Human Resources Insider Shares Something Is Happening In Summit County: The Economic Ninja

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Economic Ninja



➡The Economic Ninja talks about how people are saying that part-time jobs are full-time jobs, which isn’t true. This is happening in a place called Summit county, and I want to hear from people who live there and have lost their jobs recently. Also, a news article says that a lot of people might lose their jobs in 2024, so it’s important to be ready for that.

➡ The boss might ask you to do more work with less help. This is why it’s good to have a second job or hobby that makes money. I used to sell toy trains online and made a lot of money. Now, I teach people how to make money from their hobbies. Also, some companies are letting people go without telling the news. If you know about this happening, let me know.


Morning, everyone. Economic ninja. Hope you’re doing well. I got a story about an insider that contacted me the other day about something that’s happening in Summit county. Now, this person works in the employment realm with some of the largest companies in the country and some on earth, and there’s something happening to our unemployment numbers. I’ve been talking about this before, how the government is throwing out these numbers to make it look like things are really good, but they’re not.

They’re reporting part time jobs as full time jobs. They’re deceiving people. You have to really get down to the nitty gritty. We’re going to be talking about one specific county in the country, and that’s Summit county. And today I want to use the comment section down below as something to reveal the truth. If you are from Summit county and I’m about to go over some jobs, some news stories and things like that.

If you have been laid off just recently, in the last couple of months, last four months, please put it down below. Let me know what company laid you off, because I believe that companies, large companies, are laying people off and it is not hitting the news. We’re talking 5%, 8% total layoffs in the company and it’s not hitting the news. And I want to tell you this. This is why this story out of Newsweek just happened the other day.

It’s entitled massive layoffs are coming in 2024. I’ve been warning people about this and I want people to be prepared. With that being said, I threw a link down below to the lowest price the side hustle course has ever been, $199. I cannot get over the emails that I’m getting. Success stories of people starting their own side hustles. A second line of cash coming in, another revenue stream.

It’s very important that you get ready for what is coming because more and more layoffs are going to be in the news in 2024. So let me know down below if you’re from Summit. But anyway, we won’t go into that story. But check this out. Let me just first go over some employers in Summit county to give you an idea. This is in Ohio. Summa Health System, the county of Summit, ironically, now think about this.

Summa Health System is the largest employer, right? 4600 employees. The county of Summit themselves have 4000 employees. They rank second. Akron Public Schools, Akron General Health System. Then we have now think about this. Goodyear Tire and Rubber company is there 3000 employees. Then you have the city of Akron, the University of Akron, the Akron Children Hospital. Check this out First Energy Corp. Dimelum near Chrysler employs 2000 people.

Allstate Insurance employs 1600. Sterling jewelry, 1800 Joanne stores. Those are around the country. 1600 Babcock and Wilcox Roadway Express, a massive shipping company. And we know that shipping companies have had a lot of problems lately. The Fred Albight grocery company, the postal service employs 1200 people there. I’m not too worried about there. But now think about this. Yellow transportation, another massive trucking company that has undergone layoffs recently.

Bridgestone, America’s holding corporation employs over a thousand people there. There are massive, massive employers in this county alone. Now I was contacted by one of my insiders and they said you need to start looking into the large corporations and how they are laying off people. And it seems to be going under the radar. And that’s why I want to use this video to ask people to put down the comments.

If you’re from this area, where have you been seeing layoffs? Are you being laid off? LinkedIn’s search for jobs, looking for jobs is blowing up right now. This information is also coming off the heels of right now. Microsoft just announced 1900 workers are being fired across its gaming platform and this is as its market cap hits 3 trillion. Again. This is a big, big deception. Even though stocks are rising, you have to understand one of the main catalysts for stocks going up right now is because they are announcing layoffs.

Please understand that the economy is not healthy. This is called a blow off top. This is the end of a peak and you are going to see higher unemployment rates in 2024. Let me read through some of this story in Newsweek. It’s entitled Mass layoffs are coming in 2024. Mass layoffs are in store for 2024 and it might end up affecting nearly half of companies, according to a new poll.

That’s the latest information from a resume builder survey based on responses from more than 900 companies this month. Resume Builder is a professional platform that allows users to create resumes in just a few steps. In the survey, nearly four in ten companies said they are likely to have layoffs in 2024, prompting increased fears of a recession around the corner. More than half of companies also said they plan to implement a hiring freeze in 2024.

This is actually one of the topics I go over in the side hustle course, not only does it take you from garage sale to starting your own corporation, but I actually talk about when is it time to lay off employees and how you need to set these trigger points and how you need to slow your hiring. I go over that even in a side hustle course because I’m trying to show business owners, small, mom and pop businesses around the country, how to set up these trigger points, how to not be caught.

Because in the fire service, as a firefighter, we’re always taught to take care of ourselves first. We are to save the firefighter first, because if the firefighters aren’t there to help people, who will be there to go into the fire, right, with the right protective equipment and the knowledge and stuff. And it’s the same thing for businesses. If the business goes under because it is too employee heavy, you have to understand, then there’s no business to employ anyone.

