He Did What With a 10-Year-Old He Met On a Dating App… Why Arent the Parents Being Arrested? The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels



➡ The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels talks about how a woman named Uriah Ridge is in jail because she did something very bad to her kids. She took them into the woods while she was using drugs and her little girl, Alina, died because of the cold weather. This isn’t the first time she’s been in trouble for not treating her kids right. People are asking if this could have been stopped, and the person talking believes that parents should be held responsible for their actions.
➡ In another story, a man named Romeo Nance hurt his whole family and then himself. His girlfriend, Kylie Cleveland Singleton, is also in trouble because she tried to stop the police from catching Romeo. They have a three-year-old boy together. The person talking thinks they should not have been parents in the first place.
➡ A 23-year-old man named Drayquan Drayton Howard was arrested for hurting a 10-year-old girl he met on an adult dating app. The man took the girl to an apartment and did bad things to her. The community helped to find and arrest the man. The story also asks if parents should be held responsible when their kids are able to use such apps and get into dangerous situations.
➡ Some people are having kids in a steady way. If everyone keeps doing what they want, we’ll see what happens next.


But I want to make sure that I go into a theme because it seems like every time that something is happening from a criminal perspective, that there is like a spirit. I really do believe that we’re battling against principalities and spirits. And it’s not just people making bad decisions, but it’s people being taken over by certain spirits. But it’s like a theme that happens. You’ll see a whole bunch of women as being reported doing crime.

You’ll see people taking out their whole families in multiple different states, which is wild also. But it seems like today, in addition to a couple other things, that there’s this theme against children and we got to protect our babies. We absolutely have to protect our babies. Let me give you an example of what’s going on across the United States that’s been coming across my desk tonight. In Douglas County, a three year old girl is dead and her mother is in jail on child abuse charges.

Deputies say that woman spent the night in the woods with her two kids while on drugs. Tonight we’re learning this is not her first arrest for cruelty to children. Foxhouse Rob Durienzo has spent the evening piecing all of this together. He joins us now in Douglas county. Such a tragic situation, Rob. Yeah, Courtney, some pretty unbelievable details we’re finding out. Douglas county sheriff’s deputies announced this arrest and this death earlier this evening.

The woman claimed she was lost in the woods, but deputies say her phone was on the entire time. This wet, cold weather proved deadly for her three year old daughter. Investigators in Douglas county say Uriah Ridge was in the woods with her kids for nearly 12 hours. Deputies responded to the Fox hall resort on Caps Ferry Road and Found Ridge and those two kids last Tuesday. They say the kids were drenched.

The low the night before was just 27 degrees. Medics took them to the hospital where the three year old girl, Alina, died. Sheriff’s deputies say they vanished around midnight and Ridge didn’t call for help until almost noon the next day. Despite her phone being charged. They allege Ridge used cocaine and weed before heading out into those woods near the resort. She’s now been charged with felony murder. There’s no word on the condition of the other child who was with her.

The fox five item uncovered. This isn’t her first run in with cops on child abuse charges. In 2022, she was charged with assault and cruelty towards children. According to the warrant, she was accused of beating Alina, who was two at the time, while dropping her while she was, quote, heavily intoxicated. A judge gave her bond and she was able to keep her kids. Last week, a day after the three year old’s death, the DA asked for that bond to be revoked.

And we do have calls out to the DA’s office to see if this could have been prevented. She is set to be arraigned tomorrow at 130 in Douglas county court. Meanwhile, tonight she is behind bars in shelter in the Douglas county jail. The question that they asking themselves is, could this have been prevented? Now some people are going to blame the DA’s office for letting them keep her kids, or the fact that she always was intoxicated and something happened before, or even the fact that she was high on trees and cocaine while she was out in the woods for 12 hours with her kids.

And then one of them obviously succumbed to whatever. What was going on that they took her to the hospital for, for whatever that is. But a lot of people are going to ask the questions and they’re going to say, well, shouldn’t we hold the DA’s office accountable for allowing her to keep her kids? I say no. I say absolutely they shouldn’t be held accountable. I’ve been calling for women to be held accountable for their actions for a long time.

And now you’re starting to see the kitties suffer as a result of it. See, we don’t really get to see the kids suffer or get to see the results of what happens when you let people have children that are not capable of having children and you don’t put any barrier to entry or we don’t hold them accountable. And what happens is they have these children and it’s not conducive for the children’s lives, but we don’t hold them accountable.

And so then the people that pay for it are the little toddlers and the four year olds that ultimately succumb to their wounds. But this has been happening for a long time. Maybe it’s not a toddler, but you wind up suffering and then becoming an adult, and then you guys are the ones that are carrying this trauma that comes along with your parents that shouldn’t have been having kids in the first place, that’s making bad decisions, but they don’t have no problem with opening up their legs to the wrong people for them.

And they’re not stable. They’re not meant to have children. But you all keep arguing with me about everybody should have a right to do what they want to do and have kids, and then you want to hold somebody else accountable for what happens to those kids. But no, we should be holding the people accountable. That’s having children in the first place. And so now maybe you start to see why I’m so passionate about it.

