INTERVIEW Getting Off the FINANCIAL Grid | The David Knight Show

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show




➡ The David Knight Show talks about how Aaron Day, an expert in cryptocurrency, gold, and silver, is educating people about the threat of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and the decline of the fiat dollar. He has written a book and conducts workshops to guide people on how to live without a personal bank account, using gold, crypto, and silver instead. He believes that the only way to combat the tyranny of CBDCs is to stop using the dollar. His upcoming workshops and other resources can be found on his website,
➡ The text discusses concerns about the potential for financial institutions to gain control of our stocks, bonds, and 401ks in the event of a financial collapse. It also mentions the development of a regulated liability network, which could allow these assets to be tracked and transferred digitally. The text highlights the importance of privacy in financial transactions and criticizes the current surveillance of digital money. It also discusses the use of cryptocurrencies as a potential solution to these issues.
➡ The article discusses the use of gold, silver, and privacy tokens as alternatives to traditional currency. The author uses gold and silver daily and is working on a system that combines the privacy features of cryptocurrencies with the stability of precious metals. The goal is to create user-friendly tools for consumers and merchants to easily accept and use these alternative forms of currency. The author also highlights the importance of security when dealing with digital currencies.
➡ The article discusses the importance of privacy and security in cryptocurrency transactions. It suggests using privacy coins and keeping most of your crypto in cold storage, which is not connected to the internet, to prevent theft. It also mentions the use of hardware wallets, paper wallets, and old cell phones for storing crypto. The author recommends using Cake Wallet, which focuses on privacy coins and has built-in functionality for buying gift cards and debit cards with crypto. The article emphasizes that while the current system is not perfect, it offers increased security compared to traditional banking systems.
➡ The text discusses the use of cryptocurrencies, particularly through a platform called Cake Wallet, which allows users to manage multiple types of coins, buy crypto, and purchase gift cards and debit cards. It also mentions Spritz Finance, a service that allows users to pay bills using crypto. The text highlights the challenges of acquiring privacy coins and the potential for increased regulation. It suggests that the future may involve a combination of privacy coins and precious metals, and emphasizes the importance of people earning money in crypto to promote its use.
➡ Politicians are showing interest in cryptocurrencies for political gain, despite not fully understanding them. The use of privacy coins, a type of cryptocurrency that protects user identity, is being threatened by regulations. However, experts believe that privacy coins are essential for maintaining financial freedom and privacy. They encourage people to understand and use these coins to stay ahead of potential restrictions on legal activities.
➡ The main issue discussed is the increasing scrutiny of cryptocurrency by the IRS, which is seen as a threat to the digital dollar. The speaker expresses frustration about this, and also mentions a colleague, Roger Veer, who is unable to comment due to being in Spain. The conversation also includes appreciation for listeners’ support and a promotion for gold and silver investments.



All right, folks, joining us today is Aaron Day. And he knows a lot more about crypto than I do. Of course, he also focuses on gold and silver. He’s trying to get outside of the system. He has a very important message about what is happening with CBDC. He believes we’ve already got it effectively, but he’s holding classes on this and meetings. Tell us a little bit about that. You’ve got it in a lot of different places to see one that’s coming up October the fifth, but you got them all over the place. Tell people what it’s about and where they can find where these different events are, where you do a deep dive into the future of money, sovereignty, and how to battle the digital bank, digital currencies.

Tell people where they can find that information, what’s coming up? All right, great. Well, thank you for having me on again. And so first, I want to start by saying, so I wrote this book, the final countdown. And the whole purpose of this book was to explain to people the threat of cbdcs, the basic, the imminent demise of the fiat dollar, which I think we’re seeing in real time. And then the back half of the book provides step by step instructions as to how people can do what I’ve done since 2019, which is I exited using a personal bank account in 2019, and I’ve been living on gold, crypto, and silver.

And so this book outlines how to do this. What I found was people read the book and said, wow, okay. Now I understand what the threat is, but I just couldn’t take that first step to actually either getting a crypto wallet or even buying gold to take into physical custody. So I designed these four hour workshops, which we’re now doing all over the country, to basically go through the book, but then to actually empower people. So people that come out of the workshop will have a crypto wallet, will have crypto, will have a gold back, and will hear my full explanation of how I live on these things on a day to day basis, how I pay bills, how I do all of it, because this is really the step to, the only thing we can do to stop the central bank digital currency tyranny is to stop using the dollar.

We’re not going to vote our way out of this, which we could talk about in great detail. So on my website,, there is a tab called Empower. And empower lists all of the places that we are looking to host workshops. We have three that are scheduled already, that we’re selling tickets for the rest of this year. Our next event is in New Jersey on October 5. Then we have one in Omaha on Saturday, November 9, and then we will be in Nashville on Saturday, Saturday, December 14. So we’re going to continue to do these. I will be doing probably one of these a month throughout all of next year.

But those are our next big events. And so they’ve been really successful so far because it really has been helpful. But in addition to that, on my website, there’s an inform tab and a link to alternative assets. And this is an important section because this lists all of the things that I’m currently using on a day to day basis and living outside of the banking system. And this list changes. So I have to be very clear about that. I mean, if you bought my book a year ago, it’s out of date. And so I have to keep everybody apprised as to what’s going on because of all the regulatory issues and changes in technology and everything else.

So I keep that open and publicly available so that everybody can see the latest and greatest. That’s amazing. You are essentially a financial prepper and you’re living the life. You’re off grid prepper, but financially speaking, that is excellent. The final countdown is you. How to get out of the system, how to live without a bank account in a private, having all your transactions private. That, that’s amazing. And those workshops, I see you got one coming up in Nashville to get somebody from my family to go over there and take that class, that’s great information because that’s the key thing.

