INTERVIEW Neo-Paganism Olympic Programming | The David Knight Show

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ The David Knight Show talks about how Dr. Peter Hammond discussed his concerns about the Olympics promoting paganism and blasphemy. He believes the Olympics are being used to push a new world order and that recent opening ceremonies have increasingly returned to the pagan roots of the games. He criticized the recent ceremony for mocking the Christian Last Supper and promoting debauchery, arguing that it celebrated sin rather than salvation. He also expressed concern about the celebration of LGBTQ beliefs and the lack of outrage from French leaders.
➡ The text discusses the perceived pagan and anti-Christian symbolism in the Olympics, arguing that it’s not accidental but a deliberate promotion of certain beliefs by the organizers. It criticizes the Olympics for being rooted in ancient Greek paganism, highlighting the violent and religious aspects of the original games. The author suggests that a new form of international sports event should be launched, free from these influences. Despite this, the text acknowledges that sports itself is not the issue, and even references biblical passages that use athletic terms metaphorically.
➡ The text discusses the politicization and commercialization of the Olympics, criticizing its departure from its original purpose of promoting sportsmanship and unity. It highlights the hypocrisy of the Olympic Committee in excluding certain countries based on political reasons while allowing others with questionable actions. The text also criticizes the recent Olympics for its anti-Christian sentiments and the lack of respect for religious beliefs. Lastly, it expresses concern over the declining interest and attendance in the Olympics due to these issues.
➡ The text discusses the negative impact of certain societal changes, such as the acceptance of transgender individuals in women’s sports, arguing that it’s unfair and abusive. It also criticizes the celebration of pagan and debauched cultures, which it claims are anti-woman. The text then praises the positive influence of Christianity, stating that it brought about respect for women, ended slavery, and created institutions like hospitals and universities. It concludes by emphasizing the importance of Jesus Christ in history, even in our dating system and the seven-day week.
➡ The text discusses how Christianity has influenced Western societies, but this influence is being deliberately obscured and replaced. It criticizes the European Union for promoting a one-world religion and government, which it sees as a threat to Christianity. The text also highlights the Christian concept of servant leadership, contrasting it with the leadership styles of other religions and societies. It ends by expressing concern over the celebration of pagan religions at the Olympics, and the lack of respect for Christianity in modern society.
➡ The speaker expresses concern about the decline of Christianity in the West, particularly in France, Britain, and the United States. They believe that the future is at stake and call for a return to biblical principles through personal prayer, family devotions, and evangelism. They also warn against relying on the government for salvation and instead encourage individuals to take action, starting with their own families. The speaker concludes by urging listeners to resist societal pressures and instead embrace Christian values.


All right, joining us now is Doctor Peter Hammond. I’ve talked to him in the past about his amazing life and experience, doing missions in South Africa and through the southern part of Africa, going into marxist nations and to muslim nations. And he had a very interesting take, I think, on the Olympics. Why are the Olympic Games promoting paganism, perversion and blasphemy? He had a. But it’s an overall comprehensive, comprehensive take on the history of the Olympics, the ancient history of it, as well as how it’s being used to push the new world order and many other things.

So joining us now, and of course, let me tell you where you can find him at frontline doctor Peter Hammond. Thank you for joining us, sir. Thank you so much, David. I’m sure we’ve all been absolutely horrified over the deliberate blasphemy. And it’s not just offensive to Christians, that’s not so important. How I feel isn’t very important. The important thing is blasphemy, and it’s offensive to God, almighty God our creator and the eternal judge before whom each one of us will stand. And, you know, it’s kind of extraordinary. You first of all have this nonsense that the Olympics committee claims, oh, it wasn’t meant to offend anyone.

We were just wanting to be about tolerance and inclusion. Interestingly, at first they said, no, it wasn’t meant to be a parody of the Lord’s Supper based on Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic painting. No, it was actually meant to be some pagan festival with Dionysus. And yet it bore remarkable resemblance to Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic painting. And the press received on the program that this would be the Last Supper. In fact, even sets in press releases beforehand. The program was distributed to the people on the banks of the Seine river. That section of the procession of the opening ceremony was going to be the Last Supper.

And you had an interesting take on this, which I had not talked about. When I talked about it, I said, you know, we’ve had parodies of the Last Supper. It’s a piece of art and so forth. A lot of people have done parodies of it. But the thing that was interesting about this one, and so offensive was the fact that they combined a parody with debauchery. And your take on it was interesting because you talked about the subtext of the fact that it was Dionysius abacanalia, and talk about that. The wine aspect of it we’ve seen at Olympics openings, they’ve been going increasingly back to the pagan roots of the Olympics.

And you can see whether you’re talking about Athens or Atlanta or Barcelona, London. They all have been getting increasingly more pagan type of occultic, even ceremonies, which is going back to the roots of the Olympics, which always was dedicated to Zeus and a whole pantheon of greek gods. We’re grateful that they don’t sacrifice hundreds of animals and engage in animal cruelty at the beginning of the Olympics, which they used to. Nevertheless, that may be coming, I don’t know. But now what they’re doing is, if you think the Lord’s supper is so critical to christian faith, this isn’t about Leonardo da Vinci, this is about the Lord’s supper.

