If Youve Sold Your Soul.. Can You Get It Back? This Preacher Reveals A Secret! | David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ In this episode of Nino’s Corner TV, the host chats with Andrew Billings, a pastor from New Zealand, about overcoming fear and trauma with David Nino Rodriguez. They discuss how fear is often used as a weapon and how people can work through their problems effectively. The host also promotes investing in noble gold to protect savings from market volatility. The conversation then shifts to how society, especially in America, has been psychologically weakened over the years due to fear and trauma, and how commercialization and emotional connection have been used to program people’s behaviors and decisions.
➡ This text talks about how big businesses and politics use people’s emotions to sell products and ideas. It suggests that this manipulation makes people vulnerable and less able to make smart decisions. The text also discusses how faith and fear are opposites, with faith being a positive force and fear being used to bring negativity and chaos. The author encourages choosing faith and optimism over fear and pessimism.
➡ This text talks about how fear can hold people back from reaching their full potential. It suggests that having faith and taking calculated risks can lead to success. The text also discusses the importance of trusting in God, regardless of the challenges we face. It emphasizes that fear of God should be understood as deep respect and love, not terror.
➡ This text talks about the importance of faith and trust in God, especially during tough times. It suggests that instead of being consumed by fear and worry, we should turn to God for guidance and protection. The text also emphasizes that we should not let fear paralyze us, but rather, rise above it and become agents of change. Lastly, it advises that when we pray, we should ask God what He wants for us, rather than asking for what we want.
➡ This text talks about the power of prayer and how God can answer our questions in various ways, such as through dreams, reading the Bible, or even through strangers. It emphasizes that God is not a genie who fulfills our wishes, but a loving entity who guides us. The text also discusses the concept of selling one’s soul to the devil, stating that this can be reversed through the power of Jesus Christ. It ends with a message of hope, stating that no matter how dark your past, God’s mercy can wipe it clean.
➡ This text is a prayer asking for God’s love, mercy, and protection. It hopes for a better community and nation, and asks God to remember the good people in the country. The text ends with a discussion about future topics for a show, including the occult and rituals, and expresses gratitude and blessings for the work being done.


All right, folks, welcome to Nido’s Corner TV. I’m joined with Andrew Billings, the pastor from New Zealand. And I gotta say, man, you are already a big hit on my show. People love you, Andrew. I love having you on. And today we’re to be talking about, we’re gonna have segments, folks. We’re gonna have episodes with Andrew. How to not submit to trauma and how fear is being used as a weapon, how to properly work through a problem.

A lot of people today, in America especially, is traumatized and paralyzed by fear. So we’re going to go into the steps on how to eliminate this and who to really fully respect. But before I do that, folks, get your noble gold. Get your noble gold. Global financial storms might be raging, but thousands of investors in precious metals with noble gold investments are smiling. They know that whatever happens, their investments will be safe from turmoil.

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That’s what I’m investing in right now is noble gold. So without further ado, Andrew, thank you for coming on once again. It’s always good to be with you, my friend. And I think we’re going to have a really good show. You know, I’ve seen me a work on YouTube and I was like, you know, I got to get this guy on. We’ve talked a few times and we’ve scheduled and we’ve missed and things like that happen.

But I’m glad that we’re finally coming into a flow. So much, so much of a flow that we’re wearing kind of the same thing today. We didn’t plan this. Hey, man, we’re all dialed in. I like it. Same camouflage, man. Let’s get it. Yeah. So this is kind of going to become something pretty cool. We’re probably going to do some regular podcasts together and we’re going to go down some roads that talk about some of the stuff that we’re building.

A pretty cool outline of some amazing topics that I think are going to get some of your viewers pretty pumped and also equipped with some good information. So jumping straight into this topic, we said that we were going to go and we’re going to talk about the power of fear and trauma now, not from a place of glorifying fear of trauma, but understanding what it is and how it works.

If you really stop and think, I remember I was in New Zealand. I was like 14 years old. 911 hits. Everybody on the planet remembers where they stood when they found out the news at 911. 14 years and it was 911 hits. I think I was, I need to go back and check dates, but I was around, I’m 44 now, so it’s pretty close, actually. No, is that I might have been younger.

I honestly can’t remember. Anyway. I would have been older. No, I would have been older. I was like 21, 22. The Univan, 20, 1920. You’re right. Good math. Thank you. I’m still working on my first coffee for today, so there we go. But everyone remembers where they stood when they found that news out. There was a moment that kind of marked and embossed, printed to people. And so that was a moment where the whole world stood still and said, oh, my goodness, how could this happen? How could all these people die? How could people do this? And what is America going to do? Right? There was that deep held breath.

