Hes the Worst Snitch Ive Ever Seen… Lil Woody Irritates Prosecutors On the Witness Stand

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels



➡ Little Woody, a witness in the YSL trial involving Young Thug, is known for his unpredictable testimony. He often responds to questions with uncertainty, claiming he doesn’t remember certain events or conversations. Despite this, he is quick and attentive when answering questions about his personal life and career as a rapper. His unique approach to testifying has made the trial quite unusual and memorable.


Little Woody. Y’all familiar with Little Woody? So, Little Woody is, I guess, a witness that is testifying on the stand of the whole YSL trial with Young Thug, and I’ve been watching his testimony, but I decided to do a little research on Little Woody. Y’all know who Little Woody is? Little Woody is a different type of animal. He a whole nother beast. Yes he is. Yes he is. But let me show y’all a little bit of his testimony on what he had going on over multiple different days of being questioned. Check it out. If Detective Thorpe said I told him that, I told him that.

Okay. Do you remember that happening? Nope. I don’t remember man’s share of killing going to talk. Alright. And then, do you remember telling Detective Thorpe, so him and Thug talk, and whatever was said with that, I don’t know. I probably told Detective Thorpe that. And again, that was in your January 11, 2015 interview. I guess. This dude don’t care nothing. He just sayin’ anything. Now, did you also tell Detective Thorpe about a shooting that occurred at a gambling house in Lakewood? If that’s what he said. Do you recall a shooting at the gambling house in Lakewood? Do you recall a shooting at a gambling house in Lakewood? He said, hmm, this dude is wild.

No. I don’t. Do you recall telling Detective Thorpe in that same January 11, 2015 interview that there was a shooting over in Lakewood? And that it was Kel. He was standing on top of a roof and shooting inside. I probably did. I need to know. Do you remember telling him that, or you don’t remember telling him that? When Detective Thorpe questioned me about what happened, I thought I was in about five minutes. I thought I walked in and walked back out. So I don’t know what I don’t tell him. I can’t remember what I don’t tell him.

So you say you don’t remember telling him about what happened? But if he said that I told him that, I’m telling you right now, I told him that. This dude is crazy, bro. Listen. When you get a person in there and they agree to do, they agree to testify. And then they get in there and they give this type of performance. I don’t even know. This is one of the most biggest, like the biggest clown show of a trial that I’ve ever seen. I’ve ever seen in my entire life. The first time that I’ve ever noticed Lil Woody was this, right? He was actually on, he’s a rapper.

He’s a rapper. And he was on a platform that’s called jumping off the porch. And he was talking like this. Yeah, they Lil Woody freehand entertainment. Just jumped out of the pool with their glove. That’s why I said for life. Shit like mine. Yeah. Yeah. Appreciate you coming by, man. It’s all good. Yeah. How you been holding up during this quarantine that we’re going through? I’ve been digging every day. Yeah. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. Just gotten out of prison. So kind of used to kind of just having to sit around, huh? I’m sure this is a lot better than sitting in there, though.

I did my time already. Yeah. I’m free. Shit. Been recording a lot of music since you’ve been out? Yeah. Since you’ve been out? Yeah, I recorded a whole lot. Okay. Yeah, that’s what’s up, man. And you’re a land of native, right? Yeah. What part of the city you’re from? McCannaville, downtown by major city. Okay. See, he got all of his faculties. He may not communicate as well. He may have the same cadence, but he know exactly what he’s saying, what he’s saying. He has all of his faculties. You know exactly what he’s doing. He answers questions quickly.

He pays attention to what’s going on. He has all of his faculties. Yeah, that’s what’s up, man. What was it like growing up there? You know, schedule, man. You know what I mean? Shit, fun going on, you know what I mean? Yeah. How do these people become y’all rappers? How do these people become y’all idols? When y’all decide when y’all gonna follow somebody, do y’all also listen and communicate? Or listen to the way that they communicate and say, you know what? I think I want to be like Lil Woody. I think I want to live my life like this guy.

I want to buy his album. I want to listen to his music. I think that this is a guy that I want to follow. You know what I mean? We’re personal issues, but you know, in the neighborhood, do you like the neighborhood? Yeah. Has the neighborhood changed much since when you were younger than that? Yeah, it changed a whole lot of suckers out there now. Yeah. Yeah, I see they’re doing a little bit of gentrifying the neighborhoods out there too. Sound like that. Yeah. You don’t even know what gentrifying means? Who are you when you jumped off the porch? Ever since I can remember.

