I am Getting Queasy

Posted in: I Allegedly, News, Patriots



➡ Dan from IAllegedly warns about the current economic situation, highlighting the growing wealth gap and risky investments people are making. He suggests that business will change significantly by 2025, with many industries already seeing a decline. He advises viewers to protect themselves by reducing their financial risk and consulting with financial advisors. He also mentions the importance of investing in precious metals like gold and silver, as recommended by Patriot Gold Group, the video’s sponsor.
➡ The speaker discusses various issues including the high cost of flights, the importance of disaster preparedness, job cuts at Amazon, and the concept of urban mining due to copper shortages. They also mention Jet Blue’s new meal offerings on transatlantic flights, the upcoming Bitcoin inventor documentary, and the price increase for Mega Millions lottery tickets.
➡ This text is about a humorous memory involving a lottery ticket and a dad’s old joke. It also reminds readers to like and subscribe to the channel, and to email at a given address. The message emphasizes kindness and honesty, especially towards bankers.


Hey it’s Dan, welcome back. You’re watching IAllegedly and I’ve got a good one for you today because I’m getting queasy. So please hit the like button, subscribe to the channel. Today we have a sponsor, Patriot Gold, and let’s get into it. But before I do the main subject, I want to talk to you about the hurricane. I was up at the grocery store last night and I’m listening to the earbuds and not paying attention to life as a break when I go shopping for Rosie and I. And a guy nudges me says, hey my name’s Clinton and I’m a line operator and we start talking about the hurricane.

Well he’s the guy that wires cities, wires you know municipalities and goes and works in the power lines and he was wearing the you know his uniform basically all rubberized outfit you know just leaving work and he said Dan none of us have been called in previous hurricanes they would call us out and we would go now you know it would be a great windfall for the guy because they fly him from California to God knows where and he would go work you know 18 hours in a day sleep a little bit in his car and go do it again but now nothing not a not a phone call not we need you nothing so guys this is insane what’s happening right now you know it’s like dealing with children that tell you I clean my room just don’t go in there what do you mean don’t go in there gonna go in your room and check it out don’t don’t don’t worry it’s handled it’s all good to do your report yes it’s all good that’s what this administration is like it’s like a bunch of children that want to tell you one thing and gaslight you and gasoline is telling you oh the problem is you the promise you but when you have guys like Clinton saw to the earth working his ass off okay on you know climb the power line guys okay go do that for an hour oh this is dangerous you get electrocuted doing this yeah you can and then send you to a storm area that’s what this guy’s dealing with and not dealing with because they’re calling these people out so FEMA can be butthurt and be insulted about this you got to get a thicker skin you got to take care of yourself and you got to understand that these people don’t care about us and as soon as you accept that you’re gonna get it now JP Morgan Chase let’s get into the main subject of the video and their head investor David Kelly steps forward and says I’m getting queasy over these investments and over the market right now people are doing crazy risk now the thing that wanted me to talk about this is that I believe that the you know gap between the poor and the rich is getting bigger by the day by the week now everybody wants to get rich quick scheme everybody wants something that’s going to solve their financial roles in an hour by the time we finish this drink I want to be financially set no doesn’t work that way it takes time but there are a tremendous amount of people that have put themselves at really bad risk and this guy is like saying I don’t feel good about this economy and getting queasy over the fact that things could go bad in an instant and so many people have put themselves at such serious risk right now so protect yourself I’m telling you guys this one thing and that is business as we know it is not going to be the same in 2025 let’s just forget this year just just say 2025 things that people used to buy they’re not buying right now Home Depot is off shopping is off everything is off you’re going to see this continue to get worse before it gets better the company that you work for is going to do less business you don’t think Clinton that there’s power lines out here in California you don’t think that this guy could be pulling wire