Global Banking Insider Exposes Coming CBDC and Microchipping Agenda

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A new report from the Bank for International Settlements, titled “Future of Money: Revamping and Enabling Digital Systems,” puts forth an alarming vision for the future global monetary framework. The paper suggests replacing the current reserve currencies like the US dollar with a new central bank digital currency (CBDC) controlled by international banking authorities.

Under this proposal, all physical assets would be digitally tagged with unique identifiers to track ownership. The report advocates that these digital tokens contain programmable rules dictating how items can be utilized by the public. This would allow unprecedented oversight and micro-management of personal property by a central monetary authority.

By leveraging advanced digital identification and programmable money, the scheme would enable direct supervision of purchases and confiscation of items that violate predetermined usage guidelines. Individuals would be conditioned to comply with declared restrictions imposed by the issuing central bank through this far-reaching digital system.

Privacy advocates have sounded alarms over the dystopian nature of the proposed central bank-controlled digital economy outlined in the BIS report. However, technocratic elites claim this radical redesign of the monetary framework is necessary to streamline economic transactions in the 21st century. Critics counter that such a system hands over excessive power to unelected global banking officials and interferes with basic economic liberties.

Here is a summary of the key points from the transcript:

– Richard Werner, a German banking economist, provides an insider perspective on the coming “Great Reset” agenda of the World Economic Forum.

– He says the only way to survive is for people to immediately start setting up their own local banking systems, which can be profitable and delay/prevent central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

– The ultimate goal is to implant CBDCs as rice-sized microchips under people’s skin by 2025-2030. This is seen as a violation of human dignity.

– To get public acceptance, billionaires are proposing universal basic income tied to having a CBDC chip implant.

– Sweden already has a small minority voluntarily getting microchip implants to be early tech adopters.

– A Bank of International Settlements report calls for a central bank digital currency to be the new reserve currency and enable digital confiscation of physical property.

– Modern farming has caused iodine deficiency in half the population. Solutions are regenerative agriculture and daily iodine supplementation.

In summary, the transcript covers an insider perspective on the globalist plan for CBDCs and microchipping by 2030, the need to start local banking systems, and the importance of iodine for health. The key point is that people must act quickly to counter the elite’s agenda.


The German banking economist Richard Werner was selected as a global leader for tomorrow by the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2003. Here he tells us an insider’s view of what to soon expect, and says the only way to survive the great reset is for us to immediately begin setting up our own banking system.

In each domicile, they should be locally set up and authorized by the local regulators. And it’s a profitable investment banking is profitable. So the investors would get a return while the local committee would get a return. And it’s a way of delaying perhaps even preventing the introduction of CBDCs. They have, you know, they have literally delayed their agenda. Because I think it’s so important to them, they’ve been very careful about the timing. And they’ve always waited longer. Let’s wait a longer, let’s have this crisis first, oh, let’s have COVID First, you know, soften them up. But they’ve delayed because the technology was really ready, around 2015 to roll out. And what what people don’t mention is what do these CBDCs actually look like? You know, at the moment, there’s a bit of talk about this being phone based apps. And yes, that is the initial phase. But what was already ready around 2015 is the ultimate goal. What they really want, apparently, I was taught by a central banker is, you know, CBDCs looks like a small grain of rice that they want to put under your skin, which is my view, a violation of human dignity, and they realize there is a hurdle. So to get people to get people to accept this, there will be you know, what, why suddenly, all the billionaires saying let’s have universal basic income, because the story is going to be, oh, now we’ve got credit in credit, this vast unemployment and disruption and crises. Well, we need universal basic income, you will get 2000 euros into your account every month. But of course, to run this efficiently, we need to use the latest technology. So you know, you need the cbdc chip implant, but how many people will say okay, fine, 2000 pounds or 2000 euros, you know,

as surprising. A surprising proportion shockingly, obviously, to meet yourself but we’ve seen years ago in Sweden, there has been a substantial small minority take up of what’s currently much larger, it’s kinda like a little cylinder and stainless steel, I guess, maybe stadium or something. And they are doing it because they just want to, they want to be early adopters of this data. So if anyone’s listening and that sounds fanciful, or conspiracy theorists, at the fact is in Sweden, they are taking it open in other places. And that’s not coming out of nowhere. The Bank

for International Settlements recently published a report called blueprint for the future monetary system, improving the old enabling the new. This report proposes that a central bank digital currency will serve as the new reserve currency and calls for the digital confiscation of all physical property by assigning every real world item its own unique digital token, which will contain rules on how each item can and cannot be used, so that each person can be controlled and conditioned directly by the central bank. Reporting for Info Wars, this is Greg Reese.

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