Is A War With Iran Next? Is Russia Preparing To Send Nukes To Cuba? David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ David Nino Rodriguez talks about how President Biden warned Chile about attacking Iran after a drone killed some soldiers. A company called Noble Gold is helping people keep their money safe during these tough times. Scott Bennett, an expert, says Iran doesn’t want to fight with the U.S. There’s a lot of false information making Iran look bad, but they actually like Americans. They just don’t agree with our government. Some people in our government seem to want a war, but if we fight, we will lose because Iran has strong weapons. The drone attack that killed U.S. soldiers wasn’t in Jordan, it was in Syria. Some people think this attack might have been a trick to make the U.S. look bad. The U.S. is not wanted in Iraq or Syria, and people are worried that the U.S. might attack Iran. But if we do, Iran will fight back and we won’t win.
➡ This text talks about how some people think the United States might attack certain places with missiles, but others think nothing will really happen. It also discusses how some politicians are paid by groups that want war. The text mentions that countries like Iran, Yemen, Syria, and others won’t give up easily if the U.S. tries to change their governments. Lastly, it talks about how the U.S.’s reputation has been damaged and how other countries, like Russia, Iran, and China, are becoming more active in places like South America.
➡ The speaker in this text doesn’t believe the U.S. will attack Iran because it could lead to a big war. He also talks about how Iran and other countries might be planning to surround America, but not to invade it. He thinks this is causing fear and making people okay with giving up some of their freedoms. He also thinks the current U.S. leaders are causing problems and that people need to stand up against them.


All right, folks, what’s truth? What’s fiction? Biden gives Chile nuclear warning over attacking Iran after a kamikaze drone kills troops. Lots going on. This is serious stuff, and Scott Bennett is here to help clear it up for all of us. But first, folks, get your noble gold. Noble gold. Global financial storms might be raging, but thousands of investors in precious metals with noble gold investments are smiling. They know that whatever happens, their investments will be safe from the turmoil.

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You’re going to need it, man. What’s going on? Scott, first of all, thank you for coming back. Let’s try to make this YouTube worthy g rated. All right, well, I’ll endeavor to speak as closely as I can to Henry Higgins, the british linguist in the film my fair lady, so I will speak with such eloquence, it blinds the Y tube sensors and algorithmic fish traps. That being said, the salty language.

They’ll have to attend to Nino’s corner. But let me just say, I’ve been to Iran twice, Nino, you know that I’ve been there in 2018 before, pulled out of the JCPOA and I was there last year. And I can say with authority, as can others who have been there. Mike Malou, Phil Garaldi, Michael Springman, Kevin Barrett, a lot of people in the alternative media and who are very libertarian, conservative minded people.

Phil was a army intel officer. Mike was a Pentagon contractor. Michael Springman was an attorney and a State Department consular. We’re all of the same opinion that Iran does not want a conflict, nor will it engage in a conflict with the United States. It’s never wanted that. The massive propaganda that has saturated the United States and the american people in particular, I would say to a large degree because of certain element that impregnates american culture with propaganda that is currently involved in military operations over in the same place where the international court ruled they’ve been responsible for a massive propaganda campaign against the american people that has demonized the people of Iran and the culture and such.

But I can tell you they don’t hate Americans. They love Americans in a sense. They don’t agree with the government because largely, it has been infiltrated and manipulated as we see right now, as we’ve seen now we see in the Gaza area. And they’ve never wanted a conflict. It seems to me like our politicians, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, they really need this war. They really want this war.

I mean, they’re calling for us to strike. Mean, you called this before in the sense that, you know, you were worried about our, I guess this attack happened in Jordan, but you’ve been worried about our ships out in the Red Sea that would push us into some kind of escalating conflict. Yeah, but this is a whole different. They’re not a different scenario, but it’s all paths lead to the same objective here.

