Is the Bull Market Over? Shocking Predictions! | I Allegedly

Posted in: I Allegedly, News, Patriots




➡ I Allegedly talks about how the stock market experienced a significant drop recently due to the Japanese raising interest rates, which could potentially lead to a market crash. The future of the market is uncertain, with possibilities of a lower high indicating the end of the bull market, or a surge in irrational buying. The upcoming election could also impact the market, with the outcome depending on key metro areas. Lastly, the state of business is not good, with many companies laying off employees and the potential for interest rate cuts not likely to significantly help the situation.
➡ The article discusses the current economic situation, highlighting the decrease in high-paying jobs and the impact of government spending. It also talks about the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in businesses, which can both innovate and reduce employment. The author predicts a rough economic period from 2025 to 2028, followed by a surge in productivity. The article also mentions the unstable real estate market and introduces a new investment strategy involving synthetic positions and ETFs, which can yield high returns despite market volatility.
➡ The text discusses the potential rise in the value of gold, silver, platinum, and oil stocks, especially in the U.S. It also mentions the potential for growth in the pharmaceutical industry, specifically in weight loss drugs. The text also discusses the volatility of Bitcoin and the potential for its value to increase. Lastly, it discusses the potential impact of political changes on the economy, the housing market, and the potential for interest rates to fall to 0% by 2025.
➡ The current economic situation is challenging, with construction costs skyrocketing and insurance issues. Many businesses, including wineries and merchants, are struggling due to theft and the inability to get insurance. The car industry is also facing difficulties, with electric vehicle companies going out of business and concerns about the safety of electric cars. Despite these challenges, there are opportunities for learning and trading, with potential webinars being planned to teach the basics of trading.



Hey, guys. Welcome back to I allegedly. And I’ve got a good one for you today, because by popular demand, all your questions will be answered in a separate video today. But we’re going to cover the stock market. Cryptos, metals, we’re going to cover it all. We got Bob Kudla from trade genius here. Thank you so much. Thank you. I’m telling you, please, come on. Please. Come on. Please. Come on. So I’m really happy that you’re here. You know, I came on because people at my church told me that Dan. Dan said I’d be on this week, so I had to come.

Okay. I love that. Yeah. I’m gonna get him next week. Okay, well, good. It all worked out, so. Which is scary. He has spies at my church. Oh, that’s good. Okay, well, someone’s going church. They’re all praying for me, so that’s good. Okay, let’s get right out. Let’s talk about, you know, two weeks ago, we had a tumultuous drop in the stock market. And, you know, it’s sense leveled off. It’s since mellowed out. Where do you think everything is at right now with that? Let’s talk about that in particular. Yeah. So you know how an earthquake usually works, right? There’s.

There’s four shocks before you have the big shock. And so what happened there was actually the Japanese raised interest rates. And the Japanese have been the biggest bar last 14 years. The biggest reason why our stock market has been going up is because they’re doing what’s called the yen carry trade. I won’t bore you with it here. Google it. Read all about it, about the carry trade. But when that trade unwinds, the stock market will crash. And so we get a little bit of a foretaste of just a little bit of the un carry trade being pulled back the other way.

And that was a 10% down move in, what, four or five, six days? And they panicked and they reversed it. And so now we’re getting this push back up higher again. So what we’re looking at now is two things. One, are we going to get a lower high, which mean that the bull market’s over, or a lot of people, my partner included, thinking that we’re going to blow off top. I’m not as malicious. He is on that, but that’s something to keep an eye on. And we have Jackson hole coming up this Friday. And if he gives a green flag to that, you know, the market may pop into the September rate cut meeting, which he’s going to cut rates, looks like all possibility is going to raise rate, I mean, lower rates.

If he does that, that’s actually a signal to actually start getting out of the market because there’s a 100% correlation with the Fed lowering interest rates in the stock market falling. So the average time it goes down is 31%. And then there’s a trade that we take that goes up 28%. And that’s actually, people start shifting out of the stock market back into the bond market. So that’s kind of where we are right now. And then there’s other things, too, right? So we simply don’t know about the election. You know, we think Trump probably has it in the bag.

