INTERVIEW False Flag Attack From Iran Coming

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ Gerald Celente, from Trends Journal, discusses the impact of COVID-19 on the global economy and society. He criticizes the measures taken by governments, which he believes have caused significant damage physically, emotionally, spiritually, and economically. He also highlights the increasing power of large corporations and the decline of small businesses. Celente argues that the pandemic has led to a shift in power, with the rich getting richer and the average person suffering.
➡ The text discusses various issues including job losses in manufacturing, high utility rates, bureaucratic hurdles in property renovation, and political conflicts. It criticizes the government’s handling of these issues, arguing that the system is corrupt and favors the powerful. It also touches on international conflicts, particularly in the Middle East, and criticizes the U.S.’s involvement in these conflicts. The text ends with a discussion on the history of oil control in Iran, criticizing past actions of the CIA and British intelligence.
➡ The text discusses the speaker’s awakening to the realities of global politics, particularly the role of the CIA and British intelligence in training secret police in Iran. It also delves into the history of the Zionist movement, the establishment of Israel, and the influence of billionaires on global events. The speaker criticizes the actions of governments, including Israel’s crackdown on its own people during the pandemic and the banning of cash. The text ends with a discussion on the potential for a false flag event to unite people and the historical precedent of governments taking their countries to war when all else fails.
➡ The speaker discusses the historical and current political tensions between various countries, including the U.S., Japan, and the Middle East. They argue that these conflicts often involve passive-aggressive tactics, such as sanctions, which can lead to violent reactions. The speaker also predicts a potential false flag event to justify a war with Iran and discusses the role of media and public opinion in these situations.
➡ The article discusses potential political strategies and their impact on oil prices. It suggests that if Iran gets involved in a war, oil prices could spike to $130 a barrel, which could crash global markets and the economy. The article also touches on the political dynamics between the US, Israel, and Iran, and speculates about possible future conflicts.


This is Gerald Celente. And you can go to dot. You can see a sample of the publication. It does a massive publication each week. It’s about 300 pages or so, and it’s like an online magazine. You can see a table contents. The stuff has got hot links across it. And he doesn’t focus on any fluff. He gets right to it in terms of the economy, war and peace and all the rest of these things. You can save 10% off if you use the code night. That’s on thank you for joining us, Gerald. Great to have you on.

Thanks for having me on. Thank you. You were talking about the COVID before. Yeah, the COVID of the Trends Journal magazine on January 28, 2020, the COVID war began two weeks earlier in China on their chinese lunar new year, the year of the rat. It was all the big news in America and the west. They’re showing people falling down in the street and how the Chinese are building these medical facilities because of the pandemic that’s going to spread. And the headline of the this is our magazine, coronavirus. Remember, this is all in the news, how the virus broke out and how what China is doing to stop it.

Coronavirus 106 dead in China. Our next line was 1.4 billion still alive. You know, what the hell, you tell me. 106 people died out of 1.4 billion more people fell down the stairs and broke their neck. It add up 1.4 billion in a month. It was crazy. I mean, they were showing up at people’s doors. The doors swung out. They showed up and they drilled a hole in the concrete in front of their door and put an iron post so they couldn’t get out of the door. They were welding doors shut, as you point out, the people falling down on the streets.

I said, look at that. They could at least hire an actor who knows how to take a fall. I said, this is exactly what we would expect from the chinese government. We don’t know anything that’s going to be happening there because they’re going to lie to us about everything they did, that they did it in Italy, then Trump joins in with it. And I said, look, the next year, in January of 2021, what got me kicked off of YouTube was, I said 2020 was the year the world became China. And that’s the truth of it. The lies, the totalitarian measures and everything that went out everywhere.

And it didn’t matter who it was. It could be Trump or it could be Trudeau. Didn’t matter. Everybody did it. They were all on the same page with all this stuff. They’re little power hungry freaks. And what no one talks about is the massive destruction that this has caused. So physically, emotionally, spiritually, and economically. The COVID war. Yeah, the damage is incalculable. Again, we write about this stuff each week in the trends journal. The business failures are ramping up around the world. It was artificially propped up with cheap money. Trillions, countless trillions pumped into the economies around the world as they locked everybody up, closed down everybody’s business.

Here’s free money, zero and negative interest rates. And now that game is over. And the damage isn’t, as I said, is incalculable. And what no one’s talking about, only the trends Journal, is the office building bust and how this is going to bring down the banking system. That’s right. You’re looking at office vacancy rate, meaning nobody in the offices in the largest cities in America, 24% vacant, nobody there. All the businesses that used to depend on commuters going out of business. Yeah, nighttime. Now we call it Boca midnight. You know, Boca, Florida, so all people like me and they.

