From Pain to Wellness: How a Revolutionary Product is Helping People Reclaim Their Health | My Patriots Network

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➡ My Patriots Network With Jimmy Schwinn as he shares his experience with a wellness product that helped him and his business partner, Scotty, with their neuropathy. He was initially skeptical about the product’s effectiveness due to the company’s poor website, but was surprised to learn they were selling a lot of it. After trying the product himself and seeing positive results, he decided to help the company improve their online presence. He also shares his personal journey of rejecting traditional medicine after a serious accident and losing family members to prescription drugs, and his commitment to promoting effective, alternative wellness solutions.
➡ The speaker, a former engineer and computer salesman, experienced a life-changing realization that led him to sell his business and embark on a spiritual journey. He now focuses on promoting products that he believes can help people during this transformative time. He mentions a product called Nanosoma, which is a nano-emulsion of polycosanol, a common ingredient in unrefined food. This product, mostly made of Swiss water, is patented worldwide and is believed to help the body take care of itself in unexpected ways.
➡ This text discusses a health product that encourages the body to heal itself. The product has been used by various individuals, including a man named Dave, who experienced significant health improvements. The product was introduced by an Indian man living in Canada and has been on the market since December 2019. It is claimed to clear all pathological viruses, fungi, yeast, and bacteria from our bodies.
➡ The speaker discusses their skepticism towards the COVID-19 vaccine and its side effects, mentioning personal experiences with family members. They also talk about a product called Nanosoma, which they believe helps the body heal itself by balancing its energy. They mention testimonials and personal experiences that suggest the product has a positive impact on health and wellness. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding and caring for the body’s energy, which they believe is closely linked to physical health.
➡ The product Nanosoma can regulate the activity of the vitamin D receptor in our cells, which is crucial for our immune system. If the receptor is overactive, it can lead to health issues, but Nanosoma can turn it down, preventing such problems. Regular use of Nanosoma can result in good vitamin D levels in the body, as it prefers to use Nanosoma to activate the vitamin D receptor. The product is safe for all, including babies and pets, and has been validated by numerous testimonials and patents.
➡ The speaker discusses their personal experience with a product that has helped them heal wounds quickly and improve their overall health. They express gratitude for the company’s customer service and the product’s impact on their life. They also mention the product’s potential to transform fibroblast cells into pluripotent stem cells, which can speed up wound healing and potentially reverse damage from conditions like heart attacks. The speaker also raises concerns about the potential negative health impacts of 5G technology and the pharmaceutical industry’s possible resistance to the product.
➡ The speaker discusses a product called nanosoma, which they believe can improve health. They mention that death rates have increased and birth rates have decreased since 2020, and they believe this product can help. They encourage people to try it, even if they’re skeptical, and share their personal experiences and the positive results they’ve seen. They end by expressing their passion for helping others improve their health.


Good day, brother and sister, fellow patriots. Welcome to our interview with doctor Richard Presser, a gentleman that I met, actually almost one close to being one year from now. And how we did meet was that a business partner of mine, Scotty Sachs, had told me about something that he was using within the wellness industry that literally did just amazing things for his neuropathy. This was so bad for him. He couldn’t sleep at night. I know that because I’ve got a similar story. Feels like pins and needles and fire and electricity going through the bottom of your feet.

The numbing. So numb that it’s painful. And he told me about Doctor Richard Presser and that he was going to be doing some things with him on his sovereign radio show, and that he needed my help and my team’s help, my team and I’s help, besides being the co founder of my Patriots network. Some of you may know, and some of you may not know that we have a development company, and we take care of our own properties and companies that we’re involved in, businesses that we own. And he told me that he would really love to introduce me to Richard, Doctor Richard presser.

And I’ll just call him brother Richard moving forward. He’s brother Richard and sister Becky, who runs his operations around the world. And, you know, I did. He said he needed help with a funnel, building out a funnel for this product that had done this for him. And I said, well, you know, I usually don’t do that, but for you, Scotty, I’m going to do it. But I would like to meet Richard and Becky and talk to them, and I’d like to look at their site. So give me their information. Let me take a look. So as I’m looking at this site, I’m thinking, you know, these guys can’t be doing that much business with this site.

It can’t. And, you know, nothing against you, brother Richard, but I’m like, I’ve built and been involved in hundreds of sites, okay? Over the years, over my. Over the many years that I’ve been involved in doing this. And I said, there’s no way that these guys could be selling a lot of this stuff. Well, I come to find out that they’re selling a lot of this. I mean, and I was really shocked based on the web presence and the amount that I found out that they sell, which is confidential, and I said to myself, man, this stuff must work, because there’s no way in the world that it has to work because of the site.

So when I met with them, go ahead, brother myself here, because I remember your words so clearly. He said, jimmy said to me, this product must be good, because if it weren’t, you wouldn’t be selling anything. I laughed then, and I still laugh now. Yeah. And it’s interesting because at that time, when we met, I was in the Dominican Republic at our apartment down there, because, Cindy, I go down there, you know, usually once or twice a year, and I’m down there. So I didn’t get the product at that time. I know you had shipped it, and it went to my father in law’s house, and he didn’t get it.

And so I was down there a couple more months before I could get my hands on it. But when I was listening to Scotty, and then I said, okay, you know, that we had our conversation, and then it was much more than a funnel that was needed. And I knew that from looking at it, it was a complete. And we’ve been doing this, and things are coming beautifully along, and I. Things are, you know, getting ready to ramp up in a big way. And it was a big, major overhaul that’s been going on here. And there’s not just one site, there’s multiple websites.