They’re not trying to mock Leonardo da Vinci, the artist. They’re trying to mock the Lord’s supper. Because the Lord’s supper symbolizes. I mean, this is where the communion service was inaugurated, the last supper before our Lord was betrayed and crucified. The body of the Lord symbolized by the bread. His body will be broken for us, and the wine is symbolic of his blood shed for us. This is at the heart of our salvation. And now in this olympic ceremony, opening ceremony, which of course costs millions of euros put together, this is a massive operation. And you have the greek God Dionysus, who is the God of wine and the God of debauchery, lying on the table where the bread and the wine should be.

So you’ve got debauchery. Instead of celebrating salvation, they are replacing just celebrating sin. And remember, Christianity believes in salvation from sin. Whereas the pagan religion of Sabatanism, which many of the modern elite hold to, is salvation through sin. You are saved through sin. In fact, it is through debauchery, through breaking all the laws of God. It is the whole Sabbatan religion which is at the heart of the Illuminati. For example, Sabbatanism, which started in 1666 through Sabbatai Zebi, which is obviously the religion of many of the elites in Hollywood and government today. You can see it, Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein epitomize sabatanism, salvation through sin.

You deliberately break all the laws of God and you throw yourself fully into debauchery. So you celebrate sin instead of celebrating salvation? Yes, instead of Christ’s sinless body. What you’re doing is you’re using the body to create sin and to celebrate that, as you pointed out, salvation through that sin. It is an interesting juxtaposition. And then, of course, the wine aspect of Dionysius and the Bacchanalia, saying that the wine is not representative of the blood but it’s wine and it’s drunkenness. Yes. And it’s almost a religious ceremony that you engage in debauchery and getting drunk. This isn’t a sober recognition that my sin led to the broken body and the shed blood of my savior, which is, of course, something of repentance and regret in our hearts and souls as we look at it and think, you know, this is terrible what my sin caused, the suffering that this caused my savior.

But instead, they are celebrating a debauchery. They’re celebrating drunkenness, and it’s got almost a religious significance. They really do worship their sin. They celebrate this, and they love this. And that is obviously the religion of many of the elites in the world today. Bear in mind that despite the huge amounts of outrage around the world, the french church outraged, christians around the world outraged, and even Elon Musk and Donald Trump and the speaker of the House of the US House of Representatives saying, this is disgusting, this is shameful, this is outrageous. And yet the french president, Macron, he comes out and says, we are proud of this.

This ceremony is about who we are as frenchmen. And the mayor of Paris also said that they’re proud of this. And this is wonderful. And this represents who they are. You know, blasphemous drunkards and anti christian pagans. They are actually proud. They’re not actually rebuking this chapter. Now, interesting that the person who put this together, you know, putting some freak show of perverts and people who look more like the degenerates in the Hunger Games, Pan am, the capital of the Hunger Games scenario, you know, all the weirdly dyed hair in their bizarre outfits, and you’ve got the bearded man or the bearded woman who’s dressed in this provocative type of dress with a whole lot of things hanging out and, you know, absolutely gross, disgusting, bizarre freak show and transvestites and perverts and the whole lgbt crowd, they’re not celebrating tolerance for all kinds of religious beliefs.

They’re celebrating only one kind of religious belief, and that’s LGBTQ. And the whole perverted bunch and the trance crowds, this is what was being promoted there, and this is what the french president and french mayor of Paris claims they’re proud of. And this is about who we are. And they paid millions of euros to put together this whole event, which, by the way, it’s got more than that, obviously, attacking the heart of our salvation. The salvation of Christ is very bad. But they also have the pale rider of revelation riding down the Seine, carrying the Olympic banner and, you know, the pale rider, hell follows off to him.

And you can also think of the golden calf that’s up on the platform with the Olympic rings. So why would you choose a golden calf? And it reminds us of, it’s just a coincidence, right? Apparently it’s not. Yeah. Well, yeah. Remember what President Franklin Delano Roosevelt said in politics, nothing happens by accident. That’s right. And that was also repeated in different words by the american ambassador to Britain, Joseph Kendi, the father of President John F. Kendi. Joseph Kendi once said in politics, the honor, excellence. That’s right. And I think that this is true. And people don’t spend tens of millions of euros on something if it doesn’t epitomize what they believe.

You can be sure the opening for the Olympics was not just approved by the Olympic committee. It was approved by the french government and the Paris city council because it represents all of them. And they wouldn’t have been allowed to bring it to fruition unless it had been approved on the national municipal level as well as the International Olympic Committee level. And so they’ve got all these bizarre things, including a figure of Mary Antoinette walking around decapitated with her head under her arm, which is not even funny. I mean, that’s disgusting. The French Revolution beheading 30,000 people, including women and children.

It just, you know, it’s not something to be proud of. It’s part of french history. But, you know, there’s many other things they could have celebrated. They could have had John the arc. I mean, you think of France has got some great history they could have turned to, but why did they have to turn to paganism and occultism and even anti christianism? Blasphemy? Is that really what they are about? Is this epitomizing the new world order and the powers that should not be? I think it is, yeah, it’s nihilism, as you pointed out. You know, the pale rider, the death that was there, the golden calf, all that stuff is very deliberate when they, they think a great deal about the sets that they have and the symbolism that they put out there.

This is not an accident. And as you mentioned, we’ve got Republicans who criticize it, but they’re still going to fund it. And you got Jill Biden, who loved it. Jill said, this is just great. And so she, she loved it as much as the marxist mayor of Paris and as much as Macron loved it. So they’re getting what they want. And of course, in the lead up to this, they’re bragging about how they changed all the laws and are setting up all kinds of surveillance and things like that, which is going to remain. That’s going to be part of the permanent infrastructure to create more surveillance, more of a police state.