someplace come on guys come on all over the place but they’re working less but they’re not calling this guy everything is is different David Kelly from JP Morgan said listen the risk is crazy and people put themselves at such a disadvantage because they’re gambling so much now think about this there has been five trillion dollars made by the richest people over the course of the last five years five trillion dollars you guys make part of that five trillion dollars with your investments are you sitting on a beach because what it would have done is it would have made it so that you’d never have to worry about money again and this audience me included are people that yeah you know I need to kind of make money right now okay so with that being said the average person did not benefit from this but when this guy sitting there telling you to protect yourself and get ready for what’s going to happen you need to look at things like silver you need to look at you know I’m a precious metals guy you know that but the point is is that you need to get yourself out of heavy risk and for those of you out there that you have financial advisors sit down with them I’m doing it this week and I have these conversations what stocks should I sell what losers do I get rid of what winners do I keep do I double down on this this and this have these conversations now do it now do it now do it now and the reason for that is that you will save yourself money and grief down the road but this is the time to defend the Alamo right now and the Alamo is your own finances you know I have friends and people that write me that are concerned about their inheritance and what they’re gonna get from their families and they’re all brilliant people and I’m like you know just to live for the dead money is awful and it’s sad because these are people that are it like I said incredibly talented and smart people don’t worry about what people are gonna do don’t worry about family politics because it is brutal it will kill you thinking about this you know it’s something I learned in my life as I get older and that is we put up with more BS from family than we would ever from a stranger and we’re supposed to deal with this and deal with the mistreatment because they’re family members and I say no family is what you make of it the people in your life need to benefit you be kind to people and have them be kind to you don’t ask for anything give to people remember that these people that are that are subjected to this hurricane right now one after another there could be another one right after this one too how about that okay this is gonna be what it has been from what is you know what I mean come on guys get real with this we need to help people we need to you know be spiritual you need to be kind and you need to be thoughtful and you need to take care of yourself and protect yourself right now because when you have guys that work at banks that have cush jobs and stock options and money that we will never see and these people say I don’t feel good about this getting kind of sick over it getting queasy when you have a guy say something like that you need to pay attention to this because they lie to us all the time and this they can’t lie there is no soft landing the economy’s not going to do well it’s not going to be easy it’s not going to end in a good way you can make it into good way because you can protect yourself remember that okay let me know what you think so far let’s talk about our sponsor Patriot Gold Group here’s a new one for you Goldman Sachs predicts that gold could go as high as $29 before the end of this year silver is at an 11-year high and JP Morgan says that easily it’s going to outperform gold percentage-wise and that it could hit as high as $36 an ounce you need to call the leader in sales and service for gold and precious metals and that’s Patriot Gold Group 888-330-1431 contact them today they sell all types of precious metals they have a myriad of products also 401 Ks IRAs the best-in-class service number one rated for eight years in a row now I’m not just a spokesman I am a client of theirs I love the company contact them today call them and get a free as investor guide if you don’t want to call go and fill out the link below and get the information sent out to you contact Patriot Gold today 888-330-1431 contact them today before it’s too late if this is true there is a place in hell for United Airlines United Airlines is being accused of price gouging during the hurricane okay I hate flying right now flying sucks and it is absolutely awful right now it is a horrible experience there is nothing good about getting on an airplane unless you fly JSX that’s me okay it’s quick give you drinks first class it’s nice okay we all can’t be meet Kevin and buy our own plane but United Airlines think about this Tampa to st.

