Is Sound of Freedom Going To Wake Up The World Or Is It Another Controlled Opposition PSYOP Grift?

Posted in: News



You have probably heard about this “Sound of Freedom” MOVIE coming out.


With so many “conservatives” promoting it, it must be legit, right??!?!?!


Hopefully by now you know to research and look deeper. 


Here are just a few dots that you can delve deeper into. 

















Even CASH is promoting it!





Never forget…nobody got it more wrong than Kash.


I guess since more and more people realize Durham is a nothing burger, now he has to make you think he cares about children by PROMOTING A NEW MOVIE! 


Cocaine Cash has to make sure you’re focused on the next thing! Not holding him to his words from weeks and months ago. 





Go buy a ticket to watch a MOVIE about human trafficking…because God’s children are not for sale?? 


Are you connecting the dots here?? 


And remember, even “former” CIA agents have said that once a person is in the CIA, they don’t “get out”.


How much has “former” CIA undercover operator Timmy Baalard been blowing the whistle on the CIA’s involvement in child sex trafficking over the last 70+ years? 




How many sex trafficking survivors have O.U.R. helped in the United States? 


Oh… they don’t help any survivors in the US. 


How much have you heard Tim Tim talk about how MASSIVE child sex trafficking is IN the United States?? 


He sure wants you to know it’s happening in other countries, but not here! 


This is just the tip of the iceberg. 


You can find much more on these characters that are controlling the narrative so YOU don’t realize the real problem and how it’s right in your own city…and worse than you could imagine. 


I would suggest you WATCH OUT for any “influencer” promoting Sound of Freedom. 


They either don’t know the truth or they don’t want YOU to know the truth.


If you want to hear REAL experiences from a survivor, not some Hollywood style MOVIE, then I consider you watch the videos on 


You will not only hear about a real life survivor’s story that happened IN the United States…


But you will also hear about what happens to REAL survivors and whistleblowers when they speak out about the REAL people involved. 


(Update: Ally and Shelly are currently in hiding after being on the road for 2+ years being gangstalked, harassed, and threatened for sharing what they have exposed.)


REAL whistleblowers don’t make Hollywood style movies, do press tours and run ads on big tech to get you to pay money to watch their movie. 


You might want to do your research and WAKE UP so you’re not psychologically manipulated by yet another psyop.





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human trafficking movie is sound of freedom legit is tim ballard controlled opposition jim caviezel tim ballard operation underground railroad sound of freedom Sound of freedom sound of freedom jim caviezel
  • It wasn’t released by the original backer for obvious reasons….they played Tim and Jim big time. Then Jason Shurka and Angel studios got involved….won the lawsuit….and here we are!

  • It is starting in Tim Ballard’s home county, which as far as I can remember, is in the US. People DO NOT want the truth out. Always coming up with some fear bullcrap narrative to get people to question and doubt themselves. I think we get plenty of lies from mainstream media. Kash and Durham are fighting for humanity.

  • Having survived SRA in the USA and lived with MKUltra for many years – until I learned to meditate and heal, a longer story of course!
    Yes, all is happening here and there and – IF THEY EVEN elude to it happening here to the extent it does and which they do, but with reservation – it would never get in the news or in the minds of people here in the USA to get something done!!!
    EVERYTHING requires a process and yes you can get a picture here and there of what you interpret as part of the ‘bad guys’ and lump them in with the REAL culprits – that YOU nor anyone else shows pictures of because they are considered the ‘good guys’ – well, let us not forget that the spirit of an awakened person knows truth from error – and we (main stream Americans) having been sitting on the sidelines long enough.
    Thank you Tim Ballard and Jim for bringing the truth to the American people the only way you could in order for it to be in our consciousness and for things to change.

  • Drip, drip drip – flood. Perhaps the depiction will motivate more research by individuals. Perhaps putting out this movie is part of a plea deal? It still has value, when you know you know.

  • I have to kindly disagree. The organization does rescue children and put criminals away in prison. Sad that you writing an article to attack some of the only people who are actually DOING GOOD. They aren’t sitting around writing attack articles about others, they are actually helping humanity. This is really sad. And your points about how they don’t operate in the US? Well why don’t you start one in the US then instead of bitching about how other groups do their own humanitarian efforts? As for the photos of the men with the eye symbols, every single person who has ever been photographed in Hollywood has those, perhaps the photographers ask them to do it and they don’t even know what all it means? It seems suspicious to me that this whole thing isnt genuine. The movie is a good starting point for helping raise awareness and to help raise money for more missions.

  • Thank you so much for this post. You know I just didn’t feel like you should have to buy a ticket forward. Just buy one at the ticket counter and buy another for the next person in line. That way you know the person got the ticket and your money wasn’t used for something other than it was intended. Just my thoughts

  • How do you expect to get the word out !!!use some obscure second rate method, no you use the tool they have used to brainwash the world,
    it’s called turning their weapon upon they who used it for pure EVIL !!!!!!!

  • Of course this film is a controlled opposition form, otherwise it would not be authorized, and then, I see in it a kind of unhealthy voyeurism, because we now know well what is happening with babies, children , stolen and even sold by their own parents !!!

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