But Richard and I and Becky and Scotty, you know, we’ve been working together now for almost a year. And, you know, when I did get this product, I was very excited based on the results that I was feeling, because in 1993, I had an accident, and I was told that I would be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life, that I would be on a morphine pump, pumping in my spinal cord, and I would be on Social Security disability forever. And I just wasn’t going to accept that. So I started looking into alternative medicine, alternative wellness, energy wellness, and really started to be a student of that because I was not going to let that be my destiny.

It wasn’t going to happen for me, and it hasn’t happened for me. I take not one prescription drug in my life. Not one. Lost my brother Joey, at 40 years old, from prescription drugs. Lost my mother, who had juvenile bds and was taking $1,100 worth of prescription drugs a month. Lost her. She drowned in the bathroom, going to the bathroom. Her fluid filled her lungs up and killed her in the bathroom. Lost my brother, you know, dead in the chair at 130 at night, a week before Michael Jackson died from same type of situation. Right. You know, prescription medication.

So I, you know, I have a mission to help bring people things that work, because there’s a lot of things out there that don’t work. And as I dove in, too, because when you’re going to help your team and you are going to help build websites and redo stuff, you got to learn about it. You got to understand what’s going on here. And as I was reading the testimonials, I was floored. And, I mean, there’s hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of testimonials. A lot of them. You couldn’t compliantly put them on the web because the FDA would come in and, you know, we’d have a problem.

But that doesn’t mean they’re not real, right? That doesn’t mean they’re not real. And so I’m reading through this stuff, and I’m just like, wow, this is amazing. And immediately I felt it. And we’re going to talk about this in my energy body, because I’ve been doing tai chi for a long time, working on my energy, meditating, declaring and decreeing. I’m very spiritual. Richard knows that. He is also, and, you know, I don’t do anything that’s not good for the people on the planet. It’s got to be legitimate. The people behind it has to be legitimate.

It has to have a massive impact on the people or the planet. And so I started feeling immediately that it was getting the body, spirit and soul to really work better together, right? Because I’m always working on opening my portals up, energy portals, some people call them chakras, whatever. But I work on that. And I noticed that right away. And then I sent some to my son, my oldest boy, Tommy, and he has, unfortunately, it skipped my generation, but he’s got diabetes like my mother. So I sent him three bottles of the spray in one of the gel, and about three days later, and I were going to ask Richard, we’re going to go into his background in a minute, give him a brief background, and they’re going to find out, what is this stuff, you know, I mean, from his perspective, because no one talks about it better than he does on the planet.

So, you know, when my son, he sent me a text along with this picture, and they had him on all kinds of medication, and his leg was basically pretty much rotting. Nothing was reversing it. After only three days of the gel and the spray, you can see on the right side, what happened? Now, I got to tell you, and I’ll leave that up for another minute. That floored me. That floored me, okay? Because I love my son. I don’t want to see him going through the same thing that my mother went through. And died at 64 years old, lost my dad at 54 years old from a heart attack.

One of those widow, what do you call them? Widow of things. And, you know, don’t want to lose my son. And this happened. Well, this is just. I mean, I’ve seen so many more pictures and so much more testimonials about all kinds of different things. I even seen a testimonial this week where somebody was spraying this stuff on their head, which this is. Excites me, even. Yeah, really excites me to get the bumps off of their head, but the side effect was their hair was grown. And I’m like, this is pretty amazing. So, brother Richard, give us some of your background so people get to know you a little bit better.

And then after you do that, I want to know what this nanosoma stuff is. And I’m not talking about. There’s a lot of people that have. That, you know, that have nanosoma, too, but not like you do not like how it gets into the cells. Can you give us a background on yourself and then get. Let’s talk about, you know, what is this? Danosoma. Happy to, Jimmy. And firstly, thank you for making the time to speak with me here. I honor what you have brought and are bringing to my business and to help to share these extraordinary products with the world, because you and I both know we are just getting started with all of this.

So, a little of my background. I am trained as an engineer. I have a PhD in materials engineering, which is hard to imagine these days. I have never fired it in anger, as I say, I got that qualification and decided I didn’t want to work in that world directly. And so I joined the computer industry, and I joined good old IBM and went selling computers, which was, I will tell you, a culture shock. And so it took me five years in hindsight to make that transition from being a perennial student to a guy who could sell computers.

And I finished up running my own business. I joined some guys who were running a business and finished up owning half of that business and running it in a few short years. And so, you know, I thought that was my path in the world. But in 1991, I was standing in front of the whiteboard in my office, and at that point, I was running the business. As I said, I owned half of it, and in many ways, had many of the trappings of success, if you will. I was married to a. A beautiful blonde polish woman with three gorgeous kids, you know, owned my own house, driving a Ferrari.

All the nonsense that we get caught up in and, you know, kind of had the trappings, one level of the trappings of success. So I was standing in front of the whiteboard in my office one day, and I just had this sudden realization that everything that I’d been creating in my life was trying to fill this hole that I felt in the center of me, a hole that I realized that I hadn’t been aware of until I realized I wasn’t filling it. So it was like a double whammy. It’s like this bomb went off inside me.

People talk about an epiphany, that Jimmy was an epiphany, and it led me to completely deconstruct my life. I sold the business a couple of years later. I took me about five years to blow up my marriage and what little money I’d managed to accumulate. And I found myself in this little yoga cult, as I would describe it, up in the Yarra Valley, which is outside of Melbourne, Australia, where I live, wondering which way was up. I had no clue what was going on. And in hindsight, I realized that life had started me on this journey of taking this left brain, scientifically trained guy to understand the right brain, the intuitive aspects of self, which I had no clue about prior to that experience and all that unfolded.

So, in simple terms, life set me on a journey from where I’d been to where I am now. And I will simply say, these days, the spiritual nature of me drives my life. I have come to understand that I am deeply involved with this extraordinary time of transformation, not only on this planet, but across all of creation. And these beautiful products that we’re talking about today came to me along with another set of products that another day, Jimmy and I will talk about, I’m sure, which Jimmy is well aware of. So these two sets of products came to me, and, you know, I feel very blessed and honored that they should come, and I’m very grateful.

