If Kamala WINS what would we do? Hint: Were already doing it! | Dr. Steve Turley

Posted in: Dr. Steve Turley, News, Patriots




➡ Dr. Steve Turley criticizes Governor Walts and Kamala Harris for their economic policies, claiming they have led to increased costs for Americans. The speaker also discusses the concept of ‘stakeholder capitalism’, which he believes concentrates power in the hands of a few and can lead to suppression of the population. He encourages listeners to support ‘Patriot entrepreneurs’ who are working to take back the economy from these ‘managerial elites’. The speaker also promotes an upcoming conference featuring various speakers, including himself.
➡ The Public Square Business Summit, dubbed the “anti-Davos” by the New York Post, aims to prioritize American citizens and the U.S. economy over global interests. The summit’s organizers believe that the globalist approach, which they associate with the World Economic Forum and figures like Klaus Schwab and Larry Fink, has harmed the U.S. economy and its citizens. They argue that corporations have prioritized global stakeholders over their own customers, shareholders, and country, leading to job losses and lower wages in the U.S. The summit’s goal is to shift the profit centers back to the people, protect Main Street America, and ensure the survival of family businesses for future generations.
➡ The text discusses the rise of a parallel economy, which is a new economic system that values meritocracy, excellence, and equality. This system is against outsourcing jobs and supports American businesses. The parallel economy is growing because it offers solutions rather than complaints. There’s an upcoming conference in Orlando that will discuss this economy and other related topics, featuring speakers like Tucker, Russell Brand, and others.



If you notice, what Governor Walts just did is he said, first of all, Donald Trump has to listen to the experts. And then when he acknowledged that the experts screwed up, he said, well, Donald Trump didn’t do nearly as good of a job as the citizens. No, that’s a gross generalization. Did. So what Tim Walts is doing, and honestly, Tim, I think he got a tough job here because you’ve got to play whack a mole. You’ve got to pretend that Donald Trump didn’t deliver rising take home pay, which, of course, he did. You’ve got to pretend that Donald Trump didn’t deliver lower inflation, which, of course, he did.

And then you simultaneously got to defend Kamala Harris’s atrocious economic record, which has made gas, groceries, and housing unaffordable for american citizens. I was raised by a woman who would sometimes go into medical debt so that she could put food on the table in our household. I know what it’s like to not be able to afford the things that you need to afford. We can do so much better. To all of you watching, we can get back to an America that’s affordable again. We just got to get back to common sense economic principles. And what she’s actually done instead is drive the cost of food higher by 25%, drive the cost of housing higher by about 60%, open the american southern border, and make middle class life unaffordable for a large number of Americans.

If Kamala Harris has such great plans for how to address middle class problems, then she ought to do them now. Not when asking for a promotion, but in the job the american people gave her three and a half years ago. And the fact that she isn’t tells you a lot about how much you can trust her actual plans. Hey, gang, it’s me, Doctor Steve. And would you like to know what’s really behind Kamala Harris so called opportunity economy? Because you’ll certainly never know listening to her. I mean, she, to this day, she has yet to explain precisely what it is or how it works.

But we don’t have to look very far to find out what it’s really all about. It’s ultimately about this man, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum. Or better, it’s about the concept that he and the WEF are seeking to impose on the world called stakeholder capitalism. Now, he first wrote about this back in 1970 in his book modern enterprise Management. And the way he and Kamala sell it is by claiming that corporations are ultimately accountable to the people in that we’re all stakeholders in a more just and equitable and fair society. And so government bureaucrats and corporate CEO’s need to team up to implement consistent political and economic policies on the whole of the population.

Now, obviously, what this really involves, as I’m sure you’ve all figured out, is amassing more and more political and economic power in the hands of fewer and fewer people. In fact, it’s even more pernicious than that. Stakeholder capitalism actually involves bureaucrats deputizing corporations to impose policies of restraint, coercion and suppression on the population that the politicians themselves simply can’t impose precisely because of the constitutional restraints on their power. So just for example, think about what former secretary of State John Kerry recently said about the First Amendment. How he complained that it prevented governments and corporations from building consensus.

In other words, it stands in the way of their dictating the narratives that we have to live by and comply with. Oh, and by the way, he said that, look it up at a meeting of none other than the World Economic Forum. This top down managerial elite economy means that now is the time, more than ever, to really be intentional and consider where we’re spending our money as patriots. Now, I’ve talked a lot about this on my channel before, and really this is a key concept. It’s a massive tenet of everything that we do here at Turley talks.

