Geo-Engineered Hurricane JOHN now Rampaging through Acapulco and Mexico!

Posted in: News, Patriots, Stew Peters Network



➡ The text discusses the theory that recent destructive hurricanes, such as Hurricane Helene and Hurricane John, were not natural disasters but rather geoengineered, weaponized storms. The author suggests these storms were created to cause massive damage and displace people, possibly to gain access to valuable resources like lithium deposits in western North Carolina. The text also raises the possibility that these storms could be part of a larger plan to create a large number of homeless people who could then be manipulated for various purposes. The author calls for further investigation into these theories.
➡ The text discusses a conspiracy theory that globalists, often associated with Jewish people, are causing disasters and manipulating events worldwide. It suggests that these actions are part of a larger plan to control and harm populations, particularly in the West and Mexico. The text also criticizes the media and governments for their support of Israel, accusing them of ignoring or contributing to war crimes and genocide. Lastly, it questions the accuracy of commonly accepted historical narratives, hinting at the existence of a hidden advanced civilization.
➡ This text promotes various health and wellness products and services. It highlights the benefits of a mushroom supplement from Bioptimizers for mental clarity and brain health. It also discusses the effectiveness of red light therapy for various health conditions, as proven by clinical studies, and promotes a superfood drink, Field of Greens, for overall health improvement. Lastly, it encourages aligning investments with personal values through Cortez Wealth Management.


I hope Benjamin Netanyahu burns in hell. I hope him and his generals and the fairy government industry in born in hell. We are looking for babies, but there is no babies left. Maybe I killed a girl, she was twelve. But they’re looking for a baby. We’ll do whatever we need to do to defend ourselves. An investigation is underway into whether israeli forces blowing up the main drinking water reservoir in Rafa constitutes as a war crime. You cannot tell me to ever feel comfortable with 18,000 children being ruthlessly murdered. Let me hear you cheer. If you support Israel.

The Jews are everywhere. All the assistance of Trump Jews. All the assistance of sleepy Jews, Jews, Obama Jews, everyone around there, reform Jews, conservative Jews, Chabadnik, this. Today, the Jews rule this world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them. Everyone who dares uttering a word of criticism against Israel is accused of antisemitism. When I was very young, I was forced to participate in that in which I had to sacrifice an infant. And the purpose of sacrifices to what is to bring you? What? What are you sacrificing for? For power. Power. Been talking about thousands of people.

People currently on their rooftops. They’re dying. Kids are dying. Food is running out everywhere. Water is running out everywhere. Kids are finding their parents dead. There are bodies being found in trees. The federal government is absolutely nowhere to be found. And so, of course, yeah, we’ve been talking a lot on this program about Hurricane Helene. All of the death and all of the destruction that it has brought, and the fact that all of the evidence in this situation points to Hurricane Helene being a geoengineered, weaponized storm system that was unleashed against the american people as a weather weapon.

Especially the people of resource rich western North Carolina, which happens to sit on the biggest lithium deposit in the entire United States. A lithium deposit, by the way, that by their own admission, green lobby corporations and central bank private equity hacks really want access to, and so do their buddies in the government. Yeah. Cause there’s a lot of money to be made. So recently, we’ve been focused, with very good reason, on the storm and all of the abandonment of these american citizens who have been left to die. After their homes and their communities and their roads.

Everything was completely washed away, along with thousands of lives. But Hurricane Helene isn’t the only mystery storm that came out of nowhere to kill people and knock entire towns off of the map. Because at the very same time that Helene was pounding the southeast, another storm called Hurricane John was making landfall in Acapulco, Mexico, causing millions of dollars worth of damage and at least dozens of deaths, much like Hurricane Helene. Hurricane John, which made landfall as a category three storm, came out of absolutely nowhere and pounded the southwestern coast of Mexico. It came with no warning at all.