And so fear hit the world because of repercussions. Right. And so when we understand that that was such a big deal thing and let’s fast forward, and honestly, that’s happening every other day right now in different parts of the world. So this stuff’s speeding up. That was such a big deal thing. It was a standalone event. But if you look at what’s happened the last four years, right, the glitch in the matrix, the last four years of everything that started to happen, there’s a speeding up.

And like I started talking about last time, remember we talked about the MkUltra. If your viewers haven’t watched the last one we did. You should go watch that because you’ll get the basis for this conversation. We talked about the MkUltra in the cold war and how that was used and how that’s now been expanded into a populace where everyone’s being traumatized through social media and news outlets and political moves that are happening and terrorist acts that are happening and terrorist other personal.

Yeah, go ahead. That’s also why people swipe. They’re looking at fear every day now. It’s like a shock to the system. People have been reprogrammed. People have been reprogrammed. People have been digitally, emotionally and spiritually reprogrammed. Yeah. And I’ll be honest, even with, I can even attest to my life. A lot of fear and trauma is what drove me, I think, to even be a fighter, to be a boxer.

If I really go back and look at everything, it started off in childhood. Something happened to me in childhood, and I had a lot of bullying, a lot of things that happened that pushed me into the trauma lifestyle of boxing. To be honest with you. I’ve always told everybody it was issues. It was having certain issues. I didn’t come from a poor family, I didn’t have to box.

There were issues I was trying to work out psychologically and spiritually and emotionally that caused me to go into the world of boxing. Heavyweight boxing is what I believe. And trauma can guide a lot of people’s lives. It guided my life. I can attest to that. Right. So it’s a powerful influence, not necessarily for the good people that really lean into it, work good things out of it.

Like tough times create good men. Good men create good times. Good times create weak men. So it really comes down to the response of that. But I want to kind of break down this whole idea, because if you look at the social demographic of this nation, the populace, we have been psychologically significantly weakened over the last ten years, specifically the last five. It’s accelerated, but this thing’s been going on for 1020, 30 years.

And it’s just the parabolic curve is getting faster and faster. Right. I think with what we’re seeing right now, especially in the United States, we’re watching the freefall of every structure, the government, the church, the schooling system, the entertainment industry, and it’s all being exposed to us. And people are really horrified with what they’re witnessing and watching. Yes. And what we have to understand is that fear is actually the superweapon that’s been used to reengineer people.

So, like, for instance, when I first moved to the states, and most Americans won’t get this because you’ve grown up in this, but when I first moved to the states, I was actually quite shocked at how commercialized all of the holidays here are. It’s incredibly commercialized. And coming from another part of that in New Zealand. No, not to this extent. So you’d get done with Christmas and the next day, Valentine’s Day stuff goes up, right? Because it’s just you’re programming people to shift into the next level, and it’s actually industrialized, and it’s driven through a commercial sense.

So once you start understanding, it’s not cultural nostalgia, it’s industrial drive that solders nostalgia. Even the idea of Santa Claus, how Coke brought that in and introduced this whole idea. You have to understand that this whole culture has been built on an industry of programming a populace to consume. I will say when I was in Australia, I went to Australia in 2010. It was during Christmas, it was summer over there.

And I was like, wait a minute. This is throwing me off completely. But I have to admit, they weren’t celebrating it like they do in America. It was not the same. It did not have the same type of feeling, nostalgia, nothing. It was completely different. A completely different feeling for Christmas. I mean, it was hot as hell out. It was 115 degrees. Yeah. They’re roasting different things on the grill out there.

You’re not wrapped up in the snow and outside, and it’s kind of nice. I’ve had both. I’ve had hot Christmas and cold Christmas, and I like both. They’ve got both cool things. So coming back to the United States, so what you have to realize is that this country socially has been engorged on emotion that triggers this big heartthrob thing. Even if you go know all of the american idol type stuff, anything like that, anything, even politics, it’s the underdog story that Americans are trained, programmed to fall in love with.

No matter the guy’s background, no matter her background. It’s just, oh, what a sad story. We need to get behind us. It’s like, that’s not an ethical, intelligent basis for decision making. What that means is we’ve been programmed to emotionally connect, not logically connect. Does that make sense? 100%. Absolutely. Which is what the mainstream media uses today. 100%. So what you can see is it started really cute, and then the industrial.

We’ll call it the industrial complex, and we’ll include Walmart and everyone else in that. Not just the military stuff, but let’s just call it the industrial. The bigger picture of the industrial complex over the United States. They took a hold of that because opportunity knocks. Hey, we can leverage people’s emotions, and we can start selling more stuff, and we can buy bigger yachts and build our empires. Right? But then politics gets a hold of that.

