The article talks about the rising prices of food and other goods, which is making life harder for middle-class people. This is due to inflation, which is when the cost of things goes up. The article also mentions that this could lead to a financial crash, similar to ones that have happened in the past. It suggests that investing in real estate could be a good way to protect yourself from these changes.
This text is a rant about the financial system, accusing financial experts of misleading the public for their own gain. The author suggests that investing in commodities like gold, silver, and cryptocurrencies can protect against economic downturns. They also warn about the potential for social unrest and advise people to prepare by stocking up on essentials. The author promotes a course they’ve created about cryptocurrency trading.
You need to understand what’s important to you, that’s the bottom line. The financial expert has left.
That has happened. But I have also said that there is coming a slight bout of hyperinflation in America, and it has already begun. I’m going to explain that through two stories. We’re seeing a couple of commodities rocket off, and it is not silver. Okay, type one, if you know what this sound is, and I’m not joking, what it feels like. I don’t know how that sounds in the mic.
Type one, if you know what the sound feels like, because it’s a frequency. We have cocoa and coffee taking off right now. Many people watching this may say, I could care less because I don’t drink coffee and I don’t eat chocolate. Right. That I don’t think you understand. It’s not about you and I drink coffee. May want to pause this and grab some coffee. You may need some stimulants after this.
Two stories we’re going to share with you. First off, this one’s out of zero hedge. It says the next bean is hyper inflating and it’s not cocoa. And just so you know, we’re going to show you. I’m going to show you some things that you can do at the end to get ready for this. Also today is the official launch of pre filming the crypto Trader pro course.
That link is down below if you want. The pre filming discounts $189. It’s over 80% off. I have been using cryptocurrency since 2017, trading in and out. I don’t talk about it a ton, but I take that I invested some dollars into crypto or bitcoin. I trade, buy and sell it. I make more dollars, which I’ve been turning into gold and silver and vaulting it. There are a lot of people that do not understand that.
But the fact of the matter is, when you buy something like this silver, God’s money, it’s not intended for you to hold on to it forever. I think that everyone should always have a position in it, a small position for insurance. But there’s a point where you take crap us dollars that are being inflated away every year. There’s no matter, no matter how, what long you, what year you’re in there is that year.
This crap is being devalued by at minimum 2%. The federal Reserve says, okay, that’s why long term charts of car values and home values go up, because this crap’s being devalued. This has been being suppressed. All right, but you have to take some of this crap and you got to buy this awesome stuff. And then when it goes up, guess what? You get to buy more of this.
And then you go and buy homes with it and cars with it and land with it and, and you go on vacations with it. Okay? You don’t go down. And I’m not joking. There is a disconnect in certain communities, especially some prepper and silver and gold communities, that think that all of a sudden you’re like, you’re going to be walking around and going to the grocery store and buying stuff with this.
It will never ever happen. This is never ever going away. Well, the cash portion of it, sorry if it’s loud, it’s raining like crazy. I want to be outside, but because I’m so fired up, I need to be standing and waving my arms to try and get this point across to people. We are starting hyperinflation. This is now the point where the ninja is going to say it.
Because I came out about six months before the inflation picked up around the nation and that was when lumber was hyperinflating. I said, don’t worry, lumber is going to come back down because real inflation is going to start that. Lumber hyperinflation was just a product of a bunch of people sitting at home with nothing to do. And the government forced them to stay home and said, hey, let’s build a deck or let’s build a fence, or let’s do that add on project because I’ve got the time right.
That was a little nothing, a blip. Now we’ve got steady inflation and the fed can’t get control of it. And they, the government has been printing tons of this, a trillion dollars in 100 days. There is going to be a day in the next year. You are going to see the government print $1 trillion in a month to try and band aid this. And then guess what? When they don’t get their way in the next election and type three, if you get this, they are going to throw the biggest tantrum ever and they’re going to pull the plug on the economy.
And you know what’s funny? They think they’ve got this in the bag. I’m telling you what God’s got. And too, and it’s going to take them down with it when this happens. And it is going to be one of the most epic financial collapses in history, because it’s not going to only affect America, but it’s going to affect the entire world. There are going to be trade imbalances and supply chain deficits that will shock you.
