Posted in: Canadian Prepper, News, Patriots



➡ The article discusses the current global conflict situation, focusing on the tension between Iran and Israel. It highlights Iran’s recent missile attack, which demonstrated their capability to hit targets accurately and potentially overcome Israeli missile defense. The author suggests this event has shaken the perceived invincibility of Israeli leader, Netanyahu, and could lead to a shift in power dynamics. The article also mentions potential implications, such as the possibility of Iran being branded as a terrorist organization, which could escalate the conflict further.
➡ Iran reportedly warned Russia and the Pentagon before launching an attack, which could have led to a major accident. Despite some forewarning, the attack was riskier than previous ones. The Iranians claim to have hit several strategic locations in Israel, but the actual impact is unclear. The U.S. has promised severe consequences for Iran, and there are calls for a strong response, including attacks on Iran’s oil refineries.
➡ The text discusses potential conflict between Iran and its adversaries, including the U.S. and Israel. It suggests that Iran might retaliate against attacks on its oil by targeting American military bases and blocking key oil routes. The text also mentions Iran’s potential to cause significant damage with its missile capabilities. Lastly, it hints at the possibility of Iran installing a puppet government as a strategic move.
➡ The U.S. House of Representatives has declared that Iran must not obtain a nuclear weapon and will take necessary steps to prevent it. This includes supporting allies like Israel. There are concerns about the location of Mossad, Israel’s intelligence service, in a densely populated area of Tel Aviv. The U.S. and Israel have successfully defended against Iranian missile attacks, but there are doubts about the truthfulness of these claims.


This is your day X World War three update. Look, if you have the luxury of not currently residing in a war zone, you need to seize upon that opportunity and prepare your family for a prolonged grid down event. We are this close. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance as we speak on multiple theaters of conflict around the world. And to see stars raining down on Israel is. There’s something biblical about that. You guys know I’m an agnostic, but christian eschatologists right now are having a heyday. Yesterday, I made reference to Gog and Magog in passing.

I’m telling you, the book of revelation. Say what you will, but things seem to be unfolding in a very, very weird way. And there’s just something viscerally symbolic about this idea iconic scene. And I say iconic, not in the sense that it’s ascribing value or meaning or ethical ascription to it. What I’m saying is this is speaking to me on an unconscious level, because there’s something about the holy land and the celestial overtones here and the. The apocalyptic overtones. There’s something about this, regardless of the damage that was done or wasn’t done, regardless of the casualties.

And this is not to minimize any loss of life associated with these events. It’s purely the symbolism of it all. That is, I think, speaking to us and is reminding us that indeed, civilization does hang in the balance. And we are so close because this is an unparalleled event, the biggest ballistic missile attack in history. And not only that, it’s demonstrated three things that the west now has to take note of. Number one, the Iranians are no longer scared. Number two, well, they had no choice. Arguably, in light of everything that has transpired recently, there’s actually four things.

The Iranians are no longer scared. They’ve demonstrated a monk like patience when they could have used this capability for the longest time. But they chose not to, fearing the consequences which we are now about to see. And that’s when this thing really turns into a regional war. It shows a failure of israeli air defense, which failed miserably. I mean, they only. It’s not even so much that it failed. The Israelis can shoot down ballistic missiles and they shoot them out, down all the time. They shot down many, what do they call it? Exo atmospheric shootdowns, where it almost looks like a.

If you ever seen the. What was that? Dominic project Dominic experiment, where they detonated a nuke in space and emitted an electromagnetic pulse. And when you blow something up in space, it’s a sphere. But anyways, so they’ve done that on numerous occasions. They had a few hits today, but the Iron Dome is a paper tiger when it comes to this kind of stuff. If it’s not bottle rockets from Hezbollah and Hamas, those things are virtually worthless against what we presume to be mostly ballistic missiles. But there may have been some hypersonic cruise missiles in there as well.

