I Failed




➡ The speaker shares their struggle with balancing a desire to help others through online content while grappling with the commercial nature of digital platforms. They are opting to demonetize their channel to prioritize genuine help over ad-driven popularity. Major life changes are being made, seemingly shifting their focus back to an original desire to make selfless contributions for others’ success, both in financial and non-financial ways.
➡ The speaker acknowledges the changing nature of truth, expresses a desire for feedback, and announces a new endeavour focused on helping people overcome financial struggles. He encourages viewers to search for joy, creativity, and inspiration, ultimately aiming to inspire positive change in individuals and society overall.


Know, this might sound crazy, but I really don’t care. About an hour ago, I was incredibly stressed out and frustrated and I had to take a step back, walk away from what I was doing and just make myself something to eat. And then I forced myself to sit down a few moments ago and really reflect on what I’m doing with my life. And as I started thinking about myself, I started thinking about why I started this channel.

And I want to tell you some things, and to be honest, I took off the monetization and I’m going to tell you why. I hate this stuff. I hate where the world’s going. Long time ago, I was told by people that work for organizations that run platforms. Let’s say that if you don’t hammer people with ads, we will not share your content in three and a half years.

I set out with a goal to reaching one person and helping one person by warning them of things that were going to come in the economy. Use my past experiences as an entrepreneur to help people. That one led to two, that two led to ten, and I got sucked in. And many of you know that I work as a full time fireman, which is ending soon. I’ve been fighting fires since we’re, what, 25 years now.

And I do like helping people, but I’ve always known in business and in life, when you help people selflessly is when you get the most out of life. But I’m going to be honest, I’ve never found somewhere where I’ve tried to help someone where I didn’t have a selfish endpoint or goal. When we help people, it makes us feel good. What happens is it builds up and builds up and then before you know it, you’re not who you used to be.

Now, I’ve went through a lot of changes in my life where I’ve had to sort of reset and go back to the beginning and in the last handful of months. To say that I’m making some massive life changes is an understatement. As a matter of fact, it doesn’t anymore. But in the beginning, it really scared the living piss out of me. And it wasn’t until one day I thought about a couple of calls I went on when I was younger and I, I, someone told me once, a call where a handful of us almost lost our lives and I was sort of tripping out on the feeling of what it was like because I didn’t think about it at first.

I mean, we joked around about it and an old timer came up to us and said, you know what? You just experienced was actual courage. You rarely do it, but you did something that scared you. You could have lost something, but you did it for another reason other than selfish motives. When I started this channel, I started to help one person. I got to meet the one person.

It changed my life in one day, more than 25 years of fighting fires. Then what happens is you blow up, right? What also blows up with you is your ego and your. It’s hard to do a selfless act in this world. You know, I’ve wanted to warn people about economic stuff for a long time. And hey, I’m not sorry for showing emotion. I just can’t help myself, man.

I get angry when I’m praying. I’m like, God, please, I stopped the crying. I can’t stand it, but I can’t help everyone. I can’t help everyone when I’m on a call and we’re showing up to a handful of. To someone’s worst day of their life because I didn’t put them in that situation. I can only make it better when I get on scene. Same thing with my guys, my crew.

And I can’t help everyone on the Internet. I told you earlier in this live stream, I demonetized it because I just have a feeling because they try and get you to just slam them with ads, we’re not going to share your stuff. Okay. Trying to help as many people as I can, and I hate it, but I believe that one person needs to hear this, and it might be an ad that gets them to click it off.

I hope there’s no ads. I don’t know how it works on your side, because I have the pro version, right that I just bought, so there’s no ads. You’re never going to be great in life unless you strive to truly change someone else’s. I was told when I wanted to be wealthy by mentors when I was young, I was in my 20s, they said, you’ll never get rich if you don’t make others rich.

And they’re true. But that has a lot more to do with just life outside of financial realms. Your success is predicated on others, other people’s success. That’s why tribes are so strong. A group of human beings that come together and of like mindedness, or let’s say the same goals, right? And it’s very powerful because each one of them, each one of us has something to give. And when we come together as a team, we achieve a lot.

I did a video back in September that caused everything to change, right? Again, trying to warn people. It’s been made very clear in this world that it’s not you or I that are allowed to tell the world something. It’s the powers, powers that exist. And it’s very frustrating. You know something and you say it and you tell people, but when you experience it, it’s a whole nother realm.

And it might sound stupid, but the only reason I always started a YouTube channel is because I’ve always wanted to be a motivational speaker. I really enjoy helping other people, showing them how to get out of a pitfall, how to make money, how to think outside of the box. I just love it. Why? Because quite frankly, no one has ever helped me. As a matter of fact, my entire life, when I had an idea, I always got it just crapped on.

It just was crapped on. It was the people I hung out with. I tried to find better people, and it just seemed like my personality always ran into the same type. People that didn’t believe in themselves, so they’re just going to crap on me and my ideas. So here’s the cool thing. The good news, there are people watching this right now that understand what I’m talking about. Just can’t get ahead.

Nobody likes your ideas. There’s got to be a point in your life where you look in the mirror and it’s hard. You look in the mirror and you say, I know I’m worth it. I know I’m going to succeed. And little by little, you have to shed those people out of your life and constantly seek after better people. And, you know, the reason why I entitled this, I failed, was because a couple weeks back, I was dealing with some stuff in one of my businesses that has slowed down a bit because of an external force.

And I thought, how can I beat this force? How can I stop it? And to be honest with you, the only thing I came up with was I got to give up. I got to stop caring about the force. I got to go back to why I started all this in the first place. That’s why I can say with a smile that everything’s turning around. My situation that existed in the recent past is not my future.

