A dialogue unfolds involving multiple characters. One character named “Stan” has been having problems with thugs named Francis Valentine and Dominic Milani. Stan can’t retire due to a debt with the bank. Elsewhere, a potential indirect act of terrorism involving an aviation interruption is discussed. Another character wants to broker a meeting with a top mob boss, Victor Kazi. Elsewhere, another character needs a short-term loan of $17,000 for a house, which turns into a loan for $180,000 to start a gemstone business.
The provided text concerns a convoluted narrative involving an undercover operation with a possible fraudulent businessman, linked to possible terrorist cells, leading to a plane explosion. Internal disagreements and sudden resignations crop up, and a shady deal involving international real estate investment happens amidst this chaos. Lastly, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) looks to discredit allegations while trying to avoid involvement in the investigation of the plane disaster.
A complex web of international intrigue unfolds involving the CIA, potential drug trafficking, lost funds, and a missing agent, leading to the deployment of a neutral third-party to retrieve key data. A side issue occurs when an associate’s ex-girlfriend is taken hostage, leading to further complications.
Frank Logan, a Central Intelligence operative, tries to secure the safety of an individual and his connections, who are entangled in a complex web of espionage, implicating agents, government officials, and White House members. A data leak could compromise the US political structure but the dangers of suppressing it are also acknowledged, revealing the manipulative nature of the government and its agencies.
The text describes a series of conversations, investigations, and details from a film called “Courier X.” The author addresses suspected misconduct within the CIA and related concerns, culminating with an upcoming live event with Raphael, a weather reporter discussing Doppler radar’s use in weather manipulation. The author also references another guest, Mike Harris, who will talk about the military’s readiness.
The speaker is actively working on a particular project and plans to catch up with the audience on the following Monday if not over the weekend.
If you guys clicked on the. If you clicked on the video. I had the trailer, which is about a minute long, just. I actually put that as the video holding video and I’m going to try to do that from now on for the Friday night watch party. If I know what movie I’m going to play and I can find the trailer, I’m going to use the trailer as the play invader.
I thought that was actually a pretty cool idea. So it was something that just like, it just kind of occurred to me when I was doing it. So anyway, I thought that was actually kind of a good idea. And if I can make it work, I will. So I think what I’ll do though is while we’re waiting for people to jump on board, I think I’ll play the trailer again just so that people can see the trailer.
And let’s start off with that. And I want to kind of test the audio. PB, you’re here. Don’t have very many people. I only got like seven or eight people that I’m seeing in there. So if you could please give me a five x five on the video. Let me know if you hear the video on your end here. I’m one of the bad guys, Nathan. There, I’ve said it.
Does it really matter if I suppress the dad or someone else in the government? Do you know how sensitive this is? It implicates people. Agents, government officials, White House members. So what is it that you need? Conversation. You mean an investigation? That doesn’t usually apply to us. What is it? Fraught did not board ifo 21. I understand they asked you for a backup. Yeah, and you’re not going to like him.
We’ve only got one shot at this. After that, he’s gone. We know that this individual owes you a lot of money and we don’t care. I’ve got tons of dirt on the CIA trafficking drugs and they’re worried about the damn lead. Are you kidding me? You onto Nilokitino? Pocom partir? That’s the trailer. And that is the trailer. So you’re not going to really get much out of the trailer.
You’re not going to get much out of the trailer on that one. But anyway. All right, guys, well, we’ve got 22 people here, or at least according to me, we got 22 people. So I’m just going to go ahead and get it started because it’s the watch party, so people will come in as they see fit. I’m going to mute myself, and if you guys have any questions or whatever, I’ll be in the chat.
And I’m not going to give anything away anyway. All right, guys, well, I hope you enjoy the movie, and I will be back when the movie is done. I’m not going to pause this at all. So here we go. Good evening. This is a special report. I’m Brian Williams, NBC News. We are coming on the air at this point to report to you a story still developing, the facts still coming in, apparently from Us coast guard and other sources.
We now know that a TWA jet aircraft, flight 800, en route tonight from JFK airport in New York to Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris, France, has exploded in midair, apparently landing in the Atlantic anywhere from ten to 20 miles south of New York’s Long island. Hager in our Washington bureau. Bob, can you hear me? Robert? Hi. I’m down. Okay, Robert, I didn’t know where you were. We now see you on the telephone.
Yes, we do. What can you add on how long you’ve been listening? No, I haven’t. So I don’t think I know as much as you do at this point. Well, this is a TWA flight 800 flight tonight from JFK to Paris de Gaulle. The capacity on this vintage mits are impressive. Did you play? I did not. Science was my sandlot. And you? Second base at Fordham and I went into politics.
Sometimes I think we use the same equipment to get things done at the White House. Listen, I know you were reluctant to take on this role, but the president is appreciative. I’m here to help with any part of the transitioning and any guidance is needed. I appreciate that. Hello, I’m looking for Gary Webb, please. This is Gary. My name is Cora Baka. I have some implicating material on the CIA that I think you might find of interest.
Well, there are several reasons, certainly. I believe the death penalty is a deterrent for several reasons. People fear death. They don’t fear life. Life is valued more than death. That is just a truth walk. Here’s. Here’s it. Dirty measure only picking it is. Let’s get that queen knuckle on. You Polanski funny, you don’t look polish. What do you want? To the point. Let’s see. Products smuggled from Russia into Poland, then Poland into the US.