Kamala’s not doing herself any favors by every time she opens her mouth. But the interesting thing about the market, about the political market here, is that let’s set stealing aside for a second. We’re really down to five or six really, really tight metro areas that really carry the country. It’s not, not a question of who’s more popular. It’s who more popular in those areas. So, you know, it’s Phoenix, it’s Atlanta, it’s Philadelphia, it’s Detroit and Milwaukee. So what Trump has to do there is he has to negate, he has to negate the vote there. In the cities, we get enough suburban votes to pull the rest of the country.

He has that in the bag. So that’s kind of where we are. And, but if Kamala gets in, then you might as well just, you know, get on a boat and sail around the South Pacific for four years, come back to a country that you may not recognize. Okay, so three things. First thing is, is the bull market over right now, or is it just a kind of wait and see plateau that we’re going through right now? It’s a noble. So either they push it to all time highs here in the next, you know, three to four weeks, or it’s a lower high.

And then we actually start chopping into the election and then fall into 2025. But for sure, 2025, definitely a recession, and definitely the stock market will be rolling over regardless of who’s in charge. Regardless. See, and then as far as the blow off top, what the term that you use, what was that? Yeah, the blow off top means that you get an irrational buying surge because big money can’t get out unless they have suckers at the table to sell to. And so they create an environment where they think everything is great. Soft landing. You’ve heard that before.

You heard. What’s the word? They used transitory, you heard, oh, my gosh. Not too hard, not too soft, just right. You know, all that stuff, they get that going and then they just pump option contracts in, get you pumping. They’re selling out the whole time and leaving you as a bag holder because that market, when it goes up like that, it comes down 88% of that move in a short period of time. So that’s what we’re watching for now. But there’s still a lot of good trades there. And then the only other one out there is the depending on how Iran reacts.

Okay. You know, actually war is bullish for the United States unless it comes to our shores. Okay? So we have to watch out what they’re going to do there. Are they going to do something asymmetric, which would be bearish, or they do something that is more traditional. And then usually oil will go up, market will dip for a couple days, bitcoin will dip for a couple days, and then everything will go up together. So I just think this time, though, if they do something strategic, I think the oil fields will come out in Iran because Israel attacked Yemen and they attacked Yemen.

They didn’t attack any military targets. They took out their oil storage facilities. That was a message to Iran saying, we know where your facilities are, too. Okay, you brought up a point about trading. You guys, Bob runs a platform called trade genius, and he’s nice enough to come here and he’s going to answer all your questions in that next video. But he set up a bundle deal,, that you guys need to check out and get access to Bob. And you can do everything from options, stocks, metals, cryptos, everything, and get solid advice from somebody who’s been doing this for a very, very long time.

And you can tell by his knowledge, but please go to this site and please check it out. You guys have asked, where can I trade? That’s where you can trade. And you can get access to Bob all the time on a regular basis. So, you know, the interest rate cuts. This is serious, Bob. Everything right now is not good in business in general. People want to sit there and talk about our GDP is up, but if you didn’t have the government spending in there, it would be negative right now, which would be horrific for the economy.

Correct me if I’m wrong. And then the other thing is that when you have all these companies laying people off week after week after week, you just had another Northrop Grumman laying off 550 people. Here in California, you’ve got Cisco laying off 6000 people. When they originally announced 4000, I mean, it goes on and on and on and on and on. So business, the climate is not good in general. And you’ve got to have a strategic way of making money. I know you make money regardless of where the stock market goes, whether it goes up or down, which is very difficult for people to understand.

But you’ve been great at that. I just think that there’s got to be some guidance. There’s got to be some suggestion. I mean, I don’t have faith in the Fed right now that they have our best interests at heart. And I think if they cut interest rates, it would just be a show right now, but it would be a bad show if they did that. Yeah, I don’t think it’s going to matter. They cut interest rates down to zero. It’s going to help people marginally. Remember, people just don’t qualify anymore. People are out of credit, ability to absorb new credit, ability to want more credit.