There will be days when Walmart has nothing to sell to you. And you know what’s going to be great? You’re going to be able to go back to this video, actually, I’ll make sure of it. And go, this is when the warning came out. Now, the good news is this isn’t a panic because I’m showing you well in advance. And many of you may say, well, why would I buy and sell crypto? Because it’s going to go to nothing.
Well, it’s called buying and selling. And then you sell it for this, and then you go buy this, get ready for that. And if you think that this cycle is like the same one before, the same happening nowhere near, because this is the one thing, this is the one thing, they’re faking this right now through ETF’s. You can’t fake it once everybody buys up the physical and you can’t go get it in the stores.
We’ve seen that happen in 2020 and it’s mellowed out since. But it’s obvious and truthful. You can’t fake a bitcoin. And that’s why the hedge funds are freaking out and buying it. So we’re not going to teach you that here. This is the story. This next bean is hyperinflating. It’s not cocoa. The next bean hyper inflating is robusta coffee futures in London hitting fresh record highs on Friday.
This comes as poor harvest in Vietnam, the world’s second largest producer of robusta beans, fuels concerns about global shortages. Also, Arabica futures are erupting. Futures for robusta, the cheaper coffee bean, known as lower altitudes, are requiring less care than most expensive Arabica. All right, let me explain something, because you’re like, I don’t care about coffee. This is why you should. Lots of people drink coffee, right? And prices creep up and people don’t pay attention.
So when something like this is happening, where you’re seeing a chart of coffee, and this chart goes all the way back to 2008, right? It’s hit this line a couple of times since 2008. Look at where we are now, right? What does that do? That causes companies like, let’s say, McDonald’s, which since I started, please get this. Since I started this channel, this coffee cost $1 today I paid $1.
89. Since the start of the channel. Many people go, I don’t care about you paying more than 80, you know, 89% higher, you know, in the cost of coffee, that’s $0. 89. Now, that doesn’t go into my savings. That’s $0. 89. It doesn’t go here or there. Sure, I get it. There’s gonna be some wise guy that says, well, juice, don’t drink coffee. Copy. You’re not that bright.
We’re thinking bigger picture here. Stop thinking about the little things. You’re picking up the seeds. I’m trying to show you the whole thing, and I’m only talking to the one guy. So you’ll be able to pick that guy out. And then you can hashtag, hey, you’re that guy in the comments section. And the comment section is great because what it does is it shows you two things, that there are amazingly intelligent people in this world because that is who you are.
The followers of this channel get things that are way more than surface level looks, appearances, all of that kind of stuff, right? Very intelligent people. Regardless of your income or your net worth, please understand that. Type four, if you agree with that. But you get that one guy, that moron out there, right? Like the one yesterday, I called Costco and said, you know, trying to challenge me, saying, Costco’s not selling silver.
Is someone on the phone said, they’re not selling it? Like, I’m looking at the website. My friend just bought it, took possession of it. He’s on Fox News literally speaking about it live yesterday. It’s like, oh, gosh, you’re just going to talk. So one moron talks to another moron and they’re vindicated. Copy. They’re out there and they’re voting for Joe Biden. All right, so when coffee skyrockets, cocoa skyrockets.
Well, they’re using a bunch of ingredients, their ingredients in a bunch of foods. Food kicks up that much more and it makes the middle class that much poorer, right? Because they don’t see it happening. And so many people, especially the middle class, the bulk of the wealth in the nation, please get it. But it’s dwindling fast because of what I’m talking about, the hyperinflation of certain asset classes of categories like food.
What happens is they just blow money on credit cards or they spend and they don’t see it. In a few months later, they’re going, wait, we got to dip into our savings account. And they’re poor and it’s too late. This is real serious stuff now they say. A new report from the chairman of Intamix Group. And get ready, because the next story is even more important. It’s about reinflation.
Okay. The country’s largest shipper details how robust exports for 2023. 2024, expected to be lower than the prior growing season at 1. 5 million tons. All right, so here’s the truth about coffee, about coca. Can we all cut it out? Yeah. Is it going to change our lives? Not really. Some of us may have less energy, but let’s dive into this story. And then I want you to really take this and mold this over.