Without my permission. Means taxes. Where is it? Inside middle pocket. Muscart. How much? It is in an atm? 4000. Pin number 2583. Glad to hear that. The same number your partner said. The price now it’s 8000 if you want to traffic through Poland. Otherwise go back to Africa. Since you have half, you get half. You get this back when I get other half. Call me when you have.
It’s change. Ocean of a sober page in a proper. It. It. It. Where are you going? Hang on. Trendon. Don’t hurt him. It wasn’t his fault. So what do you do for a living there, sport? I’m not really working right now. You know your way out of here? Yeah. I’m really sorry. It. You should get up. Should get the dirty sheets off the bedroom. Put the sheets in the bag.
Trendlin. I’m sorry. I made a mistake. Yeah, I think I’m the one who made the mistake. Once you gather your things and get out of here. As I mentioned last night, that’s the lowest temperature we’ve had around here in over a week. After a high today of 69 68% of relative humidity. That’s not very high for this time tonight. Robert is holding steady winds out of the southeast at 8 miles an hour.
Temperatures around the region. Tom river checks in tonight. Kevin with a 48 degree temperature reading at 47. Up on the Poconos, 52 is the city temperature in downtown New York. Temperature 55 degrees. And 47 is in Hamilton. 48 in Goverton where I’ll be tomorrow morning for the National Hurricane Conference. Now skies have been clearing from north to south all day, and that clearing line has pushed all the way down toward the Chesapeake Bay area.
So we’re going to stay in the clear. As high pressure is building from the northwest and the west. We’ve had series of cold fronts come through the back door and the last one really did it. It can’t come from. Is everything all right? Because the weather to the west is warm. Our location is compromised. We have cool temperatures. Everybody will be in the that high pressure is also pushing are exceptional once again.
The cloud line will sink further south towards the Carolinas tomorrow. Nathan Freeze are the best stones in New York system which means it will be. I still don’t know how you do. While forecasting dry weather for the rest of the week. Dry and cool tonight. 42 to 48 for the overnight low at the Atlantic City airport station with these assets no longer in play. We have outlined a secondary maneuver that will no longer be remotely driven.
We’re going to need to assist to ensure proper execution. Enclosed is the initial plan outlined by our science department. Also enclosed are the players and departments we need to recruit. The biggest difference on this exercise is that insurance will play a key role enabling parties to collect to help with reconstitution while we keep our resources intact for our own agenda. Barat did not board IFO 21. What happened? He withdrew for unknown reasons.
What about Brown? Is he on board? Yes. The principal is still covered, so we’re proceeding. Yeah. A United States Air Force jet flight IFO 21 crashed this afternoon on its way to Bosnia. Among the 34 dead of which were mainly foreign diplomats was U. S. American Commerce Secretary Ronald Brown. Since this was a military plane, there were no flight recorders or black box. The investigation continues, but it’s believed to be weather related at this time.
Catherine Morgan has mourned the investigation. She’s been working the scene all day. Haven’t seen you in a while, Sam. Thought you lost a taste for his food. Would you like the usual? Please. All right, I’ll bring it. Excuse me. Stand around just a minute. I’m sure 2000. I can get it by Tuesday. It’ll see you Tuesday. You it, Stanley. Short two grant set. Eleven next Tuesday? No problem.
Stop by the barn on our way back. We got business. You don’t need to do this. Nice to see you again. How have you been? I’m okay. How are you? I’m all right. So how’s Eva? Eva’s gone. What? Why? She was more interested in the apartment and the money. So who was the monster? What? The cretan you gave the box to. Just the customer. How long has he been muscling you? Sure? Anything else? How long, Stan? Past few months.
Me and everyone else on this block. You know his name? That was Francis Valentine. He’s usually here with another guy named Dominic Belani. Leave it alone. You don’t need this aggravation, Stan. Why don’t you just retire? I can’t. We borrowed to expand this place. My partner can’t afford to buy me out. Did you borrow from those goons? No. Bank. May I ask how much the notice? 400,000. I have to get back to work.
Nice seeing you again. Don’t be a stranger. Okay. It’s confirmed. No survivors in IFO. Farat? Farat has not left his home since the incident. There’s no surprise. So, what’s your plan? If we take action, it can’t be direct. There’s too much suspicion that he didn’t board with Brown. Figure something out. May I make a suggestion? Of course. Nobody suspects lightning. Destroy twice, he’ll book commercially for peace of mind.
You seem uncomfortable. That’s a huge sacrifice for one man. A man with strong terrorist ties. Suspected terrorist ties. Well, that’s what the agency is for. Find the evidence. Beer, car, honesty. Just so you know, Eva’s called me about five times. She’d like a minute for your time. Wow. She’s made a messenger out of you. Look, personally, I don’t care. But I do think you’re making a bigger deal out of this than you need to be.
Everybody cheats at some point, Trent. I’ve cheated. My girlfriend cheated. Tell me you’ve never cheated. I never cheated on her. Now you know. So what is it you want to talk about? Have you ever heard of a Dominic Milani or Francis Valentine? Yeah, a couple of thugs that work for Joe. Cassie. I’m guessing that name’s supposed to mean something. Yeah, but you should stay as far away from him as possible.
Can you give me a little more color? Victor Kazi took over right after Gaddi got put away. Okay, so he’s just another mob jerk. Mob, yes. Jerk, no. Unlike Gaddy, who was busy posing for the paparazzis and pissing off law enforcement, Kazi was silently partnering with them and paying them three times what they were making before, with the promise to stay way below the radar. To make the world think that the feds put an end to organized crime.