And, you know, there for me, two aspects of it. One is, it provides a financial base for me to be able to live in the world. But more importantly, I see it as a responsibility to spread these products to everybody that survives. This time we are living through. And that’s a bit of a journey, but we’ll get there. So that’s kind of my background. That’s where I walk. And, Jimmy, I truly am grateful for the fact that you have joined the team. You understand now that you were meant to, as everybody else does, that shows up in this crazy business that I run.

And I’m just grateful for the contribution that you’re making and the knowledge, skills, and wisdom that you bring to it, it’s wonderful. Thank you. I appreciate that, brother. And, you know, it’s interesting. We’re talking about our spirit, our journeys in life, and, you know, we all go through that, making a lot of money and not being good stewards of it and, you know, getting the Ferraris or the fancy cars. I remember I had, you know, the. The Chrysler 300, freaking black tinted gun windows and the wife of the jeep and, you know, black tinted windows. I mean, like, you know, $2,500 car payments a month between the two of them and, you know, the million dollar house and all of that.

But I wasn’t ready, you know, for where I’m at now at 59 years young, and I wasn’t the steward that I am now. And again, usually I don’t get involved in these kind of things, but when I seen what you were doing, and I’m looking at what happened in 2020 and 2021, which I don’t want to mention. Cause this is gonna be segmented up to and put out on social media and on the platforms, but now, and we’ll get into that with the death rates and all of that. One of my business partners, Brother Joseph, one of his friends, owns funeral homes, and they are prospering like they’ve never prospered before.

And there’s big companies buying crematoriums and all kinds of stuff, and they’re anticipating the death rate is going to continue to skyrocket. And based on the research of what you’ve done with this product, we’re going to talk about that in a second. This literally can help that, you know, and can help it tremendously. And it’s helping all kinds of stuff. It just. It’s. It’s just amazing, including the energy body, which we’re going to talk about today also. I mean, I I’m saying this here now because I want people to stick around to understand what we’re unpacking here, and for you to set it at the price points that you have for what it does is really a gift, you know, for people.

And what it does for people is just amazing. So I want to now talk a little bit about, you know, what is nanosoma? Brother Richard, tell the folks what nanosoma is. Happy to, Jimmy. So nanosoma is mostly pristine swiss water, but the secret ingredient, to put it in those terms, is a nano emulsion of polycosanol. What on earth is that? Most people don’t know what polycosanol is, and polycosanol is a, is an ingredient in our unrefined food. A very common ingredient in our unrefined food. And when our food gets refined, it’s one of the things that gets taken out.

And so if you look at a leaf, for example, and it gets rained on, the water turns into droplets and runs off, doesn’t go into the leaf. And what’s producing that waxy surface that has the water slide off is polycosanol. So it’s, it’s ubiquitous in the natural world, if you will. And so there are common sources where it can be got from. The most abundant, let’s say, are unrefined sugar from sugar cane, which is known as jaggery, or gur, depending on where you are in the world, unrefined rice and peanuts. But it’s really in pretty much every unrefined food.

And as I said, one of the things that gets taken out when our food gets refined is polycosanol. But this is not just any old polycosanol. You can buy polycosanol supplements in many health food shops. And the reason it’s sold is because it helps with cholesterol levels to some degree. So that’s what it gets sold for. But what’s interesting is if you take a lump of salt or sugar, for example, and you dissolve it in water, you get a nano emulsion. But the results you get are predictable from where you started. We all understand that. But when you take polycosanol, which is a wax, and you turn it into a nano emulsion, which is a little more complex to do so you make it water soluble.

And as a nanoparticle, the results that you get are unpredictable from where you started. I mean, totally unpredictable. Which is why this product of food is patented across 80% of the global population. Right? It does have worldwide patents. Yes, it across 80% of the population. And that’s on the website, too. So that’s, that was another thing that was very like, I’m like, wow, this is amazing to have these worldwide patents. Yes. People are a little surprised when we are talking about a food. How could you patent food? And the answer is, because of what I just described, that where you start and where you finish, the impact is not predictable.

And so when you put this product in your body, which, as I said, is mostly swiss water, and our bodies are mostly water, so there is a relationship there which is actually pretty reflective of the body in terms of the makeup of the product. When you put this in the body, it triggers or promotes the body to take care of itself in ways we never imagined was possible. And you might hear those words, but there’s a very good chance that you will not grasp them, because we have all been living inside this world of allopathic medicine where, you know, each symptom is treated as a disease rather than a disease of the body, and every condition has its own treatment.

So this is a completely different way of looking at having our bodies take care of themselves. Because when you put this product in your body, let me say it again, triggers the body to take care of itself in ways we could not imagine. And I would say to you that I have yet to see any health condition that short of, you know, if you’ve got a limb cut off or something of that nature. But short of that, it will trigger the body to take care of itself. Yeah, it’s interesting because together with I want my health back.

And we’ll have the link in the description where it will point to some other videos that Richard has done. And a doctor, I’m going to show a doctor’s testimony on what it’s doing for her and her patients, and then another person’s testimony was something that you would never think this would help with, and it’s helping with. So we’ll show that on the screen here soon. And also there’ll be a link in the description below. But, you know, it’s interesting, Richard, because one of the things that we’re doing, you know, with sovereign radio and building out the whole PI network, which I call patriot influencer network, and we started working with that with I want my help back, in fact, well, really, it didn’t start until like March.