Yeah. Yeah, I mean. Do you have any fans? Yo, I would hate to interview these guys. That’s why I don’t really interview rappers, man. Family or OGs in the streets, the kind of guys? Yeah, you know, it’s always people we looked up to, you know what I mean? But on the wrist, I wouldn’t lie, nobody. That’s why they got me. Interesting. So let’s go ahead and back up and let’s listen to the real, to more testimony from Lil Woody now that we understand exactly who he is. All right. So can you start asking me where I supposed to told detective Thorpe? Because I’m telling you now, if he said that I said anything about anything, I’m telling you, more likely, I probably did.

Great. Well, I want to ask you about all the things that you talked to detective Thorpe about. Look at this guy. Why they got a bonnet? Why they got a bonnet over the microphone? And who put a bonnet over the microphone over there in Fulton County? Did you also tell detective Thorpe about the Friday before Nut was killed? Nut? I guess. On the Friday that Nut was killed, were you with, were you with the Friday evening before Nut was killed? No, you just said early, was I a house? I said yes. I’m talking about the Friday evening before Nut was killed.

I can’t recall. I don’t know where I told detective Thorpe. I’m asking you, what do you remember yourself? When I think about about 2015, all I remember was getting a call saying that Nut was killed and I was responsible for it. And the only thing besides that is people showing up at my folks’ houses. Details about what happened, all this stuff been blinked out my mind. Like, it been blinked out my mind. In that same January 2000 interview, you recall telling detective Thorpe that you were with and you were at DJ Drama studio. I probably did.

Remember telling him. Let’s do this. Oh man, I don’t know what’s more uncomfortable. The prosecution or me looking at this and getting secondhand embarrassment of how ignorant that we sound. Listen, this is the all people. I want Umar Johnson to come in and stand in for this guy and give him a round of applause. Or you don’t recall telling him. I need to have it. If detective Thorpe said I said it, I said it. And then after leaving the studio, that is when you went over to your girl’s house, which would be Deshaun’s house. I guess.

That’s a fact. I agree with you far. Now, earlier I asked you about what time you left Deshaun’s home to go to your brother’s house. Do you recall telling detective Thorpe that you left Deshaun’s home around five o’clock PM? I guess. When you say you guess, I need to know. Do you recall telling him that? Or you don’t recall telling him that? If he said I said it, I said it. This dude is saying the same thing over and over again. There’s nothing else to ask him about because he’s going to, all he’s going to say is if he said, I said it, I said it.

I don’t remember. I don’t recall. If he said, I said, I said it. I don’t remember. I don’t recall. My mind blanked out. I don’t remember. All I remember was it came in and he told me that. Say again, they said again, they told me that I was responsible for nothing else. Now, I don’t know what happened because I blanked out after that. And all I remember was, I was in there for five minutes. Five minutes. Okay. So, I don’t know. What? I guess. He said, I said, I said. Yes. And is that true or is that not true that you left her home around five o’clock? If you notice something about me, I don’t keep up with the time or the days.

I just go with the flow. I don’t go time days, I go with flow. So, do you remember being around five o’clock p.m. that you left a Shawn’s house? I don’t go where time I left her house. I don’t know what the time I left. When you went to Mechanicsville, do you remember seeing anyone in Mechanicsville? I don’t remember. I don’t keep up with the times. What you mean? You said earlier that on the night before nuts murder, I mean, see, on the day you left a Shawn’s house and you went to Mechanicsville. I don’t recall.

Do you remember seeing anyone when you went to Mechanicsville? I don’t remember seeing nothing. My mind is blank. It’s crazy. I don’t, I don’t, I don’t remember if I seen anyone. Do you remember telling the. Yo, they literally may as well put me up on a stand. I can answer every single question, exactly how he would answer it. And we wouldn’t even have to go through this. We can let little Woody go ahead and be whatever it is that he was going to be. The Thorpe that you went to the green store. I don’t remember. I guess.