Louis flights went from $1,100 to $2,573 yeah they’re raising the price on this stuff guys right now this is horrible guys this is absolutely horrible and again this is the stuff that Kamala has been talking about saying that this is happening well good do something about it go down there fly down there to Tampa and deal with this no one is dealing with this stuff right now but this is just the beginning you know we’re not talking about a $30 water bottle or anything like that you’re going to see this get worse it’s going to get much much worse during this time no supply and demand is one thing I am a businessman that’s all fine but this is crazy now jet blue jet blue has got some great news for you they’re gonna have meals on their transatlantic flights and you can buy a slice of pizza Sicilian pizza isn’t that great we I fly transatlantic and you guys don’t have food on a jet blue flight the hell am I supposed to do for 13 hours fast I mean come on it’s diet time Dan come on lose that weight chubby you know what I’m in Sicilian pizza imagine that that’s that’s cafeteria dough boy pizza microwave mmm excellent and chicken piccata imagine that chicken piccata on a jet blue transatlantic flight that they’re going to charge you for now yeah yeah you want the chicken piccata really you want that mm-hmm I always get a kick out of when somebody asked for the fish on a flight that’s just like oh my god cat food smells better but that’s just me and I don’t like scouting is ridiculous it’s it is and if they did this and they jacked up flights to make a little extra cash they’re gonna get it they’re gonna get it right because the world will be pissed off over this one you have millions of people in harm’s way right now that are getting out of town and man oh man when you talk about storm surges and you talk about water levels from a guy that lives near this stuff and you think about something going up 24 inches that’s a lot okay take areas out well then five feet 12 feet okay you know this whole area would be done if it was like that okay you’re going to see areas of Florida that are going to be just completely taken out and you know sheriff Garrett in North Carolina was on the news talking about how they don’t have anything and I’m telling you guys you know one of my sponsors was a satellite phone company I have my satellite phone my kids hey let’s test it okay how you doing okay oh how was your job interview you know what I mean for the rainy day you need to get that okay so the other thing is have the plan guys I’m telling you this right now even for yourself if you live by yourself and you do not have families near you they need to know where you’re at they need to know what you’re gonna do how you’re gonna get by and I’m telling you one man band one woman show just enough food and water to live for a month make sure you have that you feel so much better if you had this so people need to do this and have a plan have a security plan for your kids family members everybody I have so many people that walk up to me and say oh you know what we did we set up this and we know where we’re gonna meet and we have you know we stacked water and we’ve got a water filter and this is all important stuff guys it really is it really is because look at these people that don’t have energy don’t have any electricity don’t have internet don’t have water but if you had this and you stacked it you’d be in good shape right now so remember that have a plan have a plan for yourself have a plan for everybody in your life you care about remember that now here are a few things to make you think and the first one is Amazon Amazon is going to cut 14,000 jobs corporate jobs are going to be eliminated this is not line workers this is not people delivering packages this is not people on the line to load things this is people that are in the corporate management jobs 14,000 of them are going to be eliminated between now and early 2025 that is wild guys when you think about that and Amazon is clearly the leading shopping place that people go to so it’s nice being out in the bridge today I’ll show you guys early and overcast man we’ve had some really cruddy weather in the morning here lately anyways that’s the sign of the times guys that’s where people are getting real with this and thinking about this this is you haven’t seen anything yet guys you haven’t seen anything yet the next thing is Britain Britain is urging people to go urban mining what well think think about what I’m telling you because this was what when I read it I was like this is wild think about this there is such a shortage of copper copper is used in so many things and especially in EV cars and different electrical components but there is a shortage of copper copper if you want to invest in copper get into copper guys right now but they suggest that people go urban mining turn in your electronics let’s dig out the copper so that we can save you know copper we can we can get this mining problem solved by doing it in our own homes okay this is why people steal copper from city streets from components they pull wire out of lights and different places like that you’ve seen all over the place in here in California like crazy but yeah gonna see more of that so it’s wild guys it’s absolutely urban mining let’s let’s go urban mine you know what the manhole covers don’t call it that the whole covers the people whole covers okay let’s go turn those and I hear their copper too okay making that up anyways don’t forget that we are having a webinar Bob Kudla the stock guru is teaching a webinar for each and every one of you and if you go to Bob’s trading class you can sign up for this it’s the it’s October 15th after the market closes at 1 30 in the afternoon it’s incredibly reasonably priced but you get Bob Kudla for two and a half hours which you guys could never get and take advantage of that and it’s going to be a huge success so so many of you have already signed up for it you don’t want to miss it and also he told me again this morning that space is limited so please sign up for it now and don’t miss out on that okay check it out I’m gonna finish this video with these last few stories and the first one is Kroger Kroger the grocery chain is now offering streaming services that is wild guys cool Disney Plus ESPN Plus things like that to get people to shop but also these streaming services guys are having difficulties right now so they’re linking themselves to different places now your grocery store chain is gonna hawk and give you discounts on streaming services I’m telling you guys whatever you want to buy right now do an ounce of research don’t just say oh let’s get it because someone’s gonna offer you some type of deal this is the perfect example of that there is a Netflix or excuse me an HBO documentary that’s coming out within the week talking about the inventor of Bitcoin and how he’s going to be exposed well that would be interesting if it’s true I still think that this guy has done everything and I’m assuming it’s a man but you know Hisoshi whatever his name is anyway I can’t think of his name right now this right so I can do this Satoshi Nakamoto I’m sorry okay Satoshi Nakamoto slip my mind sounds like a guy right anyways he’s going to be unmasked the final final thing is for all of us that play the lottery we’ve got a few friends that when the lottery hits a couple hundred million bucks we get together and you know buy the tickets but mega millions is gonna go it’s already had a price increase from $1 to $2 it’s gonna go to $5 a ticket in April of 2025 so it’s gonna cost you more to become a millionaire and prepare for your kids retirement okay and kids college education you know five bucks more I used to always joke with my children hey here’s your here’s your college here’s your college fund I bought you a lottery ticket up yes what no school this week maybe next week old joke that we they still talk about to this day because dad’s not funny anyways please don’t forget to hit the like button please don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and you want to email me it’s hello what I allegedly calm kindness counts guys be kind to everybody be nice to everybody and understand this one bankers bankers get real and get honest pay attention to that okay good luck

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Amazon job cuts Bitcoin business changes by 2025 consulting financial advisors copper shortages Dan IAllegedly economic warnings disaster preparedness importance financial risk reduction High cost of flights industry decline investing in precious metals Jet Blue transatlantic meal offerings Patriot Gold Group sponsorship risky investment trends urban mining concept wealth gap increase

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