It became this absolutely massive storm that swept in and wreaked havoc and stole lives. And also, just like Helene, experts and investigators are saying that Hurricane John was manipulated, that it was engineered, that it was a completely fake storm, weaponized against the people of Acapulco and other cities and towns to disastrous results. And you know what’s really, really crazy about all of this is that this isn’t even the first time that this happened to these people. Just last year, a category five storm rose up from the ocean and slammed Acapulco, doing even more damage than this one, again, with absolutely no warning.

The people caught in the storm’s path were sitting ducks. They weren’t getting weather reports, they weren’t getting warnings or sirens. They weren’t sitting in front of their televisions watching a storm tracker on the Weather Channel. And if they were, they would have never seen it, because just like Helene and just like John, the storm didn’t show up on the radar until it was crashing into the coast. It came out of nowhere. These storms aren’t happening organically. And, you know, throughout our history, where the most powerful people on earth want to hurt us. Here in America, they have often tested their methods on less fortunate populations people may consider third World.

Just think of all of the bioweapon injections that Bill Gates has stuffed into the arms of Africans or all of the mosquito borne illnesses that he let loose in South America. So if Hurricane Helene was engineered and weaponized against the american people, was Hurricane John, which formed just a few days before Helene. A test run. What about last year’s storm, the category five? Was that a test run as well? Or are both of these storms part of the same plan? Are they meant to create thousands, even millions, of homeless Mexicans who will then be guided to America’s southern border and weaponized against us, much like the storms have been? Maybe they’ll be brought in as a replacement population in western North Carolina and then put to work in the brand new lithium mines.

Yeah, there’s a pattern here, a pattern of storms that come out of nowhere to do record setting damage and displace millions of people. Something just isn’t right. Jeff Berwick has been on the ground in Mexico investigating this situation, so, of course, we want to have him here and join us. Jeff, thank you so much for coming. What have you found. Hi, Steve. Thanks for having me on again. It seems like deja vu or Groundhog Day, because we were on in October last year talking about the category five hurricane that came out of nowhere and everyone was asleep in Acapulco, and it just hit out of nowhere.

Now we’re here in October again, and this. This time it was a category three that hit out of nowhere again. No one knew it was coming. This is unheard of. And this one was even incredibly different in the terms that it was a category three. It came in, it hit Acapulco, it did a lot of damage. It fizzled out, and everyone thought it was over, but then it went back out into the ocean and turned into a hurricane again and hit Acapulco again, dropping over a meter of water in a couple of days on Acapulco with unbelievable floods, like whitewater rafting.

Although it was brown water rafting in the entire city of Acapulco, it’s still a lot. So wait a minute. You’re saying that this thing was coming in and then it just stopped? Because it wasn’t very strong. It turned around, it, like, did a 180, it gained more strength, and then it did another 180 and turned back around and slammed into Mexico? Is that what you’re telling me? That’s what happened. And meteorologists are again amazed and shocked at how this could happen. They’ve never seen it. Completely baffled. Yeah. They have no idea how any of this could happen, and they’re just completely shocked and baffled.

Speaker one. Yeah. It’s the exact same sort of a thing. And this is for people out there who have still not caught on that. The globalists, and whatever you want to call them, the Jews, the globalists, whatever you want to call them, the CIA, all these people, they have the Jews, this technology, and they are using it full force now in so many different ways. And Acapulco is the perfect example of how they’ve been doing this. There’s never been a category five that’s erupted out of nowhere with no warning and hit a major city before. And then a category three that hit, fizzled out, went back on the ocean and hit again and flooded the entire city.

For people who want to look into weather, weapons and things like that, Acapulco should be the number one thing they’d be looking at, because it’s now been hit by three hurricanes in less than a year, but one was the same one, which has also never happened. And meteorologists again were saying, we’ve never seen this happen before. And they say things like there must have been a secret ingredient. We know what the secret ingredient probably is. It’s probably harp and the weather weapon stations that they’ve got all over the world now. Yeah, the secret weapon is somebody with the last name steen or Cohen more than likely.