Now, we can manipulate that and how we’re selling wars that we’re going into. So what we’re seeing is we’re seeing a whole nation that is emotionally deficit while thinking it’s emotionally intelligent, it’s highly vulnerable and naive, and it lacks any basis of intelligent decision making and logic. Right. So moral spines go out the door when emotional idols get built. Makes sense. That makes sense. 100%. So we’re building a story here.

Yeah, go ahead. No, I was going to say they’re getting ready to do that with Biden. If you’re watching, they’re saying, oh, the poor guy, the elderly man. They’re starting to pull on people’s heartstrings. And that’s how they’re going to, what I believe is they’re going to use that kind of narrative to lift them up to the Democrats to where they’re going to be like, oh, poor guy.

See what I mean? Oh, he’s stepping down. Good for him. He’s doing the right thing. Now we go for the next nominee. Who will be, I don’t know, Newsome, Michelle, whoever they’re going to put in there to take his place. But they’re already, I’m already watching the news and the syndicates come out with know, pulling on the hardstrings. It’s an emotional story. He’s an elderly man. It’s time for him to sit down.

He did the country right, that type of stuff. I mean, not to step on taboo mushrooms or anything, but I noticed it straight away when I came here to this country. Even the way that the political industry appeals to certain ethnic demographics, and it’s only around election time, they come in and they start appealing to these different ethnic groups in the country. Hey, we are Americans. Stop dividing us.

Firstly. But they’ll appeal to these groups and these groups will feel, oh, yes, we’re loved, we’re recognized, we’re seen, and then they get dropped. And so it’s this constant emotional, I’ll call it manipulation. Okay. It’s almost at a spell level, witchcraft level where people are just getting mesmerized into these. Almost like, oh, look, squirrel. But when you say almost, I would like to say that I think it is that when you really look into this, it is.

Okay, so I know it’s YouTube, but it is that they are using that type of spell formula, witchcraft stuff on what, music, movies, the whole thing. This is a reality. But that could be for another, well, I mean, it’s definitely for another segment. And talking about some of the rituals that some of these people in high places do, if that’s who you are really behind the scenes, then it stands to reason that your political and your business strategies will be in that same culture.

We’ll come to that another session for sure. So all that to say, this America has been conditioned to fear, trauma and distraction. So let’s do something really bad over here. And right when there’s about to be a court case, something blows up over here. And you’re all looking here now and you forgot that because it’s so repetitive that you can’t even remember five incidences ago what actually took place, because there’s been thousands of them now.

It’s not. We’re dealing with thousands. Kind of giving the country add. Yeah. ADHD, add, trauma, PTSD. It’s probably more of a political traumatic syndrome disorder. Okay. I mean, I’ve noticed anytime something comes out on the news, you should do that t shirt, Nino. Yeah, you should do that t shirt politically. Hey, that’s a good idea. I think I might do that. But really, anytime there’s going to have an event that seems to go our way, immediately, distraction, immediately something comes to steal us away from that new cycle and divert our attention over this way.

Right? So that’s the platform for this conversation today, what we’ve just framed. I think average viewer is going to be able to go, yeah, I totally see that. So let’s talk about this faith versus fear. It’s a real faith over fear. It’s been the t shirt that everyone sold, right. It’s been a very popular statement in this whole patriotic movement and this kind of common sense movement, we’ll call it.

Now, the problem is, if I was the devil, I would be very happy for you to recognize it, but I would fight you doing anything about it. So I’ll let you identify it. And I think that’s been one of the biggest problems. Like, I’ve been in the back room with some pretty important people in this nation and some of these movement circles, and I’ve been like, hey, guys, what are we going to do here? Oh, no, we’re just building our campaign.

And so everyone’s actually still in that same trinket industrial complex, mostly in this political patriot corner, still just building commercialization instead of mobilizing unity, because unity is the power that takes this nation back. Unity is the only power under God that takes this nation back. We cannot take it. Jesus himself said, a kingdom divided cannot stand. It will implode. And so that’s why there’s been so many divisions anyways coming back.

And that’s also why there’s so many groups that are being funded by non governmental agencies or organizations that are funding these groups in certain communities. And I’ll be very vague, the way I say it here, on flufftu, but that are pushing their ideals on society, correct? Yeah, absolutely. And so that’s why we’ve had unnamed, unbranded powers behind the scenes telling us not to trust each other, saying black people can’t trust white people.

White people are the bad person. White people can’t trust black people. Hispanics are victims. Asians are victims. Hang on a minute. Who actually gave them permission to be that authority on those topics? Can’t we come together and be one? Can’t we be a United States? Right? And so that’s where we’re losing our power. But anyways, coming back to this idea now, I want to talk about what fear actually is and what faith actually is.

