If Today Is My Last Day This Is What I Must Say | The Economic Ninja

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➡ The Economic Ninja talks about how other people’s negativity or criticism discourages us. Secondly, he talks about his belief in Jesus Christ and the importance of having a personal relationship with Him, rather than just following religious rules. He emphasizes that, in his view, the unique aspect of Christianity is the belief that God sacrificed His own son for our sins.
➡ This text talks about the belief that the only way to reach heaven is through Jesus, as stated in the Bible. It emphasizes that good deeds alone won’t get you to heaven, but being “born of water and the spirit” will. The speaker also mentions their desire to use wealth to help others and the importance of faith in their life. They hope that their message, whether it’s liked or not, has an impact on the listener.


You. If today was my last day of ever getting to speak to you, there are actually two things I need to tell you. It sounds funny. Maybe it isn’t, maybe it won’t. But the last few days, the thought appeared inside of me of what would you say if you never got the chance to speak to the nations again? What if you were silenced? What if today is my last day living? What would I want to leave this world with? And there’s actually two things that I’m going to tell you about, and the second is more important.

And I’m holding that in reverence because I’m trying to work up the right words to say. Number one, the best advice I can give you is to shoot for the moon. I used to say, and I’m sure I heard it somewhere from someone else, shoot for the moon so that at least you’ll hit the stars. Meaning you can’t get where you’re wanting to go unless you go big, unless you really shoot for it.

And very few times in life do people really shoot for the moon. They are held back out of fear, or maybe laziness, complacency, and they don’t really shoot for the moon. I’ve heard from people that interview people that are dying. They said the number one reoccurring theme around their thoughts of were the things that they didn’t try for. And this life is so short, it goes by so fast, that most of the time, all of us are left with regrets.

Whether it be financial goals, travel goals, friendship and relationship goals, you’ve got to shoot for it. And please, whatever you do, don’t share it with your family and friends. I’ve said this before, they seem to be the ones that send the dagger right through your chest when you tell them of your plans to do something great. Because honestly, more than likely, they haven’t done anything great. I honestly look at this channel as something that I shot for the moon with.

I started it, and I just tried and I tried again and I tried again. To look. Where all of this is now is still such a mind blowing experience, a shock. But I’m a witness to that, that if you just try, and you have no idea how many people told me I should not be the one to speak to the world about money. And in the end, you look at yourself in the mirror and you go, well, if I don’t do it, who’s going to do it? So I’m living proof that just a guy with a Brohawk and a dream can turn on the recorder and just go for it and succeed.

And I can guarantee you most of you out there are 100 times more talented than I am. So that should be a word of encouragement for you. And this is tagging on to the shooting for the moon part. I haven’t gotten to the most important part yet, but try your hardest. And I mean this sincerely because I work within this every day. Do not get offended by people when you are living in offense.

Either you’re offended by someone because of what they’ve said or did to you, or you’ve attached your offense to someone else’s offense because you heard of a family or friend that’s offended by someone and now you’re offended by what they said. All it does is hold you back and drag you down. So you’ve got to just keep on pushing on no matter what. And that dovetails into the next thing that I’m going to.

And I implore you because some may be offended by what I’m going to say next. And this is the most important thing. I would leave you. If today is the last day I ever get to speak to you again, either I die or I’m silenced. This is what I would want you to know. I told myself I wouldn’t drink any coffee before I spoke to you about this.

I’m not joking and I keep grabbing the darn coffee. But I want to be clear headed when I say this. I’m going to go to this. This is the most important thing. Sorry, I’m lagging. A lot’s going on inside of me. I’m even having a hard time looking at the camera. If you do not know or do not understand or are offended by the thought of Jesus Christ, try to walk away from that offense and dive in.

And this is why I’m going to say this. First off, no one’s going to hurt your feelings or piss you off more than a Christian. I’m going to be honest with you. We’re all screw ups, every single one of us. I am a total screw up and I am constantly trying to become a better version of myself. And I’m always falling short of the glory of God. But there’s something that people need to understand right now.

Has anyone realized that? First off, religion is a set of rules set up by man, not by God. God set up a way to have a relationship with him through his son that he sent to die for our sins. His name is Jesus Christ or Yeshua. And men set up boundaries or barriers to get to God through rules and hierarchies. It’s called religion. Religion is a set of rules by man, not by God.

