Humanity At Stake! Hollywood Gets Behind Kamala As The A.I Revolution Begins!

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ This text is a conversation about the political landscape, focusing on celebrities’ support for Kamala Harris. The speakers discuss how Hollywood is largely liberal and many celebrities are endorsing Kamala. They also mention Elon Musk’s role in fact-checking media claims about Trump. The conversation touches on the importance of being politically active and aware, regardless of personal political leanings. Lastly, they discuss the controversy around Kamala Harris’s appointment as Vice President, with some arguing it was a diversity hire, while others defend her qualifications.
➡ The article discusses the surge in viewership of the TV series ‘Veep’ due to its perceived similarities with Vice President Kamala Harris. It also mentions the speculation about Harris’s potential presidential run, following President Joe Biden’s decision not to run for a second term. The article further highlights the endorsements Harris has received from various celebrities. Lastly, it discusses a magazine cover featuring Kim Kardashian, which some believe to be a coded message related to political events.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the controversy over the suitability of short female Secret Service agents, the symbolic significance of Kim Kardashian’s father being named Woman of the Year by Vogue, and Kim Kardashian appearing in a men’s magazine. It also mentions the resignation of the Secret Service director in 2023, predictions of backlash against Kamala Harris, and a dispute between UFC champion Sean Strickland and retired Navy SEAL David Goggins. The text ends with a discussion about a training camp run by Goggins.
➡ The text discusses a disagreement between Sean Strickland and David Goggins, where Strickland wants to fight Goggins, but Goggins invites him to train instead. The text also mentions a new entertainment venue in Las Vegas called the Sphere, which features advanced technology and interactive elements. The Sphere is described as a futuristic, immersive experience that is part of a larger digital and physical performance project.
➡ The discussion revolves around the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential impact on humanity. The speakers express concern about AI’s potential to replace humans, and the possible devaluation of human life. They also discuss the spread of misinformation, particularly in relation to upcoming elections, and the difficulty in distinguishing real news from fake. They emphasize the importance of community, intuition, and faith in navigating these complex issues.


What’s up, Nino Knights? Welcome to another entertainment edition with Rosencho Perez. Rose, angel, man, we’re doing, we’re knocking these out. We’re not getting these shows out. They’re fun, and they’re definitely a break from all the craziness. But today we’re going to talk a little bit about Kamala. We’re going to talk about the celebrities being activated, like I always do. All assets are deployed. The celebrities getting behind, getting behind Kamala. Which ones are getting behind Trump? I mean, this is getting nuts. Hollywood is divided, but we all know it’s 80, 90% liberal. So we know the majority of celebrities are going with, are going with Kamala on this.

Just like I have said in my shows, privy previous, that it’s gonna get crazy. The hype is here. Rose, angel, how are you? I’m good. Welcome. Welcome to hello, everyone. I’m happy to be here on Nino’s corner. And hello to your audience. That is just wonderful. And remember, Los Angeles worked for MTV Vh One. Who else bet. I also did little, little gigs for, like, the Latin Grammys and stuff like that. So, so you know what you’re talking about when it comes to the entertainment hype. And that’s why I brought you on. We both have the same kind of political perspective, views which is not right or left.

It’s just being awake, folks. That’s just what this is. It may seem like we’re talking more about conservative stuff here, but we’re really just trying to wake people up to what is really going on in this fifth generational war. So let’s get started. Rosino, first of all, I want to talk about Elon Musk. He has become like the ultimate facts checker, Msm. So when you look and God bless him and like, you know, I have my, I’m 1ft in and 1ft out with Elon only because he wears a bath in it costume in his profile pic, which, you know, says a lot to me.

But, hey, I gotta say, he’s doing some good things here. He says CB’s lies about Trump lying. So we know the mainstream media gonna go all in on, against Trump, all in for Kamala. We got to be smarter than them. We got to be one step ahead of them because they’re going to push all their money into this. Says Trump falsely accuses Harris of donating to Minnesota Freedom Fund, bailing out dangerous criminals. And then Elon Musk says, ah, CB’s lies about Trump lying. So he’s holding them accountable, right? Rose Angela. He’s holding them accountable. People don’t like it.

And I have to say, I have my questions about him, too. But he has done such great for people who are here, you know, trying to get truths out, different perspectives, trying to inspire people to. To ask more questions and really see the bigger picture, because sometimes we get so caught up in the distractions and, look, I’m in different circles. A lot of people think that talking about entertainment is a waste of time. But you forget that the majority of the people, that’s the language. I’ve tried to tell this to many people. I’ve been in rooms with lawyers and people who are really.