It’s been a concentration in my work, my life and passion since, well, since I became aware of the world around me. And that is, of course, course, the parallel economy. You see, the wealth of the richest individuals on this planet has grown exponentially over the last several years. I often cite the statistic that five years ago, 400 billionaires own half the world’s assets. Today, that number has shrunk to just 100 billionaires here at home in the United States, back in 1965, the CEO’s of major companies were paid around 20 times as much as their average employees.

Today, they’re being paid more than 350 times as much. The elites are seeing their wages reach unprecedented levels all at the very same time. Workers wages are completely stagnant. And they’ve meant that it’s supposed to work that way. And to make it even worse, that gap between wage earners and the elite has only exacerbated since the COVID pandemic. In fact, 2020 marked the largest increase in the share of global billionaires wealth available on record. Gang, that is Kamala’s opportunity economy. It certainly involves loads of opportunities, but not for you or me. But the amazing news is here in America, there is an extraordinary movement happening right before our very eyes where Patriot entrepreneurs are rising up and taking back this country, our politics and our economy from these corrupt managerial elites.

Joining me today is someone who’s been on this channel before and he’s on the front lines of taking back our economy, Michael Seifert. Michael is the founder, CEO and president of Public Square. And under Michael’s leadership, the company has grown from just a startup to a powerhouse in the parallel economy in just a few short years. It’s pretty incredible stuff. And speaking of incredible, you have got to join me in attending the upcoming public square conference. It’s in Orlando, Florida, October 10 and 11th. They got an amazing lineup. They got Don Trump Junior coming, Tucker is going to be there, Robert Kennedy, Russell Brand and yours truly.

They all agreed to warm up for me, of course. Right? So if you click on that link in the description or scan the QR code on the screen and use promo code, Turley, you can actually go for free. You can get a free ticket to the event. It’s like normally $200 and you get to go for free. That’s how passionate I am about wanting you guys there and diving into the parallel economy and taking back our country. So gang, please take this seriously. Do not just grab a ticket if you don’t plan on coming, click on the link below or scan the QR code on the screen.

And I can’t wait to see you guys there next week. And the other person I can’t wait to see is Michael. Michael, great to see you again. It’s so exciting to see in Orlando coming up. Well, Steve, it’s great to see you as well. And we do have an incredible lineup of speakers. We’re so grateful for folks like Tucker and Russell Brand and RFK Junior and Tulsi Gabbard. Oh, I heard about that. Tulsi’s coming. Yeah, yeah. But I will tell you, I’m not excited to see any of them as is, as I am to see you, doctor Steve, it’s going to be a blast.

So amazing lineup. It’s an amazing lineup. I’m very grateful for our crew, but I’m especially excited to see you. It’s going to be a blast. Oh, Michael, you’re wonder. Well, right back at you, my friend. Right back at. Well, let’s talk about Kamala Harris’s. Well, I was going to call, I was going to be very cynical. I was calling it her latest gimmick, this opportunity economy. You know, they called it, you know, stakeholder capitalism. You heard my take. I’m very curious on yours. In your view, what’s really going on here? She won’t explain it, obviously, so maybe you can.

What’s your take? Do you see this as sort of interconnected with just reheated wef stuff? I do. And what’s odd, and JD did an amazing job at calling this out in his debate against Tim walls the other night of last night. Goodness. He called out the fact that if Kamala wanted all of this, if she wanted these economic advancements, if she wanted to salvage the economy and turn it into this globalist utopia that she claimed was possible, what has she been doing the last three and a half years? Senator Vance was wonderful, an absolute masterclass in debate strategy.

To point out the fact that Tim, your boss has had three and a half years, if she really cared about small business, if she really cared about making sure that inflation is on the decline, if she really cared about ensuring that there was opportunity for every American to succeed, what’s been going on? Where’s the plans? Also, she didn’t even put out an economic agenda until over 45 days after she had announced her candidacy. And even then, if you go to the issues page on her website today, it’s a bunch of vain platitudes that have no actual substance to it.

Her whole pitch to the american voters is twofold. Number one, abortion, abortion, abortion. And number two, trust me, I’m going to fix stuff even though I’ve had three and a half years to do it. That’s brilliant. I love the way you put it. I mean, you know, now we were talking before the, the interview that you were called in one, in one publication, public square is the anti Davos, or this, or this upcoming conference is the anti Davos. Could you just give us a little take on that? Absolutely. So we are obviously not the biggest fans of what goes on in Davos every year.

