Iranian President DEAD! Who Will Be To Blame? Vatican Ushers In Alien Disclosure.. | David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ The speaker discusses various topics including the death of the Iranian president, a book about overcoming bullying, a health video by Chuck Norris, and upcoming debates. They also mention a contest with cash prizes, and various guests they plan to have on their show. They end by mentioning a discussion about the Vatican’s stance on extraterrestrial life.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including his skepticism towards mainstream narratives, his interviews, and his thoughts on current events. He mentions a helicopter crash that killed the Iranian president and speculates about potential repercussions, including a possible attack on American soil. He also suggests that such an event could lead to increased support for President Biden and possibly even a military draft. Lastly, he mentions a theory about Iran potentially striking the U.S. via Mexico and China.
➡ The article discusses a helicopter crash that killed the Iranian President and his foreign minister. The crash, which occurred in foggy conditions, is compared to the helicopter crash that killed Kobe Bryant. The article also outlines a potential escalation into World War III, with ten steps that could lead to nuclear war, starting with Putin taking over certain regions. The article ends by questioning the circumstances of the crash and speculating on the potential political implications.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including speculation about a crash and Israel’s potential involvement, the possibility of creating a legal defense fund for Hunter Biden, and the promotion of a natural pain reliever called Canola Dyne. It also mentions Donald Trump’s lawyer’s efforts to prevent him from testifying in court, Rudy Giuliani’s birthday party where he was served legal papers, and upcoming guests on a show.
➡ Giuliani had a great time at his 80th birthday party, taking pictures with beautiful women. Paul Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi’s husband, was attacked at home, but the family is proud of his bravery. Pro-Palestine protests are happening in London, with some arrests made. The latest hotspot for illegal border crossings is San Diego, where migrants wait for border patrol agents. NYPD will start using drones as first responders on 911 calls. Lastly, Pope Francis is addressing his conservative critics in the United States in an upcoming 60 Minutes interview.
➡ The Vatican is planning to issue new guidelines on how to handle potential encounters with aliens and other supernatural phenomena. This comes as the Vatican prepares to hold its first-ever press conference on UFOs, aliens, and apparitions. The move suggests that the Vatican believes there may be potential encounters in the future. This is a significant shift, as the Vatican has traditionally kept its knowledge on these subjects secret.
➡ Robotic dogs equipped with machine guns were used in a large military exercise in Cambodia, raising concerns about the future of warfare. Experts warn that these armed drones or ‘killer robots’ could be a serious ethical issue and should be banned internationally. There are fears that these robots, controlled by powerful elites, could be used for surveillance and control in our neighborhoods and cities. Despite these concerns, military forces and law enforcement in the US are investing in this technology, arguing it could save human lives.


What’s up, folks? How’s everybody doing out there? Yeah, looks like things are gonna start getting really ratcheted up now. And hot. Iranian president dead. We, I heard pretty early through Juanito and a few other people when they were looking for, when they’re doing the search and rescue, they’re like, I got a few texts from people saying, oh, he’s long gone. Nine others reported dead with him. Could be more, could be a little less. I don’t know. I was told nine on top of a mountain is. It. Looks to me. I had an, I also had an a conversation with SGN on that, which is going to be on Nino’s corner tv today.

I did a double header with Juanito that’s going to be up. I mean, Nino’s corner tv, folks. The place to be, I’m going to say, especially right now, because it’s going to heat up, baby. Yeah, we’re here now. We are here. We’ve been here for the last 40 years. It’s just that you get numb to it. You start getting, like, desensitized. But every time something like this happens, bam. People wake up like, okay, this is real. Kind of getting lulled to sleep. It’s kind of like a boxing match when it’s kind of like they’re working the jabs.

Working the jabs. And you’re like, all right. And then boom, you get hit. This is a big hit. Who’s going to be to blame, folks? Who are they going to blame? And I’m telling you right now, I think we all know who they’re going to blame. Venmo Dehype and Rod 1977. De hyphen Rod 1977. When the lights go out on Amazon, folks. That’s up there now. Please leave an honest review. I love each and every one of you that care to buy the book. It’s about being bullied into champion. A lot of kids benefit from this book, believe it or not.

It’s pretty raw and it’s pretty, yeah, no holds barred. But give it to a kid that’s having trouble right now, and I think it’ll pay dividends for that child. I made it specifically, specifically for kids who are bullied, cyber bullied. It’s for them, it’s a manual for life. It’s pretty vulgar in some play, you know, it’s kind of funny in my opinion, but I use my own humility to get my point across. So it’s a good book. Also my mama’s book, the Mexican Mix on Amazon. Please leave an honest review. And folks, got to go through it.

The morning kick with Chuck Norris. Thank you, Jim. Chuck Norris morning kick. Have you ever wondered what happened to the legendary Chuck Norris? I recently saw a video he made and I was shocked, folks. He’s in his eighties and still kicking butt and working out and staying active. What’s even more shocking is he stronger, can work out longer, and even has plenty of energy left over for his grandkids. I was wondering about Chuck Norris before I started doing these commercials, by the way. I was like, where is that guy? And then bam. The universe or God? I don’t like to say the universe.

God presented me with his commercials. He did this by just making one change, folks. He says he feels like he’s in his fifties. His wife even started doing this one thing, too, and she’s never felt better. She says she feels ten years younger, her body looks leaner, and she has energy all day. Chuck made a special video that explains everything. Make sure you watch it by going to Chuck forward slash Nino or by clicking it in the link below in this video. It will change the way you think about your health. Once again, that’s Chuck forward slash Nino and click on the link in the description box below to watch the video now.

You won’t believe how simple it is. Just remember or this is just a reminder. The legendary Chuck Norris is a whopping 81 years old. 81 years old. Remember him? Texas Ranger, man, all those great. I wanted. I’d like to bring him on the show. To be honest with you, I’d really like to bring Chuck Norris on the show. Chuck, if you’re out there, let’s do an interview. I’d like some Bruce Lee stories do. He has more energy than me. Wait a second. You said you feel like you’re in your fifties. I’m in my forties. He discovered he could create dramatic changes into his health simply by focusing on three things that sabotage our body as we age.