So what are you saying? He’s the biggest crime boss the world has never heard of? That’s a great way to put it. Might be the title of his book if he ever gets arrested. What’s his deal? Construction, primarily. Big time construction, all commercial. He got all the Manhattan locked up and 70% of the bureaus. There are also rumors about trafficking heroin and human. Are you in a position to get me an audience? I don’t know what you want, man, but there are more stable people to work with than him.
Yeah, I’m sure. But in this case, it needs to be him. That kind of introduction could have repercussions. You afraid of him, Victor? Yes. But you won’t hurt me? The individual that he holds accountable, not the acquaintance. That’s all you’re going to be to me if I do this for you. I understand. Thank you. Victor, I need you to call Stephen. Tell him we need facilitative options for an aviation interruption with no post visibility.
Which branch? When? The military. I don’t know when. Gary, it’s Garcia. They loved it, but it’s too long. Hell it is. I mean, I spent a year’s worth of research on this thing. The scope is big, and the footnotes support all the data. We have to trim it. I have some ideas. I’ll send them to you. Talk to you later. Hello, sir. May I help you? Yes, I’m looking for a Nathan.
Of course. And you are? An old friend. Just a moment. Einstein, man. El sakta istan alta freind in art. Now. After you, sir. Thank you, Nathan. Hello, Walter. Please, sit down. Finally looking to upgrade your attire? Not yet. I’m not much of a material man. So, what is it that you need? A delivery. UPS is very reliable. It’s a unique parcel. Requires special handling. And naturally, none of the agency’s men are qualified.
It’s too sensitive. We need a neutral. Neutral often means expendable. I’m afraid I don’t have any disposable assets. No, not disposable, Nathan. Just reliable. And somebody who’s available on a short notice. Item? Destination? The item is active. The destination. I’m guessing GFK. Possibly Newark or LaGuardia. Delivery to airports are never good. Henley Minor milling and similar to fitting. I cannot have my man on permanent standby. That means interruption for my business.
I thought that figure would cover any business disruption. I will let you know. Thank you, Nathan. Victor bailed me out of a bar fight. We’ve been social ever since. Well, you don’t look like a fighter. That was me being in the wrong place at the wrong time, coupled with the wrong comet to the wrong guy. Well, that’s normally the way it is. How can I help you? I need $17,000.
You don’t look like a guy. I need $17,000. That could be debatable one way or the other. What’s it for? Something. I’m buying something. Drugs? It’s not drugs. You buy drugs from Victor, right? I buy pharmaceutical grade vaccines from Victor because I travel extensively. So if I ask you for a urine sample, see if you clean, you’re going to do it? Give me the cup. The Vegas 2000.
A week. That’s okay. I only need a week. A week? Nobody borrows for a week. My funds arrive in a week. So why borrow in the first place? I’m buying a house and I would like to lock in before the rate goes up. Well, this is the first. Where’s the house? Orange County, California. New York. You want to invite me to the housewarming party when you get settled in.
You’re welcome anytime. There’s 20. No charge on the extra three. Buy yourself a refrigerator or something. You pay me back here in one week. Stephen, what do you have for me? Well, assuming no time to compromise mechanical electrical components means we’re limited to aggressive measures. Since explosives leave visible signs like residue and blast flexing, we’ve come up with this. Iron oxide and aluminium thermade. Correct. Now, we’ve milled out the shaft of this socket wrench to contain and conceal chlorothermide.
Inside the handle is an altimeter. A preset altitude will activate the battery to ignite the magnesium ribbon and thus the thermate. The tool will be made of lead, so no internal components will be seen. Of x ray. A facilitator will need to drill a small hole in the plane’s fuel cell. It’s only a quarter of an inch thick. Lower the shaft into the tank and it’s ready. Will this hold enough to emits with native fuel tank? More than enough.
Burns at 4500 degrees and self oxidizing, the tank will explode from the inside. A small drill hole will be undetectable. From the tank exploding apart, the socket wrench will be blown away and realistically, never found. What if the batteries fail? We’ve got two once for backup. What is the likelihood of success? 93%. Nice work. 380, and you got 607. It’s all international. International? What’s up? Joe’s payment. No, you could settle up with us.
You it? It? Okay. So. Here. So, how’s the house? It’s good. Glad to hear that. It’s attached or detached? What? The garage. Is it attached or detached? Attached. How many square feet? 2200 acres. 1. 9. Not bad. I’d like to see it. How about this weekend? I’m actually out of town this weekend. You’re out of town. Well, I guess that’s it, then. Actually, I need to see your boss.
For what? I’ll pick that up with him. Listen, I got a knack for reading people, and personally, I think your house story is just that. It’s a story. I don’t know what it is you’re up to, but when your bullshit starts, I’m going to end it. Wait. Here’s. Hey, just so you know, I hear everything. But as far as I’m concerned, you made a payment. But if he’s right, and he usually is, you might want to rethink about anything you might be into here.
Do you understand? Good. Is there a problem? No problem. I’d just like another loan. Francis says he’s not comfortable with you. We’re going to pass. I deal in gemstones. Like to open up my own store, cut out the middleman and increase my profits. These are worth 130 grand. I need to borrow 180. Keep those as partial collateral until I settle up. When I do, I get those back.
These are real. For how long? One month. You expect to be up and running and turning a profit in just one month? My funds are overseas. It’ll take me a month to smuggle it in. What do you know about running a store? I don’t. I can hire someone for that. I just acquire the product, purchase it for a. Sell it for Z. If I do this, then I want 15% of your business.
