HUGE WARNING! Gavin Newsom To Replace Biden And Be The Last President?!!

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ The host of Nino’s Corner TV shares a theory that President Biden might step down soon and be replaced by Gavin Newsom, the current governor of California. Despite many people leaving California due to Newsom’s governance, the host believes Newsom could be the next frontman due to the influence of unseen forces behind the scenes. He also suggests that Newsom’s potential rise could lead to widespread hysteria and media support. However, he also mentions that Newsom is facing another recall threat in California from conservative activists who are concerned about his potential presidential run.
➡ This article discusses several proposed laws in California. These include raising the minimum wage for healthcare workers, making it easier to build houses, expanding the definition of ‘gravely disabled’ to allow for easier involuntary treatment, and increasing jury service payments to diversify juries. Other proposals include sorting out water rights, strengthening renters’ rights, reducing retaliation against workers, banning caste discrimination, and increasing penalties for child trafficking. The article also mentions proposals to decriminalize psychedelic drugs, ban toxic chemicals in food, and boost clean energy.
➡ This text talks about a few different laws in California. One law could make the punishment for human trafficking even tougher. Another law might make judges think about a child’s gender identity when deciding who gets custody. There’s also a law that could require teachers to learn how to better support their students. Lastly, there’s a law that might change how driverless trucks are regulated and another that could end a travel ban to certain states.


What’s up, folks? And welcome to Nino’s Corner tv. This, this broadcast is going to be labeled Tinfoil hat. Maybe a little bit conspiracy, but it’s the way I see it, the way I see things coming down the pipeline. So beware of Newsom. I know a lot of people are starting to whisper it now. A little bit of people are talking. But the truth is, folks, I’m hearing through the grapevine that allegedly this guy could be Biden, could be stepping down soon, probably before the, I don’t know, August convention and lifting up his protege or the guy that’s going to take the baton from there, which is Newsom, Gavin Newsom.

Now, a lot of people, no, it’s going to be Michelle. It’s going to be Harris. But from what I’m hearing, folks, it really could be Newsom. And that’s going to be their safest bet. So it’ll be like a plan B. And you got to think to yourself, is it realistic? I mean, people are fleeing from California right now. They’re leaving California because of Gavin Newsom as the governor.

Everything this guy touches turns to shit. Turns to shit. But you got to understand, who’s the puppeteers? Who are the people behind the curtain. He’s simply going to be the frontman, the next frontman. If I have to say it like this. If Biden decides to, I don’t know, step down and say, you know what? For the betterment of the. Just, I’m not up to the task anymore. And I’m going to go ahead and say that Newsom should take my place.

I’m passing the baton to Newsom. Sounds far fetched, but it’s not. And then at the same time, he’s probably going to say something like, I don’t know. And it’s probably best if demented Don does the same thing. Now, this is all hypothetical. Could any of this happen? Yes. Could it not? Yes. I have to say it like this on here, but we need to watch all plays on the chessboard, folks.

And this is what looks like is coming down the pipeline. But once they realize this won’t work, once they understand that not even Newsom can beat Mr. T. Plan C. Yeah, they got a plan C. And the plan C could be an event, but that will only be believable if they have a series of events that leads up to it. And don’t think. And don’t think for a second they’re not ready, folks, because they’re ready.

And when they bring in Newsom, when they bring in Newsom, just be ready for hysteria to take place. So much hysteria. In fact, people like Bill Maher will jump on board with this. They’ll love Newsom. They will fall in love with Newsom on air and try to get you to do the same thing here. I’m going to go ahead and play this video of Bill Maher. Well, I always said you make a great know, I saw you debating DeSantis, folks, this was just about a month ago.

I believe maybe a little longer, I could be off. It doesn’t matter. Look how he’s foaming at the mouth for Newsom. He loves Newsom and he’s going to play right into it. Look how he plays right into said, you know, I’m trying to get this guy to run for president for a long time. He looks like he’d be very good at it. You’re telling me this guy wasn’t told to say these things? Folks, I’m just asking the question.