Now, faith is the opposite of fear. It’s literally the black mirror opposite of fear. And so in order to understand fear, let’s talk about faith for a second. In Hebrews eleven, chapter one, it says, faith is the substance of things not yet seen. Faith is the hope for things not yet seen. It’s the substance for things hoped for. Right? So faith is this powerful pull on something that you hope for that you haven’t yet seen.

I kind of call it the knowing. It’s the knowing. It’s beyond just I hope. Hope is like the seed that gives me vision that I could possibly have something. And faith is that I will not let this thing go until I have it. Belief. Faith. The internal belief is. Yeah, and in this case, faith is the belief that the good things that God has for me will come to my life if I don’t quit.

Agreed. It’s believing that God is good and that he’s for me. And even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, even though sickness comes near my house, even though difficulties come to my country or my town or my family, God is good all the time, and he has good things for me. And I will walk through the difficult and trust him for the good.

Okay? So we have to understand that that is what faith. Faith is the substance of things not yet seen. It’s the evidence of things not yet seen. Right. It’s the substance of things hoped for. So coming back now, fear is the counter opposite. It is the devil’s vehicle of getting negative destruction to you. So if faith is the train tracks that gets God’s provision to your life, fear is the devil’s train tracks that gets provision of destruction and chaos and negativity to your life.

So how do I empower faith? I partner with it. Faith doesn’t happen because I signed up and I had water splashed on my head. Faith happens because I wake up every morning and I choose to trust God. It’s a choice. Every morning, no matter what I see with my eyes, remember, faith is not by. We walk by faith, not by sight. So my faith is not interrupted by what I’m experiencing, what I’m seeing, what I’m hearing, what I’m being told.

Faith is a choice, that no matter what I see in my world, no matter what my senses are touching, I trust God and faith also. It’s living in optimism. It’s not living in this pessimistic drudgery, right. When you’re living in fear, it’s a lower vibration. When you’re living in faith, you’re operating at a much higher vibration. It’s a mindset and spiritual set, because when I have friends, and I’m not going to name them, obviously, on the show, but the situation they’re in, in life has a lot to do with where they’re operating from.

A lot of people operate from fear, which causes them to live below their means. Always scared of this situation, scared of that situation. So they hold back. They don’t do anything. They don’t take the risk. They don’t take calculated risk. When you live in faith, it’s almost you’re always saying, I deserve that. I’m going to go for that. I deserve it, and I’m operating out of faith, and I’m going to go for it, right? And good things come.

Am I right in saying that? Right? Yeah. And that all the good things that God has for my life and even in some cases, even what I don’t deserve, but he’s going to be good to me with anyways, that’s that vehicle. Now, there’s the scripture, and it says it’s in job. And he talks about what I feared came upon me. So fear is like faith. Faith is a submission of worship to trusting God, that he’s my provider, he’s my healer, he’s my deliverer, he’s my high tower, he’s my fortress, he’s my refuge, he’s my savior, he’s my forgiver.

All of these things, right? But the minute I disconnect from that, remember, actually, let’s just talk about a quick picture so that we can understand it real clearly. Remember when Peter, Jesus was walking on water, and Peter gets out of the boat and he says, lord, if it’s you, call me and I’ll come. In other words, we’re saying I can walk on water, too, if you give me the power.

And Jesus said, come. All the other disciples stayed in the boat. Peter puts his leg over the side of the boat, and he steps and he hits the water like a marble floor. And he’s looking at Jesus and he starts to walk on those waves because it was a terrifying storm. It wasn’t just flat water, it was a terrifying storm. So he’s looking at Jesus and he is above the circumstance, okay? So he’s looking at Jesus and he’s walking.

And all of a sudden he gets distracted by the news broadcast around him because, remember, he’s a fisherman, so he understands that these storms are deadly. He grew up hearing stories of sailors and fishermen that died in the lakes because they got caught in storms. And he looks down at the storm and the waves, and he starts to respect the water more than Jesus. And the minute he does that, he starts sinking into the thing he feared.

So what you fear is what you submit to. And what you submit to rules your life. If I want good things, I need to submit to God by respecting him and trusting him no matter what happens in my life. Even if, like David said, even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I’ll fear no evil because you’re with me. What he’s saying is, I can walk through the bounds of hell itself if you’re with me.

It’s not about my situation, my environment, or my comfort. It’s the fact of who’s with me. Doesn’t matter what environment I’m in. I was built for the storm. If you’re with me, I’m also built for the palace. And so when we start to understand this, we start seeing. Okay, hang on a minute. Let’s zoom out here. America has been triggered with so much emotional and fear driven rhetoric that good people have shifted from walking stable lives and they’ve started sinking even in the circles that you’re know, even in some of the world, that some of these really powerful people that get up on stages, behind the scenes, they’re terrified.

