I gave this platform to God. Okay. I’m on a very specific mission. We have to identify who the real enemy is. We have to know where does this infiltration come from. The American people need a warrior that’s unafraid to point out the real enemy. The American people are deserving of truth, exposure, and extreme accountability for the crimes against humanity that are being committed. We’re on the brink of the complete collapse of America, while at the same time at the precipice of an amazing victory. If we want to prevent our children from facing a future bloodbath, I mean, I’m talking mass amounts of bloodshed.
We need to step up and fight this war, and we need to fight it now. Uncensored. I refuse to be silenced or muzzled. Unafraid. No man will intimidate me. Unstoppable. Our enemies have a plan. Our enemy’s leader has a plan. We all have one common enemy. His name is Satan, and right now his minions are trying to run this country. We’re going to expose all the lies around the COVID bioweapons. We’re going to expose all the lies around our fake and stolen rig elections. We’re going to put the sexual depravity of our fake leaders on full display.
And then, when the truth is known to the entire world, we are going to have extreme accountability. We will be the players. We are never going to give up. The ExtremeEvent.com, again, the ExtremeEvent.com, October 4th and 5th, Sarasota Fairgrounds in Florida. Something just occurred to me. A lot of people ask me, Stu, how can we support your mission? How can we support your message and your platform? How can we amplify you? What can we do to help? Can you imagine that promo on television across this country? There are a lot of people who question the veracity of the elections, and yes, we’re going to expose all of the lies about our fake and stolen and rigged elections.
A lot of people know about the Military-Industrial Complex or have some idea that when we just go drop bombs on hundreds or thousands or hundreds of thousands of innocent little children and their mothers, that something just doesn’t quite add up. Something isn’t quite right about all of this. When you talk about COVID-19 and its virus status or the shots that were rolled out almost immediately after the deployment of this DOD operation where that gain-of-function weapon of biowarfare was cooked up right here in our country at Fort Detrick and the University of North Carolina and likely involved bioweapons labs in Ukraine and in China, people just understand they have a gut feeling something isn’t quite right.
When you talk about putting on display the sexual depravity of our fake leaders and holding them to extreme account, millions and millions and millions of people are completely in the dark about how disgusting and demonic it really is. So if you have some financial resources and you want to help amplify the message, there’s one way we could do it. Let’s put that event promo on television sets all over this country. Stu at StuPeters.com, if you want to get ahold of me again, Stu at StuPeters.com, because let’s be honest about something. Being LGBT or LGBTP or whatever made up phrase they use to describe themselves these days, it’s synonymous with being a pervert.
Yeah, if you’re going around identifying as LGBT as a member of some kind of a gay or trans or otherwise sexually degenerate and morally bankrupt community, then you are a pervert and your entire identity is based on all of the deviant sex that you’re involved with. And now many people are beginning to realize that being LGBT doesn’t just make you a pervert, but it makes for an extremely high probability that you’re a pedophile. Just over these past few years, these homosexuals and all of the freak shows that go hand in hand with them have gone full mask off.
They have made a massive organized attempt to gain access to our children. They’ve subverted school curriculum. They have subverted public libraries, TV shows, movies. They’ve even managed to take their perversion to military bases. There are drag queen story hours for small children all over the country in cities and in towns and in rural areas and in suburbs, whether they’re red or they’re blue or they’re purple. There are all ages pride festivals where little kids, innocent children who have been mutilated or molested or both are put on display for adults and handed over to the most depraved people imaginable in full public view of the police and elected officials who are often directly themselves participating in and organizing these events.
And these are just the things that they do in the public. There’s a whole lot more that goes on behind the scenes. And likely it’s even darker and worse. Just recently, this guy called Michael Nappen, the gay Democrat leader of Maryland’s LGBT Diversity Council, he was caught in a pedophile sting operation as he tried to rape a 14-year-old boy. Michael Nappen is his name. Michael Nappen in Maryland. He wanted to meet up with this 14-year-old boy for violent gay rape sex and told him all about it in a series of messages that he sent to him in which, amongst other things, included Nappen’s fantasies about making this boy drink his semen.
Michael Nappen in Maryland. Michael Nappen. This is a mainstream Democrat and a guy that we’re told is trailblazing civil rights activism for queers everywhere. And of course, as usual, he’s a pedophile. Michael Nappen in Maryland. And he got caught by a group of citizens that goes out and catches these freaks. Take a look. Anyway, you’re the head of the LGBTQ Dems in Maryland. How long have you been in that position for? Since fall. Since fall, okay. Is that like a paid position? Okay, just more of a volunteer type thing. Is it like a super PAC or something? Or is it just…
Okay. This stuff said here, like, you know, I want to rape you. I want to see how much of a f*** you are. What was kind of said about that? I hope you try to get away once I start f***ing you. I like the fantasy. I like the fantasy. And he seemed to enjoy it. And I didn’t know this person. And I never intended to be. No, of course. No, of course. You hear what I said, it’s okay if you want to f*** off looking at it, talking about your s***. And you said, stop by this morning so I can stretch your hole.
Can’t wait to make you my little… And this was later that… Or f*** it, four days later with no response. Can’t wait to make you my little f*** up, baby boy. Okay. You know, it’s really important, very important that everyone here understands there’s a lot more where that came from. This isn’t some isolated incident. It’s not an unusual incident. This happens all the time. Especially among these loud-mouthed gay liberals who want to inflict their disgusting lifestyle onto the rest of us, including our kids. It was just last year when a gay protege of gay Biden transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg, who also lived in Maryland, by the way, what the hell’s going on in Maryland, was arrested and charged with more than 50 child sex crimes.
