Hitler Phones Kamala Parody Videos BANNED! Election Witch Hunt 911 Haiti To Hot to Farm Razor

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ This text discusses an episode of Gary King’s show where he talks about a parody video mocking Kamala Harris. The video went viral after Elon Musk shared it, despite a new law in California banning such content to prevent disinformation. The law, signed by Governor Gavin Newsom, prohibits the creation and distribution of AI-manipulated political content around election time. However, Musk criticized the law as a violation of free speech.
➡ The text discusses a controversy over the pronunciation of Kamala Harris’s name, with some accusing others of disrespect and racism. It also covers political issues in Ukraine and Israel, with criticism of the US’s role in these conflicts. Lastly, it mentions a health concern about the auropush virus, a mosquito-borne disease found in Kentucky and Canada, which can cause severe headaches, rashes, and rarely, brain swelling.
➡ The text discusses various topics including criticisms of Bill Gates and his experiments, the debunking of global warming, the importance of supporting local farmers, the departure of residents from California due to political and economic issues, and the safety concerns surrounding former President Donald Trump. The speaker also expresses skepticism about the details of an assassination attempt on Trump and mentions the need for increased protection for him.
➡ The article discusses various political and conspiracy theories, including criticism of the Secret Service’s protection of former presidents, claims of election fraud, and theories about the 9/11 attacks. It suggests that public confidence in the government is low, and that there are concerns about potential attempts to manipulate future elections. The article also questions the authenticity of footage from the 9/11 attacks, suggesting it may have been manipulated or faked.
➡ Jim Fetzer discusses his father’s immigration from Haiti to the US, highlighting the hardships faced in Haiti, including poverty and the practice of voodoo. He criticizes the Biden Harris administration for not addressing the root problems in Haiti, but instead focusing on bringing Haitians to the US, which he believes creates issues for the US. He also accuses the administration of registering these immigrants to vote multiple times to stay in power, disregarding democracy and the constitution. He concludes by expressing his dissatisfaction with the current administration and their actions.


Welcome to episode 96 of Gary King’s Inconvenient truths, where Gary presents videos, stories I don’t know are coming for my spontaneous and unrehearsed response. Gary, what you got for me today? As usual, I’m loaded. I had a few objections about my NASA hat. It was given to me by a very special person who’s not as awake as everyone else, so I I’m wearing it for her. And all you guitar geeks, let’s see if you can identify that guitar right there. Okay, well, wearing a NASA hat doesn’t mean you endorse the fake moon land eatons. Let it be known.

Yeah, we don’t want everyone to get that right. Now, are we gonna have a little Kamala montage? So we’re starting out right here. Elon Musk is encouraging a hilarious parody ad mocking Kamala Harris to go viral on x after California governor Gavin Newsom signed a law to eliminate deepfake and other AI generated content in the lead up to the election. The law was sparked by a series of parody videos created by AI and using deepfakes to mop Kamala Harris on social media. I, Kamal Harris, senior Democrat candidate for president, because Joe Biden finally exposed his senility at the debate.

Thanks, Joe. I was selected because I am the ultimate diversity hire. I’m both a woman and a person of color. So if you criticize anything I say, you’re both sexist and racist. I may not know the first thing about running the country, but remember, that’s a good thing if you’re a deep state puppet. I had four years under the tutelage of the ultimate deep state puppet. A wonderful mentor, Joe Biden. Joe taught me rule number one. Carefully hide your total incompetence. I take insignificant things and I discuss them as if they’re significant. And I believe that exploring the significance of the insignificant is in itself significant.

Talking about the significance of the passage of time. Right, the significance of the passage of time. So when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time. And there is such great significance to the passage of time. Another trick is trying to sound black. I pretend to celebrate quantum, and in my speeches, I always do my best Barack Obama impression. So hear me when I say I know Donald Trump’s tight and. Okay, look, maybe my work addressing the root causes of the border crisis were catastrophic, but my knowledge of international politics is truly.

The United States shares a very important relationship, which is an alliance with the Republic of North Korea. It is an alliance that is strong and enduring and just remember, when voting this November, it is important to see what can be unburdened by what has been. And by what has been. I mean, Joe Biden, do you think the country went to over the past four years? The law signed by Newsom makes it illegal to create and distribute AI manipulated political content 120 days before and 60 days after election day. It also allows courts to stop distribution of the materials and impose civil penalties.

