I Made A Big Mistake Selling The Real Estate Master Course: The Economic Ninja

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Economic Ninja



➡The Economic Ninja is a teacher who offers online courses about money and business. He made a mistake and now he’s limiting his master class to only 50 people for the next month. He’s doing this because he wants to start with a small group and give them a lot of attention. He’s also excited about his students’ success and is working hard to make his courses even better.


You. Hey, everybody, economic ninja here. I hope you’re doing well. I need to admit I made a big mistake and we’re going to talk about the real estate crash master course. Actually, I’m going to talk about all my courses and a mistake I made and how I’m going to remedy it. So I guess first I’m going to tell you that I have to limit the amount of people that can go into the master class.

This is the reason why I’m limiting it for the next 30 days to 50 people. We’re going to do, by the time everybody gets in, I’m going to do the first live group coaching session and I really want to work with the first 50. And they will mostly be people that have already purchased most of the courses I’ve ever put out. Quite frankly, they’re already coming in because I want to be inspired by a smaller group than a large group because quite frankly, there’s a lot to take on.

I just did a coaching call and it was intense for an hour, hour and a half. I was on there fielding questions and going through all that and I said, we want to start small, so I’m going to limit the amount of people that can come in to 50. Another problem I did and I just had to explain to someone, they said, hey, can’t we just do an upgrade price? I can’t do that.

And the reason why is because the other YouTube channel, the company that’s taking this part over and that probably will start now, it’s been pushed back like another to it has to be one price. I can’t do a couple of different others because the way that the teachable works, people coming from their platform would be able to see an upgrade price and it would be a total mess.

Another reason is because some people don’t have all four of the courses, they just have one or two. And this brings them into the whole thing. So when we do the group coaching, they’re really on par and know what’s going on with what we’re explaining and we’re not having to backtrack because I want to get very advanced with the teaching. All right, so I’ve already got orders coming in from students and as soon as they come in for the 50% off price, the 24 99, I just go and add up all the courses they’ve ever spent with me and I just refund them that money immediately.

So they should see that refund on their charge card or whatever within a couple of days. But I just wanted to explain that this has been such an amazing blessing to be able to put this instruction out there. It’s blessing my family and I know it’s blessing a lot of you I’m seeing. I get emails all the time about your successes, not only in the real estate side, but really on the side hustle side.

So many of you have gotten out of debt and you’ve started side of businesses and you’re making between 20 and so far I’ve heard between 20 and $150,000 a year. Those are my two, my lowest and my most from students that have started businesses. I’m so excited. I’m so proud of you. But this is a work in progress with me and it’s just a lot to take on and so I just want to keep the group small.

So I’m going to limit it to 50 for the next month to get in and make sure that those 50, hopefully they get in within the next week or so so I can get the emails pushed out to them. Because I also had an email detonation where I tried to do a video explanation and teachable sent out the email, but even though it showed the video in the email, when I previewed it, it didn’t send the link.

So I’m just fielding tons of emails like, hey, there’s no link. So sorry, what can you do? So it’s learning, but I’m so excited to be putting this together for you. I’m also bringing somebody on hopefully pretty soon to help me with the live streaming and just cleaning this up. But I’m very excited. And to the person that told me that my YouTube videos do not do the courses justice, I completely agree with you.

Those are professional. These are just me talking. But again, last but not least, I want to encourage you. You don’t need to buy this course to be a success. I never had a course. I bought a bunch of books in the year 1998 99, 2000 and then I finally jumped in 2001 and from 2001 I saved up the $20,000 selling electric trains on eBay and three years later I was a millionaire.

And so I wish I would have done it sooner. I didn’t have a course. I would buy cassette tapes on how to get wealthy in garage sales. True story. So you don’t need any of this. You don’t. If you want a life hack and you want to get there faster or you want to just not make all the mistakes I did. I teach you about all the crazy crap I went through and then I show you the stuff that I was successful in and so that’s just a life hack.

You don’t need to do it to be successful. So I hope you got this. I hope you guys just keep crushing it. I’m going to put the link down below. If you want to join again, I’ll open it back up after the next month. I’ll do it, like, in February. No, sorry. I’ll be opening it back up in March, but this block of 50 will be closed as soon as it fills up.

You’ll see that down in the link below. All right. Thank you so much for watching. Oh, last thing, if you have, how to prepare for the crash course or the bear market course, I have five videos between the two. Those are going to be going up in the next, like, five to six weeks, incrementally. Okay. So you’re going to be getting, like, two or three on one and two on the other.

I don’t remember. But I’m just filming videos like crazy, so I want to keep bringing you more content. All right? I want to make this most valuable course in the world, honestly. All right. With that being said, the economic ninja is out. Bye. .

See more of The Economic Ninja on their Public Channel and the MPN The Economic Ninja channel.


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attention to online course students business course for beginners online exclusive online master class improving online business courses limited availability online courses limited master class seats online business course improvements online course for money management online money and business courses personalized online business small group master class students success in online courses teacher offering online courses teacher's dedication to student success

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