12:00 is 10:00 at night. We call Boca midnight, 09:00. Now the streets are empty up here in the Hudson Valley. Empty. Thursday night used to be the beginning of the weekend. Now Thursday night, dead weekends. Friday, Saturday night, 930, 10:00. The streets are empty. The restaurants used to stop serving at 10:00 now they stop serving at 09:00. Wow. What are you talking about? Like Boca? Maybe they could roll out some shuffleboard carts or something. Yeah, bingo. Maybe bring everybody back into Newark and say, hey, we got shuffleboarding. Bingo. Yeah. No, the damage it’s done is incalculable.

And again, you’re talking about these stupid masks again. This is the box right here. Ready? These masks do not eliminate exposure to the risk of any disease or infection. And don’t forget, remember this, all over the place, these things. Before you masturbate, don’t forget to sanitize your hands. I mean, just one stupid thing after another and how the people swallowed it. And what happens is, it’s very simple. Again, we only put the facts in the trends journal. Around the world, they called it a war. We’re fighting a war. That was the crap coming out of Trump’s mouth, too.

We’re fighting a war. When the country says we’re fighting a war, the people rally behind it. You don’t believe me? 90% of the people swallow the crap spewing out of the mouth. That little gutless clown, George W. Bush. We’re going to get that guy, Osama bin Laden, dead or alive. We’re going into Afghanistan. What did Afghanistan have to do with this? Well, he’s living there. Yeah, it was mission accomplished, too, wasn’t it? Yeah, that was Iraq war. Oh, okay. Yeah. Well, we accomplished that mission, too, didn’t we? Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah. 90% of the people swallowed his crap.

The same thing with the COVID war. You came up to the rally up here where we had in Kingston when everything was locked down. I’m one of the most well hated people here. I had a big rally here this past Saturday, as you mentioned. Scott Ritter, Judge Napolitano, Joe Laurier with Consortium news, myself. Music. We sent out press releases to all the media around the world, and locally, not one. Not one inch of coverage. Yeah. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Peace is a dirty word. That’s right. You know, there used to be this thing that all these people that call themselves religious people.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. Yeah, that’s Matthew in the Bible. Right. Blessed are the peacemakers. Go to hell. What peacemakers? We’re no peacemakers. We’re warmongers. Yeah, it’s the war mongers who are signing the checks, and that’s all they care about, right? No, that’s the COVID of our magazine this week. Billionaires. Billions a piece, not a penny to occupy peace. That’s all it is. The billionaires. Not a penny. If the billionaires gave us a billion dollars apiece, we’d have peace because we’d be spreading the word. We’d be getting out there.

We’d have the ability to do it. No, no. No money for peace. Nothing. That’s right. Nothing. And they don’t want you to have a piece of the economy, either. It’s all going to belong to them. And you’ll rent everything from them. You know, they, you know, war for us. And not a. Not peace and not a single piece of anything owned by us. That’s what it’s about. Again, you’re looking at what we write in the trends journal. Each week, the big is getting bigger. Each week we have all the merger and acquisition activity going on, and how.

All these venture capitalists, hedge funds, private equity groups, they own everything. You’re looking at three companies. Black Rock, Vanguard, State street, own 88% of the S and P 500. Yeah, three companies. And these companies own these hedge funds. They own all the corporations. Yeah, they’re in charge of the whole game. That’s right. All we are plantation workers of slave landing. The numbers came out today for the job report and all they’re bragging that all the jobs that were created. You ready? They’re going to remove those, by the way, in the next report, those all be gone.

Here’s where they are. You know what the biggest creator was? I love the name. They call it leisure and hospitality. Jobs that pay nothing. You want fries with that? You want fries with that part of the economy, right? Yeah. You’re a waiter, your bartender, washing dishes. Leisure and hospital cleaning rooms. 78,000 new positions. You know the next one, social assistance in healthcare, paid nothing. 71,000 jobs. Well, you know, and that’s the thing. Service and drinking places saw jobs jump by. 69,000. And they’ve even shut down the ability for people to start their own restaurant, for example.

Right. You know, they shut down the manufacturing sector to us long ago, has exported jobs. They’ve now exported, not just manufacturing, but they’ve exported energy to China. And they’re the only ones who can really afford it because the Paris climate accord. But they’ve exported jobs, they’ve exported energy. And so it used to be that we could have some entrepreneurship by doing service businesses, but now they worked really hard in 2020 to shut down all the people who are individuals, who had their own shop, whether it’s a nail salon even, or a barber shop or whatever. No, no, no.

We’re going to shut down even those mom and pop shops on Main street. And that was the thing that really pushed me over the edge. Early part of 2020 with Trump was shutting that down. Well, yeah, but, but again, it’s not only Trump, it was all these one little clown after another in a state near you. Yeah. Oh, yeah, I know. Yeah. He just, he’s just providing them money to do it. You know, the buck stops on the Oval Office, and it also starts with that because they send the money out, tell people, hey, you do that, we’ll keep the money coming.

