How Can THEY ALL Be in On It?! | The Healthy American Peggy Hall



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➡ Peggy Hall from encourages her audience to question mainstream narratives and think deeply about why certain things are happening. She also promotes a collagen product that she claims has positive effects on skin health. Peggy believes in the importance of discernment and questioning, even when answers are not immediately available. She urges her viewers to not blindly trust media and government, but to dig deeper and question things.



Hey friends, Peggy Hall back with you from the I love, love, love, love, love, love when my healthy Americans ask questions. That really is our superpower, is to not accept the mainstream narrative that’s being dished out by the mainstream merry-go-round media, the mainstream merry-go-round medical system, and the powers that shouldn’t be. When it comes to asking questions, one of the questions that I get from a lot of people when they’re trying to understand these false narratives is, how could they all be in on it? That’s one of the questions that I get.

And another question is, why would they do this? Why would they do this, Peggy? It doesn’t make sense. Well, let me flip that around a little bit and actually pose those questions to you. I’m going to share with you my viewpoint on that in just a moment. But I, in fact, I’m going to go into a great deal of detail, and I’m going to give you answers from my perspective. But I actually would like you to do some deep thinking on that, because I’m certain that you could come up with some answers.

In fact, I would love to read your comments. So the questions I have, number one, this is, are they all in on it? More importantly, do they all have to be in on it? And how do we know if they all are in on it, whatever it is? And I think the more enduring question, and the one that I’m really going to do a deep dive into is this, why would they do this? I’d like you to come up with some reasons why I’m sure that if you gave it some thought, you would be able to let me also preface it by saying this.

In a way, it’s can be viewed in a positive light that some people can’t come up with answers to those questions. That means that acting in a way that is deceptive, that is derisive, that is destructive, it is so far from some people’s reality, that they actually find it difficult to believe that evil exists, they find it difficult to believe that there are deceivers that there are people out there that want to harm you us, our society, our world. So on the one hand, it’s like, well, that’s kind of nice that people are so pure and good and trustworthy and elevated that these thoughts of harming someone or even the ability or the capability of someone else to perpetrate this deception is difficult for them to believe.

Now, some would say that that’s naive, and a symptom of gullibility. I’ve done videos on this channel before about the harms of gullibility, how people who are gullible, actually, it has a ripple effect and it harms society in general. So those are a couple of questions that I have for you. I’m going to do a deep dive on that. But first, I want to answer the question, Peggy, do you take collagen? And that is the sponsor of our show today. So we are hopping on over to These are my friends over at BioTrust.

I have been with BioTrust for a long time. And I want to answer the question you have about collagen. What does it do? Why should you take it? What product do you recommend? And here are those answers. And here is the website So a cutting edge study in 2024 shows that collagen can have drastically positive effects on skin health. This study found that women in particular who take a daily collagen drink see a noticeable reduction in wrinkles and firmer, more hydrated skin. But it’s important not to just use any random collagen, make sure that you use a collagen that is backed by real science.

And that’s why I love this amazing multi collagen. And I love how it’s transforming my skin for the better. So unlike the poorly sourced collagen that you’ll typically find on store shelves, this product uses the top five critically important types of collagen for skin health. The unique formulation in it is designed to reduce visible signs of aging. So that means reducing wrinkles, promoting a youthful glow, promoting elasticity, and promoting skin hydration. So you can simply mix this with your morning coffee, you can put it into a protein shake, I love to put it in my morning smoothie, and this gives your skin the support it needs each day.

So give your skin or do your skin a favor and give it this wonderful collagen. And you can grab some while it’s up to 51% off during this holiday promotion, only over at And when you order today, you’ll get free live VIP health and fitness coaching for life, a free ebook titled The 14 Foods for Amazing Skin. There’s a 60 day satisfaction guarantee free shipping with your order. Once again, that’s And I can’t leave without letting you know that there as I say, a 60 day money back guarantee.

And what I love about this is it is non GMO. It is free of any artificial colors or flavors or preservatives or sweeteners. It’s gluten free, there are no antibiotics, there is nearly basically no odor or taste, it doesn’t clump, you just mix it in. And I would love for you to try All right, friends, let’s do a deep dive into the questions, why would they do this? And are they all in on it? And I will say, generally speaking, my view is that it is better to have questions that can’t be answered.

