INVASION: Millions of Illegals Human Traffickers Drug Dealers given Amnesty | Stew Peters Network

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➡ The Stew Peters Network article discusses concerns about the Democratic National Committee (DNC), accusing them of supporting illegal immigration and potentially damaging American society. It suggests that Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are planning to grant citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants, which the author views as a threat to the country. The article also criticizes the handling of the border situation and accuses the Democrats of facilitating an invasion of the United States. The author believes this could lead to an increase in crime and a change in the demographic and political landscape of the country.
➡ The text discusses a perceived global threat to national sovereignty, suggesting that various entities like the World Economic Forum, Chinese Communist Party, and others are working towards a one-world government. It argues that this is not a new development, but a plan set in motion over a century ago. The text also suggests that this threat is manifesting in various ways, including mass migration and economic manipulation. The author urges individuals to take action and stand up for their rights.
➡ This text promotes three products: StewLegsGold, a service offering financial protection through gold investments; American Reserves, a company providing emergency supplies for survival situations; and Kids Z Spike Gummies, a health supplement designed to boost children’s immune systems and protect against health threats. All three encourage proactive measures for financial security, emergency preparedness, and health protection.



So, there’s a lot of disgusting stuff going on at the DNC, from gay people marching in the streets with their clothes off, to feminists walking around dressed up as abortion pills. Of course, you have Planned Parenthood pulling up in a rapist van and performing vasectomies and even abortions right outside of this convention. It’s all incredibly disgusting. And then of course, inside there’s open treason. At this year’s DNC, Kamala Harris and the Democrats are ironing out their plans to give tens of millions of illegal aliens U.S. citizenship the full legal right to vote in our elections.

She’s installed as the president this November. Now let’s not forget, this is the woman who Joe Biden appointed as the border star, even though Democrats are trying to deny the fact now. And then she stood down, refused to even visit the border, allowed more than 10 million, some say over 20 million, illegal aliens to walk right into this country. Not just that, but she rolled out the red carpet for them. Yeah, she partnered with NGOs like the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society to bust these people as deep into the U.S. interior as possible and plant them in American communities, most of the time white and conservative American communities, where they can begin the process of demographic, political, and all around destruction.

And that’s been their plan all along. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, all of the people footing the bill for their completely staged political careers, they’re operating with the goal of opening America’s floodgates in mind because they want to destroy your life. They want to destroy your country. It’s really as simple as that. And Joe Biden told us as much when he was on stage at the DNC giving his farewell speech as he passed the torch to Kamala Harris. Biden said that together he and Kamala work to strengthen illegal immigration and that Kamala is going to keep on doing it.

And then everyone applauded him. And unlike Trump, we will not demonize immigrants, saying they’re the poison of blood of America, poison the blood of our country. Kamala are committed to strengthening legal immigration, including protecting Dreamers and more. These people are facilitating an invasion of the United States of America. They’re bringing a replacement population into this country. And along with them, they’re bringing in drugs and gang members and psych ward patients, the absolute dregs of society, robbers and rapists and killers, people who third world dictators in Latin America and in cesspits all over the planet don’t want to deal with.

So they send them here to America, which has now become the world’s trash can and the world’s sugar daddy all at once. And then they leech off of us for everything that we have, including our electoral system. The Democrats import cheap votes and then the Republicans import cheap labor. See, that’s the way it works in lethal synergy. But of course, if you ask the propaganda agents at the DNC, like Connecticut, Senator Chris Murphy, there’s no invasion of America. Everything has gotten better since Kamala Harris became vice president. Chris Murphy is a gun grabbing open borders child mutilating and he’s lying to the American people so that his third world invaders can keep on killing them and keep on casting twenty seven ballots each with his name on them.

She actually is presiding on our administration that has less crossings at the southern border on a daily basis than we’re happening at the end of the Trump administration’s. Everything that he just said right there is a lie. These numbers are public. These numbers are readily available. As a matter of fact, we have them. Everybody has them. We have them right here. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and Chris Murphy and every other member of this disgusting illegitimate treasonous government installed in the middle of the DC swamp are presiding over the biggest land invasion of not just the United States, but of every country, any country anywhere at any time in world history.

And if she’s installed as president, she’s going to make 40 million invaders citizens overnight. Michael Yahn is a seasoned reporter who’s worked in hot spots all over the world. He’s been following the invasion of the United States closer than probably anyone else out there working on the group at the Darien Gap among other locations. He joins us now for more on this discussion. Michael, thank you so much. This is treason going on right out in front of everybody. And then they’re getting applauded for it. Hardcore treason. I just got to Bangkok. You know, I was over in Japan looking at similar issues.

As you know, you have to understand what’s going on in the United States. You need the context of what’s going on around the world. It’s not just happening to us. Canada is essentially gone. You know, parts of Europe are gone. For instance, Luxembourg now is about half alien invaders, half. Luxembourg is gone. Netherlands is essentially gone. You know, Ireland, I went there a couple of years ago to look at it maybe a year and a half ago, and Ireland is set to be genocided at this point. I was talking with Jim Ferguson earlier today about it.

