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➡ Gerald Celente discusses various trends in the news on June 28, 2024. He mentions that the markets were down but had a good June, oil prices are stable, and inflation numbers have increased. Housing prices have risen significantly since 2019, while wages have not kept pace, leading to financial struggles for many. He also talks about the potential for a banking crisis due to issues in the commercial real estate market, and the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on various sectors, including retail and office spaces. Lastly, he criticizes the quality of journalism and the influence of large corporations on various industries.


Hello, everybody. This is Gerald Celente, and it’s Friday, June 28, 2024. And here are some of today’s trends in the news. And I’m telling you, we’re giving you the trends like no one else is. You have no idea. Again, every day we read through loads of stuff and we subscribe to the toilet paper record, the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal. Lucky to get one article that’s trends worthy out of the New York Times and only like two or three anymore from the Wall Street Journal. I used to love the Wall Street Journal way back when.

Now it’s just nothing more than five. Yep. So onto the market. So they were down today, but had a good June. And if you want to know where the markets are going and why they’re going to go where they go, you have to read the trends Journal because there’s a great article in here in this week’s by Gregory Mannarino, and he’s been calling it and he’s nailing it. And oil prices, that is still around $86 a barrel for Brent crude. But the inflation numbers came out today, and the core personal consumption expenditure price increased. Just seasonally adjusted, 0.1% was up 2.6 from a year ago.

And that was on about what they were calling, including food and energy. Headline inflation was flat for the month. So you’re looking at the prices of consumer spending increased 0.2% weaker than the 0.3% forecast because the people don’t have money to spend. And housing prices have continued to gone up. And if you look at some of the numbers, housing prices are up some 51% than before the COVID war going back to 2019. That’s how much they’ve gone up. How much of wages gone up? How much is inflation gone up again? The numbers are nothing more than.

Oh, come on now. That ain’t even bullshit. That’s horseshit. The people are suffering terribly. The rich are getting richer and everyone else is getting poorer. So when they lower interest rates, which they’re going to do, you’re going to see gold prices go up there, around $3,322 an ounce now, bitcoins in the $60,000 range, and we still see it strong. And new trends journal, we have the number where we see it going down to. If it goes below that, then it’s going to go much lower. But we just don’t see that at this point. And what else do we have here? Business activity suffers slowdown in the eurozone.

Oh, suffers slowdown, huh? Yep. The purchasing managers index for the eurozone fell to 50.8 in June from 52.2 in May. A reading above 50 is growth, so it’s just flat. Beijing takes steps to help homebuyers. Home sales by value fell 30.5% in the first five months, 2024. What Beijing is doing is nothing. It’s not going to solve the problem. It’s only going to get much worse. As I said, they overbuilt it when the chinese economy boomed, when slimeball Bill Clinton brought him into the World Trade Organization, and with all booms, there’s a bust. But this bust was a lot worse because they had three years of zero COVID policy.

So that’s where we are. And what else? Here you go. This is the turtle paper record. This is the front page of the business section. Look at the big stupid picture they put there. Because once upon a time they used to have things called journalists that were writing things, but they fired so many people. Now they put up this stupid little fucking picture like you’re looking at a comic book. If landlords can’t pay the mortgages on troubled office buildings, the lenders will suffer. Fearing losses, some financial institutions are covertly maneuvering to advance in advance to avoid that fate and what the banks are doing, they call this extend and pretend by accepting some lenders to hold off on paying their loans.

Extend and pretend is exactly what it is. You read this whole article and nothing about the banking bust and barely anything about did. Nothing about office vacancy rates, office occupancy rates. Not a word about it. For investors, the attraction of shaping, snapping up discounted commercial real estate loans is that the loans could be worth a lot more if the industry recovers in the next few years. If the industry recovers in the next few years, why would it recover? The work at home trend is real. Nothing about the banking bust. Supply chain under strain amid strife in red Sea.