They speak and they’re very intelligent, but their mouth is full of jargon. And most people do not understand, cannot connect with those messages. And I, you know, they. They are positioning Kamala Harris. They’re marketing her very well, and she’s raised a lot of money. And let’s see what happens. It’s. It’s sending a chill, I think, in some people, and I really hope that this activates humans to just. We can’t be sitting on our buns at home, whatever that means to you. Some people believe in the voting system and some people don’t. But get active. And here we see the phone call of Obama endorsing Kamala.

And now, folks, remember, nobody wanted her. She is the last ditch effort. Remember, they had three tries at Trump. They tried to cancel him. They tried to arrest him. And then, you know what happened the last time. We all know. So this is the last ditch ever. Kamala is the last ditch effort. They’re throwing all their money into her. So Netflix is now backing her, which I am now going to. Me personally, Rose, angel, I’m going to cancel my Netflix. I’m doing that today. So I’m. That’s going to be a big move for me. Although I can never find anything worth the shit on there.

But hold on. Here’s the phone call. Hi. Hey, there. Hi. You’re both together. I can’t have this phone call without saying to my girl, Kamala, I am proud of you. This is going to be historic. We call to say, Michelle and I couldn’t be prouder to endorse you and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the oval office. That is a fringe. That is. I don’t know. I don’t know. That is so fake, so orchestrated, so rehearsed. And I would think people are tired of that by now. You know, I would think people are just tired of this pencil town fake garbage.

But looks like, I mean, it’s going to work on a lot of people and they’re going to get a lot of celebrities to back Kamala more. So this is going to be bigger than Hillary. It’s looking like it. I’m hearing the murmurings in different circles. There are people who are, you know, in the consciousness spaces, and they predict that she will be president and that America better get ready. And they’re also putting pressure on different communities of color who are pro, you know, black. Who’s saying this in the consciousness? Who’s saying that they’re gonna, that she’s gonna be president? Because I completely reject that.

Who’s saying this? Well, I’m not going to utter it myself because the other day I got in trouble when I made a, another, like, is this is gonna happen? And the people was like, please don’t put that out in the, in the sphere. You could try to almost make it real. So I’m gonna save it for here. Yeah. Cuz well, it trigger right now. Now there’s gonna be a lot of things that happen, but that ain’t it. That ain’t it. And I’m a, you’ve seen my bets on YouTube. I’m winning a lot of bets. I’m like a 90 percentile man.

I’m like bad and good. I’m gonna say that there’s going to be a pause. A lot of things are going to happen, but this isn’t going the conventional route, folks. Not in my mind. But let’s get to some other celebrity, celebrity gossip here. Charlamagne, Charlemagne. Charlie’s back. All right, what’s going on here? He endorses Kamala. Obviously. That’s no surprise to me. He was acting like he was waking up and he was having all these revelations. Then he goes to sleep and it’s a who else with Kamala? Mm hmm. And, you know, I done refreshed my mind about Charlemagne, the God.

And he said that he campaigned for her and he believes in her. And in the video, recent video, he came out and endorsed her officially. But they have a history in which he has challenged her in the things that she has said, including the big argument in December 2021 when, you know, she asked who was reading about, there’s one simple dental hack anyone can do to rebuild Angela. Already conservatives are making comments aimed at Vice President Kamala Harris’s race. Listen to what Republican Congressman Tim Burchette told CNN today. Biden said, first off, he said he’s going to hire a black female for vice president and that not.

He just skipped over. What about, what about white females? What about any other group? Just when you go down that route, you take mediocrity, and that’s what they have right now. What about qualifications? Why does it have to be about diversity? Why can’t we have qualifications in the highest levels of the government? What happened to qualifications? This is crazy to me. I was a vice president. Are you suggesting she was a DEi hire? 100%. She was a DEI hire. Angela, what’s your reaction to that? My reaction to that is DEi is not, didn’t earn it. Unless you’re talking about legacy admissions and some of the trust funds that many of those members of Congress have.

What you have in Kamala Harris is someone who was not only a county prosecutor, a state attorney general for California, a statewide elected United States senator, and now the vice president. I don’t know about you, Jake, but for the track record, for most of our vice president, she’s pretty much on par. So I would. I cannot believe these people, man. Mockingbird, I cannot. People are listening to this is what they believe. They hear this. They hear about hard credentials. They hear right wing talking points, and they are looking at them very easily like the white devil.