It’s because the children are the ones that pay for the sins of their parents. She going to get three hots in a cot. Worst case scenario, she get life. She going to be warm. She going to be taken care of. Your taxpayer dollars are going to be taken care of. Her, her other kid is probably going to go in the hands of a relative or foster care system.

And meanwhile, the little kid is already gone. No father, nowhere to be mentioned in any of these conversations. But again, you all think it’s cool to be single baby mamas. And you all haven’t changed your lifestyle. You still doing cocaine, you still smoking trees, you still taking your kids in the woods. You still not fit to be a parent. And our babies are the ones that suffer as a result of it.

And then you have to have some kind of traumatic bond to them. And you trying to convince these people to do something better. And they don’t care. They ain’t care before and they’re not going to care after. You hold them accountable. So what’s the solution? It’s not to hold the state accountable. That ain’t got nothing to do with the state. They got something to do with your own personal decisions.

But that’s not it. Our kids is under attack in more ways than one, y’all. More ways than one. This, obviously is the girlfriend of the man that went on a killing spree for his whole family. And she has been arrested also. Good morning, guys. Now, the suspect’s girlfriend is being charged with obstructing justice. Joliet police say that she prevented them from allowing an arrest to happen after eight people were murdered over the weekend.

Joliet police are saying they arrested 21 year old Kylie Cleveland Singleton yesterday for obstructing justice. During their investigation, Juliet PD tell us they identified Kylie as a girlfriend of Romeo Nance, also finding out the two are the parents of a three year old boy. On Monday, she agreed to be questioned, but officers say they believe she made statements in order to prevent Romeo Nance’s apprehension. Romeo Nance killed himself Monday night after a long manhunt ended neared San Antonio, Texas.

Police say the 23 year old murdered seven of his family members Sunday afternoon on the 2200 block of West Acres Road. Those include Romeo Nance’s mother, 47 year old Tamika Nance his aunt, 38 year old Christine esters his uncle, 35 year old William esters his brother, 31 year old Joshua Nance, his 20 year old sister, Alexandria Nance, his 16 year old sister, Alona Nance, as well as his 14 year old sister.

I know the whole community is traumatized. Romeo Nance continued his rampage at the pheasant run apartments on Bradford Road. That’s where he claimed the life of Toyoshi Bakari. He also shot another victim in the leg, the victim’s neighbor, Michael Micken, saying he heard multiple gunshots on Sunday. I hope that his family can heal from the tragic events. And we’re expected to hear more about that girlfriend’s connection to this case when she has her first appearance here.

Now, remember, again, you do know that the girlfriend that was recently arrested, that was protecting a boyfriend after he had basically or allegedly eliminated his own family. You do realize that they have a three year old kid here, right? She’s arrested, he take out his whole family and then off itself, and it’s a three year old kid that had a father and a mother that he shouldn’t have been a father and a mother in the first place.

They should have never had a kid in the first place. I’m just being real with you. Somewhere, somehow, 20 years from now, 30 years from now, that three year old kid is going to be on social media in whatever form, some AR VR reality, then the metaverse. Hopefully I’m retired by then, and I’m just completely disconnected from social media altogether because I don’t want to hear it. How old am I going to be, 61, 30 years from now? 71? I’m disconnected.

I don’t even want to hear what you all got going on. I’m going to be on the beach somewhere over in Hawaii, having a good time. Me, Oprah, if she’s still around. Me, Oprah and Mark Zuckerberg, we all going to be rich as hell. You all still going to be hating Oprah. And I’m going to be chilling with them on the beach over there in Honolulu. And I’m telling you, man, 30, 20 years from now, they’re going to be on the Internet telling a story with some kind of virtual reality podcast and having some kind of trauma bond with somebody else.

And it’s just going to be perpetuated over and over again because that’s the way that it go. The children pay for the sins of their parents. He running around busting down the chick. How you gonna have a girlfriend and you mentally unstable at the same time? How you gonna have two struggles? How are you gonna have two struggles? But that’s not it, ladies and gentlemen. It’s all across the United States of America is running rampant in more ways than one.

The man’s been arrested and charged for allegedly raping a ten year old girl he met online in east Harlem. Foxci Linda Schmidt is live outside the NYPD’s 25th precinct where he has just walked out this afternoon. Linda? Yeah, hi there, Stephen. Natasha, this story absolutely stomach turning. A ten year old little girl allegedly raped by a 23 year old man. Go ahead and take a look. This is video here of the suspect from late this afternoon.

His name is Drayquan Drayton Howard of the Bronx. He turned himself into police today. He is charged with raping a ten year old girl that he met on the adult dating app bumble. Let me guess, she looked mature for her, huh? Is that what Drake Kwan gonna say from the Bronx? Hey, shout out to the Bronx. Let me give a round of applause for the Bronx. Let me give a round of applause for the Bronx out here meeting ten year olds on Bumble.