Watch his method by clicking on the link in the description box below. Chuck forward slash Nino. Folks, get started on that and I’m going to start my ghetto timer. Ghetto time. All right, folks. Folks, this is getting real. Had long conversations with Juanita. I need to bring Scott Bennett on to sgn on another individual that I will not say his name on the on here, but he wants to remain anonymous. Sent me some text as well. There’s a few of them. Actually. There’s a few of them. So lot of stuff happening right now. And you know he did this.

It all happened on Pentecost, by the way. You all know this, right? Anyone understand this? This is a, this follows calendar. This is kind of like a. Everything has to be done at a certain time. If, you know, I mean, if you’re on my channel or just beginning. Just started on my channel, get a pen and notebook, start taking notes because it’s gonna get class begins. I mean, all my audience knows what’s going up. We’re all, we’re all zeroed in. We’re all dialed in. We all know what’s going on. I have a very intelligent audience, folks that debates.

The debates. You all think they’ll be halted? Do you all think they’ll be stopped? I think they fear that they’re gonna be doing it on. I believe CNN is what I’m hearing. No audience. There’s a lot of rules and guidelines to me. I don’t care to watch it, to be quite honest with you, but I probably will tune in. It’s kind of like the Jake Paul Mike Tyson fight. I want to see the circus act. I want to see the freak show. I don’t know. Let’s see what happens here, folks in Nino’s contest is going. Nino’s

first place is 1500. 2nd place, $1,000. 3rd place, 500. Everybody’s a winner. We’re getting a lot about you. Take you like and share the video. Like, share, subscribe, take a screenshot, do it every day. And keep sending them to Nino’s corner. Or I mean, Nino’s contests at Gmail. And I’ll pick the winner. I’ll pick the winner. May 31 in my morning show. Are the debates. Let me ask. Let me see on this chat here. Are the debates for June 27. Is that when they’re aiming to do the first one with all the the. With Biden controlling every facet of this debate is ridiculous, folks.

Spotify. Nino’s corner. Telegram. Nino’s corner. Get her. Nino’s corner. Rumble. Nino’s corner. Ex Nino boxer. I’m putting a lot of stuff on x right now. Geraldine Daisy. Thank you. Patriot where calm. Yeah, baby. Boom. Right there. I got a whole president line coming out with sunglasses. Sunglasses and a sig in the mouth. Go check it out. I got George Washington, Abe Lincoln, Kennedy, Trump. They’re all up there. It’s pretty badass. Patriot where? President’s line. The OG president line. I love it. I love it. Nino’s corner. Not tv, folks want. Oh, saving doubleheader coming up. I got him up there.

I’m gonna be putting them up. The second one tonight. I got Sg on Sgn on coming on today. I’ll be putting them up today. It’s gonna be very active on Nino’s corner tv. Very active. Mike King is coming on with the. He’s gonna be discussing 500,000 indictments. That’s in play right now. Are they? I don’t know. I leave the question up to you. He’s gonna state his case for this. I got doctor Richard Fleming talking about this. No bueno. New research coming out on this. Really bad stuff. Trenis Evans, his filings on what’s happening right now with Mister T to help the case.

Will this even make it to the jury? I think it’s going to be stopped abruptly. I think they know this, and that is why they’re putting their pedal to the metal now. They know they’re not stopping Mister T. They know that there’s no way. So now they got to go to different means and different measures and get going. Plan B, C, D, E, all the way to Z, folks. They’re going in Bo pony. I’m gonna have a doubleheader with Bo pony. So, like he said, you know, there’s a. Look, folks, I lay it out for you all to play it out, okay? Is he over the mark? Is he over the target? Give me a thumbs up if he’s not.

I think it’s interesting to listen to. Anyway, Bo pony. I’m going to be doing a double header with him this week. This week we’re going to be talking about the pope and the alien disclosure. All of a sudden, the Vatican’s coming out saying, yeah, you know, they’re out there and there’s apparitions, folks. In my opinion, I think these apparitions, these otherworldly beings, I’m leaning more and more towards demonic. I just am. That’s just where my mind’s going with that. That’s where my soul’s going with that now. That’s just where I’m going. I’m just. The more I research and I can’t believe I’m saying this, the more I’m looking into this, folks.

I’ve done over 10,000 interviews in the last five years. And I got to tell you, the more I’m. The more I’m doing this, the more I’m realizing, you know, everything we were taught is bullshit. Okay? A lot of bullshit. Oh, boy. I got Ivan Rakeland coming on. You know, he went viral with his videos. I have him up on rumble, folks, my rumble video, my rumble channel. Basically, you got to look at it like this. I put everything up there that’s a couple weeks old on Nino’s corner from Nino’s corner tv. And sometimes I mimic videos from YouTube on there.

It’s a different kind of audience. It’s a rowdy audience. I’ll say. That rumble lives up to its name. It’s around. It reminds me of, like, the boxing crowd, you know, uh, the general in the general tent. Sheila home. Sheila home will be the general may. She’s the general in the general set. And then the next month, June 20. July. June 27. I don’t know why I put July here. July will be Juanito. June 27 will be Mike King. You’re gonna want to talk to him about the last five interviews we’ve done, and pretty crazy. All right, folks, you might want to turn it down and turn it up.

Let’s get started. It’s on, baby. Yeah. All right, folks. You love from the apocalypse, baby. Yeah. Let’s go. Iranian president dead. The needed catastrophe is here. We, me and Juanita, we’re talking about this, right? On the day before or the night before. I think Saturday night, I was up at talking to him, and he tells me, you know, this is gonna happen. It’s. It’s any day now being next day, next day, next day. Helicopter carrying iranian president Abraham Raisi crashed, and he’s a goner. I’ve heard nine people were with them, and they’re gone. Nine confirmed. Now, that’s yet to be seen.

I guess we’ll wait and wait to hear that. So now begins the domino effect. Okay, so now here becomes the domino effect. There’s an attack now happen here in the states. Well, it depends who’s to blame. Who are they gonna blame? Israel’s already coming out saying, oh, it’s not us. Not us. Don’t look over here. I feel like this is like a Scooby Doo cartoon. Oh, it wasn’t me. Well, who could it be? They’re the first ones out of the gate saying, hey, don’t look at us. Don’t look at us. SG on tends to think it was a kidnapping gone wrong or kidnapping gone right.