Everybody understands what is how the tyranny is rolling out of Washington. The fiat currency allows them to bribe and blackmail everybody at every level, whether it is state government or local government or whether it’s hospitals or whatever. They’re always bribing and blackmailing people with their cash. And that is the heart of the tyranny that is there. And it’s also going to affect us materially if we are not outside of that system. That’s very important. But you also say that we already are in CBDC. Tell us a little bit about that. Your position. Yeah, so when I start, so when I started this entire, I exited political activism in 2018, stopped using the dollar and then Covid hit.

And then all of a sudden, I saw friends of mine be targeted by the federal government that were involved in crypto. So Ian Freeman, who along with Roger Baer, introduced me to bitcoin. In 2012, Ian was arrested for selling bitcoin without a license. Yes. And I went to his sentencing hearing and he’s now in federal prison for eight years. Roger is now in Spain. He was arrested and thrown into the same prison as John McAfee for these trumped up, made up like tax issues from over a decade ago. He actually left the United States. Roger did renounces United States citizenship in 2014, and they are going after him for this kind of made up stuff.

But it happened to be three weeks after he published this book, Hijacking Bitcoin, where he explains in excruciating detail how bitcoin was hijacked by people that were not interested in having bitcoin as an alternative to cbdcs. Basically, they destroyed the use case of bitcoin, which was supposed to be. Bitcoin was supposed to be digital cash. Now it’s this store of value that you’re never supposed to spend and you’re supposed to buy through Blackrock. And there are multiple intermediaries, and that is the exact opposite. So Roger, who was probably the most influential person in spreading bitcoin from 2010 to 2015, he actually earned the nickname Bitcoin Jesus.

So he was the first person to accept bitcoin as a retailer. He was the first investor in bitcoin companies. He probably gave away tens of thousands of bitcoin. And he was there when this hijacking took place. And he wrote about it. Now all of a sudden, his speech is suppressed. Preston. Preston essentially went from bitcoin as a currency to bitcoin as NFT, right? Thats collectible thing. And thats why you see all these things about, well, this guy got a pizza with a couple of bitcoin or whatever, he paid this much for the pizza and so forth, because initially that was the purpose, was to be currency that people could use outside of the system.

As you pointed out, it got hijacked. It now became this store of value that’s going to be speculated on it. And all of the big investment companies pouring into this, and the fact that they’ve now added ETF’s on bitcoin, other things like that. They have completely jumped onto this thing and turned it into a speculative collective, haven’t they, Ed? They have. And one other component to this is that bitcoin is completely trackable. It’s on an open public ledger. And so a lot of people, I think early on, thought it was an obvious, and it turns out that it’s not anonymous.

Now, the government, the CIA and others, using chain analysis, can actually track the blockchain and follow and figure out who is buying and selling what. And the problem with this is that means that they can flag one bitcoin and saying, well, this particular bitcoin can’t be used. It’s on a blacklist, whereas this one can be used, which means that it’s no longer fungible. Because one bitcoin is actually not the same as another bitcoin. They’re actually. So it loses its fundamental property. Which is why one of the things that’s happened in the last 120 days or so since I was on is I’ve actually moved completely into privacy coins.

In fact, I’ve put that first privacy first on the list of criteria. Sorry, Zano. Zano and Monero are the two predominant ones that I use. Zano is interesting because Zano is actually built on some of the same technology. The developers behind it were actually behind the technology that Monero was built on. So these are people that have been in cryptography and cryptocurrency for over a decade. But what Zano allows you to do is also create privacy tokens. So I guess the simplest way for me to say this is crypto and even cbdcs is tokenized money. But money only represents 5% of global assets.

Everything else, homes, real estate, stocks, bonds, those are assets that will also be tokenized. Zano essentially allows you to tokenize these assets in a way that is private and confidential. Because one of the other things I’ve learned since I was on your show last is I’ve really done a deep dive into this great taking and what I found, and I don’t know if you followed that much. Yeah, I’m aware of the documentary. I haven’t watched the documentary yet, but I’m aware of it. Yeah, go ahead. The gist of the great taking is we don’t own our stocks and bonds in four hundred one s.

And there have been a whole bunch of changes to UCC codes at the state level that basically when there’s the next financial collapse and there’s a bankruptcy, our stocks and bonds and 401 ks will end up being owned by the largest banks. And it turns out that the CBDC pilots that they’ve been working on in the United States are also being developed alongside something called a regulated liability network. And the idea behind regulated liability network is they want to take our non monetary assets. They want to take our stocks and bonds and other assets and apply the same technology that they’re applying to cbdcs.

So that now all of our assets, not just money, can be programmed, tracked and censored. And so when this financial collapse happens, they’ll be able to basically transfer our non monetary assets with a click of a button. And so that’s kind of a horrifying prospect. But it’s one of the things that I’ve been studying in terms of what the US has been working on. And this regulated liability network project is a project between the New York Federal Reserve, MIT, five of the largest New York financial institutions, the bank for international settlements, basically all of the players that you would not want.

Designing a token system for digitizing all of your non monetary assets. This is pretty frightening. So I say Zano, because Zano, in and of itself, it’s a cryptocurrency that you can use. It’s a privacy currency, but it also allows you to tokenize other assets and make those assets private and confidential. And by the way, it may even be able to be used to make bitcoin and ethereum and some of the blockchains that are transparent, private. So those are the two that I’ve actually spent a significant amount of time. So this has been a big shift for me.