Right. But then to see the significant things happening to these PIs, I call them PIs or patriot influencers, brothers and sisters both, like Dave, brother Dave. And I’m not going to mention his last name, but his testimonials up on the site now and the fact that when we first had that first call, he sounded like he was knocking on death’s door and the doctor had told him that he had damaged his lining in his lungs and that he would now have to be on oxygen, you know, I mean, you know, you see these people with oxygen up their nose with a tank, you know, going everywhere that they’re going.

And this was his, that’s what they said was going to happen to him. And then he is bone on bone knee. And then to see that testimonial that, you know, went out on him a couple weeks back because, you know, you do the weekly thing, and I put it in the system and send it for you to see that testimonial. And then not only to see it, but to hear it from brother Dave also. It’s a changed his life. He’s playing basketball again for the first time in like 25 years now. He’s a youngster in his probably late sixties or early seventies, you know, because I always say young.

You’re growing young, you’re growing young. It’s all about mindset, right? But to see the significant change in his life, that’s the things that I love to be involved with and people, brothers and sisters, you see the map behind me. That’s where this is going, okay? It’s going all over the world to everybody to help as many people as possible, because, again, death rates are increasing because of what went on in 2020 and 20, 2021, but also five G’s, you know, again, we’ll have another show. We’re going to be talking about some really, you know, incredible stuff around that whole situation.

But, you know, Richard had said that this used to be in our food. They refined it out. Why do you think they refined it out? They don’t want it in your food. And elephants eat a lot of sugar cane. And aren’t they, like, they never get the c word, you know, everybody knows that deadly c word. When you, let’s just say cancer, you know, they don’t have a problem with that. And they eat that sugar cane like it’s going out of style. And, you know, what’s interesting is, like, here in the United States, we talked about this before, Brother Richard.

When I go into the dominican republic and I’m eating fruit, it tastes like nothing that I taste in the United States. I think, like, we’re the guinea pigs here in the United States, where all our food is full of everything that you could. Like. Most of the stuff they sell in the United States is banned in Europe, it’s banned in Australia, it’s banned everywhere else. But it’s freely given here to all the sheeple here in the United States of America, where they think we’re the test rats in a lab. And, you know, if my wife and I, if we didn’t have to, we didn’t have our adult children and our grandson with us here, we’d be leaving and moving to the american public because I can do the same activity that I’m doing here, and I’m losing weight because I’m actually eating real food.

And so, you know, here in the United States, you know, number one, I know that’s your top customer base here in the United States. And, you know, more people need to know about this. And, you know, how did you get involved in it? Like, how did this come, you know, to you? You know, because I think you got started. When did you get started? And again, your nanosoma has a specific process, right. To get that, that. And I can’t even say that word. Poly. Polycarcinol. Polycarcinol. I’m working on it, folks. I’m working on it. But it gets right into the cell.

And, you know, my wife, she has a couple things going on, and she won’t, she, I’ll get her sprained for a couple days. Then she don’t spray. You know, I’m a, I’m a active sprayer, and now I’m testing the nose spray, which I love because I feel what’s going on with my pineal and because I can feel that because I’ve been doing this for decades. And so, you know, I want. How did you get involved in this? How did this come to you? Because the divine creator of all things brings us stuff, right? It really, you know, and you went through what you went through in life to be here at this point to be the stewardess.

This. How did this come to you? So I was running an online business selling other products at the time, and I got to know this indian man who lived in Canada who was, let’s say, a bit of a horse trader. He was buying and selling stuff in and out of India, and I was working with him to supply some of the products that I had at the time into India. And then he called me out of the blue and said, I’ve got something you might be interested in. So he told me a bit about it. I said, that could be interesting.

He said, I can set up a call with you with a developer in a couple of weeks. He’s in India at the moment launching the product. And so he set up that call. And by then, I’d gathered a bunch of questions. I wanted to ask him to understand a little better about what it did. And basically everything that I tossed at him, he could deal with it, said the product deals with that. I was shocked, and I realized that this was pretty significant on some level. And we’re talking October, November of 2019. And I saw this, and I just said, I have to get this into the market.

And so I just bought some already bottled product out of India and started selling it here in Australia. As I said, I already had a customer base, and I had people connected with me for my spiritual work and people connected because of the other products that I’d been selling. And so I just set up a new store to sell these products, and off we went. And the first products I shipped was on the 14 December of 2019. And I know that because it was the day before. I flew out to the states for a couple of weeks before.

I then went to Brazil, where my wife is from, for Christmas. And I wasn’t sure if the product was going to arrive in time for us to get it out the door I left or whether I would toss it all to my erstwhile friend to ship it all out. But we got most of it done before I left. And so that’s where I got started, effectively, in December of 2019. And I was sitting in Brazil in January 2020 when Covid began to emerge into the world. And so I remember sitting there thinking, because I had come to understand already, that this product clears essentially all pathological viruses, fungi, yeast, and bacteria, um, from our bodies.

And this has been demonstrated. It’s documented. It’s in Raghu’s papers, by the way, there’s a lot of background research to this that’s very, very solid. And I will mention that one of the things that Raghu has done is he doesn’t do any of the research himself. He contracts it out blind. In other words, the people who are doing the testing don’t know what they’re testing. Right? That’s powerful. Says, I want you to run these tests and give me the results. And that’s what they do. So, you know, the research is very, very solid. So we knew this, and I was sitting here thinking, you know, I’ve got this virus in this hand, and then a soma in this hand.

If I can just find a way to bring these together, it will all go away. Well, I didn’t understand the agenda back then, and we all understand it a little better. Right. But in my opinion, it’s no accident that this product has begun to come out into the world in what I call the post jab world. Yeah. And talking about that a little bit, the jab, you know, we know we have graphene fiend in this stuff and all kinds of other just abominational, uh, things in this. This jab. It’s just terrifying. I would never get it.