That’s right. And inevitably we will lose regardless of what we do in that region. We will lose because we won’t use nuclear weapons. And every weapon that we do use will be counteracted with their weapons. And their weapons are not 1985 weapons. They have all become very quickened and prepared with massive military capability. When I was in Iran, I went to the missile museums that they had and saw along with others the full spectrum of their missile capabilities and all of their drones.

You saw this firsthand? I saw it with my. You know exactly what they have. Yeah. And that’s why I can tell you their accuracy of their missiles is quite incredible. And they’ve done it because the supreme leader had intentionally told the military industrial complex that they would not tolerate innocent blood being shed. So they demanded that the engineers and the scientists create hyper accurate missiles, and they refused to let them leave the drawing board until they got it down to like a 10ft radius.

So Iran has some of the most accurate missiles on the planet. Better than China, in fact. And they’ve never openly wanted to engage in a war or an attack of the United States. So they won’t attack any us ships unless they are themselves attacked. Now, Biden’s recent comments, first of all, this drone strike upon the american base was not in Jordan. That’s propaganda, too. It was in Syria.

And it was right on the cusp between Syria and Jordan, of course, because that whole area has been drawn up and reconfigured by the Sykes Pico act after World War I. And those regions have been sunni, shia, kurdish, alawite for thousands of years. And it’s only in the last 150 years, specifically after the World War I war, they redrew all the map because the turkish otoman empire had collapsed.

Before that, it was all part of Turkey and the Middle east and such. But this strike was done against the air base in Syria. But it also did not just happen out of the blue. The United States has been engaging in military strikes against General Soleimani, who had other high level individuals, other bases, things that aren’t even reported. So Iran was specifically striking a base as protocol, as a tit for tat.

Well, let me read you another headline here and get your thoughts on this, because it says US mixed up enemy friendly drones and attack that killed three troops. American air defenses failed to intercept an attack drone that killed three U. S. Troops and wounded dozens in Jordan, and confusion about the identity of approaching aircraft. Officials said Monday as more details emerged about the incident and the Biden administration deliberated how to respond while the Pentagon scrambled to identify what went wrong at the isolated facility with the goal of preventing more bloodshed from ongoing attacks by iranian proxy forces.

President Biden is about to retaliate, raise questions about whether the United States could tip the region into the full scale conflict that Washington has sought to this, are they saying this is a mix up? What are they saying here? Well, they’re saying a drone was returning to the base and that they were expecting that to be the drone, when in fact it was a drone that was launched by militants that was not coming out of Tehran, by the way.

It’s militants in the Iraq area, the iraqi resistance that sent this drone in and did the strike. Now, there are also a lot of voices out there that are speculating this may have been a false flag because that’s their modus operandi, use the United States as a 300 pound gorilla in the room. So there’s speculation that this may not all be as it seems that the current genocidal powers in the Middle east orchestrated this.

But the other thing to remember is, again, the United States is not wanted in Iraq. The iraqi government, the iraqi parliament, has requested by every mean other than military strikes that the United States leave Iraq. They don’t want us there. The Syrians, of course, don’t want us there because we originally were training under Lloyd Austin, the ISIS al Nusra Daish militants to strike against Bashira al Assad, who was a ophthalmologist and a moderate.

And Syria prides itself on its ecumenicalism. There are Christians there, there are Jews there, there are Muslims there. And Syria specifically markets itself as a very cosmopolitan, non religious sector. It’s a syrian arab country, but it is not an islamic state. So we’ve been fomenting conflict in these areas. Now it’s all coming to a head. And the question becomes, and people are wondering, is the United States under Joe Biden going to authorize some sort of military strike, missile strike or naval strike against Iran itself? It’s landmass, it’s civilian infrastructure, it’s military bases.

I don’t think so, because I think, and I pray that the military officers have done the math and have presented in very cool ways, if we strike Iran, this is what they do back. If we do something to them after that, then they will respond this way. And it’s a tit for tat, right? It’s a tennis match. But the bottom line is if it got into a full scale conflict, which again, I don’t think it would, because there’s no chance for the United States to win Qatar, the US base in Qatar would be obliterated by a reign of a million missiles from Iran.