And one thing that I found is it’s very important to educate people on the need for privacy, because I don’t know what’s happened. I mean, I guess this is the indoctrination and the education system that you were talking about before. Before I came on. But young people do not value privacy. They don’t even know or think to value privacy. I think it goes back to. I think they kind of programmed them a little bit with a big brother type of tv shows and everything, reality tv shows a little bit before they started social media and the Internet caught on with the social media.

I think they kind of modeled for them. That here’s people, that they don’t really do anything or have any particular skills. But you, too, can be celebrity. If people see everything that you’re doing in your life, and it’s like, they want to be celebrities, they want to have a lot of followers. So they’re constantly pushing content out about their life. They don’t want privacy, and they’ve been trained not to. Not to look at it. Before we move away from Monero and Xana, which I’ve not heard of before, I talked to people who are doing pirate coin as well.

What is your take on pirate coin? Have you ever looked at that? What’s going on? Yeah, pirate coin is on the list. I haven’t used pirate coin, but it’s on my list. List to review, and it certainly seems to fit all the criteria. So, yeah. And I want to say this I’m constantly evaluating new things, so I think pirate coin will probably be added to my list as well. And there are two types of privacy coins. There are coins that are privacy by default, which means as the user, you don’t have to do anything, you don’t have to take any extra steps to make them private.

And then there are coins where you can take extra steps and add privacy to them. So bitcoin, cash, litecoin, zcash, these are, I guess I’ll call it privacy privacy optional. And so my sole focus is on that universe as a potential solution, because again, I interviewed Roger about his book hijacking Bitcoin. Three weeks later, he was thrown in prison, the same prison John McAfee died. And my friend Ian Freeman, others are being arrested. So this is not, and these are nonviolent people who have not committed crimes, to be clear. These are people that are actually, these are pro liberty people that have been promoting freedom and nonviolence.

And these are the people that we’re throwing in prison. And this is happening over and over again with what happened with the guy with Telegram, what’s happening with these coin mixing services. This is really accelerating. And so what people have to understand is the why behind this, which is the government doesn’t want alternatives to what I’m going to say is already a CBDC system, but that has graduated tier levels of tyranny. And the ultimate form of CBDC is a global digital currency backed by energy credits that is completely programmable, tied to a social credit score, where it’s a cashless system and all cryptocurrencies have been banned.

That’s the highest level. And I’ve actually created this little CBDC tyranny index. That’s where they’re moving to. But we already have a system today. Our dollar today is already digital, it’s already programmable, it’s already surveillable in a way that people have no idea how bad this is. People are like, oh yeah, I see these politicians, whether it’s Ted Cruz or Elizabeth Warren, talk about, well, we have to make sure we don’t have financial surveillance. And meanwhile, between the Patriot act, the Bank Secrecy Reporting act, national security letters where they can actually shut off your bank account and you can’t talk to anybody about it, including a lawyer.

Now we have the IR’s working with banks to monitor our financial transactions using AI and on and on and on, civil asset forfeiture. So they’re already about, and I outline in my latest article, zero hedge article. I think 13 different ways. Our digital money is already being surveilled today. So it’s actually already as bad as people are worried that it will become in the future. And that’s today. Our money is already programmable. When we talk about the IR’s, it’s not just the 80,000 agents that they want to add, but it’s also the artificial intelligence. And yet we have the politicians who are out there saying, well, we’re going to take taxes off of tips.

You want to vote for me? Now? People are completely clueless about how this is being weaponized against us. And of course both parties are fully on board with it. Both parties are on board. So when you see a politician say, well, we’re worried about financial surveillance and are you worried about the fact that the IR’s is already using AI to track all of our transactions? Are you worried about the fact that the Bank Secrecy reporting Act already reports on, I think it’s five or $10,000. If you do anything above that amount, it’s automatically reported with the government.

I don’t see anybody talking about unwinding the tyranny that we already have. And numerous categories of businesses have already lost access to banking services. I just shared a post, a tweet yesterday about somebody who was denied the ability to make a purchase at a gun store with their credit card. And there was something called Operation Choke .1.0 where many categories of businesses have been denied service. And we’ve seen this in the health freedom space, we’ve seen them in the food freedom space and on and on. And what this should tell everybody is that the money is already programmable.

And when I say programmable, if you’ve ever had a health savings account or a flexible spending account, I’ll give you an example. Optum bank is the largest provider of health savings accounts and health savings account. An Optum bank. It is a bank, it is a financial institution. And you’re given a card and you can only buy pre approved medical items at certain times and at certain locations within certain limits subject to auditing and reporting programmable digital money using the existing system. There’s no big upgrade that has to happen for the tyranny that everybody is worried about to kick in.

Essentially, the Federal Reserve runs on an Oracle database. So money is created when the federal government issues an iou to the Federal Reserve. Federal Reserve then creates that money out of thin air as an entry in an oracle database. That is basically the genesis of it. And then the federal government writes checks, pays bills, pays contractors, does whatever they do. They write checks. And then you deposit those checks into a commercial bank. And the commercial bank creates a database entry out of thin air in an Oracle and Microsoft or Microsoft database backed by the Oracle database entries created by the Federal Reserve.

This is the existing system. So the existing system is digital. 92% of our money is digital. And it’s using these centralized databases. And so I think people are nothing largely aware of that. And certainly Oracle and Microsoft databases are highly programmable. And of course, a big part of the surveillance right now, and the current system is the on ramps and the off ramps of what is happening there. Certainly we take the money out, but even the know your customer rules, they really ramped this up for the sites that are going to. That you’re going to deal with in terms of cryptocurrency.