The legislation aims to preserve election integrity and prevent AI from spreading disinformation. Newsom said, I just signed a bill to make this illegal. In the state of California, you can no longer knowingly distribute an ad or other election communications that contain materially deceptive content, including deepfakes. But Elon Musk, ownerof and freedom of speech proponent, has lashed out at the governor banning the ad, saying, the governor of California just made this parody video illegal in violation of the Constitution of the United States. Would be a shame if it went viral. In a hilarious twist of fate, shortly after Gavin Newsom signed the bill, the Kamala Harris parody ad went viral with Elon Musk.

Okay, doctor fetter, I don’t mind seeing a little more of that. Kerry, you could get that running all day. I love it. I mean, Kamala Harris is a parody in another self. You don’t have to do anything special. This is just highlighting the non entity. And hopefully we’ll be unburdened of what is present to me, to wit, Kamala Harris in the very near future. Very good, Gary. It’s great. And Elon Musk, this newsome guy, is a petty tyrant. And, you know, he doesn’t understand the constitution or the first Amendment even remotely. It’s just a disgrace. Persons of his incompetence rise to a high position.

But that’s the Democrat party way. Okay, we’re not finished yet. I. So, Adolf Hitler, phone Kamala. What do you want to know? Well, let’s start with this. Prices have gone up and families and individuals are dealing with the realities of that bread costs more, that gas costs more. And we have to understand what that means. That’s about the cost of living going up. That’s about having to stress and stretch limited resources. That’s about the source of stress for families. That is not only economic, but is on a daily level something that is a heavy weight to carry.

So it is something that we take very seriously. Very seriously. We must together work together to see where we are, where we are headed, where we are going, and our vision for where we should be, but also see it as a moment. Yes, to together address the challenges. We have the ability to see what can be unburdened by what has been, and then to make the possible actually happen. Well, I think culture is. It is a reflection of our moment in our time, right? And present culture is the way we express how we’re feeling about the moment.

And we should always find times to express how we feel about the moment. That is a reflection of joy, because, you know, it comes in the morning. We have to find ways to also express the way we feel about the moment in terms of just having language and a connection to how people are experiencing life. And I think about it in that way, too. We all watched the television coverage of just yesterday. That’s on top of everything else that we know and don’t know yet, based on what we’ve just been able to see, and because we’ve seen it or not, doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened.

It’s up to me. Look, I’ll stay to Ernstein. It better snatch the bulbark like it is at the farm. So you’re now no longer. Are you necessarily keeping those private files in some file cabinet that’s locked in the basement of the house. It’s on your laptop. And it’s then therefore, up here in this cloud that exists above us. Right? For I am. I’m not a patrol involved. A small and unde horror of a lot goes. The United States has to be consistent. There were times when we were more engaged and we saw good results, less engaged, and we can see where the work and the partnerships then deteriorate.

So I am committed to ensuring that we engage in an active way on the root causes, on addressing the cause and effect, and also being partners in the western hemisphere, understanding that we have a responsibility. And if we ignore that responsibility, it will visit itself upon us in a very domestic way. A movement that has always been about the ability to see what can be unburdened by what has been. We are demonstrating that when we have leadership in the highest offices in the land, including in the White House, who believe in what we can do, and then when we push to make it so, it allows other people, who perhaps before couldn’t imagine, to now see how it works, and we are building then the movement in such a substantial way in terms of those who are coming into the rooms to be a part of what we know is in the best interest of, obviously, our country, but our world.

You think you just fell out of a coconut tree. You exist in the context of all in which you live, and what came before you. All right, Doctor Pencer. Oh, Gary, that was precious. That was Michael. Ivan. Yeah. My collider. That was so precious. Oh, my God. That was funny. And that’s exactly who she is, a blithering idiot. I mean, that anyone could support this woman for dog cancer. I mean, it’s ridiculous. She wouldn’t make a decent assistant at a fast food joint. I mean, it’s just ridiculous. She has no competence whatsoever. She’s intellectually vacuous. Everything she has to say is meaningless.