We’re not the biggest fans of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, Larry Fink or any of their other cronies, as you might imagine. We believe that they’ve been a massive detriment to the global economy writ large, but especially the United States economy. And we want to be the very exemplification of everything they are not. We want to be about liberty. We want to be about an America first economy that prioritizes our own citizens before we worry about saving the world. We want to be an economy that rewards meritocracy, excellence and innovation. The New York Post decided to call us the anti Davos summit.

So next week in Orlando, we’re hosting the Public Square Business summit. And we are coming together with policymakers, thought leaders, economic leaders, to talk about how we can create a better future where the profit centers of society are shifted back toward we the people. And New York Post decided to label that as anti Davos. I kind of love it. I think it’s a great marketing moniker, so we’re going to love it. Absolutely. I absolutely love it. Do you, I mean, do you have any sense of when corporations started aligning with the Democrats? I mean, is it just, is it just because the Democratic Party or just the establishment? I guess, as a whole, is it just because they’re all in on globalism and they see Trump and the MagA movement as putting nationalist populist impediments and barriers on hyper consumism? I mean, what’s your opinion? What’s behind this corporate Kamala alliance? Well, there’s a lot of different ways I could answer this, but what I will do is hearken back to a comment you made at the outset of the show.

You talked about how in 1970, Klaus Schwab took it on himself to lead the global charge for stakeholder capitalism. This false belief that corporations have an obligation to ensure that they are treated like a communist government and that they are reflecting the values and desires of a global network of stakeholders. Meaning it’s not enough for a corporate entity to just do best by their customers and their shareholders and their country. They actually have to factor in all these other external stakeholders, like the climate or marginalized communities. Anybody who has been deemed not invited to the inclusivity club.

This stakeholder capitalism is a stark departure from shareholder capitalism. What then ended up happening is that stakeholder capitalism led into this sort of John Lennon infused idea of globalism. Imagine if all the world came together and we let our adversaries manufacture our medicine. I’m sure there’s no problems with that. And if I can expand my manufacturing overseas, I can take the american enterprise spirit to China’s shores and we can build their economy, and we’ll all get along. Even though what was actually happening is that the chinese economy was simply profiting off of slave labor. While lecturing you about climate change, we allowed for our nation’s adversaries to dominate our manufacturing.

We sold out the american people for cheaper wages overseas. And the globalist Kumbaya story ended up being the detriment of towns in Ohio, West Virginia, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and the list goes on. So the leaders of our economic environment here in the United States became more incentivized to make their global puppet leaders happy than they did in ensuring that their own communities were taken care of. It was the largest bait and switch we have ever seen. We were promised as consumers, cheaper goods, a unified world, a global supply chain that increases ease and convenience in your shopping experience.

But what we got was actually lower wages here in the United States. Tough job environment. Native born job growth has plummeted, while immigrant born job growth has skyrocketed, many from illegal immigrants. We have seen the detriment of Main Street America. Manufacturing in the United States is nearly impossible now for so many daily household goods and the folks at the very top that are largely democrat. In fact, if you look at that hundred billionaires you’re mentioning, Doctor Steve, only about two of those richest hundred billionaires that control the world’s assets are actual conservatives, one of whom is Elon Musk.

The rest of them are globalist cronies whose profit centers have nothing to do with you. They don’t care about patriotism. America to them is a bank. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s a place they can profit. And you’re the one who loses in the process. We, as a company of public square, stand against all of that adamantly. I don’t care about cheap convenience. I want quality. And I want my main street to be protected. I want Americans to have jobs for generations to come. I want family businesses to thrive again. I don’t want the $10 trillion worth of small business assets currently held by baby boomers to get sold by Blackstone or KKR.

I don’t want them to get sold to a globalist who’s going to take it over and turn it on its head. I want the small businesses of our country that are owned by american families to get passed down for generations to come because their kids and their grandkids see the american economy as an environment where they could actually thrive for the future, carrying on the family legacy. But right now, because of the globalists and because of Kamala and because of all their cronies, that future that we once dreamed of seems rather bleak and distant. Our goal is to turn that around, that we, the people would profit again, that main Street, America would be protected, and that ultimately, through the power of the marketplace, we would win, and win big.

Not just economically, but politically and culturally as well. That’s our mission. Gang, you just heard the video. Inside the video. I mean, that was. That was one of the most brilliant answers I’ve ever heard, Michael. That is that. I mean, you covered so much there. History, sociology, economics, politics, culture. I mean, wow, that was impressive stuff, man. You know what real, really irks me, the more I think about it, is how much the republican establishment allowed this to happen. Or. Yeah, I’ll even go. I’ll go. I mean, you’ve, you’ve emboldened me here. The republican establishment didn’t just let it happen.