It’s official. Reinflation is here. This also is out of zero hedge. For months and even years, the mainstream news has sought to spin terrible inflation news. It’s not. And, oh, gosh, please get this. Years ago, I told guys at the fire station, hey, get ready for 30,000 Dow. Get ready for all these high numbers. And they were just like, you’re crazy. It’s never gonna happen. And, you know, I don’t have to be a stock picker.
Even though I’m an investor and I buy and sell stocks and cryptos, I don’t really. That’s not. That’s not the crowd that I wanted to go after. Now it’s okay. Crap. We need to put money in people’s hands and teach them skills that they need to not only survive, but thrive. Right? That’s my whole game. That’s what I want to show people. But I knew that I didn’t have to be a stock picker to show you why or how the stock market was going to go up to these crazy nosebleed levels.
It’s because of inflation. You see, in Weimar, there’s. Their company’s values went up because of inflation. In Venezuela, the stock market soared thousands of percent because of hyperinflation. Turkey, any of these countries you want to talk about, that’s what makes it go up. That is what made the 29 stock market crash happen. Because the roaring twenties brought stock levels to nosebleed levels. Because as money was being printed after the depression of 19, 2020.
Please hear me when I’m saying this. People sought to invest. They had a little extra money because of stimulus money. They threw money. And then it became a chase for yield because inflation got out of control. And during that breakneck parabolic rise, please understand this type ten. If you get this, that’s when everything comes crashing down. And that is the moment we are at right now. And when I say right now, it doesn’t mean tomorrow.
If you think that everything happens in one day, you ain’t that bright. And I’m just trying to not some sense into people’s heads. Cycles can take months, if not years, and big cycles, which this is, is a centuries long cycle dating back to the spanish flu. Please understand how insane and crazy these parallels are. And if you aren’t arming yourself, like, there are so many people that are like, this is exciting.
My silver went up a couple, couple bucks in the last sweet. It’s gonna swing down. I already talked about that yesterday. And it did. We filmed the video on that like two days ago, actually charting the top of this part of the silver and pushed it out. Ironically, it went out like 30 minutes or 15 minutes after the downturn started. But it’s okay. It’s going to come back up.
My point being is these are opportunities, right? You have to look at the value of one thing versus another. And the big value is the real estate. That is the ultimate grab right now. I’m telling you, hedge funds are trying to buy it all up to make you renters. They’re about to lose. They’re about to pop. You’re going to see hedge funds and mutual funds implode during this next crash.
They’re going to be off loading real estate. I know that sounds crazy. You have to just sort of get there in your mind and that is the ultimate, ultimate purchase. And I don’t want to be alone in this. You got a lot of smart talking heads out there that got some big college degrees that all they tell you is what’s happening right now. You got very few of them are saying, well, I’m going to tell you what’s happening now.
And then I’m going to use that to project, to show you what’s coming in the future. That’s why they can’t stand me. They’re freaked out. And you know what I get to say about them? Bet against me. So it says that the mainstream media has been trying to spin this inflation news as good. Like, oh, look at how rich you are in the stock market. Look how rich you are now in gold, right? That’s the one they didn’t want to talk about.
But now it’s. And get ready for that one, right? It’s not so bad. It’s just transitional. This is what they say. It’s getting better. It’s not really a problem. And all your gloom about the value of the dollar is in your head. Truly, in the past fortnight we have here let me throw something out real quick. I’m just going to be blunt. I’m talking with my friend. He goes, hey, I’m going to, I’m going to call one of the producers of Fox and try and get you on, dude.
And he goes, they’re probably not going to want you on because you’re a wild card. I’m like, heck, yeah. Because I watched the questions they were asking him and they’re straight going, are you buying? And it’s funny, it’s so condescending, but my friend is such a rock star. She goes, why are you buying gold? Because of uncertainty about the dollar and, and inflation, all this stuff. And it’s, it’s almost like the way that she was asking, it was like, are you a prepper? You know what I mean? They’re, Fox is trying to be balanced as much as they want, but they aren’t.
I am going to be honest with you. Hey, we’re fair and balanced just on certain days. And they couldn’t handle, they’d probably cut my feet in a heartbeat, they know that. I’m so grateful that my buddy got on there. He’s such a rock star. I love seeing all of you start YouTube channels and Facebook groups and all this stuff, and you’re just crushing it. Reddit groups, x. I’ve got friends of the biggest now.