If I have to give you 15% of my business, and I get the loan interest free. No big for a month. After that, it’s on and retroactive. If you’re late, Dominic will bring you the money. It going on? We’ve got confirmation that Farad has been transferring millions into private bank accounts. And he’s also been buying large quantities of life insurance. Most are within the family. Some are suspect, could be linked to terrorist cells, but that’s not confirmed yet.
We need confirmation on those counts. I know you were expecting Victor. I asked him to call you to meet him here. It’s the only way I could think to see you. I’ve been wanting to apologize so bad. And the only thing that stopped me is that I know you take it as an insult to your intelligence versus the sincerity in which it would be meant. You didn’t deserve what I did to you.
And I don’t deserve your forgiveness. I don’t deserve to keep this either. I know how you feel about these things. But you gave me one anyway. Despite your feelings. He wanted to satisfy my selfish needs for material things. You. And just hope that someday you’ll find it in your heart not to take me back, but to believe everything you just said. Confirmed fraud. Booked July 17 out of JFK.
The details you. So who’s facilitating? Using a neutral. They can’t afford to be linked to something of this magnitude. One could argue we shouldn’t be doing this at all, period. If you got something to say, oliver, just say it. We have no confirmation that Farad is linked to any terrorist group. He’s only suspected of being linked to Brown’s affairs. Do you want to lobby that official? All right.
Call Nathan. Tell him we’re on and that I’ll meet him later with the materials. Walter, I can’t do this. I won’t do this. I’m retiring today. Active immediately. Karen, drop your paperwork. Transfer in phase on CT bypass is loaded and ready for delivery. What about Farat? Farat has booked a flight for July 17. Everything in order? Yes. Oliver resigned, but everything else is on point. Why did Oliver resign? He is conflicted with the subject matter, but he will not impede the plan.
Speaking of the plan, we’re not certain about its soundness. Why? 93% is not 100%. We’ve only got one shot at this. After that, he’s gone. I took the liberty of asking Stephen for a backup. He’ll fill you in on the details. Oh, and I’m not sure what your intentions are regarding Oliver’s resignation, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t remind you that processing paperwork is not protocol in a situation like his.
We’ve been back and forth over these revisions for months. When does it end? I’m just telling you what they said. They want the lead hardened. I’ve got tons of dirt on the CIA trafficking drugs and they’re worried about the damn lead? Are you kidding me? Relax, Gary. You’re almost done. Have you thought about the title, by the way? Yeah. Dark alliance. Hey, Steven. I understand I asked you for a backup.
Yeah, and you’re not going to like it. It’s a modified Sam with explosive warhead removed and a reduced Thruster. In essence, it’s a javelin. Now, the flight is scheduled to depart at 07:00 p. m. When it’s still light out, the reduced thruster will make the heat trail virtually invisible. During that time, reduced speed will cause more blunt force trauma to the body, making it break up. Steven, we need reassembly and source detection on this to be virtually impossible.
What elevation does that plane need to be to achieve that? 10,000ft. That’s optimal. I’ll set the altameter on the wrench for 10,000ft. If that doesn’t work, then we test the Sam. Nathan, want you to go directly to this hotel when you’re done with this. Don’t go to your regular apartments. This is one job you shouldn’t have taken on. Apparently from us coast guard and other sources, we now know that a TWA jet aircraft, flight 800, en route tonight from JFK airport in New York to Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris, France, has exploded in midair.
Is there anything I need to be concerned with, Nathan? Yes. No, Hathan, there’s nothing to be concerned with. What about no, Nathan, I gave you. My word. Okay, Nathan. Get some sleep. Are his recommendations okay? They’re exceptional. Is there anything you need? No, but thank you. Know, you haven’t paid me a visit since I’ve known you. What’s wrong? The aliases you have used on your apartments, are they all different? Yes.
And the ones on your travel? They’re all different. What is the oldest one you have used? Three years ago in King Sasha. Use that one till I get your replacements. I would like that. You stay here for a while. I will make the payments on your apartments. What’s wrong, Nathan? Probably nothing. So why go through all the trouble? Some things are not so easy to replace. If you have no plans Friday, I have a package for you to retrieve in India.
No plans? Do you need money? No, I’m okay. Nathan asked me to stay with you for a while. Hey, Jack. You want to see me? I guess I don’t have to ask. If you’ve seen the news, how come so many people saw this? Rocket? Flight was supposed to leave at 07:00 p. m. Got late an hour for maintenance work and a passenger baggage mismatch. By 08:10 p. m.
It was dark enough to see the propulsion trail left by the Sam. Situation is gathering a lot of attention. It’s not going to go away anytime soon. We can’t afford any guilty consciences surfacing. I suggest you contemplate the stability of the players. Ramasteura kilheki. It is. Joe available? Bring Joe in. What happened to your leg? It was an accident. I just got back from India. It’s an emerging country that’s got some beachfront property that’s going to be worth ten times what it is today, 15 years from now.
I’d like a piece of it before it’s too late. The parcel that I want is $3 million. I have 1. 8. I’d like to borrow 1. 2. Must think I’m some kind of fool. You honestly believe that I’m not aware that you’ve been trying to build my trust just so that you can get me over a barrel on a big loan? My bank accounts and the names of the contractors overseas developing the property, it.
So how do you know all this? Like you, I know people. I’m sure you have someone that can check that all out. So let’s say it checks out. What do we need you for? Just take it for ourselves. And leave you out of the equation? You won’t get in without me. Despite your low profile, you still have a reputation. One those folks overseas are not going to want to be associated with.