And those missiles would be reinforced by Russia. Russia would be sending whatever Iran needs to survive because Russia can’t allow Iran to fall because that weakens its own southern flank. Neither can China and neither can India because Iran is a very key infrastructure country for a lot of the belt and road and the Shanghai and the BRICS and railways from India all the way up to Iran. So Iran is a very important economic player in this.

But what will Biden do? I would say he’s going to strike with a ten s or missile strikes, cruise missiles, specific bases that he’s going to claim were militant bases. Right. He’s going to just to flex enough, yes. To not get us in trouble, but make some precise hits that shows that we’re still there, shows that we have a pulse. Yeah, that’s right. I think that’s all he’ll do.

And I don’t even think he’ll hit anything. I think he’ll fire them into the rocks and the mountains and claim that a bunch of people were up, know nothing. I don’t think anything will happen to this. Now, Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell and these people that are howling at the moon for war, it’s because they’re paid by the lobbies that are currently engaged in the acts. Know mass human destruction in the Gaza area.

They’re paid. Lindsey Graham is paid. Mitch McConnell’s paid. John Thune’s paid, John Cornyn’s paid by this massive lobby group that we know have hooked noses and yamakas and are engaging in mass murder as confirmed by the International Court of Justice. What about the US political players have been completely sold out and are treasonous traitors that are putting another country and money ahead of what’s in the best interests of the american people and specifically the sons and daughters, because there is a point.

Whereas if you pick a fight, as they think they can do, if theoretically you picked a fight with Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Russia, because that’s who you’d be fighting with. You’d be fighting like Custer, fighting all these individual indian tribes. They can fight for 2030 years. Look at Afghanistan. They fought and fought and fought and fought until finally, again, Joe Biden totally collapsed. Now, Iran and other countries have watched that, saying, okay, so they make a lot of noise, they blow up a lot of stuff.

They decimate countries and governments, and then they leave and we have to clean up the rubble. So they know this is the modus operandi of the United States, is to hit and fight and then leave. So they’re prepared to hit back and fight back. They will never surrender. You will never have a regime change in Iran. You will never have a regime change in Yemen or Syria or Jordan or anywhere else.

The United States is going to lose everything in the Middle east because we’ve turned into a psychotic bully and everyone is totally disgusted with us. What about rumors? And it says here, breaking Russia, sending nukes to Cuba. First time in 62 years. Have you heard anything about this? This is allegedly. Well, there has been a russian politician in the Duma that has said we should send nuclear weapons to Cuba and other friendly countries if the United States is doing this in Ukraine, which is a logical position.

It’s also what we argued about in 1964 over the cuban missile crisis, when the United States first positioned nuclear weapons in Turkey and Russia reciprocated by putting nuclear missiles in Cuba, and then the cuban missile crisis occurred. We could probably be seeing that again. But what I’m hearing is South America right now is fully active with Russia, Iran and China. The South America, they’re in our backyard right now.

Yeah, because, Nino, all of these countries, again, it is the narrative. It is the psychological suggestion. It is the smell of burnt toast in the air that people, ah, there’s something burnt here. And that burning scent is the reputation and trust and goodwill of the United States. We don’t have any trust or goodwill or reputation or honor or decency or moral standing anymore. We’ve lost it all in 20 years, and we’ve most especially lost it in the last six months and longer than that.

Now, it’s interesting and comical that Biden would say Iran supplied weapons to these militant groups. That struck us. So we’re going to strike Iran. That exact same phraseology could be replaced with Russia saying, the United States provided weapons to militants. We’re going to strike the United States. And let’s not forget that Mr. O, we can’t say his name, but you know who I’m talking about when I say Mr.

O. Gave billions to Iran and so did, I mean, this is all manufactured, if you ask me. Yeah. There’s a school that says, first of all, you’ve sent weapons and money over there to foment this. Why? For a broader war, for a broader conflict. Because you live off of war and conflict and military exchanges. You like a controlled fight. It’s almost like you like setting up boxing matches because you make money on both the fight itself and then cleaning up.