Bill Maher is a very intelligent man, but he’s going to play ball when he needs to. And right here I see a guy kissing ass and playing ball. What I liked with that also is that you’re kind of mean, and we need that when you need to be. Not over the tower. But I was on, I appreciate that. I was on KBLA the other day, yesterday with my friend Tavis Miley.

I’m an investor and a supporter of that station. And he said, who do you want for the president? I mentioned investor and supporter of that. It’s obviously, you could see it. It is believable. I was going to say it’s unbelievable. No, it’s believable. It’s believable. And I think you’d be good at the job. Not this year. We know. See the little pause there? Not this year we know.

And he holds his breath for a second, letting you know, folks, this is coming. Newsom is going to make the move. No, I know, but he said, I don’t think he could win. I don’t think he could win. He’s too progressive coming from this state and what he’s done in this state to win in any southern state, any red state. I disagreed, but now this is a progressive african american owned station, and I’m sure they like you.

But he doesn’t think you can win. What do you say to that? If you could win the, look at the swing states. There’s only eight of them. Right. Well, California is an interesting case study, isn’t it? It’s the size of 21. Yeah. Nobody likes California. Everyone’s fleeing California. And if you look at the real results, it says otherwise. Everybody is leaving California, folks and state populations combined. Two thirds of state is very deeply read.

We don’t need to be lectured on rural politics or border issues. I mean, in so many ways, these are familiar issues. And the issues of the heartland of the United States are very much a part and parcel of the work we’re doing in this state. But look, this guy will be Biden on steroids. Why? Because he’s young. He’s got the look, and he’s going to go, everything he’s doing to California, he’s going to do to the country.

Folks, everyone that’s fleeing California, get ready. Gavin Newsom is coming. And I’m saying this from what I’m hearing, they are getting ready to unleash this monster. I understand this notion that you’re from the coast, you don’t understand those things. You can’t talk the language, you’re not able to communicate and you’re not able to actually encourage and find that complicated. No, it’s stuff like, there’s a new law in this.

I think we have way too many regulations and laws as we’ve talked about. And this one, I think, says if you’re a department store with over 500 employees, you have to have a gender neutral toys, toy department, stuff like that. Yeah, I get it. Do you think that’s a silly thing? And that was interesting. Too much government there. Look, obviously we know this guy stands for folks. We know who he is.

I’m not going to go any more into it with Bill Maher, but you’re going to see the liberal media clamor to this guy. They’re just going to clamor. It’s going to be like the second coming of Jesus. But Gavin Newsom does face another recall threat in California. Conservative activists are launching another attempt. So they’re really trying to stop him here. I think everyone knows that this tidal wave is coming.

Conservative activists are launching another attempt to recall Governor Gavin Newsom, seeking to capitalize on anger over the state’s yawning budget deficit and arguing that the top White House surrogate must be stopped before he can make a presidential run of his own. I’m not talking about 2028 here. I’m talking about now. As soon as Biden decides it’s better for the country for him to step down, and then you got to believe me when I say he’s also going to point at Don and say, demented Don, you should probably do the same.

Let’s both just say, forget it and walk away. And then here comes Newsom. So California Governor Gavin Newsom signed several bills Saturday aimed at bolstering the state’s protections for the you know what people. A day after issuing a controversial veto that was criticized by advocates. Now you can look at this guy’s bills. I mean, they’re so ridiculous. I’m going to just show you some of them here, show you just a little bit of them right here, and I’m going to go through them briefly.

It’s California’s most diverse legislator ever, and one fourthmakers are new, but some things never change. Legislators wait until the last days of the session to pass a lot of bills. In the final days, they sent Governor Graven Newsom some significant legislation to tax guns and ammunition, ban caste discrimination and decriminalize some psychedelic drugs. And before they finished nearly seven months of lawmaking, late September 14, legislators approved many more bills.