And so it is really pushing us into that new world order, isn’t it? Incredibly so. And this isn’t just the Olympics. We’ve been seeing statues and monuments to all kinds of pagan gods over the years. At the Athens Olympics, of course, that Zeus, they had Athena, they had Eros, the God of love, hanging over it. All they had under Eros, there’s a bunch of these frolicking, scantily clad people clutching and releasing one another and Eros hovering over them. So they’ve had a bunch of pagana depictions, centaurs, half man, half horse, launching shafts of life at the beginning of Olympic ceremonies.

Atlanta. It was also extremely pagan and lots of the ancient pagan greek gods. And after the Athens Olympics, it was said Zeus must have been very pleased. Never has so many people worldwide sung his praises, and never has he had such a large flock. And so it seems that the powers that should not be the globalists, the new world order, are using these Olympic events, which, let’s face it, over a billion people watch these opening events. So this isn’t, you know, somebody offended somebody at a school play. This is the biggest global event. And the new world order crowd cannot help, but they cannot resist the opportunity to promote their religion.

I mean, consider if you. I were invited to speak at any major event, no matter where it is, we wouldn’t check our faith. I couldn’t help it. Doesn’t matter where I’m invited. I’ve been universities, army bases. I’ve been in muslim terror camps. I’ve been in communist events. I’ve been in cults, churches, Mormons, Jehovahs, witnesses, and others. At every occasion, I brought in the gospel. I can’t help it. That’s who I am, and I’ve got my message, and I’ll bring it in. International Olympic Committee chose a well known LGBTQ activist who’s into the trance movement and so on to put together this whole debauchery on the Seine river.

As some people said, this was insane because the name of the river is the Seine river. So what we saw was an insane opening ceremony to the Paris Olympics, and the whole ceremony was done on the Seine river. And it’s like an open sewer, just like the Seine itself is an open sewer. The imagery is as well. It isn’t open, sir, because the 777 kilometre river. It’s like the heart of Paris, and Paris is built around the same river. And interestingly, you’ll find this almost impossible to believe. I mean, I don’t understand how it’s possible. They spent a billion euro.

That’s. Euro? Yeah, a billion euro to clean up the sand. So it would be cleaner for this operation. And Paris must do a lot of litter and pollution if it costs that much to clean up the river. I mean, I would have thought a million euro could have done the job, but what do I know? But they didn’t clean it up. They’ve got athletes who are in the hospital with E. Coli. I mean, the two of them are in the hospital, so it’s pretty bad. You talked a lot about the original Olympics, and I think it is kind of interesting that, you know, when to contrast the ancient Olympics with the modern Olympics.

I think that’s very important because when the Olympic Committee also got under criticism, because some christian athletes have been forbidden to have christian symbols on themselves. On one case, a man on a surfboard, a brazilian athlete was warned, you get the imagery of Christianity off your surfboard or you’re disqualified from the Olympics. So when they were criticized, they said, well, the Olympics are very strictly non religious, really non religious. That is not true. The Olympics have been, from the very beginning, exceedingly religious. Pagan, of course, but very religious. So the ritual Olympics were all done in the name of Zeus.

And in fact, the whole pantheon of gods. And every athlete had to spare allegiance to Zeus. And there was a procession which involved taking the sacred fire, the embers, up to the temple of Zeus, and the priests carried the embers up and they put the fire in, which is now symbolized by the olympic torch coming and lighting, and that the torch has to start in Athens. It’s all very symbolic and so on. And so this is all pagan worship. And then they sacrificed 100 bulls. There was a lot of animal sacrifice before, during and after every olympic game.

So every single Olympic winner had to sacrifice after their winnings to the temple of Zeus. And by the way, one of the rewards for the Olympic ethics, who won was prostitutes from the temple of Aphrodite, who met with a goddess of love, so called. More like goddess of lust. But the original Olympics were exceedingly pagan. Lots of religious activities. And for the Olympics committee today, to say we have strict neutrality, there’s nothing religious. Well, what do you call worshipping Zeus and Eros and Dionysius and all these other things, are they not religious? I think when I say non religious, what they mean is non christian because they’re certainly not non religious.

That is just not true. And so the original Olympics were exceedingly violent, by the way, not only with the killing of animals for sacrifices before the Olympics and afterwards and after every match, but there were. One of the Olympic sports was pentagram, and that was where you could use anything from choke holds, dislocations of arms, breaking of bones. One of the. There was really almost no rules. And one of these famous athletes, Dionysius, he specialized in thrusting his fingers into the person’s abdomen and ripping out his intestines. Another one of their contestants specialized in breaking fingers.

And so that was one of the sports. The four horse chariot races were famous, exceedingly popular, you know, think Ben Hur. But these chariot races involved gory pile ups. People were often disfigured beyond recognition in a very gory with people cheering these things on. So that Olympics were really bloody Olympics, and not just violence and poor animals who were sacrificed, but violence to the contestants. And by the way, the contestants had to compete completely naked. Of course, only men were allowed to participate. Women were not allowed if they were married. Married women were not allowed in the stands, and they’d risk the death penalty, like being thrown off the nearby cliffs head first if they attended in the stands.

