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➡ The speaker is expressing concern about influxes of non-English speaking, military-age immigrants from various corners of the globe being brought into communities in the U.S., suggesting that this movement might be a part of a bigger, unknown agenda. Factors like distraction through politics, a higher number of illegal border crossings from Venezuelans than Mexicans, and significant increase in encounters of Chinese nationals on the southwest border are mentioned as supporting points.


Well, when we look at how the borders are wide open and we understand the agenda behind that chaos, friction, all the rest of these things that are happening there, I thought this was a very interesting video. This is a black man in Georgia who is seeing all of the these young military age people brought in from Africa. They don’t even speak English. You’ll hear him at the very beginning of thing, he tries to engage one of these guys.

He says, you all seeing this? Do you understand what they’re doing here? You stand right there. You stand right there. Yes. Okay, then. So how long have you been in America? Nearby? You been in America? They flew you in small yeah, they flew you in America? Okay, go ahead, ma’am. I’m done. Y’all see what’s going on here? And they stand right here. You see what’s going on here, guys? See, I keep my eyes open, and y’all right here being entertained, want to be separate.

And they bringing these people right in our communities, guys. They right in our communities. There’s something about to happen, and we so busy being highly favored and coming against each other. Yep, they’re standing this place right here. These African guys right here. Look at them right there. Y’all need to share this video, man. Why are these African guys coming out? They just dropping them off, man. And the Melanated communities, they dropping them off, guys.

They’re just dropping them off in our communities, man. This is ridiculous. Look at him. And this goes on for quite some time, and he understands. Y’all see what’s happening with us? You understand what’s going on? They keep us entertained. They keep us distracted. Even the people who pay attention to politics, oh, what’s going on with the speaker’s race? What’s going on between Trump and Biden? As if it mattered.

They’re doing this to you know, when we look at this, we take, oh, this Mexican is coming across the no, no, it’s way beyond that. Venezuelans are coming in far more than Mexicans are. For example, they topped Mexicans for the largest group of nationals arrested illegally crossing the US. Southern border. For the first time on record, mexicans were arrested 39,733 times crossing the border, well behind Venezuelans and Guatemalans and Hondurans and Colombians rounded out the top five.

But they’re coming in from all over the world, as he’s pointing out. They’re bringing in people from Africa, putting them in the black community. But it’s not families. It’s young men. He says, what are they doing? What are they setting us up for? The Biden administration recently announced temporary legal status for nearly a half million Venezuelans who are already in the United States. On July 31, border Patrol said, we’re constantly engaging with domestic and foreign partners to address historic hemispheric migration, including large migrant groups traveling on freight trains, and to enforce consequence, including by preparing for direct repatriations to Venezuela.

I mean, when you look at these people, the massive programs in El Salvador, that harsh prison situation that they’ve got there. Do you think that they’re going to keep spending money on an army of soldiers to try to keep these people under control? Or do you think maybe they’ll just put them on a train and ship them north to us, which is what Castro did with his Mario boat lift decades ago.

There were 4000 encounters of Chinese nationals along the southwest border in September compared to 2400 in August. It’s accelerating. In September 2022 there were only 400 encounters involving Chinese nationals. In other words, more than ten times the number in one year of people coming from China. According to border patrol statistics, 169 people on the FBI terror watch list encountered between ports of entry at the southern border in the past twelve months.

A number that exceeds not only fiscal year 20 two’s record setting 98. So they set a record in 2022 of 98. So far this year it’s 169. They busted through that record pretty big and it was more than the last six years combined. That’s the number of people on a terrorist watch list. There’s one migrant for every American that is born coming across in 2023. That’s Biden. He bragged about how he was going to replace and change the demographics of America.

Well, this is what it looks like. And when you look at this it’s actually more than that. More than 4 million economic migrants crossed the southern border and that is in contrast to 3. 67 million Americans born. And those 3. 67 million Americans that were born would include children of illegal aliens, anchor babies. Vast economic competition for the 3 million American youth who graduated from schools in the ten months up to October 2022.

So fewer jobs for high school students because if somebody can hire an adult who can do this job they’re not going to hire the high school students. That’s been going on for a very long time. And then they talk about, they give a couple of examples of New York Times talked about a social worker in Washington state earning $72,000 a year, 49 years old. She got into credit card issues.

She got evicted from her home. She’s living in her car. That’s her only thing that she owns right now. Of course they want to take the cars away and then they contrast that with a man who’s come from Venezuela who is 45 years old and began working in construction then changed jobs. Now rents a basement apartment. He’s being given help by non governmental organizations. There’s not any NGOs that are helping the Americans who are here.

The American dream has now become an alien dream. Become alienated from all of this and it gets even worse. As you saw him saying well, you all understand what is happening here. Better understand. We look at the crime that is happening in El Salvador. We look at the fact we had twelve Mexican police officers ambushed by these drug gangs in Acapulco and also the fact that what we saw happening in Minneapolis where Ilhan Omar is elected as a Congress representative many people said what they brought in with all the massive number of Somalis, they get about 90,000 that got brought in.

They call it Little mogadishu. Very dangerous area. Just like this guy saying in Georgia, hey, they’re bringing in these people. Maybe some of them are Somali, we don’t know. But they’re doing the same thing in rural Wisconsin. They start out with a few hundred that they bring in, and then before you know it, they extend it to cousins and to grandparents and all the rest of this stuff.

And the 75 refugees that they’re bringing into rural Wisconsin are likely to follow the same pattern that we saw in Minneapolis going exploding into tens of thousands. The David Knight Show is a critical thinking super spreader. If you’ve been exposed to logic by listening to The David Knight Show please do your part and try not to spread it financial support or simply telling others about the show causes this dangerous information to spread favour.

People have to trust me, I mean, trust the science, wear your mask, take your vaccine, don’t ask questions using free speech to free minds it’s The David Knight Show. .


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Chinese immigration to US global immigration influx to US global immigration patterns to US illegal border crossings by Venezuelans increase in Chinese nationals on southwest border Mexican vs Venezuelan illegal immigration military-age immigrants in US communities non-English speaking immigrants in US political distraction and immigration unknown immigration agenda in US

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