Oh, yeah, I’ve seen them. You’ve seen them. They talk real strong from a stage. They’re just like, we’re going to change. And that’s because it’s their meal ticket. And then they get off the stage and it’s like, who are you? What just happened? Right? It’s because you’re honoring your meal ticket, but you’re not being true to who you are. And I want to follow authentic. Right. So I want to talk a little bit with you today, and I don’t know if you want to comment on anything I’ve already said here.

Well, what about when people say, I have a fear in God? And we were talking about that before we started recording, and you said, no, it’s a respect. It is, yeah. So I think this has actually been something that the devil’s weaponized, because you got to remember that the devil is actually called. He’s recognized as the accuser of the brethren. That’s us, the family of God. But he’s also the accuser of God.

He came to Eve and he accused God to Eve. So he accuses everyone all the time. And so if I was the devil, for instance, just so we can kind of see it from a different angle, when we say fear of God, I’d make you think, well, that’s because you need to be terrified of him, because he’s not a nice guy, because that’s how the devil’s relationship is.

The devil’s been judged by God. He’s going to burn in hell forever. Once Jesus comes back, he’s going to burn forever. And I’m really excited. I’ve already put my order into heaven. I want front row seats, popcorn, gold, honey glazed on it. I just want to watch that. I want to watch that angel pick that thing up and throw him into the fire. Seriously. It’s okay to say that because he has tormented the earth, and I’m excited to see that.

That’s not scary for me to see. We’re watching all his minions work for him right now. Absolutely. So you have to look at it and go, okay, so if I was the devil, of course I’d be terrified of God. So I’m going to make everyone on the earth feel the way I feel. So no one trusts him, so no one connects with him, so no one gets salvation.

And they go with him into the bottom split of hell into them. They go with him of God. Right? The great deceiver. Yeah, the great deceiver. But they’ll call him instead of the great deceiver. A lot of people say he’s the illuminated one, the one that brought the light. Lucifer brought the light. And that’s really deception at its best right there. Correct. And we’re going to do an entire session on just that thing.

We’re going to talk about the Illuminati and the Freemasonry. We’re going to go down the road, we’re going to talk about Gilgamesh, and we’re going to talk about all of it. They worship this as their God. They call it secret knowledge. Right. They call it secret knowledge, but we’ll just leave it here with this one little breadcrumb before we move on. And if you’re watching this, you should need to watch out for the session.

That we’re going to do coming up. But if God was truly powerful, and our God is, why does he need to keep himself a secret 100%? I’ve always said that, andrew. I’ve always said, many times, I said these secret societies, the first and most evil sin is keeping anything secret from your brothers, from humanity. That in itself, it doesn’t sound like a benevolent, loving person. No, that’s evil in nature.

That’s evil in nature right there. Correct. That’s wrong. Right there. All of that. So understanding what the fear of God is, that word has been misused and misrepresented. So when it says the fear of God or fear God, that’s not saying be terrified and be horrified of God. What that’s saying is have a deep, reverential respect out of love that I would never want to hurt him because of how good he’s been to me.

So it’s like my children, they respect the authority that I carry because ultimately it says of God, like, you need to fear him who can not just kill your body. He says, don’t fear the person like the terrorist or the demons that can kill your body. Fear the person who can not only kill your body, but can destroy your spirit in hell. Right? So there is a sense of there is powerful authority in God’s person, but at the same time, he doesn’t represent himself as a narcissistic, leveraging, threatening father.

He says, hey, I sent my son. We talked about this in the last session, and I made a way so that the sin consequence that you currently have doesn’t need to be your consequence. I’m going to pay the debt myself, and all you need to do is believe in me. Right? So what we see is a loving father. And Jesus said, when they said, teach us how to pray to God, Jesus said, our father, not my father.

He said, our father. So he’s representing God as a father, not as a judge, if we will connect with him in that way. So when we start to understand the fear of God, we’re talking about a deep representation of the most powerful being who’s decided to give us access and represent himself as a father. So that’s worthy of respect. And we all want to become casual with that.

And we all should respect, have a healthy respect for our father, not fear our father, that should be taken out and say it’s really respect our father. Right? And some of us, myself included, had some pretty serious trauma with father figures. And so at times, the enemy, the devil, will use that as a leverage to say, well, that’s what a father is. That’s who he is. And I would just challenge you.

Just if that’s your experience, stop and say, God, show me who you are and teach me what a father is, because I don’t know. And he’ll come to you. And I can tell you. That’s my story. So coming back to this whole idea that the fear of God, once I fear God at that level, and I have a deep respect for him, and I believe that he is all powerful.

I believe that he can destroy everything if he wants to. And at the same time, he showed me mercy and saved me, that he is that powerful and yet that compassionate and loving and kind, I start to hold him at the esteem above any other threat. That’s why David said, even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I won’t fear any threat, no evil, no hostility, because you’re with me.