We’ll get back to you. Have a nice day. Over to mike it. Glad you can make it. Come on, download this. Used to be an old wash day. They wash up all the mud and then new before milking. Hasn’t been many cows through here lately, but drain works just fine walking, so your stuff checks out. You didn’t lie to me yet. A lot of people lie to me.
I used to lie a lot when I was a kid and my mother would slap the heck out of me for it. She said, if you stop lying, I’ll stop slapping. So I did, and she stopped slapping. She said, no one can ever fault you if you always tell the truth. Smart woman. How’s your father? I didn’t know him. She said he moved away for work and never returned.
So where’s your mom now? She passed away a while ago. Look, I brought you here for a reason. You understand that, right? Yes. Good. The money is in the trunk of your car. Stay out of the drain. The president’s really can concerned about the Mercury news release of Dark alliance. Everybody’s in an uproar about these allegations, which are completely untrue. I’d like you to focus all your attention on discrediting that story.
And you’d like it wrapped up in three months. Three months? We can’t facilitate a proper investigation in three months. We’d just be scratching the surface. That’s the timeframe he gave us. Understood. Oh, and I heard that the FBI is asking the agency for help investigating flight 800. It’s my understanding there was no terrorist activity involved. So let’s not waste agency resources on something that’s going to prove to be some random mechanical or electronic failure.
I’ll just let everybody know that your team is committed to other projects. Just focus in on the web allegations, okay? All right, thanks. Madeline, send the inspector general to my office, please. Thank you. CIA has been squirming like worms since Mr. Webb’s material went public. They certainly won’t want any of this coming to the surface project. Okay, it that’s a cool 4 million rn the state. They want us to discuss the tapancy.
He just right. This guy’s a clown. I’ll take care of it, Joe. I’ll take a copy of his passport. I’ll bring it to Andy and I’ll come up with something. You better hope he does. That India project he told me about better be legit. The India project’s legit. I checked it out. Like I said, I’ll get Andy on it. It it sa. It’s the problem. You need to see this.
How long have you had this original note? Arrived this morning via conventional mail. Cancellation district confirms it came from Nicaragua. I responded to the email provided. They sent this in return. You were involved with Nicaragua, correct? Yes, sir. So by bringing me this, you have nothing to hide. Thank you. Do these accounts tie back? Yes. One age is deceased, the other one’s retired. You know them? They were there when I was there.
Mainly transient. All right, I’ll let Anne release the funds. Let’s take a look at the data and see who’s who. Well, due to sensitivity, I would suggest we send an agent to collect. Reduces possibility of any third party eyes on any further electronic data. Agreed. Um. Poco historic compatibilityo. El balances sequential. Albanco paolo profavo, numerate suiconta desponivo. Add the Cinco Miloins or to St to the Cinquenta mu dollar.
This guy has multiple aliases. We still know who he really is, but his aliases are on several leases and for extensive travel. This girl has traveled with him on numerous occasions. Really? Dresses on the background? All right, thanks. Say hello to boys at the precinct for me. Okay? I’ll see you around. I’m afraid we have a problem. We lost Davis. What? How? Used to have been a mugging gone bad.
Wallet and watch. All right, here’s Wally. No watch. What about the data? Does anybody else know about this case? No, sir. Meet me in conference tomorrow morning. Who else knows about this email on Davis’s death? Charles, of course. Myself. Now you. Well, I’m fairly certain it’s just someone trying to take advantage of our bad press. We need to get a hold of the data so that we can get ahead of it.
Contact Walter Broadnox. He’ll supply us with a neutral. No sense in risking another agent at this point. What about this town hall meeting I’ve been asked to attend in? Go. Go. That’s a sound political move. We’ve never had anyone of your level talk directly with the public before. You can assure them that we’re taking these matters very seriously and that the inspector general is launching an investigation into these unfounded accusations of Mr.
Webb. Well, I have two concerns. One, these people are never going to believe that we can facilitate a proper investigation of ourselves. And two, based on that, I’m concerned there may be some validity to all of this after all. So should we be really publicly refuting everything before we’ve properly investigated? The CIA does not and has never condoned the drug trade. No matter what evidence surfaces to the contrary, I’ll tell Walter you’ll be contacting him.
Gentlemen. Mr. Director. Charles Walters. Up to speed. Now, the bottom line is we’ve lost 6 million and an agent with nothing to show for it. So we’re going to send in a neutral to reconnect. Walter has a potential candidate. We’re assuming the source has more physical data and is willing to communicate. How do we know he doesn’t think we’re going back to eliminate him? Well, he may not have any more physical data, but he’s got plenty in his head.
We’ll pay him another 3 million, meet him wherever he wants, so long as he feels comfortable. And what if the data reservices? Well, if it’s someone inside, it won’t. And if it’s just some thug who took it, we’ll exercise accordingly. Why risk more exposure soliciting third person? No offense to your man and no offense to your ideas. If I go, we’re the only ones who’ll know. And I trust both you guys.
Well, I appreciate your trust, but I have to assume our source is going to have surveillance on him. His man’s neutrality and anonymity better suits him for the job. Not to mention you’ve been deskbound for too long to be engaging in this kind of field work. Polite way to say I’m too old. May I ask who your neutral is, or is it confidential? The neutral works for Nathan Vogel.
Vogel is indeed a classified asset. He’s a former Stasia officer who was instrumental in operational affairs in Germany. He was given amnesty and the range of latitude in return for his services. Would you like me to accompany you when you speak to him? If there’s any questions about the global nature of the situation, I’m in a position to convey the specifics. Nathan is reluctant to engage new faces.
