INTERVIEW All Time High Global Debt (and Gold)




➡ The article discusses the potential benefits of investing in gold and silver as a way to protect against economic instability and hyperinflation. The guest, Tony Arteman, suggests that the value of gold and silver is on the rise, with gold hitting its all-time high multiple times in recent months. He also discusses the potential for silver to increase in value due to high demand and limited supply. The article ends with a discussion on the decreasing purchasing power of the dollar and the potential impact of a shift away from the dollar system on the price of commodities.
➡ The speaker discusses the value of gold and silver as a form of wealth insurance against hyperinflation and the restructuring of the financial system. They express concern about Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and the potential threat it poses. The speaker also mentions the historical significance of gold and silver, suggesting that their value will never reach zero unlike fiat currencies. They conclude by discussing the potential for gold prices to rise significantly by 2030, and the ongoing economic changes and alliances that could impact the value of the dollar.
➡ The Biden administration’s policy is driving people away from the dollar, making it unsafe for countries to keep their currencies in dollars. This, along with escalating war concerns, is disrupting the economy. Despite attempts to stabilize the situation by raising interest rates, gold prices are hitting all-time highs. Experts suggest that the current financial situation is unprecedented and those in charge are struggling to manage it effectively.


Well, welcome back. And how are we going to keep the american dream alive? How are you going to defend what you own? Well, I think one of the best ways to do that is with gold and silver to get out of the fiat currency, to get out of the way of the hyperinflation bust and the debt bust that are headed towards us. Our guest now is Tony Arteman of wise Wolf Gold. Tony has set up David Knight gold. It will take you to his website. You can buy gold or silver, large or small amounts. You can also start to accumulate gold on a steady basis each month.

You decide how much you want to save and set aside, and you can have the advantage of being part of a buying group that gets you a better price on that. Thanks for joining us, Tony. Well, it’s great to be here, David. Yeah. Don’t let fiat currency throw you under the debt bus. You’re going to get run over by the debt bus. We were talking about that off air and of course gold hit its all time high again. This is sounding very repetitive, isn’t it? I feel like Bill Murray on Groundhog Day. It’s hit it’s all time high again.

Say gold Hog day. Yeah, we got. It’s funny because I was telling a customer a couple of days ago, I said, well, the time between all time highs for gold for me was 2011, when it hit almost 2020 when I was hosting your show in Austin. And that’s the difference. That’s, that’s the difference between all time high. So 2011 and 2020. We have. Gold has broken its all time high 30 times in the last nine months. Wow. Wow. That’s amazing. Yeah, it’s on quite a streak. Let’s talk a little bit about silver because I’ve seen, you’ve been talking about silver for quite a while, that it is poised.

There’s a lot of reasons for it to break out. Now you see a lot of people in the financial press talking about silver and they are saying that it is. One person in particular said, well, I’m looking at about a $32 price. Once it gets to that point and stays there a little bit, I think it’s going to jump to 50 pretty quickly. What do you think is going to happen with silver? I think there’s some wisdom in that. I think the higher that it goes, just being pushed naturally right now for supply and demand, and it’s nowhere near what the price should actually be.

If you look at the amount of deficits every year, as ive mentioned before, its around 200 millionoz a year that were just short. So for all the mining thats done, everything thats accumulated around the world, all the refining, theres still 200 millionoz that are short every year from demand. And that demand is continuing to go up. But mining is not increasing, supply is not increasing. The reason I think you have so much disparity in the price and why its so strange is because of the contracts that are held by these bullion houses. Then you look back and see you reverse engineer the price and you see that JPMorgan Chase was convicted of suppressing the silver price.

And then you dig a little further and you realize that JPMorgan Chase is the largest private holder of silver in the world. You wonder why would they do that? Why would they continue to suppress the price? Well I mean theyre accumulating. Thats what the super wealthy have been quietly doing over many decades, have been acquiring silver. Its been cheap as you know. You go back to the price chart, look at the 1980 was $52.50 an ounce. It was driven up mainly by the hunt family in Texas that were buying it and buying physical silver, getting physical delivery.