That’s the language they use yet since strife. All right, it’s the Houthis are saying we’ll stop attacking these ships if you stop killing the Palestinians and have a ceasefire. No, we’re not going to do that. So they condemn the Houthis for trying to save the lives of. It’s up to some 40,000 plus Palestinians that have been killed so far. Since October, the cost of moving a 40 foot shipping container from China to Europe has increased to about $7,000, from an average roughly $1,200 before this happened. That’s only part of the data. So we’re going to see inflation stay with us.

And as the wars ramp up, a bad situation is going to become very worse. Here, another one. Top rated european commercial mortgage debt hit by downturn. Yeah. Investors in several european commercial mortgage bonds that originally sold with top credit ratings are set to suffer losses, says analysts, the first time since the global financial crisis that the safest tier of this debt has been hit. Nothing about how dangerous this is. You’re going to see a banking crisis the likes we’ve never seen before. It’s going to crash the equity markets, and it’s going to crash. Not crash. It’s going to drive gold prices sky high again.

Bank on it. Office building bust. A ticking time bomb for banks. But no one anywhere is talking about that. Business Insider America’s real estate market could be in for a big correction. A veteran strategist. Oh, yeah, no shit. We’ve only been saying this for how long? Only you only call the office building bust in May of 2020 when they started the lot, when the lockdowns became real. And so this is going to be the future because that’s what we do. We forecast the future. Continued interest rate could bring on a wave of distress. Commercial real estate foreclosures jumped 117% year over year in the first quarter, according to data from Atom.

A t o m. You’re looking at office values have plunged by some 35%. Now let’s imagine if the housing market went down to that. They’d be calling a crisis like, oh, my God. But again, the banksters run the world, and they run the media. Slate office REIT faces $158 million debt default amid challenging market conditions. Yep, ready. Last year, Slate announced his plan to alleviate the reit of $1.175 billion debt burden by selling 40% of its assets. The move was aimed at generating much needed cash to repay debt. You ready? However, the demand for office spaces has not rebounded to pre pandemic levels.

No shit? No shit. Again, bank woes in commercial real estate could ease with rate cuts, says Moody’s. You know what that is? Warning. Warning. Bullshit. Alert has nothing to do with rate cuts. Yes, they’re what they’re paying on interest. Now. These are interest rate loans. It’s double what they were. But it ain’t the interest rates to doing it. Because if the tenants weren’t leaving, your office values wouldn’t be down 35% and they’d have the money to pay their loans. All right. So the Fed’s aggressive rate hike since 2022 has been a major catalyst, a weakness in rate sensitive parts of the economy, including the estimated 4.7% trillion pile of outstanding commercial real estate bills.

4.7 trillion. Anyway. H and M warns of a hit to performance. Shares plunge as retailer targets 10% operating. Yep. The company said sales in June are expected to record a decline of 6%. Week after week, month after month. We’ve been putting out how the retail sector is going down. Some 70% of America’s gdp is retail based consumer spending. Rather. So when the consumers don’t have the dough to spend, the economy goes down. Walgreens. They’re cutting a significant number of their 8600 us locations. 8600. When I was a young guy, they had things called drugstores before. These pricks, these arrogant little fucking scumbag shit.

Hey, politician. Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do? Did away with the antitrust own. Here’s the back of the shirt. You could get this by going to and go to the shopping thing. They did away with the antitrust laws that allowed the bigs to have everything again. There were grocery stores, hardware stores, stationery stores, drugstores. Now they’re all chains. One after another, the hospitals. Everything changed. Change. And it ain’t change the love. So going back to Walgreens. Oh, their business is going down, huh? Yeah. Consumers turned more pessimistic. Consumers joined businesses and offering a new pessimistic outlook, reflecting more uncertainty about the german economic rebound.