So they could drive it down to zero. That’ll help the fed a little bit. But the issue we have here is that growth in the country is GDP over inflation. So if the inflation rate is higher than the GDP rate, we’re essentially in recession. I have a customer that’s very closed in on the auto industry in general, said massive layoffs are coming in the auto industry now, too. So they’re all coming. And so all our pillars are getting affected right now. And the biggest area that’s going to get hammered is you’re starting to see it in Silicon Valley.

What’s happening here is we saw a report that average hourly wages in the country fell year over year. And you can see how that happened. And they raise minimum wage, blah, blah, blah. But all the high paying jobs are going away. All the low paying jobs are still in place. So your average goes down. And so the ability for people to absorb new spending is not going to be there. The other thing too, about government spending, I know democrats have a fetish for it, but it’s low. It’s called low velocity spending. So, you know, if you invest in something that’s driving productivity for the country, that’s called high velocity because it’s pushing everything up.

But when government spends is low velocity, and then when that money typically rolls right up to the rich and the rich are low velocity spenders, too. So meaning that if you’re poor, you spend everything under your paycheck. If you’re rich, you’re not spending everything out of your paycheck and you’re putting it and you’re investing it. Investing is dead money for the productivity of the country unless it’s being invested in new projects. And the projects aren’t happening right now because we have an election coming up and the hurdle rates on, on investments are too high. I used to do m and a work at this rate.

The amount of money that you have to make over your, what’s called cost of capital is prohibited right now. And, and you just can’t, can’t do it because China will cut you off at the knees, you know, and so you can’t have, there’s very few high margin projects out there, you know, unless there’s a breakthrough, that all you’re doing is just throwing money away. So everybody’s getting in hunker down mode. It’s just, I call this the Alzheimer economy because it’s going to slowly go away. Okay. AI, is AI going to innovate and help or is it going to, is it going to change business for the better or what’s it going to do right now? Yes.

And it also is going to hurt employment. So it’s really a mixed bag. It’s like any other innovation, you know, AI 1.0 is not gonna, is not gonna be what people think it’s gonna be. So you’re gonna see a shake out there. But AI 2.0 is gonna be actually awesome. Just like Internet 1.0 wasn’t anything great. Internet 2.0 is where all the productivity gains happen. So. Absolutely all the stores and everybody. And the thing about AI with people is when they can’t, artificial intelligence, it’s only as smart as the programmer who programmed it. These are just really, really, really effective search engines, you know, and we use it, you know, we create, we create productivity tools inside our company to use it.

And it helps, you know, the tools that the people that we use to project our trades use it, so we’re more efficient that way. But I’m not hiring any more people because of it. Right? Absolutely. And so a lot of companies are just going to waste people out. In fact, you won’t even know in five years whether you’re talking to a person or if you’re talking to an AI agent, 100%. And you’re seeing, I have so many stories I’ve done over the last year where you deal with companies, companies that were hurting because they were so heavy on their customer service, and they have AI bots that talk to people and can basically handle 85% of the questions.

The furniture company that was near bankrupt and saved themselves 85% of their labor costs, and now they’re making money again in just a year. So crazy. It’s going to be really interesting. I think at first everything shakes out poorly, and then the way we’re looking at things is from 2025 to 2028, it’s going to be probably rough living. And then 2028 into 2030, I think we’re going to see another surge in new productivity. Well, that’s the thing. If you know things are going to be tight, this is where you have an advantage. Everybody wants to hit a home run every day and have big money coming in.

Don’t waste money. Don’t piss money away. Don’t go out and buy a house. Right now we’re seeing such a shake up here in real estate. We’ll hit that next. Here in California, they just implemented the rule where you have to sign. If you want to look at a house, you have to sign an agreement that says that you either have an agent, you’re going to get represented by the seller, or you’re going to, you know, you’re going to name your agent on this or you don’t have an agent. I mean, it’s, like, completely confusing with everybody.