Other people started buying, drove the price up. The Hunt family I believe was deep stated in a way. They were taken out and bankrupted because they were exposing the weakness of the dollar. It was cheap all through the 1980s into the 1990s and even the two thousands. But right now I think what’s happened is you can no longer with world demand, with things like Solar EV’s, the need for silver, the military industrial complex. Demand for silver is massive, as we’ve discussed before, is 500oz of silver and a Tomahawk missile, which was basically what you call a monster box.

In the gold and silver industry, a monster box is 500oz of silver. So there’s just a huge demand, not enough supply. And I think a lot of these contracts and things with the bullion houses and paper silver, I think that will be exposed as the price continues to climb because more and more people want to cash out. Silver has been kind of a dead space. People like me have been talking about why is it so cheap? You should get some, you should hold it. It’s undervalued. Well you can only say that too long until that beach ball you try to keep underwater, it’s going to eventually come to the surface.

I think that’s what’s happening right now. Once we hit, I think, mid thirties, David, all bets are off. It goes to mid thirties and I think we’ll easily scoot to 40 and $50 an ounce. There’s no reason in this economic climate, with everything around us being inside this psychological experiment, whatever this is called, an election. This whole thing with our country. The entire thing. It’s a patch. Yeah. It’s some kind of psyop that we’re all in. It’s amazing to me that silver isn’t more expensive. I’m glad that it’s not right now because it gives people the ability to accumulate.

Let’s look at the price right now. Let’s look at silver price compared to gold price. Now, gold prices is an all time high. So 26.92. It’s just went up $3 since we started the car. Another new all time high. Yeah, another new all time high. So we’ll put that on the list and we’re going to one of the James Bond movies. It’s an all time high. You know, put that on a loop. Yeah. Well, that would be. I think that would be a good Bond film. Who’s suppressing the gold price? It’s kind of like a follow up to Goldfinger.

Yeah. It’s got his gold finger on the price there. And then we’re going to divide that by 3189. So it takes 84.4oz of silver to make 1oz of gold for this chart, which is ridiculous, because if you read history, that’s never been that way. Ever. Ever. Not even close. It’s usually ten to 20 to one. Between ten and 20. Alexander Hamilton and the founding father, they set it up at 16 to one in this country. And it was. That was 16oz of silver to make 1oz of gold. That stayed from the founding of the United States until 1933, when Franklin Roosevelt said, turn in your gold, use one of those executive orders.

And they raised the price to dollar 35 an ounce. But still, that ratio was. Would be, you know, basically 35 to one. Well, 84.4 doesn’t make any sense, especially when you’re looking at geologically, it’s 17 to one in the ground. That’s what it’s supposedly. So 17oz of silver to 1oz of gold in the ground. And the big tell that I’ve never heard anybody else bring up, but I thought was pretty much glaring, is the market cap. If you look at the market cap for gold, it’s 16.4 trillion. And the market cap for silver is 1.4 trillion.

So there’s 16 to one. I think that’s probably more accurate. So if we do it that math, David, let’s look and see where we would be if we were just in line with what the founding fathers set up for silver. If you divide that, yeah, $168 an ounce. That’s where we would be. Which seems to me, I think just logically silver at dollar 100 an ounce is, I think is probably a good indicator that something stabilized and there’s, the repricing has worked because we, we’re not watching something go up, we’re watching the inversion, we’re watching the dollar lose purchasing power.

That’s what I think we kind of, I have to remind myself that all the time. It’s not that silver got more valuable, it’s just that when we’re repricing commodities, which is what’s happening right now, the BRICS meeting is in three days. And that’s what they’re trying to. They want to reset commodities, they want to reset the way that they structure trade and get away from the dollar system. And a lot of that’s going to have an impact on the price of commodities because they don’t want to price anything the way the west does anymore, the way that it’s denominated in dollars.

I think this is what the big news out of all, the key thing it was last week, I think that I covered an article some guy went through and he looked at the price of dollar in a lot of different currencies and what the trend was in a lot of different currencies. He said, we’ve been seeing it steadily going up in all these other currencies and everything, and even more so a steady trend up then with the american dollar. And he said, and yet Switzerland was kind of the odd man out. And he says, now they’ve caught up and now it’s on a trajectory like that as well in Switzerland.