They’re crush. And I mean, you think about it, think about this. You got some friends that have started channels since this, uh, this, this channel has started and there’s some of the biggest out there. And then you’ve got some guys that are small and then all of a sudden Fox News like, hey, you want to come on? He’s like, heck, yeah, I’ll do this. I’m stepping up. He’s like, I didn’t want to show my face at first, but now I’m like, no, you don’t, you don’t shy away from a, that’s ninja nation right there.
I’m telling you, when that’s true courage, when you’re like, I don’t want to show my face. I don’t want to show my face. And then the big stage hits and you go, I can’t stay. I can’t back away from this one. I’m going to tell them how I feel. The dollar is going down and we need to prepare ourselves now. And they even try to go, well, are you sort of like a prepper? This is what the candidates, he goes, are you trying to get off the grid? And he said, he goes, I’m a businessman.
I own commercial real estate. I own assets. No, I can’t get off the grid. I’m here to protect myself. Dude. God bless ninja nation. Hashtag it if you understand what it is and you’re a part of it. I’m sorry, I digress for a second, but we gotta understand how big this, this time is. So it says, truly, in the past fortnight, we have been inundated with articles suggesting that the public is dumb as rocks for thinking that inflation is still a problem.
Yes, it is. And we’re a lot brighter than they want us to think we are. Yesterday morning, boom. The upward trend for the entire first quarter was solidly confirmed. We could be entering a second wave of inflation. It was so bad that not even the two most influential ventures could deny it. The New York Times reported stronger inflation than expected. The Wall Street Journal reported hot inflation report weakens case for Fed’s June rate cut.
You know, these are all the talking retards. Straight up. That’s the way you use that word. Morons. People that are so dumb, it’s like they just believe the narrative. They. They drink the Kool Aid and they’re just like, well, this was how life is. Because my boss told me. That’s what I gotta say. Okay, that, that is a retard. That is a moron. All right? Nobody that was born a certain way.
We’re talking about able bodied people that have lost their ever loving minds, okay? And then you’ve got the people that actually know what’s going on, like the Jim Cramers and the. What’s it called, the what’s his name, Dave Ramsey’s. And all those guys, mister wonderful and Barbara Corkwin, and all those people, they know exactly how this works. They’re lying to get you to buy their products, straight up.
That’s how life works. They’re making billions of dollars lying to you. And as long as you’re on financial life support, meaning that you’re okay, you can barely make your bills, you’re good. While they’re driving around their fancy cars on their multimillion dollar home, sitting on the hill, they mock you in quiet. I know that because I know some of these people. Oh, and let me get this out there real quick, too.
This is the other thing that pisses them off. And this should give you hope. Because a crazy guy like me with a stupid hair, okay, it’s not a stupid haircut, but, you know, nothing fancy about me reading off of cardboard notes gets five times their views, not because I’m special. Because I’m grinding and everyone watching understands the reality. And what they’re doing is they’re putting tens of millions of dollars per year in ad spend to make sure that Google puts them in front of you.
They’re buying their views. I love watching them waste their money. I know exactly which ones of them are watching right now too. How you doing, Grant? Here we go. The upward trajectory even from last summer is becoming apparent. The total loss of purchasing power in three years is easily 20%, but probably closer to 30% or more. And that’s just from the official data, which is highly manipulated by messing up the pricing of housing and health insurance while excluding the cost of borrowing entirely.
Adding these, those easily gets us back to double digits and perhaps exceedingly what we experienced in 1979 to 1980. Let me just stop this real quick and check out. Somebody emailed me the other day and they thanked me. They said I bought silver at $17 when you started warning us and I have nearly doubled my money. Sees taking into account the cost of the 1oz of silver plus the metal, right? It’s going to dip.
It’s going to dip. It’s going to take off again. But he’s thanked me, right? He’s doubled his value. Now, I never say anyone should put all their money into one thing, but check this out. Fed price. Okay, let’s just. This is super fast. The median sales price of homes, right? Look it, look. All throughout history, boy, you buy a house, you’re making money. No, that is not how it works.
But I want to show you this. This was the great recession. This is when millions of people lost 401 ks, their homes, their net worth dropped, the stock market fell by 50%. That’s this. Oh my gosh. That was horrible, wasn’t it? Get ready. That on a percentage basis is already almost equal. This is the median home price selling price. Median sales price of homes, it has already dropped on a percentage basis, almost the same as the entire country experienced there.