Now. He says this the very next line, he says, because your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Now let me just quickly explain the rod and the staff. The rod was actually made to beat off predators. So God’s my protector. And the staff is what you see as the shepherd’s crook that guided the sheep when they started to go off stray, right? So it’s your rod, your protection and your guidance.

They comfort me. So you start seeing the nature of God, where David’s saying, I don’t care where you put me. If you’re with me, I’m okay. You see, I don’t care what invaders come into this country. If you’re with me, I’m okay. I don’t care what pestilence and disease and biologicals get released. If you’re with me, I’m okay. I don’t care what politician gets in. They are not the king of the universe.

They have a temporary seat of power. If you’re with me, God, I’m okay. You see, and it starts shifting you away from this programming narrative that you have to constantly submit to the trauma. And when you do that, you’re like Peter, you come up above the waves and you can now start to stand on top of the trauma and pull other people out. So your mean the best way to go about this is pull yourself away from the fear, stop watching the MSM, things like that, and immerse yourself, what, into the Bible and services and really start looking towards faith over fear.

Like you really have to make a conscious decision to do this. Look, I would say it like this. Some people have become so addicted to the feeding of trauma information and the next update and the next piece of conspiracy, which is probably truth, right? It’s probably mostly truth. I think people do need to be prepared and get the right. I don’t think in any way, I don’t think we’re suggesting here, Nino, that we’re not saying in any way that you should just completely go bury your head in the sand, right? What we’re saying is, hey, if you’re an alcoholic, it’s probably not cool to hang out in the bar, right? If you become addicted to this information and now it’s all you think about, you wake up and it’s the first thing you want to look at before you go to bed.

It’s the last thing you want to check. I have people in my world that send me, and I know you do, too. For sure you haven’t told me this, but I know you do. They send me 20 articles a day, and all I’m doing is just deleting them. It’s like, dude, I know. I get it. And I am aware of a lot of it. It’s too much. So people get lost in this mental universe of trauma, stimulus.

And so you can’t tell me you’re living above if that’s the main thing you’re looking at. And so what I’m trying to say here is that we’re not fools. We’re not just hiding our heads in the sand. There is tough days coming. I mean, the stage has been set and is even coming through the border right now. Like, the stage has been set. But the way that we overcome, because we can still overcome victory is still at hand.

Okay? And it’s going to need to be a victory, but it’s not going to become by us being played by all the same muscle memory that the adversary inside this country that’s playing us all for fools has been using. It’s going to come when we start to fear another element that’s outside of this world more than this stuff. Because once I put God in a healthy place, I can start looking at this stuff objectively.

I can start having balance. And more importantly, instead of being. Because what does fear do? It paralyzes you. Oh, my God, what are we going to do? Oh, my God, what are my children’s lives going to be like? Oh, my God, what if the fiat currency goes upside down? Oh, my God, what are we going to do? Right? And I get all that stuff because it’s very real.

You can’t ignore that stuff, right? But there comes a point where it will paralyze you and you can’t do anything. So when you come above it, we can now start being agents of change. Well, what do you say to the people that we know? The news is out there. It’s consumed with fear. But the people that rise above that and want to be warriors and want to be outspoken activists and go against this evil, what about that? I mean, those people don’t just ignore it.

They know what’s going on, they see what’s happening, but they choose to pick up the shield and sword and fight back. What about those people? So I think that there’s wisdom in all of that stuff, because the problem is that if we’re just reckless and haphazard, we’re going to get played against ourselves, even in our own courage. And so I think there’s this now I’m going to speak to me because my faith in God is my absolute.

My whole world is built around that. There are times, if you look at the life of David, we’ll just look at King David for a second. Where David had, he had his soldiers, his warriors, and he could see the enemy down in the field. And God said, wait. David went. It says, david inquired of the Lord, like, if you look up how many times it says, david inquired of the Lord, it’s significant.

So David didn’t use his own trust in his strength and his prowess and his own efforts and his courage as some kind of gauge and guide to be able to have confidence that we’re going to do this. He constantly was going back to God and saying, what do you want me to do? How do you want me to do it? That’s why I said last time when I went to a big event in Kentucky that I was asked to come to, we had like 3000 people on their knees in the field.

Because I said, this is what God says. If you want your nation back, we have to go to the scripture says, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray. So humble myself means all my strength and ability gets put to the side and I stop seeing myself egotistically and I start seeing myself as a son of God that relies on him 100% and needs him.

So we’ll humble ourselves and pray and turn from our wicked ways. So that’s all of the adoption and connection with stuff that God hates and is in opposition to God. Then I will hear from heaven. I will forgive their sin and heal their land. That’s what America needs. This is the scripture that America needs. Let’s say a person comes at you and says, well, listen, I believe in God, but my prayers are never answered.