The Iranians have denied using any of their best stuff. But most importantly is the problem that now Iran knows that if they can beat israeli missile defense just by overwhelming, and not even just by overwhelming, because we’ve had some houthi hits, even though it was the only missile in the sky. So a lot of these hits, they’re not just because the system was overwhelmed, it’s just because they’re really hard to shoot down. Iran has now demonstrated that if they had a nuclear weapon, they could get it to its intended target and it could get close enough to its target.

That’s the most important thing. And I think that was part of the message that was being sent here, is that, look, we are able to hit targets within a relatively tight group. Right? Because I’m sure these weren’t. You can never aim a ballistic missile entirely accurately. So I think they were just shooting anything they could at that base and hoping that they would all get in within a certain range. And they demonstrated that if that was a nuke, this whole place would have been lit up like a Christmas tree, and it would have hit right on target within a few meters, maybe a few dozen meters of its target.

So this is very important. This also took the wind out of Netanyahu’s sails. There was this divinity that appeared to surround Netanyahu as of late, that he could make no mistakes, as if he was ordained or consecrated by, by God or something like that. And I’m sure that’s what the Israelis were feeling as well. And the ayatollah needed this wind to quell his own population because there was so much resistance growing in the countries associated with the axis of resistance, as they call themselves, that in order to prevent a uprising, he had to do something. And now this has really taken the wind out of Netanyahu.

Sales up in this time seemed impenetrable. He seemed as though, you know, nothing can stop him. So now he’s been put in check. He’s been put on notice that, no, you’re not infallible. You do have weaknesses. There are chinks in the armor, and we can exploit those chinks in the armor. And I think this is going to cause the Israelis to, in the very least, reconsider whatever sort of plans they might have, because, indeed, if they genuinely believe that Iran does not have nuclear weapons yet, they’re going to go for the kill shot. In fact, Benjamin Netanyahu said as much yesterday.

And it’s very important that we try to establish the timeline for how this all came about, what the reactions are from our politicians, what the actual facts are about the event itself. And we’re going to try to put it all together today, guys. So this is Netanyahu he’s talking about. He’s talking to the iranian people in English, which is weird. And I’m sure they probably converted it to Farsi or whatever language they speak in Iran. And he’s basically trying to encourage them to revolt against the government. Okay? He is trying to provoke an insurrection inside Iran.

But he’s also stating. He said something very significant that maybe some people missed. And I forgot to mention this yesterday. He distinctly said that the end for Iran’s leaders is much nearer than people think. So if you’re the Ayatollah and you’re seeing Nasrula fall and you’re seeing the IDF publish videos that there’s still many more people left that we need to assassinate, you have to start thinking you’re on this list. No doubt in my mind. Now they’re going to start viewing the ayatollah, and. Well, they already view the IRGC as a terrorist organization. I think it’s recognized as one here in Canada.

But above and beyond that, the politicians, okay, the entire leadership class and their security council, all of their top generals, they’re all going to be soon branded as terrorists, which, of course, would be essentially a declaration of war. So this. This is very significant because he made this statement 12 hours before this event happened. This is an interesting video. You probably haven’t seen this one yet. This is the launch. This is from an iranian airplane that I believe just departed, and it had to turn around. This is the launching of the missiles. Okay? So you can see that a lot of these missiles were launched from a.

From the same place. And, you know, I mean, this just demonstrates Iran’s capabilities, man. Like, if. If they can do this just on a Tuesday, you know, I mean, imagine what they could do in a concerted, full blown war. And interestingly, they did not, uh. They did not release a notice to airmen before doing this, which means that they intended to do some damage. Now, I will say, despite that, they intended to do some damage. The ordinance that these things were packing does not appear to be that extreme. In fact, I’m wondering if some of these were just kinetic warheads, meaning that they just relied on the speed, like going mach ten into the dirt, creating a crater and a shockwave.

And maybe if they hit something, it catches on fire, because you’re not seeing. You’re seeing some explosions thereafter, and indeed, there are secondary explosions that I’ll show you in another video. So, I mean, you got to look at the. I mean, this easily, judging by just this video, we’re talking about at least a 90% hit rate. And the Americans and the Israelis are saying, yeah, we are. Our defense was a success, that we successfully were able to defend against this attack, which, you know, clearly is a bunch of malarkey. So now the question is, they did forewarned the Russians.

