It was a hallmark of their stereotype of conspiracy theorists. Well, it turns out there was a conspiracy, a conspiracy to cover up harm that they were doing to people. A landmark national toxicology program report says that fluoride is comparable to lead in its ability to lower IQ in children. And so what is the reaction from the media? We’ve got AP, associated propaganda, says that, well, it’s only bad at levels that are twice the recommended limit, says the associated propaganda. But information liberation points out that the limit was very recently cut in half.
I guess in anticipation of this, isn’t it interesting the way that they spend this? Hey, guys, there’s nothing we can do about this that’s going to come out. Okay, let’s cut the recommended level in half. And so, you know, they were recommending it at a level that would damage children’s IQ. So you solve that by cutting the level before the report comes out. That’s it. That’s how you control it. But of course, the whole thing from the very beginning, they were dumping this particular type of fluoride, which is a rat poison in China, they were dumping it into the water supply because it was a byproduct of both the nuclear industry and the aluminum industry.
And it would have cost them a great deal of money to dispose of this. Or they could tell everybody that it was good for them and have the taxpayers pay them to dump their waste into our drinking water. And that’s exactly what they’ve done. That’s how outrageous this all is. And so now, after this has been put out there, after eight decades of this, after everybody from Kubrick to, you know, everyone else mocking it and rolling their eyes, they now admit that it’s harmful. And yet, the CDC still stands by it. They still stand by this recommendation.
Isn’t that amazing? I guess it’s not, because their response, no matter how many times you show something that they support, it’s harmful. Their response to all that is always so what? Exactly what people think. And this is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.
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