Get ready. You haven’t seen anything yet. You want to know why? It’s the simplest thing. Since I started preparing people for the real estate crash, they’ve been out doing this. The price. If you look at the peak right here, this is so simple it’s crazy. But the people that sell you a college degree don’t want you to know this. If you take this date right here at that peak, and you take the price of a home, and then you take the price of this, an ounce of gold or a bitcoin, you will find that if you owned this stuff over a house in that amount of time, your purchasing power to buy a house, even today at these still nodes, bleed prices, you have just absolutely crushed it.
Now, there’s a lot more to this real estate crash than the values between commodities versus real estate. But the media does not want you to understand that. And I know it sounds crazy as all these funds are out there buying up these homes with, with your pension funds to, to dominate the housing market. And that’s exactly what they’re doing right now with crypto, with bitcoin. That’s why we launched the course.
This is not a joke. And it is going to push crypto up much higher from where it is in this cycle. But if you don’t know how to buy and sell it and secure it, and I’m not talking like we even teach people how to use the stock market to buy and sell bitcoin. But my point being is that if you don’t know what to do with those gains and when to actually get out, you’re gonna be caught.
I’ve learned that the hard way. Most of us have, actually. So that is the question. Are you ready to take advantage of what’s going on if you’re not invested in certain commodities, if you’re not saving up some food right now, if you don’t got four months, six months worth of emergency food and a water filter, you need to go do that because there’s gonna be riots in the streets and you’re just gonna want to go.
I’m just gonna stay home today. I’m not gonna be the guy strapped up with a AR 15 to go help because you know where that ends up leading. Let the crazy people be crazy. Defend your property. Sit back, let the craziness go by. They’re called liberals. They’re gonna lose their minds. They’re going to lose their minds. Type eleven. If you don’t think they’ve lost their minds already, get ready for what happens come January 7.
Let that sink in for a second. Now, I prepared people for silver. I prepared people for gold. We’re already seeing the run up. That time’s over. I’m now here to prepare you for what’s coming in the crypto. We are in a confirmed bull market. I knew that number wise we were a while ago. But you have to understand now that hedge funds have come in and jumped in, this is a whole new ballgame.
And there’s gonna be a lot of lies out there. The media are gonna. I mean, we covered that in the channel, too. In the course too. How to identify the next meme coin, because there is a meme and AI coin. Boom. That’s about to happen. And you’re gonna get sucked in thinking these are the greatest things since sliced bread. I warned against nfts. Anyone type twelve, if you remember me saying, don’t.
Don’t stay in these nfTs. You buy and sell them and then you get out because they’re gonna go to nothing and everybody. There are so many haters out there. And they lost it. Just like the AMC warning I gave you. This is a big deal. All right? So if you’re ready and you want to take the challenge, I’m not joking. This is the most no brainer offer I’ve ever given.
It’s a pre filming discount. I’ve teamed up, not only me being a trader, but I picked up a guy that I’ve known for years that is a professional trader. He lives his life trading cryptocurrencies and the author of the Bitcoin Business Accelerator. We put together this course, it’s $189 until we’re finished filming it. And that’s why I just got back from Texas filming some of the last videos.
We’re gathered at the editors. When it’s done, it goes up. It will never be 189 again, that I can guarantee. Links down below. If not, don’t worry about it, but go and buy some food. Just keep saving in gold and silver and watch what happens over the next couple of years. You’re going to see some price dips. Gold and silver had a massive run, but. And they should come down in dollar terms, but over the long term, you’re gonna be crushing it.
And then get ready. Oh, and check this out to the guy that says, no shilling courses. Wait, stand by. Standby. See, here’s the good thing. This moron says no shilling courses. I sell a product that I believe is gonna help people, and I give the offer that in 14 days, you’re not happy, I’ll give you your money back if you haven’t watched more than 50% of it. I sell a product.
I don’t. I don’t shill commercials for companies. So this moron that probably has a Netflix subscription that he pays for and that he watches advertisements, we’re gonna do this. We’re gonna kick him off, because that’s the truth. I’m selling a product. I’m trying to change the world. And my time is worth money, just like your time is, too. So you just need to figure out where your values are at end of story.
The economic ninja is out. .