But for a guy like me who has an attorney who’s contacting the seller saying, there’s no buyer’s agent with this guy, you know, I’ve stopped because I see the. Right in the wall. I see houses that have dropped $200,000 during this time that I was interested in. Where are they going to go from there? They’re only going to go down, I think, at this point. Yeah, we joke. We say, you know, I have a home. Not bragging, humble brag, $2 million home. I said, see no value from it. My daughter will be happy when we go, but it’s all, it is a place to stay, because where are you going to go? I can’t go up.

You know, it’s just two of us now. Our kids are out and we’re like, we can’t roll down because we’re all in the rental pool. So we’re kind of. And we don’t want to leave, even for as bad as California as we love it here. I mean, oh, my gosh, you’re, you know, we’re at the Ritz Carlton, guys, and this guy lives very close to this place, so. But, yeah, so you’re going to see, real estate is not going to shoot up. Low interest rates are not going to make prices go up. The banks. I’ve told you my stories about my two buddies that own the foreclosure companies.

And there is a huge amount of foreclosures that are just ready to fall from the commercial side and the residential side. It’s going to be complete chaos. Yeah, commercial’s gone. But really interesting is that we really don’t care to really what the stock market does. Okay. So there’s a new innovation that came out. I don’t know if we talked about it in June, but it’s really now starting to take off. Is that in the past, you had to be really an institutional investor, or you were in a family office where you’re able to create what’s called synthetic positions.

Okay? These synthetic positions are basically leveraged with options. Okay? People are like, right away, oh, my God, leverage for that. But you’re actually the seller of the options. That’s where you make money, in the stock market, in the option market, selling calls, selling puts. You don’t have to be right, you just have to not be wrong. And so now, about a year ago, they changed regulations. A lot of people, to trade these things. Well, there’s three companies out there that offer these ETF’s, and we use these ETF’s, we apply our algorithms, ETF’s, and they have long side and they have a short side.

So you can trade Tesla. Okay? You could trade an instrument that goes long it or short it. These are high yield. You’re talking 30, 40, 50% annualized dividends on these things. And then what we do is we pair them along with the short. So, remember that market when it went down 10%? Yes. Okay? Our peer trade didn’t move at all, and we picked up basically 4% a month of dividends that month. Wow. That’s not the only one they do it with. You can do it with Nvidia. Okay. You know how volatile Nvidia is? You do with Coinbase.

Now, they have one coming out where you can actually play the short side of the. The Nasdaq, and then there’s a long side when it pays a weekly one. So we pair all these up and we just sit back, you know? So if you guys are worried about making yield and are freaked out about the stock market, what we do is we. Our algorithm biases to the long or short. And just every day we put that it out there saying, were we biased? And if he changes it, I put a trade suggestion out there for people.

They can adjust their bias. I shot Dan over, you know, now that they have these shorts, I last two months, they shot him over. Life changing stories from people. How much money because people can make with a small amount of capital and be relatively protective. It’s not foolproof, but it’s pretty darn close. Yeah, well, any investing has risk, so. And that’s the one thing that we all have to tell everybody because, you know, next thing, gold. I’ll share all those with you guys. But the next thing is gold. It’s gone up 20% this year. And I was in the parking lot getting ready for you, grabbing the mics and everything, and there was a great story about how gold’s going to hit $3,000 very easily.

We’re going to see $3,000 gold. Yeah. Gold is going to go up. Silver is going to go up, platinum is going to go up. Platypus going to go up. In fact, the agriculture chemical stocks are moving today. And then you have. Oil’s been strong. Okay? And the big integrated oil companies are going to do great, especially here in the US. If the Middle east starts blowing up left and right, you want to own ExxonMobil, you want to own chevron, you want to own pioneer. I have a customer that’s in this space she’s ever been. And because of that, because of the uncertainty or because that everything’s gonna.

Things are gonna go to oil and gas. Yeah. It’s not going away. I don’t care how much solar, how much nuclear, how much natural gas. I’m not. Natural gas. Wind. You’re not going to. You can’t replace it. Next 50 years, we’ll be using more oil and gas 50 years from now than we use today. So don’t let these people scare you out of your positions on this. My biggest family position, long energy. My second biggest position is these pear traits. And my third biggest position is Nova Nordisc, which is the fat drug pill shot. Oh, yeah.