Yeah. You know why? It’s not a rebound, it’s. That was bullshit. Yep. And a bunch more on AI AI devices. Want more valid data? YouTube in talks with record labels to license music that trains AI composers. Music sucks now it’s all fucking synthesized. Everything synthesized. Living in a synthesized world. And it’s one of your top trends. And it’s one of Joe Duran’s books. Synthesized devolution, that’s one of your top trends again. You know, I loved old jazz and I listened to these old. I got them on tape decks and little tapes. I used to take them off the radio and then took the host voices off.

And you hear one live from hotel, the Roosevelt hotel in New York. It’s the Glen Milibandh. Everybody having a gay time. Nope, you’re not allowed to say gay anymore. It doesn’t mean happy. The Roosevelt hotel now is filled with migrants. It’s right across from Penn Station. Yeah, how glamorous it used to be. The music. And now everything’s turned to shit. We got shitheads running the show. Music, AI. And again the takeovers keep going on. Brookfield to buy known blah blah blah. Pringle packaging buys this one for 4 billion and ad not closes on a $14.4 billion takeover.

One after another. And m and a deals hit 1.5 trillion in the first half. M and a deals? Yeah, the bigs just keep getting bigger. Merger and acquisition. And we, the plantation workers, get poorer. Hamas leader says a deal with no end to war is not an agreement. That’s what he said. And it’s important that blinken and Biden keep lying that Israel accepted this deal. They have not. And why wouldn’t they want a complete ceasefire? Because Israel is going to keep expanding this war. It’s going into Lebanon. They bombed away over Syria last night. And they’re going to keep escalating this thing.

New german citizens must declare Israel’s right to exist. Could you imagine this fucking shit? Could you imagine this fucking shit? How about Palestinians right to exist? Oh, fuck off, Solenti. A new landmark. A landmark new citizens law came into force in Germany with an explicit requirement for applicants to declare the state of Israel’s right to exist. Anyone who shares out. This is disgusting. Iran calls for immediate us withdrawal from Syria. For regions, peace and stability. America has no right being in Syria. I don’t care if you like Assad, hate Assad. It’s none of my business, but Assad’s running the show and he invited Iran and Russia into Syria.

America has no right being there. We’re getting ISIS. No, you’re not. You’re stealing their oil on the eastern coast, just like I said. You think we would have invaded Iraq if their major export was broccoli? Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has described as scaring in Israel’s official statement that there are no civilians in Gaza and all the territories and all are terrorists there, starting from three years of age. Yep. Is very perturbed when Israel and its leaders began to argue that these methods are quite justified, the killing. He also quoted an israeli official when the world community called for sparing civilians in Gaza, uttered something like, quote, there are no civilians there.

They are all terrorists, starting from the age of three. These are terrible words. He said. Lvov. And the wars just keeps heating up. Pro Israel groups get big win and aren’t done yet. Today’s Wall Street Journal representative Jamal Bowman. Primary loss in New York was a victory for pro israeli groups. A pack super PAC, the United Democracy Project. How’s that? Democracy project. How’s that for fucking orwellian propaganda? Spent $14.6 million in the race, roughly half of the 29.1 million the group has spent this year in primaries and congressional races. Isn’t that nice? They call this a democracy.

This is the United States that goes overseas and slaughters people all over the world to bring freedom and democracy in a country where you don’t got no dough, you can’t run for anything. Speaking of Trump benefactor with 100 million to spare and they’re talking about Adelson, Miriam Adelson. Yep. Her husband gave Trump 100 million and she’s given the do to. Yep. This is the Adel sin. After Trump got, when Trump got the money, moved the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and said to Syria to Israel, you know that land you stole, the 67 war that belongs to Syria, it’s yours.

That’s the Trump and again, record number of Americans dislike both Biden and Trump. And all you had to do was to watch the fucking freak show that they called a debate and we called it before it happened with the COVID of this week’s trends journal presidential reality show the great Debate. Daffy Duck verse. Goofy. That’s all folks. Yep. What bullshit. What bullshit. Biden tells Trump told Americans to inject bleach into their arms to treat the Covid-19 total fucking bullshit. As much as I hate Trump, total bullshit. The whole thing with Biden had dead out of his mind.