So one of my warnings to conservative media is, what’s, what’s the goal here? To, to out meme or to get the point across and unify? I would argue that it is, in fact, not mediocre. What is showing in this clip is this man’s racism. It’s very clear that he. There you go. There you go. There you go. Okay. Wow. Let’s go back up here for a second. Veep surges in viewership as people note similarities to Kamala Harris. What is this about? Oh, well, this is a series in which Julia Louise Dreyfus plays a vice president. President.

And there’s lots of similarities, including the way Kamala Harris and her character speaks. I apologize. I’m learning lessons here. So this person said, tell us about that. As you may have seen on today news, I went from 195 to 140 in just a matter of weeks. But how did I do it? I’ve never revealed. My fellow Americans. Words have many meanings. And sometimes instead of conveying our meaning, they can suggest other meanings. When we talk about the children of the community, they are children of the community. Well, we are the United States of America because it’s the same way they were pushing Celine Dion in that commercial.

They’re not our children. You know, this is the same type of rhetoric. We are united and we are states talking about the significance of the passage of time. Right. The significance of the passage of time. So when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time. Whatever we have in store cannot be known. The past was once the future. The future is, I should say, unknown. We gotta take this stuff seriously. As seriously as you are, because you have been forced to have to take it seriously. Obesity is a serious disease, and it needs to be taken seriously.

You need to get to go and need to be able to get where you need to go to do the work and get home. I hope that clarifies the issue. And this can be the. This is agonizing to watch. Agonizing, agonizing. So one little tidbit that I’d like to offer the community. Right. When I was in the. In the industry, I have friends, whenever Kamala’s Harris name would come up, and this is when she was a senator, they would speak with her about her with a lot of fondness. And the things that they would specifically cite was her articulation abilities.

Isn’t that interesting? Yeah. So another little nugget that I found interesting when I was watching Charlemagne, the God, in that December 2021 interview. Yeah. In which he’s challenging her is that the first couple of minutes she’s giving her, like, political answers, and then at one point, somebody who is recording, like, in charge of the recording of that, you know, making it, like, facilitating the recording on Kamala Harris’s end, interrupts the recording and makes it seem to Charlemagne, like there’s an interruption. Sorry, she can’t hear you. And Charlemagne sits back, and he’s like, oh, she can hear me.

I know she can hear me. I know Madam Vice President can hear me. And then she sits there really quietly, and you don’t know what’s going to come out. And next thing you know, her response is sharp, it’s articulate. I’m not saying whether or not we agree with it, but what was interesting to know is Charlemagne’s response is, that’s the Kamala I know. That’s the Kamala I know. Where has she been? Of course, I’m paraphrasing a little bit, but this is, I think, the big surprise from where I come from. And whenever her name was spoken, her name was always spoken with someone who had great articulation skills.

So I’m baffled. I don’t see that. I think they’re just pushing that out there in the media to get. Because people, what they hear is what they repeat and what they believe. You tell a lie long enough. It becomes the truth. So that’s. They’re just pushing that out there. They probably get talking points on what to say. And so this is just stuff they’re saying. I mean, this is just, this is, this is what we’re battling, folks, right here. This is what we’re up against. This is it. The big machine. I’m gonna run. POTUS is leaving.

He’s not gonna run for a second terminal. I’m gonna. I am proud to be America’s first straight female president. Did Veep and the Simpsons predict Kamala Harris presidential run? You have a great knack for predicting the future on that show. Look how everyone’s just clamoring to her now. All of Hollywood. This is Hollywood’s answer, Hollywood’s savior, just like I said it would be before any of this happened, man, I called this. This is so aggravating. It’s so predictable. It’s unbelievable. We really have, I like to joke that they have a crystal ball in the middle of the writer’s table.

You know, it’s so great and it is uncanny, the uncanny connections coming. As President Joe Biden announced he stepping down from the 2024 presidential election and fully endorsing his vice president, Kamala Harris, there should be no question, no question about it. My favorite Harris memes are all the veep clips that are making the rounds. You know, the HBO show really foreshadowed some of. So we’re looking at Obama 2.0 here. We really are. This is going to be dangerous, folks. Wow. This is just getting crazier and crazier by the day, isn’t it, Rose angel? Yeah. I mean, nothing like having old series increase back in their viewership.

It’s, what is this career trajectory made for TV Veep viewers? Up 350,350%. Wow. All because look to see what the differences and comparisons and similarities are. Entertainment data company illuminate reports viewership for the hit HBO show exploded, jumping from 486K minutes washed on Sunday to 2.2 million minutes on Monday, an increase of 350%. Wow, she smells. She’s already making money. Man, oh, man. The devil’s got tricks, huh? Now it says here, Cardi B, Charlie, XCX, Barbra Streisand, more celebs endorsed Kamala Harris for president. Hollywood leaders carrying Washington, Josh Gad and Shirley Ralph also share their support for Harris after Biden bowed out of the 2024 election.