And that’s who she is. That’s who she really is. So she needed those hearings with a little broadcast during the debate to tell her exactly what to say. In fact, I’m still not convinced it wasn’t her. I’m actually told, Gary, there are three different kamalas. And one of the way to mistake addressing a latino audience by speaking in Spanish. Because Kamala Harris doesn’t know Spanish. Oh, Gary, we’re being played. It’s so insulting. If you had any doubt whether a moron could rise to a high level in the american government, there’s your proof. Qedda. Yeah. Thank you very much, Michael Abbey, for that one.

She reminds me of my third grade teacher, actually. Okay, here we go. Good evening and welcome to a program devoted entirely to lefties. Losing it. Let’s start lefties with this almighty group meltdown on CNN because Nancy Mace allegedly mispronounced Queen Kamala’s name. Watch this demented carry on favorite, Kamala Harris, if I’m allowed. Kamala. You said it was demancy. You’re doing this on disrespectful. You can’t expect people to respect your services. If you don’t walk that stage 25 years ago. You’re a white woman disrespecting a black woman away from women. Let me get in here because I.

Did you hear that? He said you’re a white woman disrespecting a black woman. Why? By calling her the name everyone has called her for years. Decades. How long was she in public life before we were told that her name should be pronounced differently? And can someone alert the president? Because he’s still pronouncing it this way. Pamela and I are here today to make a major announcement. The records are lower. But back to the mass meltdown on CNN. Look at the reprehensible way they treat a lone conservative woman. A woman who carries the trauma of being a rape victim and who showed far more grace than I’d be capable of facing this barrage of lunacy when you disrespect Kamala Harris by saying you will call her whatever you want.

I know you don’t intend it to be that way. That’s the history and legacy of white disregard for the humanity of black people. So now you’re calling me racist? I didn’t say. I just said you weren’t a racist. That is completely. You don’t have to intend racism too. No, no, you are intending that I. Your disrespect of Kamala Harris is part. What’s disgusting is your disrespect of her, professor. She doesn’t know what a woman is. And if 25 years ago, white women don’t have the ability to tell black women who paid the price of blood to make this country what it is, to tell them they’re not real women, 25 years.

Just a hysteria and hyperbole. There. There’s much more of that lefty losing it madness. But I won’t subject you to it because this next bit is even better. Remember Don Lamon before CNN sacked him? He’s back doing vox pops and being laughed at by the good folk in Jersey, in Atlantic City. First he tries to shame Trump backers by suggesting they’re sexist. Who do you support? I’ll plead the fifth. Trump for the win. Tell me why. I can’t really call that right now, but I just feel like she’s not good for president. She’s good vice, but not for the actual lead role for the country.

Does it have anything to do with being a woman? No. Mm mm. No. Cause I feel like women. Mm. Nah, you’re not gonna get me that. Your money’s on Harris? Yeah. Who do you want? Trump. Why don’t you like Harris? Oh, she doesn’t have any experience. She’s the vice president. She’s a senator. No experience. No, no, no. It doesn’t get any better when Don talks to women. Well, I want Donald Trump. I just feel we need somebody that has a stronger background with the military and the world in general. She was a prosecutor and an attorney general and a senator and a vice president.

Is it there to learn what voters think or to lecture them about why Harris is better? This next interaction is, frankly, bonkers. Four years ago, it was a lot better. I made a lot more money than I do now. I know you feel that way, but that’s not actually what the record shows. Economy is actually better under Biden. No, I’m serious. Imagine telling a grown man he’s wrong about being better off four years ago because Don’s figures say so. No wonder they laughed in his face, that sort of form. We’ll see. Don Lemon elevated to the lefty, losing at hall of fame.

And, ok, Doctor Fasser, you got a string of winners here today, Gary. I mean, look, Kamala Harris is hopeless. She’s pathetic. I mean, anyone who would support her over Donald Trump, warts and all, has got their head where the sun doesn’t shine. I mean, what could be more obvious than Don Lamont that this woman was a district attorney, an attorney general, a us senator and a vice president is a disgrace. It shows our political system doesn’t work at all, that it’s nonfunctional, that it evaluates incompetence. I mean, it’s a staggering indictment of american politics today, Gary.