I’m gonna propose that if an attack happens here, what they’re hoping for would be people to start rallying behind Biden to where he becomes loved as, like, a wartime president. And I think that’s what they’re gonna go for. So, this is shown in history countless times, people rally behind the presidents that are the. Which. I can’t even believe this, because this guy doesn’t even know he exists. Well, which guy? Let’s just make that clear. There’s a lot going around on x right now. Which guy is it? Well, I’m kind of confused, and they all look so different.

So remember that the FBI warned. Before this even happened, the FBI warned that an attack is due in. In June. Your favorite, some of your favorite month. The pride month. In June. Something’s gonna happen in June, Michael. Oh, don’t look at me. I’m telling you right now. I’m telling you right now, man. I think obviously, starting now, starting yesterday, shit’s getting hot. But, I mean, it’s gonna be, you know, remember when I used to come on my programs and talk about red October? Well, now, in 2024, every month is red October. It’s not gonna be. And this red October will be scorching red.

Scorching October. Okay. It’s not gonna be red October. It’s gonna be scorching bright. What’s the hottest color in the fire? Right? It’s blue, right? Isn’t it the blue. When it’s blue, that’s the hottest. Then red and orange and then yellow. Is that how it works? I don’t know. So as we head into debates, if you want to call it that one sided. It’s like a Mayweather fight. The debates. Once we head into November, the election, I think everything is playing out the way they want it right now, don’t you, folks? I mean, it seems to me that.

I don’t know. We’re here now. It’s happening. Dueling Dalton. Thank you. Thank you very much. Oh, stay strong in Christ. Thank you, brother. Yeah, I’m trying. I believe we are about to see all systems go very soon. Okay, so now, here we are right now in the game, heading into debates, heading into November, and. And I believe that there’s going to be an issue that arises or a event probably pretty damn soon, I would say, if I’m not a psychic, not a prophet, but I would say probably in the next few weeks to a month, there’s going to be some kind of retaliation could happen here on american soil.

I don’t know. Let’s think about this logically. There’s a lot of immigrants coming through. We don’t know who they are. There’s a lot of unvetted people coming through. We don’t know who they are. Anything can happen, so just keep your eyes and ears open. You know, I’ve always said that I’m gonna start reining it in a little bit. Probably around july, august, I think that’s probably when I’m gonna be. I already don’t like to fly all the stuff that’s happening with Boeing, but really gonna. I’m really gonna hunker down probably after july, august, cuz I think it’s gonna get bananas.

Bananas is. I I think this is gonna be like. I I would be very surprised, very surprised if it’s just we actually coast into this election with nothing popping off. I’d be like, that, to me, would be the twilight zone. That, to me is. Would be strange. I don’t see it happening. Oh, and one more thing, folks. This is important. Generation Z, you’re up. You’re gonna be up. Oh, yeah. Because you think that, uh, he’s not gonna say anything right now. They’re gonna wait until after he’s elected. But you better damn well bet the draft, baby.

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Women and men were. Let’s just call them kids, but oh yeah, the draft. Whoo. That’s looking really promising right about now. Looking really promising. Tell your liberal friends, get ready. Get. Pull up your bootstraps. They’re getting ready to go to war. Yeah. Never thought it’d be you would. You’re so opinionated, so voice. I mean, I gotta tell you, karma. You’ll see. Now, that’s just my opinion, right? I don’t know what I’m talking about. Breaking, folks. Breaking. President Iran, Ibrahim Raci and his accomplices have been killed in the helicopter crash. The information is being delayed so that all procedures are first put in place before the announcement is done.

Iran supreme leader says this is important. Listen to this one. Iran’s. I’m gonna say Iran, Iran. Iran supreme leader says that if. If we find evidence that Israel’s involved in the helicopter crash of the president of Iran, we will respond beyond the imagination of Israel and its allies. I can use my imagination on that. I think I can understand what you’re saying. Gee, where’d you get the money to. To get all this state of the art stuff and bombs? I’m just curious. Where’d you get it? Oh. Oh, yeah. The same. Okay. All right. Now, I just wanted to make clear.

Um. King Salman bin al Buddhursi of Saudi Arabia, hospitalized with pneumonia. So the king, King Salman bin al Baduluzi. I don’t know how you say this. Bin al Badulzi of Saudi Arabia has been hospitalized with pneumonia. Now, this is just a theory that was sent to me. I put it up on. I put it all over my ex. Now, this is important to think. Now, this is just a theory. This is just a theory. We don’t know if this is gonna happen, but the loss of Iran’s president will elicit a response. Schumer, after this just introduced the border security deal.

They’re battening, battering down the hatches. Iran may strike us, the USA, via Mexico and China. Presence, presence and sleeper cells. So I’ve been saying this. There’s probably gonna be some kind of attack on our soil. I’m betting on it. Not. This is just theory. The attack against America may get Biden more support, like a wartime president. Right? They may just. Everyone just might decide to rally behind them, especially all the liberals, not knowing what’s going to happen next year. Off the boot camp we go with our purple hair and our pasty skin. It is a scene as strong, if he is seen as strong against China and Iran, they think he might be better supported.

The Iran attack against us, along with Israel being Iran’s destroyer priority will end the j people hating and reverse it to Islam. Hey, you know, dislike and set for the big deportation. All the arab muslim immigrants will be seen as sympathetic and sleeper cells and pushed out of the US. That’s just a potential. And then obviously with. With the. See, folks, look where it’s at right now. With the protests going on, on all the colleges. I mean, it’s ripe right now. All they have to do, all they really had to do to get this fire to go ablaze and turn everyone into raging lunatics and rabid, fucking rabie infested dogs is an event like this.

And what do we say? We’ve been calling this for how long? On Enos corner tv. It’s here. This right here. Now it’s going to be who gets the blame? The blame game is going to begin. Boy, you know that, uh, there’s a lot of people here in America that are going to be really pissed off about this. You think the protests are bad now? Just wait. Just wait. This is gonna be off the hook crazy. It’s about to get crazy, folks. Ten ways the world could escalate into nuclear war, and there’s ten here in this article, but I’m gonna say one just happened.

One just happened. The helicopter crashed. You guys remember when it happened with Kobe? Now, is it just me or when that happened? It was the same kind of. Oh, a lot of fog. It was really bad conditions. Kobe went down and then shit popped off. Didn’t it seem that way? Wasn’t it like, almost like after Kobe Bryant died in the plane crash, everything just happened like immediately, like. Like, almost like, I think you guys know where I’m going with this. But it was after the Kobe Bryant death that I was like, everything just, boom, blew up like a nuclear bomb.