It looks like they were all for it. They wanted it to happen. They seem to just, they just seem to drink deeply at this stakeholder had this public private partnership. Are you seeing that? Are you seeing this? The establishment? The reason why I’m at the bigger picture is, you know, they point the Liz Cheney’s, and so they point fingers at Trump and the MAGA movement. Look at these ogres over there. They’re the ones that created the movement. The movement is a mirror of their own failings. What do you think? Do you think establishment Republicans are behind this as well? They are.

In fact, in many cases, they were the largest proponents of everything I’ve described for the last five minutes. They were major actors under the guise of free market, free trade, economic brilliance. They believed that this country would be a lot better off if it was just a bank and that that was a republican ideal as much as it was a Democrat one. Now, Democrats did it under the guise not of free market principles and of free trade and strong international relationships. They didn’t do it under that, guys. They did it under the guise of social engineering, of the social justice movement, of right sizing the scales to ensure equity, like.

But it’s, it’s, it’s wings of the same bird. At the end of the day, if you’re trying to socially engineer the economy so that you can essentially enact political power, so that you can ultimately solidify your power structures for the long haul, it’s just as detrimental if you’re doing it in the name of Dei, if you’re selling out our country and you’re selling out Main street and you’re making it tougher for a small business to succeed because you have 19 lobbyists for one government bureaucratic cesspool, while your small business down the street doesn’t get any help and special favors from the government, just look at Covid.

Covid was the most egregious crime against humanity, economically, I’ve ever witnessed. They came out and said, your business is essential, your business is non essential. Your business, you got a lot of lobbyists. You get to stay open, but your business that provides the exact same service, you can’t stay open. You have to close. And not only that, I’m going to fine you if you try to defy my orders. It was communism on display when the free market, it was the farthest thing from it. It was communism. It was oligarchic blending of government bureaucracy and big business in bed weaponized against you.

And at the end of the day, a lot of that was powered by Republicans and a lot of it was powered by Democrats. I think this is why they hate President Trump. This is why they hate JD Vance. This is why they hate any general message of economic populism that’s trying to actually factor in our own main street, in our advancement of our ideals. They don’t like it because at the end of the day, Trump comes out and says, actually, we shouldn’t allow for China to manufacture all of our medicines. We should impose tariffs. And they want to crucify the guy for it.

Regardless of what you think about tariffs, you can agree with the principle behind what he is saying, which is for a long time, we’ve been sold out, and it’s time that we turn the tide. This is an unpopular message, though, unfortunately, in Washington, DC, on K Street, on Wall street and Davos. And certainly in Davos. That’s exactly right. Davos, Brussels. That’s right. All the mechanisms of the globalist economy. Well, let’s talk about the rebuilding, because that’s really what you guys are all about. The civilizational renaissance that’s happening in the parallel economy, at public squares, on the front lines of.

So give us your take on it, Michael. You’re on the front lines of the rising parallel economy. You know it better than anyone else. You are it. You’re embodying it. What is it? What is the parallel economy and what’s behind its rise? Well, simply put, the parallel economy, where the resistance, we are the folks that are creating a new society, a new economic system that will go back to the basics of our country, that will actually embrace meritocracy and excellence, that aren’t trying to push a socially engineered agenda in order to make sure that we have hiring quotas of certain skin colors.

We’re embracing actual equality, not equity. And we are embracing actual excellence instead of this poor customer service ESG driven environment. We’re not selling out our jobs overseas. We’re actually trying to help businesses as much as possible move their manufacturing and their customer service and their team members onshore. We’re trying to support the american main street. We have over 80,000 businesses on public square, for example, that are the perfect exemplification of the parallel economy. They’re small and medium sized businesses that love life, family, freedom. They would never lecture your kids about sexuality. They would never take your money and donate it to the globalists.

They care about providing you a quality service and not infringing upon your values and your convictions in the process. And I will tell you, doctor Steve, the parallel economy is advancing so strongly because we have shifted from a complainer mindset to a solution building mindset. It’s not just about boycotts, it’s about boycotts as well. It’s not enough to tell me what I should leave behind. I have to show you where you should go. We have to paint a positive vision for the future. And we’re doing that for years. The globalists told us, hey, if you don’t like it, build your own.