You own the countries that provide the soap and water that clean the blood off of the mat. Well, that’s not exactly what the american people want or the world wants. And I think you’re witnessing a massive paradigm shift politically, morally, philosophically, that we’ve never had before. We’re not even bringing into the decision making matrix or rather the melting of the american mind that’s withering the brain. And I think that’s something people really don’t think about that could be contributing to the mental collapse in the west.

And those of us. You really think it’s that destructive? That’s what we’re, I’m noticing it with friends and family. So there is a deterioration happening. I see it. That to me is the death of an empire in the fall of Rome. Because I’ve watched this from the very beginning, in spring of 2020, and I’ve met and talked with all these people and their common narrative was, we don’t know what this will do.

We know it does bad things and only bad things, and that there is nothing good coming out and that everybody who was associated with, let’s take the rest of this to Ninoscorn tv. Are you okay with that? Sure. That could very well have a melting effect, a dimming effect, causing people to become. I definitely believe in the dimming effect. I’m seeing it with friends and family already. I mean, you’ve seen how many people stop at a red light and don’t go.

So that’s a factor. And the thing is, too, those countries, I don’t think they have gotten that themselves. Russia didn’t, Iran didn’t, China didn’t. That country committing mass did. Allegedly. The US and Britain and the rest of them did. The other thing to watch is, after this international court of justice ruling, are you going to see these other nations step up and deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza are they going to organize a flotilla, a convoy of ships to land and deliver materials? Are they going to say, forget the UN and the EU and all the US and all these parties and form a Brics sort of mobilization? I’ve said they should and I think if they do, you will see that propel the countries that lead that to a leadership status of the world.

That’s what the United States should do. Nino, you and I should be aboard a princess cruise ship that lands on the beach of Gaza and throws out bread and water and clothes and little dollies for little girls and bandages and saying, okay, this area is secure and none of the bad guys are allowed here because this is a Us mission. Why isn’t that happening? Because we are full of evil and deceit or stupid or all three.

So question is, who’s going to rise up? That’s not evil, that’s not deceptive and that’s not stupid. Well, that’s the Russian, the Chinese. We’ll see if the Turks have anything going. The Iranians are certain smart enough to do that. Turks with a bunch of f. Understand? What’s that? I think we’re outfitting the Turks right now with a bunch of aircraft, aren’t we? Well, they’ve always been part of NATO.

They’ve always had f 16s. They’re a neutral NATO country, if you will. The US can’t kick them out. They don’t want to bring them into Europe as a European Union member, which has isolated them, but they are closer with Russia because their economic ties to the Black Sea and they definitely want the energy that will be harvested from the area of Gaza in the Mediterranean, all of that natural gas and oil and such.

Turkey wants to be a part of that. So for that reason, no one really wants a full blown war. But here’s the thing. Israel has initiated enough acceleration and enough violence that they could theoretically say, okay, that’s it, done. We’ll do a peace cord, no more. But then it goes back to the status quo. But if they keep on progressing and saying, we’re not going to stop until everyone’s gone.

Now you’re going to awaken the sleeping giant. You’re going to awaken all of these muslim and african countries from Malaysia, Turkey, Pakistan, and they’re all going to descend on Israel. And remember that scene from World War Z where the zombies are completely surrounding Jerusalem? I could foresee something like that in five years. If the world lasts that long. And if Israel doesn’t stop, it could arouse that kind of a backlash.

And remember, these people don’t need a lot to live on. They need an ak 47 pair of sandals, a man dress, and a little bit of food. And they call jihad their religious purpose. And they’ll go right to heaven with 72 virgins and nine prepubescent boys. You’ll be very happy. Yeah. Let’s take the rest of this to Nigoscorner tv. Scott, I just got to rein you in a little bit because I know.