So, you know, I’ve been told this is the, this is the direction we wanted to take them. This is where we wanted them to go. But I’ve had many guests on my show talk about that. This is the move. We want them. We want them tied to Biden. Well, he just, he opted out. He’s out now. And now we got this monster that they’re creating. This is just insanity. Well, something that I’m perplexed about, Nino, is, you know, the way the announcement of Biden came through social media, the fact that the staffers, his own staffers, found out through x, if I’m not mistaken, the fact that even the Obamas would endorse via a phone call.

Why wouldn’t we see their faces? Where are they? I. This perplexes me. An endorsement this big. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. This. This raises questions to me. I agree. And, and just like I said, they’re all being activated now. They’re all going to hit their social media. They’re all going to hit. The influencers are all going to get behind. Behind this and go all in. George Clooney, look at him. Of course he’s Harrison Trump’s biggest. It’s not about celebrities, man. This is about America. This is about America, not celebrities. I just. Harrison Trump’s biggest celebrity endorsements. Clooney, Hogan, and more celebrity voices have entered the 2024 presidential race in a variety of ways in recent weeks.

And some of the biggest names in Hollywood have led a particular candidate in the hopes of moving the needle this November. Olivia Rodrigo. Stop Donald Trump’s extreme abortion bans. Oh, my gosh. George Clooney, Barbara Streisand, Hulk Hogan. That’s for Trump. Kid rock for Trump. Dana, wife for Trump. I mean, this is, this is not about a country, folks. This is about the world, about humanity, where humanity is going to go. This is so serious. People have no idea, man. Gosh, this is nerve wracking. It’s annoying, for sure. Now, explain this, Rose angel, what is this? The.

Well, they made her into Captain Kamala Harris, America. Oh, yeah. Oh, boy. Michael, still, you ready for this? Are you ready for this? Already on t shirts and all. Wow. Wow. They’re still going in, aren’t they? Yes, they are. And then this is a very, this peaks my curiosity, my conspiracy, my conspiracy mind. Kim Kardashian munches on Cheetos, fronting GQ’s annual men of the year issue, joining cover stars Jacob Elordi and Travis Scott. And so she’s dressed like an FBI agent or like a secret service, munching on Cheetos. To me, this was a, you know, they, this is how they put things out there ahead of the game, or they, they signal certain things.

He’s licking her lips, like, like, almost like job accomplished. Right. It’s eerie. There’s a couple of things that I’ve been contemplating this. I have to give a shout out to Jacob Israel, 71. He’s the one that brought this to the community’s attention. And, you know, think about this, folks. This is a men’s magazine. Right? The whole cover. She’s holding a bag of Cheetos. I think if you go page down, you’ll see it. If you look. Yeah. If you go down there. Yeah. Cheetos. Cheadle. There it is. Kim Cheadle. She’s looking this. The reason she was on this magazine is because of her underwear, men’s underwear promotion, if I’m not mistaken.

Right. But look at the way they dressed her. They have her holding a bag of cheetos. When the whole thing about the attempt of Donald Trump happened, it was very obvious, a big question when they saw a few women secret Service agents that were a lot shorter, if they were the right people for the job. So this is a, this cover, to me, has a lot of symbolism. Right. Remember that Kim K’s father was women woman of the year for Vogue magazine. And it’s almost like, there’s almost like an opposite here where she’s featured in the issue of men of the year on a men’s magazine.

So a lot of gender blurring, the pushing. Yeah. And then another thing that Jacob pointed this out, it was like, look, it’s really interesting. Kim Cheadle, if I’m not mistaken, was hired as the director of the secret service in 2022. This comes out in 2023. We know what happened on July 13. Yep. She gets subpoenaed. Right now she’s testifying. She resigns. And like Jacob says, well, she was less left holding, like, a bag of cheetos. Like the bag was on her responsibility. Right, right. You know what’s crazy is I wonder how this is going to backfire.

Everything they’ve tried on Mister Trump is backfired. I’m curious to see how this Kamala thing backfires, man, because it’s going to. Something’s going to happen. Telling you it’s coming. I know it’s coming. It’s got. It’s going to backfire them so bad. Try to find the purple sweet potato. They’re the highest level of poly. Always two. Let’s get started here. Welcome back to tipping point. I’m your host, Kara McKinney. A literal cow has been caught doing the impossible. Standing on a slightly sloped roof. Someone quick called the secret service director, the one who argued that it was too dangerous for her guys to secure the roof that the shooter used on Saturday in Pennsylvania.