Staggering. Yeah, I agree. Okay, on to the next thing. The only purpose of Zelensky’s incursion in the Kursk region is to try to draw the United States and NATO into a direct conflict with Russia. The ukrainian dictator has no other plan B. Now Ukraine is obviously losing on the battlefield. Kiev is losing people, losing western weapons with this invasion. They wanted to show that it is possible to act in this way with Russia, that it is possible to strike deep into russian territory. I really hope that our western colleagues, primarily in Washington, will be smart enough not to fall into this trap of the already desperate ukrainian overdue president.

I hope that they will not reach a new line of escalation with a nuclear power which threatens the saddest consequences for the whole world. During the last Security Council meetings, I accused the United States that it is largely responsible for the situation that is happening in Gaza. Since the escalation of the palestinian israeli conflict, there have been several initiatives calling for an immediate ceasefire. The first initiative, by the way, was proposed by Russia. Since then, the United States has used the right of veto five times, preventing any decision that could halt Israels military operation in Gaza.

Us negotiators who are mediating a deal between Hamas and Israel are changing the terms of the deal on the spot in order to please Israel. If the United States really wanted peace in the Middle east, they have a huge number of tools that they could use to convince Israel to comply with the decision of the international community. But they do not do this and on the contrary, play along with them. The US opened a witch hunt before every election and tried to spin the narrative of the alleged russian interference. The current us administration is absolutely not interested in Americans having access to any alternative point of view.

Since RT is still a very popular channel in the US and around the world, Washington is trying to direct its anger specifically at RT and other russian news agencies that are trying to convey the truth. This is an absolute persecution of freedom of speech which is condoned by the US administration. This is an absolutely outrageous situation that shows the complete degradation of us society and its transformation into a neoliberal dictatorship in which freedom of speech and freedom of the media mean absolutely nothing. Okay, Doctor Fetzer. Well, in about three minutes you heard more truth about international developments both in Israel and Ukraine in the UN than you’re going to get out of Washington in a month.

I mean, it’s remarkable. The Russians telling like it is, and every american politician is lying about it, lying about it again and again and again. The latest development, Gary. We got Ukraine involved in Syria and you got Israel involved in Ukraine. I mean, the situation is absurd. It really does confirm my observation from the beginning that this was a battle over making Ukraine the new Israel. And I’m telling you it’s not working. The kursk intervention has been a failure. You got about 10,000 more ukrainian troops who are surrounded by Russia and they’re going to be annihilated.

These were some of Ukraine’s best remaining forces. Russia is totally dominating. And in terms of Israel, these hits by blowing up these phones and pagers, it was militarily brilliant but politically catastrophic. Everyone is looking at Israel with complete contempt. The evil reeks from every pore. Israel has revealed itself to be the most corrupt and fouled nation the world has ever known without any exception, Gary, bar none. What a disgrace. I agree. Okay, this is a. Something I got from actually local media real quick. This is about mosquitoes concern, prompting the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to sound the alarm on the auropush virus.

So joining us today to discuss this virus is health educator doctor Eric Griggs. Another thing to be worried about, Doctor Griggs, tell us about this virus. I hadn’t heard about it before this morning. Yeah, it’s another thing. This is a mosquito in, it’s a vector borne virus, meaning mosquitoes in midges. It’s commonly called the sloth virus. That’s where it was first described in 1955 in Trinidad. It is endemic and common in Cuba and the Amazon and the tropical regions. The concern here in the States is there was a case found in Kentucky and also in Canada where they’ve issued a warning.

Yeah. So we certainly know mosquitoes are prevalent here. Maybe not sounding the alarm. Just because you see a mosquito doesn’t mean you’re going to contract a virus from it. But what happens so the mosquito bites you, you become infected. How do you feel? Mosquito bites you in three to five days and then you start to get symptoms of severe headache. There might be a rash, the general malaise and body aches. Rarely is this, is it fatal or more serious symptoms like encephalitis or swelling of the brain. But what’s is that they his problems. But okay, go ahead.

