Hunter Biden Now Poised To Overturn Unconstitutional Federal Gun Law

Posted in: Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News, News, Patriots



➡ Hunter Biden, convicted on three felony charges related to firearms, is likely to appeal, particularly on the charge of firearm possession by a drug user. His legal team may challenge the constitutionality of the law under which he was charged. Despite this, Biden may still face issues with convictions for lying on federal forms to acquire a gun. The outcome of his appeal could impact future gun control laws and is being closely watched.


Hunter Biden is now poised to further help the removal of unconstitutional federal gun laws now that he has been convicted. As a reminder, Hunter Biden was convicted of three felony charges. One, a false statement on a federal firearms background check. Two, a false statement on a firearms transaction record. And finally, three, possession of a firearm by a drug user. And that’s the one that he’s probably going to win on appeal. Let’s talk about it. Before I jump into it further, I want to thank the sponsor of the video that’s Lear Capital. You’ve heard me talking about precious metals and telling you that the experts were calling for record high gold.

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Bruin. I’ll also make a note that Firearms Policy Coalition has again offered their assistance to Biden’s team in their appeal, which is great. They’re fighting the law, not necessarily supporting the person, and I think that’s great because it’s unconstitutional what he was jammed up on. Now, that doesn’t mean I like him as a person, but that law is unconstitutional. Now, because there is no historical tradition of this type of gun control, some federal courts have questioned the constitutionality of 18 U.S.C. Section 922 G3, which is the law that Biden was charged under. Now, although no federal court has yet to strike down that statute as unconstitutional in and of their own ruling, some rulings have suggested that it might not hold up in certain cases.

Now, the Eighth Circuit has upheld that law, but the Fifth Circuit, and I’ve reported on this case, U.S. vs. Daniels, they dismiss charges against a marijuana user, and Biden’s legal team should use that approach in his appeal. Also, the Fifth Circuit judge, Jerry Smith, said that, “…our history and tradition may support some limits on intoxicated persons’ right to carry a weapon, but it does not justify disarming a sober person based exclusively on his past drug usage.” End quote. And think about that. Yes, there were laws that said if you were drunk, you shouldn’t be carrying.

But there’s nothing that said if you had a drink two weeks ago, you can no longer carry. And it’s the same for drug usage. Now, even if Biden’s gun charges are overturned, that he still has a problem with the convictions of lying on a federal form to get that gun. Now, those might stand. Who knows what his appeal will yield, but we’ll be paying attention. Now, don’t forget there’s another huge case that we’re paying attention to, and my guess is we’ll hear something this Friday or next Friday, and that’s the U.S. v. Rahimi case.

As a quick reminder, that case involves the Fifth Circuit’s decision that found that a provision barring folks under a domestic violence restraining order from possessing firearms, that was unconstitutional. And the Supreme Court is going to rule on that case. Before the end of the month, they always do things on Friday, typically for big cases, and there’s two Fridays left. So if you want to stay in the loop, I will go live when that decision drops. Subscribe to this channel. Hit that bell icon down below. Turn it on to all notifications. You’ll be notified when I’ll put out new content or go live.

Like this video and share it as well. Leave a comment to help destroy this anti-gun algorithm. Let me know what you guys and y’all think about Hunter Biden. Good person? Not really. But all of the seems, all of the rulings that overturn a lot of the gun control are at least started by people who are jammed up because they weren’t really good people. However, that unconstitutional law is unconstitutional. Let me know what you think down below. Hopefully you’ll subscribe and turn on the bell notification so you’ll be able to keep up to date with these decisions as they drop.

There’s one more case we need to watch as well in addition to Rahimi, and that’s hopefully where the Supreme Court destroys Chevron deference, which is what the ATS has been living off of. Stay tuned. I’ll see you on the next one. Take care. [tr:trw].

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constitutionality of firearm possession law firearm possession by drug user future of gun control laws Hunter Biden case and gun laws Hunter Biden felony charges Hunter Biden firearms conviction Hunter Biden legal appeal impact of Hunter Biden appeal on gun control laws legal implications of Hunter Biden's case lying on federal forms for gun acquisition

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