I’m going to simply go back to what I did, what worked, and that is staying small. A good leader makes the right decision when everyone’s watching, the decision that will give them accolades, everyone will agree with. But here’s the thing. The reason why that leader becomes great is because that leader makes that decision when everyone’s watching the hard one. And at the same time, when no one’s watching.

If you want to lead, you have to make the hard decisions. When no one’s watching, that’s what will help this world. That’s what’s going to build this world up. We need to sit back sometimes and go, you know what? It’s not about us. It’s about making this world better. And how do I do that? I uplift and I esteem others. I’ve found so much joy in helping other content creators build their channels, helping them out, because I didn’t get that help.

This world’s full of selfish people. If you want to find, and I’ve been guilty of it. And right now, I’m sure there is selfishness inside of me. There is, and I want to get rid of it. And there are days I just don’t know how. Like I said, I’m making some really big moves, some changes in my life, and it scares me. But I know that without those type of changes, there isn’t growth.

And so to anyone today or whatever day you’re watching this, that’s going through this, say it out loud, type it. I mean, I don’t give a crap about the algorithm. The algorithm is against people that are real. I tell you that the algorithm is against true growth. They always want you to feel like you’re growing, but under their watch, fly under their version of truth. And I don’t believe that’s what 2024 holds for me or you.

I believe a new type of truth is coming out. Thank you for watching. I put my x handle down below because I’m starting to put more content, original stuff on there. If you’d like to follow me, that’d be great. If not, no worries. Thank you, chance. Appreciate it. I hope you guys have a great day. Do me a favor. If you see anything that I can do better or something that I haven’t done lately that you used to really like, put it down in the comments of this video.

I’m going to read them all because I want to learn from you. I want to impact more people. But I think I really have to take a step back. Also, I’ll tell you this, there’s a channel out there I’ve seen recently, hint, hint. It’s called let me find it real quick. I’m going to show it to you because there’s one thing that I’m changing. It’s entitled this will make you rich.

And it’s out there. And I’m trying to do something. This. Take a screenshot of that, you’ll see there is a whole 15 subs on there. I’m going to try something new, but also with the same motive of helping, because there’s so many people in this world that are hurting so bad because of debt. They are trapped. And it says right here at the top says, I want to free you from financial slavery.

I’m going to try this. I got to say it in a way. How do you do this? I’m going outside of my norm for a reason. So if you ladies and gentlemen wouldn’t mind checking that out, it’ll be hard for you to check. You just go through the filters. When you type in this, when you type this in right here, right there, this will make you rich. You got to search by, what is it? By channel.

It won’t pop up. And I’m going to try something different this year. And I really hope you try something different this year. I love meeting you. I love hearing your stories. I love hearing your excitement for what’s coming. But I think we still have a lot to do to warn the world, to get the world ready to take our nations back. I want to see people be successful and be happy.

And in that, they’re helping other people at the same time they’re helping themselves. I like hearing people sort of have a new lease on life, both physically, mentally, and spiritually, or all three. I didn’t mean to announce this, but we are waiting. We’ve only got two videos on there and we’re going to slow roll it. But I want to put a lot of effort into trying to help people that don’t have a financial background or understanding because I know it sounds funny.

I wanted to be, like I said before, a motivational speaker, and I started that way, but people just wanted to talk about money, and that’s probably the easiest way to get someone hooked, a human being hooked into understanding that it’s not about going and making extra money. It’s about changing your mind, changing your heart, changing your tactics to become successful. And wealth isn’t success. Wealth is an offspring of success.

I want you to go home to your spouse and be happy. I want your kids to look at you and be proud. I don’t want the mainstream media telling you what you should be or what you should think. I want the artists to come back out of humanity right now. I want the creativity, if you’ve noticed, let me know if you agree with this. There’s a reason why there’s only mostly sequels coming out of movies.

Movies are all being redone. Human beings have lost their creativity because they’ve lost their ability to be inspired, to imagine and to dream. Well, how do we get human beings imagining and dreaming again? We bring back their joy. So I’ve used, for the last three years, news to warn people. I’ve used jokes to make people laugh, and I’ve tried to bring thought provoking ideas to make them think.

And so this is my way, this next project in 2024, to wake up, inspire and excite. And you’re not going to see. You’re going to see only positive things. And I’m going to be honest with you. As you watch these videos on this channel, this new one, I can’t even find my rhythm. You’ll see three different videos on there, an introduction and two videos. I can’t even find my rhythm.

I’m being totally, gut wrenchingly honest with you. Um, they told me if I took the monetization away, they wouldn’t share it. Well, I did it on this video, and I’m going to tell you right now what I’m doing. I don’t care. I believe the right people. If you’re watching this right now, you’re here for a reason. Not because of me, but something stirring inside of you that is going to change your life.

And I encourage you. That feeling that’s rising up, that’s bubbling up, joy, questions, excitement. If it’s something inside of you that you can’t sleep at night, you think about it in your spare time, lean into it, whatever it is, be inspired. Move towards that. Start speaking about it, but don’t speak in front of the wrong people. Don’t cast your pearls before swine. My goal has always been to pull the best out of you.

This social media stuff has pulled the worst out of me, and it’s ugly. And I have to look in the mirror all the time and remind myself, I don’t like that. Stop doing that. Stop acting like that. Stop saying that. Thank you, Bob. And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t absolutely enjoy this process, but there’s also a part of the process I don’t like. I’ll do this one last time.

I can’t do a link for a specific reason, but if you look for this channel with that icon, I’m going to do something new in 2024, if you wouldn’t mind checking it out. I want to help people that have never honestly thought to seek out help because they’re scared, they’re embarrassed. And in 2024, as things get worse, I want them to find the joy in the responsibility of taking command of their own financial ship, but also their own mental and emotional ship.

I hope you got something out of this. I thank you so much. The economic ninja is out. .


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