The business goes under. And even the employees that you could pay because of the amount of business that’s coming through the door is now gone. So that exacerbates the problem. And that is where we need businesses, small and medium businesses around the country, to become stronger in their mind and their planning. Because as a recession takes grip, there are so many small and medium enterprises that are gripped with debt.

They can’t handle it because they have slower traffic coming through the door. And before you know it, they go under and they do mass layoffs or they close their doors. We need to make business great again in this country. Say it with me. Let’s make business great again. We are getting completely crippled by overregulation. On top of that, we need more and more employees to step outside of the employment realm, into the self employed realm.

I just personally did it myself. I put my money where my mouth is. I put my neck on the line. There is never a better time to start your own business than during a recession, and especially before a recession. And you start small with cash, and then you take advantage of the businesses that didn’t plan ahead. You buy up their assets, you take the good employees, you employ them.

This is the time to charge them out. We cannot keep our country as free as it is if we ourselves are in debt up to our eyeballs and enslaved to the government asking them for more and more help. Look at right here, where it says in this story in Newsweek says this news comes as Google is reporting to gear up to lay off 30,000 employees in its ad sales units in favor of AI, ad tech.

Think about that. 30,000 people are going to be laid off because a computer is going to do their job for them. I warned about this last January. It says in 2023, 65% of business leaders said their companies already had layoffs, with 25% saying they had laid off 30% more of the workforce. I want to explain something, a phenomenon that happens in human resources and employee management. When a company goes through a growth phase, a growth spurt, especially in the beginning, like the Silicon Valley model where they’re hiring, hiring, hiring.

They’re getting tons of venture capital money. Everything’s great, everything’s big. Everyone’s getting offered stock options. Everything’s amazing. Then they go public. Right before they go public, they start laying off, cutting out the fat because they want their valuation to be massive. The board, the CEO, the C suite executives want their piece of the pie to be worth so much, they just cut people out, right? Then they’re public, then they’re going, and everything’s going well, and then a recession is about to hit.

And what they start doing is this. They start looking to how to trim more fat, and they say, how do we lay people off? And they start gutting certain sectors of their company. But here’s the problem. About six months later, they do a review, and they say, okay, how did that gutting help us? Not only did it save us in payroll, big balance sheet expenditure, right? They say, can we do more? Like, what have you guys noticed? And a lot of the project managers, or the management comes back and goes, you know what? We thought this was going to be rough, but everything’s okay.

We just sort of adapted. And that’s one thing about human psychology and human behavior. They adapt, right? And they overcome. And then what happens is management goes, we want more. So if you’ve been fine, everything’s been working out, we need to cut more. And don’t worry. Good news, management. Your job’s safe. And if you do a good job at cutting, you’ll get a race as we’ll have a little extra cash.

And they go for it and they gut more. This is why, if you’re an employee, you need to have a side hustle going right now. In this day and age. I was an eBay seller, power seller, selling electric trains to buy my first house. And that led me to buying 14 homes, becoming a multimillionaire from eBay, from going to garage sales and selling something I enjoyed. You need to learn how to do this.

Anyone can do it. And I’m not joking. On the weekends, when you sell something that you enjoy, you’re enjoying it, you have fun, and then all of a sudden, making money turns into fun. And then you just need the organization if you want. The course is the cheapest it’s ever been. $199. It’s down below. We are finding massive success with that because it lines out all the things that I did wrong and all the things I did right.

25 years or more than that. 35 years of experience in 22 side hustles. Yes, I’ve had a lot of them, but it’s because they’ve grown. I’ve outgrown the side hustles. You make 5000 here, then all of a sudden you’re like, well, I want to make 50,000, then I want to make 100,000, then I’m making a million dollars. And you just go, I teach that too. How to figure out when you’re at the end of your side hustle and how much your time is worth.

Most people don’t even know that. But right now around the country, there are layoffs going on. And again, bringing back to the title of this video about Summit county, something’s happening specifically in Summit county. And I want to know about other layoffs that are happening. If you’re in Summit county and there’s layoffs going on, I want to know where I want to start targeting this because I think a lot of these layoffs are going under the radar because they’re not Microsoft, they’re not Google, but they may be tire company, they may be an insurance company, they may be a health company, and they’re laying off 5% of their staff.

And that never makes the news. But when you start adding up 1000 jobs here, 2000 jobs there, 500 jobs here, it adds up massive. And before you know it, you get barraged and it’s too late. It’s time to take advantage of this. All right, thank you to everybody that comments. I’m going to be diving into the comments later today to see if there’s specific spots in Akron. I’m sorry, not Akron, but what is it? Summit county, certain employers that are laying off a bunch of people that are going unreported.

And I want to start reporting on this stuff. Thank you so much. I’m going to put that discount link down below to the side hustle course. You guys are awesome. The economic ninja is out. .

See more of The Economic Ninja on their Public Channel and the MPN The Economic Ninja channel.


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