And this is the real issue when I talk about and the financial system, and you’re talking about the fact that we’re looking at the end of the reserve, the dollar reserve, the petrodollar is now totally dead because Saudi Arabia was a linchpin of that. And they’re now taking payments and other currencies and they’re stashing up on gold. Where does gold fit in on all of this? When you focused on Monero and on Zano and privacy coins and things like that? What about gold? Are you using gold and silver on a daily basis? I use gold and silver on a daily basis.

More gold. I always tip in gold backs. And I live in New Hampshire. And so New Hampshire is one of six states that Goldback has actually, actually has physical locations where there are merchants actually actively accepting these. There are 150 stores in New Hampshire, 2000 nationwide, that already take this directly as currency. And that initiative is expanding. And then I have an account through Alpine where I can buy gold and silver online and transfer amongst gold, silver and gold backs. And then I can even transfer gold and silver to a Visa debit card so I don’t ever have to store any value in fiat currency.

Now there is some centralization to that. So one of the things that I’m working on, and this is what I think is kind of the whole holy grail on this, is imagine you take Zano, you take the privacy features of Monero, which is essentially what Zano offers, and now you start tokenizing gold and silver. So now people can have a currency that’s backed by gold, silver and gold backs, but that can be traded with all of the convenience aspects of a private cryptocurrency. So to me, where we’re headed towards is a multi asset approach. And I think that there’s a way to combine privacy tokenization and precious metals.

And in fact, I’m talking to numerous people who have vaults and who are interested in this idea as well, where you can really increase the velocity of the spending of precious metals through tokenization. And then if people have to withdraw the physical metal, then there’s probably KyC AML at that point. But then there’s an ability to, when you’re not actually directly pulling out the physical metals, to use these privacy tokens for day to day transactions. So today for me, it’s a balance of privacy tokens and goldbacks and gold. And then I’m really excited about creating user friendly tools, wallets for the consumer that have all of these assets, and a point of sale system for merchants where the merchant can very easily accept multiple forms of privacy, crypto and gold and silver, and then can convert whatever they’re accepting to the reference currency of their choice.

So that makes it easier for them to pay, to pay bills and have stability with store value. So that’s the direction this is all headed in. That is so important what you’re doing. Again, the website is and you can click on the button there to find out how to empower yourself to start getting out of this system. And that’s, you’ve done a great deal of work on this. That’s excellent research that. Let me ask you, what do you think now? There’s something that’s going on. I don’t know all the details about it. Montana is doing something, I think, with a gold backed digital currency or something.

Is that correct or am I wrong about that? And what do you think about that, if you know about it? I haven’t heard about that, but I have heard about. I’m involved with the citizens for sound money. I know there’s a big effort to get states to make gold and silver legal tender and there are a number that already have, including Utah, which was the first in 2011. And I know many other states are coming online, but I have not heard about a Montana. Ill have to look into that, actually. Preston. Yeah, that ones new. We just had New Jersey become the 45th state to not have sales tax on gold and silver.

So even New Jersey, I was surprised. Of course, the ones that are still doing it are pretty much the usual suspects that you would expect, like Hawaii and things like that. But Kentucky was in the mix and that really kind of surprised me. But other than that, the other four were pretty, pretty much what you would think, but it’s starting to catch on. There’s a lot of people I know here in Tennessee who had, Senator nicely is very concerned about what was going to happen with a financial collapse, with mismanagement by the Federal Reserve, but also focused on financial transactional privacy.

And that’s the thing that really. So he was trying to set up something that would help local banks. You know, they have what they call a state bank in North Dakota, I think it is, and that has served them well through the depression and other things like that. But the banking industry really pushes back pretty hard if you start trying to do that. A lot of the banks, small and medium sized banks, don’t really understand that they’re about to be cut off. He was trying to show them how this is going to help them, but they came after him when he started doing that.

So, but he’s still come through with a lot of solutions, and there’s other states that are working on that as well. And so I think it’s very important for us to understand that it’s not just the instability of the Federal Reserve. It’s not just their bad policy that is going to have economic consequences for us that we want to escape by being in gold and silver. But it’s also this privacy aspect that you’ve really focused on, which is so important and how to, to actually get out of the system. Right now, a lot of people are just in the mode, as we are here, just trying to collect things that are outside the system, like gold and silver, but not really sure how to use it on an ongoing basis.

And how do we connect with other people and make this practical? That’s what you’re showing on your website. That’s very important. Yeah, it really does come down to easy to use tools for consumers and merchants. And so there’s a path to doing this. And so there just needs to be an emphasis and a focus on it. I know it can happen because, again, I’ve been living on these things for five years, but the tools need to be made easier to use. But there’s certainly a huge demand. I mean, right now the focus isn’t on mass adoption.

It’s actually getting those innovators. All technology and ideas go through kind of an adoption curve. You have the innovators, which are 2.5%, and then you have early adopters, which are roughly 13%, and then you have early majority, late majority, and then laggards. And so the point is to focus on the, the innovators so that you’re not too many levels removed from people’s understanding of these systems. So the people that are in the second Amendment space, gun store owners, are already intimately aware of problems with payment processing, as are people in food freedom and health freedom and these other sectors.

And so the idea is to put together tools to make it easy for these merchants and then to combine these merchants and make it easy for people to realize, oh, hey, there are places I can actually go to use these alternative currencies. And so as we’re refining the technology and building out the merchant network, then we can go to the next layer, to the early adopters, and start expanding it out. So it really requires just focus on making sure that we’re not trying to go mainstream too early because the technology needs to evolve for usability and simplicity.

I guess my big concern when I look at crypto is security. Because I’ve covered the stories, I forget it was this guy who is a billionaire there. And because, as you pointed out, the blockchain is somewhat public. He had some guy contact him and say, saw this large transaction and he tracked it down to find out that it was a wallet that belonged to this guy. And he sends him a message and says, I see that you just took out nearly a million dollars. It was like 900 something thousand dollars. He said, no, I didn’t do that.