We know now, yesterday, when the Kremlin had that emergency meeting, and we showed you the video footage of Vladimir Putin heading in his convoy to the Kremlin to do that emergency meeting. Now we know what it was about yesterday. We didn’t. I didn’t expect this to happen today. I expected escalation in Lebanon, but I did not expect Iran to do this. In fact, a lot of us at this point, we’re just thinking, you know, maybe. Maybe that’s it. Maybe that’s all they got. But we are proven wrong. So we know that there was some forewarning. In fact, Iran has issued a statement saying that they did notify Russia and the Pentagon prior to the attack.

Of course, the Pentagon would absolutely have notified the Israelis, which is why there’s video footage of Netanyahu running to his bunkers. I’m not sure why they wanted to show that footage, but. Or if that maybe that could have just been fake news. There’s a video of him running, and, you know, from. From the back, saying that he’s running to the bunker. For all we know, the guy likes to jog a lot. Maybe he was going for a jog, but it appeared as though it was legit at the time. Anyways, we know that there was some forewarning, but the lack of issuing a notice to airmen’s comes with a lot of risk.

Of course, the potential to shoot down an airplane to cause a major accident. The last thing Iran needs in light of what happened back in 2020, when they shot down that plane thinking that it was an american plane or there was some accident that happened post Soleimani’s death. So this could have ended in disaster, but nonetheless, they proceeded with it. So that signifies that while there was some forewarning, there was not near the amount of forewarning as last time. So perhaps this is why the success rate and apparently the american interceptors were not nearly as successful as they were last time.

So all this is going to do is add to Netanyahu’s reasons why a war for Iran is necessary in order to ensure the security. And you’re seeing no, unlike what happened in April where you had blinken flying over there and you had, and of course, I don’t think they want to be flying there right now where you had Sullivan and all these high ranking officials from the Pentagon saying, we need to try to calm this situation down. It’s getting out of control. You’re not hearing that this time around. In fact, you’re starting to see this despondent look on a lot of the pundits faces and the officials faces that we knew this was coming all along.

We’ve had a plan for this to happen all along. But perhaps they’re realizing after today’s strike that maybe they bit off a little bit more. They can chew, but they’re still going to pursue the course of action anyways. So in terms of the actual effects of the strike, the Iranians are claiming that they hit Mossad headquarters. We can see on video, though, that that in fact was not true. There was a crater several hundred meters from Mossad headquarters. Nonetheless, if it was a nuclear weapon, it would have taken it out no problem. Even if it was a bigger missile, it might have had some effect.

The Nevatim air base, which you’re seeing here, got completely destroyed by the looks of things. The Hatzerim air base as well as strategic radars, center for tanks and soldiers. In and around Gaza, there was attacks against the Dimona nuclear research facility as well as a gas hub. As a gas, I don’t know if it was a refinery or a natural gas well or something to that effect. That was off the coast. So they had a lot of successful hits. Now the problem is, though, is that, take a look at this iconic shot here. Isn’t that something that looks like something out of that Hollywood movie with the meteor, what was it called? Don’t look up that one.

Or there was another one, falling skies or something like that. Anyways, so this is what the problem is here. Okay, so times of Israel. A number of impact sites have been identified across Israel with images of missile fragments circulating on social media. The exact locations of such impacts and damage are barred from publication by the IDF’s sensor. Now this is where trying to figure out how successful these hits were become exceptionally problematic. They’re only going to show the misses. So that’s important to remember. There was around 200 of these missiles. And you’re going to see probably a dozen videos of misses, craters in the street that, you know, appeared inconsequential.

One came close to a school. And it’s important to also understand that there’s going to be IDF interceptors. There’s going to have been a lot of failed interceptions, which means that there’s going to be a lot of missile defense interceptors that likely fell in civilian regions as well. This just happens all the time. It’s friendly fire, collateral damage. It happens all the time. So it’s important to keep that in mind. Okay? Now, Jake Sullivan has said, who’s basically the guy running the show right now, would appear because Biden’s brain is completely checked out. Iran will suffer severe consequences for tonight’s ballistic missile attack against Israel.