They would have to, you know, they would have to drag my dead body out of here, inject me with it. But my son got it, not only once, but the booster. Then guess what happened? He had to get his gallbladder taken out. My daughter got it because of her job. And I was telling her, I thought you were a lot smarter. She’s very brilliant. Both of them are. And I’m like, you know, I would never do that. The last time I had a vaccination was when I was in the military, when I had to go in and get the vaccination for the military.

Never had one ever again after that. I’m totally, you know, looking at this whole situation from 2020 through 2021 where they started doing these mandates and all of this, all the people now that are sick and the things that they’re pulling out of the arteries and stuff, like long goo, like black gooey stuff. So nanosoma, your nanosoma. And let me, let me. 1 second, folks. Let me pull it up over here. This is the bottle that I spray every day. It takes a little, like, water and a little bit of something, but very good. I mean, it’s like, no problem at all.

It’s great. This one they’re going to be coming out with, which goes up the nose. And I got to tell you something, Richard, we’ll talk about this in a few minutes about the energy body, the pineal gland, but, you know, reading these testimonials that’s going on and does this all. So this helps with that issue, you know, the body getting rid of it, you know, bringing the body into balance where the body, you know, the body imbalance can heal itself, right? It can heal itself from anything, the body imbalance. So the way I would express it is these products don’t treat, heal, or cure anything.

What they are doing is triggering the body to take care of itself in ways we never imagined was possible. I’m now satisfied that this little nanoparticle brought the blueprint of biological life to this planet. And so its relationship with our biology is profound. It knows our bodies. It knows every aspect of our bodies because it is the blueprint right of it. And, you know, Richard, one thing I see is people stake on this product. You know, I’ve been involved in a lot of different companies throughout my lifetime, and I know the retention rate, and this has a very, very, very high retention rate.

And again, just like the website, when I said the only way you could be selling this thing is if it worked, because there’s no way in the world. It’s not like your website, just slick thing. And what I see also is people are staying on this stuff, and I will myself be on this for, you know, as long as I can get it, I’ll be on it. It’s my, it’s part of my protocol. And, you know, I get more access, you know, to more testimonials that we can’t put up on the site, but there’s plenty of testimonials up on that site now to validate, you know, this through and through on all kinds of different things.

And what you’re saying, and this is going to bring us into the next thing that I want to talk about in, you know, something that is really important to me because I am a big believer, you know, as well. You know, I own part of an energy wellness company, but I have been studying eastern medicine for a long time. I’ve done acupuncture, meditation, yoga, breathing, all of these things seen magnificent things happen. And I’m a firm believer in energy body. Everything starts within the energy body, but most people don’t even know how to take care of the energy body at all.

And then I was floored not but a couple months ago, not but a couple months ago when I seen this. And, you know, this machine tests the energy body and also the energy of the different, you know, heart and lungs and different organs and all kinds of stuff. And there’s a whole PDF on this, and I know that you’re going through to get that ready where we’ll be able to let people see that. But when I seen this before, picture of the energy body of someone that was tested, and then they took five sprays in anosoma, this looks like they got hit by a hailstorm, smashed in, you know, and now, except for one dent, the energy body is perfect.

I. When I seen this, I said, no wonder, you know, let me remove it for a second. I’ll put it back. But I said, no wonder this thing is getting all these results. And most people don’t understand that, Brother Richard. They don’t understand the significance of the energy body on the biological mass matter body. Can you talk a little bit about that? Can you talk about why that is like that? I mean, you know, like, why that happened? Well, most people, unfortunately, are not even aware that we have an energy body and other, let’s say, expressions that surround the physical body.

But it’s very interesting that you talk about this. I organized a roundtable of some allopathic doctors that are working with these products, which is pretty exciting. We’ve started to develop a little bridgehead in that world. And we actually had on the call two women who are psychiatrists, one of whom really isn’t practicing any more because she’s pretty elderly, though she’s certainly not retired, but the other one, Doctor Carol Banyas, is an active psychiatrist, working with people that have psychiatric health issues. And many of them come to her on psychotic medications and so on. And she works to get them off, primarily using nanosoma.

But Carol also is quite a spiritual woman, and she can see people’s energy fields. Some people are able to do that. Yeah. And. And Carol, in that video, talks about how she can witness the healing of somebody, excuse me, beginning in their energy body in a way that you can. You’re seeing in that image. You know, I would suggest that’s an image of a healthy person that’s being looked at there. So, you know, the recovery or the change is pretty much immediately. But someone who’s got major health issues, the energy body won’t respond as quickly as that.

But the changes that show up in their health, she witnesses in their energy body before it shows up in the physical body. So those things are very closely related. And, you know, there are also other trials that have been done of various sorts. For example, Darkfield microscopy, which shows the blood of someone that might be, let’s say, contaminated on one level or another. They take five sprays of nanosoma, and 20 minutes later they do another dark field microscopy, which is essentially looking at somebody’s blood in real time. It’s transformed in 20 minutes. In 20 minutes. The impact of this is just profound.

I use that word. Some people get a little annoyed with the degree to which I use it, but this is. This is profound stuff. I make no apologies. No. And, you know, it is profound, Brother Richard. It is profound. And that is a great word for it, because I’m seeing those results. Yeah. I will say, people listening to this, many of you will struggle to hold the words that I have spoken here. When you put this in the body or on the body, but especially in, it triggers the body to take care of itself in ways we could not imagine.

In fact, I can’t think of a health condition that, you know, as I said, short of a missing limb or whatever, that this does not promote the body to heal for itself. We have many testimonials of so called incurable health conditions, like dementia, like multiple sclerosis, like Parkinson’s, type one and type two diabetes, on and on and on, that the body heals for itself. When this is present and you see the level at which this is communicating with our bodies is so profound that when you grasp this, it begins to make sense. The day will come when everybody on this planet that survives the time we are going through will use this product and understand its relationship to our biology.