And they don’t do that, we’re going to shut the money off. They do that with everything. Everything operates that way out of Washington. So going on to the jobs, manufacturing lost 10,000 jobs. So you’re talking about manufacturing being sent overseas. Nearly 70% of America’s GDP is consumer spending. Well, this last week we had the last coal plant shut down in the UK and the last steel manufacturing plant shut down in the UK on the same day because they can’t afford to operate. Energy is too expensive for the steel plant because theyre shutting down the cheap energy of the coal plant and its all tied together.

And everybody is looking at this and wondering why we cant afford anything when the utility rates there are four times what they are in the United States. And were going to have a massive explosion in the cost of power up on Long island. Theyve got these foreign companies that foreign oil companies are paying this massive offshore wind thing. And their profits, Gerald, are going to be more than the entire cost. They’re going to be double what the entire cost of the electricity is right now. The residents, their profits will be double the entire cost. It’s amazing how this is this country.

It’s been robbed by. We got little jerks running the show in the country near you. That’s right. My buildings up here, I have the 1750, 1760, 317 74 building. And I just bought another one next to it. It’s about a 1900. And it was all covered with aluminum siding. I got the aluminum siding ripped off. I had to get, of course, a building permit to do it. And they had to repair and replace. Right. So porch is all sunk down. The guys jacket up and putting. New cop fixing the columns. He gave me a stop work order.

How come? Well, you’re adding something on top of the column. And you need an engineer or an architect to approve this. I said the thing was sinking down. I have a repair and replace. No, no, no. And the guy, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant little clown, comes up to the building inspector. This is the look when he comes in. Ready? Yeah. Yeah. What they did over here, this might not last. This. This will only last about 50 years. I see. You kidding me or what? I now I gotta hire an architect, and now I gotta get the place painted again.

We brought it, bringing it back to its natural beauty. Yeah, it was covered up with aluminum siding. I’m mentioning this because the bureaucrats are nothing more than scumbags. They’re arrogant pieces of garbage who become so nasty. And these are the clowns that can’t get a job in the real world. They suck into the political system. So you’re telling me what’s going on in North Carolina? What’s going on here? What’s going on there? Their bureau craps. Yep. Bureau raps get arrogant pieces of crap. And here and here they’re telling people you can’t even go in and rescue somebody who’s about to die.

No, we’re just gonna let them die. I mean, that. That is. People are starting to wake up. At least about that. They’re not waking up. This country’s lost. There, there’s no fight. There’s no fight. Yeah, there’s no fight. Look, what’s going on with the massacre of the Palestinians comes away over Baghdad. And the. Israel has the right to defend themselves. They could kill anybody anywhere. And I’m tired of this garbage. And it’s not the jewish people, it’s the Zionists. Yeah, and Zionism is a political organization created by some piece of scum, Theodore Herzl. What? In 1897.

We’re gonna, we’re gonna. God gave it. We’re gonna, we’re gonna. We need a land for the jewish people. Hey, how about a land for the catholic people? Hey, how about a land for the protestant people? How about a country for the Mormons? What about a country? Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We’re the chosen people. Yeah. Hey, f. You. God does not choose people. According to Naomi Wolf, a jewish woman, a doctor, we said that’s not what. It’s not about ethnicity. God chooses people of the highest spirit that live in the spirit of God.

Yeah, that’s right. They are bombing Beiruthen right as we’re speaking. Could you imagine? Could you imagine the suffering going on? Oh, it’s all the Gaza wars forgotten now. Only 42,000 dead, about 12,000 buried in the rubble. People living in tents, everything destroyed. Oh, that’s not news anymore. Oh, we’re bombing the hell out of this place, because Hamas is living in every house, in every school, in every hospital, in every church, in every mosque. Everywhere you look, there’s Hamas. We’re going to bomb it. They’re doing the same exact thing to Beirut. We’re getting hezbollahs. We’re killing hezbollahs.

Yeah. Yeah. And our bombs, our money. Our money, our bombs. Going over there at the rally, I read George Washington some of his farewell address, telling the american people, do not become involved in this. This has been going on for thousands of years. We’re not going to fix it. And it’s none of our business. Our business is to protect America. Don’t love a nation. Don’t hate a nation. Because if you do, you become a slave to them in either way. That’s right. And that’s what we are. Plantation workers of Slavelandia. That’s right. Yeah. It’s been going on for thousands of years, as you point out, but it was important for them to make October 7 the starting point.