I don’t know if praying really does anything. How do you answer that to tell someone, just go off and pray and wait for an answer from the Lord. How does the answer come to these people? How do they know they’re being consulted by God to do the right thing? They hear a voice. They get a feeling, what is it? I would tell you that sometimes we’re not hearing from God because we’re asking God the wrong questions.

It talks about this in the book of James. It says, you have not because you ask not. And when you ask, you’re asking the wrong questions, or you ask incorrectly for yourself, your own benefit. So one of the things that I’ve learned in my life, instead of saying, God, can I have God? Can you do God? What I start saying? God, what do you want God, when do you want God? What do you want to say to me? This is a prayer that I pray that I found to be very powerful.

God, would you please show me the thing that you need me to know that I’m not aware of right now? And it starts removing a lot of blind spots. And so sometimes I found in counseling people and talking to people and leading people over the years that people get really confused because they’re disorientated asking the wrong questions. And all you need to do is change the question you’re asking.

And then it’s like, okay, God can answer me in a dream. God can answer me when I’m reading the Bible, because this thing’s a living word. And I’ve been amazed. Sometimes I’ve been read, and all of a sudden, I just feel this pulse of life and energy come out of the book. It’s like, oh, my goodness. God was just answering my question. There’s the answer right there, and you know it.

You know it in here. It’s not just an intellectual, oh, let’s marry this thing together and kind of Bible bingo egg. Other times, God will use a complete stranger. Like, there might be someone watching your show right now that has been having a question in their heart about this very thing, and this question is being used by God to answer them. Other times, God will use a stranger to come and talk to you, or he’ll speak into your heart, and you’ll hear his voice.

Yeah. And so sometimes we’re not looking for where God’s talking to us. And don’t forget, it does say, be still and no. So you can’t have 48 hours in your day and have a million miles an hour with appointments and no moments where you just stop and say, okay, God, just you and me. Would you just speak to me? I’m just going to sit here with you. And there’s been a lot just to balance this out because you can hear preachers like me, like, oh, man, they just have this amazing relationship with God.

Sometimes I’ve gone for weeks and months and not heard anything, and I’m just going to focus on being obedient to the last thing he says, the last thing he told me until he speaks the next time. And I want to be found trustworthy doing that. Does that make sense? The devil comes in and it’s like, oh, look, God’s left you alone. Shut up, devil. I’m trusting God. He made everything that’s ever existed.

He’s got this. A lot of people sell out to the devil, they’ll sell their soul to the devil to get the fames and fortunes of this lifetime, not knowing what’s really at stake here. And then there’s the people that say, well, I’ve prayed to God. I’ve asked for these things. Well, God is not a genie in the bottle. I mean, God’s not going to just answer your prayers because you have a wish list like Claus, right? So when it comes to that stuff, and I was going to say this to you, if you have any friends that actually have, or people watching the show, if you have any friends that have legitimately been in a ritual and sold their soul to the devil, I want them to call you.

And Nino, I want you to get in touch with me. We either get together in person or we’re going to do something on a private zoom like this. Because I’ll tell you right now that there is no covenant with the devil. There is no covenant in hell. There is no blood covenant. There is no even human sacrifice, because that stuff really goes on that cannot be broken by the blood of Jesus.

The blood of Jesus breaks every curse and covenant and overrides everything. The devil never paid any of his blood to buy you. He’s just fooled you into selling you his soul. He doesn’t have the currency to purchase you. And only the blood of Jesus can purchase your life. And so it’s a fraudulent deal, even though you have actually sold your soul. And if that’s happened, I want to encourage you.

I really just feel the spirit of God on me right now. And I just want to say this out loud. Even if there’s one person, I’m telling you right now, if you cry out to Jesus, he’ll break that curse and the devil loses his grip over you. It’s not what he’s promised you. The price is too great that anyone in the afterlife would do anything to get it back.

Come to Jesus and he’ll break the curse and he will give you life in heaven. It’s the only eternal bliss there is with Jesus. I just wanted to say that because you made that comment, because that what you just said right there is an incredibly real, and it’s becoming prolific. And I can tell you with confidence that just because you sold your soul doesn’t mean it’s gone forever.

We can get it. Let’s say that again. So, like, anybody who’s out there that has sold their soul to the industry, they feel like it’s over. They feel hopeless. That’s not the truth. The truth is you can break that with Jesus Christ. It breaks all. We can break that. All contracts, all chains with the devil, nothing. So that right there should give a lot of people hope because a lot of people do feel, like, miserable, depressed, because they feel they’re not worthy of God’s love.

