I Have A Confession And Im Not AFRAID To Admit It: The Economic Ninja

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Economic Ninja



➡ The Economic Ninja is sharing some personal struggles and changes in their life. They’ve been dealing with a lot of fear and stress, especially after quitting their job as a firefighter and moving out of California. They’re also starting a new business and hope to become a motivational speaker. They believe that despite the challenges, they and others are made for great things and can overcome fear.


All right, I’m going to be honest with you. Right now. I believe that a thousand people’s lives are going to change forever. Right now, based off of this video, I’m going to admit something to you that I’ve been going through. I’m going to tell you some things about my life and I completely expect Jesus to meet you where you are today. All right? It’s hard not to get emotional.

A friend of mine texted me this morning. Lord had put something on his heart about me and it was 100% true. And he said, I’m going to read it to you. I don’t care. And I got to say right now, nothing good ever comes easily. I. That term pain is weakness leaving the body. I’ve been going through a lot of pain lately, not physical pain, but mental. And I’m excited for this.

Next year, I’m going to see people set free from all kinds of different things in 2024. We’re going to see amazing things in this year, but it comes at a cost and that’s like shedding things off your life. So this is what he told me about. Sorry if I get emotional, but it’s just, hey, it is what it is. Are you tormented about people attacking you on a continual basis? I said, yes.

We’re talking about like monetarily, in business, in business, like being sued, right? I said, yeah. And he says, the Lord showed me it was a little devil last night. He’s about four inches tall and sits on your shoulder. And he says, he’s always talking to me about sort of tormenting me. Now, I want to give you a little bit of a background with me spiritually. I have experienced demonic stuff in this world and seen it and the Lord, some pretty wild stuff, let’s put it this way.

I’m sure there’s some people down below that could actually speak better to this, but once you see the crazy things in life, in this earth and spiritual things, you can’t just go and sit in a normal church and get along with everybody. It’s a different world right out there. And I. I’ve seen the demonic realm and I’ve seen angels. I’m one of those weirdo christians. So I knew when he was telling me this that it was the real deal.

And I told him I experienced all kinds of fear. And he says it’s all bs. He’s all, it’s just a devil. If you knew what was tormenting, you’d be so pissed off. And he said, it’s been going on for a long time. And he said, it’s been going on ever since YouTube started. I said, yeah, it has. And he asked me if I’d been bullied, and I said yes.

I grew up being bullied by kids, and I always was in a constant state of fear of that. And then I grew up and I got bigger, and that came out a handful of times where I wasn’t afraid anymore because then I hated bullies. And I went and found bullies. That’s a whole nother story. What I did is I immediately rebuked this fear in the name of Jesus Christ.

And I could sense a change in the atmosphere. And I’ve been going through a lot of fear lately. Many people do not know this. I haven’t said anything about it. Sorry, hold on. I’m going to have to move the camera here. But I quit my job my last day as a fireman of 23 years full time and three time, three years as a reserve. So 26 years total happens in a couple of weeks.

And I moved out of California. You want to talk about. This is the scariest moment of my life. And I made a leap for a handful of reasons, lots of reasons, one being political. But I’ve always said that there’s never a better time to start a business than during an economic downturn. And I mean it. And so I’m about to do it another business and practice what I preach.

And so for the last six months, I’ve been a total crap show when it comes to emotions because I didn’t realize how much of my identity was wrapped into being a firefighter. And so if you only knew. I’ve always. So I’ve always worn my emotions on my sleeve. God showed me once that it was power. Still didn’t help the fact I didn’t like it. But, yeah, I didn’t realize how much of my self esteem was built up in being a firefighter.

And, yeah, I walked away from the pension and insurance benefits and all that stuff. I had two years left, but a change had to be made because things are going to get pretty gnarly. And I didn’t leave out of fear, although I feared leaving. And so the last, like, six months of my life, I’ve been really. I’ve always wanted to be a motivational speaker, and a good motivational speaker can’t motivate others unless they went through pain themselves, because how do you relate to people that need motivating? Right.

Well, I’ve been going through it. I’ve been going through it as I have a couple YouTube channels and I want what I’m going through to help other people, so I can’t be afraid of sharing it. Now, God, when I was praying this morning, I started looking up some verses, the verse that God doesn’t give us the spirit of fear and that we don’t battle against flesh and blood, but we battle against the spiritual realm.

And that’s exactly what’s going on. The reason why I want to share this with you is because if you knew, there are people that know things about me, and they’re like, how could you be afraid? Or some people are like, you have no fear in you. A lot of people think that, but it’s not true. It’s absolutely not true. And fear grips us, and it stops us from making good decisions.

It stops us from some of the greatest opportunities in our lives. And in 2024, yeah, things are going to get rough. They’re going to get bad. But you know what you were made for these days? You were made for something great. So was I. And I’m here to. I just want to be a witness that you. You know, it’s funny, I set out to start a video. I got an idea what I’m going to say.

I hit record, and everything goes right out of my brain. When I was training firefighters, I used to use the example, the phrase, I want to see you piss. Excellence. Everybody get a kick out of that. But I always meant it. I said every single thing that comes out of you, I swear, better be excellent if it isn’t. And I used to use the, you know, especially with the young guys.