But single women could attend. And prostitutes from the temple of Aphrodite were part of the rewards for winning athletes. So, you know, the original Olympics were not good. I don’t know why we couldn’t have launched an international sports event that wasn’t rooted in ancient greek paganism and was such a checkered past. I mean, was it really necessary? I think it’s time for us to launch a new form of international sports. We don’t need the Olympics. And the Olympics seem so corrupt and so anti christian, so pagan, and after this, so blasphemous. I don’t know how Christians can want to participate.

I come from a sporting family. I’ve got several of my children have won national colors and represented our country overseas. So my wife was very much into sports, and so we love sports. My father used to run the Western Cape cricket Union, so I feel a little bit of a traitor to speak like this. But we are not against sports. Of course, christians are not anti sports per se. We’re against idolatry and paganism. But the Bible does have a lot of athletic terms. So we read in the Bible about running the race and keeping the faith.

And in one corinthians nine, the apostle Paul speaks about every athlete goes into strict training to compete in the games and they do it for a crown that will perish, but we do it for a crown that will last for all eternity. And he speaks about how we’ve got to subdue our body and make our body our, our slave, that we will not be disqualified so that we can run the race search to get the prize. So these are good biblical images. One Timothy four. We read that physical training is of some benefit. That’s not of eternal benefit, but it is of some benefit.

Our body is the vehicle with which our soul travels this earth to be useful on earth. So physical sports is lifted up as something commendable, much like being in the military or being a farmer is lifted up as a model of the christian discipleship so we can learn from sports. And I remember being brought up in school in Rhodesia, where sports were taught us as, to teach us how to be team players, to teach us how to play according to the rules, to be gracious winners, to be gracious losers, to play the game for the sake of doing it right.

And so in some ways they said sports was preparing us for life. Other times I said sports was preparing us for war. We were told by some teachers war is the real thing. Sports is just the practice. Yeah. You know, when you learn some of the skills that you’re going to use in the battlefield, you learn on the sports field. And so I’m not against sports, but the Olympics have become absolutely debauched and pagan and the hostility to Christianity is such that you can understand why so many people, including Elon Musk and I, hobby Lobby and others, have said theyre boycotting the Olympics, withdrawing advertising, and even after all this protest, you still have the french presence saying, hes proud of this.

And this is what we are and this is what we are as Frenchmen, as Parisians. Well, it shows you they are so committed to their pagan religion that these powers that should not be, the globalists, are willing to alienate a lot of people, a lot of sponsors. Its not financially viable to do this, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the stands are often empty and they having trouble selling tickets to the Olympics. People are not filling the stands, people are boycotting, many are bored out of their mind or disgusted. And so the parasolympics have had the lowest attendance ever.

They’ve never had such, such bad attendance. And of course, that’s excluding the COVID cult lockdown lunacy of the Turkey Olympics, which was postponed a year and then they still didn’t allow spectators and stands. It all had to be remotely which. That’s got to be one of the most dull dud Olympics ever, you know, what’s an Olympics without spectators? Well, they seem to. But the masquerade, madness, lockdown, lunacy, salvation by vaccination, Covid cult was more important than the Tokyo Olympics. But now you can see their paganism and the anti christian blasphemy is more important to them than a successful Olympics.

Olympics are meant to be about sports, you would think. But notice how politics is intruding more and more now, intriguingly, you might have noticed that Russia and Belarus are not allowed to take part in Olympics in their own name, with their own flags and they not allowed to have the national anthem played if any of them win anything. So they’re there as individuals, not under the country. They can’t march on the country’s flag. Now I find this interesting because throughout the entire cold war, the Soviet Union was never excluded, even while they were oppressing and tormenting and murdering millions of their own citizens, even while they were.

That’s an excellent point. I had not heard anybody else point that out. Yeah, that’s amazing. Yeah. I mean, just think that the Soviet Union was invading countries, fomenting wars and terrorism all over the world. And when they invaded Czechoslovakia in 1968, when they invaded Hungary in 1956, they weren’t boycotted from the elections, from the Olympics. So this is kind of interesting. But at the same time as the Soviet Union and Red China were marching in the Olympics with the red flags, with the stars and hammers and sickles and so on, we in Rhodesia and South Africa were being boycotted from the Olympics.

We couldn’t take part because we were fighting for our lives against the same communist terrorism that the Soviet Union was sponsoring worldwide and so little. Rhodesia and South Africa were not allowed to take part in the Olympics for decades. Throughout the sixties and seventies and the eighties, we were being excluded from the Olympics. And to let politics interfere with sports, I think is so wrong. I don’t think you should ever be boycotting a country because of the politics. The sportsman should be allowed to participate because isn’t this what helps to lessen tensions and bring about reconciliation between nations and helps alleviate wars? When people can compete and meet with and interact with people of other nations that might be their political enemies, it is a good thing for the country.

That’s why we have student exchange programs and sports teams going across the world is a lot better than sending armies and bombers across the world. I think the politicization of it is shameful. But the hypocrisy the double standards is just so outrageous. How can the Olympic Committee exclude Russia now that they’ve escaped from communism? But they never boycott them when they were the most virulent, atheistic, communist aggressive nation, totalitarian state, smashing their neighbors and exporting terrorism and weapons of mass destruction all over the world. And we experienced it when I was growing up, because we in Rhodesia were having a civilian airliner shot down by Soviet Strela missiles, heat seeking missiles, and the survivors being cooked and eaten.