I give you a couple of very simple examples. We’re not going into this too much today, but, you know, we have 48 or nine nuclear receptors in our cells. Now, the nuclear receptors are a bit like the software of our biology, if you will. They’re. They’re the control system for our bodies, are the nuclear receptors. And so some of them have mechanisms to be regulated, which means being turned on and turned off. So they’re positioned optimally, but many of them don’t. So let’s take the vitamin D receptor that we all are pretty familiar with, which is key to our immune system.

And what normally turns on the vitamin D receptor is vitamin dinhe. And we’re encouraged to make sure we get enough vitamin D to do that. But vitamin D only turns on the vitamin D receptor. If the vitamin D receptor gets overactive, vitamin D can do nothing. We all heard about cytokine storms in the COVID days, and to have a cytokine storm in your body, you need to have an overactive vitamin D receptor. When you’re using nanosoma, it turns on the vitamin D receptor. But also if it’s overactive, it turns it down. You can’t have a cytokine storm in your body when you’re using nanosoma because the vitamin D receptor can’t get overactive.

Powerful. And this is just an example. I will also say that, as I said, the relationship of this particle to our biology is truly profound. And so the body actually prefers to use nanosoma to activate the vitamin D receptor. Interesting. Yeah. So the impact of this is you can demonstrate this pretty easily, because if you’re using nanosoma and you go and get your vitamin D level checked after a year of use, you’ll find it’s very good. Why? Because the body’s storing it, not using it. So it builds up from whatever source, but the body’s not using vitamin D anymore.

So you, when you get it checked, it shows a very good level. Nice. Nice. And, yeah, I was also, you know, what was really exciting is, as I’m looking at these testimonials that you guys sent me, you know, new testimonials coming in, and I’ve been through a lot of the, the ones that have come in before, and I’m seeing all these things happening for pets, for dogs and cats and horses. And I’m like, this is just great. And, I mean, this is safe to give babies, right. From what I’m understanding, there’s. Because it’s a food. And we know why they refined it out, because, you know, if you have this in the food and you give everybody good food, then you don’t feed the sick care industry, right? Or they call it the healthcare industry.

You know, my wife, I told you, brother Richard, when I got back from the american public, you know, down there, if Cindy has to go to. Again, she’s not spraying every day. She’s not following what I do because she has a belief in the medical industry, too. But she would go down there, and if she had to get vitamin fluid. And by the way, they were telling when she got fluids here, they said that less than 10% of vitamin pills that you take, you actually absorb less than 10%. That’s what they were saying. But down there, she could go for 5 hours, and she, you know, the bill would be $175.

So we get back here, she has another one of her episodes. Two and a half hours, $10,000. I mean, if there’s. If people think that this is a great healthcare system that we have here in the United States, I’ll sell you to brick Brooklyn bridge. You know, I mean, this is the most. You know, it seems like everything that you don’t want to be number one in United States is number one in. And the things that you would want to be number one in. We’re, like, almost in last place now. In a bunch of them in the healthcare industry, they say, well, you got the best doctors in the world because we got a system that has to be completely taken down and rebuilt.

And, you know, there’s no doubt that they would refine this from all the food because the last thing they want is a bunch of healthy people. Just like when they reward doctors based on how many prescriptions they prescribe here in the United States, they give them bonuses. They give them bonuses or how many vaccines they give to the children, they, by the way, get bonuses. So, again, I’ve been on this journey ever since they told me I would be in a wheelchair. And, you know, within then I watched my brother die and my mother die. And I’m like, this is very, very personal to me.

And to have this in a little bottle like this and to be able to utilize it and have it do what it does, it just. I feel like it’s a gift from God, too. I really, truly believe that because it is doing amazing things. And I get approached constantly with people’s stuff. I know constantly. That happens to me. And again, if it ain’t good for the people and the planet, I don’t want to hear about it. And it’s got to be validated. And this is definitely validated with all these different patents and all these testimonials and all these doctors involved, naturopaths involved, and the way it’s affecting the energy body.

And, I mean, I would say this, and I want to go back to you, Richard, is that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. So, yes, you have an energy body, because you’re a spiritual being having a human experience. So most people don’t take care of their energy body. But guess what? Energy wellness, energy medicine is used by two thirds of the world just here in the western culture, Richard, everything. You know, I think the United States consumes 60% of all prescription drugs globally. Back to you, brother. It wouldn’t surprise me. It wouldn’t surprise me, you know, this.

That entire system began in the US, as I said, with John D. Rockefeller and, you know, the early 20th century, and he set up the whole school, medical school system to teach allopathic medicine. He got into this because he was looking for other applications of his oil. And the people that were out there looking came across the early pharmaceuticals in Germany that were made from tar sands, and he thought tar sands is a byproduct of oil refining. And so he said, it sounds like a good business to be in. So he created the allopathic medical system.

Some people who understand all of this referred to it as Rockefeller medicine because it is. And so he built the whole infrastructure to train doctors to do this. And, you know, was a big player in the pharmaceutical industry as the wheels got turning. So, you know, have no doubt about what it represents. I’m not saying there’s nothing good inside it. And, you know, people mix up the pharmaceutical world with, let’s say, the surgical world, and it’s all kind of rolled together. But we’ve had surgery for a long, long time, and you know that there is a place for that for sure.

But, Jimmy, I just have to say, I honor the journey that you’ve worked walk, sir, in terms of literally picking yourself up off the floor and saying, no, I am not going to live inside this, this destiny that has been specified for me. I’m not going there. And so, you know, you had a little assistance external in that, in starting in that place. You picked yourself up by your own bootstraps that you couldn’t reach at the time, and really got yourself back on the, you know, back to normal life. And I truly honor that. Very few people have the courage to do that.