He has been only with two agents since he’s joined us, and he’s been with me for the last 17 years. I think he should. You’ll make the introductions, I’ll call Nathan and arrange it, and I’ll postpone my vacation till this has been resolved. No need to postpone your vacation. Nathan’s man can bring you the data there. Could I impose a working vacation on you? Yes, you can. Good.
Nathan will be in the third pew on the right. I don’t see any reason to cause the scene, so I’m going to stay here. Word of advice, whatever he asks you. Just be honest. Nathan has a great ability to sense anything surreptitious if he does, he will retract like a turtle going back into his shell. Mr. Vogel. Charles Alexander. I appreciate you taking time out of your day.
Walter briefed you. I noticed you didn’t. Jennifer. Not a religious man? Honestly, no. I apologize if I offended your beliefs. What about faith? My principles are based on demonstrability and actuality. Faith is merely a crutch for the insecure. You simply don’t believe? No. Interesting. So I am aware that Walter has solicited the services of your man in the past, and with positive results. I am willing to extend another offer of employment.
Contract. Not permanent. The nature of the project. Acquisition. I knew people cannot handle that affair. For what reason? We lost the man the first round, which means we have to assume that they know who the rest of us are. How large of an acquisition? Small in size, large in importance. Specifically, allegations of trafficking by members of the company. Possibly much more. I will share the offer with my man, but I can tell you he will say no.
Tell Elta I call him. I understand. Thank you very much for your time. He said no and that he’d call you later. Let me go talk to him. No. He seemed uncomfortable. Maybe it was me. I apologize. Let’s see what happens when he calls. Right. I’ll let John know. So where are you going for vacation? Miami. I’ll send over my hotel information so you can contact me if you have to.
Thank you. It. It. What’s the matter with you? You know you’re not supposed to be outside. Come back in. So what’s going on? I’m tired of staying in this hotel. You need a release. I’ll call a girl. No, but I’m starving. I’ll order something. Oh, it’s your phone. Says Eva. Tell her I’m not here. Hello? He’s not in. I think you better take this. Hello, Kevin. Sorry. I need to obey it.
I told you when your bullshit started, I was going to end it. I got your girl over here. Good for you. Maybe you’ll have better luck with it than I did. Trouble? Yep. This is going to be ringing back any second. Would you get Nathan on the phone for me, please? I’m on it. You know who this is? Yeah, I know who this is. Good. Now, look, I understand you’re not concerned about your girlfriend, Ava, but I do know you’re concerned about yourself.
Yeah, I learned a lot about you. Thanks to her. In fairness to her, she held out a lot longer than the other girls. That is, until we started slicing her fingertips open with a nine blade. With the promise of doing her lips and her eyes next. Now you know what I want. If I don’t get it, I’m going to shoot her in one of your apartments and let you sort it out with the cops.
Because the cops will consider a cheating girlfriend as a motive for murder. Don’t you think? Nathan, I need a favor. Cassie has my ex. I’m going to need the help of your friends to get her back. You know what they want in exchange for that kind of help? Yes. Trend Lin. Is she worth it? No. But she’s in the situation because of me. Stay where you. Hello? Walter, it’s Nate.
Sit tight. I’ll take care of it. Janice walled to work back on it. But we need to provide some assistance to Nathan’s man. It’s being jammed up by Joseph Kazi. Tell Nathan we got it covered. I’ll let Charles know we’re back on Mellon. Send Frank Loeb into my office, please. Charles, we’re back on. Nathan’s man will be here tonight. Please be ready to brief him. It’s me. We need you to come down south after all.
And it must be clever and convincing. We got company. Who? I don’t know. It’s not good. May I help you? Yeah. Get rid of the lackey. And you are? Frank Logan, Central Intelligence. Spare you some embarrassment by having this conversation with just you. We know that this individual owes you a lot of money and we don’t care. We also know that you have his friend Eva Krolova. But now he works for us.
So if anything happens to him, her or anyone else he knows, from this point forward, your life as you know it will cease to exist. You’re with me so far, I assume. Good. Now, how did you find that girl? Had a copy of his passport. Used it to check his travel history, reviewed his hotel records, and Eva was registered with him on three occasions. Nice detective work. I have a few on my payroll.
We’re not on your payroll. I’ll take the copy of his passport and all the other documents you have pertaining to him. Call your cretans. Tell them to bring the girl to this dress. I trust I won’t ever have to come see you again. Goodbye. Hello. I’m Charles Alexander. Eva arrived a little while ago in the safe. Would you like to see her? You don’t want to see her.
What is it your people need, Charles? Acquisition. That your contact is near Kenzio Favela in in Rio. There’s your tickets and some cash and miscellaneous expenses. I’ll be handing you a tape. Just get back to us. Questions? Item. Abumakoi. Your part of me it. So you’re number two. Premade of ace. No heel, no muertos. Vezis. The Asan Yostitrais. So you’re not CIA, you’re not FBI. So who are you? I am nothing but the mailman.
Yeah, but you become something if you take this. That means nothing to me. But it means something to others. And they’ll kill you for it. As they kill the agent before you. Do you know how sensitive this is? It implicates people. Agents, government officials, White House members, some working, some retired. That sounds like the same old music, just different dancers. And now you’re on the dance floor. They’re expecting you to bring them back.
A tape with my verbal testimony. It’s inside. What they’re not expecting is hard copies of any data. Photos, names and bank records. It’s not a lot, but it’s enough for you to bargain for your life. You’re going to need it once you step out of here. What makes you so interested in my well being? Consider it a gift. From one trafficker to another. My mental escort you to the airport Bois water table back.