Probably out here saying, but they look mature for their age. Hey, I want to see you all argue with me on this one on after hours. I want to see you all argue with me on this one on after hours. You saw it through with a ten year old. Funny. You think that’s cool? Now, the rape happened on January 6. That was just about three weeks ago. The NYPD says he met the little girl in the area of East 122nd street and Third Avenue in East Harlem about 09:00 at night on January 6.

And then he took her to an apartment where he raped her. Community activists held a news conference this week calling on the public to help identify and find the suspect. And today they also had a very strong message for parents. I’m glad that the community came out, spoke up, got this guy off the streets. We need more parents involved in their children because at the end of the day, this predator is out there on the Internet.

And if we’re not monitoring what they do on the Internet, this could potentially happen again. So we want to stop this. We want to stop it where this here ends to prevent it from knocking on somebody else’s door. And the NYPD also telling me tonight that this suspect has no prior arrests. Here’s my question, y’all, let me put it back on him because I want you to see who your monsters are.

Was able to get picked up and driven to an apartment after being on a dating app called Bumble and getting in contact with a 23 year old. Now, I don’t think that there’s any disagreement that this dude is a monster and he’s probably not going to have a good time. When he go to prison or jail, his time will be very uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable. Okay. I think that goes without saying.

To even describe the heinous act of a person as 23 year old. To even entertain a conversation with a ten year old, a ten year old girl. You know what it’s like to have to parent and discipline and seeing these little kids and all of this. I’ll be seeing these little kids run around and take one doll, I’ll be like, oh, hey, we got to cheer them on.

Yay. And to think that it’s a 23 year old man that’s out here getting in touch with these little kids and hunting and seeing it through, going to pick them up and taking them to an apartment building. But that’s not even a question, right? Because we know that you’re Satan spawn. Okay, here’s my question, and this is something that I want to pose to the chat. Should the parents also be held accountable for what happened to the ten year old? Let me say that one more time for the people in the back.

Should the parents also be held accountable for what happens when a ten year old is on Bumble? How does a ten year old download bumble in the first place? That’s number one. Number two, how does a ten year old then get in contact with somebody and then get picked up by them and then taken to an entire apartment building? And then you all got to call on the community.

Listen to what they said. They said they had to call on a community to go and find out what happened in order to get this guy arrested in the first place. How was this a thing? How was this a thing? How do you not hold accountable whoever the parents are? And honestly, honestly, this is a question that I’m just posing to the chat. Are we so disconnected from reality? Are we such bad parents? Are we such in a state of emergency to where we don’t even have a conversation about the parents no more.

Nobody is asking the questions. Nobody is asking these questions anymore. We see the babies, they the ones that’s suffering, they going to grow up. This little girl going to grow up and say, I had to do what I had to do in order to get what I wanted to get. They going to one day be an adult. That’s the weird thing about it, is that these little kids right now that’s going through this, for every story that I showed on this particular segment, they are going to grow up and be an adult.

And when they become an adult, that means that they’re going to one day become somebody’s spouse or somebody’s girlfriend, or somebody’s boyfriend or somebody’s girlfriend if they a girl or somebody’s boyfriend, if they a boy. And then we’re going to justify what it is that they identify as by saying respect their pronouns and stuff like that, when in reality, we’re not really solving for what the problem is within the communities in the first place and what this culture in the first place.

So all we’re doing is now letting the inmates running a sane asylum. They going to vote, they’re going to determine leaders. They’re going to change laws when it comes to our schools. They going to have monies. They’re going to then become whatever it is that they was trying to run away from. They never ever going to solve for or heal from the problem because they never should have been in a situation in the first place.

And you know who’s never going to be held accountable as a result of it? The parents. The parents. The parents get to run away scot free and have a good old time. We don’t even know half the time if these people even got a father. We never ever. And when I say never, I mean ever. We never ever hear of any father that is in the picture. They don’t show up, they don’t be at the trial.

They don’t come in and say, oh, my God, I can’t believe what happened. They not going after whoever it was that allegedly did whatever the crime it was to the kid. It’s just never ever a two parent household. That most of the time this happens is when you see these crimes happen, and it’d be a crime against the kid or the family or something. Why is it that we very rarely ever hear that it’s a two parent household, and the only time that we ever seen it happen in 2023 was with Carly Russell when her sent father was up there looking like a fool, looking like boo boo, the fool going along with whatever Carly Russell and the mother was talking about.

That’s the only time that we ever seen it. That’s the only time we seen the father on camera. Every other time, for every other crime story, for every other thing that’s happening, some mama shoot the boyfriend or whatever is never ever a father that is in the picture that is standing tall, because it does not happen or is less likely to happen when you have a two parent household of stable people that’s having children in a.

Y’all keep doing what y’all want to do and we gonna see how that play out for. .

See more of The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels on their Public Channel and the MPN The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels channel.


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adult dating app child safety child death due to cold weather community involvement in child protection Drayquan Drayton Howard child abuse drug use and child endangerment Kylie Cleveland Singleton police interference parental control over children's app usage parental responsibility in child safety Romeo Nance family violence steady unfit parents and child safety Uriah Ridge child neglect

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