And the United States will work with Israel to make sure that is the case. Now, wait till I tell you what the Iranians have to say, because they are not backing down at all. And we’re going to show you some video of what all of the official reactions are to this incident. Now, this, I just want to show you this. We see a. You see the sheer speed of a hypersonic weapon here. And when I say hypersonic, I mean ballistic. I’m not talking about a hypersonic cruise missile, but this is going like probably mach ten. Okay? And you’ve seen how fast.

So this is when you’re fighting a peer to peer adversary and you’re not playing on easy mode. That’s what you’re contending against. And if you’re a zero right now, you have to be reconsidering your strategy. Although I’m sure they won’t. I’m sure they’ll just go full steam ahead. This is what Lindsey Graham had to say. I gotta give Lindsey a plug in every video because he’s crazier than all shit. And if he had his way, we would all be already off the grid permanently. Because there would be no grid. Because it would be a radioactive wasteland.

He says, this is a moment for choosing for the free world. Regarding Iran. The ayatollah and the iranian regime are religious Nazi’s who want to destroy the state of Israel. Their words, not mine. They want to purify islam and attack the United States. Again, their words, not mine. The missile attack against Israel. And I cannot attest to the veracity of that claim. This missile attack against Israel should be the breaking point. And I would urge the Biden administration to coordinate an overwhelming response with Israel, starting with Iran’s ability to refine oil. So he is proposing an attack on Iran’s critical infrastructure.

And in another tweet, I believe him, or another equivalent of wild eyed, nutty pundit decided to suggest that they should hit Iran’s nuclear facilities, which is what I think they’re probably ultimately going to end up trying to do. But if you hit their oil refineries, that’s going to have immense amounts of inflationary pressure. But understand it’s not going to matter now because the inflation data that comes out won’t come out until after the election. So if we see oil skyrocket in October, that’s only going to be reflected in the November numbers. We’re not actually going to, that’s not going to be a talking point this election.

They’ll be able to say elections or inflation is still relatively cool relative to what it has been, yet food prices are still sky high through the roof. We’re not seeing disinflation yet in every domain, but we are seeing some deflation. We’re not seeing deflation. We’re seeing disinflation, which is basically just inflation lowering, but still prices are going up. So this is the perfect month to set this off because now you’re not going to have any resistance from the Biden administration or the Kamala administration who says, okay, you know, we’ve basically, we have the numbers that we want to run with for the election.

And if you start cranking up the price of oil now, which is directly, predictively correlated with the price of all goods and services, oil is the blood of the system, then we’re perfectly fine. If with you, you know, stirring shit up right now. So I think that’s what’s going on here. I think they’ve made a decision to go to war with Iran. They just had to kick the can down the road. That’s the sense that I’ve gotten ever since the beginning of this thing. And when I made that prediction back in January where I said, they’re going to go to war with Iran, that was the only sticking point.

But I’ve stated numerous times in the last few months that they’re worried about the oil price affecting inflation. So in doing it in October, it’s genius, because then they get the best of both worlds. They can still say that they kept inflation down because it’s not going to come out until November after they get elected, but they can also now have a reason to want to re elect the existing government, because, of course, they’re typically, the incumbent is, is going to, you’re not going to have a lame duck during a conflict like this. In, in most presidencies, I think any time there has been a war, like a high intensity conflict raging, you always get reelected.

And although it’s not biden anymore, thank God. Perhaps I shouldn’t say that because, you know, maybe Kamala will be worse. I, quite frankly, right now, it doesn’t matter to, you know, if you’re waiting for a politician to solve your problems, that is antithetical to preparedness, from my point of view, anyway. So this is what we’re up against. This is what they’re going for. They want a war with Iran. And when they start targeting Iran’s oil, what do you think Iran’s going to do? They’re going to start shooting missiles at all of our allies oil, infrastructure within the region.