Like a nose empic type thing. Whether you agree with it or not, like it or not, think it’s real or not, whatever. It’s just that we have a lot of really obese people that are getting old and this is. This is their chance to avoid diabetes. And these drugs are expensive, and I. And you can double on these things, using them as. As what you might call it. Yeah, those weight loss things. And just, you know, it’s. Which is crazy. Which is crazy. Stupid. It was designed, you know, I got a real education. I was in the medical space about certain things that you don’t risk and you don’t play with.

That’s one of them. And, you know, it’s. You’ve got to move. You got to eat less and move more, you know? Well, and people don’t want to do that. The trick is what? You stop taking it. You go back to your old habit. It’s not like it changes your body. It just changes your behavior short term. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So, okay, so metals, you’re bullish on. Okay, cryptos. Are we gonna see bitcoin drop right now? Are we gonna see it go up and down? It’s volatile, and I. It’s always been volatile. That’s the thing. Is that gonna change? Is it gonna stabilize? Are we gonna finally be able to point to bitcoin and say, okay, when this happens, bitcoin goes up.

When this happens, it goes down. Yeah. The thing with bitcoin is you just have to look at the halvings. So we’re in the window now. Between now, really, at any point is when past the post having is when you get the next leg up. We’re right in that area. Some people argue it was two weeks ago. Some people argue that it’s three weeks from now. But we’re in that window, and it’s all coming right. Timing is coming right. With the fed lowering interest rates, too. Look, we’re still bullish. Bitcoin, you know, right now, it’s been in a trading range for months.

Every time they try to kill, it pops back up. Needs to get over 64,000, though, or it’s going to take another leg down before it moves higher. Leg down to 50. Leg down to 65. It won’t hit the 49 low that it just did. Okay. Okay. So it’s going to stay in the range. But here’s the other thing, too. There’s bito and there’s ybit that are paying out almost 100% annualized distributions while you’re waiting. So I have white bit, and by b I t o, I have misty, which is microstrategies. I have kony, which is coinbase.

All those are paying between 60 and 100% distributions that get paid out every month. Okay. So. Wow. Yeah. So, you know, don’t fear the beer, and. But if it breaks 49, then you know what then. Then it’s a new world for bitcoin, and then you just have to move on. I’m agnostic on everything. Okay. I notice huddlers out there, the people that will probably want to stab me in the parking lot for saying it, but you have to understand, you just have to. These are just trades, and if it doesn’t work, doesn’t work. Look, if oil starts to do what I don’t want it to do, it won’t be my family’s number one trade.

Okay? So I’m going something else. It’s just that the environment is right for it. Gold, bitcoin, energy. Okay. Because I don’t care if Trump gets in. I don’t care if Kamala gets in. The cake is baked. They can’t stop the deficit environment. They’ll have negative interest rates. And that’s basically a tax on the wealthy to do it. If Kamala gets in, you’re going to see the most bizarre, most bizarre proposals that ever been known to man. And they better pray to God that the House stays republican, because if it doesn’t and the Senate is, is one plus Democrat, they’ll kill the filibuster rule and they’ll drive communism right down our throats.

And then we’ll be having a different conversation from El Salvador. Well, okay. And again, this would be horrible, guys. This would be horrible. The free love. We’re going to give you this $25,000 for your house. I did a short video where I joked about the 3 million houses in four years, 2000 houses a day over that. I mean, it’s crazy. You can’t, can’t build it that way. You can’t do it. It’s impossible. And people are like, oh, don’t, don’t be that way, Dan. Let’s see what she’s going to do. No, I don’t want to get into war.

I don’t want my kids to go to war. I want your kids to go to war. I think it would be crazy. And the interest rate cut. What could possibly happen? I did a video about a week and a half ago about the last times we’ve had emergency rate cuts. And it’s always been something big. It was nothing. The 10% drop in the stock market, it was nothing. It was, you know, it was always 911, bubble, the 2008 shenanigans, both times. And then it was the COVID shenanigans that did it. I mean, you know, this is not an environment like that.

