If you need it to stay Alive GET IT NOW THIS IS NOT A TEST!! | RichieFromBoston

Posted in: News, Patriots, RichieFromBoston




➡ RichieFromBoston warns of a potential crisis due to a strike by dock workers demanding a 77% pay increase. He believes this could lead to shortages of essential goods and services, and advises people to stock up on necessities. He also discusses various global events and conspiracy theories, and encourages people to reconnect with God in these challenging times.
➡ The speaker expresses frustration about perceived societal divisions and changes, suggesting they are part of a larger plan to weaken America. They also criticize the lack of response to a disaster in Nashville, North Carolina, and encourage people to prepare for potential crises. The speaker ends by expressing their intention to continue sharing their views despite challenges.



Hey, what’s up guys? It’s Richie from Boston. It is… Wednesday the 2nd? Yeah, the 2nd of October. And, uh, I gotta tell ya, if you have medications, anything that you think you will need to live, get as much of it as you possibly can right now, alright? Because this… Great. This, uh, this strike… This strike is ridiculous. These guys want a 77% pay hike. They already shut down. I mean, this is… This is the crushing blow. This is the thing I showed you on the Economist cover 6 months… 6, 7 months ago. And I equated all the cargos, all the cargo containers on the cover of the Economist next to the economy, free-falling to the ships, the barges hitting the bridges.

Well, that was part of it. So that was part of it. But here’s the other part. And this is crazy because the picket lines have already got people getting their faces split open. This is like the old days when Jimmy Hoffa was alive. Most people don’t know who Jimmy Hoffa is, but you don’t hear shit about the unions until now. Now, they want a 77% pay hike. That’s not gonna happen, you know what I mean? And we’re the ones that are gonna get smoked for this. This is how they do it. And the government can say, it’s not our fault, it’s not us, it’s the unions.

It’s the unions. So you’re telling me that this group of union workers, 45,000 union workers, are going to consciously and effectively destroy the country so they get better wages? It doesn’t even make any sense. But that’s what they’re feeding us right now, you see what I’m saying? That’s what they’re feeding us right now. So I’m talking anything you have to have to live, I don’t care if it’s sleeping, but whatever, I mean, anything you can get, get it now. And I’ll tell you what, your money, everything is going to be totally worthless. This is preaching. How many times have I…

Look on jailbreak. I got 150,000 subscribers and I don’t take sponsors. I don’t want sponsors. I’m good. You know what I’m saying? Jailbreak and Richie from Boston are two different entities, basically. I tell you guys about this because I meet you guys. Jailbreak is just a medium to pass the time until now. Like this is literally, really, seriously, absolutely 100% happening right now. I did not see this coming, the strike. I didn’t know what it was going to be. But you take the strike of the dock workers, okay? They’ve shut down all the ports on the entire east coast all the way down to Texas and they’re aggressively protecting the picket line.

You know, in a real world, they wouldn’t be able to get away with that, but this is all playing into… I mean, whether they understand it or not, this is all playing into the new world order. This is a perfect… It’s a perfect chess piece. Perfect move. You know what I’m saying? I told you there weren’t going to be any elections and I’m still going to stand by that because none of this even makes any sense. But whatever, whatever. And what was the other thing? Oh, the Asheville, North Carolina getting wiped off the map. Well, BlackRock is behind that, okay? They want that place to completely farm lithium.

They tried to do it before and the residents wouldn’t sell their property, so they hit them with the weather. They hit them with the weather. You know what I’m saying? I wasn’t exactly up to date when I just put the other video down the other day, so I’m trying to catch up now. But I’m going to meet a subscriber named Farmer Maloney in Iowa because I was supposed to last time and I forgot. So I’m backtracking right now on my way to Iowa. I’m in Nebraska. See what I mean? That’s Nebraska. At any rate, these guys are pulling out all the stops at one time and then, of course, you’ve got Iran shooting 183 missiles at Israel.

And then we’ve got politicians coming out saying, Israel is the 51st state of the United States. Really? Really? Because it isn’t. It isn’t at all. Israel was instituted in 1947 by the Rockefeller or the Rothschilds, one of the two. I don’t remember. You can’t remember everything when they just keep filling your head with more and more conspiracy theories coming to life. My batting average on this has been ridiculous because they’ve told us every step of the way. They give us things like the Economist 24 cover that was made in 2023 that is literally showing everything we’re looking at right now.

You know what I’m saying? We’re living in a crazy time right now. And this port strike can cripple the entire country, just like the Union guy said. It can literally cripple the entire country. It’s going to start ramping up in the next few days because the strike just started. But soon food stores aren’t going to have things. Gas stations aren’t going to have gas. Everything you need to live in this world wide web system that we’re in right now is going to come to a crashing halt. And then people are going to see what I’ve been talking about for a long time.