You know, just like people think. Our. The history of America with Iran began when they took over our industry for no apparent reason. Right. But here’s the. Here’s the thing, Gerald. You know, when you look at this, it’s like, why is it important for somebody to say they’re the ones who attacked us first? Right? We’ll pick a start date so we can say they started it, because we all know, we all know that it is immoral to do preemptive strikes. Right? And we all know that. And so that’s why it is so important for them to focus on, let’s say, October 7.

And yet now what they’re talking about is preemptive strikes against Iran and so forth and so on. Preemptive strikes. As I was saying yesterday, that’s what we used to call a day of infamy when it happened with Pearl harbor. And it didn’t matter that we were already tangentially involved in this war and we’re shipping supplies and it was inevitable that we’re going to get in supply. It was still, they attacked first and that was infamy. But now that is the way that we do it. And in the vice presidential debate that we had this week, I didn’t.

You had, well, the first question in that was, I think it was Margaret Brennan was her name. And she says, so when are we going to do preemptive attack? She’s pushing these two candidates to jump on board with a preemptive attack. And of course, they both go along with it. Okay. But you know, that is absolutely immoral and everybody understands it. It doesn’t matter what religion you are. That’s why I say, you know, there’s a lot of christians on this. I say, look, you are a stench to Christ if you support preemptive attacks. And the other part about a just war is that when somebody is no longer a threat to you, you stop it.

And they haven’t done that either. Right. It’s not about Jews. It’s about Netanyahus. And we got a lot of those. Okay? Got a lot of them there. And they’ve got a lot of them here in America, people like Lindsey Graham. And they, they’ve been aching to go after Iran. And most of the american people think, oh, well, we, our first involvement with Iran was when they took over our embassy. They don’t understand the history. Nope. And they don’t want to. Idea of the United States CIA and the Mi six of Moses Mossadegh’s government in 1953 when he was democratically elected as the president of Iran because he had the nerve, the arrogance to say, no, that oil belongs to the iranian people, not Anglo iranian oil, better known today as BP or Standard Oil, better known today as ExxonMobil.

It’s the oil of the iranian people. Yeah, that’s right. And Winston Churchill, and they. This arrogant, he, may he rot in hell. The wars that this guy’s brought us. The only newspaper in the western world that reported it in 2017, when they finally released the documents of Winston Churchill and Kermit Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt’s grandson, a great grandson, with the CIA plotting the overthrow of Mossadegh and bringing in the. The. The Shah from southern France. And Churchill’s saying, we got to take this oil back. Then they brought in the savak. They created the secret police that made the SS look good.

Yes. And they killed hundreds of thousands of Iranians that were protesting. And that’s. The VOC was trained by the CIA and British intelligence to do precisely that. I was in college. I’ve talked about this several times, as in college, engineering student. We had a lot of iranian students that had come there to study engineering, and they were protesting it, like, you know, 20 plus years later. And they were wearing these balaclavas. I’d never seen anybody protesting with a balaclava at that point in time. So when I saw these guys in class, I said, why are you guys wearing balaclavas? It’s like, well, because they.

The iranian government is taking pictures of us, and they will torture our family if they see what’s going on with this. It’s like, what? Yeah, it’s a. CIA taught them how to do it. It’s like what I’ve been told all these years, the CIA’s are good guys. That was my awakening right there. All these movies where they’re the heroes working with James Bond and all the rest of this stuff. Yeah, that’s the reality. This is terrible, what’s going on. Yeah. And so anyway, now the same thing is happening now. We’re taught to hate Iran, and we’re taught to love Israel.

This is from your trends journal when it used to be a quarterly crusades 2000. This is 2006. You ready? While the seeds of the crusades 2000 had been planted in full view of the world, and all those watching could have anticipated the eventual harvest, the memories of what had happened and what would occur have been fogged by rigid ideology, fanatical religiosity, patriotic fervor, government propaganda, and ulterior motives. Regardless of what England’s reasons or intentions were, self serving or otherwise, crusades 2000 was set in motion by the 1917 Balfour Declaration that laid the foundation for Israel. This is the quote.

His Majesty’s government views with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the jewish people. Wait a minute. His Majesty’s government. What’s this? His Majesty’s crap? Oh, you mean some murderous sob from the f. U k over there? The UK, where the sun never sets on the british empire, and you murder people all over the world. His Majesty a mafia figure, a crime syndicate. Who the hell is he to say what should be going on in Palestine? And all those people that say there was no Palestine. That’s the words from the Balfour Declaration. Palestine.

Right. You ready? And national for the jewish people. And we will use our best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this objective brought to you by the Rothschilds. Yeah, yeah, yeah. As I said, the billionaires, when they put money in, they get what they want. If the billionaires. Not a penny for peace, only war. This whole thing is made up, the whole Zionist. Google it up. Everybody listening, put, put Theodore Herzl Britannica, the encyclopedia, and read it for yourself. 1897 created this whole zionist movement, a political organization to create a land for the jewish people. Biden says he’s a proud zionist.