As bad as it is. It’s not that type of environment. Well, we don’t know. We don’t know. That’s the problem. So, look, you can expect between now and the end of 2025 for us to get the 0%. Really? You think it’s gonna get? Sure, but. So our housing prices. Is your house gonna go to $4 million now? No, because who can buy it? And here’s the thing is, you know, we’re all rolling off of our income jobs. So, you know, people are turning 64 62 to 65 66. They’re quitting. You know, if they could sell their house and move into something smaller, they would, because their kids are out of the house, you know.

So right now, people aren’t trading up. I have no desire to trade up. Even if I saw a condo that was worth more, I wouldn’t do it. And I think that’s how most people are. I don’t think I’m unique in that environment. People that can get out of here in California, that know they can’t afford to live here after they quit their job, they’re going to be the first on the block to start. The worst thing you can have are housing prices for an interest rates to fall because supply will come on the market like nobody’s business and it’ll drive prices down in the short term.

All these realtors that haven’t lived through this and remember 2008, I just. I’ve seen it and I’ve had experts that have lost things. The people that were the most successful today are the people that lost everything in that last crash. And they knew that I thought this would never happen. And, you know, it just did. And it’s going to. Right now you’ve got the condo market in Florida that they’re offering 40% discounts off these condos because you’re having people that had $5600 association fees that are $2,300 a month do yourself. You want to do something fun to waste time? Look at condo prices in Florida and Miami and Fort Lauderdale and all these areas, and you can go on zillow and look at the price of the hoa fees.

It’s insane what some of these are getting. Well, the problem you have is you still don’t even know where the bottom is there because you don’t know if the prices are going to go up even more. So it’s really, what you have to look at now is even if it’s 0% interest rates, it’s really called total cost of ownership because you got insurance going up, you have taxes going up, you have upkeep going up. I may have guys right now. It started off with pulling a board off. You know, we’re $6,000 into a $600 project. You can’t get people here for less than $1,000 a day, you know.

Oh, yeah, that’s the thing. Construction prices are completely through the roof right now. It’s. The insurance is a mess. You know, I went to Santa Monica last week to Third street promenade and was talking to the merchants, and they’re like, yeah, we have robberies every day. We have people that they’ll walk in five, six people and steal us blind. They’ll steal well over a $1,000 with the merchandise each. And what do you do? The police, we don’t want them called out. We don’t want to report things too much because we don’t want our insurance rates to go up more than they are.

And again, 80% of the businesses you guys saw that were closed. So it’s a mess, guys. It really is. Well, it’s not just that, you know, here in California, you know, like the wine tasting and everything. So 17 wineries that were connected with. With a private equity firm closed in one day. And then my business partner’s father, pretty connected to the Napa guys, and there’s a lot of wine stuff there. And he said, those guys are all on the edge of a precipice. They can’t get insurance because of all the wildfires. Okay. And if they had a bad 2020 because of their negative cash flow, because they have nothing to sell, you have to skip a vintage.

And, you know, and these, you know, the old thing about, you know, being in the. In the wine business, being owned in a winery, is that, you know, how do you make a million dollars in the wine business? You start with a billion. It’s. It’s really hard. It’s a hard business. It’s tight margins and a lot of capital. You know, here in California, there’s a lot of fun things to do. And the. The wine tasting going from place to place. Even if you don’t drink and you eat and you hang out with your friends and they’re drinking, it’s fun.

You know, that’s. That’s always been. But I had no idea there were that many that closed. And it’s just starting. I know you’re interested in it. Wait five years, you’re gonna be able to get that winery. Oh, the winery that we talked about. Yeah. We’ll be doing it from Dan’s winery then. Yeah, exactly. Now, the other thing, let’s finish this video with the car industry. The automotive manufacturing here in the United States is a mess. We just had another. We had another ev company go out of business. We had another ev boat company go out of business over the weekend.