So all these other currencies, the us dollar is heavily manipulated. But looking at it in these other basket of currencies, it’s pretty consistent in the way that it’s going. I look at silver as, because my main interest in gold is not getting rich and trying to play markets and time them and all the rest of stuff. But my main thing is I’m just concerned about hyperinflation. I’m concerned about CBDC and other things like that. So all of this stuff is there. It’s really as kind of a wealth insurance to make sure that what you have isn’t just going to be eviscerated because the dollar just goes to zero.

That’s part of it. But it’s also the fact that they want to completely restructure the financial system that was part of Biden’s move in the spring of 2022 for different things that he wanted, every part of the deep state, every part of the swamp, every part of the bureaucracy to look into. Number one thing was changing the financial system completely restructuring it as part of implementing CBDC. So when I look at silver, I think about it in terms of having something that is a lower unit value so that you can actually use it more in transactions than you would be able to do with gold.

Its a little hard to do that with gold because of that multiple thats there now. Its a big multiple, Preston. Yeah, its more like gold is savings and silver is cash. You couldnt use it that way, and its a lot more divisible, structured in a way for it to be spendable. Thats why the silver dollar was so ubiquitous here in the United States, especially after the comp stock load in the 1870s. There’s this major push to make the Morgan silver dollar. That’s why it’s so famous, was used all the time. There was a gold dollar, I think I’ve brought one on the show.

It’s a little tiny. You’ll lose it. It’s easy to lose a little tiny bit of gold. I forget how much it weighs, but it’s just a really small coin, and I think it’s worth about $200 today. So go figure. That’s what happens when you decouple the dollar from gold. But yeah, you’re right, silver and gold are a great way to be outside of the digitized system. And the more that I think about it, the more I read history and look into the monetary system, the history of money. CBDC is a massive threat, and I think probably the number one thing that we need to have on our radar to oppose, to speak out on, to push back against and set up systems to get around it.

And I think that is going to happen. I think the states, like we talked about before, a lot of the states decentralizing, making gold and silver legal tender, passing laws against central bank digital currency. This is great. This is great news, especially because we’ve been talking about it for years. I thought I was going to be alone on this for a while, but it’s finally reached a little bit of popular discourse. More and more people will have physical precious metals. This is a wonderful thing. And outside of the system, history is on our side. The digitized stuff is new and, you know, is it going to completely supplant the way that we transact? I don’t believe so.

I think that it’ll look a lot like. Well, I mean, it’s. Surveillance disguises money. First of all, it’s not really meant to be an efficient monetary system, because really, the most efficient monetary system is a mixture of. Of cash and currency backed by something that’s stable so you can save it. Fiat. This experiment is failed. It’s a God that failed. And I think we were talking off air about debt to GDP around the world. It’s not just here in the United States, but global debt is 100 trillion for governments. It’s projected by the IMF 115% of debt to GDP for the entire planet.

So the world is bankrupt. That’s where we are. How are they going to get out of that? Well, newsflash, and I hate to spoil it for you, but they’re going to print more currency, which means it devalues your current currency, that it’s going to lose purchasing power. We’re in a fiat experiment. That’s not going to end well, and that’s why they know that. And I think that’s why they throw out the great reset term a lot to get you used to a monetary reset that’s going to benefit them. But gold and silver are part of the story, which is my point, is that human nature, human history, whatever it is, with these medals, you can go back in the bible.

It’s biblical. It’s part of our story, and I don’t think it’s going to go away. Rod Serling had an episode of the Twilight Zone. I don’t know if you remember this episode, David, but there’s these bank robbers. They robbed a bank or something. Maybe it was a train that was carrying the gold from the Federal Reserve, and they had a scientist, and he was able to cryogenically suspended animation for 100 years or something. They woke up, and they tried to go cast this gold in. And so, anyway, the episode ends with somebody from 100 years in the future pulling up in a car and saying, what’s he got with him? And then somebody says, is that gold? People used to use that as money, like it was kind of meant to be that ironic consequence of wanting something that has value then, and it doesn’t have it in the future.

That’s an interesting concept, but my reading of history, I don’t think that’s ever going away. I don’t think that, for whatever reason, I don’t think that mankind will ever not want the precious metals or not want to have some sort of access or use them for something. They’ll never be at zero, but fiat currencies will. I think that episode was written by. Who was the person who said that gold is a barbaric relic. Washington, John Maynard Keynes. Yeah, yeah, as a barbarous relic. He drove that episode, you know. Yeah, that’s funny. Well, you know, when you’re talking about, you know, that gold coin and the $1 coin, and now it’s worth $200, but it was a small coin to start with.