Well, you know, who’s not proud Zionists? And that’s a lot of the ultra orthodox Jews. They come after them pretty hard. Yeah, they cut. They said, you know. Yeah. They said, well, I think that God gave us this land, but I think that he’s going to make it happen. Miraculously, we don’t have to have the tactics and the secular government, secular government hates anybody with religion, you know, whether they’re jewish religion or christian religion or the rest of this stuff. I mean, their secular government is like every other one. We had Netanyahu coming down probably harder on the jewish people than anybody else during this pandemic and the vaccine, passports and lockdowns and all the rest of stuff.

And the first ones right now, this last week, they’re banning cash. They’ve made it very publicly how they’re going to make it impossible for people. Big fines. If you have cash, you can only have a certain amount of cash at home. If they suspect that you’ve got cash, they’re going to get a search warrant, they’re going to search your home, and if you’ve got cash, are going to confiscate it. Hit you with a big fine. All the rest of this stuff, I mean, they’re taking the lead in all of these global governance issues. And I think a lot of christian Zionists need to wake up and see what’s going on and figure out who’s on whose team here, because they don’t even know who the players are.

They don’t even understand what is going. And it’s true in american politics, but it’s especially true when you talk about other countries. They don’t really understand what’s happening. I got a comment here from guard Goldsmith, Gerald. He said, gerald’s event was phenomenal. He was everywhere, saying hi to folks, touching base with text. It was just awesome. You really enjoyed it. No, it was great meeting him, too. He came all the way down from Vermont. Yeah. Yeah. That was the first time I met guard, was at the one that I was at in 2021. He came all the way down from Vermont, from New Hampshire, actually.

It’s where he is. New Hampshire. Yeah. And you have, people came from Kentucky, Michigan. They came from all over. And I’m a warrior. I’m a warrior for the prince of peace, and I’m fighting for peace again. Blessed are the peacemakers. They shall be called the children of God. Yeah. And everybody better do what you can because we have satanic people. Oh, that’s the language coming out of Netanyahu’s mouth, by the way, that God will help us defeat these. God will help you. What God you’re talking about? Yeah. Your God is Satan. Yeah. Again, well, God doesn’t need Netanyahu’s help.

That’s what the ultra orthodox Jews are saying. They said, God can do this on his own if he wants to do it. And when you look at the fruit of these organizations, the corruption, what they’re doing to their own people, I think it speaks loudly, even in their own country, what they’re doing to their own people, let alone what they’re doing to other countries. Gaza, Lebanon, that type of thing. When we’re talking about the jobs report, I wanted to jump in with this longshoremen strike. You’re talking about how you realized at the very beginning of the lockdowns what it was going to do to commercial real estate and then the knock on effect of that into the banking industry.

You’ve been talking about this for four years, more than four years now. And now some of the mainstream media is picking this up. But you understood where that was going to lead four years ago. As I was looking at people talking about the implications of a longshoremen’s strike, several of them were saying, we still haven’t recovered from the supply chain issues. It’s not just the real estate and the vacancy rates there, but we’re still feeling the reverberations and the aftershocks of throughout the supply chain for a lot of different types of things. But, of course, now it looks like they have come up with an agreement.

I guess. I guess Lala paid them some money to go back to work until after the election. What’s going on with that? What’s your thoughts on the longshore mistake? It doesn’t add up too much. It was more talk than action by talking about Lala. Or is my friend Mark Ferraro, who’s a hairstylist for the stars, he calls a Kamala hilarious. And so here’s the thing that’s more to me. It’s very important. There’s going to be a false flag event, and it’s going to unite the people just again, like they little Georgie Bush got 90% of the people to swallow his crap that we’re going to get Hosama bin Laden dead or alive.

People forgot. One of my sayings is, when all else fails, they take you to war. We were talking before about Netanyahu and his third. People forgot the 39 weeks of protests going on because of his judicial reform act. Not my language, the language of Isaac Herzog. The president of Israel said there was a civil war going on. Hamas happens. Everybody forgot about the 39 weeks of protest and the 30 Judicial Reform act that was going to be put in place so Netanyahu wouldn’t be brought up on to go to court on the charges he was being brought up on.

That was the purpose of that. All forgotten. You were talking before about World War Two again, I’ve mentioned this before, everybody. Mainstream media history today, when all else fails, they take you to war. What’s going on in 1941 or the Great Depression? On July 26, 1941, July 26. July 41, July, August, September, October, November, December 5 months later is Pearl harbor. On July 26, 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt seized all japanese assets in the United States. You know why? In retaliation for the japanese occupation of French Indochina. Wait a minute, wait a minute. French Indochina? What the hell are the French doing in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam and calling it French Indochina? You invaded these countries.