Of the more than 2600 introduced, the most in a decade, 1046 made it to Newsom’s desk. He finished on October 13, a day before his deadline to sign or vetoed the final batch. By the time he cleared his desk, he vetoed 156 bills and signed 890. Last year, he vetoed 159, or about 14%, while signing 997, including some very significant ones. The legislator can override vetoes if the bill’s backers can win two thirds majorities in both the assembly and Senate.

But that doesn’t happen often, and in recent decades, almost never. These new California laws take effect in 2024. These are the new ones that take effect, and I’m going to go through them very briefly here. Some significant measures ought to be to Newsom’s liking. He has become more assertive in pushing his priorities in legislature last year. Infrastructure and mental health this year. Here are some of the noteworthy bills tracked by calm matters reporters.

Bookmark this page for updates. So here we go. Increased pay for health care workers sounds good, but if you really read into it, what’s the objective here? Maria Elena Doranzo, a Los Angeles Democrat, would raise the minimum wage for California’s lowest paid health workers to 25 an hour. The raise would apply to employees such as nursing assistants, medical texts and janitorial workers. The pay boost would be phased in over the next several years.

How soon employees would see the 25 hourly rate depends on the type of health facility they work in. Workers and dialysis clinics and large health systems, for example, would reach 25 by 2026, while employees at rural hospitals would have to wait ten years for the same rate. Obviously, prices go up, you’re paying the employees. Clear the way for more housing. What this bill would do. So SB 423 and SB four, both authored by San Francisco Democrat and human housing bill.

Factory Senate Scott Weiner take aim at California’s dire housing shortage by making it easier to build. What does this mean to me, folks? To me personally, illegal immigrants. That’s what this means to me. Here’s the way for more housing. That means your suburbs, your areas, your neighborhoods, more housing for illegal immigrants, folks, they got to put them somewhere. That’s what this means to me. Let me know if you think, if you have a different opinion on that.

Make involuntary treatment easier. What does that mean? This is a free country. Make involuntary treatment easier. Okay, let’s see what that means. Expands the legal definition of gravely disabled to make it easier to place someone into an involuntary treatment. That means against your will. Okay, folks, in layman terms, that’s just what it means. It means against your will. You could pause the video, and if you have to read this stuff, go ahead and do that on your own.

I’m going to go through some more of this stuff. It’s going to be really brief. Ease college transfers for some. You can give me your own opinion on what this means. You could pause the video right here. College transfers. I’m not saying all these laws and bills are bad, but what’s it wrapped in? Shit. All right. Increased stipend to diversify juries increase stipend to diversify juries would expand a test of higher jury service payments started in San Francisco in 2022 under another bill by assembly member Phil Ting, a San Francisco Democrat, to four more counties by increasing the daily sip in from fifty dollars to one hundred dollars.

The goal is to diversify juries in criminal trials. To qualify, a jury’s household income must be less than 80% of their area’s median income, and they cannot be compensated by their employer or must be self employed or unemployed. So you guys figure this one out on your own. You could stop it. Sort out water rights. Now we know about this. The Democrat from Redondo beach spells out the state’s power to investigate even the longest standing claims to water from California’s rivers and streams under the state’s byzantine gold rush era water rights system.

So called senior water right holders who have claims to water flowing past their property or that predate 1914 law use about a third of that surface water supply. They are not required to have permits or license, and the state’s power to investigate them has been murky. So they want to investigate them. Wow. The bill would authorize the state water board to investigate and seek verification of these water.

Right. Claims you’re not safe from this guy. Sort out the water rights, folks. Go after your water. Your water rights on your property that you probably had land for grandfathered in from your dad, your grandfather, your great great grandfather. They’re coming after you. Strengthen renters rights. Strengthen renters rights. So if you own property and you’re renting it out, someone doesn’t pay rent. They just lay on the couch all day and they suck off the system.