How well do you trust my contact? Implicitly. Why? The agent who briefed me is associated with this somehow. The contact I met gave me some paperwork that the agency isn’t aware of. I saw his name on some of them. Who was the agent? Charles Alexander. Go dog, until you hear from me. Can you make it back north? Yes. I’ll take the long way back. Have Ivan meet me at PTS tomorrow at 03:00 p.
m. With a car and I think I got eyes on me. Is Walter Broadnex? Please leave your message. Walter. Nathan, please call me back. You wanted to see me? Yeah. I was just informed that Walter suffered a shark attack while on vacation. He was pronounced dead this morning. I don’t know what to say. Yeah, neither do I. I’ve got to attend this town hall meeting in LA, and then I got a commitment overseas.
So I’ll inform Nathan and have him bring you the data. Understood. And safe travels. Hello? Yeah, Nathan, this is John Hatch, director of Central Intelligence. I’m calling to inform you that Walter died from a shark attack while on vacation. I understand this situation may make you feel uncomfortable, but I was wondering if you’d be comfortable bringing the data to Charles Alexander. Honestly, no. May I ask why? It’s better you see for yourself.
Okay. Are you comfortable holding the data until I return? I’ll be out of pocket for several days. Yes, thanks. And I apologize for any inconvenience. The joint wide to the west. Got your jacket? Us? Are you queen? I think I got a shadow of central intelligence attended a town hall meeting at Locke High School today to address the citizens of Los Angeles regarding accusations that the CIA trafficked drugs in order to fund the contras in Nicaragua.
These allegations were made by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Gary Webb in an online article entitled Dark alliance. The director faced both hostile comments and pointed questions at the meeting. Here are a few of those moments. Thank you so much for Mr. CIA officials for being here, but I would just like to ask you, how are we supposed to trust the CIA officials to investigate themselves? Gary Webb, the staff writer for the San Jose Mercury News.
He published a search warrant on the Internet, and it was issued to search the home of Mr. Lasseter, who was a former police officer from San Diego. When the sheriffs went to the home and went in, presented a search warrant. There’s Mr. Lasseter saying, hold it. Hold it. You better call CIA headquarters in Washington because they’re going to cure me. You better talk to a special agent Alexander, because I’m working with him.
Okay. Now, when there are court documents that say that some of the sheriffs had said that the evidence they took from that home were put in the evidence room, and that the CIA went to the evidence room and confiscated that evidence and made it disappear, the CIA took that evidence? Where is that evidence? And who is this Mr. Alexander? Special Agent Alexander of the CIA. Who cleared that Mr.
Lasseter? Who was dealing with Mr. Blandon. Jack, it’s me. I just left the meeting. It went as poorly as I thought it would. I saw it on tv. I thought you did fine. You on your way back? Yes. Well, safe travels. I’ll see you when you return. Madeline, I’d like a copy of all incoming and outgoing emails to Charles Alexander for the last two weeks. Confidential. Thanks. It’s been on us since we left the station.
Let’s get off the road and see what happens. What are we doing? Follow. This might be a dead end. Pull over. Pull over. Trust me. Pull over it. They’re not going to do anything. We’re too close to the road. You get out into the woods. I’ll buy you some time. Take my gun. Gentlemen. What you’re looking for, we’ve already put in the mail. Is good. You would be a better place if he was.
Get him. See if he has it on him. Toss it. Step off. Down. Where’d you learn to track? I’m an avid hunter in my spare time. You don’t have to do this. You didn’t have to follow me. Actually, I did. Guy I worked for isn’t so nice. I’m sorry I gave you the impression that was any different. It’s a handsome jacket. Thank you. I could have one tailored for you, if you like.
No, I’m afraid I wouldn’t wear it very well. So, Charles, what can I do for you? Your man is late. Just touching base, making sure he’s all right. He took a different route, but everything is all right. I’m sorry about Walter. He mentioned that you’ve worked together for years. Did you know Walter well? I did not. Just became acquainted on this project. Compartmentalized organization? I’m afraid so. So is there anything else I can do for your child? Honestly, yes.
I’m concerned about the data. Concerned? You have amazing ability of telling the truth without being forthright. Well, the fiber and the fabric of truth usually tells to suit the individual. This is a natural ability or agency tower. The agency teaches you to knit. I prefer to weave. In any event, I need to review the data before people get hurt. Like yourself. I’m the least of the problem. That data.
If surface, could compromise a political structure. Political structure or political figureheads? Does it really matter? I’m one of the bad guys, Nathan. There, I’ve said it. Does it really matter if I suppress the doubt or someone else in the government so candid, yet so deceitful? Maybe you should be running the agency. What makes you think I’m not? Or at least a large part of it? My director is not in control.
He’s just a figurehead. Just like the president of the United States. Everyone votes the president’s office thinking that they’ll fix all the nation’s problems. And they don’t. Because they can’t. The power resides within the Congress and the senate. They’re the puppet masters. I’m a puppet master. Walter was a puppet master. Maybe it’s time to cut the puppet’s strengths. Quite a patriotic statement. Comvinem Malgan Migglia. Das Deutsche and Stasi.
I like you, Nathan, and I want to protect you. But you must let me filter the Data. So now you want to protect me? The longer you talk, the longer you weave. I will be fine, Charles. And what about Trentlin? I know why you’re so protective of him. You deal to protect him from. Kazi was with Walter, not me. Do you think that Kazi would leave him alone if I tell him he no longer works for us? They’re a relentless organization.
