Is a New NATIONALIST Economy Rising? | Dr. Steve Turley

Posted in: Dr. Steve Turley, News, Patriots



➡ Dr. Steve Turley discusses the concept of economic nationalism, where a country’s economy serves its culture, not the other way around. This can involve different economic strategies, like protectionism or free market solutions, depending on what best preserves the culture. The article also talks about the importance of alliances between countries that respect and protect each other’s cultures. Lastly, it highlights the growing role of religion in international relations, with religious leaders and traditions becoming a common ground for goodwill between nations.


Mr. T is in the house, Dr. Steve. He wants to know how does the new conservative age affect current international relations. I’ve seen video footage of french farmers dumping truckloads of imported wine and produce. Does trade between nations? Essentially, no, but it becomes much more bilateral. That’s the idea. So that’s what Trump was implementing. That’s what we’re seeing Putin and President Xi of China implementing. This is what’s going on now with Iran and Saudi Arabia and the UAE, and they’re being brought into the BRICS plus space, economic space.

So it’s not free trade. The way to look at economic nationalism, this is the simplest way to look at economic nationalism, is economic nationalism is actually no singular economic policy. Economic nationalism simply means that the economy is now subservient to the culture. The culture is what is most important. The culture is what defines us as a particular group of humans on the planet. And the rise of our civilization that houses that and cultivates and nourishes that sense of humanity cannot be eclipsed by some transnational, depersonalized, abstract economic theory.

Whatever economic theory we embrace must be consistent with the maintenance of our culture. That’s all economic nationalism is. So if that involves protectionism, I. E. Say, a Pap Buchanan kind of Trumpian protectionism via China, so be it. If that involves total free market solutions, like radical libertarian free market solutions that Bolsonaro was trying in Brazil and that we’re seeing Javier Malay trying in Argentina, to a certain extent what Naib Bukele is doing in El Salvador, so be it.

If we’re seeing a combination of managed, a combination of communism and capitalism in sort of a managed economy and managed free economy where you don’t have private property, but you get at your disposal, you get to use all kinds of amazing things, like any kind of platform, like rumble or YouTube or Twitter, you don’t own it, but you can use it and you can explode in terms of your net worth on it, that’s China.

That’s how China does business. The communist government owns everything, but they’ve opened it up so that you can prosper on it. Or if you’re Russia, to turn your country into a commodities machine, a commodities titan when it comes to food and fuel production for the world, that’s economic nationalism. But first, gang, I got to tell you, I was utterly shocked when I was recently shown just how easy it is to access the deed to my house.

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But the G seven and BriCs is that G seven nations, United States, western Europe, and if I recall, Japan’s and there’s, well, they’re all democracies and they’re all globalist economies. That’s what they are. They have the same political and economic one size fits all system. That’s what unites them. But if you look at the BRICS nations, Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and then the plus you bring in Saudi Arabia and Iran, UAE, Egypt, they’re all culturally and politically and even economically very different.

They’re all unique, but they’re united in that they recognize the need for alliances to protect each other’s culture. So that’s basically what this new conservative civilizationalist age is doing via international relations. Also, religion plays a huge role in post secular IR. Huge role. Books are, articles are being written about it constantly. Because traditional 19th century IR was completely secularized, religion was sidelined. It had nothing to do with, again with this very rationalist one size fits all form of ambassadorial relations that’s gone now.

Religion, if anything, is the center point. And so religious leaders from the Moscow patriarch to shiite leaders, sunni leaders, even hardcore confucian advocates in the rise of this neo taoist movement in China. All of this stuff. Buddhist scholars in Sri Lanka, they’re all becoming the basis now for a common wisdom wisdom, a common wisdom tradition, that ancient wisdom tradition that all the religions sort of overlap with in terms of know virtue, all these sort of things that become this act of goodwill.

So just the UAE just built one of the most beautiful, impressive and biggest hindu temples in the whole of the Mideast. Absolutely extraordinary. But it was an act of goodwill to India and the UAE and being part of this BRICS alliance to show that when it comes to our alliances with one another, we are going to open up our nations to our individual religious traditions as symbols of what our culture is ultimately about and how we respect and we protect each other’s culture in the midst of globalism’s assaults.

So there you go. I hope you enjoyed that clip of my Monday night Insiders club livestream. Join us live next week by clicking on the link in the description below and joining the coalition of patriots worldwide, building a parallel economy to return to our roots of faith, family and freedom. Click below. Right now, our. .

See more of Dr. Steve Turley on their Public Channel and the MPN Dr. Steve Turley channel.


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country's economy serving culture economic nationalism concept economic strategies for cultural preservation free market solutions in economic nationalism growing role of religion in global politics importance of cultural alliances between countries protectionism in economic nationalism religious leaders in international diplomacy religious traditions as common ground in international relations role of religion in international relations

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