Well, Gary, what we got going on here is one of Bill Gates experiments. He puts out billions of mosquitoes with deadly diseases because he’s out to destroy the world. This man is a tyrant. His head belongs on a pike. He’s done no good for humanity and a hell of a lot of damage. And I’m sorry to say this particular guy who seemed pretty sincere, has bought into the global warming hoax. Joe Olson, who’s a brilliant engineer, qualified across four different disciplines, structural, mechanical, electrical, civil, and I have done a ten part series anti global warming, exposing the hoax.

Over 600 million years of world history, there’s been no correlation at all between the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and the temperature of earth, meaning it has nothing to do with with the temperature of earth, which of course varies for multiple reasons, but none are related to CO2. And in fact, CO2 actually has the effect of cooling the earth in three or four different dimensions and is indispensable to the production of air and water. So if you eliminate CO2, you’re going to extinguish life on earth. It’s another example of the colossal stupidity we find by pseudo scientific propaganda being provided.

Is sound science. It’s frankly an embarrassment. But Americans are very gullible and amenable to the influence of television. And you get a fake report like this one, they tend to believe it. Gary, sad to say, you go, okay, I hope you blow this shit up and listen, because I’ve told you again and again this administration’s agenda is to control the food and control the people. Biden wants to push OSHA into an extreme heat index for outside workers. You guys want to know what he thinks is hot? 80 degrees fahrenheit? Let me tell you, here in Tennessee it gets humid.

And I push past because guess what? My girls still got to get fed. And that’s my priority. And I chose this life in agriculture to feed you and your families. And they are trying to put fear in our lives. They’re trying to kill off the american farmer. I know we moved from California because regulations were getting so bad and they were providing water to Los Angeles and San Francisco instead of the Central Valley. And they’re doing it across America, trying to regulate our land, take our land, take our water rights. It is happening. It is time to wake up and start supporting your local farmers and buy local.

Well, I like her. I like her. Very sincere, very compelling. I like that clip, Gary. She’s spot on about the problem working fine here. Of course, gruesome Newsom is going to be at the center of any economic, financial or political catastrophe. He’s actually a close competitor to Kamala for incompetence. And unfortunately, as governor of California, he can really wreak consequences that are just terrible for the population of state. I think about a million are losing, leaving California a year. Now. It’s somewhere very high number. It’s staggering, staggering. And I don’t see any opportunity to ever reversal because the Democrats are so wedded to an ideology that’s economically absurd and politically ridiculous and totally driven by political correctness and equity and reparations for individuals who were not slaves.

They’re supposed to be paid by people who never own slaves. I mean, when a catastrophic situation is, the more the Democrats prevail, the worse things get. I mean, it’s obvious here. I like the cliff. I like her. Well said. Okay. All right, this is breaking news right now on News Nation. Now the Secret Service just tweeting that former President Donald Trump is safe after gunshots were heard in his vicinity. Now, the Trump campaign also putting out a statement saying that he is safe as well. That is according to Stephen Chung, he’s the Trump campaign communications director.

Now, you remember, of course, that Trump was shot at a July rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. That was almost two months ago to the day, actually. And the former president was, of course, hit in the ear. The would be assassin of that attack, Thomas Matthew Crooks, was killed by a Secret Service counter sniper. Well, Bill Stanton is on the phone with us. Joining us now live, he’s a security expert and former NYPD. Bill, when you first heard this news, what are you thinking? Well, my first thought is, I hope the Secret Service is on their a game.

I actually live in Palm Beach county, and I’m friends with many officers, men and women of the Palm beach sheriff’s county police department. And I know that they’re on their a game. So that was my knee jerk reaction. Please, God, let the Secret Service, you know, be, you know, first team on the former president. Yeah, well, what we’ve heard is that there were gunshots in the area in the vicinity, not that there were gunshots fired at the former president. We don’t want to speculate on anything like that. You know, the details are very, very scant right now.

But do you have police sources? I imagine you do there in the Palm beach area, because, in fact, in the secret Services tweet that we do have, they said that in conjunction with the Palm Beach county sheriff’s office, that they’re investigating a protective incident involving former President Donald Trump that happened shortly before 02:00 so it appears that it was in that area. Right. So what’s happening is my guess from what I’m hearing, it was not directly correlated, but it was close enough where there was concern because you never know in incidents like these, it could possibly be a diversion.