And they’re possessing the technology to destroy the United States in so many ways. To extend the octopus tentacles into every fabric of our society, all throughout our government, unelected bureaucracies, bioweapons called safe and effective vaccines. And now storms. Forgive me for drawing the parallel here, but it’s pretty impossible to not see if you’re looking at something objectively and with a critical thinking, an independent brain. Yeah. If you actually are aware of what’s going on. And I wrote about a lot of this in my book, the controlled demolition of the american empire, about how they’re going to be destroying the west and they’re doing it now.

What happened there in North Carolina is basically world War three. Not only sending that hurricane up there, flooding out the areas where they want to put in lithium mines, which Blackrock wants to put in, which is run by Larry Fink, who happens to be jewish. Again, not only that, they also blew up a massive chemical factory in North Carolina. If anyone looked at the damage there, they would say this is a massive attack being done on it. But your average person, your average NPC, your television watcher, people have been drinking fluoride and injecting themselves with aluminum and being chemtrail with aluminum and being in twelve years of government indoctrination camps, can’t see it and they just repeat what they see on the television, that these were all just accidents and things like that.

This is World War three happening right now. But it’s not what everyone thinks it is. Everyone thinks it’s supposed to be Russia or China is going to attack the US. It’s the globalists that are attacking basically most places on earth, but definitely the west as well, and Mexico as well, because Mexico hasn’t gone along with a lot of the globalist things that they want. They didn’t go along with the Covids, they didn’t make one law for that. They didn’t allow GMO. But just yesterday, surprise, surprise, Mexico’s got a new president. Her name’s Shinebaum, she happens to be Jewish.

It’s unbelievable. But all just coincidence, I’m sure. Yeah. You call them Jews, I call them. Or globalists, you call them globalists, I call them Jews everywhere I look. It’s a jewish person. I can’t help it. I’m not going to deny that. That’s the fact. A lot of other platforms, maybe you’re being cautious with your speech because a lot of other platforms want to refer to them as frankists or globalists or communists or whatever. Communism, by the way, also jewish. You look at Marx, you look at Lenin, you look at Trotsky, these are all Jews. And so these are Jews.

Everywhere you look, all the people that own the media, all the people that own and ran social media, all the people responsible for mandates, all the people that actually put the Covid-19 injection together. I mean, you’re talking about Stanley Cohen. Weird. You know, Tony Fauci, weird. Albert Borla. Yeah. A Jew Pfizer had. So, I mean, yeah, it’s very obvious what’s happening back to the storm. Have you ever seen, and I know that you’re not necessarily a meteorologist, whatever that means, but you’ve been obviously studying all of this. Have you read about or researched in findings, your research.

Have you seen a storm of a hurricane that goes from the gulf and smashes into the, into the coast and then makes it all the way through the mountain range like that? I am not a meteorologist, although in the last year I’ve learned a lot. I can’t say with that particular one, but I personally haven’t seen anything like that. And if you look at all the radar things that people are starting to expose, there’s all kinds of radar things going off, seeming to be guiding this storm into North Carolina. And if you look at the actual overhead weather maps and stuff like that, the hurricane, for example, Katrina, which was pretty devastating, which they actually let those dams go in New Orleans to cause that crisis as well.

And then had the terror in the superdome all done by FEMA again. But if you look at that, fairly small, and that was a very similar type storm, when you look at the hurricane Helen, it has the hurricane, and then it’s got this huge, massive amount of white, basically storms all the way above it going into North Carolina. You can see it being all concentrated into that area. But this is just, with everything like this now we have to question, we cannot just take it as this could have been a natural thing. We’ve seen what they can do.

Now they are coming out and doing these things. Now you have to question every single weather event at this point, especially when it has a number of different things that just happens to fall in line with a number of different agendas, like the lithium mines they want to put into North Carolina. They also want to wipe out any sort of white westerners in the west. And the Appalachia is basically one of the last places where there is a lot of white westerners. They’re wiping all those places out. We’re basically under attack by a group of pedophile, satanic people.

A lot of them are Jews. Not all of them are Jews, but a lot of them are. People need to start waking up to what’s going on. But even if you do wake up, what do you do with these weather weapons? There is actually some ways to counteract them that people are starting to talk about. But we’re really at an existential threat level of this depopulation agenda that they’ve been doing for a long time. And they definitely did with the Covids. You just have to look at what they did with the Covids. Donald Trump, who calls himself the father of the vaccine, and he had the Biden Harris regime that were pushing it all out.