I honor you, sir. Well, I appreciate that, Brother Richard. And I’m hoping that more people get that courage to do that and can wean themselves off the things that are not good for them. And, you know, I talk to people when we’re doing the mastermind training, you know, about, look what is serving you and what is not in every area of your life. And, you know, get a piece of paper, draw a line down the middle of it, put what’s serving you and what’s not serving you and remove what’s not and add to what is. And that’s what you have to do.

And you have to do it periodically, and you got to stay on top of, you got to do with your business, you got to do with your spiritual life, got to do it with your nutrition, everything. You know, you got to really look at what’s going on, because if you don’t know, look at what’s going on, then you’re going to just continue to do the same thing over and over again that gets you into a place of disease, sickness, and all of these things. It’s like my wife is funny, because I was telling you the other day a couple weeks back about I made a deal with her that if she wanted me to get my blood work done, because I don’t go to the doctors at all, and I’m not suggesting that to anybody.

That’s me. That’s who I am. Oh, she wanted me to go to get the blood test, that she would have to take the spray three times a day every day until we left to go do that. Right. And then I would see, you know, at first, three times a day to get her through. You know, what you call that loading time. Right. To get them through. And you guys do a wonderful job of helping, you know, the influencers and the customers understand how to utilize this product. Right. And the customer service is second to none. The love for the customers.

I mean, I look at what, how you started, and literally, with a few influencers, this thing exploded. And again, I’m not going to get into the numbers, but they’re actually bigger than body lines numbers, you know, and that body line has some big numbers. And I was looking at that, and I’m thinking, wow, you know, I was brought into this thing, right? You know, in life, people get really upset when a door closes, but, you know, the. The divine creator, the point of origin, that always have been and always will be, opens doors and closes doors, right.

And to get to a point where you meet somebody, like how I met Scotty through a door that closed, and a guy actually died. Okay. And then I had nothing to do with it. And then how I met you. Right, because Scotty didn’t have a funnel ready. Yeah, he was kind of panicking. You know what I mean? He kind of bit off a little bit more than he could chew in that area. But yet he has significant results with the spray in the jaw. Right. And I know you’re going through an update on this gel and that you’ll be doing some stuff there, but, I mean, I’ve seen wounds in testimonials, picture sent in, where, like, wounds.

I mean, it’s amazing how fast these wounds are healing up. I mean, I even punctured myself and had a big gash in my arm, and I rubbed this stuff on it. Within, like, two days, it was completely, like, healed. Like, scabbed over, you know, like, over there, but a soft. And within a week, it was gone. I couldn’t even see it. And so, you know, I’m very grateful to be involved with you in this, Brother Richard. And, you know, I would tell everybody. You again? You know, my son is. He doesn’t believe in most things, but then he sends me that after three days, his legs fall, is like.

They put him on. What is that? Antibiotics, like, the really strongest ones. Cephal, it’s called. I don’t forget what it is. It’s. He was telling me, but look at the leg, look at the crusty stuff here. Look at all of that. Like, he. You know, and then boom. I mean, and that’s after three freaking days. And, you know, I’m seeing pictures like that coming in all the time over here. And when you can do that, look, look, this is not a product that the powers that will not be in the future, I’m sure. But let’s say the people that control the medical industry, the healthcare industry, the pharmaceutical industry, this is not a product that they want out there.

There’s no if and buts about it. So we have to be very careful. Like, even with this recording here, I’ll be doing shorts to get more people to this recording so that it can be played, you know, on a place where that we don’t lose our, you know, our reach on Facebook and all of that. But it’s so important to get this message out because there is hope for people. There truly is hope for people. It absolutely is. Isdev. I will just share a little more technical information here about this product. Basically, it’s regulating. I talked about the vitamin D receptor, but it’s regulating all of the nuclear receptors, but also it has the ability to trigger the body to produce new nuclear receptors.

We have a common cell in our body called fibroblast cells, and they don’t have any nuclear receptors in them normally. And most, you know, the medical fraternity doesn’t understand for the most part what they’re doing there. And they do show up in, in wound, in wound healing and play a role, but apart from that, nobody knew what they were doing. And what’s interesting, as I said, they don’t have the nuclear receptors in them. But when you put nanosoma with them at picogram concentrations, which is homeopathic, it triggers the production of all of the nuclear receptors in those cells when they weren’t there before.

Now, the real significance of that is that these cells become pluripotent stem cells all over the body. And you talk about wound healing. That’s one of the reasons you get rapid wound healing, because it’s triggering the production of pluripotent stem cells in the wound. It heals up very quickly, but they’re all over the body. So, you know, we are told that if you have a heart attack, we’ll have the scarring of the heart muscle the rest of your life. Well, not if you’re using this product you want. Yeah, it’s amazing what it’s doing for people, even one person that’s a friend of mine with their issues that they were having, and now they just have the best blood work ever in the history of their life of taking blood work, being on this product.

And that, that is exciting. You know, it’s exciting what it’s doing, brother. I want to show something real quick, and this link is going to be in the description. Let me show this real quick. And I don’t know if it’s going to take us open the page, but if it does, that’s okay. Can you see that page, brother? Yes, sir, I can. Okay, so this is a video that was done when Richard started, I think back, what, in about 2020, you and Ra and one of the influencers. I did this video. This is just part of it.

This is only nine minutes of it, like eight minutes in whatever second. But this is the one of the most powerful videos I’ve ever watched on explaining what is nanosoma. So again, the link is going to be in the description where you can click on, but you can’t access this except for the link below this page. And then on this page, after you watch that video, spend the time to watch doctor Rupa Charis video. And what this is doing for herself and her patients. And then listen to Joanne’s video on what’s going on with her personal health.