That’s how we in the protection game think, you know, first attack, secondary attack, or it could have been totally non related. But you always must treat your principal as if there is a threat in the area. That means there’s a potential threat to your principal. In this case, it’s the former POTUS. Yes. And, you know, back in July, again, almost two months to the day when former President Trump was holding that massive rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, the rallies that he’s known for, and Thomas Matthew crooked Brooks climbs on top of that building somehow and fires, is able to fire shots before he’s taken out by the counter sniper.

You know, this is something that people in our lifetime, you know, we haven’t really had to deal with this, but it was a reality to have presidents assassinated or have attempts on their life in the past. So when you hear a headline like this, just that there were gunshots in the area, in the vicinity and that the president is safe, of course, it takes your mind into places that, you know, you don’t want to go. Okay, Doctor Fetzer. Well, I got a couple of things to say here about Butler. I’ve been a skeptic as to whether it was actually shot.

Now, he came on to Greg Gutfeld show just a couple of nights ago, and they had a tremendous conversation. He was totally relaxed. It was really a joy to watch. And he said that Greg had actually inspected his ear when he took off the bandage and saw the damage. And there was Greg Gutfeld confirming he’d seen the damage to his ear. Now, I think Greg’s a pretty straight shooter, and I don’t see him seeking to deceive the public for even to benefit Trump. So I may be more inclined now to think perhaps his ear was clipped by that shot.

I don’t think the arguments are decisive here, but certainly it made a difference with regard to the golf course event. The guy was in Hawaii. How the hell did he get to from Hawaii to this golf course? How did he know to go to the golf course? How did he know Trump would be there at that place in time? He laid in wait for 12 hours. This had to be an inside job. Now, Mike Adams says DHS, homeland Security is providing the information about the former president’s schedule to the FBI, and the FBI is running the assassins.

And Gary, I gotta tell you, I think that’s a whole lot closer to the truth than any story we’re gonna get from this administration. I think Mike Adams has put his finger on it. Now. Congress had just passed a bill to give Trump increased protection where the Biden admin is so crass and cynical, they aren’t even giving protection to RFK junior, even though he’s obviously the most vulnerable of them all, having lost his father and his uncle to assassin bullets. That’s his complete disgrace. But because they want it, you’ve even got some Democrat politico calling it a cease man.

Insane. In essence, he hopes they’re more successful next time around. And we have a report from Matt Gates that he has learned there are five different assassination teams out there after Trump now, three of which are foreign, pakistani, ukrainian, iranian. Honestly, I’m very doubtful about the Iranian. And I don’t know why Pakistan would after Trump, but certainly Ukraine could be if he’s planning to end the war. So I just say the House at least, and we’ll see if it gets through. The Senate moving for greater support and protection for Trump is doing the right thing. They ought to have at the same time declared RFK junior deserving of secret service protection as well.

The Secret Service absurdly explained they hadn’t given Trump a full protection because he’s not a sitting president. But they’re 24/7 acting for Barack Obama. In fact, every package, every vehicle comes anywhere near their glorious estate. And this guy’s not only former president, but he probably is responsible for the death of his former chef. I mean, it’s all disgraceful. America is just falling apart, it seems politically, Gary, and it’s having devastating effect on the public and our morale. Our confidence in our government is as low as it’s ever been. And let me say, by the way, reports have it from both that historically no one has polled as badly against Donald Trump as Kamala Harris.

So Newsweek is saying Kamala is already winning states. We know the voting may have begun, but it’s most certainly nowhere near ended. I mean, this is just absurd. And you got other fanciful tales that are telling us they’re going to try to steal the election again, just as they did in 2022 and in 2020, they’re going to try it again. It worked for them before. Why not give it a go? I’m only hopeful that enough measures have been taken. Many more need to be done. Abolishing electronic voting machines, a number one that Trump will prevail if we have anything remotely approximate and also election nobody in the right mind can vote for Harris.

I mean, it’s just gotten dry, as we’ve seen from these earlier clips. So I think you’re on top of it, Gary. Great stuff. Okay, here’s a similar clip to our, from our razor fist guy. Look, you know what happened, I know what happened. So I’ll not linger over long in the particulars. The possibility each of us is simultaneously dreaded and professed to be all but tragically inevitable has at last occurred an out and out unaliving attempt on Trump. And, you know, that’s a little bit old. That chart that charts a couple of months old. If you want to really see something that said, take a look at what happened.