I get daily briefings about Ireland now. I’ve got a map of I asked somebody to make a map where all the alien camps are in Ireland, in the Republic of Ireland, you know, Southern Ireland and also in Belfast, Northern Ireland as well. But you know, in Dublin, the map that I have now, it’s where the alien camps are all strategically located so that you can control the people, for instance, next to the airport, next to the ports, next to the major roads, next to basically everywhere where you can control the people and the control that indigenous Ireland, Irish, right? Now, what’s really of interest now is that there’s, you know, about three million Irish there.

It’s believed that there’s about two million invaders now. So that’s two to three ratio, right? Three million Irish, two million invaders. And most of those, and I went there and looked at myself that I can’t audit the actual numbers, but it passes the sniff test. When you go to Ireland, yeah, you could actually believe those numbers. Now, most of the invaders are military-age males. And so that means at this point that the actual male Irish who are fighting age, the men, are probably outnumbered. If not, they’re very close to it. Not to mention the fact that the invaders have the support of United Nations, of the police, of the globalists.

And I think the Irish are about to be genocided. The conditions are set right now to genocide the Irish. You see Irish now are actually waking up. There were two fires in about the last 48 hours or so, 36 hours. Now, I don’t know what caused those fires. I don’t know if they were arson. I don’t know if it was just people from third world countries setting their places on fire. I just do not know. But the bottom line is Irish are becoming extremely upset as they realize finally that they are literally on the verge of being genocided.

One Irish man I’ve been talking with quite a lot recently, he’s literally thinking about moving to Russia. Another one that I spoke with about 10 days ago, he’s already moved to Colombia. So they’ve already the one that moved to Colombia. He’s already sort of self genocided. He’s moved out because remember, genocide doesn’t necessarily include just death. It also it also includes just being moved out, right? So you’ve got a lot of Irish that are already moving out, others that are thinking about moving out and others that are thinking about fighting and those who are not going to do anything.

If you just stay in Ireland, you’re going to be destroyed. You’re either going to be a slave or you’re going to be destroyed. And that’s what it’s down to. So we see this all over the place again for those who’ve been to Canada recently, which I have Canada has gone. I mean, the Canadians have already lost the critical mass and as you know, many parts of the United States do. So because I’m glad that you brought up the United States because we’re obviously most concerned about America. I mean, yeah, we’ll pray for we’ll pray for the Irish and we’ll pray for the Canadians, of course.

But what is the ultimate goal here? I mean, these people are being dispersed into all of these western countries. Isn’t this just the great reset, the white replacement theory? I mean, create as much discourse as you possibly can because these people aren’t coming to assimilate. They’re coming here, obviously, with a with a goal in mind. So what is their benchmark for success? All right, that’s why I took you for a walk around the block there around the world. Because, you know, it’s very clear, as you already know, there is a population reduction underway, of which the death jab is part of it.

Another component is this replacement migration. It’s not migration, it’s invasion, right? And so this is not about votes. They don’t care about votes. If the last election was already stolen, why wouldn’t they steal the next one, right? And what are we gonna do vote harder this time? I mean, the bottom line is, millions have come in since Biden was installed, and millions more are on the way. And so this is a straight up war. I mean, words are the atomic structures of truth and lies. We have to choose the right words.

This is not a border crisis. We have no border. There’s no crisis. This is a war. This is a straight up war. These are not migrants. These are invaders. This is not a migration. This is an invasion. This is war. This is this is about replacing not just white people. This is also about replacing Japanese. So who is the war being fought between? Who’s the good guys? Who’s the bad guys? Well, we’re the good guys and and all the innocent populations that are out there, for instance, the Japanese. Also, they’re not in as much of an advanced stage as we are.

But it’s happening in Japan as well. There’s an entire town now that’s Kurdish in Japan, and they call it, it’s called Kawaguchi. They call it Kawaguchi stand. So it’s happening to us. It’s happening to the Canadians. It’s about it’s about destroying our sovereignty. It’s about making one global government, which the crazy people have been talking about for years. And it turns out the crazy people were right. They weren’t crazy. They were just so far ahead of the rest of us that they sounded crazy. So who’s the entity? That’s the okay.

So the one world governance I agree with. Who’s the entity behind all this? Is it the World Economic Forum? I mean, obviously, somebody wants to be this world governing power, this one world governance. Who is it? Well, actually, a great book that goes into this, it’s a little bit older is the creature from Jekyll Island. I mean, he goes into this Griffin, the the the the the the author goes into this in detail, and he rewinds the tapes back more than 100 years ago, and shows how Wilson and others set the table for this.

So it’s not new. It didn’t start with Obama or anything like that. Just for instance, the Rothschilds and the newest crops are people like Bill Gates, of course, he wants to do his. He’s a eugenics guy, he wants to reduce the world population, which at this rate, he will succeed. We’ve got, of course, Soros that wants to destroy all borders. So when you look at the World Economic Forum, which you just mentioned, of course, that’s like a, that’s like a, an amalgam of other interests that all have their own globalist agendas, for instance, destroying national sovereignty is is a path to world government, of course, destroying our currency, you know, with the Fed and other So the Fed is involved, NATO’s involved, the United Nations is involved, all of these people are involved, there’s obviously going to be a power struggle.