The world changed. Now, I’m not saying, but this is the same thing, if not even bigger. This is bigger than what happened with Kobe. Now, of course, Kobe was dear to all our hearts. He was one of the greatest basketball players ever. Second to Jordan, second to Michael Jordan. All right, I’m not gonna put him before Michael, but after that, it’s like, shit went bad. I. That’s what I noticed. That’s what I remember. I was like, wow. Like, the country was devastating. I can say the world was devastated with Kobe Bryant going down, and then all of a sudden, like, a domino effect, everything else.

Now here we are again. Here we are. Here we are again. Almost around the same time. Ten ways the world could spiral into nuclear war, as summer of Putin victories would mark first steps of world war three. I think one of them just happened right now. A rampaging Vladimir Putin will mark serious breakthroughs in Ukraine this summer. His first move towards plunging Europe into a bloody world war. Three. Former army bosses have warned Putin’s meat grinder forces will smash through Ukraine’s weakened defenses and take the dumbest region by late June. If the west doesn’t act now, we better act.

We’re giving them enough money, former british generals and security experts told the sun. The former NATO and british army chief said a victory in the embattled dumbass would be the beginning of the end for Ukraine and european civilization as we know it. They revealed that the world will descend into a nuclear war with world three within the year if Ukraine doesn’t hold its own against Russia’s feared summer offensive. Here are the ten short steps. General Sir Richard. I don’t know. And General Richard Burr Behrens warn an emboldened Putin would advance across south Ukraine before taking Moldova and sowing chaos across the Baltic with false, you know, attacks.

So here are the steps. I’m going to read them out to you. Step one, Putin takes the dumbass region. Step two, Putin revamps army and strikes Ukraine. Step three, Putin takes over Georgia and Moldova. Step four, Russia creates crisis in the Baltics. Step five, Putin launches attacks across Europe and baltic states mobilize forces. Step six. Step six, russian forces invade Lithuania. Step seven, NATO unravels. Step eight, Ukraine demands no fly zone. Step nine, France deploys troops to Ukraine. Step ten. Motherfucker. Putin launches tactical nukes. That’s a big one. Now what would, what would, what could instigate all this to get even worse? I don’t know.

A helicopter crash, I think that’s taking out the president of Iran. I don’t know. I think that’s a big one. I think that’s a real big one, actually. And I think more to come, folks, this has got to get to the point where we have no choice for November not to happen. November just can’t happen because the world just a crazy place. So helicopter carrying Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi and his foreign minister crashed on Sunday as it was crossing mountain terrain in heavy fog. Well, there was a lot of fog. There’s a lot of fog out there, folks.

There really, the iranian official told Reuters. And rescuers were struggling to reach the site of, of the incident. I heard it was on top of a mountain. Right. So now Iran is mourning the death of President Raisi and foreign minister in helicopter crash. That’s two big ones right there. Iranian President Ibrahim Raci and the country’s foreign minister and others have been found dead at the site of a helicopter crash after an hours long search through a foggy, mountainous region of the country’s northwest, state media reported. Sounds just like Kobe Bryant to me. Exactly. Racy was 63 years old and this happened.

Is it Pentecost? Is it? Folks, do help me out here. Nino Knights, my Nino’s investigators, black sheep family. No data and no weather data for the area on the 19th. Really? Wow. Here’s what to know. Cause of crash. State tv gave no immediate cause for the crash in Iran’s east out of the bell Hun province. I don’t, folks, I do my best. Neo. Thank you. Mohammed Mokar bear Iran’s. I’m doing my best with the accents here. Mohammed Barham, Iran’s first vice president, is set to serve as the country’s acting president until elections are held. International reaction countries including Russia, Iraq and Qatar have made formal statements of concern about Raisi state.

By the way, I heard Zelensky postponed elections. Can you guys clarify that with me? Is that true? Did Zelensky do that? So in other words, he’s acting like a dictator. It. Can we be, can we say that? That’s what it sure seems like to me. So if Zelinsky’s doing it, where do you think it’s gonna happen next? Where do you think they’ll do that? I don’t know. Maybe America. Zelinsky’s doing it and it’s getting hot. So, folks, think about this for a second. If he’s doing it, will biden I don’t know. I’m just posing the question.

Just. Just an honest question here. Iran has spent decades supporting armed groups of militants in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and the palestinian territories, allowing it to project power, potentially deter attacks from the United States or Israel, the sworn enemies of its 1979 islamic revolution. Tensions have never been tired then. They were last month when Iran, under Raisi and supreme leader Ayap Ayatollah Alhamdi, launched hundreds of drones and ballistic missiles at Israel in response to an airstrike on an iranian consulate in Syria that killed two iranian generals and five officers. Israel, with the help of the United States, Britain, Jordan and others, intercepted nearly all the projectiles.

In response, Israeli apparently launched its own strike against an air defense radar system in the iranian city of causing no casualties, but setting an unmistakable message. The ongoing war between Israel. Hamas has drawn in other iranian allies with each attack to counter attack a threatening. All right, so think about this. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence. I’m sure it was just really foggy outside, and the pilot probably had too many drinks the night before, was flying hungover and. And wrecked it to the mountain. That’s sure. I’m sure that’s what happened. Right? I mean, come on. We know that’s what happened.

I mean, it was a foggy day, you know, he couldn’t see, and he decided to go that direction, probably. Maybe he was drinking while he was flying. I don’t know. I’m sure that’s what happened. I’m sure. Oh, boy. Israel insists now Israel’s coming out saying, no, no, it wasn’t us. Israel says it wasn’t us. After butcher of Tehran iranian president is killed in mysterious helicopter crash. It’s very mysterious. There’s a lot of fog. Raisi, 63, was confirmed dead alongside Iran’s foreign minister and seven others. Iran is yet to provide any details surrounding the crash. Beyond poor weather, israeli officials have declared they had nothing to do with it.

Raisi, 63, was confirmed dead by iranian media today along the foreign minister, Hassan Amir Abba Khabib, governor of eastern Akiswa province, Malachandar Hamana and Tabizi’s Friday prayer. Two pilots and three other iranian officials and security guards also perished in the crash in the mountainous northwest of the country. Drone footage from the iranian and turkish news agencies revealed the helicopter had smashed apart on landing. What do you mean? I’m landing. What? Oh, it just smashed apart during landing. Guy wasn’t too good at landing a helicopter, apparently. While clips shared by the Iranian Red Crescent showed solemn rescuers carrying corpses on covered stretchers out of the forest during the crash site.