Boy, FBI marksmanship hasn’t been the same since the onset of ESG, am I right? Look, before I proceed with jokes darker than the entire Kardashian dating history, I first want to extend legitimate, heartfelt condolences, in addition to my own private prayers to Trump’s wife, his children, as well as the brave secret Service agents who, to all outward appearances, at least as of now, were on Trump quicker than Hunter on a crack pipe. In the immortal words of japanese heavy metal band loudness, you are the he wos tonight look, you may have caught on to the fact that I find this result about as surprising as a bald, bearded guy with a podcast.

And indeed, I predicted it for some time. Last I spoke with former Trump official Sebastian Gorka, he put the question straight to me. If lawfare fails to find purchase, if arrests amount to nothing, if the debates backfire and polling shows an election so far out of fraud range, there ain’t enough ballot printers in the western hemisphere to mollify the result, what then? And my sobering response was that then we run an ever increasing alarming risk of going from ballots to bullets. It’s disappointing, it’s depressing, but we’re fresh out of forks in the road at that point.

After eight years of unironic, fully unhinged, orange Hitler hyperbole imbecilically authored by a fully propagandistic press from dawn to damn dusk. You can only turn the temperature up so high before the melting pot turned chamber pot begins to reach a rolling boil. Made all the more likely now that the entire tracks of the leering left now confuse opposition to Trump with a personality trait, as the almighty norm MacDonald famously implied in one of his many hi larious Hitler bits. This guy, there’s a picture of him, Adolf Hitler. Very compelling kind of a figure. Odd looking duck.

But there’s something about his eyes. Hypnotic. His eyes are almost entirely black. Hold a fort. He hated jews. I’m sick of these kind of characters. I think we should kill Hitler. Me and you go suicide. Kill him. He died 50 years ago. I didn’t even know he was sick. I wish I could find a Hitler of today and go kill him. That’s a little disturbing, because the Democrats are talking about Trump as a threat to the existence of democracy in America. I mean, you’re getting it from Hakeem Jeffries, for example. You’re getting it from Joe Biden, for example.

You get it from many other lesser figures, but they all are implying that America would be better off if Trump were terminated. They did a poll like one in four democrats support the assassination of Donald Trump. This is so undemocratic, so unamerican, so despicable when it’s amusing. I mean, the guy who gave the opening, he’s super intelligent, super articulate, very entertaining. He delivers a package with a punch. I like him. He knows what he’s doing. And it comes through the, the sequel there with a dumb guy, doesn’t even know Hitler died 50 years ago, was actually longer than that.

I mean, it’s just rather ridiculous. And it was hilarious when we had Hitler on the phone talking to Harrison, trying to get some straight answers. Gary, that was a real classic, a real gem. Thanks. Thanks for all of this. All right, here we go. Since we missed 911 last week, and I’m sure you were very busy man, doing interviews, here’s a clip that’s supposedly new. Take a look at this rare, super slow motion video of Flight 175 that hit the South World Trade center tower on 911 2001. Take a really close look, because there are two impossibilities I’m going to show you here.

This video was allegedly shot by Michael Herzakhani, a diamond merchant based in Los Angeles, California. The first impossibility is a real airplane couldn’t have sliced through a building with a steel facade with reinforced concrete flooring and 47 steel support beams. A jets wing can’t slice through steel building like a hot knife through butter. But that’s the story the news media wants us to believe. And most people are still believing this hoax. But the second impossibility is in plain sight. In fact, I can’t believe it took me over twelve years to see. Let me show you a still of this video.

I’ve highlighted a building that’s clearly behind the South World Trade center tower. Yet when we pay close attention to the video, flight 170 five’s wing should appear in front of the building, not behind it. This is a layering CGI glitch. And this proves that this video, which was seen all over the world, over and over and over again, year after year, is a CGI rendering. Thus it’s not an amateur witness video, it’s a fake. And this is one of many, many faked videos put out by the news media. All right, well, that’s extremely interesting. Absolutely no doubt.

