Globalist Elites Have FAILED Spectacularly!!! Dr. Steve Turley

Posted in: Dr. Steve Turley, News, Patriots




➡ Dr. Steve Turley discusses how Linda lives in Washington state and wants to help change mail-in voting in her small mountain town. She’s told to join local groups and organizations to get help. At the same time, Amos Miller, an Amish farmer, is having trouble with the government because of how he farms. This is making more Amish people vote for the Republican party. The article also talks about how rich people can affect politics. It points out that President Trump was different because he focused more on what the country needs and what people in small towns care about.


Linda Trocell. I hope I’m saying your name right, Linda. She says, I live in Washington state with mail in voting. How can I make a difference in a small town in the mountains to get them to change that? I have written to the candidates in republican party. Is there any hope? It’s a good question. You know, somebody you should get in touch with that’s in your neck of the woods, as it were, is the greater Idaho movement.

I don’t think they’re on Facebook anymore, but you can go to their website. And so they’re in Oregon, obviously, but they’re not too far away from you, just regionally, and see what they would suggest of networks you can be a part of. So right now, what you’re feeling like is you’re feeling alone. You’re feeling like no one’s doing anything. The first step, this is why we encourage everyone to join our insiders club.

The first step is you got to feel empowered with a network, a group of people who are doing things, because that way you’re sharing the burden, as it were. You’ve got the division of labor. So see if they have any recommendations of some organizations you can get involved in in Washington state. Have you heard about what’s happening to Amos Miller? Yeah, the amish farmer. Yeah. In. Yeah. So the feds are raiding his farm because they’re worried he’s going to poison you with, I believe, his milk products or just his overall poultry or whatever.

Agriculture milk, I think. Yeah, whatever he’s producing there. And again, it’s the federal government telling farmers who are far more competent than federal government, they’re making an example out of him to scare other Amish. All they’re doing, in the end, are causing more Amish to vote republican. That’s it. And get more politically involved. But in the meantime, yes, he’ll probably end up having to pay for it with his mean, I think there’s a crowdfunding source for him.

And Robert Barnes, I think, is involved with his legal defense. So keep abreast of what Robert Barnes is doing. David Turner says it doesn’t seem to matter who gets in. The wealthy always seem to win. Yeah, well, we have studies to confirm that, to corroborate that. The Princeton study over the course of, I think, 20 years found that is the consistent thing. Now, that is what makes Trump so exciting.

The political class love open borders. They’re post american, remember? They run the world. That’s why they’re concerned more about what’s happening in borders 10,000 miles away from us than our own. This is why. Sorry. I mean, this is where the China. China is trying to take over the world kind of mentality even seeps into the right. We think we run the world, and that’s because in many respects, we did.

Post World War II, we created the world systems with the WTO, the IMF, the World bank. Communism had its own sphere, it had its own space, but it couldn’t compete anywhere near the gdps that we were able to produce in our sphere, in our space. 1991 happens, Soviet Union collapses, and we take over the world. That’s where Francis Fukuyama called it the end of history. We took over the world.

And the wealthy, who are particularly american, but also the WEF, the Davos crowd and the Brussels crowd, they have become increasingly post nationalist, and so they see borders as impediments and hindrances. Trump got in, and he’s the first one of our presidents who said, enough. We’re putting up borders, putting up boundaries. We’re going to be nationalists and populace. I’m going to represent the values, interest, concerns of rural folk and so called rust belts, and we’re going to celebrate our culture, we’re going to preserve our civilization, and we’re going to put our economy at the service of the nation.

So we’re going to bring in economic nationalism. So he really did upset the apple cart. And so it is no coincidence that it is the oligarchical establishment that wants him gone. Now, ironically, we needed somebody from that world, a brash billionaire who never, by the way, was never very comfortable in that world. That’s very clear. Trump is. They called him the blue collar billionaire. He would much rather hang out with the contractors or the workers than with a bunch of other billionaires.

He doesn’t particularly like them. He never fit in with them and doesn’t really care for them. He made his own money his own way. He didn’t play the Mark Cuban game or any of these stupid idiots who roll into Dei and wokeness and the like. So he just has no love for. So that’s know there is a real chance we can start. We’re always going to have, like we’ve talked, an aristocratic class, right? There’s just no way around that.

You’re always going to have an aristocratic class. You’re always going to have those who make it to the top. Even in a socialist system, you’re always going to have that. But you want to have, like, what Putin has effectively done in Russia. You’re going to want to make sure that that oligarchical aristocratic class is working for the good of the nation. We saw that. It’s the Pareto principle.

You’re always going to have your 1%, your 2% that rise to the top. But if you look in a lot of our cities today, in the United States, particularly on the east coast and in the south, you’re going to see some beautiful, beautiful churches, you’re going to see some beautiful museum buildings. We’re talking gothic architecture, just immaculate stained glass window design, you name it. Those were pretty much all funded by our aristocracy.

The Vanderbilts, the Rockefellers, you name it. We had the Duponts here in Delaware that created beautiful Longwood gardens, like thousand acres, some of the most just gorgeous horticulture that you could imagine seeing. Our oligarchs today care nothing about culture. They care nothing about tradition. They care nothing about bettering and beautifying our society. Nothing. They care only about ruling. And that’s one of the key differences between the wealthy today and the wealthy of the past.

We have to restore a conscientious, aristocratic class that is humble and that seeks to serve and foster a vibrant culture rather than seeks to rule. Gang, I got to tell you, I was utterly shocked when I was recently shown just how easy it is to access the deed to my house. And not just access it, but change it. I mean, if you don’t know the deed to your home is the only document that proves you own it.

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Turley talks gang, don’t wait for the worst to happen, only to regret that you didn’t do something about it when you could have. Click on that link below right now and secure your home today. I hope you enjoyed that clip of my Monday night Insiders club livestream. Join us live next week by clicking on the link in the description below. And joining the coalition of Patriots worldwide, building a parallel economy to return to our roots of faith, family and freedom.

Click below. Right now. .

See more of Dr. Steve Turley on their Public Channel and the MPN Dr. Steve Turley channel.


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Amish community voting Republican Amish farmer legal issues concerns of rural communities in politics connecting with local networks for voting support federal government farming practices President Trump's disruption of political trends prioritizing national interests small mountain town voting strategies Washington state mail-in voting influence wealthy individuals influence on politics

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