The incident sparked a wave of speculation as to the cause of the crash, with many theorists pointing the finger at Israel. The nation is at war with Tehran back Hama in Gaza, and tensions boiled over in April when Israel and Iran exchange rounds of direct drone and missile strikes. Though Israel has not released an official statement, officials who have requested anonymity, battened away accusations Tel Aviv was behind the crash, telling Reuters, it wasn’t us. It’s not us. Don’t look at us. It’s like the kid that you’re, like, missing all the chocolate bars and the kids. You looking at the kid, you eat the chocolate and he has like, chocolate all over his fingers.

It wasn’t me. I didn’t do anything. What are you talking about? I don’t. I don’t even like chocolate. New talk of creating a Hunter Biden legal defense fund. Who’s going to support this as main benefactor retreat? So Washington, Hunter Biden’s allies are again exploring whether to set up a legal defense fund to help pay for his legal fees after a similar effort was considered near the end of last year when two people close to the president, Joe Biden, received a briefing on how a defense fund would operate, according to multiple sources familiar with the current and previous efforts.

Who’s going to give to this? Who in their right mind is going to be given to this? The current interest in a fund to help pay for Biden’s mounting legal fees comes as the president’s son faces two criminal trials starting next month and diminished support from his chief financial backer. Diminished. Diminished support. Whoa, folks. There we go. Here we are. All right, time for that mid roll. Stay with me. Stay with me, folks. Canolidine. Folks, if you suffer from daily pain, I need you to listen to this message very carefully. What we know about pain relief is changing forever as we age.

Aches and pains are normal, and we are all searching for an effective way to relieve the pain. And safety is more important than ever. Let’s be frank. We have all seen the horrors of the opiate crisis. You have maybe, in effect, personally. And that’s where the pioneering medical scientist comes in, Clint Waters. You may have seen this world renowned health expert featured in the national media as he’s unveiled a natural pain reliever that has taken the world by storm. Folks, I take this stuff. It’s good. I promise you it’s good. Yes, I am taking, I’m talking about Canola Dyne, a 100% drug free drug free way to get the full body pain relief without dangerous meds.

As you read this or as you listen to this, canola Dine has become the go to pain reliever for hundreds of professional athletes, tens of thousands of seniors, and the official pain reliever of choice for the UFC. It works. Believe me, it works. I’m a folks. Doctors say it looks like my body’s been through 13 car accidents, not even lying. This stuff works. But you got to get off on, get off all the other crap. You got to get off all the other crap for this to even to begin to work. Clint explains how canolidine is the only compound on earth that optimizes your body’s natural painkillers, called endorphins.

At any age, it’s pretty amazing how this stuff works. When taken daily. Your body will be back to relieving pain like you were in your prime in no time. And let me tell you, I was skeptical, but it works. I have tried virtually everything and I have not felt this great in years. It’s like my daily aches and pains just faded away. My back, my neck, my joints, my neck, my neck and my back all feel great and renewed. Best of all, canola dying does not make me feel the least bit groggy. I feel great, alert and ready to take on the day.

And the best news is, Canola Dyne has no documented side effects, folks. None after years in private testing. Hear me when I say this, canola dine is absolutely the future of pain relief. So whatever you do, make sure you click on the link below and check out Clint’s amazingly informative report on how canolidon is changing lives and providing a powerful relief at one 10th the cost of pain pills. And let me tell you, I used to love those pain pills. I used to take a handful of them. Now here’s the best part. When you click on the link today, you get access to the old access, the only canola dime product in the world for less than $1 a day.

Clinton has provided a private link below. So get on it, folks. Try forward slash nino. Get on it, get on it. Come on, folks. You gotta admit, I make my commercials entertaining. You know, I can see the drop a little bit when I start reading them, but, you know, it’s just that you don’t have patience. None of you have patience. So do you think that Hunter Biden will get any money off this? What is it, like a GoFundme? Why? Oh, boy. This is just, I, I can’t believe I’m reading some of this. Donald Trump’s lawyer fighting to stop president from testifying in trial next week.

Donald Trump’s defense lawyer will who plaudits for the aggressive handling this week of Michael Cohen, one of the key witnesses in the ongoing hush money case against the former president. But now, Todd. Todd Blushett Blanche, hopefully I said that right. There’s a bigger battle on his hands, convincing his client not to take the witness box himself and Manhattan criminal Court next week. Mister T has still not decided whether he will testify in his own defense, Mister Blanchet said on Thursday. Commentators believe the lawyer will be working furiously behind the scenes to stop that from happening. In the last few weeks, Mister T has told the media he would absolutely testify, that he would give evidence if necessary and that he would probably do so.

So this is supposed to be, I don’t know. John C. Coffee, a professor at the Columbia Law School, said the former president would be mad to expose himself to questioning by the prosecution. He would, he would open himself to perjury indictment even if he won the case. He said an early question on press examination if Trump testified would be whether he would he ever had sex with Stormy Daniels. I think we all know the answer to that. But if you listen to Juanito, which he’s been over the target many, many, many times, is there a good chance they could just, this whole thing could stop abruptly? Is there a good chance for that? Now, folks, I got some big news.

I got some big, big news. This week especially, I’m not going to say who they are, but this week especially, I have some big, big guests coming on. Really big guests. Really, really, really big guests. And they’re fun. A couple of them will be fun. But I think it’s going to be pretty cool. It’s going to be really cool. Rudy Giuliani’s birthday bash ends in chaos guest scream and cry when he served papers for easy Daisy case. I don’t want to say, but Rudy Giuliani got more than cake and presents for his 80th birthday bash. Man.

Believe this poor guy alone. He was also served. He was also served justice. The former New York City mayor was tripping the light fantastic with Paul’s and Palm Springs. I don’t know what the hell that means. What did I just read? What the fuck does that mean? Tripping the light fantastic with Paul’s and Palm Springs. What does that mean? Who writes this shit? It’s like, and I’m reading it, the New York City mayor was tripping the light fantastic with Paul’s and what does that mean you ever just read stuff and you’re like, what the fuck is that? Friday night, when he was intercepted outside the party at the home of the GOP consulate Caroline consulate Caroline Wren by two officials with democratic Arizona Attorney General Chris Maya’s office.