Again, goofy. I think they’re going to pull somebody else. So do a lot of other people. And I think the person is going to be that Cameron. Cameron got so Gavin Newsom and on Israel, Biden added, we’re still pushing hard to get them to accept. That’s the deal. The only thing I’ve denied Israel saying he gave Israel everything is Trump is going after him for not giving Israel more was 2000 pound bombs. They don’t work in a very well populated area. They killed a lot of citizen people and we gave them a lot of them by the way, you know, to kill them.

But anyway, we’re providing Israel with all the weapons they need and when they need them. Yeah, we’re not giving them 2000 bombs, a thousand pound bombs to kill them. All the weapons they need to keep slaughtering. Where is the outrage? I’m outraged. And again, we’re going to have a rally, a peace and freedom rally. Be there. Four corners of freedom joining Crown street. Go to occupy peace. and all the information is up there about the rally. and donate. We need money. Scott Ritter wants to make this a million person march. We want to close down the thruway.

We want to get the message out for peace because if we don’t do it, these pieces of shit are going to get us killed. Trump responded that, quote, israel is the one that wants to keep going. I don’t know what he means by that. He said, the only one who wants to keep going is Hamas. This is Trump’s words, quote, israel is the one that wants to keep going. He said, the only one who wants to keep going is Hamas. Actually, Israel is the one that wants to keep going and we should let them go and let them finish the job.

Let them finish the job. Oh, yeah, your son in law wants that valuable waterfront property. Yeah, in Gaza. I forgot to finishing the job. Then Trump goes on to say about Biden, he’s become like a Palestinian. How disgusting is that? Become like a Palestinian. In other words, the Palestinians are shit to Trump, but they don’t like him because he’s a very bad palestinian. He’s a weak one. Become like a Palestinian. Yep. And this is from Haretz, the israeli newspaper. Trump’s comments represent a pivot from his previous public stance on the war, in which he has implored Israel to finish the war quickly while lamenting how Israel is losing, quote, the PR battle.

When asked whether he support a creation of an independent palestinian state, Trump said, I have to see. We can’t see now. You mean you can. Bullshit. You’re a fucking bullshitter. What a disgrace. What a disgrace this debate was. What a disgrace. And the shit spewing out of Trump’s mouth about the best economy the nation ever had. What the fuck are you talking to? Oh, you forgot the repo crisis that was going on during your time. You forgot how the markets were crashing and you, you forced a little Jerome Powell to lower interest rates, to artificially prop it up.

Oh, you talked about the tax breaks. The tax breaks that went to the 1%, got 64% of them, according to the tax policy center. The tax breaks that you said that were going to inspire the corporations for capital improvements, and it was the biggest year in 2018. Stock buybacks. There you got some of it and a lot more in your trends journal. This is very important. What’s going on? We’ve given you everything that you need to keep it going and tune in the great debate. Great debate. Great interview I had with Judge Andrew Napolitano. Go to the did it Wednesday.

And he’s something, boy, there’s nobody like him. And also, I support Dennis Kucinich, who’s running as an independent congressman in Ohio. So help Kucinich. This man’s a real man for peace. He ran for president, as a, ran for, as president a couple of times as a peace candidate. And he really loves it. Peace. He fights for it. So if we don’t give money to help, it’s not going to go anywhere. So do what you can. I mean, pieces are going to go anywhere if you don’t give money to help. And that’s what talk about Occupy peace as well.

And again, go to Dennis Kucinich’s site. And this guy’s a real, real hero. And unfortunately, he doesn’t get what, he doesn’t get the coverage he deserves. So thanks for tuning in.

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commercial real estate market issues Covid-19 COVID-19 impact on retail sector financial struggles due to wage stagnation Gerald Celenti trends news 2024 housing prices rise since 2019 inflation rates 2024 market trends June 2024 potential banking crisis 2024 stable oil prices 2024 wage stagnation issues

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