I mean, Richard, this is like, you know, really, really exciting stuff that’s going on here with, you know, this nano soma product through your company. And, you know, before we go, I want to talk about, I want my health back. And that is a movement that, you know, we were brainstorming for the influencers about the site for them, you know, the, you know, it was a funnel, but turned into a site. And, you know, brother Scotty Sachs, he said, hey, is I want my health back available. And I went and looked and it was, he said, that’s a great name for this because that’s what it’s all about.

It’s getting people their health back. And it is, it’s a very descriptive domain name, but it’s, it is absolutely. Why? Uh, you know, it’s, it’s a true statement. Um, this is a mission, right? Because we know, based on, again, you know, me having an inside track with a hedge fund guy, that they’re buying up all these funeral homes. They’re making more money than they’ve ever made with these funeral homes. They’re buying, you know, crematoriums. They’re anticipating, like, a massive loss of life across this planet due to the fact of the jab and due to the fact it’s already happening of the 5G rollout.

We’re going to get into more of that on the next time that me and you get together talking about, you know, how we’re going to help, you know, defend this planet, but, and defend the people on it, but, you know, between 5G, which is, you know, now all the satellites are going up, the towers are everywhere now. Yeah, it’s great to be able to move fast on the, on the Internet, you know, and be able to, you know, watch video, that’s wonderful. But the effect it’s having on people’s body, shutting down the ATP channel that lets the nutrition in and the waste out.

And I doing the things that you were describing in that other video with the blood oxygen, you know, the oxygen and the way that moves and then all of this stuff. Now you hear that they’re putting this jab in the cows and the pigs and the chickens, you know, there’s, in the food everywhere. They’re like, they’re not going to accept that we don’t want to take it. There’s finish there spray. I’m even hearing things about getting sprayed in the air okay. Yes, yes, yes. I think there’s certainly, even now, the stuff that’s in chemtrails, let’s say, is not exactly in our best interest, and we can deal with that.

But also, one of the things to understand is if you have been jabbed in the last few years, firstly, if you look at the statistics, the rate of death has gone up, which is what’s driving the funeral home and crematorium business, because, sad to say, it’s planned. But also, the other thing that’s changed dramatically is the birth rate has dropped dramatically since the beginning of 2020. Again, no accident, but when you use this product, we have a particular protocol, which is use five sprays every 4 hours for seven days. All of this contamination will be cleared out of your blood.

Powerful brother. I mean, I’m excited, you know, again with, I want my health back. You know, that whole movement with all these influencers, both spiritual patriot influencers, the results that they’re getting personally, I mean, just getting them on a call together and listening to their stories and what they’re saying is happening is firing all of them up. Not that all of them know how to market, because they don’t, but there’s some that do, you know, and they’re spreading it like wildfire. I think that, you know, in the next couple years, that everybody’s going to be knowing about nanosoma, especially, like you just said, the birth rates dropped, the death rates increased.

Uh, people are very concerned. You know, I’m. I’m concerned about my own children, and I’m concerned about other people because I love people. But at the end of the day, you have to want to do it. You have to want to do it. I mean, you can bring a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink. And a lot of people, you know, you can tell them, hey, what do you have to lose? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. And there’s people out there say, well, I can’t afford that, Jimmy. Well, guess what? Do a column exercise.

First of all, if you can’t afford this, I got, you got problems. You know what I mean? Second, your mindset’s off, and you need to do a column exercise and look at what’s not serving you and what is, and start removing what isn’t a, and you will find all the money you need in what isn’t serving you in order to get yourself on things that are going to help you, like nanosoma. You know, I take, you know, I take other things, you know that, Richard. But this is my main situation here. And I got to tell you, I’m not going to stop taking it.

And I look at it like this. I’d rather be taking the things that are helping me stay healthy and keeping me out of the sick care industry than spending $1,100 a month on prescription drugs like my mother did and then going to the bathroom and drowning in my own liquid, filling my lungs and dying on the toilet, okay? That’s how my mother left this planet. Or my brother sitting there watching tv and went to a pain management doctor and had a cocktail that they gave him, and he stopped breathing and died in his recliner chair at like, 130 at night.

That’s how passionate I am, brother Richard. And, you know, my team and I and the network that we built, you know, my patron network built a big, big network together. And all the patriots, we’re going to be, you know, introducing this to. We’re going to get this out to everybody that we can. And I’m just hoping you all, you know, when you look at what happened for my son, and there’s so many more pictures and testimonials on the website, videos, everything you need to see, and you understand the energy body and understand the power of getting your energy body in tip top shape in order to keep your biological matter body in tip top shape, this product is what will do it.

So, any closing statements before we go here? Any comments, brother, before we go here today? I don’t think so, Jimmy. I could talk for hours, as you know, about these extraordinary products and what they do and the health outcomes. You know, I have a fair list of testimonials in my head that just come pouring forth. But I think we’ve given the core message here, and you’re providing a pathway for people to go and get more information and understand better and get access to these extraordinary products. So thank you. Thank you for the work that you’re doing.

I appreciate it very much. Thank you. My brother and brothers and sisters, fellow patriots, we love you all very much. All you need to do is go down in the description, click on that link, watch those other additional videos, read those testimonials, and try it, you know, try it, and watch what it does for you and your family and even your pets. So God bless you. Have a wonderful, blessed day. We’ll see you next time. Take care. Thank you.

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alternative wellness solutions balancing body energy for health body self-healing products improving online presence for wellness companies nano-emulsion of polycosanol Nanosoma for immune system Nanosoma health benefits rejection of traditional medicine skepticism towards COVID-19 vaccine Swiss water health product vitamin D receptor regulation wellness product for neuropathy

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