France is way up there. These are way down there. Oh, we’re stealing their tin, their rubber. Rape, pillage, murder. Oh, those dirty Japs went in there, huh? Oh, yeah, we got a. And I’m an american. What do I care about this? It’s better. President Roosevelt swung into action, freezing all japanese assets. Britain and the Dutch East Indies followed suit. Wait a minute. Dutch East Indies? What are the Dutch doing over there in Indonesia? We’re calling it the Dutch east. We’re stealing, robbing, pillaging, as well. We’re robbing everything we can, killing anybody we want. We’re the Dutch.

Ready? The result? Get mainstream media. I didn’t know this until two years ago. Japan lost access to three fourths of its overseas trade and 88% of its imported oil. They only import 100% of their oil. They lost 88% of their oil, three quarters of their overseas trade, and that’s how they make their money. I can’t understand why they bombed Pearl Harbor. I haven’t been able to figure it out yet. Yeah. And yet it was important for them. This is. You know, I kind of call that passive aggressive actions. You know, certainly it was very aggressive, but it was passive in the sense that it wasn’t kinetic.

Right. They’re stealing stuff from them, they’re seizing their bank accounts. They’re doing this, that, but. And blocking the oil. You know, sanctions and all this other kind of stuff, which always an act of war. Sanctions are always an act of war. But when you do sanctions and you do stuff like that, people, it doesn’t make the headlines like it does when you drop a bomb on somebody. Right. But that’s the kind of the, you know, the passive aggressive action. But then when they swing, you know, it’s like, you know, nagging wife, who’s nagging you and everything, and then you decide, well, I’m going to beat her up.

I’ve had enough of this stuff. Well, that’s in and of itself, you know, escalating it to the next stage. But it’s important for them to goad these countries into a violent action so that it justifies it in the eyes of the public, because everybody knows that preemptive strikes are not justified. But that’s what FDR was doing. That’s what was happening with Ukraine. That’s what’s happening right now in the Middle east. It’s all this passive aggressive stuff to get them to strike first, and then now we’re justified to do something. But you’re saying you think it’s going to be a false flag event coming up to push us into a war with Iran? Yep.

Absolutely. And the people will support it 100%. Do you think that’ll happen before the election? Yep. That would be a key thing. Yeah. Yep, yep, yep, yep. Yeah, yep. You know, people, forget that again, tracking trends is the understanding of where we are and how we got here to see where we’re going. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. You mentioned about how October 7, 2023, that was the key when Hamas attacked. People have no idea why they did that. The torture that the Israelis were committing against the Palestinians, they called Gaza an open air concentration camp. The years when, again, we only write the facts in the trends journal.

When Netanyahu got elected in, reelected in December of 2022, the mainstream media, his extreme right wing government. Week after week after week after week after week, we’re reporting in the trends journal the atrocities that this extreme right wing government was causing, not only in Gaza, but in the West bank. Yeah, stealing more land. And I’m tired of this settler crap. They’re, they’re occupiers. It’s in violation of the Geneva Convention and article 242 of the United nations. And again, I’m tired of this crap that God gave you this land. What if I don’t believe in your God? Not telling you to believe in mine.

Don’t you tell me I have to believe in yours. And you made up this religion, what, about 4000 years ago? Oh, that’s when, that’s when the world began. There was no world before that. Nobody else was living in it. And God said he gave Moses a tape. Oh, you told a comic book you’re telling me to believe in. Well, it’s a lot, there’s a lot of people, a lot of christians who go into that because again, they’re not looking, you know, they’re looking at their understanding of what they think is going to happen in the future, and they’re ignoring the clear moral guidelines that are set out in the Bible.

And that’s getting everything upside down. If you got something that is difficult to understand, something that is like revelation, which is not a revelation of what happens to Israel’s future or what’s going to happen in the future, it’s really a revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ. That’s the title of the book, but they treat it as if it was an ostradamus prophecy. And they make a lot of money doing that kind of stuff, and they fill churches doing that kind of stuff. But you’re going to ignore the clear moral guidelines that have been set there and you’re going to push for that type of thing.

You’ve got it exactly opposite of what it should be. But that, that is really what we’re seeing. And when you talk about the passive aggression stuff, Israel, United States, our allies can do anything and everything. And then if they respond with force to any, to any or all the stuff that we’re doing, then they’re the aggressor. And that’s the amazing thing that people have got to get through their heads. And that’s why everybody understands that preemptive strikes are immoral. And that’s why they play these passive aggressive games. Just amazing. Again, was I was saying tracking trends is the understanding of where we are, how we got here, to see where we’re going.