They don’t want to pay you. It’s really. They’re coming after you. Okay. The landowner. I mean, the landlord, folks. San Francisco Democratic assembly member Matt Haney limits the amount that landlords can require in security deposits to one month’s rent rather than the previous two months rent. The bill aims to make securing housing more attainable for California renters, such as illegal immigrants, right? Yeah, that’s how I see it.

Reduced retaliation against workers. This is all going against the economy would mandate that the California labor commissioner’s office and state courts assume employers are illegally retaliating if they take certain disciplinary actions against a worker who in the prior 90 days has made a wage claim or a complaint about unequal pay. Employers would be able to rebute the retaliation assumption by showing that there is a legitimate, non retaliatory reason for the employee.

Discipline goes on and on and on. Ban caste discrimination I really don’t know what this means. Add cast to the state fairs, employment and housing law, and the education code, which currently prohibit discriminate discrimination based on race, gender and sexual orientation cases. A centuries old hierarchy system that in counties include India, Nepal, and historically define what jobs people can work or whether they can pursue education. The bill, which drew some vocal opposition, was amended to include case as a subset of ancestry, which is already protected.

Instead of adding it as a separate category. You may be saying that word completely wrong. Forgive me. Ban toxic chemicals and foods. That’s something I can get behind, right? We all can. Decriminalize psychedelic drugs depending on. That’s something I can get behind, too, if it’s done properly. But everyone has their opinion on this one. Let legislative staff unionize, revise public access creates an umbuds person office and review state agency denials.

A public records request. The legislature would have to fund the office, and it would expire on January 1, 2027, unless lawmakers extend it after late amendments. The ombud person would be independent and appointed by the governor, not part of the state auditor’s office. Another amendment removed the requirement that someone who requests records be reimbursed if the ombuds person decides they were improperly denied. This is the third try for this measure and the first time it reached the governor’s desk.

Boost clean energy. That’s obviously going with the Green deal. That’s what’s going to hit. This guy’s going to be all behind. Green, new deal, add paid sick days. Limit hand vote counts in elections. Yeah, they don’t want that, do they? They definitely don’t want that. Limit hand vote counts in elections make it a lot easier for you know what? Give jobless benefits to striking workers. So if you go on strike and you said, I don’t like my job anymore, I don’t want to have it anymore, you get benefits.

Jobless benefits. I can’t believe some of this. California’s hot labor summer helped inspire the last minute efforts to allow striking workers to collect unemployment benefits. Unbelievable. People that give jobs, landlords, they’re going after you. People that make the jobs give raises to fast food workers. Okay, here we go with this. And then where does that get passed down to you? So instead of $6 for the burger, you’ll be paying $15.

I don’t even know what it is right now. I haven’t eaten fast food in so long. Deals start between labor groups and the fast food industry to raise the minimum wage for workers to $20 an hour next April. So obviously you have to pay that when you go and you order a happy meal, folks, if you still eat that crap. Strengthen abortion access. Of course they want this.

Strengthen abortion access. So you know what he’s going to do once he gets in office, if he’s voted, and I say that with quotes into office. Tax guns and tax the guns and ammo. So you know what he’s getting ready to do with guns and ammo, folks. AB 28 by assembly member Jesse Gabriel, a Woodland Hills Democrat, would impose an 11% excise tax on retailers and manufacturers for sales of guns or ammunition, modeled on a similar federal levy for wildlife conservation.

The tax could bring in an estimated 160,000,000 annually for violence intervention programs, intervention programs, school safety improvements and law enforcement efforts to confiscate guns from people who are prohibited from owning them. Revise concealed carry laws. They don’t want you doing that. Ban book bans so they can put whatever they want into your schools and you can’t say anything, but they’ll make it sound, no, no, that’s not what we’re talking about proposed by assemblymember Corey Jackson, a Democrat for Moreno Valley AB 10 78 would penalize school boards that ban books and other education materials based solely on the materials.