They tried to kill everyone in the US, and they don’t even talk about it in the debates. Yeah, they just glazed over Israel and its genocide campaign, its mass murder, its annexing campaign, the greater Israel Project, all the war crimes that you can see happening, any social media channel that you log into, even YouTube, you go there, and they just will openly display acts of war criminal. War war criminals committing their war crimes. They will show you the indiscriminate bombing of schools and libraries, housing complexes, entire neighborhoods. They will show you the bombing of Beirut, downtown areas and suburban areas.

Imagine if anybody else was doing this. I mean, the whole world would be an upheaval. But what do we get here? We get every single politician saying, we must stand with Israel, we must pray for Israel. We must support our greatest ally. I don’t want to have allies like that. That’s not the kind of ally that I want to have. They’re mass murderers. They’re pedophiles. They’re disgusting. This is why Jesus referred to this as the synagogue of Satan. This group of people was referred to by Jesus Christ as the synagogue of Satan. And we’re seeing exactly why.

And no, the people in our government, even though 100% of them are saying, we must stand with Israel, we must support Israel, even though they’re all posting that in unison, basically the same exact time, carbon copied tweets. No, they’re not all Jews. But guess what? They are. If they’re not a jew, they’re a useful goy. And so when Jeff Berwick was just saying, most of these people are Jews, they’re not all Jews, but most these people are Jews. Well, if they’re not Jews, they’re doing the bidding of their jewish paymasters. This is an infestation that we’re looking at.

Jeff Berwick, were you saying something? Final words. I got about a minute left. I was just going to comment on everything going on in Israel. That’s absolutely unbelievable, what they’re doing in Lebanon now. Just bombing residential areas. Of course, they say there’s a Hezbollah under every house, just like they did in Palestine. But this is genocide. This is trying to create, actually, world War three, in my opinion. They just bombed Syria. This is headed towards unbelievable events. And a lot of it, again, is based on Israel, which is a complete terrorist state at this point. Jeff Berwick, thank you so much for being here.

And everything that he just said. And everything that I just said, I can see it right now, the Rolling Stone in the New York Times. I can see ABC and NBC, who, by the way, classified me as a dangerous individual. I can see media matters and right wing watch and the Daily Beast. In an unhinged conspiracy based segment with Jeff Berwick, the virulent anti semite, Stu Peters went on a tangent about jewish people, the most virulent anti semite that there is. So that’s fine. You can call me an anti semite, but the one thing that you cannot call me is a liar.

You can write all the things in the paper that you want about me. You can write all the things in your little publications. You can post whatever you want on the television about me. But let me just ask you this. He’s an anti semite. Okay, fine. But let me ask you this. Is he a liar? Show me the lies. More of the Stu Peters show continues next. There’s a whole bunch of stories that have to be dug into, rethought, reconsidered, and in some cases, completely discarded. As modern Americans, we’ve been spoon fed this dumbed down, cartoonish, simplified version of history.

It’s all fake. It’s all bull. Everything that we have been taught is part of a self serving narrative written by the people who will say and do anything to keep us on a leash. Now, this version of history, some big name corrupt families like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds and their many associates, are credited over and over and over again with propelling human development. Throughout the late 18 and early 19, hundreds, almost every major american city, was burnt to the ground. What if we really are quite literally living atop the ashes of an advanced civilization that’s been hidden from us for our entire lives.

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See more of Stew Peters Network on their Public Channel and the MPN Stew Peters Network channel.


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Bioptimizers mushroom supplement benefits engineered homelessness crisis Field of Greens superfood geoengineered hurricanes theory global disaster manipulation globalists causing disasters hidden advanced civilization theory Hurricane Helene geoengineering Hurricane John manipulation Jewish globalist conspiracy theory lithium deposits in North Carolina media criticism and Israel support red light therapy effectiveness weaponized storms conspiracy

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