Oh, yeah, as you know, the elephants are fighting each other in the jungle. They’re stepping on us while they’re doing it. Yeah, yeah, definitely. I mean, NATO is a sub component of this a big one. And United Nations, of course, is in an advanced stage of despotism. You know, the UN, IOM, the International Organization of Migration, which you’ve talked about many times, the IOM is the main engine of the invasions, they dole out funding to people like highest the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, they got more than 60 of these, just down in Panama alone, Ciudad de Sabeiro, the city of knowledge.

Also, people are asking me yesterday, why are there Afghans? I’ve published this yesterday, why are Afghans in Philippines, being prepared to come over to the United States? And the reason why is the UN IOM has their theater headquarters in Philippines, the theater headquarter that affects us directly in the Americas is in Panama, it’s in Ciudad de Sabeiro, at the former Fort Clayton, which anybody was stationed in Panama knows where Fort Clayton is. But in this part of the world where I’m at now, Asia, that theater headquarters is in Philippines.

So that’s why you have Afghans and others flowing through Philippines to get to the United States. So this is global, right? So to understand what’s happening to us, you have to see this from the global perspective, you’ll see how they’re coming through Bahamas, for instance, not just through the not just through the Darien Gap, not just flying up to Guatemala first, or any of that, they’re coming from all different directions. Some start in Canada, other Canadian border is more than 4000 miles long. And in the Canadian border, I was up there again recently as well, they’re coming and going, they’re going both directions on the Canadian border, that border doesn’t exist either.

And again, I want to repeat, Canada is essentially gone. Okay, so I acknowledge that this is a war. I agree with you. This is a war. We said that we’re the good guys. When we started asking about who the bad guys are, it sounds like it’s a very decentralized effort. But there’s not just one. So so then who in the hell would the good guys target if they wanted to win this war? World Economic Forum, and also Chinese Communist Party. So those are oligarchical systems that the Chinese Communist Party is separate, but they work closely with the World Economic Forum.

The World Economic Forum is an amalgam of different interests that are sort of a big party of evil, right? So there’s different subcomponents of that. These are oligarchical systems that both overlap with each other and, and compete with each other, fight each other, they all have their own inch, as you know, people are going to fight each other, even if they’re on the especially if they’re on the evil team, they’re going to fight each other as well. But in the meantime, we are the ones that they want to, all of them want to destroy us, right? Or in the case of the Chinese Communist Party, they just want to take the United States and all the Americans.

I mean, they’re crystal clear about it as well. That’s why they’re trying to persuade all the the indigenous people across the Americas that they’re long lost cousins of China, whether it’s the Mayan people or the Navajo or all across the, you know, there’s they’re doing the same with the Okinawans down in, you know, in, in Japan, where I just left. So there’s many different sorts of fights going on. And one of those fights, again, going back to it is the death jab, or this new monkey pox, if you want to call it that coming out, these, there’s many components to this war, the invasions are one, obviously, the invasion component is existential in and of itself, without all these other things, without the, without the Fed, without the basing our currency, and going to digital currencies and total control, total recall type stuff, even without all that, there’s all these other components, all of which are very deadly.

What does the average American do? I’ve got two minutes left. Well, it’s time for men to do man stuff. I mean, at this point, there’s not going to be any white knight, Trump’s not it, obviously, Biden, I mean, that’s just Dr. Well, he doesn’t even know where he’s at. Harris is too stupid to know where she’s at. They’re all part of the same people, people on strings, right? It’s time for men to do man stuff. I mean, at this point, you know, everybody wants to be a hero until it’s time to do hero stuff, either stand up for yourself, or you’re gonna lose.

Same with the Irish right now. Nobody’s going to come rescue their Irish. We’re not going to rescue them. The British obviously aren’t going to rescue them. The British tried to, you know, destroy them by famine and from 1845 to 1854. So I mean, this is another iteration of that war at this point, right? So we’re on our own. It is a dangerous and extraordinary place to be, but not a scary place to be. Don’t live in fear. Michael Yahn, thank you so much for being here. We appreciate it. Yes, sir.

Thanks, dude. More of the disgusting things that are happening at this DNC, the gay machines in the streets, the all of that is happening right out in broad daylight, Chicago, Illinois, of all places. We’ll talk more about that as we continue next. Go nowhere. Look, I talk a lot about our broken economy because our economy isn’t like teeth where if you ignore them, they go away. No, ignoring it doesn’t help. I believe that the government intentionally screws us over all the time. They let down veterans. They ship jobs overseas.

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border situation handling criticism century old plan for one Chinese Communist Party global control citizenship for illegal immigrants controversy crime increase due to immigration Democratic National Committee illegal immigration support Democrats facilitating US invasion demographic change due to illegal immigration global threat to national sovereignty Kamala Harris Joe Biden immigration plan political landscape change in America World Economic Forum one-world government plan

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