I mean, for goodness sakes, what kind of atrocities and this sort of thing was going on in the seventies and Rhodesia couldn’t go to the Olympics, but the Soviet Union could. So I must say, I despise the International Olympic committees hypocrisy. You know, every kind of sin is bad, but hypocrisy really offends goddess. And you can just read Matthew 23 to see what the Lord Jesus thinks of hypocrites. His speech against the scribes and the Pharisees. Hypocrites all. And the committee is shocking in its hypocrisy. And the french government is disgusting in its hypocrisy, too. And for them to pretend that, you know, we’re neutral when it comes to religion and that, no, we never intended to offend anyone.

And they even lied, saying, this wasn’t meant to be based on the Leonardo da Vinci depiction of the last Supper. But people who participated in it said they knew that they were emulating, they were parodying Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic depiction of the Lord’s supper and it was even on the program. So they lie. That’s right. And then when they intend to offend anyone, that’s not true either, because the person they chose to design it all was a well known LGBTQ plus, pro pedophilia type activists who they paid millions to produce this. And then he stands up and says, I didn’t mean to offend anyone.

Well, of course he did. He’s just sorry he got caught. Yeah, he’s just sorry he got caught. The point that you’re making, too. And I didn’t realize all those years that South Africa and Rhodesia were excluded from the Olympics. I remember, though, the rabid competition between the US and Russia as to whom got the most medals, and also with East Germany, that was also a big part. And they would even total it up, the countries behind the iron Curtain versus the free countries. And here’s how we’re competing with medals and that type of thing. So it’s always been a big nationalistic thing like that.

It was always about the communists. But that’s a very interesting point. They would allow the communists to compete for that. But then when you were fighting the communists, they excluded you. Now, you made a point about, why don’t we celebrate the heritage of life and liberty that have been the fruit of Christianity? Yes, indeed. Because in fact, the only religion in the world you like to denigrate is Christianity. Now, I think that’s because it’s only Christianity. That’s true. Because they’re not out there denigrating false religions. They’re not out there denigrating, for example, well, let’s say, for example, the Quran or Muhammad.

Well, first of all, they’d get some serious violence backlash if they tried that. I mean, can you imagine anyone trying to have ridiculing Muhammad or Islam in the opening of the olympics? I mean, unthinkable. Paris would be burning and so on, but they go to Christian. Let me interject here. My son says, when are they going to have a draw Mohammed opening at the ceremony to show how fair and even handed they are? Yeah, they wouldn’t do that, would they? Especially not in Paris with all the migrants that they’ve got out there now. I mean, can you imagine having a depiction of Muhammad being a pig farmer or having a pig on his table or something like this? That’s exactly it, yeah.

I mean, why would they depict Jesus Christ as an obese trans woman and his disciples as a bunch of perverts and cross dressers and bearded women and, you know, just the whole LGBTQ freak show. Bizarre. And in a sense, that’s their evangelists. Jesus apostles are his evangelists. And the bread and the wines on the table symbolize his body broken on the cross, his blood shed for us. And so they replaced it with a pagan greek God of debauchery and wine. And he’s a naked character dressed in blue. Painted in blue. Some people said it looks like the smurf.

And what on earth is this depiction? Well, you know why he’s blue? It’s because he’s dead. I mean, that’s a depiction as well. This is a dead God, this Dionysius, but he symbolizes wine. I mean, he’s drunk himself to death, basically. And this is where we should focus our visions of salvation. Salvation in sin? Salvation through sin, not salvation from sin. We don’t celebrate salvation. We celebrate sin. And this is what France and the EU and the new world order actually do represent. Macron is right in that they represent occultism, blasphemy, paganism sabatanism. They love their sin.

They hate the savior. And it’s also a war on women. As you were pointing out earlier, the women were not allowed to watch unless they were prostitutes or something. Under penalty of death. They would compete naked, but the women were kicked out. And so here we have a situation where they had very violent fighting matches and stuff like that. But now we have women who compete and boxing, but now they’re having men box the women. And so many people talked about that aspect, how misogynistic it really is. At the very opening ceremony, they replaced, it was supposed to be a man and a woman jointly holding a torch.

Well, they replaced the woman with a tranny. And then they have some intersex guys who are beating up women and that sort of thing. But it is very misogynistic. And so the question is nothing. Not only are they celebrating this culture that is pagan and debauched, but it’s also a very anti woman. And, you know, that culture, that religion, and that’s supposed to be. That’s another aspect of hypocrisy. They always claim they’re for women, and yet when you look at this, it is very, very anti woman. Yes. In fact, where other feminists, they meant to speak up for women, but in fact, they’ve allowed trans men to be proclaimed woman of the year, getting all kinds of women’s awards and then supporting a man, excuse me, a man beating a woman in the face.

I mean, that’s just so disgusting. And this woman was terrified. They were afraid she had a broken nose and so on. How is this sports? And we meant to have categories, you know, male, female, and different categories in terms of weight when it comes to boxing, so on, so that it’s fair. This is not fair. This is not just. This is not sports. This is abusive. Women and women are seeing their sports invaded their safe places. Even the changing rooms invaded. Women are being excluded. And what are you saying? When men are taking women’s awards and even women of the year award and this and that, what they’re saying is nobody can be a woman as well as a man can.

I mean, that’s just ridiculous. It’s so disgusting. I think the. Well, you pointed out the heritage. You pointed out the heritage of Christianity. And you said in your essay, you were talking about how the athletes were professionals, and sometimes they’ll be highly paid, as our professional athletes are today. But many times part of the compensation would be to be given a slave. Well, it was Christianity that abolished slavery. It’s the only culture that has abolished slavery and slavery still exists, exist in muslim countries and that sort of thing to this day. But we also, christians abolished infanticide, which these same people are bringing back.