And I don’t think we’ve seen the end of this yet. I don’t know if Stellantis is going to make it. And, you know, Ford, GM, they just have real, real problems. What do you think about, you know, if you want to know what, what the right decision to make in the auto business is, follow what Toyota does. Toyota took a big step back from Ev. They’re definitely into hydrogen. And in fact, I just bought a new Tacoma last week and I wanted to lease it. Lease rates were ridiculous. They wouldn’t let me buy the whole lease down.

So I just bought the car, the truck. But in three years, I’m going to trade it in and get the hybrid tacoma. Oh, wow. Yeah. So I think 27 or 28 is coming out. So I’m going to deal with that. That’s the way. That’s the way it’s going to go. These hybrids are going to get better. You don’t want. You don’t want to plug in hybrid if you can avoid it. You want a gas hybrid because, you know, let the gasoline fill your battery, because nobody has, you know, unless you’re in a home and you can put in a 220 line.

Yes. Look, I used to be in the solar business, so I did this for people all the time. Most people can’t do it. You don’t want to have an electric car in your garage ever. Okay. You never know when those things are going to light up on you. And it’s so random. Story after story after story about the fires. And now there’s, you know, there’s certain apartment buildings that will say, oh, you have a. You have a hybrid car. Don’t park it on site. Park it outside the complex. Well, I gotta walk down the street to go to my house.

Yes. If you want to live here and keep that car. Yes. So here’s a wild story, too. I know we’re all over the place, but it’s interesting. So one of my clients is from Korea, and we were talking. We just happened to be talking on the same subject because he goes, Bob, 50 cars caught on fire in Korea because of one. They don’t know how to put the fires out on these things. 50 cars. It was in a parking structure. Yes. Once it went whoosh, our hole went. And here’s the thing. How many people could have died from all the fumes coming up? Oh, absolutely.

You don’t get anywhere near a lithium fire. We had the 15 freeway closed for four days, and that was a tractor trailer falling over, scraping, and the battery caught on fire. Vegas, that was beautiful. I mean, it’s a great fire when you look at it, but, man, it just closed. You know how much money people saved by not losing money in Vegas? Yeah, exactly. It was a blessing. But yeah, so, but hey, guys, you want to trade with us? Come, come trade with Dan. And if you come to mine, loves trading. And one thing that you wanted to talk about was possibly doing a webinar next month for everybody.

Yeah, we get a lot of feedback from people saying, can we do training with, with Dan? And so what we’ll do is we’re going to come up with it. Look for an email. We’ll do like a, one day it’ll be online. And I’ll teach you the basics of trading. I’ll teach you the tools that we use, the algorithms that we use, and also these pair trades. And then part of that will be access to the service for a year. So we just have to come up with a time and a price for it, make sure it’s reasonable and of value to you.

But look for that. And we’d love to get your feedback. If you’re interested at all, give him feedback to do it. If enough people are interested, we’ll do it. If not, we won’t do it. I’ll have the link below so you guys can save big with Bob. Thank you so much for doing this. And, but we’re in for, regardless, we’re in for a wild ride before election day. And 2025 is going to be very, very, it’s going to get real at 25. It’s a very interesting conversation. Look, if you come to my site and you pay, my sales guy always asks where you come from, let him know that you came from here.

So I can just let Dan know that, oh, he got, he’s given a such great bundle deal and everything on this I’ve always ground on him and misses. Kudla’s never been happier, less happier with me with those discounts. So, yeah, again, don’t forget to, like, don’t forget to subscribe. Your questions are always appreciated. onward and upward, guys. And don’t forget to check, check out trade genius and use the link below. And in our next video, we’re going to cover all your questions. So keep an eye out for that. Yeah,

See more of I Allegedly on their Public Channel and the MPN I Allegedly channel.


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AI and job reduction business layoffs and interest rate cuts economic forecast 2025 to election impact on stock market impact of government spending on economy Japanese interest rate impact on stock market lower high end of bull market potential market crash due to interest rate hike role of AI in business innovation surge in irrational buying Decrease in high-paying jobs

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