I need to know. I remember telling him or you don’t remember telling him. Or was that a lot? I recall. I’m going to pull your objection, sir. Thank you. So do you remember telling him? You don’t remember telling him. I remember telling him that you went to the green store. I don’t remember. I don’t know. I didn’t have a. I probably did. When you say you probably, I didn’t know. Yes, no, I don’t recall. Whatever Thorpe said, I told him. I told him. Do you remember telling him that you met with little Rick at the green store? I probably did.

Yes, sir, you may. Yes, no, I don’t recall. If Thorpe said I said it, I said it. If he said it, I said it, it had to be said. I can’t wait to interview little Woody. I’m going to get little Woody in Detroit. As soon as he get off the stand, we’re going to have little Woody interviewing on Anton Daniel’s channel. You recall telling detective Thorpe that while you were at the green store, you called little D. Is that what the detective said? I guess. The detective said it, I said it. Did you tell him? Did you not tell him or you don’t recall telling him that? If Thorpe said, I said it, I said it.

Yeah, this is this is this is repetitive. Shout out to our number one. Listen, everybody over in Atlanta. That’s a part of the gang. The gang is out here snitching anyway, snitching, tricking and messing up the bag, getting people convicted. And I ain’t even complaining about it. Shout out to little Woody for being completely illiterate. Let’s take one more question from little Woody before we move over to the next thing. Do you recall selling him that he told you he was on Cleveland Avenue? I guess. Yes, no, I don’t recall. If Thorpe said, I said it, I said it.

How did I know he was going to say that? How did I know that he was going to say it? Thorpe said, I said it, I said it. Now, if Thorpe said, I said it, I said it. Because I don’t even remember going in. It was five minutes. I just remember being in and out. In and out. And so if he said, I said it, I said it. I guess. I guess. I don’t remember nothing, but I mean, I guess. If Thorpe said, I said it, I said it. How do we know that he was going to answer like that? Oh, man, that’s crazy.

Let’s take another question from Woody. Let’s see if we can get it out of him so that the prosecutor can say yes, no, or I don’t recall. I guess. If Thorpe said, I said it, I said it. But then Little D and earlier today, you said that Little D and Shannon got into your vehicle. Do you recall saying that earlier today? I guess. I think I did. Okay. Back in January of 20. Your Honor, now I’m impeaching. You ever tell Detective Thorpe that Shannon was in the vehicle with you and Little D back on the morning of January 10, 2015? I guess.

If he said I did, I did. Oh, man. Shout out to little Woody basically giving us the blueprint for how to answer questions when we get it to get interrogated. Listen, that’s what I’m doing on any other panel that I agree on. If y’all want me to come on your show or your panel. Then y’all ask me, Anson, did you buy the bottle of beer at $11.57? Did Thorpe say I said it? I guess. That’s about to be my new sound bite. I guess. If Thorpe said I said it, I said it. I guess. I’m asking you, did you? Because you’re saying, you’re saying today, you’re saying the truth and back then, that Shannon was in the vehicle with you.

I guess. Oh, man. Let me guess. The prosecutor is going to say, the prosecutor is going to say yes, no, or you don’t recall. Back in 2015, you did not tell Detective Thorpe that Shannon was in the car with you. I stand the question. I just got to see if he’s going to do it one more time. Maybe he’s going to give us something different. The only little D got into the car with you. I guess. Wait, wait, wait. I just want to see. The only thing I’m looking for right now, the only thing, what up, 2K? The only thing I’m looking for is to see if he’s going to say, if she’s going to say yes, no, or you don’t recall.

And then he’s going to say, if Thorpe said I said it. If Thorpe said I said, I said it. Did you say that to Detective Thorpe? If he said I did. Hey, hey, hey, that’s my new soundbite. That’s my new soundbite. If he said I said I said it. This guy is the greatest witness of all time, of all time. Oh, my God. I’m so incentivized to just continue to play it, but I’m not. I’m not. We got other things that we need to get to. Shout out to Lil Woody. [tr:trw].

See more of The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels on their Public Channel and the MPN The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels channel.


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Little Woody unpredictable testimony Little Woody's personal life and career Little Woody's uncertain responses in court memorable moments in YSL trial rapper Little Woody in court rapper's unique approach to testifying Young Thug trial events Young Thug trial key witness Young Thug YSL trial witness Young Thug's YSL trial updates

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