He didn’t realize that he just had about a million dollars stolen from him. That’s the key. When we look at this, and I assume that you address this and your empower stuff, the security issues of having these wallets, that’s one of the things that concerns me about it. When you have, when you go digital, there is the capability of being exposed to every criminal all over the earth if they know what they’re doing and you don’t know what you’re doing. Talk a little bit about that. The security issues. Yeah, that is absolutely critical. Well, so there are two components.

One to what you just said is this is why I use privacy tokens, so that in privacy coins, so that your identity and financial transactions can’t be identified. Because this has been a problem. Right. People can. It’s not just the government, but bad actors can trace who’s using bitcoin, who’s using ethereum, and then they can use that and try to rob you or kidnap you and literally, physically steal your coins. That is an actual issue. So the first thing to do is to use privacy coins. But then within that, there’s the issue of how do you keep your privacy coins safe? Because the issue with this is.

I mean, there’s a saying, not your keys, not your coins. You have your private keys to your crypto, but there’s no customer service if you lose these, if you’re hacked or you misplace your keys, then that money’s gone. There’s no 1800 number to call. So generally what you want to do is you want to keep most of your crypto in what’s called cold storage, where it’s not actually on a device that’s connected to the Internet in any way, shape, or form, or on a mobile device. So you can use, there are things called hardware wallets that you can buy that can accomplish this.

You can also use something called a paper wallet, which is a paper wallet is where you basically have an address that has a private key, but that wallet has never actually touched the Internet. So you move your coins to this, and it’s never touched the Internet before. And then when you need to use the coins, you restore that wallet to a hot wallet that’s connected to the Internet, and then you spend it mechanism. And there’s a whole wide range of things, including you can take old cell phones and completely wipe them and just put your crypto wallet on that and then not have it touch the Internet.

Keep it off until such time as you need to use it. So there’s a whole variety of different mechanisms that you can use, and then on an ongoing basis. I mean, right now, I’m using a wallet called cake wallet because I’ve focused on privacy coins, and there aren’t many wallets that have that focus. Cake wallet was specifically built originally for Monero. They’ve added other coins, and they are soon to add Xano as well. And what I like about it is that it’s an open source wallet that has had an emphasis on privacy, but it’s also user friendly.

There are features in there. So when I live on crypto now, fortunately, I live in New Hampshire, and there are a lot of merchants that I can go to as part of the free state project and actually buy things directly with crypto. This isn’t the case in most of the country. So often what you end up having to do is to buy debit cards or gift cards. So I bought my kids back to school clothes, or I took my kids to see a movie. I bought a AMC gift card using Monero, and then went over to the movie theater.

So that’s often there’s kind of a continue. Just as there’s a continuum on the tyranny index, there’s a continuum on the freedom index as well. The ultimate scenario is one where we’re all using privacy coins, peer to peer with no intermediaries. And that’s where you want to ultimately get. But we’re not going to get there today. So for right now, you might have to actually buy gift cards, buy debit cards. But I like Cakewallet because it’s the easiest. It has a bunch of built in functionality, it’s open source and has a focus on privacy coins. But I still only leave in a live wallet a month’s worth of operating funds.

Because you just assume that something could still go wrong for whatever reason. Because certainly there are hacks going on every day. But once you really look at and understand and consider that the Federal Reserve runs on an Oracle database and your local bank runs on a Microsoft database, I think it was in 2017, there was something like $1.5 trillion of economic losses due to database integrity issues and hacks and everything else. And that number is on the way to 10 trillion. We just had the Social Security database breach or whatever a couple of weeks ago. And I think most of this year, most of the major services, including Microsoft and others, have had data breaches and so the existing system is unsafe.

These cryptos at least offer, offer an increase in a security model to what global commerce runs on, which are these centralized databases that can be hacked and manipulated and changed. Yeah, yeah. Trillions dollars of leakage coming out of these things. Again, Oracle and Microsoft, where they’ve got their databases. Now let’s talk a little bit more about what you kind of touched on there in terms of the details of how it works. You talked about how you transfer some of the stuff into a debit card that you can use to go buy stuff at retail, people who are not participating in that.

So tell us a little bit about how that works. Is that something that is available, people outside of New Hampshire, how do you convert that Monero to a debit card that you can take to the movie theater that’s available to everyone. So it’s actually built into the cake wallet. It’s something called cakepay. And so right from within the wallet, you will see there are hundreds and hundreds of participating merchants. I mean, anywhere from Delta Airlines to AMC. And so this isn’t anything exclusive to New Hampshire. Basically, most companies have their own gift card program. So, I mean, I use this to, I got my kids some clothes at Oldenhouse Navy.

The list of merchants is quite impressive. I think I even saw, I don’t know if it was on there, but somewhere you could buy a vacation to sandals using gift cards. So I believe you could use Monero to buy a sandals gift card. This is what I’m going to do. I’m about to go to Argentina to a crypto conference next month. Bitcoin cash conference. This is all going to be done. I’m going to buy my plane tickets to Argentina using gift cards. Anybody can do this. You don’t have to be in New Hampshire, and it’s not even limited to the United States either.

So it’s a pretty convenient solution. And again, this isn’t the peer to peer direct experience that we want, but it is still, it’s a workaround and something that works pretty successfully. And in fact, you don’t have to buy when you go to, like, if you go to Walmart or target, you’ll see they have the gift card aisle, right. And you can buy gift cards with cash, but they’re in denominations 510, 25, 50. But typically with these gift cards through cake pay, you can actually specify the exact dollar amount. So I think I got a $238 old Navy gift certificate or something.