Sources told the bowls the pair served Giuliani with a legal. On his birthday, folks, on his birthday. Attorney general the pair served Giuliani with a legal notice of his Arizona indictment for allegedly being involved in the plot to overturn the. You know what? Ooh. Whoa. Can’t have that, boy. You just can’t have that. You’re trying to do something right, sir. We’re gonna serve you, boy. Are these people in trouble. I’m gonna tell you that right now. Listen to what I’m saying, because I really mean this. These people are in serious shit and they know it, and they know it and we all know it.

Giuliani, however, was not fazed, insisted his source close to the ex mayor. It actually wasn’t that big of a deal, the person said so the party’s guests, who received gold and black invitations featuring a photo of Giuliani and a tux and another of him wearing aviator shades and a USA hat. Included in battle, former mister T advisor Steve Bannon and Roger Stone. While crime in Arizona is an all time high, the Arizona AG’s office felt it was a good use of resources to send multiple agents across the country to storm the 80th birthday party like it was Normandy.

Giuliani seemed to be enjoying himself throughout the party, celebrated eleven days before the actual birthday on May 28, even posing for a photo with a bevy of blonde bombshells that he posted on x while talking. Why do they try to make that sound bad? You don’t think the guy has blood pulsing through his veins? He’s not allowed to take pictures with beautiful women. You don’t think he likes beautiful women? Something would be wrong with them if he didn’t. Okay. No, he needs a dress like one now. That’s what we’re talking about. Pelosi family speaks out after Paul Pelosi attack was hammered.

After Paul got hammered, him. Okay, Paul. Attacker sentence and federal charges the man convicted of breaking into former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s home and attacking her husband, Paul. You saw the video on this. They were like, oh, he’s holding the hammer. Like, stop it. Don’t hit me with that. Ooh. Oh. Then he hits him and he’s. Their Pelosi family couldn’t be prouder of their pop and his tremendous courage in saving his own life on the night of the attack. And they’re testifying in his case, the policy family said in a statement Friday. Speaker Pelosi and her family are immensely grateful to all of us and love and prayers over the last 18 months as Mister Pelosi continues his recovery.

What’s his ass look like? Getting hammered. Oh, you got hammered, buddy. Israel’s war cabinet and turmoil, but Netanyahu seen as secure, it certainly appeared crucial. Benny Gans, ramrod straight in the bit, man. I want to read this pro pal sign. Demonstrators client. What’s that say? Fuck. Chant. Oh. Pro Palestine demonstrators chant infada intifada revolution. At London protest as met police move in to make arrest. So here comes the big protests. And I’m gonna tell you right now, what did I say? Gasoline on the fire. I think yesterday was gasoline on the fire. Now folks, if you watch my morning shows and you’re like, why does it glitch out here and there? Why is it, why does it seem a little butchered sometimes? It’s because I have an editor that watches them afterwards and cleans them up for me for fluff tube.

For fluff tube. Pro Palestine. But you can go to Nino’s corner tv and watch them in their beauty. Watch it in its beauty and it’s raw form. Pro Palestine demonstrators chanted infantara revolution and UK government. Watch your back. Palestine is coming back. On the streets of London, as tensions over spilled over the ongoing conflict in the Middle east. The Metropolitan Police confirmed they had made at least one arrest of a man appearing to lead a chant after climbing a traffic light during a demonstration today, adding that officers quickly located and arrested the man on suspicion of a racially aggravated public order offense and suspected criminal damage.

Yeah, arrived in border news in border news, the latest hotspot for illegal border crossing is San Diego. I think I’m going to be having the mayor on of one of the counties out there. He’s coming on. I think his name is Bill Mays. Not sure any guys fact check that for me? So the latest hospital for illegal border crossings is San Diego. But routes change quickly. Jacumba hot Springs, California. On many nights, hundreds of migrants squeeze through the poles in a border wall or climb over the metal ladders. They gather in a buffer zone between two walls with views of the night lights of Tijuana.

I’ll tell you what, if I was them, I would just stay in Tijuana. That’s a fun place. Have you guys ever partied in Tijuana? I’ve had many nights in Tijuana. I’m telling you that right now. Tijuana is a hell of a place. Mexican Tijuana, Mexico. Waiting for hours of border patrol agents while volunteers deliver hot coffee. Instant ramen. They’re eating. I think that’s actually torture. Instant ramen, if you guys ever notice. Have you not noticed it? But if you’ve seen the tests that have been done on ramen soup, what’s really in ramen soup? Have you guys seen this? Yeah.

Lots of stuff in there. I don’t know. I stopped eating it. But I understand if you can’t afford anything else and that’s all you can eat, then. All right. About an hour drive east, when the moon offers the only light, up to hundreds more navigate a boulder strewn desert looking for always shifting areas where migrants congregate. Groups of just a few of the dove and dozens walk dirt trails. Desert dirt trails and paved roads, searching for agents. The scenes. What do you mean, searching for agents? I guess when they go to them, they’re like, excuse me, I’m here to take all your tax dollars.

Thank you. Pero gracias. Can you please take me to the hotel? Excuse me, are you the uber service? Are you the Uber service? Pero I want to go get service. Grazias. Yes, we are the uber service. Border uber service. Yeah. I mean, I feel ridiculous even reading this shit. NYPD to start using drones as first responders on 911 calls. Drones will soon be accompanying cops on 911 call. 911 calls throughout the city, NYD NYPD officials said. Now this is starting to get into that dystopian nightmare. I don’t know, kind of like where you’re like, I don’t know about this.

I don’t think I like this very much. I don’t want to see drones invading my privacy. So can you imagine? You called 911. Oh, please, someone’s breaking into my house and a drone shows up. The plan to be rolled out in the coming months is to deploy these drones in response to certain 911 calls for service. Daughter, he told the committee on Thursday, not elaborating on what type of calls the drones will respond to. Three of the precincts participating in the program are Brooklyn daughter, daughter said. A fourth is the Bronx. The precincts were chosen based on recent crime trends, he explained.

