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Sonic Mind Control on US Citizens

Posted in: Greg Reese, News, Patriots

In 2018, the World Economic Forum discussed mind control with soundwaves. This technology, linked to the ‘Havana syndrome’ in U.S. diplomats, can make people feel sick and confused. These hidden weapons leave no trace and can be denied by users. Despite their small size, the risks and possible government cover-ups were also talked about. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Greg Reese talks about smart dust biosensors being in chemtrails

Smart Dust Biosensors and Chemtrail Dispersal | Greg Reese

Posted in: Greg Reese, News, Patriots

Greg Reese talks about how Ex-CIA boss, John Brennan, talked about ‘chemtrails’ and a method called SAI. It’s a cheap way to fight global warming by bouncing back the sun’s heat. It works by spreading tiny particles in the sky. The military is also making tech like ‘smart dust’ and biosensors to keep an eye on people’s activities. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Greg Reese talks about the injections destroying our connection to god

Destroying Our Connection to God with Gene Editing Injections | Greg Reese

Posted in: Greg Reese, News, Patriots

Greg Reese talks about how over 100 years ago, Rudolf Steiner thought future medicine might remove our soul. A debated video from 2005 hints that vaccines could affect our ‘God gene’, linked to spirituality. But, the video might not be real. Changing this gene could cause health problems, like mental disorders. This makes us wonder if gene-editing tools, like CRISPR …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Greg Reese talks about the financial incentive to poison american children

The Financial Incentive to Murder and Poison American Children | Greg Reese

Posted in: Greg Reese, News, Patriots

Greg Reese talks about how Dr. Paul Thomas says that U.S. kid doctors are urged to give all vaccines to their young patients. If they don’t, they lose money. Doctors earn from vaccines in three ways. But, if families say no to vaccines, doctors lose a lot of money. This makes it tough for them to keep their clinics open.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Greg Reese talks about how UN troops are being brought in as migrant refugees

UN Troops Being Brought in as Migrant Refugees | Greg Reese

Posted in: Greg Reese, News, Patriots

Greg Reese talks about how many people are worried about the U.S. letting in lots of strangers from other countries. They think these people are getting homes and money from our government. Some even believe this is a big plan to replace people who are not having enough kids. They’re especially worried about young, healthy men who might be soldiers in disguise.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Greg Reese talks about self replicating nanobots found in both vaxxed and unvaxxed

Self-Replicating Nanobots Found in both the Vaxxed and UnVaxxed | Greg Reese

Posted in: Greg Reese, News, Patriots

Ray Kurzweil thinks tiny robots could make us stronger and maybe even stop aging on the Greg Reese show. He believes most of our smarts will come from machines by 2045. But, there are worries about misuse of these robots, like causing strong diseases. Some say this tech was used in COVID vaccines secretly. So, people are asking for rules and safety steps. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Bill Gates Admits the Shots Contain Nanotech

Posted in: Greg Reese, News, Patriots

“COVID vaccines use tiny fat particles to work. At first, they came with no instructions, which worried people. Bill Gates says making these vaccines is simple and cheap. Some fear they could be used to spread diseases. Chris Cuomo, a TV personality, supports vaccine passports and criticizes those who hesitate to get vaccinated, even though he had side effects.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Stop The WHO Treaty and Reject the Amendments

Posted in: Greg Reese, News, Patriots

James Roguski found out some shocking things about the WHO Pandemic Treaty. He says it’s based on lies and counts on us not saying anything. He found that the people the U.S. sent to represent us weren’t approved by the Senate. Changes were made to the treaty without us knowing. Roguski says we need to speak up about this. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government

Posted in: Greg Reese, News, Patriots

“Many American colleges have strong feelings against Israel, which worries some people. Some say that a group called AIPAC, who supports Israel, has too much power in our government. There are also rumors about Israel’s involvement in some big events, but these are often argued about and not everyone believes them.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Japan Fights Back Against WHO Pandemic Treaty and Deadly Shots | Greg Reese

Posted in: Greg Reese, News, Patriots

Greg Reese talks about how many folks in Japan are upset about new vaccines and health rules. They’re even taking legal action due to harm from these vaccines. A teacher warns that Japan is creating a vaccine for a disease we don’t know yet, which could be dangerous. She thinks it’s not right to give untested treatments to healthy people, especially children. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Greg Reese talks about artificial intelligence and the grim future of a divided humanity

Artificial Intelligence and the Grim Future of a Divided Humanity | Greg Reese

Posted in: Greg Reese, News, Patriots

Greg Reese talks about if our cell phones and new tech hurting us. Some say yes, with worries about brain cancer and DNA damage. Others worry we’re part of a big experiment, with risky shots and machines. But the biggest fear? The smart robots we’re making could become stronger than us. Let’s be careful with our tech! …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Greg Reese talks about UFO's

Aliens on Earth : Part 2 | Greg Reese

Posted in: Greg Reese, News, Patriots

Greg Reese talks about how UFOs, short for ‘unidentified flying objects’, have been around for a long time. They’re mentioned in old writings and art from places like Sumeria and Egypt. Even ancient religious books like the Vedas and the Bible talk about them.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Nanobots That Release Toxins And Harvest Energy From the Body

Posted in: Greg Reese, News, Patriots

The Moderna COVID vaccine uses tiny things called nanoparticles. They’re like tiny delivery trucks that carry special stuff to cells in our bodies. Some scientists think we can control these tiny trucks, just like playing a video game. This cool technology was patented in 2020 and helps us fight against COVID. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Greg Reese talks about small US businesses to be forced to serve as NSA spies

Small US Businesses to be Forced to Serve as NSA Spies | Greg Reese

Posted in: Greg Reese, News, Patriots

Greg Reese talks about how Congress might renew a law that helps watch for foreign threats. But, it’s also been used to spy on Americans. A new change could make anyone with communication equipment help with this spying. This could mean more spying at home, which worries many people.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Greg Reese talks about a leaked dossier that ohws a german government conspired to silence reiner fullmich

Leaked Dossier Shows German Government Conspired To Silence Reiner Fullmich | Greg Reese

Posted in: Greg Reese, News, Patriots

Greg Reese talks about a secret paper that hints that German spies tried to ruin Reiner Fulmick’s reputation. He’s a man who didn’t like how the government handled COVID-19. They wanted to stop him from getting a government job and control his group’s money. Even though some say the paper is fake, there’s proof that Fulmick was targeted for speaking out. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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