Is it a gift certificate that you have in digital format on your phone that they can scan or something, or is it a physical card? Yes. Okay. It’s a digital gift certificate. There is an ability to. So there are layers of this, and I go through this in my workshops as well. So cake. So the kind of the cake wallet and cake pay is the front line of doing retail transactions. Then I use other services for different debit cards. So there’s a debit card that you can buy just a flat. You can buy a Visa debit card or a Mastercard debit card right from within this cake wallet.

But those cards are digital only, and they’re usually only accepted at merchants that are digital only. So I have separate, separate debit cards that are actual physical. I have a debit card that’s a physical debit card. That’s the same thing. I still transfer crypto to the card, and it’s a physical card. And now that can be used anywhere Visa is accepted. I’m sorry. So can that physical card then be re upped digitally? Is that the way that works better? Yeah. And it usually only takes. It usually only takes maybe 30 minutes or so for the process of uploading it and having it all be verified, but, yeah, and I’ve had other cards now.

This is part of the, I want to call it gamification of my life living on crypto, because as things have changed, I used to use something called a bitpay card for years. For three or four years, I used bitpay, and then all of a sudden, they severed their relationship with their financial partner on that. And so I received seven days notice that in seven days, I can no longer use that card. So now I actually have a number of debit cards, most of which I don’t use, but I keep in reserve in case something happens to or something happens over here.

I’m not in a situation where I don’t have any ability to pay bills. Then behind the scenes, obviously, I’m focused on trying to work with merchants that take crypto directly, so that would be my preferred model. And all of the rest of this is just kind of an interim solution and ways of working around the system as it is. But it’s not that hard. Again, the cake wallet solution, and this is something I’ve actually just started using in the last couple of months, is the easiest. It’s the easiest to onboard someone, because within one wallet, you can have multiple coins, including privacy coins.

You can buy crypto within the wallet. You can buy gift cards and debit cards within the wallet. And so that’s the most attractive thing, because when I’m doing these workshops, a lot of times I’m onboarding people that have had no experience with crypto at all. So if I’m giving them 20 different tools, it’s going to get a bit lost on them. Right, right. So the cake wallet is a piece of cake to use. Right. It is a piece of cake to use. Yeah. there’s an inform tab, and under that, there’s alternative assets. And this lists all of the things that I’m currently using today, including goldbacks and my UPMA account, which is the account that I have where I can fund and buy gold and silver and transfer gold and silver also to a Visa debit card, which is a physical debit card that works wherever Visa is accepted.

I also have something on there called Spritz Finance, which I want to talk about as well, because one of the, the big pushback, when I say I live on crypto, people are like, oh, yeah, right. How do you pay your electric bill? How do you pay your mortgage? How do you do some of these basic things? And it turns out Spritz Finance is a solution for that. You connect Spritz Finance, I put in my Verizon account and my Verizon account number, and then literally I pay directly through spritz using crypto. And you can do this with auto loans, student loans, mortgages, electric bill.

All of it has most of those types of, most of the large vendors that you would think to pay. So on this page and in the workshop, I teach people the whole range of how you can begin. The first step of not using a personal bank account. And then hopefully, we can all start working together to get more adoption so that we’re dealing with crypto on a peer to peer basis, even without these intermediate services or gift cards or debit cards. Yeah. Take it back to its original intention. How are the fees? Are they comparable to the types of things that you would typically see these intermediaries? Yeah, the fees are actually minimal.

The fees are actually. In fact, I don’t even know that there are any fees with the gift cards, come to think of it, because, I mean, when you buy a gift card, usually the business model for gift cards is people usually buy gift cards, and there’s a certain amount that never go redeemed. So you don’t usually pay an additional fee for that because they have worked into the business model. The fact that people won’t actually redeem a large amount of the value, that hasn’t been much of an issue. And there are no fees with the bill pay service, for instance, I’m not paying extra to use my crypto to pay my Verizon bill, where you get fees.

And the challenge still remains with all of this, in acquiring crypto in first place. Place and with these privacy coins, there’s only one exchange, Kraken, that I think you can even buy. Monero and most of the crypto exchanges are going to be moving away from privacy coins. So you ultimately have to buy some other coin, and then you have to use a service to convert your transparent coin to a privacy coin, which I also outlined. And so there is somewhat of a transaction fee involved with that upfront. To get it involved with these assets in the first place.

That’s probably the area where you have the biggest fee generation. Yeah, you got to make a couple of hops, and you got to have a fee at each of those hops. There you talk about. There’s really only one exchange that’s working with Monero and Xano and these other privacy coins. I guess that’s the other part of it. It’s really, the vulnerability is the on ramp and the exit ramp there. At that point, what do we. What is the. When we look at what they’re likely to do, I would think that they’re going to start attacking these sites like Kraken and so forth, are they located outside the United States? How vulnerable are they to pressure and attacks from the United States? I think there are four major exchanges in the US.

They’re all being sued by the SEC. Most have already gotten rid of privacy coins. I think Kraken will ultimately probably stop offering Monero as well. So I think that we can count on that happening. And by the way, that’s a bipartisan affair. I think there are a lot of people that get worked up over. Trump is going to be the savior on crypto. And I’ve actually read the legislation that the Republicans in the House have drafted, and none of it is pro freedom, none of it is pro privacy. It all gives more control to the banks, and it all adds more reporting.