The roofs of the precinct station houses will be retro retrofitted to support two drone platforms. While the drones will be departing and landing from the station house rooftop, the pilots would be in NYPD headquarters in lower Manhattan and will be sending video and telepathy to cops in the field. Wow, the world’s changing fast. That’s all I can say. Let’s talk about some diddy. Diddy. Diddy. The diddler. Let’s talk about the diddler. P. Diddler. Diddy’s uttering. Diddy’s uttering his first words about the videotape beating of Casey. Is it Casey or Cassie? Saying he takes full responsibility for his actions and claims he’s already gone to rehab for it.

So he posted on video Sunday morning, looking directly into the camera, he said, it’s too difficult to reflect on the darkest times in my life, but sometimes you got to just do that. I was fucked up. I mean, I hit rock bottom now. I think right now you’re hitting rock bottom. And let me tell you something, folks. These type of people that are in my mind considered psychopaths, they don’t have any remorse. They don’t feel any sadness. They do it for the camera. So, like, they’ll come on the camera be, I’m so sorry. Because they know it’s going to benefit them in some kind of way.

That’s the only time they apologize. I’ve read a book on toxic people and psychopaths. I have people like that in my family, okay? I have this in my family. Toxic, crazy psychopaths that are just, oh, it’s all about me. I’m always right. These people are seriously sick in the head, okay? Very, very toxic people. I know this now. This type of guy is going to get on camera and just, oh, play the violin and say how sorry is because he got caught. Because he got caught. So the next play, the next play for this individual is to, oh, poor me.

I’m seeking rehab. I’m so sorry. Don’t you understand? The only reason he’s crying is because he got caught. If he could beat that bitch again, he would. Okay, whatever. Let’s talk about the pope ushering in aliens. How many times on my program we talked about, this is coming. It’s coming. Here comes the aliens. They’re gonna need the alien card, and what better way and the catholic religion to usher it in. What are these really? What are these apparitions? What are these beings, really? I. Now if you would ask me this five years ago or five years ago, I would have said, well, they’re from other planets.

They’re from other planets, or they’ve been there all along, but what are they to me now? In my opinion? Fucking demons, all right? No no, no. They’re from another constellation, far, far away, light years away. They just have an interest in Earth. And I don’t think so. And I’ll buy it. I don’t buy it anymore. I don’t buy any of this shit anymore. In an interview with 60 Minutes airing this Sunday, Pope Francis takes aim at the conservative critics in the United States, reportedly saying a conservative is someone who clings to something and does not want to see beyond that.

I don’t know. Kind of like the catholic religion. I know a lot of them, and they love to judge you, don’t they? Boy. The pope has reported on by 60 minutes was released a brief clip of upcoming interview conducted by CB’s Dora O’Donnell. If you know what’s going on, if it’s going on 60 Minutes folks, you know. You know what they’re gonna do? They’re pushing something. They’re gonna be pushing something. Because one thing is to take tradition into account, to consider situations from the past, but quite another to be closed up inside and dogmatic box. In a dogmatic box.

Gee, who’s been the most dogmatic throughout history for thousands of years? Oh, the catholic religion. You’re telling us not to be like you. Oh, okay, I get. I’m sorry. Sorry. I I. Gee, I wonder why. I I’m just confused. I don’t know why I’m confused, but. Oh, but if you’re saying not to be dogmatic. Oh, oh, okay. Hmm? Oh, you’re saying that not to be the Catholic. You’re telling me not to be dogmat. Let me compute this for a second, huh? Well, then why. Why can’t we be that? Why the change of heart, Pope? Well, because now they’re choosing this precise moment, this precise moment to drop bombshells about UFO’s, aliens and apparitions.

Oh, so there’s something in it for you. You want to take control of this. I got. Again, I get it. Okay. All right. I see. For centuries, the Vatican has been carefully guarding their most precious secrets. But wait a minute. Why were you guarding that from us? Why were you hiding that from us? I don’t understand. Why. Why the secrecy? Okay, I thought that, you know, I thought holding secrets from humanity, that, to me, is evil in nature. So why are you doing that? Oh, something needs to be in it for you. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Okay, so could these actually be demonic as well? That’s my question.

Could you actually be someone that you’re not parading, masquerading as a pope, maybe? I don’t know. So grateful. I was not raised Catholic. Well, folks, I was. I was an altar boy. I was an altar boy, for many, many years. And I gotta tell you, I went to a catholic school. I got kicked out all the time. But, uh, the only reason I really like to be an altar boy is because I got to cut class and they would let me go to the church and put on the robes. No, I never got diddled with. I guess I wasn’t attractive enough.

My mom used to ask me, did the priest ever. Did he ever what? Mom? Did he. Did the priest ever. No, that’s. That’s not why your son’s fucked up. Okay, so for centuries of Vatican has been carefully guarding their most precious secrets. In recent years, that has been especially true regarding what they now know about UFO’s, aliens and mysteries of the universe. Remember who owns the biggest telescopes out there? The Vatican. What are the telegraphs names? I think one of them is Wormwood. What are the telescope names? Can someone put it in my chat? There’s. They have names for these telescopes.

I want to say one of them is like Lucifer or something crazy like that. Can you guys put it in here? Is it Lucifer? They named their telescope Lucifer. Is that not a dead giveaway? Hello? Right here. So why are they chosen this exact moment in history publicly to talk about these things? The press conference at the Vatican on Thursday is the very first time that the Vatican has held a press conference about UFO’s, aliens and apparitions. Like I said, I see this shit on trail cams all the time. So this is a really big deal.

It is being reported that the Vatican has decided to issue new guidelines on aliens and how it will deal with potential encounters in the future. The Vatican has announced that it is set to hold a press conference on supernatural phenomena tomorrow. I guess that’s probably today. And it will touch on aliens on how it will deal with the potential encounters in the future. According to a notice on the Vatican’s website, it will kick out. Kick off at noon tomorrow. I don’t know if it’s. That’s today. And will feature three prominent Vatican members being held to present the new provisions of the dies diet.

Diet. Diet. Diocese react for the doctrine of faith for discerning between apparitions and other supernatural phenomena. It will be led by Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, messenger Armando Mateo and Daniela del Guero. If the Vatican feels they need to issue guidelines about how to deal with potential encounters in the future, it seems to imply that they believe that there will be potential encounters in the future. So what do you do if a spaceship appears in the sky and little beans come down and go to your house? You welcome them just like we welcome everybody at the southern border.