They’ve done too many things. That’s right. They have too many skeletons in their closet. They got too many. It might have even been sins. It might not have been that you did a ritual, but maybe you have done certain things in your life that you feel so condemned and hopeless about. I’ve had people come to me about all kinds of know, just horrible, horrible stuff. And I can tell you if Jesus, the son of God who never sinned, was hanging, dying on a cross, and next to him was two criminals dying justly for their crimes.

And one of them called out to Jesus. This guy never went to church in his life. This guy never got to do any ministry. This guy never got to show proof of his repentance. He just looks at Jesus and said, I’m a bad man, but you’re a good man. Would you remember me when you come into your kingdom? And Jesus looks at him and smiles, he says, surely this day I tell you, you’ll be with me in paradise.

I want to tell you about the mercy of God, man. It doesn’t matter what any of your listeners have done. If you are just loaded down, maybe drinking all kinds of weird addictions and weird, crazy lifestyles and cultish communities that you’ve got into came because you just lost hope in yourself, because the devil told you you’ve gone too far, God will never receive you. He’ll never love you, never forgive you.

Maybe you even grew up in church. I’m telling you, God can break everything. Remember the story of the prodigal son? The father’s waiting on the porch, and he is smiling, and he runs to meet that son who’s coming back. Now, what you need to know about that culture in that time that Jesus told, it was undignified for a notable man to run. So the father in that story lowered his dignity to welcome his son back in.

And then he honored him with a new robe and a new ring and new shoes, and he honored him with celebration. And I just want to tell you, it doesn’t matter. Your story, it doesn’t matter how dark your past, the blood of Jesus and the mercy of God will welcome you with open arms and will wipe everything in your past like it never happened. That’s beautiful. Andrew. I just want to say thank you for this beautiful message today.

Do you want to lead us out with. You want to lead us out with. Yeah, I want to finish with one verse, and then we’ll pray. Okay. And this is found in the book of two Timothy, chapter one and verse seven. For God has not given us a spirit of fear. He’s not made us timid. He’s not made us weak, but he’s given us love, power, and a sound mind.

That is the legacy that God has given you. Don’t submit to fear and let that get disempowered out of your life and become a slave to the rhetoric. Jesus will make you great. You just have to trust him, even when it’s dark. Okay? So let’s pray, bro. I knew bringing you on was the right thing to do. All right, let’s do a bunch of these. Okay. Father, we just thank you.

We thank you that you love every single person and that you’re for us, that you’re for this nation, God, even though this nation strayed far, far away from you. And so we’re asking for your goodness and your love and your mercy. And just like Jesus reaching out and pulling Peter out of the waves, and just like that, the father of the prodigal son just welcoming that kid coming back that had just messed his whole life up, and he just welcomed him with no condemnation, just love.

Father, I just pray right now for the person who’s watching this, that’s just feeling your spirit and your presence just surrounding them, pouring love on them. Father, I pray in Jesus name that your goodness and your mercy would just fall on them right now, and they would know that they’re forgiven as they cry out for you to forgive them that they would know that they’re loved as they ask you to come back into their lives.

And, God, that you would pick them up and that you would dust them off and give them that new robe and put that ring of sunship back on them and those new shoes of dignity. And that you would celebrate them, God. And they wouldn’t just come back to what they had before, but they would come back to a relationship with you that they didn’t even know was possible, where they realize in their heart that you delight in them so much and that they have become the joy of your heart.

And so, Father, I bless everyone watching here today, and I pray, God, that you would do something great in our hearts so that we would not submit to fear, but we would find your story and your promises and the hope of what you have ahead, and that we would cling to that, and our faith would partner with you and with what you’ve promised, so that we would see a better community and a better nation.

We ask for mercy and protection over this nation, God. And that you would move sovereignly and justly over this nation and set things in order. God, we ask you to remember every righteous person in this nation, just like when you’re talking to Abraham, that you wouldn’t bring judgment on America, God, but you’d show mercy because of the righteous that are still here. In Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Andrew.

Amen. You’re amazing, man. What’s the next episode? What are we talking about the next time? I haven’t figured it out yet, but we’ve got a big list of topics. All right. We can definitely start going down the road. I’d really like to start talking about the occult and the rituals. Let’s do that. We’ll do that on Enoscorner tv because he can’t talk about it on Flufftube. But listen, we’re going to come back on Flufftube.

We’re going to come back on YouTube. We’re going to have many more episodes. Andrew, you’re going to be a big hit, my man. Thank you so much for everything. Thank you for everything you’re doing. God bless you, sir. Bless. .

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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Andrew Billings New Zealand pastor choosing optimism over pessimism commercialization and emotional connection faith versus fear importance of trusting in God investing in noble gold manipulation by big businesses and politics Nido's Corner TV episode discussion overcoming fear and trauma psychological weakening of American society reaching full potential through faith weaponization of fear working through problems effectively

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