Imagine if you created a $1 coin today out of gold. You have to get a magnifying glass out to find it. Be like, honey, I shrunk the coin. You know, Rick. Was the name Rick Moreno or something? Huh? Yeah, sure. Yeah, yeah. And he’s looking at. He’s got his big helmet there with all the magnifying glue. Where’d I put that gold coin? That’s what we’d have because of inflation. But, yeah, that’s another part of it. The historical aspects of hyperinflation of fiat currency and all the rest of that is the same way that we’ve seen the historical effects of gold.

I’ve got one guy here. He’s saying five reasons that he thinks that gold prices are going to keep rising and will hit $4,800 by 2030. That’s incrementum is the company he works for that’s on Kitka news. That’s actually kind of a conservative valuation. I think when you look at 4800 by 2030, I mean, we’re talking another six years or something. That’s very conservative, I think. Well, yeah, I think it’s extremely conservative. My projections would be over that I was short of where we are now, though. I didn’t think we’d be seeing $2,700 an ounce gold. I mean, we can go back to our interviews.

I wasn’t projecting that. I didn’t think that it would break that fast. But something is giving way, and there’s something in the underlying current here. It has to do with de dollarization. It has to do with the Brics alliances. If you recall, there is this ominous exchange between Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin about, was it 18 months ago or so, David, when they just. They had a face to face meeting and said, we’re going to be part of the greatest change that’s happened in 100 years. I’m paraphrasing. And that’s going to be us. There’s this alliance that they’re creating, these economic alliances after the sanctions, the massive sanctions in 2022 by the US and Russia pushing back on that, this is, I think, really accelerating.

And then we look at the loss of the petrodollar. A lot of open questions there that used to be the big thing. How do we lose mainland China in 1949? The Truman was, you know, and Dean Acheson were called communists. And, you know, that was a major fiasco for the Truman administration. But how do we lose the petrodollar? And nobody even brings that up. I mean, literally just lost. And yeah, I saw an article the other day. Somebody was talking about why all these people saying, well, this candidate’s going to be horrible for the economy and we’ll wreck it and all the rest of the stuff.

He goes, you don’t know who wrecked it. It was Janet Yellen. She’s behind all this policy and Biden administration in terms of weaponizing the dollar, they would. Driving people away from the dollar more than anything. Yeah, they’re continuing to drive people away from the dollar, making it unsafe for countries to park any of their denominated currencies in dollars. We’re making that apparent. Like if you do something that crosses, we’ll repatriate your currency to whatever cause du jour. We feel like. I mean, look at what happened to the Russians. Their own funds were used to give to the t shirt man in Ukraine to send rockets and other things, offensive weapons into Russia.

It’s absolutely amazing. Yeah, think about that. We spent a couple, couple hundred billion dollars and all we got for that was a Zelensky t shirt. All I got was his lousy t shirt man. That’s all he’s got. Just a shirt on his back. Yeah, people are getting pretty tired of that. Well, I think another part of it, when we talk about Zelensky, I think another part of this, of course, is the concern about war as this is escalating. And we’re going to be talking about that coming up at the top of the hour with Joel Skeleton.

But you’ve got the israeli government expanding the war. America is pushing it as well. I mean, they’re chomping at the bit, the warmongers to go after Iran have been for a long time. But Israel is even saying, I think it was a finance minister who said, yeah, we’re on our way to Damascus. I guess they’re on the road to Damascus. They’re going to have a road to Damascus experience. But I mean, it’s big time war and it’s going to be very disruptive of the economy in addition to what happens with the war stuff. So I think that that’s maybe part of it as well.

But you’re right. $2,700. It was just a couple of months ago that people said JP Morgan or some of these people. Well, I think we’re going to see $2,700 gold in January of 2025. That really is kind of, we’re almost already there. 26, 92. We’re almost at $2,700 gold. And it was a big escalation when they said that at that point in time a couple of months ago, to say, well look, it’s going to get a 27. It’s like, yeah, you can kind of see that happening. Well, now we’re the middle of October and it’s there.