That’s what she said, huh? And there’s a cow. That’s. This is just everything just backfiring on them. That’s why I’m saying this is everything that’s happening with Kamala, folks. Mark my words. Mark it here. I’m batting pretty damn good. This is all going to backfire because it had a slight slope to it. And yet the roof of the secret service snipers used to take down the killer had a much more sloped roof than the one the shooter actually used, which makes no sense. That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof.

The roof, the roof, the roof is too slanted. The roof, the roof, the roof is too slanted. The roof, the roof, the roof is too slanted. And that’s what they’re going on. The roof was slanted. That’s why we didn’t have the correct. Are you kidding me? That’s just insanity, man. Folks, I hope you’re learning something from this. I mean, we’re going through each of these just out outrageous headlines and calling them on their. On their. On their shit, really. I mean, this is just insane. And this one right here, I really wanted to get. I’m glad you brought this in here, Ros Angel.

Sean Strickland. Now, this has been going around. I’ve been watching this David Goggins, the Navy SEAL, obviously retired, former whatever, you know, depending how you want to rephrase that. But Sean Strickland, UFC champ, has been clowning this guy, making fun of David Goggins, because David Goggins is kind of an inspirational type of guy. He makes a lot of videos that inspire people to work out, lose weight. I don’t see anything wrong with it. But Sean Strickland, for some reason, is just calling him a clown, a joke, obviously. Sean Strickland is like. It shows to me some level of insecurity.

I don’t know why he’d be clowning on David Goggins. David Goggins is helping people. But. But this has just gone so out of control. So out of control. It’s just so Sean Strickland on the right. David Goggins is on the left. Depending on how you’re looking at this, but the. The black man is David Goggins. Sean Strickland is the UFC champ, the white guy. And he just clowns on David Goggins. And he’s calling him out and he’s telling David Goggins, you know what? You think you’re the baddest man out there? Come fight me, then come to the gym and I’ll destroy you.

But what people don’t understand is a Navy seal is a Navy seal. He’s not a. They’re not fighter. Hand to hand combat specialists, like a professional UFC fighter or boxer, they are made for war. They’re made with. To go to war for. With guns, bombs, grenades. It’s different. It’s different. I’d like to see Sean Strickland go do what David Goggins did. But. But Sean Strickland is saying, no, no, no. He’s not a real. He doesn’t really have any clout or credit, even among the Navy Seals. So this is where this gets kind of crazy. I’m going to go and play it.

All right, guys, let me explain to you why I make fun of David Goggins. He is a fraudulent man. He’s an easy target. He’s a fraud, bro. You are so great at running down the street. You’re not hard. You’re not tough. You run, my man. Do you know why I know you’re fraudulent? Because as I make fun of you and you post your little TikTok video, I’m a hard man. I’ll show up. I’ll handle this like a man. No, you won’t, dude. I train that extreme couture. I’m easy to find. You live in Las Vegas. I live in Las Vegas.

Show up. Mitch showed up. Do you not know how to use GPS, my man? Do you not know how to. You don’t know how to get in your car? I’ll tell you what. Why don’t you jog down? But you won’t, dude, because you are a fucking fraud. You want tick tock and you make these stupid videos. You are a fucking fraud. And that’s why I make. I just don’t understand why he’s getting on David Goggins. I think David Goggins is helping a lot of people. I don’t understand why Sean Strickland feels so threatened at this, because that’s what this is.

Sean Strickland is just threatened by it. I mean, okay, yeah, you’re. You’re a badass, dude. You’re a UFC fighter. But David Goggins is not a UFC fighter. He’s a. He’s a former Navy SEAL, and he’s inspiring people to. To work out and demand better of themselves. That’s the way I look at it. How do you see it, Rose? Angel. Yeah. I mean, you. You raised a good point. It’s two different skill sets. You’re being trained for two. It’s very different approaches. Mindset. Uh, you know, I think that we’re getting in trouble where there’s a lot of infighting in many pockets right now, and I don’t understand why this is even a thing.

And even the response. I mean, it’s crazy how everybody’s fighting right now. Doesn’t it just seem like the whole world’s on fire? I’ve never seen anything like it. I don’t know if it’s because of social media or what it is, but everybody’s calling somebody out. Everyone’s arguing with somebody. It’s just a mess. And that’s why you will never show up, because I will expose you. I will expose you. So just stay on fucking tick tock and. And keep fucking running, or man up and show up what you want. All right, so, I’ve been working on this for a couple of years.