And then on the other side, christians creating hospitals, libraries, universities and colleges. These are the types of things that, you know, it is antithetical to what they’re doing, and yet they celebrate. We look at those things, we say, well, those are all good things to save the babies and to recognize that women are equal to men before God. We have different roles, but they are equal in the sight of God. That was a very radical change for the pagan world, wasn’t it? Yes. To study what the world was like before the time of Christ. The world before the time of Christ was a world without charity, without kindness to strangers.

It was a world without compassion or even respect for women. Women were treated as lower than slaves. And, you know, no Hollywood film does justice to the life of women before Christianity, because they will depict a woman walking around freely with open face in Rome and Athens and so on, whereas actually no woman was allowed to walk around on their own. In the ancient Roman and Athens, they had to go under male guardianship, even if she was a male slave. But a woman, even a free woman, a princess, couldn’t walk around on her own. She didn’t have that freedom.

She always was under male control. They weren’t allowed to even attend meals in her own home without special permission. They were just meant to be bussing around the kitchen and serving, and they had to be in their quarters. And there was such a lot of abusive women. Women couldn’t walk outside without wearing a veil. And this you wouldn’t notice from the Hollywood films because which actress wants to walk around with their face obscured in these movies? But, you know, if they were taking the ancient Rome or ancient Greece streets, they wouldn’t have had these women walking around with their head and hair and face uncovered.

They were compelled to be covered by law. They could get the death penalty for not wearing a veil. And you think that’s only islamic? That’s the way the whole world was. Greek, roman, stone before Christianity. Christianity deliberately work to free women on every level. And just think of how the Gospel, the message of the resurrection, was first proclaimed by a woman. The first convert in Europe was a woman, Lydia. And you think how Mary Magdalene was the first at the tomb and the first to proclaim the resurrection. And Christianity gave women worth and respect that had never existed before.

And only Christians brought an end to slavery. To think every society practiced slavery and human sacrifice even ancient roman priests, which is so well thought of, they were sacrificing not only strangers and slaves, they were even sacrificing their own children or wives on occasion. You think of how Agamemnon sacrificed his own daughter at the beginning of the siege on Troy, and in order to bring victory and favorable waves to them. So there’s these greek kings and romande kings. They were doing all kinds of hideous things, human sacrifices. Julius Caesar did human sacrifices on occasion and so on.

And now the world has something of selective memory and now idealizes these pre christian pagan societies of greek and Rome and the Olympics, for example. But they don’t recognize how Christianity has brought about everything good in this world. We would not want to live in this world if it hadn’t been for Jesus Christ and the influence he and his followers and teachings have made on this world. Yes, if you just look at literacy, universities, uni veritas, the very name, the etymology of the word univeritas, test, trans church, christian origins. Most university professors today don’t even believe in truth, or one truth or that can be known.

So I think the pagans of today, they should open up diversities a versities, polyversities. But a university, by definition, should be christian. It’s christians pioneered the universities, many cases, ministers and missionaries. By the way, in fact, even the whole slavic language and Alphabet was set to writing created by christian missionaries to Russia. So the whole slavic Alphabet, when the communists used to write out their dates and so on, they were having to use an Alphabet designed by christians. And even today, when we speak about Paris Olympics, 2024. 2024 what? Yes. Year of our lord. Even the date test spies to the centrality of Christ.

We haven’t built a dating system on the birth of Julius Caesar or Muhammad or anyone else. It’s or Karl Marx. No, our dating system is on Jesus Christ, the most important person who ever lived. He split the river of the ages asunder. He is the hinge of history. All of history is dated BC before Christ and Annodomini in the year of our Lord ad. And they might even try to change it now to BCE and CE, but it’s still centered around the life of Jesus Christ. He is the one who splits our dating system into going backwards in BC and forward in AD.

So even the very name Paris Olympics 2024 testifies to Christ. Every atheist, pagan and blasphemer tests faster. The centrality of Christ when I write the date and even the fact that we have a seven day week is because of the acts of creation. God created the world in six days and he rest in the 7th. The very name restaurant, it first came from Paris, and it. It came from the scripture in Matthew 1128. Come unto me, all you weary and heavy laden, I will give you rest. The whole scriptures put on the outside of the first establishment for eating in a pleasant environment.

And over the years, they shortened it to restaurant, which, of course, is from the French. But the very term restaurant testifies to this came from Christianity. There’s so many things that in our society we take for granted, like if you say goodbye, it comes from the older English, God be with ye. That’s why the spelling is so unique. It’s an english prayer, God go with you. And in fact, if you go to Austria today, they greet you with Gruzkut, or greetings in God in Switzerland, abbreviated to Gritzi. And so again and again, you can see Christianity is throughout our western societies, and they’re forgetting it.

In fact, they’re not forgetting it. They deliberately trying to obscure it, denigrated and replaced it with debauchery. There’s a consistent effort in Europe, especially by the EU. Just think how the European Union has built their parliament in Strasbourg. And I’ve been there. It’s like the Tower of Babel. It’s an incomplete building with the. Even the scaffolding on the outside. It’s based on Bruegel’s depiction of the town of Babel, who’s a belgian artist. And I. You go to Brussels and I’ve been there too. They’ve got a statue outside the EU building of a woman riding a beast.