Now, I’m not saying they’re just going to light up Saudi Arabia right away, but eventually Saudi Arabia will be pulled into this, and they might even just get their proxies, the Houthis, to do that for them. But first, they’re going to target american military bases and they’re going to block the Strait of Hormuz, and the price is just going to go absolutely parabolic. Now, apparently, the Iranians released this list. I don’t know. You know, to me, you got to take this one with a grain of salt. You know how the Israelis have their hit lists and they cross all the guys off who’ve been assassinated? Well, this has been released by allegedly someone affiliated with the iranian government.

I don’t know how true that is. It seems somewhat out of character for the more softer diplomatic approach of the current sitting president. But today we’ve seen that the guy who’s in charge really ultimately is still the Ayatollah and the new president, who many people were saying was way too soft. You know, this guy, you know, he has no real power over the situation when it comes to the military. The ayatollah is the one who controls the iranian military, not the president. Now, these are some secondary explosions that we’re seeing here. This is confirmed footage out of Israel.

So we’re seeing a, you know, we don’t see a missile, but we see confirmed explosions, meaning that maybe something blow up. Maybe it was fuel, maybe it was an airplane. The Iranians are making the claim that, or maybe it was weapons. The Iranians are making the claim that this is, that they were able to target effectively several fighter jets, but there’s been no evidence and we never will get any because of this. So that’s important to understand. I think that they’re doing a lot more damage than the Israelis are stating. So this is what they’re claiming.

Was Netanyahu running to the bunker? I don’t know. I mean, this could just be, why would somebody be videotaping them if it was actually serious? So, you know, for all we know, that could just be a bunch of bunk. But, you know, I wouldn’t be surprised. According to the Wall Street Journal, this is in Iran. They’re currently lining up for gas right now. But according to the Wall Street Journal, Israel had recently told Iran through back channels that they would respond to any attack on their territory, no matter how big or small, and not dependent on if there were casualties, with strikes against Iran’s nuclear and oil facilities being directly mentioned as the response.

So we know that all of the conditions for a massive israeli response, and there ain’t nothing like an israeli response. You may not like the Israelis, but one thing’s for sure, they know how to do a disproportionate attack like nobody’s business. And, well, let’s just face it, it’s the United States because they’re using us weapons, they’re using, you know, you know how the story goes. So it’s really just a proxy of the United States, a vassal of the United States, I should say. So nobody knows. A disproportional response like the US and that they had clearly indicated that beforehand signals that this is something that they’re going to exploit.

Netanyahu is in a interesting situation right now because he now has another opportunity. If he wants to escalate, if he wants to escalate, the question is, does he have the capability to escalate? And how does it factor into the strategic calculus? Because let’s just say you attack Iran, you don’t have the troops to send in there. You almost need more mission creep of the us military before you can do something like that. Or you need to mobilize the countries that are surrounding Iran and ensure that everybody’s on deck, because then you’re just going to have an unstable Iran shooting missiles in all directions and there’s going to be no clear mission like, okay, so you assassinate the Ayatollah, maybe they, they go that route.

Then what, what happens next? Are you going to try to, and Iran is such a massive country that I think their only chance, and hopefully they’ve learned this, is to put in another puppet government. And maybe that’s what they want ultimately. I think that’s their end goal. And so they may actually be trying to play 4d chess for once and not just leading by force. But here’s what Netanyahu had to say tonight. He made the statement that Iran made a big mistake tonight, he says, and he’s speaking in Hebrew here, so I’ll have to just translate and it will pay for it regime.

And he’s shaking a lot when he’s reading this, which is interesting. And he does look more distressed than usual. Worthy of note, the regime in Iran does not understand our determination to defend ourselves and our determination to retaliate against our enemies. Sinwar and Dief did not understand this. Nasrallah and Moshe did not understand this. So is he admitting that Sinwar is dead then? And there are probably those in Tehran who do not understand this. They will understand. We will stand by the rule we have established. Whoever attacks us, we will attack them. So he might be shaking because he knows that this is it.