But this wasn’t just any old queer. Patrick Wojon was the mayor of Tacoma Park, Maryland, at the time of his arrest, and since then, he’s been sentenced to 30 years in prison. He was a close personal friend of Mayor Pete because pedophilia is pervasive in the homosexual community at all levels. These two were probably attending gay pedophile parties together. It’s absolutely disgusting and it needs to be rooted out. These people need to face extreme accountability. We’re now joined by Morgan Ariel to discuss this in greater detail. You’ll be at the extreme accountability event. Oh, yeah, I’ll be there.
And I think that we need extreme accountability in this country and we need to keep exposing all these disgusting freak show pedophiles that are running rampant in our country. Why are they in positions of leadership? Why are they in any kind of positions of power? It’s absolutely despicable that this is going on in our country and that people turn a blind eye to it as well. I can’t believe it. Yeah. Do you have any idea why it’s being not only tolerated but promoted? I do because there’s actually Jewish subversive. Our country has been subverted by Israel and we know that they are the groomer capital of the entire freaking world, basically.
And not only that, in the Talmud, it says that they are allowed to engage in sexual acts with children as long as they are under the age of nine years old. So we just see that our country has been subverted by this perversion and it continues to be allowed. I mean, we have Biden in the White House. OK, we know that he’s a pedo, but everybody turned a blind eye to him and all of his creepy stuff. And then they also just the White House associate communications director was just hired. I don’t know if you saw what that person looked like, but it’s a transgender at parties and dresses.
So we just see this sin that’s been allowed into our country because our country is being ran by demons that hate God. Extreme accountability happens to be a necessity. We understand that and we know exactly how to exact this onto these people. And I don’t know if you agree with this or not, Morgan, but I have said that accountability is God’s job, but it’s not solely God’s job. It’s our job, too. Do you agree with that? I do. I mean, let’s think about back in the biblical days. OK, I believe that we need to turn these people into eunuchs.
Why aren’t these people being castrated? Why aren’t these people being institutionalized? Because we know that there is no there’s no way to stop them from from these these perversions, right? These heinous acts, if they are allowed into public, they’re going to continue to do them. So they either need to be institutionalized or they need to be castrated. People might think that that’s, you know, a little extreme. But what I think is more extreme is children being sexually abused by perverts and them being allowed to do it. Has this guy been arrested, this guy that was caught on tape by the predator poachers? I’m not sure if he was arrested or not.
I was just looking into it. But what I do know is that all of the pedo sympathizers, I believe there was a Reddit thread on this guy. And they decided that they were going to raise money for him or raise money for the LGBTQ Dems of Maryland. So, you know, a complete delusion. And this is what they do. They cover for one another. He said that he wanted to rape him. He said he wanted to stretch his whole. He’s saying these things to a 14 year old boy. And then it said that after four days of no responses from this supposed 14 year old boy, he’s still telling him fantasies about making him drink his semen.
And then he stands there in front of these guys and says like it’s supposed to be all OK now because he just enjoys the fantasy. Do you think that he’s not actually willing to carry out or intended to carry out the events that he’s explicitly describing to this boy? We know that he would. And the question would be is how many boys did he do something like this too? Because if he’s speaking to one boy that way, he’s speaking to others that way. And these people are roaming free in society, having these fantasies and waiting for the next prey, the next victim that they can take advantage of that doesn’t have a family maybe that’s paying attention to them.
And it’s it’s sexual perversion, right? You can’t you can’t get this in under control because it’s sexual immorality in these deviances. It’s a demon that needs to be fed and it never is satisfied. So they get more and more perverse. You see it with serial killers all the time. Why are most of the serial killers? They’re homosexual, right? And they like young underage boys because they’re sick in the head. They are demon possessed. This this napin needs to be investigated by the police in a serious investigation. If it hasn’t happened already, there needs to be a serious investigation into this guy and his future activity and his current activity because there’s definitely more victims out there.
And if he has harmed children in the way that he described this 14 year old boy, that he absolutely intended on harming him, then he needs to be put on trial. And in a serious country, after he’s convicted, he would be executed. You touch our kids, we kill you. Absolutely. You know, I was just talking to somebody earlier today about what they do in Dubai, a different situation. But if you get caught stealing in Dubai, they will chop your hands off. Allegedly, this is what I’m told. But if you’re going to rape children in America, you don’t even get investigated.
Make that make sense, America. This is where we’re at in this country. This guy shouldn’t be able to be allowed to just walk around in the streets. I just I mean, if you live in Maryland and you’re not organizing some kind of a pressure campaign, this guy needs to hear from you every single day in person, everywhere. He needs to be pointed at. He needs to be ridiculed. He needs to be put out in the public square for everybody to see all these allegations. They’re not even allegations that that’s that’s him admitting right there that he did this because he enjoys the fantasy of doing all of those things to underage children, God’s most precious gift to humanity, children.
And they’re under attack in this country by one common enemy that we all share. And that is Satan, who also is being exposed for all of the lies that he’s to Satan, the transgender liar who is also probably identifying as a liberal. This is disgusting. Morgan Ariel, thank you so much for being here. We always appreciate it. Thank you so much. God bless. This is getting out of control. Our government is sinking a trillion dollars in debt every 100 days. That’s right. A trillion dollars every hundred days. Do you want to bail the government out of debt? Yeah, no, I don’t think so.
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