I love it. I love it. But it is flufftube. But yes or no? Do you see us striking Iran? You do see it happening, correct? I put it this way. I do not personally see us firing a missile or any kind of weapon into the iranian territory. I don’t see us hitting Tehran or Mashad or any geographic region of Iran. I do not see us doing that because that is an attack on their homeland.

And they would then say, this is a war. And they would respond with sinking american ships, attacking Qatar, attacking every base in Iraq, attacking bases in Syria. The US can’t do anything because if they launch planes from Qatar, Iran’s missile system will take out the entire know, that’s a pretty big move. But as all this is happening, Scott, it seems like they’re putting their chess pieces in position to surround America through South America.

Now there’s talks about Cuba. So they’re strategically placing their chess pieces. Correct. I can say, you know, I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily for insidious military objectives or know, I wouldn’t say they have an intention to invade America. That’s always been part of the propaganda, too, that they’re coming in to invade us. I think that’s been propaganda to hyperventilate America into this state of panic that makes it more submissive to a police state and more accepting of restriction of liberties and more accepting of a draft.

This seems to me to be all a maneuver for the Democrats to maintain a police state of power and the rhinos to be kind of acquiescent in this. The Republicans have not won anything. I mean, to think that the Republicans had the House and the Senate when it was first elected and McConnell with them. They did nothing. They could have overturned America. They could have done all sorts of good with the republican president, Senate and House, and they didn’t.

And they lost the next. And the Democrats got in and have been defecating on every good thing ever since, and so has the Republican. We have been saturated with sick old men that need to be. I’ll be Rex Harrison to be cleansed as soon as possible. So there’s a lot of propaganda, but I’d say the economic chess location of pieces around the south american, central american. Yeah, I think they’re doing that, but out of a survival instinct.

Venezuela is a very attractive country because it’s got a lot of, you know, part of the gateway of South America. And I’ll put it this know those countries, South America, do not really have any animosity or war. You have a lot of people leaving to come to America, which is another invasion. You do have military aged young men coming from China and elsewhere. Is this part of a larger plan? It’s certainly possible.

What do Americans do about it? Well, you man the border, you throw out every politician that is committing treason and you erect walls like in Game of Thrones, the great ice wall, and you say, you shall not pass. We can’t survive bringing 3000 people into a twelve person lifeboat. And that’s the math that’s behind all of this. Anyway, I think we’re going to have a shift, hopefully back to our own domestic policies.

But the Biden administration are setting off as many crises as they can. And I think we’re going to lighting as many fires as possible and it’s going to blow up very badly this year in America that they’re going to say it was done by those who like the man with the orange hair and all those people. They’re going to try and blame that stuff on us and people are just going to go, no, we’re not buying it.

You’re all liars and you’re traitors. And now you’ve drawn first blood. And look at the 25 governors that are stepping up behind Abbot now. I’m not a big fan of what Abbott did because he’s done it three years too late. I said two, three years ago when this first started. Every state should send its military down to the Texas border. How long has it taken for that to be done? Just in the last couple of weeks.

But, hey, everybody has their chance to come to Christ and be the saul of Tarsus Paul moment. We’ll see how it goes. This could be setting up America and we can talk more on Nino’s corner for a very militant clash between states that now are going to say we’re not seceding from the constitution. We are closing ranks with other states that set the constitution and the protection of our republic preeminent.

We’re therefore recognizing. And you don’t have any authority and everybody in your agency. Let’s finish this on Enoscorner tv. I appreciate you Scott so much. Thank you. Got a radio? My pleasure, pal. We’ll hopefully keep it clean with white lace gloves. No, not on there. We don’t have to. Okay, on this channel. But thanks, Scott, for coming on. My pleasure. .

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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drone attack Iran drone attack Syria Iran's defense capabilities Iran's perception of Americans Iran's strong weapons Noble Gold financial safety politicians funded by war groups potential US attack on Iran President Biden warning Chile Scott Bennett Iran US relations US government war intentions US interference US missile attack speculation US reputation damage US unwanted in Iraq and Syria

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