This is the big time now. This is an actual war, a shooting match with Iran that is destined to go nuclear. Because if Iran is saying that they can do something 1000 times worse, and that’s probably a bit of hyperbole, and I’ll share with you the statements that Iran had to say with respect to their response. Okay. Because it’s quite telling in terms of what they expect to be the outcome of these events. So let me see here. So Iran Brigadier General Nazarez, if the United States helps Israel with an attack on Iran, we will bomb american bases in the region, and they are much less protected than Israel.

That is 100%. Iran has demonstrated the capability to effectively destroy american bases across the Middle east. If the region falls into war, we will go more severely for the next few waves. Iran’s defense minister Iran has also warned that they might use other types of weaponry. Multiple IRGC affiliated iranian outlets and telegram channels are reporting that Iran has warned the US, if you target our refineries, we will set fire to the refineries and oil fields across the entire region, including those in Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, Kuwait, the UAE and Bahrain. So of course, that would be an asymmetrical type of attack.

If Israel is stupid enough, the Israeli Iran defense minister says, we will show them missiles whose destructive force will amaze the world. Additionally, the speaker of the Iranian Shura Council added, if you knew that was being prepared for you, you would have stopped threatening Iran. Now, it’s important when I say that I don’t think these explosions from these missiles were that big. I’m not saying that they have not demonstrated the capability to do that. Iran has missiles that can create the same kind of explosions that we’ve become accustomed to seeing fall on Lebanon. It’s a little bit more difficult, I think, to put that kind of payload on a big ballistic missile, but it is definitely possible.

And they’ve demonstrated that capability. In fact, some of the explosions I’ve seen demonstrated by Iran are even bigger than the ones that we see here in the west. So they have the conventional capability to do this. Why this wasn’t the case, I don’t know. This time around, we haven’t seen all the detonations. Maybe it was so far off in the distance that it actually did explode, but there’s all kinds of explanations. But interestingly, what they’re saying here is that they have other capabilities, and they distinctly say that none of our advanced capabilities were used. You know, you see a guy get his ass kicked for so long, and even though, you know, you don’t want, you know, I’m an ethical person.

I just want good for everybody. You know, it’s not about, you know, I want to kill all of them because they’re shooting at. I want peace. Okay. But you see a guy get his ass kicked so much, it’s, you know, you got to admit, seeing them throw a counter punch, it’s like watching the Harlem Globetrotters versus the Washington generals. Like, you just get bored, you know, and that’s what it’s been so far. Watching the IDF just kick everybody’s ass. So seeing the axis get a few blows in is kind of like, okay, this is a real fight.

It reminds us that there’s a real threat here and that this isn’t all just a bluster on the part of the axis. So, essentially, like I said, it’s demonstrated that Iran has the capability to beat us in israeli defense. They can easily overwhelm it, and they’re not invincible. What else do we got to talk about here? Let’s hear some of the responses from some of the us officials. And before we get into this, just remember House resolution 559. This was passed November, almost a year ago. The House of Representatives declares that it is the policy of the United States that a nuclear islamic republic of Iran is not acceptable, that Iran must not be able to obtain a nuclear weapon under any circumstances or conditions, and to use all means necessary to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, and to recognize and support the freedom of action of partners and allies, including Israel, in order to prevent them from obtaining a nuclear weapon, essentially laying the groundwork for mobilization against Iran should the need arise.

Here’s what Joe Biden had to say. Sorry to subject you to this in advance, but, you know, and part of the afternoon in the Situation room and meeting with my whole national security team and consulting with the Israelis indirectly, because in terms of their impact on us and the national security team has been, as I said, in constant contact with israeli officials and their counterparts. And it’s going to continue to be brought to me throughout the day. We still have to share updates, and when we get them, and we’ll do that. Oh, my God. God. What is going on? This is interesting.