Maybe I don’t have all of the answers to these questions, but it’s better to ask questions, and to continue to ask questions, even if they can’t be answered, rather than to have answers that can’t be questioned. So often in the mainstream merry-go-round media, all of this information is trotted out. And those of us that dare question are pointed out as wacko conspiracy theorists, or that we’re extreme, and we can’t ever accept anything as reality. I beg to differ. I’m living in reality. And that’s these orchestrated events that are hogging the headlines and being sloshed all over us.

They make me scratch my head and go, these things don’t add up. I have, and I’m sure you do as well, God-given discernment. It is the power of the Holy Spirit that helps me determine truth from deception. And we know that evil is always trying to separate our soul from God. And I am going to be fighting to reveal the deception, as I have been since 2020 on this channel. And I’m so grateful to have you alongside me. So without further ado, let’s dive in. Friends, let’s answer the question, which comes up. Peggy, why would they do this? You’re telling me that they all are in on it.

Well, I don’t know who all is in on it, but certainly some people are in on certain things. And I’d like you to go back and think about a time in your life, someone that you actually know or knew someone that you thought cared about you, someone you thought you could trust. Were you ever betrayed by someone? Were you ever lied to? Were you ever cheated? And this would be by somebody who actually knows you, who you thought cared about you, somebody that you trusted. Well, now put it in terms of the government or the media.

Why? The question actually isn’t why would they do this? The question is, why wouldn’t they do this? And I’ve got a whole list of things here on my sub stack, which is Peggy Hall, that’s It’s a written blog with my analysis. You can get that for free. And, you know, whenever I try to endeavor to encourage folks to dig deeper, that’s the question that comes up. Why would they do this? In a way, it does warm my heart that some people are so gullible. I mean, so trusting of the media and the government that they don’t question it.

It’s kind of like giving away their responsibility, giving away their need and requirement as a human being in our society to actually think more deeply and question things. I know that can be scary because people don’t want to believe that they’ve been duped, you know, hoodwinked and swindled. But I would much rather realize that I was and stand up and say, Hey, I don’t want you to pull the wool over my eyes. I’m going to dig a little deeper here and get a little smarter about this. That’s how I respond to these things.

So a lot of people don’t want to admit that they couldn’t read between the lies, and they just want to accept what was told to them. So it does trouble me that people are unwilling or unable to dig deeper and consider that the media and the government that they don’t have your best interest at heart. So again, think about somebody that you actually know that lied or cheated or betrayed you. And you trusted them. The government and the media, these are like faceless entities, they don’t even know you don’t even care about you.

So why in the non spinning world would they not lie to you for their own benefit. So here are just a few of the reasons that come to mind in terms of why those in power want to lie, cheat, manipulate you hoodwink swindle and dupe you it happens time and time again. Well, they do it for chaos. Because when there is conflicting information and confusion, you can’t think straight. And you feel that the world is chaotic, and you feel powerless. This gives them more power over you. And that’s, I think, one of the main reasons they do it.

Some people would say the powers that shouldn’t be, I don’t like to call them the elite, because that kind of indicates that they’re better than you and I and they’re not. So I believe that it’s the power that they’re seeking. They also want to control you control your thoughts, control your choices, control your emotions. Think about it. When you see these things on TV, many of you have told me it’s hard to sleep at night, you have dread, you have anxiety, you live in fear. Look at what happened over the last several years, where people who you might have thought were grounded, so reminded, rational people were completely swept away in all of the hogwash.

That’s what happens. Then there is confusion that is perpetrated upon us that sloshed all over us. So people don’t know exactly what to think, because they heard this and then that, and they’re trying to put the pieces together. All the while, their thinking mind is missing the bigger picture. So they would also do this, not only for the chaos, the power, the control, the confusion. You probably know by now that there is a huge push for a depopulation of the human race. Evil hates good. Evil hates God. Evil hates God’s greatest creation, which is mankind.