It’s a free market. Build your own. You don’t like our censorship? Build your own platform. You don’t like our silencing of your economic transactions and stripping away your ability to transact in peace. Build your own payments companies, you don’t like our embrace of Amazon above all else and treating them like a government agency, given that they’re larger than most economies, fine. Build your own marketplace. That’s what they told us for years. And finally, after years of being told, if you don’t like it, build your own. We did just that. We have built. Challenge accepted. Exactly right.

I love it. So we got this amazing conference coming up next week in Orlando, October 10 11th. I’m so excited about but amazing lineup. Trump, junior, Tucker, Russell Brand, RFK, Tulsi, Gabbard. Right. That’s confirmed. I think she’s newly added. That’s exciting. I just love the populist realignment that’s happening now between MAGa and Mahan. It’s just amazing stuff. So give us a sneak peek on what people can expect from the conference that they attend. Well, I will tell you, if you at all have a vested interest in the future of our economy, whether you’re a business owner, an investor, or even just a consumer that’s interested in hearing from great thought leaders, this will be a summit you do not want to miss.

The programming here will be phenomenal. We’re going to talk about actual economic and cultural solutions to fix many of the foundational problems our country is currently experiencing. Everything you and I have talked about for the last 20 minutes, we are going to go into all of that and more. We’re going to talk about the problems of globalism and how we can push back with a nationalist focused economy. We are going to talk about how to make sure that the people you hire or your role as an employee can be most effective to push back against the regime and embrace liberty in the workplace.

We are going to hear about the importance of free speech and pushing against censorship. We’re going to talk about living out your values through your job. We’re going to talk about what it means to lead with conviction. And this will not just be a political rally. It’s actually going to be very different than that. It is going to be largely economic focused, talking about the power of your wallet or of your business and how you can take your purchasing power or your net worth or your business leadership and actually make change. How you can vote not just every two and four years, but every single day with your wallet.

That is our focus. And you’re going to have people like Tucker and Russell Brand and doctor Steve and Tulsi and Don Junior guide you through this process. We’re going to hear from great business coaches as well. People like Ken Coleman with the Dave Ramsey network. They’re going to talk about Andrew Krabachetts with Red Balloon, talking about how you can grow in your leadership for your community. And so it’s going to be something unlike this country has ever seen. It’s our inaugural summit. We’re going to have thousands of people there and it would be an honor if your audience would join us.

And Doctor Steve, we’re really glad to be partnering with you to actually be giving out free tickets exclusively for your audience. So it’s going to be a blast. It’s two days you do not want to miss. And we, including all the speakers that are joining us, are thrilled to be able to present this content to you. Oh, and we’re so and so grateful to you as well for that offer. The free tickets. I love it because it’s so civilizational. It’s really. The parallel economy is so much more than just an economy. It’s really to parallel world.

It’s parallel civilizations. Absolutely. Oh, I get so excited just even thinking about it. Gang, I expect to see many of you there and meet you personally. We’re going to have a meet up there in Orlando. Remember, it’s October 10 and 11th, and if you click on the link in the description or scan the QR code on the screen, you use promo code. Turley, you can get a free ticket to the event. I mean, again, it’s normally $200. This is absolutely awesome. That’s how passionate we all are about having you guys diving into the parallel economy and immersing yourself in this rising civilization, faith, family and freedom, and taking back our nation again.

You heard the lineup. The lineups. Amazing. Trump, junior, Tucker, Russell Brand, RFK, Tulsi, and yes, I’ll be there too. So come on, you gotta come. And I’ll be hosting a meet and greet as well, which would be really nice, really awesome to meet you guys there. And hopefully, Mike, you’re gonna be busier than a one armed coat hanger, but it would be great to see you there as well, if you have time. So, guys, make sure you click on that link below, scan that QR code, and let’s have a great time in Orlando building a parallel world of faith, family and freedom.

It’s going to be amazing. Michael, you’re always so awesome to chat with. Thanks so much for coming on. I can’t wait to see you in Orlando. Doctor Steve, it’s been a pleasure. Thank you so much for having me. And yes, we will see you in a week and we cannot wait. It’s going to be great. Thanks, brother.

See more of Dr. Steve Turley on their Public Channel and the MPN Dr. Steve Turley channel.


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American citizens economic priority anti-Davos summit globalist approach criticism Governor Walts economic policies criticism Kamala Harris economic policies critique Klaus Schwab economic policies Larry Fink economic policies managerial elites in economy Public Square Business Summit stakeholder capitalism power concentration supporting Patriot entrepreneurs suppression through stakeholder capitalism World Economic Forum globalist approach

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