No real plane could have made an entry into the north of the south tower. You had the massive 47 core columns connected to the external steel support columns by steel trusses filled with four to eight inches of concrete, 208ft on a side. Each floor represented an acre of concrete on a steel truss. That plane was intersecting eight different floors. It crumbled external to the building. Body seats, luggage, wingtail falling to the ground. We got photographs of the ground. No bodies, no seats, no luggage, no wings, no tail. Didn’t happen. 100% correct. Now, it’s fascinating too, when he talks about the the wing disappearing behind a building in the distance.

And he’s absolutely correct. This is fake. The debate has been over how it’s been done. Now, my argument has been there are three alternatives. CGI, as he’s suggesting, video compositing, which is adding the images between the time the film is made and the time is broadcast, and the use of a hologram. Now, there’s a nose out phenomenon and other reasons to believe it was a hologram, but most certainly we have this oddity here that was inexplicable were it to have been real. So let’s say I’m inclined toward the hologram hypothesis, in part because we have hundreds of witnesses who claim they saw the plane approach a building in real time, whereas if it had been CGI or video compositing, the plane would only have been visible after it was broadcast.

So, I love this. Very interesting. Everyone should scratch your head and understand, conclude, at the very least, they were faking the planes in New York. And it turns out at the Pentagon, no plane wasn’t even in the air that day. Actually, flight eleven North Tower wasn’t even in the air that day. And in Shanksville, flight 93, there was no evidence of any plane having crash. There were pilots for 911. Truth, which has done brilliant work on 911, actually discovered that flight 93 was still in the air after its alleged crash and was over champaign Urbana, Illinois, and at flight 175, which were supposed to be viewing there, hitting the sow tower was still in the air and over Harrisburg and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, after it had officially impacted the building.

So I’ve done an awful lot on this, Gary. Anyone want to check it out? Go to my bitchute channel, Jim Fetzer, and check out one of my 911 specials. There’s more than one there. And you’ll see for yourself a rather comprehensive review of who is responsible, how it was done, and why. So thanks for this, Gary. Very, very, very good. All right, we’re coming around to the end of the show. This is in the news lately. My father immigrated from Haiti to the United States in the late sixties as a teenager, and I want to talk about these recent comments about the Haitians in Springfield, Ohio.

First, I want to say my father and I are now estranged, but I did know him in my very, very young years when he immigrated, he was one person, and they were sending, you know, thousands of patients in one area. He wasn’t eating people’s pets and didn’t practice voodoo. But he did say that most of the island, the majority of the island, does practice voodoo. The reason they eat cats is for two reasons. Number one is survival. This is the poorest country in the western hemisphere. You can’t just go to a food bank like you can here or just go to McDonald’s and get some free or cheap food.

Unless, of course, there’s a christian missionary there. People in the United States have a really hard time imagining that type of thing, but it is true. Second, they do do animal sacrifices for their religion, voodoo. They make these animal sacrifices to these gods for different reasons. You can do your own research on this. Do I think voodoo is a demonic religion? Yes, I do. That doesn’t mean. Obviously, that doesn’t mean that you hate these people. These people need prayer. But you can’t just take over all these people from another country and expect it to work. Not to mention it doesn’t fix the problems of that country.

And there’s more people left in Haiti that we can bring over. It’s not racist to acknowledge that this is a problem. Okay. I like her. That’s wonderful that she had a haitian father. She’s wonderful speaking the truth. Yeah. Taking them in doesn’t mean you’re solving the problems of Haiti, and you’re most certainly creating problems for the United States. But that’s what the Biden Harris administration wants. And they’re getting all these people, these illegals, registered a vote. Gary. They’re gonna. I recently did an interview talking about underground bases and transportation systems suggesting a lot of these migrants are going to be transported to different states.

A vote over and over again. And citing an example, one woman who is very proud that in 2020, she voted ten times. Ten times. So you can tell the democrats don’t give an f about democracy, don’t care about the constitution. All they care about is remaining in power. And God forbid that should continue. They have betrayed the nation. They not only deserve to be removed from office, they deserve to be tried and prosecuted for their crimes. Gary, you’ve had a wonderful selection today. I’m very happy, very impressed. Thank you on all crowns. All right, this has been inconvenient truths, and we’ll see you guys next week.

Enjoyed it.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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