Let’s just go back two weeks ago. You remember the pager attacks? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, that’s out of the news. Forget about it. Killed what? Over 1500 people in Lebanon. Innocent people. And not my language. The words. At another warmonger, Leon Panetta, the former CIA clown under the Obama administration, he condemned what Israel did, his words that this was an act of terror. Israel committed an act of terror totally forgotten. And then here are just some of the headlines. This is from Hartz, the israeli newspaper. We subscribe to this and as trend forecasters and you get the magazine, we report what the Iranians say, we report what the Arabs say, we report what the Jews people say, we report what the west says and then we give our analysis and trend forecast.

Ahadats, diplomatic sources. Netanyahu backtracked on agreements with us regarding Hezbollah truce due to political pressure. Right. Right here. What date this is September 26. Yeah. One after another, US hikes readiness to deploy in Middle east. Boost air support, warns Iran not to attack. That’s on September 29, as Israel is attacking like crazy. Gets better. You ready? Find this other. Yeah. Net. Yahoo vows to keep hitting Hezbollah full force. This is September 26. So he could bomb the hell out of Beirut under the lines that they’re getting Hezbollah, just like I said. What? They’ve destroyed Gaza under the b’s that they could bomb every house, school, hospital, church, mosque, anything they want under the line that they’re getting Hamas.

And now the other one. Here we go. Iaf. This is the Israeli Defense force preventing all weapon transfers from Iran to Hezbollah. Now a top priority. Wait a minute. You better stop those weapons going to Hezbollah. But the United States and the UK, they could send all the weapons they want to Ukraine. Yeah, yeah. They could send all the weapons they want to Israel. But how dare anyone send weapons to the people that America is trying to kill? Yeah. What hypocrisy. What hypocrisy? And of course there’s no money left for the Americans in western North Carolina because it’s all spent.

We don’t have any more left. I mean, these people, these are the people who are just inventing the money out of thin air. They can give money to whoever they want, but we know who they’re allied against. It was interesting when you’re talking about a false flag event coming and blaming it on Iran. I reported earlier this week that a former israeli prime minister, and I can’t remember which one it was, but he was saying, you better do it or are you going to get another 911? Yep. And it’s like, oh, okay. Is that a prediction, a promise, a threat? What is that? Yep.

Here. As I said, when all else fails, they take you to war. Yeah. Remember Netanyahu? Poll ratings were in the toilet during the 39 weeks of protests. This is from the Financial Times, September 25. Offensive boost. Israeli prime minister in polls, Netanyahu does a quote, definitely recovered from the post war crashed, says Dalia Schneider, a pollster and political analyst, arguing Israel’s increasingly aggressive action, quote, at a regional level has played a role in his rehabilitation, quote, it looks like Israel is taking the initiative. It’s true. Everybody gets terrified about the consequences and his poll ratings go up.

Everybody, it’s true, gets terrified about the consequences. Going back to the presidential reality show, everyone will become terrified and they will support the United States in their war against Iran and other countries. Yeah. And it’s going to be a positive for Harris, who is totally pro genocide. Well, and you know, the certain effect that is going to happen. I mean, I agree with you. It’s likely that they’ll pull that off. It makes a lot of sense for them to do it politically if they didn’t do a false flag attack. Talk about what would happen with oil prices as they come out, because that seems to be, we’ve had wars for oil.

I’m kind of suspicious, Gerald, that when the US says don’t attack their nuclear plants, instead attack their oil fields. I mean, is this something from the Biden administration where this is part of their war on fuel and on, you know, I don’t like to call them fossil fuels, but real fuels to try to take out the infrastructure that pumps out oil, be another way to attack our independence and our energy as they shut the grid down, shut everything down for everybody except for the AI people and they get their own personal nuclear plants. Is that part of what’s happening with us? I don’t know.

I don’t know. But here’s what we’ve been writing about in the Trends journal. By the way, one of our top trends, top trends in 2023. This is, again, this, they go out the first week of January, Hamas attacks in October, 10 months later, Middle east meltdown. We warned that an israeli war would escalate. We’ve been writing since then that if Iran gets involved in this war, you get again week after week, week after week, since that time. It’s all in your trends journal, if Iran gets involved in this war, you’re going to see oil prices spike to $130 a barrel.

Brent crude above $130 a barrel, where is it right now? That happens, it’s going to crash the global equity markets and the global economy. Where is it right now about this? Now for going over, almost, going on two years, where is oil right now? You said 130 a barrel. Where is it right now? It’s about. I didn’t look before I got on the air, just roughly was around $78 a barrel. Okay, so almost double. Almost double. Yeah, yeah. It’s still low, but it’s going up like three, four, 5% in the last couple of days. It was way down.

And it’s going way down because the global economy is way down. Yeah. Again, when all else fails, they take you to war. Yeah, yeah. Absolutely. Right. Well, I read to you. I read to you what’s in history today, what FDR did during the Great Depression. I mentioned to you and everybody what George Bush did. bust happened in March of 2020. Just when he gets elected, America is in a deep recession and Nasdaq is down over 70%. 911 happens. Everybody forgot about it. Yeah. And again, in your trends journal, we had forecast bust in September, in the fall, when it was used to be a quarterly of 1999.