I had a great idea and took a while to get this. This waiver together. So you guys have to sign a waiver before this camp. So, I have two camps coming up, but I won’t worry about the second camp. The first camp is for all you out there that think I’m some big fake, some big phony who’s not out here putting in the grind, who’s hating on me. All this stuff is a 1 minute video. I’m running, stopping, going back home. Look, it’s a three or four day camp, and it’s gonna be full of, you know, running, rucking, swimming, weights, calisthenics, pull ups, push ups.

A lot of different shit. All right, so all you out there who have run your mouth, make sure you tag those motherfuckers. Now, I know that you know them. Tag them, because this is your opportunity to show the world that you can fuck me up. I’m gonna have camera crews out there. You make sure you bring your fucking camera crew out there. Cause you’re gonna want to get this on camera. Those two different things, basically. Basically, Sean Strickland is an absolute machine at fighting. But, you know, David Goggins, he’s not a UFC fighter. He’s just a skilled Navy SEAL that works out hard and trains hard.

And you got to give him credit for that? Is he 49 years old? I mean, yeah, that’s what he says. I mean, why do you want to mess with this guy? He’s doing the best he can in life. I don’t understand the threat. I don’t see the threat at all. It’s like, let the guy do what he’s doing. He’s. I think he’s helping people because the 49 year old broke down, fucked up knees, fucked up body guy is going to put you through a camp that you think that you can fuck me up in. Okay? So this is your opportunity.

It’s Strickland. I haven’t forgotten about your video. I hope I see you there. Also. You gotta email me the haters at infoavidgoggins. And I get the best haters of them all. Ten or twelve of you. Stay hard. Basically he’s saying that he just trains hard. He’s not one. I don’t think he’s trying to fight Sean. Sean saying, come fight me. David Gargan saying, come train with me. It’s two different things, right? I mean, come train with me last in my training camp. And Sean is saying, I don’t want to do that. Come fight me. It’s like, dude, of course you’re going to kick David Goggins ass.

Of course you are. But David Goggins might beat you at David Goggins camp. I mean, you get what I’m saying. When it comes to training and doing what David Goggins does, it’s two different things here. I have no doubt Sean Strickland can beat the crap out of David Goggins. And I don’t care. I don’t care. The fact of the matter is, it’s two different things. Goggins. I heard you want a piece. Challenge accepted. Just so you know, man, the only thing you ever beat me at in life is fucking run. But guess what? I don’t have to fucking run.

You run from me. This is my last video about this. Sean Strickland. I know you’re doing all this for clickbait. We had a DM the other day, me and you, back and forth. I was pretty much dming you because, you know, you calling me a bitch and talk about my military career and going out here once again trying to, like you said in your DM, trying to be a clown MMA fighter. And also you’re a comedian. So, you know, I’m not much of a comedian at all. I’m old school man, bro. So, you know, you go out here calling people bitch and shit like that.

Saying, you know, no navy still can hang with you training. I was responding to all those videos you did. I’ve never met you. You never met me, and you ran your mouth. You wanted to aspire with me and all this other stuff, man. You were born in 1991, I believe I was born in 1975. Talk about me being old, me being beat up once again. I know you’re trying to click bait all this stuff. I’m an old fashioned man. I am older than you, 16 years older than you. So I don’t do all this let me get clickbait shit you want to say.

You can fuck me up in training. I responded to that video to you, and this is what I said. You have yet to tell me you want to train with me. Let me know. So David Goggins is asking him to train with him, and Sean is asking him to fight him. It’s just like, what is Sean going to get out of fighting an older dude anyway? I just don’t understand this beef. Do you? No, I don’t. And which makes sense, then. Is it clickbait? Is it a clickbait fight? You know, there. There are youtubers that have started.

I’m not saying it’s the same thing, but there are people who have started fights with other people on social media. And then it got real, and it went from a social media fight to a real time, face to face exchange. Sometimes that doesn’t go very well. You know, it would be nice if these two gentlemen met and maybe made peace and also respected each one another’s in particular skillset and strengths. Yeah, I don’t understand that. I don’t understand it. I don’t get it. I don’t see why Sean Strickland is. Is threatened by this guy, if that’s a word you want to use.

I don’t see why he’s even messing with David Goggins. Leave him alone. He’s got his little gig he’s doing. I admire David Goggins. I mean, I don’t follow him. I don’t watch his videos. But from what I can see, David Goggins seems like a nice guy, good dude, and he’s trying to inspire people. Leave alone. I don’t see what you. What. It’s kind of like, you know, I’ve watched a lot of videos of, you know, of people that call out, and I can understand the stolen valor thing. I do understand that still, but they’re stolen valor in boxing.