So the more people that can be taken under and maybe even not exterminated, but manipulated and hoodwinked and brainwashed so that they no longer are living a life of joy and purpose and passion. They count that as a win. So that’s why I’ve always spoken out about certainly not becoming a human pincushion, but not getting into the spin cycle and not becoming obsessed over the headlines. There’s a difference between being informed and being obsessed. Being informed is okay, you look at it, you kind of understand it, you dig a little deeper, you come to your conclusions, you set it aside and you go on with your day.

You take care of your animals, your family, your own activities that you are passionate about. You take care of your health, your home, your groceries, your laundry, your housekeeping, your car, all of these things that we need to keep our life going. Obsessed is when all of those things go to the wayside, when you can’t sleep at night, when you have to check every single social media account and comment and you get into arguments and all of this, that to me crosses the line from informed to obsessed. And the powers that shouldn’t be thrive on this, they thrive on your negativity, on your fear, on the confusion, on the criticism, on the complaining.

It’s like food for the evil ones. So if they’re not depopulating us, they definitely are marring our joy for life and they can count that in the win column. Of course, there’s something that I call the New World Disorder. This is something that has been on the books from really the dawn of mankind, which is control over humanity. And we’re seeing it happen and being ushered in at a breakneck speed. So that’s another reason why they would do this is to create chaos. They call it order out of chaos. That’s in Latin.

And it is my understanding. One of the themes I spoke, I’ve spoken about the Freemasons who were at the, a lot of our founding fathers of this country and the Masonic order is a secret brotherhood fraternity. And they have a lot of symbols and signs and numbers and colors and codes that are infused in a lot of these events that we see on TV and in the media and social media, they are the ones that are controlling government media, the banks, entertainment, food production. I mean, so many things along with other bad guys, but they all, my understanding is that they all a part of, are a part of ushering in this New World Disorder.

Another reason they would do this is for money, money, I haven’t said that in a while. And yes, many people are motivated by money. And when you look at some of these actors that are performing in these roles, in these events that we see splashed across the mainstream merry-go-round media, they likely were told and were paid to do so. There are GoFundMe accounts, there probably are new identities that are given to some people. There are others that are, you know, maybe fledgling actors, and they were just told that this is an acting role and they were paid for it.

And then there are those that are getting money and they actually believe in what they’re doing. They may be a part of an event where the agenda, as I call it, is being pushed to take away the bank banks, more control, more restrictions of our God-given rights that should be protected by the constitution. There are people that are hardcore leftists. There are people that maybe not even be, they may not even be Americans and they want to see the decline and destruction and decimation of this country. So they are happy to do this because they believe in the end result.

So of course they would do it. There are others that might do it degrudgingly. There might be some type of blackmail involved. They may be told that they’re going to be exposed, you know, and be complicit in some sort of horrific crime. I covered that in a video that I did about what’s going on in Lahaina, where the so-called incident commander of the fire was exposed for some sort of sexual harassment situation. And I questioned that because why was that just coming out now? And why was he the fall guy? And why were we never told that he was the person? He may not even be a real person or he may be a real person.

And this was pinned on him, or it may all be authentic, but these are the questions I have. So some people are being blackmailed. They don’t want to go along with it, but they do so because they think that their family is going to be harmed or that they will have some sort of heinous crime pinned on them. I think there was a lot of greed that goes on. And last but not least, there is ego, meaning they want to think that they’re better than you. You have to understand that these bad guys, the puppet masters, the new world disorder, they love to ridicule you.

They’re laughing at you. They’re laughing at those that don’t see all the signs and the symbols that make it clear for others that these things were orchestrated. They love to point out how gullible you are, how ignorant you are, how easily could win to you are how they can pull the wool over your eyes. And they feel superior. This is the nature of evil. And there are some people that are just plain downright psychopaths. They are just doing it because they have some mental problems. So they either believe in the mission, maybe they’ll get something for doing this.

Maybe some of these are prisoners, I don’t know, and they’re going to get parole, or maybe they’re going to get promoted at work. So there are all sorts of reasons that people do it. Some people just like to be in front of a camera and they’re doing it for fame. They’re doing it for money. They’re doing it for history, or maybe they are just actors. I want to hear what you have to say. Why would they do this?

See more of The Healthy American Peggy Hall on their Public Channel and the MPN The Healthy American Peggy Hall channel.



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