Like, if you let the fat old guy, I was using myself as an example, beat you at this SCBA drill or beat you to that hose pool, then you should be in the corner crying or going and practicing all night. And I would give it my all because I knew that I would pull my all out of them, out of using their fear of being embarrassed. You see, we all have fear.

And I have had amazing success in my life because of the times that I did not have the fear. And what you’re witnessing right now is me staring some of my biggest fears right in the face and charging them. And it’s hard. It really is hard. But in this year of 2024, I believe this is the year we have to completely walk away from fear. And as I rebuked that spirit of fear, and I want to rebuke it in the name of Jesus Christ over every single person watching this video right now.

If you’ve got a fear of something, put it down below, put what your fear is. My fear is not being a success, not being able to make a good life for my family. My fear is somebody coming to try and attack what I’ve built up. Those are my fears and I rebuke those. Put them down below and rebuke your fears right now. I set up this video just to talk.

And I took the monetization off because the truth is, the algorithms, they tell you when you get some status level with YouTube and x and all these different platforms, they tell you if you don’t monetize it, we won’t share it. That’s just the truth. If you don’t hit them full of commercials, that’s the truth. We won’t push your video. And so I hate that. So I took the monetization off this.

Why? Because I’m going to let God move this video. God’s going to put this in front of the people that need to hear this. As a matter of fact, if you need to hear this right now, type this is for me, and let you by you exposing your fears, because we’ve got to write them out. We got to put them out there and say, you know what, devil, satan.

I don’t have a spirit of fear. I’ve got the one that created this earth and created me and created you. I’m talking to the devil right now, talking to Satan himself. He’s behind me. You know, a friend of mine said, a good friend of mine, jesse, told me, he says, you notice that the spiritual warfare, what we put on in the Bible talks about the breastplate of righteousness.

Helmet, shield, sword, there’s no backplate. There’s nothing in the back because God never expected you to run, ever. You’re supposed to take it head on. And like where I moved to with my family, I told my wife, I said, I’m not going to walk past an open door. Not going to walk past it. I saw a sign for an open house to a house. I’m like, we can’t afford it.

Drove right into it. And I met an amazing lady, an attorney in this town who loves Jesus, too. I’m not going to close the door. I’m not going to walk past it. I’m going to walk right into every single door. And so I’m really excited to be a part of this group of people that we call Ninja nation. A bunch of people that don’t look like they are successful, they don’t look like they may be strong on the outside, but you are, and you’re building something right now, we know that our country is being attacked.

And it gets scary, man. We’re more powerful because of Jesus Christ. And here’s the cool thing. To the people that don’t believe, that’s okay. We could still be friends. But I have a feeling if you would open your heart and just say, you know what? All I want is the truth. And I don’t believe in God. But you know what? If it’s real, if this whole thing’s real, God created this earth, created me, created everyone I know, created everything we see, including these stones right here behind me.

I would want to know him if I could have a personal relationship with him. Yeah, I want to know him. And that’s the other thing. Don’t let the church tell you. Don’t let pastors lie to you. Don’t let clergy or elders lie to you and say, that’s for the elite. That’s for them. That’s a lie from the pit of hell. Jesus Christ wants to know you personally. The only thing holding that relationship back is you.

And he died for your sins. That’s it. So I rebuked the enemy, the spirit of fear, this morning. And I said, I want to show you a big. I got to keep this clean, but you know what I mean? And I’m going to go live, and I’m going to go and share with thousands of people that I rebuke the spirit of fear this morning. And I’m not immune to that kind of stuff.

I’m just a normal person, just like you. As a matter of fact, there’s a lot of you out there that right now are changing the world. And I want to, too. And I’m going to go live my destiny this year right in front of you guys. I’m going to drop my weight. I’m cleaning my relationship up with God, and I know that many of you are going to, too.

And this is the other good thing. A lot of people get afraid, are afraid because all this crap going on in the world, and they man the army. That army is huge. It’s mighty. But when we have the creator of this earth behind us, it only takes a few. It just takes a few chosen people, and every single one of us are chosen. But do we answer that call? That’s the question.

And I’m telling you right now, publicly, and God’s going to move this algorithm spiritually. It’s going to go to the right people. Hey, I hope you guys have an awesome day. And I’m going to have an awesome day because I’m going forth without fear. It’s rough leaving the fire department. Yesterday, I came past control burn operation. I saw a column of smoke. What’s going on? So I went down there, and then I came across.

I was one of the first people on scene of a structure fire in a restaurant yesterday. I’m going to miss that. I may volunteer. I may go back. I may go to a city later on. But I need to take this year off, because I want to lead the greatest life I’ve ever led, and I want to see you lead the greatest life ever. You can’t do that by playing it safe.

So I’m going to look for you right in the eye, and I’m going to go crush it. Hope you guys have a great day. The economic ninja is out. Bye. Words. .

See more of The Economic Ninja on their Public Channel and the MPN The Economic Ninja channel.


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becoming a motivational speaker belief in overcoming challenges coping with fear and stress dealing with stress after quitting job life changes and personal growth made for great things motivational speaking business startup moving out of California overcoming fear and stress overcoming fear in life personal growth after job change personal struggles and life changes quitting firefighter job starting a new business

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