There’s people that go around saying, I was a champ. I was a boxing champ. Or I’m a UFC champ, and I know they weren’t. I know they got some plastic title they won at some bullshit club they were fighting out or whatever, and I don’t care. You know that. Like, it’s like, okay, that. That makes you happy. The truth is. The truth, that. That makes you happy at the end of the day. But have at it, bro. You know what I mean? Like that. That’s cool. I know what the real deal is. I’m not. I’m not threatened.

I’m not insecure. I just find this stuff to be just childish. There’s bigger problems in the world to worry about right now. Like. Like, the stuff we talk about, like, the stuff. World politics, man. Like, though that’s the true war that we should all be paying attention to right now, not this side show bread and circus crap that I’m talking about myself. So what’s this? Rose angel, the Las Vegas fear. The future of entertainment. Now, I’ve seen this. Yeah, this video is amazing. All right, folks, we’re going to talk about now. I’ve had driven past this many times.

I’ve seen this sphere. I knew the person that had the concept, and I’m not going to say her name, but she was, like, in works with China to do something like this. It was called. It was gonna be called the rock dome, and it was gonna be all. What is it? Wow. This is insane. It’s all. This is just. I can’t even believe what I’m looking at here. Is this up in Vegas right now? Is this playing in Vegas right now? Well, from what I gather, um, they. It’s. This is, uh. They’re gonna be back again in December for a few more shows.

And this is a part of a. Of Anima, which is a hybrid Persona simultaneously coexisting in digital and physical realms, and, according to their description, is manifested through a multidisciplinary approach. We discover a trifecta that is part digital artist, part electronic music creator, and part metaphoric reality performer. Wow. And so this thing is called the. They present Anima, the end of Genesis, which is alive, gonna be live on December. At the end of December. There’s a couple of dates there, and. Yeah, I mean, this sphere is pretty freaking amazing inside. The sphere is pretty amazing itself.

It also gives people, like, a trepidation, because inside the sphere, you have, like, human, humanoid robots. I believe there are five. It could be more. I’m not sure that people can interact with and ask questions, et cetera. Interact with. Mm hmm. Wow. Wow, man. The world’s getting crazy, isn’t it? Very crazy. And what’s this right here? This gives you an inside look. Of what this is the sphere, I mean. And finally, it’s the glittering new addition to the Las Vegas skyline. You’ve probably seen what it looks like from the outside, but tonight, ahead of the grand opening, Gotti Schwartz takes us inside the sphere.

Right off the Vegas Strip is the future of entertainment in a way only science fiction could predict. Some calling it eye catching. To others, it’s out of this world. I’ve seen it. When it was that, actually, I just. I was just there, and it was. It was the moon. And with this. This face right here. And when words fail, there’s always an emoji. But this 366 foot shimmering exosphere is just the beginning. Because what’s inside there is even more mind blowing. What’s your name? My name is Gotti. And I’m Jim. This is inside there. This is what.

This is what is going on inside this thing? This is crazy. We met Jeff. Welcome to Sphere. Just beyond five aura robots is a taste of the most baffling sound system in the world. You’re isolating each instrument? I’m isolating into each instrument into a beam. All of this starting with a simple sketch from Jim Dolan, owner of some of the most storied venues on earth, who decided to reimagine entertainment with a $2.3 billion gamble in the desert. What was your reaction when you saw it turn on? Well, I was enchanted, too. I mean, it was awesome.

We designed it, we visualized it. And it’s so big. And finally, inside the sphere. Within a sphere. 168,000 high definition leds, 167,000 speakers, 17,000 seats, and 10,000 of them powered. So is it like a stadium? Is that what it is? It’s a. It’s a round stadium. And everything happens at the bottom or what goes on here, you know, I have to say that this has now become a bucket list item for me to visit because I want to see the layout myself. It’s pretty intriguing. I’ve never been inside. Like I said, I passed it a dozen times.

I’ve never been inside by haptics. It’s impossible to describe. Right? It’s like trying to explain what a peanut butter and jelly sandwich tastes like to somebody who’s never tasted one. This weekend, u two claiming the first residency, followed closely by another fully immersive experience called postcards from Earth. All about this even bigger sphere that we all call home. Gotti Schwartz, NBC News, Las Vegas. Wow, man. Jeez. This is. Things are getting crazy. Ros angel. So, yeah, if you want to conclude with this little clip. Hey, 99% of people with an IRA or the digital dollar Trojan horse known as Fednow has been stealthily deployed across us bank accounts.