I don’t think you can compare this time to any other time in history, really. It’s never really happened this way. I mean, it doesn’t repeat itself. It often rhymes. But you can look at the 1970s, David. I mean, they raised interest rates to the teens, had the Nixon shock and inflation. Jimmy Carter called it malaise. But what happened there was a decline in the price of gold. Gold was $800 an ounce around the time I was born at the end of the seventies. And then it dropped into the two and $300 an ounce and stayed that way.

It was pretty flat through the eighties and into the nineties. That’s because they raised interest rates. Well, drone Powell raised interest rates faster than any other time in history after 2020, 2021, and gold went up, it said its all time high. Something happened that didnt work. And they did the same thing. They did this back in 2011. And really just a word from Ben Bernanke back in 2011 said, look, we had TARP funds, we bailed out. Some of these banks are too big to fail and we wont do that again because the gold was going up and close to $2,000 an ounce, $50 an ounce.

But they reeled that in with that statement. And so people started dumping their silver and gold holdings and got out of that. And so that’s why gold and silver went down and stayed that way again. There was a 2011 to 2020 was the gap of gold’s all time high. And now we’ve done it 30, well, we’ve done it since we’ve been on air again. So it’s 30, 31 times. 31 times. 32 times in the last nine months. Well, I think, you know, as you’re pointing out, raising the rates didn’t work. And I think we’re going to be saying that about a lot of different things.

Financially, these people that are pulling the levers, they really don’t know what they’re doing. And they’re kind of, as we’re saying off air before we came on, said, yeah, we’re reaching this Looney tunes moment where everybody’s run off the cliff and like Wiley Coyote, we don’t really realize that there’s nothing under us yet. I. But when that happens globally and people look at this massive debt and phony currencies and everything that we got, we’re going to drop like a rock. And then what happens is somebody drops the acme anvil on you as well. That’s the next thing to fall right on top of us as we hit rock bottom there.

Tell us a little bit about what’s going on at Wise Wolf Gold. Well, yesterday I was announcing on social media that I redid my personal website, which is a good start because I’ve been saying this for about two years. I was going to update this. I finally got most of it done, and I was going to ask people to go and sign up for the newsletter. We have a free newsletter we’re going to do there. I’m going to have a shop set up for some of my stuff and t shirts and things I haven’t done yet for my podcast and the Arderburn radio transmission, but it’s Ardderburn gold.

I even came up with my own logo for it. So go check out Arderburn Gold and sign up for the free newsletter. Great. Tell me what you think, guys, on the website. I put that out yesterday. And you got, your broadcast is immediately following this one on Twitter as well as. Is it Rockfin that you’re on? I’ll be on Rockfin on the America unplugged channel on rumble America unplugged and my Twitter tonyardeburn. You can follow me there for the live stream and feel free to join us. It’ll be 11:00 a.m. central time. Twelve eastern. Great. Great.

Immediately after this program. Yeah. Yes, sir. Anything else is going on. You got your new website, our Arduburn gold, and redesign that. What else has happened? Redesign that. Arduburn gold. We still got the program. There was a big push last week. I talked to you about wolf picks, and we’re setting the price in the morning. We’re still working on that. It’s been. That’s going to be hard with it jumping up and hitting all new time. Crazy. We set it and then we have to take it down because, like, I don’t know if I can fill that order.

So go check out wolf picks over on Wolfpack gold and go to davidknight gold. And we’re just trying to come up with innovative ways to. To get people the best deal and take advantage of knowing us. We buy a lot of stuff at the shop, so wolfpack is a good way to do that. And wolf picks, it’s crazy times that we’re living in right now, and I think things are only going to accelerate even quicker. Always great talking to you, tony. Thank you so much for supporting this program. And again, go to davidnight gold. That’ll let you let tony know that you’re coming through us.

That’ll take you to wise wolf gold. Get gold, silver, you can join the wolf pack. And he’s got the wolf picks that are there as well. A lot of different things. Tony’s always innovating and changing things. Thank you so much, tony. Appreciate it. Thank you, Dave. Appreciate it. Let me tell you, the david knight show you can listen to with your ears. You can even watch it by using your eyes. In fact, if you can hear me, that means you’re listening to the david knight show right now. Yeah. Good job. And you want to know something else? You can find all the links to everywhere to watch or listen to the

that’s a website.

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