HERE IT IS! The Push For A Federal Red Flag Law Thanks To The Supreme Court | Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News

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➡ Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News talks about how representatives Lucy Macbeth and Salud Carbahol are pushing for a federal red flag bill that could allow courts to limit gun rights if they see someone as a risk. They need 218 votes to force a vote on this bill, and if they get five Republicans to support it, it could pass. The speaker urges listeners to contact their representatives, regardless of party, to voice their opinions on this matter. The speaker also mentions an upcoming live stream and encourages viewers to join and subscribe.


Hey guys, I’m here at the Charlotte International Airport and I wanted to take a break to tell you that the national push for a federal red flag bill is in effect. Right now they’re doing it. Representatives Lucy Macbeth out of Georgia and Salute Carbahol out of California have started what’s called a discharge petition. The discharge petition can force a bill to vote if they get 218 votes, 218. So all they would need would be five people from the Republican side to vote for the bill. Now it does have some support which is the concerning part.

So pressure is the key 202-224-3121 sorry it’s allowed 202-224-3121 let this guy go by. Put pressure on your representatives don’t care what chamber they’re in if they’re Republican or Democrat. So again they have a set period of time but what the federal bill looks to do is to instill the ability for federal courts to issue red flag orders. It would be a 180-day order and it would basically allow those courts to strip your rights on the whims of others on an ex parte basis meaning you do not get to go to the initial hearing and defend yourself and confront your accusers 202-224-3121.

If they get the 218 would mean that five Republicans crossed over and supported the bill and they would probably have enough to pass it through the House as well. It will pass the Senate if it gets there. Biden will sign it if it gets there. So I think it has a chance of passing not really but very very slim which is why I’m asking you to put pressure on the R’s because this is coming immediately after the Supreme Court decided in the Rahimi decision that it’s okay to limit your rights when it comes to firearms if people think you are a risk.

So get after them 202-224-3121. Rep Lucy McBath and Salud Carbajal are the ones who have started the discharge petition. Again they need 218 votes get on your folks. I’m on my way to Brownells for GunCon. If you’re going I can’t wait to see y’all and be safe. Stay vigilant. Carry a gun. Don’t forget tonight I am doing the live stream unless they take us down but we’re covering the debate kind of in defiance of the threat of CNN in YouTube. The First Amendment means something. Fair use is the law and we the people have the right to do what I’m gonna do tonight.

So join us. There are gonna be some other friends joining us who you’ll know should be a fun time. See you on the next one y’all. Subscribe. Take care. [tr:trw].

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contact representatives for gun rights federal red flag bill 218 votes live stream on gun control legislation Lucy Macbeth federal red flag bill Republicans support federal red flag bill Salud Carbahol gun rights legislation subscribe for gun control updates voicing opinions on gun control

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