This is. So there are three little clips here, but what is it that we’re looking at? Is this what’s inside the dome? Or what is this? These are performance clips that are affiliated with the first with that humanoid robot breaking out of the sphere. And it’s just me showcasing what people can experience if they at the show. And this is gonna be playing at the sphere again. I think that they want performance, if I’m not mistaken. But, you know, this is sort of blending that the humanoid AI robotic experience and these three clips sort of start laying out like a mergere and to the end of the clip, which is a little disturbing to me, it’s like they’re getting ready for us to accept this AI transhumanist agenda.

Right? That’s what I see here. That’s what they’re promoting. That’s what this is. Do you agree with that? Absolutely. And, you know, nothing like entertainment to be a perfect vehicle to entrain people into the acceptance of the AI humanoid human experience. This is scary stuff, folks. So you’re showing clips, different stuff here. This is a total mockery of God. This is crazy, what we’re seeing right here. Total mockery. This is art. It’s art. That’s what they say. It’s just art. You’re just being conspiracy theorist. Isn’t it crazy? Rosanna, when you’re awake, how you can see the agenda so clearly, very clearly, they’re trying to do.

Right, like, so the way I interpreted that is that the human being passed away and the soul was in. Now it’s housed in her. In her body, into the AI, right? So it transferred soul breath. Right. And it’s almost, to me, this is hinting at, like, the celebration of the end of humanity. Right? A lot of people for many years in different circles have been saying, uh, there are different versions of humans, and some of us are the outdated version. I’m not saying I buy into these things. I’m just saying, like, that’s what people. There’s people that have this mindset, and they’re pushing it, and they’re also pushing this idea that we’re worthless human beings.

Yeah. And we need to stop. We need to stop reproducing. We got to start taking care of the world. And. But yet here comes the AI. Oh, man, this is scarier than Terminator if you really look at it. This is. I mean, the Terminator was just machines that you could fight against. This is something we can’t really fight against. It’s. It’s all spiritual awareness we need. This is a spiritual war. This is coming whether we like it or not. I. I mean, this is a very scary time for humanity, man. I. I don’t. And it’s all starting with guess who? Harris.

So here we go, folks. The way I see this as, like something that kind of, kind of goes together is that we’ve been introduced in this recent months to AI, moving very quickly to chat GPTs, to. To cheap fakes. Fakes, AI. We don’t know if anybody’s using these things or how long they’ve been using these things to weaponize it to lead us to the masses. Um, let me give you that. There’s a lot of fake stories out there. Like, um, today there was a fake story going around that RFK had canceled some, some. Some scheduled dates and was considering about.

Of dropping out and endorsing Trump. And people were. Went with it and, and we’re sharing it everywhere. And that included yours truly, because I saw, you know, you. You see who’s sharing it. You think that you is catching fire. You assume is right, and I made a big mistake. Thank God I have people connected to the super pac that were like, correct the record. This is fake news. Yeah. Also admitting when we need to correct the record ourselves. So it’s almost like the next best thing since they can’t censor and block anymore. They’re just like, you know what? Throw all this information and misinformation out there and, and confuse the masses.

Nobody’s going to know what’s real, what’s not. This is about to get insane. And I bet you, and I’m going to tell you, folks, get ready because the November election is going to be crazy. It’s. No one’s going to know what’s real, what’s not, who won, who lost. I bet you that’s what’s coming. Rose, angel, thank you for joining me once again for another excellent entertainment episode. These are fun to do. It’s fun. It’s fun to brainstorm and just gossip a little bit with someone like you. So thank you. Thank you so much. Something that I would love to and wrap out with, if it’s okay, is that I think this highlights community.

Why it’s so important for us to make sure that we are in loyal relationships of any kind working that we understand the general makeup. Like, for example, my sister and I understand each other. So if whenever there’s been stuff in the past where people are like, maybe delivering a little fake news of one or the other, because we know each other’s characters so well, then we understand, you know, what could be real, what could be not. Imagine this, when there’s an explosion everywhere against all types of media, content creators, and all of these little spaces that we’re bringing to you.

The common thing is that people who are like minded need to be in little pockets. Because at the end of the day, you know, the Bible always says, and a lot of people with wisdom believe half of what you hear and nothing. With half of what you see and nothing. I forget it. Something like that. You know what I’m saying? Like, the point is that your eyes and your ears could deceive you. So keep that in mind when we’re moving into this. The heart and the intuition, all that knows. Stand in your faith, pray, because this is about to get so crazy so far out there that you’re going to really have to just decipher it with prayer.

I’m not. That’s just the way I’m going to have to do it. That’s what I do. I follow my instincts. Ever since I quit drinking, it’s like my antennas went up and my sensories went up. I have a heightened sense being now, and I’m just. My intuitiveness just shot through the roof. So, folks.

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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