For goodness sakes. A woman riding a beast? Why would you do that? Yeah. And these are all biblical entities of Antichrist. Yes. Even Richard Dawkins recently was saying he still doesn’t like Christianity, but he really likes the fruit of Christianity. Let’s cut down the tree, but let’s try to keep the fruit somehow. And Elon Musk, many ways, said similar things, not as direct and as, you know, spreading it out, like Dawkins said. Oh, yeah, I love the culture of the christians, and I love the cathedrals and I love the Christmas music and stuff like that. But that is the type of thing people.

Here’s the key. And this is what I liked about your essay. If you go back and you look at the original pagan Olympics, it tells you so much about their society. And if we look at that and what the elites are pushing towards, pushing us towards, we can see what they admire and we can see that what they want to do is take us back to that kind of a situation where there’s a few people running everything and the rest of us are poor and slaves and living in mud huts. That really is what they’re doing.

And, of course, exercising that against a lot of the athletes in terms of removing their air conditioning, removing meat for the most part, having them sleeping on cardboard beds and all the rest of this stuff. They want austerity, they want slavery, and that’s what we’re going to get with this kind of pagan society. So I think it is very interesting to go back and look at what these people admire and what they worship and the kind of society that they want to take us into. And I think that is all there to some degree in the olympics.

What do you think it is? I think, you know, what we are seeing is the powers that should not be are putting on display what they want as a globalist religion. Now, bear in mind, revelation 13 warns us of a one world government with a one world economic system and a one world interfaith religion. And so there you have it in revelation 13, warning, the beast is wanting to impose a one world religion. And what’s standing in the way? Well, those obnoxious individuals who say, my conscience has kept the word of God, Jesus is the way, the truth and life.

No one comes to father but to him. They don’t want that. They hate Christianity, because Christianity is true. And Christianity, of course, teaches that leaders should be servants. The very concept of civil servants, I mean, the very fact that Britain has a prime minister, a minister means a deacon, a servant. So the prime minister is the first servant. And you’ve got cabinet ministers who used to sign the letters, your humble servant. This comes from Jesus teaching that the lords of the gentiles, they lord it over them, and they call themselves benefactors. But it is not to be like that with you.

The greatest amongst you must be like the least. And like the youngest, you should be the servant of all. And so Jesus taught servant leadership, and he modeled servant leadership. I mean, the Lord got on his knees, took a towel and cleaned the feet of his servants. When his disciples been people walking with sandals through streets that were dusty and dirty and filthy and donkeys and horses walking around. And you can imagine it would have been a dirty job to clean people’s feet when they came into the house. You’d normally leave your sandals at the door, but now you’re sitting on couches for eating.

So you know that one person’s head is close to that person’s feet and they want to have clean feet, especially for the meal time, the last Supper. The Lord does the humblest task of. And this is the leadership of a Christian. The christian leader leads from the front. He leads by example, and he serves. And that is even a christian concept, that we don’t have big chiefs, emperors who cast the instructions, and like the pope who expects people to kiss his toes and things like that. No, christian leadership is servant leadership where we care for the people.

You do it as unto the least of these you’ve done unto me. And so why would Christianity not be respected and why would people not be grateful to it? But no, at the Olympics, they’re choosing every single olympics to celebrate the pagan religions which all abused women were involved in, animal cruelty, human sacrifices, occultism, and paganism. Why would they want to replace Christianity with paganism? That’s right. And you know who today wants to say, I think slavery is a good thing? I think abusive women is a good thing? Well, they might think it, but they’re not going to easily say it.

But they want to celebrate and lift up that which is pro slavery and pro debauchery and paganism and abusive women. And that shows you, as you said earlier, that’s the hidden goal. They must like, that you wouldn’t be lifting up and worshipping it if you don’t think it’s good and a model and what you want for the future. That’s right. You are not going to spend, in some cases, 100 million pounds or €100 million on opening ceremonies if it wasn’t presenting the message you want. I wouldn’t spend a dime on a printing job or any project that didn’t glorify Christ and present the solid scripture protestant beliefs that are at the heart of my faith.

And I can bet that these pagans are not going to be putting €100 million into something that they don’t wholeheartedly agree with. And just like I proofread every single line and letter over and over before I give the authorization for the printer to go ahead with the print job I want done, there’s no way that these powers that be didn’t approve everything of this Olympic. Somebody thought of this golden calf. Somebody thought of this pale rider. Somebody thought of a decapitated Mary Antoinette walking around with her head under her arm and things like this. Somebody thought of, let’s put some trance woman in the place of Jesus, and let’s put a bunch of freaks and LGBTQ bearded woman and things like this with a child.

Mindy. I mean, what’s a drag queen without a child in this last subject. And somebody saw to this and everybody signed off with it. The president of France, the mayor of Paris, probably the whole city council, the whole IRC. They must have all approved this ahead of time. It wouldn’t have gone ahead without the approval all the way up to national and international. So what they’re telling us is, this is what we believe, this is what we stand for, this is what we want, which includes nothing but contempt for Christianity, not even an acknowledgement of Christianity as depicted in the Notre Dame.