God has his own rules. He has the Ten Commandments, and he has his own rules. But I want you to understand this, and this is, I think, so vitally important that most people understand this, because there’s all these religions that men set up. There’s one common theme with every religion outside of relationship with Jesus Christ that is identical. And it was done for a reason. Every single religion out there, because there’s good people in every religion.

Sure there is. There’s actually good people that aren’t into a religion. They’re good people. They’re just nice people. They try and live quiet, good lives. But all of those religions have one thing missing. None of them had a God in their religion that sent his son to die for our sins, that made the ultimate sacrifice for us. All those other religions are just an deity or an entity in their minds that just said, I am in charge.

I am your God. I want you to understand this. There’s a special reason for that. Because, see, I know that Jesus exists because of my relationship with him. I also know that Satan exists. The adversary, or whatever you want to call him. His name’s Lucifer. He’s a fallen angel that was sent to heaven or sent to earth from heaven because he was kicked out. And his job is to destroy your mind, hurt you, to kill you, steal from you, and destroy your life while you’re on this earth.

And so he made up a bunch of religions to confuse you. And the one thing none of them are allowed to have is a story because it’s not the truth. That’s the difference. People are confused. This channel started telling you, warning you about an economic collapse, get you ready, how to be fruitful, how to have money. But honestly, it all comes back to God. I’m not who I am without God.

I’m a total screw up. We’re all screw ups. And like I said before, there’s nobody that’ll offend you or piss you off more or hurt you, stab you than a Christian. Why? Because just like religion is a bunch of rules set up by men, men and women. But men, we talk about man in the sense of humans just love to feel better than you because of their insecurities.

So they’ll stab you in the back, push you down, hold you down, but that can’t keep you down. As a matter of fact, I just got ghosted by another Christian that’s on YouTube just totally ghosted me. I even texted him one day and said, hey, did I do anything to offend you? I’m trying to. Nothing. And praise God, I wasn’t offended because that’s something I work on. But there’s other people that hurt your feelings.

And what it does and you don’t realize it is, it’s holding you back from your destiny. It’s holding you back from the greatest life that you could ever live. You’re witnessing that with me. I go down the street and get recognized by people that admire me. And I don’t know why. I just pushed record one day, right? Well, that was me shooting for the moon. Going back to the number one point of this video.

The first point is, I want you to shoot for the moon. I want to hang out with winners. We all do, but seldomly do we actually do what we say, right? Well, I’m going to be honest with you. I think the greatest winner on this earth is one that bows his head and puts his knee down and says, jesus, you’re my God. I screwed up today. What do I do better tomorrow? How do I become know when I said that there are no other religions on earth that have the basis of that religion being a God that sent his own son to die for our sins because Satan’s not allowed to put that lie? It would be blasphemy.

And so it’s the only true way to heaven. And it says here in John 14, verse six, Jesus said, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me. And one other thing I need to share with you says in John three, verse five, Jesus answered verily, truly. I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the spirit.

He’s referring to himself. We can’t get to heaven by works because God doesn’t pick favorites. That is very true. You can work your butt off and be the goodest, best person. I hear it all the time. I go to heaven because I’m a good person. That’s actually not true. It’s actually not true. And things are going to get really nutty in the world to the point someday. And I think it’s going to come soon where I will not be able to say the name Jesus or Yeshua on the Internet without it being stopped or getting in trouble.

Even if I live another 50 years, ten years or another three days, this is the most important thing I could ever tell you. Look, I want to be a billionaire. And I want to be the type of billionaire that feeds the nations. And I’m trying right now with the money that comes in. And I’ve been so blessed. I’ve spoken before about tithing and how important it is and how much of a miracle it is because it breaks something that the enemy tries to hide from people.

And I. But I can’t do it without God. So I just want to leave you with that. I’d say I hope, like every video I’ve ever done, I hope you got something out of this. But I know whether this video pissed you off or not, you got something out of this. It’s not because of me. Have a great day. The ninjas out. .

See more of The Economic Ninja on their Public Channel and the MPN The Economic Ninja channel.


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aiming high in life advice biblical interpretation of salvation dealing with negativity and criticism good deeds versus spiritual birth impact of religious message importance of faith in life importance of personal relationship with Jesus overcoming fear and doubt reaching heaven through Jesus understanding Christian sacrifice using wealth for helping others

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