So there’s no republican win from the standpoint of privacy or even really self custody. Either way, we’re going to get more regulation, more reporting. And this Cynthia loomis senator from Wyoming, who puts the bitcoin laser eyes and her profile picture, and who everybody thinks is this pro crypto person, she is explicitly against privacy and explicitly against everything that’s not a transparent blockchain. This isn’t going to get easier. It’s only going to get worse. Which is why I think people getting into these privacy coins and starting to use them in a parallel economy as quickly as possible is the right way.

Because again, they want to ratchet up to tyranny. So they want to take the existing digital system and they’re going to move to ban cash, they’re going to move to add more programmability. This is just baked into what’s going to happen. And so privacy coins are really our only way out. And certainly gold and silver as well. But unless gold and silver can be spendable and actually used, I mean, there’s gold and silver, sure, as a hedge for the collapse of the dollar, but at the end of the day, if you have to buy a loaf of bread or you have to engage in commerce, there needs to be a spendable version of these things.

And so this is why I think the merger of privacy coins or privacy tokens and precious metals is probably going to be a huge win for all of this. But time is not on our side. There are other things that people can do with VPN’s and other things I’m not necessarily going to talk about here, but you can go about acquiring these things not within the United States, but the US. US is really not competitive already with exchanges, and this even varies the state of New York is horrendous. You have to have a bit license. It’s almost impossible to buy crypto in New York.

We’ve really shot ourselves in the foot on this. And of course, I think CZ, who was the CEO of Binance, is still in prison. I think he gets out of prison in a few days. He’s serving a four month prison term. So the US has been horrible on this front. You want to get to the point where people are actually earning money in crypto. This is the way to go moving forward when people are actually using this, not just to buy and sell things, but people are actually earning money in crypto. I know people that have been doing that for a while as well.

A friend of mine here in New Hampshire, free states, been living on crypto since 2015. And he actually gets paid in crypto. He only works on projects where he gets paid in crypto. There’s a, again, it’s a process, it’s a continuum of how we get to where we need to be, which is people using peer to peer cash and earning in peer to peer cash. Well, that’s why it’s so important what you’re doing, because when we look at it, if people don’t own guns and they’ve never been around guns, it’s very easy for people to tell them, we don’t want to have anybody having guns.

The same thing is true in terms of driving cars. We look at what is happening. The younger generation is not driving cars that much. It’s going to be very, they’re doing that on purpose or making it difficult for them, so that if they don’t have cars, they’re not going to really see the need of it. That’s why it’s very important for you to get people to start to see how to safely use this stuff and start to adopt it so that it’s not something that they know about, something that they value. And if you start to get a big community of people who know how to use it and value it, then at that point they will start to push back and defend it.

Right now, what you see happening with these politicians, politicians are out there trolling for voters and they’re trolling for donors. And Trump just got seven half million dollars from crypto political action committee. And yet he goes on and he talks about he doesn’t know anything at all about it and he doesn’t care anything at all about it. And that’s true, as you point out of Ted Cruz, any of these people, they jump onto it because it’s a political position. But at the same time, especially coming from the conservatives, they’re going to say, well, we’ve got to have visibility on everything that everybody’s doing because of drugs or because of whatever issue they want to attribute this to, as if that is something that can only be done with, with crypto, as if it’s not being done with the current financial system and cash and all the rest of this stuff.

So it is a troubling thing. And I guess the question I have is, when you get down to just only kraken that is doing the privacy coins, as you point out, the walls are closing in on it. What does the future look like with that? How do we get into that system if they close down the last one? Well, so again, you can buy a transparent coin. I use a service called Xolix and there’s another one coming up called change now where you can go onto an exchange and you can buy whatever bitcoin cash or you can buy a stable coin and then you can use these other services that are not based in the United States and you can swap your transparency coins.

I mean, it’s always an arms race. It’s always staying one step ahead. I will say the cakewalk is going to have a feature wherever we will be able to buy, I believe, Monero and Zano directly within the wallet using a credit card or a debit card. But this is why I keep this part of my website up to date, because these services are continually changing and we just have to acknowledge that it is absolutely erase. There is something that is being built called confidential layers, which is going to be an ability for people to take their existing bitcoin and ethereum and do what’s called bridging essentially into Xano so that they can make their transparent coins private.

So again, it’s a constant grace and it’s a constant battle for innovation. Of course, the whole point of crypto to begin with was peer to peer digital cash. So even the idea of exchanges is kind of overblown, right? I mean, it used to be that early on in 2012, we had local bitcoin meetups here in New Hampshire. I mean, people would get together in person. Thats actually how this stuff started is people meeting physically in person and exchanging these things, cash and crypto and all of that. Thats how this started. Then there was something called local bitcoins that was created to help facilitate that even that was shut down.

What they do is they go after you for being in a money transmitter business. If you came to me and said, hey, id like to buy some zano from you. Heres $1,000 of cash. I cant do that because I dont have a money transmitter license. Thats why my friend Ian is in prison for eight years. So you can’t even do the person to person stuff. So it’s constantly staying on top of new technologies and solutions and ways of working around this. But there is no doubt that regulations, no one is proposing a regulation that makes exchanges easier to use or that lessens the reporting burden.

No one. There’s not a piece of legislation that does that. That’s right. Yeah, yeah. And that’s the key. You know, the, the other part of it is not just keeping abreast of the technology, but keeping abreast of the regulatory environment so that you don’t get trapped like your friend Ian. And guard Goldsmith is, knows him and is, I think works with his radio station up there also in New Hampshire. He’s got liberty conspiracy as guards program. But it is a crime what they’ve done to him, a crime what they’ve done to Ross Ulbricht. And it is a real, when we look at this, that’s when they pull the veil back and you see where these people really are, you see how much they hate free speech, how much they hate privacy, how much they want to control and track everything that we do.