We said it would bust by the second quarter 2000. It busted in March. Facts are all there. They’re going to do the same exact thing now. And by the way, not my numbers. Moody’s, all of them. Israel’s economy is in the toilet. It’s gone. Hmm. It’s finished. The war is costing them a fortune to fight. Could you imagine living? Is it? Yeah. This is country, what, 9 million people? Yeah, that’s right. And, and what, 20% of them are Arabs. So we’ve got like 7 million jew jewish people. How many people does Iran have? 91 million. Yeah.

You don’t have to be good at math to figure this out. Yeah. Oh, they want us. They’re going to have to have us fight their war for them. And we got people like Lindsey Graham just itching to do it and just wanting any time they can look at any pretense or excuse to do it. And so America really wants this war with Iran. And who knows? They may pull up a false flag like you said and that. Because I will. Either before the election or after the election, one way or the other. Yeah. And again, Trump is totally, well, you heard the things that he says.

Yeah. And there’s nobody more pro Israel than he is. Yeah. And what he got $100 million Madeleson, plus another hundred million coming later. And he moved the american embassy from, from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, said to Israel, hey, that land you stole over there in the Golan Heights from Syria, it’s yours. Oh, and his little boy, Garrett Kushner, saying that that property in the west, in Gaza is valuable water from property and needs to be developed and we should, and we should push the Palestinians into the Geth desert. Oh, that Trump here, this is, he said Congress is owned by Israel and rightfully so.

Yep, that same Trump. This is December 18, 2023. Remember Hamas attacks in October? In a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said, quote, us commitment to Israel is unshakeable. Now, September 27, US Defense Secretary Lord Austin Lloyd Austin, a slobby, jerk, murderous Sob who killed people in Iraq and Afghanistan. And that’s our defense secretary, confirmed yesterday that the US will maintain its military support for Israel, dismissing concerns over, quote, red lines. Speaker one? Yeah, yeah. They don’t have any red lines or red flags, do they? Anywhere, nowhere. No trip wires.

They get away with everything. Well, we’re just about out of time. And I just want to remind people very quickly again that if you want to subscribe to Trends Journal and it’s just a fraction of what you would pay for the Wall Street Journal per day, you get per week with a 10% discount code of night. Thank you so much, Gerald, for what you do with Occupy peace, and I know you’re doing everything you can to try to stop these wars. Very concerning, I agree. Very high likelihood that we will have some kind of a false flag.

Before we go, I’ve got several people that left comments. I wanted to thank them. Thank you, Wayne Wonder. Thank you. Sub Zero says, I missed last week’s matching funds episode in real time, so hopefully this makes that for. Well, thank you. Karen Carpenter says, and thank you. Hello and much love from John Lawler, also known as Little John, to the David Knight family and friends. He’s doing well. Power restored two days ago. No Internet. Thanks for the prayers. Little John says hello to Travis. He misses the show and everybody here very much. Well, thank you very much.

And Dougalug, thank you for the tip. He says the government is biting the hand that feeds it. It’s time for us to stop feeding it. Absolutely right. And one last comment, Brian and Deb McCartney, we reported this earlier, Gerald, in Florida, a guy who was collecting waste, said FEMA came in and shut down all of the dump sites. And so what are we supposed to do with this stuff? I said take it back and put it on the people’s lawns and we’ll pick it up in the next year or so. Well, Brian, Deb McCartney called, said, just talked to Michelle at FEMA for referral service.

She said FEMA does not contract for debris or garbage removal or placing receptacles for it. So they’re saying you can’t dump your stuff. Leave it there for, to mold, leave it there for the rats and the vermin and the disease because, you know, we’re from the government and we say so. I mean, it’s just the arrogance is amazing. They really, really do hate us. But so thank you so much for what you do, Gerald. And I appreciate your work for freedom and for peace and for free markets, actually, away from these monsters that are doing this stuff.

Thank you so much. Thank you. And thank you for what you’re doing. And again, it only costs $2.50 a week. Yeah. For the trends journal. That’s right. Wall crap journal is $5, $5 a day. Yeah. Yeah. Washington, New York Times, $4 a day. We hardly get any information from them. That’s trend worthy. It’s just jump. Absolutely true. use the code night. Thank you very much, Gerald. Appreciate it. Thank you. Bye bye. Let me tell you, the David Knight show you can listen to with your ears. You can even watch it by using your eyes. In fact, if you can hear me, that means you’re listening to the David Knight show right now.

Yeah. Good job. And you want to know something else? You can find all the links to everywhere to watch or listen to the that’s a website.

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