Inclusion of history related to black, latino, asian, native american, LGBTQ people and other groups. So that means anything goes, folks. Anything goes. And you can’t say anything about it. And we know what they’re putting in children’s schools. We all know what they’re putting in there. Increased penalties for child trafficking. Obviously, we like that. That’s a good one. Would reclassify human trafficking of a minor for purpose of a commercial sex act as a serious felony, which would be treated as a strike under California’s three strike law.

Current current law allows for sentence as long as twelve years in prison for human trafficking of a minor for proposed of commercial sex if the crime involves force, fear, fraud, deceit, coercion, violence, duress, menace, or a threat of unlawful injury to the victim or to another person. The sentence is 15 years of life. If the person is convicted of inflicting great bodily harm on the victim while trafficking them, a judge can add as much as ten years.

Under the bill, people convicted of the crime would base longer prison terms and potential life sentences. We’re all behind that. We’re all behind that. Consider gender identity and custody cases. Wow. So would require judges to consider whether a parent affirms their child’s gender identity in making custody and visitation decisions. When I was a kid, I thought I was Spiderman, folks. For a very long time, I thought I was Spider man.

And you know what? It’s kind of the same thing if my dad. Basically what they’re saying here. If you don’t go along with the child’s beliefs, you’re guilty. You don’t get to see your kid, you don’t get custody or visitation. The bill would not mandate courtside with a parent who affirms a child’s gender identity. Instead, it would be one of many factors, including whether a parent has a history of drug and alcohol abuse or domestic violence, and how much contact a parent has had with the child in determining what is best for the child’s health, safety and welfare goes on and on.

Support of students Santa Monica demograph would require teachers to undergo an online 1 hour training annually on how to support students. The training, which would be provided by the California Department of Education, would include information on clubs and other peer support groups, counseling services, anti bullying. See, they package it up all nice and pretty for them. Oh, we care, but the brainwashing is there, folks. I like that it rhymed.

Oh, we care, but the brainwashing is there. Regulate driverless trucks. Well, of course that’s coming. We know that’s coming. Regulate driverless trucks. Man, would you like to see one of these big rigs without a driver on the freeway? I wouldn’t. End state travel ban seven years California privilege publicly funded travel to states with anti laws. It may reverse course by Senate President pro Tom Tony Atkins, a San Diego Democrat who was the first openly gay leader of the chamber, would repeal a travel ban that has proved largely ineffective.

Restricting California is more than those that it was intended to punish. In its place, the measure would create an advised advertising program to promote inclusion across the country. Tear up the ballot. What does that mean? Assembly bill four two one started out as an ambitious reform of procedures for a state referendum put on the ballot to repeal a law passed by the legislature and signed by the governor.

The original version, introduced by Assemblymember Isaac Bryan and Culver City Democrat, included more rules for signature gathering and other provisions designed to hit back in the industry groups that are increasingly going to the ballot box to block laws they don’t like. I hope I didn’t bore you too much with those, but I wanted to go through them. Some of them I don’t even understand. I have to look into it more.

But honestly, folks, if you’re looking at this stuff, that’s just a preview of what this guy is going to bring to the country. And I’m telling you now, be expecting Biden to say, you know, I just don’t feel so well. I’m in cognitive decline. I think I’m going to step aside and let someone like Newsom. You sound good. I think I’ll use you. Newsom, Newsom, why don’t you take the baton from here? That’s what’s going to happen.

That’s the way I see it. And Bill Maher, Rachel Mattow, all of them are going to fall in love with progressive them. It’s coming. Get ready, folks. Later. .

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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California governance issues conservative activists concerns Gavin Newsom potential replacement gravely disabled definition expansion housing construction laws jury service payment increase media support for Newsom minimum wage increase for healthcare workers Newsom recall threat Nino's Corner TV theory potential Newsom presidential run President Biden stepping down Proposed laws in California unseen forces in politics

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