s going to keep continuing to escalate unless we stop it. And it’s up to we, the people, not these little, you think, you think shit Piero’s going to do anything to stop it.

Little Lindsey Graham. Yeah. Not one. They’re all war hooks. Yep. That Yahoo molds plant to remove all Palestinians in Northern Gaza. Yep. More ethnic cleansing. And again, trends in technocracy. You got to see this. Yep. You got to read these articles because these are by Joe Duran. This is just one of his books. The declining man, humans, AI. This technocracy is real stuff and it’s taking a real toll. Trends in cryptos and more trends in geopolitics, presidential reality show trends, trends, I views trends in high tech science, trends in AI. You know, again, we’re giving you a no magazine has given you, you support us to get you.

We’re supporting you. Again, you subscribe to the trends journal. If you did it last in January, and again, we don’t tell you what to do. You bought one ounce of gold. You would have made 600 bucks. And going back to what what Israel is doing, the world is getting against this. Even a warmonger CIA former head Leon Panetta came out on Sunday in an interview on the mainstream media CBS news on Sunday. He talked about Israel’s pager attack, the explosions. He said, I don’t think there is any question that this is a form of terrorism.

He accused Israel of terrorism. A guy that supported Israel supported Israel supported Israel as a CIA. This is going to continue to escalate. If we don’t stop war, it’s going to be annihilation. We have maniacs, demonic people in charge. This is a tactic that has repercussions, he said. And we really don’t know what those repercussions are going to be. The forces of war are largely in control right now. Isn’t that nice? Don’t you love having the forces of war in control, forces of war, forces of arrogant, little fucking madmen, demonic evil people.

What religion do you believe in? Oh, Moses came down with the Ten Commandments. Where did he drop the one that says thou shalt not kill? And all you so-called evangelical peoples out there call yourself Christians? Christ doesn’t believe in this. It’s the opposite. But again, just as that shit pyro signed his name on a Howitzer show, it shows you how sick-minded the politicians running this world are in most of the world. So please come here this Saturday, starting at 2 p.m., the Four Corners of Freedom, Crown and John Street, and you go to Occupy Peace for more information,, and please donate money.

If the billionaires donated a billion bucks, what is it they’re worth? These guys worth $130 billion, $120 billion, $20 billion, $15 billion. If you gave a billion, we’d have peace. We need your money. We need your help. We need your support. And if you want history before it happens, you need The Trends Journal. Thanks for tuning in and tomorrow, Salenty and the judge. Yep. And again, Judge Napolitano will be here, Scott Ritter, Max Blumenthal, Joe Lauria, Anya Parampill and others. So see you then. Thank you. [tr:trw].

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economic impact of Pennsylvania Ukraine agreement Gerald Salenty on Israel Ukraine tensions gold prices and geopolitical unrest media coverage on geopolitical conflicts Pennsylvania Ukrainian province pact potential nuclear war warning rising gold prices U.S. involvement in Israel Ukraine conflicts

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