And the Notre Dame cathedral. I’ve been. It’s a magnificent cathedral. Stood for a thousand years. It’s burned down. Interesting. While Notre Dame was burning, it was. While it was still burning. President Macron said Arson has been ruled out. It’s not arsenal. Ava was in a fire brigade. You cannot determine the. You cannot determine the cause of a fire before the fire is out. It takes a lot of forensics afterwards. And in the fire brigade, we were often being rushed to give a verdict and we would not give a verdict until we had examined the evidence. And yet the Paris fire department and police department were not allowed to investigate.

They were just told offhand, the prison said, we’ve ruled out arson. That was a year where there were 1200 attacks on churches in France in one year. 1200. And its churches desecrated, bombed, burned, damaged in different ways, all by muslim jihadists. But Notre Dame, the most iconic picture of Paris, the greatest architectural masterpiece in France, that was definitely not arson, said the present. So they just could not afford to allow people see, this is the fruits of our multiculturalism, bring in people who hate Christianity and so on. And they had spates of arson attacks at the.

And that just was not today. You can’t even look there for Arsen. It’s not arson. Ruled out. The firemen were still fighting the fire. The fires were still blazing and President Macron already put it down. This is not arson. We’ve ruled it out. And how could they rule it out? On a political basis, but not in a forensic basis, that’s for sure. Well, and of course, the true arsonist was Macron himself. He wants to burn down the country and he knows he can do it with the migrants and the policies that they have. But it truly is amazing.

And, you know, we’ve had, again, several people recently, from Dawkins to Elon Musk, talking about the fruit of Christianity. But of course they reject the root of Christianity. You can’t have Christianity without Christ. You can’t have Christianity without the Bible. They don’t want any of that morality. They don’t want Christ at the center of this. And we can see if we look back where this is all taking us in the future if we go down that dark path. It’s great talking to you and very insightful. I really enjoyed listening to you. And let me give your website again.

And is it mission plural or mission singular? Frontline mission dot okay, frontline Mission is where people can go to find your books that you have there as well as to keep up with the busy life and ministry that you’ve got going there in South Africa. And it truly is amazing all the different places that you have gone and hostile areas that you have gone in terms of Marxists as well as Muslims and the different areas and amazing stories that you’ve got about how God has taken his word in different places. And so I really do appreciate your faithfulness and fearlessness and putting that out there and taking it into these dark areas.

We just have to make sure that we keep the lights on here at home as well. Right. They are starting to go out. I’m getting deeply concerned for the west and I think back, General William Booth wrote the book in darkest England, back in 18 hundreds. But I think that’s more true now. So much in the west. The capitals of the west, France and Britain are turning away from Christ and turning deliberately to paganism, atheism, Islam, anything but Christianity. And I’m deeply concerned for the United States. And your whole future is at stake. And I trust that people are praying for a biblical return.

We need a back to the Bible reformation. We need a heaven sent, Holy Spirit empowered revival. That’s right. We’ve got to come from the bottom up. It’s going to start with each and every one of us. And so that starts with us and family, you know, and then moves up to the government. That truly is new salvation and politics. Anyone who’s waiting for the government to save us is definitely deluded. We’ve got to start from the ground up, street evangelism, personal prayer, family by family devotions, one individual at a time. We’ve got to win our countries back to Christ.

Europe became Christian by the hard work of missionaries like Boniface and evangelists like George Whitfield and John Wesley. We’ve got to have these hardcore evangelists, the DL Moody’s, the trans virgins. We need dedicated servants of God, and we need the foot soldiers on the ground too, winning neighbors, friends and family to Christ. We’ve got to work very vigorously because our whole civilization is in danger of falling to chaos and paganism. We don’t want a dark age of paganism. We want to go further into the future in the light of Christ. And I think you’ve just seen in Paris some of the darkness, including a full on blackout across the whole city of Paris the day after this mocking of Christ at the insane, uh, opening ceremonies.

Yeah. Yeah. That was interesting, wasn’t it? All black. Absolutely. So, uh, yeah, it is. It’s going to be done one by one. They want to. They want to destroy the family. Uh, men need to take the leadership in this, but, uh, the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world, as they used to always say. That’s why they don’t want families. They don’t want motherhood. Motherhood is devalued like everything else. But that’s. That’s the important thing. And so we take it back from the bottom up. We take it back with our relationship with Christ, our family’s relationship with Christ. dot thank you so much, Peter Hammond. Appreciate it. Thank you. And if I can say a last word here, and that is the best way for you to revolt against this revolting, disgusting new world disorder is to be straight, get converted, love Christ, study your bible, get married, have lots of children, homeschool them. I mean, this is the way that we will beat the new world order when we, you know, they want you to abandon Christ. We embrace Christ. They want you to keep quiet. We will preach the gospel. They don’t want you to pray.

We will pray. So the thing is, whatever the state and the globalist new world order in hollywood is telling you to do, do the opposite. And that’s a pretty good rule of thumb. That’s right. That’s the way to do it. Thank you so much, Peter. Appreciate it. Have a good day. Thank you, David. God bless. Thank you. God bless you. And that concludes our program. Thank you very much for joining us. Have a good day. Let me tell you, the day, the night show you can listen to with your ears. You can even watch it by using your eyes.

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anti-Christian symbolism in Olympics Christian Last Supper mockery in Olympics Dr. Peter Hammond Olympics concerns French leaders lack of outrage Olympics celebrating sin Olympics LGBTQ beliefs celebration Olympics promoting debauchery Olympics promoting new world order Olympics promoting paganism Olympics rooted in Greek paganism pagan symbolism in Olympics religious aspects violent aspects of original Olympic games

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