Don’t you know that? You let them take what they want? The last time the Vatican did something like this was all the way back in February 1978. The last time the Vatican. Doctor, no office issued norms for evaluating alleged apparitions and reports of supernatural events was in February 1978. I don’t know. This is gonna be really interesting. I think the alien card is gonna get played real soon. I think all things are gonna be coming out at once. A blue flash caught in the night sky over Spain. Portugal. Lights up social. I saw a video of this look like a meteor coming down out of the sky.

It’s a bird, it’s a plane. It’s a blue meteor, fireball, piece of con of a comet. I’ve seen one of these in person. When I was in Las Vegas, I saw one shoot out of the sky and light up the whole Vegas. And I was like, man, was I the only one that saw that? Because nobody talked about it. The next day was weird, but that the whole valley where I was at, boom. Lit up with a bright blue light. Man, it was crazy, whatever it was that lit up the night sky for millions of people early Sunday morning in Spain and Portugal, social media users took stunning pictures and videos for all to revel in the natural science phenomenon.

They’re calling it us, the special agency, european space agencies, calling it a blue meteor everyone is referring to. It was actually a small piece of a comet that flew over the european countries at the speed of 45, which is equivalent to almost 28 miles. 28 miles a second. That’s. Wow. Bud Anderson. This sounds like a world war two vet. Bud and Bud Anderson. Bud Anderson. Hey, Bud. A bud. Last world war two triple ace pilot dies at 102 years old. Thank you for your service, sir. And the world will miss you with the last. One of the last of the greatest generation right here.

He single handedly shot down 19 or 16 enemy pines in dogfights over Europe. After the war, he became one of America’s top test pilots during the right stuff era. They don’t make these men like they used to, do they, folks? I mean, I’m sure these guys, whoever’s left over, this guy’s 102 years old, so I don’t think there’s. He’s probably the last of maybe just a handful left. A handful of the Nat. Our nation’s treasure, folks. These guys, no questions asked, full of testosterone and grit, flu planes and fought wars. I mean, these are the last of them.

My dad was. My dad was in the korean war. And I got to tell you, he’s 89 years old right now and just, just different, a different type of man. A completely different kind of guy, you know? Bud Anderson, who singingly hot shot down 16 german planes over Europe in world War two and became America’s last living triple ace, a fighter pilot with 15 or more kills, died on Friday at his home in Auburn, California, northeast of Sacramento. All sad, man. I, you know, what a life. What a life. What an amazing life. General Anderson, who, who teamed up, who teamed with the renowned bridge General Chuck Yeager in combat and later in the stored age of pioneering test pilots, was 102 years old.

So think about this. My dad’s lost most his friends now. My dad’s 89. And let me tell you, folks, I cherish every day with this man. And my mom. Ah, he died in his sleep, it says here. What a way to go. Thank you for your service, sir. Wow, I get a little choked up with that kind of stuff, man. Let’s get to what the fuck news in what the fuck news. In what the fuck news, China shows off robot dogs armed with machine guns coming to a city near you. Okay, you think the driverless cars were awesome? What do you think they’re building these things for? Do you really think they’re just building them out of shits and giggles? No, they want these to patrol the streets.

They want to scare you, scare you enough to where you accept this shit in your neighborhood, where you accept a robot dog with a machine gun on its back patrolling the, patrolling your neighborhood. They want you to welcome this. The chinese military recently showed off numerous robot dogs outfitted with machine guns on their backs during the country’s biggest ever drills alongside cambodian troops. As agency France press reports, the terrifying gun toting robo dogs were part of a massive 15 day military exercise called Golden Dragon in a remote training center in central Cambodia and off the country’s coast.

During the drill, journalists watched, the staff took the robotogs for a walk, but reportedly never fired, the machine guns strapped to their backs. But don’t worry, don’t worry. That’s coming. It is a dystopian vision of what the future of warfare could look like. Experts have long warned that the use of armed drones or killer robots, particularly anonymous ones, is an ethical minefield that should be internationally banned from the battlefield. Folks, the only people controlling this are the powerful elites. That’s it. That’s who’s going to be controlling these. And they’ll do what they say. Do you see where this is headed? If this doesn’t get reined in, like, right now.

Monique, Baron. Thank you. You see where this is headed? This is scary shit. They’re not doing this for fun. They’re not making robo dogs with machine guns on their backs just to show what they can do. This is for fucking you and me, okay? They want this shit around our neighborhoods. They want this shit patrolling our cities. These fucking robo dogs. These robo dogs. This is for you and me. That’s why they’re making these. This isn’t just to show off, like, what we can do. It’s not about that. It’s not about that at all. It’s about to watch you.

Surveillance. It really is a dystopian nightmare that’s coming for all of us. It’s coming for all of us, folks. But that hasn’t stopped military forces and even local law enforcement. They’re already using drones, aren’t they? They’re already telling you that the NYPD is using drones. Why wouldn’t they use robo dogs with machine guns on their backs? Sounds like the logical next step. Right? So local law enforcement in the US from investing in the tech, so us is investing in this. Investing in the tech while arguing that their use could save human lives. Oh, they’re gonna save human lives.

A robo dog with a machine gun on its back is gonna save. That’s me. That. That sounds about right. Yeah. It doesn’t come with a first aid kit or anything like that. It’s not like it’s gonna be like it knows how to do CPR or have a defibrillator on its back patrolling the streets. No, it’s gonna have a machine gun on its back. But that’s supposed to save lives. That’s gonna save lives. A dog. A robo dog with a machine gun on his back is gonna save lives. Why couldn’t they use this technology and make a robo dog with a.

A first aid kit, a defibrillator, maybe an alert goes off in the area. If someone’s having a heart attack and it goes to help that person, why can’t. That would save lives, if you ask me. Not a dog with a machine gun on his back. That takes lives. Oh, and at the same time as this dog patrols your neighborhood with a machine gun on his back, they’re taking away your guts. They’re taking away your guns. Don’t worry. We got the robo dog with a machine gun on his back. That’ll take care of everything. All right, folks, I’m out of here.

Get to Nino’s. Corner tv. You won’t be sorry. We’re about to kill it. It’s fire. And the new heavyweight champion of podcasting. And the black sheep of broadcasting. Baby, you can’t stop me. I’m on rumble. Folks, Nino’s corner is rumble and ninoscorner tv. Later.

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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