[INCOMING!] Gab CEO Destroys Dan Bongino & Rumble’s Credibility In Minutes!



Watch Gab CEO Destroy Dan Bongino & Rumble’s Credibility In Minutes!

In a video over the weekend, Gab CEO Andrew Torba came out with a response to Dan Bongino’s rant about him.

Andrew activates the armor of God and shares the TRUTH itself to expose a hidden agenda behind Rumble! 

Have a look…

You can read Andrew Torba’s blog post with his response to Dan Bongino here. 

In that post, Torba mentions…

“Dan collects a paycheck from Paul Ryan’s Fox News. The goal of Establishment conservative networks like Fox is to feed conservatives just enough breadcrumbs to string them along and keep them from talking about the real issues in this country.”

And Andrew makes a good point! 

Why pay people like Tulsi Gabbard to join Rumble??

There are countless other true Patriots that have actually been deplatformed and unable to get their message out or receive funds.

Could Rumble and Bongino be controlled opposition?

I think we know the answer to that by now.

And yes, I am aware we use Rumble.

The videos seem to load better than Bitchute, but we are working on alternatives.

We will be using GabTV more frequently as well.

Just like you, we are learning more and more everyday! 

Like Andrew Torba said, his purpose is to simply share the truth so people aren’t deceived. 

We are just sharing more information so you can do your own research and come to your own conclusions.

And thank you for sharing this message to help others become aware of what’s going on here!



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