And then people are going to see what I’ve been talking about for a long time. And this sucks. This absolutely sucks. But I have to say there’s no better time than right now to reconnect with God as earnestly and as with as much of an open heart as you possibly can right now. Connect with God because this ain’t going to stop. This is just going to get progressively worse. They’re going to just keep dumping more and more on. They’re already talking about it being World War 3. Well, it’s not World War 3 because it isn’t a world war.

Israel pulled their own fake little 911 last year. And now they’re just escalating it to where we have to get involved. This is going to get crazy. And I mean, I don’t I’m not saying this like I told you. But I told you they’re going to use everything all at one time. And they absolutely are. They’re using the weather. They’re using Israel. They’re using the economy against us. I mean, your bank account is going to turn into nothing. If you can turn it into gold and silver, you’ll be way ahead of the game because at least you’ll have something as opposed to nothing.

Because overnight, this whole thing with Iran, the second we make a move towards Iran, they can use Iran as a proxy and claim the Internet was attacked by Iran. You see, you see where we’re going with this and the people that will attack our and take down our banking system, our water supply, all these things that are computerized and tied into the World Wide Web would be Israel. Period. Period. These are not the Israelites from the Bible. These are Ashkenazi Jews. I’ve been telling you this for 14 years. It’s not 15. It’s 14 years I’ve been on YouTube.

And to be totally, perfectly, completely 100% honest, I didn’t really think I would live to see this happening. And yet it’s happening. And it’s happening right now. It’s happening right now. You know what I’m saying? Klaus Schwab has already stepped up to the plate talking about turning all the expressways in California into national parks because California pledged to him that by 2023, there would be no more private vehicles on the road. Really? Did you get that memo? Do you see what’s going on? The government and all the men with badges and guns the government has around them are no longer looking out for you in any way whatsoever at all.

They are now going to be considered your enemy unless they understand what’s going on and they act accordingly. If they just keep doing their jobs to keep their jobs while letting the country completely fall because we’re now a third world country. We’re damn near close. You know what I mean? I’ve seen too many places in this country that are just destroyed. Over the last 10 years on the road, meeting with people all over the United States face to face, I’ve seen every city and town turned into a family dollar, dollar general, big corporation gas station, big corporation food store, big corporation drug store.

And over the last 20 years, they have effectively turned every kid that would be military fighting age in the United States into somebody with mental, with experience of mental health crisis. You don’t have a mental health crisis. You’re being socially engineered through television, the internet, and pharmakia, Adderall and Ritalin and Prozac and all those other drugs. And then not to mention the flood of fentanyl, heroin, everything else. This was all allowed. This was all passed. This was all checked off. And, you know, the FDA, we’re good to go with it. Sounds good to us. All these governmental organizations that were supposed to protect you have literally turned their backs on you because these people really believe that Satan is the light and God is the enemy.

Well, I grew up in a country that wasn’t perfect. But before all this nonsense with everybody being on pharmaceuticals and everybody being gay and everybody, it was a much better world. And they’re still trying to push racial divide and it didn’t work. So that’s why they’re upholding the transgenders. It’s just to infuriate us so bad that it’s Americans against Americans again. And the sad thing is when I post things like this on jailbreak, because it’s very difficult to post on YouTube with my boys talking about what I’m talking about right now. But I still try it.

It’s funny how many people in the comments are like, America’s finally getting what it deserves. Hey, is this worldwide, guys? They’re not just trying to take down us. They’re doing it. They’re taking us down in the most pathetic, embarrassing, anti-American, anti-patriotic, pathetic way possible. So right now we’re in the spotlight. But I’ll tell you what, to all these countries that are leaving comments, how many Islam people you got in your neighborhood that you didn’t have two years ago? Yeah, your day is coming because you’ll be easy to deal with. Americans, there’s still some of us.

I always said back in the day, they’re going to wait for people like me, my father, and people like you to die. Well, I guess they got tired of waiting at any rate. Stock up on things that you wouldn’t normally stock up on. Be prepared to bug in and be prepared to bug in with no electricity, no communications, no nothing. You think it’s a complete coincidence that they’re completely ignoring all the dead people and all the devastation in Nashville, North Carolina? They don’t even care. They don’t even care. The president and Kamala don’t even show up.

You know what I’m saying? Because they don’t care. And the people that support them, the idiots that they’ve cultivated in the United States, don’t see an issue with that. It’s crazy. It’s crazy, but we’re living through it. At any rate, I’m going to try to upload this from a rest stop and see how that goes. I’m out. [tr:trw].

See more of RichieFromBoston on their Public Channel and the MPN RichieFromBoston channel.


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conspiracy theories discussion disaster response in Nashville North Carolina essential goods shortage due to strike global events discussion potential crisis due to dock workers strike preparing for potential crises reconnecting with God in crisis Richie from Boston dock workers strike sharing views despite challenges societal divisions in America stocking up on necessities weakening America conspiracy

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