A little bit of contradiction here. So this is a CNN report, a reporter, and he says something interesting about where the Mossad leadership is positioned inside Tel Aviv. You know how they’re always saying, oh, Hezbollah is putting its, its command centers in and out throughout the civilian population? Well, many people have made the argument like, you know, most politicians and even intelligence, high level intelligence operatives, they, they are positioned within the civilian population. That is typically where their headquarters are. But, you know, nonetheless, they think they’re putting these giant missiles in children’s cribs and stuff like that.

Anyways, let’s just hear what he has to say. Tell, view that among the targets were, let’s see here, israeli airfields, but also, and this is crucial, the headquarters of Mossad, the international intelligence service of Israel, which is inside Tel Aviv. It’s in the northern part of Tel Aviv, but it’s in the city. It’s in a densely populated area. And of course, the concern is if you’re firing, even though Iran might consider that a military target, it is in a densely populated city. Oh, I see. I suspect a double standard presenting itself here. These are the Iranians celebrating, not sure if they’re going to be long for this world.

Iranian general watching the missile launch. Yeah, I don’t know. I got a bad feeling about those guys, about what they’re going to have to endure in the not too distant future, because I think Israel is going to go balls to the walls. This is what Anthony Blinken, the real president, had to say. Let’s see, a few hours ago. He’s the only one who really made a coherent statement for the second time in the space of five months, launched a direct attack on Israel, including some 200 ballistic missiles. This is totally unacceptable and the entire world should condemn it.

Should initial reports suggest that Israel, with the active support of the United States and other partners, effectively defeated this attack nope, you didn’t have. I want you to understand, these guys are pathological liars, okay? Now, it’s been seldom where they’ve been so brazenly caught in a lie that it, you know, it’s just impossible to deny. And this is one of those occasions where the visual evidence is overwhelming. And it’s rare because usually they can control the entire narrative. In this case, they couldn’t. And so just imagine now a SHTF situation, and they’re trying to feed you the same line.

And I want you to take note of what Kamala says here, because this is going to be the voice, and this is going to be the tone of the voice that comes across the emergency broadcast system when shit goes down. Okay? Are you ready? So today, Iran launched the heck, approximately 200 ballistic missiles at Israel in a reckless and brazen attack. What’s going on here? Israel. Just as well. Let me see if I can find a better version. That version shite. So today, Iran launched approximately 200. What the heck is going on? I’m clear on. I’m just looking for a good version here, guys.

I’m clear eyed. Okay? Iran is a. Let’s start from the beginning. I’m clear eyed. Iran is a destabilizing, dangerous force in the Middle east. And today’s attack on Israel only further demonstrates that fact. Earlier today, I was in the Situation room with President Biden and our national security team as we monitored the attack in real time and ensured that the protection of us personnel in the region is paramount. I fully support President Biden’s order for the us military to shoot down iranian missiles targeting Israel, just as we did in April. We are still assessing the impact, but initial indications are that Israel, with our assistance, was able to defeat this attack.

Nope. Our joint defenses have been effective. And this operation. Nope. And successful cooperation saved many innocent lives. As I have said, I will always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself against Iran and. And Iran backed terrorist militias. My commitment is, why do I just get the sense that that’s going to be the voice of world War three? I don’t got Kamala Derangement syndrome or Trump Derangement syndrome. I just get the sense that she knows she’s going to win. Let me know what you guys think in the description section, in the comment section below. I got to get going, man.

It’s been a long day. And just one last thing. The United nations is having an emergency meeting. The United Nations Security Council has a meeting scheduled for tomorrow morning in France. Following a joint request by Israel in France. Israel’s UN ambassador Danny Dannen, the guy who’s always holding up the weird placards and stuff, emphasized that Iran’s missile strikes show the charm. Offensive by Iran’s new president is misleading. With power still firmly in the hands of the supreme leader and the Revolutionary Guards, they’re going to make a case to go after Iran’s nuclear capabilities. And I think they all know it.

Harris knows it, Sullivan knows it, Blinken knows it. They all know what’s going down. So prepare while the getting is good. If you want to support the channel, the best way to do that is go and gear up at canadian preparedness.com while we’re still operational. Thanks for watching, my friends. Take care. Canadian prepper out of.

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