HERE IT COMES! More Executive Orders To Violate 2nd Amendment! | Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News

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➡ Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News talks about how The White House’s Office of Gun Violence Prevention, which was created a year ago, is planning to announce new executive orders that some believe infringe on the Second Amendment. The director of the office, Stephanie Feldman, who reports to Vice President Kamala Harris, stated that these orders will address various aspects of gun violence, including mass shootings, suicides, accidental shootings, and community violence. However, she did not provide specific details about the orders. This announcement follows the passing of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act in 2022, which was the first gun control law approved by Congress in nearly 30 years and included measures such as expanded background checks for firearm sales and a crackdown on illegal trafficking efforts.



You’re probably…well, I’d say you’re not going to believe this, but you absolutely will. To mark the first anniversary of the creation of the White House’s Office of Gun Violence Prevention, yeah, the actual physical office within the White House, the executive branch that was formed strictly to infringe on one of your constitutional rights that that executive is tasked with protecting. Well, they are now announced, or just about to announce, new executive orders that violate the Second Amendment in the coming weeks. Yeah. Shocker. If you think that the Office of Gun Violence Prevention is an unconstitutional gaggle of a bunch of political hacks, then subscribe to this channel down below.

It’ll help this word get out, and it’ll get you into this growing freedom family where I will bring you news every day about the violations of the Second Amendment perpetrated by these hacks, as well as others. Plus, you’ll get the follow-up video when they actually announce these executive orders, and I’ll bring it to you. Now, in an interview on Friday, Stephanie Feldman, who is the director of the Office of Gun Violence Prevention, who works directly for and reports directly to Vice President Kamala Harris, who is the head of the Office of Gun Violence Prevention.

Don’t forget that. Well, the director said, quote, we know that people are still dying every day in this country due to gun violence. There’s no such thing as gun violence, just like there’s no such thing as Bluetooth remote controller violence. It’s people violence. It’s the individuals who do these things, not the inanimate object they choose to perpetrate their violence. But, facts shmacks, she continued, sometimes it makes national headlines, sometimes it doesn’t. President Biden and Vice President Harris are committed to continuing their long legacy of leadership on this work. Now, Feldman said, the new executive actions will be announced in the weeks ahead, but declined to elaborate on any specifics, noting only that some pertain to the continued implementation of the bipartisan Safer Communities Act, while others are, quote, wholly new, end quote.

Now, she said Harris and Biden asked her office to address all angles of gun violence reduction, to address not only mass shootings, but suicide by firearm, accidental shootings, and community violence. I was like, we’re going to need to pay attention here. Now, you know, I’ve worked with Lear Capital and have for a long time, they’re a trusted name in the world of precious metals investing. I’ve also told you Kevin Demerit stepped up when he found that customers were at risk of losing millions of dollars during a gold theft ring investigation. Plus, all the world banks are buying up all the physical gold in this world as fast as they can, which tells you it’s probably time to secure your wealth because they’re abandoning the dollar.

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1-800-260-5075 or head over to Ask them the tough questions that you’ll type down below. They will answer you and they will educate you. There’s no pressure to buy. Plus, there’s a link down below of the FAQ video I did with Kevin where he answered some questions that a lot of my viewers sent to me and it’s a good watch. 1-800-260-5075 or Now, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, if you don’t know what it is, if you’re a new gun owner really not paying attention to politics or someone who’s just passing by, that act was passed in 2022 after a bunch of rhinos in both the House and the Senate conspired with anti-gunners on the left to pass the first gun control law approved by Congress in nearly three decades.

It included funding for mental health, but it was a bribery for states to enact red flag laws and even gave them it promised them money if they would enact it. It also expanded background checks for firearm sales. It illegally violated the rights of adults aged 18 through 20 and it cracked down on illegal trafficking efforts. Unconstitutional infringements on the God-given natural right to keep and bear arms that is enshrined in the United States Constitution and applied to the states via the 14th Amendment. But now get this. Feldman, that director I told you about in that office, argued that though the entirety of the legislation, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, is already in effect, there’s a big difference between implementing something and really squeezing out all the possible benefits that you can.” That means they’re going to try to do something similar to what the ATF has been doing all along.

Violate your rights by administrative actions carried out by people who are bureaucrats not elected and it’s not done by an act of Congress as required by the Constitution. That’s also known as unconstitutional and illegal actions perpetrated by the executive branch, the president and the vice president. Now she also pointed to some state laws that protect individuals privacy as obstacles, preventing law enforcement officials from adequately responding to background checks or violating your rights and said that her office was currently working with state legislators to push for changes that would lift such restrictions.

Now they want to remove and destroy your personal privacy and the laws that protect it. I hope you are paying attention. Don’t forget that Kamala Harris is the head of the White House’s Office of Gun Violence Prevention and now running for president and during an interview with Oprah Winfrey she reiterated that she is a gun owner. We first heard her mention that she was a gun owner back in 2019 so this isn’t really news but this time she said this. I and Tim Rawls are both gun owners. We will not take anybody’s guns away.

We also need to have reasonable gun safety laws. I believe that we need an assault weapons ban. We need universal background checks. We need red flag laws. I’m a gun owner. Tim Rawls is a gun owner. I do not know that. And I thought that was wrong. If somebody breaks in my house they’re getting shot. Yes, yes. I hear that. I hear that. Probably should not have said that. Then this business about taking everyone’s guns away. Tim Rawls and I are both gun owners. We’re not taking anybody’s guns away so stop with the continuous lying about this stuff.

Yeah, if you or I said that on the record and then actually had to do it had to defend ourselves and utilize our firearms we would be held premeditated murder but she just cackles. Now remember she said during the debate with Donald Trump that she’s not going to take anyone’s guns away but just a few days prior she called for an assault weapons ban and that’s taking people’s guns away. This is where the the word play comes in guys and gals. By their thinking and what they’re doling out to the sheep is that the assault weapons ban is not going to take anyone’s guns away.

You can keep the guns you have. It just stops every other American from being able to buy them and that is taking people’s guns away. That is taking away the second amendment. The ability for people to defend themselves with certain certain types of weapons just because of what they look like. Now she did the same thing four days after the debate as well. Called for an assault weapons ban and red flag laws and universal background checks. And don’t forget she also when she was running for office in 2020 said that she would mandate a gun buyback mandate a gun buyback.

Well then last Thursday she said this quote I’m in favor of the second amendment and I’m in favor of assault weapon bans universal background checks red flag laws and these are just common sense. She said that a couple days ago. Folks we are one of the 10 million gun owners and hunters who are not yet registered to vote. It’s time to get in the game. Early voting has already started in some states. Register and vote. It is our civic duty. If you’re a voter challenge one person that you know did not vote last year.

We all know at least one of them and bring them to the polls. Help get them registered. Get them to the polls. Help them vote. How do you help them get registered? Well Link is down below. That’s where you need to be. Now remember Alexander Hamilton said those who stand for nothing fall for anything. Don’t be one of the people who bitch and moan about the problem and weren’t part of the problem or part of the fix of the problem and let the problem perpetuate. I’ll see you all in the next one.

Take care. [tr:trw].

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Accidental Shootings Addressing Gun Violence Bipartisan Safer Communities Act 2022 Community Violence Reduction Director Stephanie Feldman Executive Orders on Gun Control Expanded Background Checks Firearm Sales Gun Control Law Congress Mass Shootings Prevention Second Amendment Infringement Suicide Prevention Vice President Kamala Harris White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention

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