And it truly is amazing. Once you start to look at these issues, you start to realize what vampires they literally are. It’s just incredible, isn’t it? It is incredible. And a lot of what they try to do, and you touched on it earlier, is they try to make privacy, oh, you’re using a privacy coin. Must mean you are a drug dealer or a money launderer or a terrorist. And the reality is I use privacy coins because I know they’re going to go after my ability to buy red meat or raw milk or to buy gas and drive more than 50 miles in a week.

We know where this is going. The end goal of this, again is it’s an energy credit based digital currency tied to a social credit system using privacy coins. Use privacy coins now so that the behavior that doing today that is legal doesn’t become illegal. And then you find yourself in the dark market. Just get ahead of that curve because it will affect all of us. I will tell you that is a big issue is we need to focus on selling privacy, in particular for young people. There’s a Cato survey that 33% of Gen Z, I believe, are okay with.

Surveillance cameras in the home, federal government surveillance cameras in the home to monitor for domestic abuse. A. We have a really big disconnect. We have older people understand privacy but aren’t necessarily as tech savvy. But the younger people are tech savvy but don’t value privacy. So in order to get to where we need to be, we’ve got to make the tech easier and we have to make people understand the importance of privacy as a fundamental right. That’s a great way to put it. Yeah. Yeah. We got a lot of people, I think that young people haven’t read Orwell’s 1984.

I think we’ve got a lot of parents haven’t read brave new world. But I like what you said about the fact that you got, the older generation values privacy, but they don’t know how to use tech to get it. The young generation understands the tech, but they don’t care about privacy. That’s the key thing. And they’re coming for us. It’s not only have they laid this out that we’re going to control what you eat, what you do, and all the rest of stuff, but we’re also seeing this applied already politically. We’ve seen Nigel Farage, for example, debanked.

It’s not just Operation Choke point coming after the gun stores thing, but we’ve seen it come after him. We’ve seen them debanking AfD people in Germany. If you are their political opponents, they come after you with everything. But especially that. That’s the way they’re going to shut people down is through the financial system. So that’s one of the reasons why we’ve got to have financial privacy. Just the same way that they’re coming after speech, they’re going to come after that type of privacy as well. It’s very vital. And so I really do appreciate what you’re doing.

Again, tell people where it is. It is daylight you can go, that’s Aaron Days website. There a ton of useful information there. Click on the empower button. And you can also find out where he’s got these different in person, what do you call them, presentations, classes or whatever works workshops. Okay. And he’s got one coming October 5 in New Jersey. You mentioned the middle of December in Nashville. Where was the other one going to be? The other one is in Omaha on November 9. That’s great. Yeah. That’s an excellent thing. And he’s living the life right now.

Right now he’s off the grid financially and he can help you to start to transition to that. It’s very important. Use your freedom or lose it. And, of course, the key thing is having the knowledge of how this system works. Thank you so much for joining us, Aaron. Appreciate it. Anything you want, we’ve got about. We got about a minute or a. So anything you want to say? I would just say, because I was just at an event with 300 people over the weekend, and people look into hijacking bitcoin, consider buying this book hijacking bitcoin, because so many people are misled about bitcoin, and they’re buying the narrative from pre 2017, when it was hijacked.

They’re buying this idea that this is free to money and that this is the way out of cbdcs. And in reality, they’re walking their way into a surveillance asset that’s been captured by Blackrock and captured by the banks. And so it is not the answer to the problem. It’s actually becoming the problem. And the person who literally wrote this book is not able to talk about it right at the time when he should be able to. So you should be interviewing Roger Veer right now, not me. But you can’t because he’s stuck in Spain. And by the way, I will also say the IR’s is coming after crypto in a big way.

I believe the biggest, I learned this weekend, one of the biggest areas of hiring is in this crypto area. So. And again, they’re not. They’re not doing it to get their fair share. They’re doing it to shut down so that they can add the tyranny to our existing digital dollar. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. It’s an army of IR’s agents that both Republicans and Democrats want to send out. And all they do is tease you with these little trinkets. I’ll cut the taxes over here. Okay. While this army of Ir’s agents is coming, it’s just most insidious thing.

It really makes me angry. I got a comment here. Thank you, Aaron. Appreciate that from guard Goldsmith. And thank you, guard. I appreciate that. He says, I’ve been listening, David and Aaron, and I want to thank you. Pull that back up, Travis. I can see it. Thanks for your excellent work and dedication to truth, peaceful interactions. Thank you for mentioning Ian Freeman. God bless. Yeah, that’s who garda is working with. Thank you, folks. And by the way, you want to get gold and silver, don’t forget Tony Ardman. He set up David Knight. Die gold. You get gold, silver, large or small quantities.

You can also start to accumulate that gradually. And he’s got a lot of different ways. You know, you can get the gold backs. You can get the little chiclet things that you break off, gold or silver. You can get the group by discounts with wolfpack, that’s david knight. Diego, take you to tony Ardman. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you, Aaron. Appreciate it. Let me tell you, the david knight show you can listen to with your ears. You can even watch it by using your eyes. In fact, if you can hear me, that means you’re listening to the david knight show right now.

Yeah. Good job. And you want to know something else? You can find all the links to everywhere to watch or listen to the that’s a website.

See more of The David Knight Show on their Public Channel and the MPN The David Knight Show channel.


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Aaron Day cryptocurrency expert Central Bank Digital Currencies threat cryptocurrencies as financial solution workshops decline of fiat dollar financial institutions control over stocks gold and silver as alternative currency living without personal bank account privacy in financial transactions regulated liability network development stop using dollar against CBDCs surveillance of digital money using gold and crypto

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