Trem will have to hide forever. Not much of a life for himself. Your son, by the way, we keep a copy to protect our interests. Of course. Of course. I just need a copy to cleanse before you give it to John. Have a nice day. Is off the list until further notice. Keep tabs on. That’s a copy of an email sent to Agent Alexander. There are four names listed on it from the nicaraguan contact with evidence of the agency assisting in trafficking.
And this is a copy of an email that Alexander sent to me with only two names listed. He left off the names of the two congressmen. I see. This is the tape from the nicaraguan contact. I only listened to part of it and I realized it had been edited. Nonetheless, there is data to support the trafficking accusations. Not to mention the person at the town hall meeting who questioned me about an agent Alexander who assisted with a narcotics cover up.
Well, I guess I better have a conversation with Agent Alexander. Conversation? You mean an investigation? That doesn’t usually apply to us. John, you’re a brilliant man. Have you ever thought of going back to doing what you love? Beg your pardon? Education. You’re a great mentor. I’m going to tell the president what a great job you’ve done, but that I think it’s time for a change. Information. We already have the bulletin.
Now the Associated Press is joining us in identifying this as TWA aircraft told to stand by for Robert Hager in our Washington bureau. Hey, Oliver. Just need a signature on every time. My papers? All right, come on in. I’ll get a pen. Yes, we do. And we can hear you. And we’re up. It’s a little late to deliver paperwork, isn’t it? What can you add? I don’t know how long you’ve been listening in our Washington bureau.
Bob, can you hear me? Robert? Hi. I’m here, but I’m down in Atlanta at the Olympic site. Okay, Robert, I didn’t know where you were. Okay. We now see you on the telephone. Yes, we do. And we can hear you. And we’re up. Both of us on the air now. What can you add? I don’t know how long you’ve been listening. No, I haven’t. I don’t think I know as much as you do at this point.
Well, this is a TWA flight 800 flight tonight from JFK to Paris, Gaul, and over Riverhead, Long island at about 8500 and looking for traffic. And we looked over right shoulder and saw some landing lights, which is tinciful over there. All right, well, there it is. It was. I love that movie, actually, Courier X says it was very interesting, actually. The storylines are very compelling. The acting is obviously, it’s kind of b, but if you can get past the acting, the storyline is actually really good.
Very good, actually. But the interesting thing about this is it’s all real. This is all true story. All the stuff that happened in there is based on a true story, specifically the part about flight 800 and Ron Brown and how the CIA had to kill him and all that stuff. And then Gary Webb, of course, the CIA trying to protect themselves from the information being made public. Gary Webb’s dark alliance, which, that’s actually the name of his book and it was the name of his website that he created when he was let go from the Sacramento B, when he did the investigation on the CIA, which ultimately led to John Deutsch actually having to go to, I mean, all that stuff is real.
The council or how the CIA was there. And ironically the city council or not the city council, but the congresswoman at that time who was at that meeting was waters. So, yeah, very interesting stuff. Very interesting. Anyway, the chat, not a lot going on in the chat tonight, but a lot of people, the people who were in there, they liked it. So I don’t really have much to go by other than the live chat.
But I hope you guys enjoyed the movie. I really do because it’s actually a very good movie. Very CIA ish. Anyway, well, that is going to be it for tonight for the Friday night Watch party. And somebody made a suggestion that next week I do wag the dog. And I thought that was actually a really good idea. So next week we will do wag the dog just because I think that’s obviously a fictitious story.
But I thought that was actually a really good suggestion. So next week we’ll do wag the dog. Let me see here. Can’t help but think Trump, being who he was, had to have some ties to the people involved in this movie, possibly the movie. I don’t remember, in fact, actually, let me see. When the movie came out, there was, let me see here, buddy. It was 2016, so not sure if Trump had anything to do with it because they probably filmed it before that.
They probably filmed it in 20, 14, 15 before it got put out in 2016. Yes, wag the dog is fictitious. However, it’s very, wag the dog is, is, even though it’s fictitious. That’s basically, that’s how it works. That’s how the media and whatnot is used. There is a movie that I did want to show called it’s not really a movie. It was actually more of a documentary called, let me see, what was it? Influence.
Influence from Bell. It was all about Bell Pottinger, who’s a big advertising agency in London. And it was all about what they did and how they manipulated world events in the United States. But mostly it was about what happened in South Africa. When was the guy Mandela became president? Nelson. When Nelson Mandela became president. So they knew he was going to win the election, but they couldn’t allow, as I understand it, they couldn’t allow Mandela and the party that he was affiliated with to get two thirds of the Congress or of the legislature or whatever body that they do or however they govern themselves there.
A parliament, whatever, because if they were able to get two thirds of the parliament, then they could change the constitution. So the whole issue was they knew Mandela was going to win, but they had to do what they could to prevent the gaining of two thirds of parliament, of Mandela’s party. And Mandela is basically a. But anyway, I digress. So maybe what we’ll do is we’ll have those two for the next two weeks.
So we’ll do wag the dog next week and then we’ll do influence the following week. Anyway, there we go. We got our two movies for the next one. Anyway, guys, I hope you did like it. Put in the comment section if you liked it or not. If you did like it, what did you like about it? So I’m interested to hear what you guys think. And if you guys like the Friday night watch party, I’m trying to do some interesting stuff to mix it up and not have.
I like to do things that are relevant from a historical perspective, whether they’re fictitious or they’re real, things that are done that kind of show how shady and untold history, right? Anyway, I’m curious to hear what you guys think about it. And if you like the watch party on Friday night, I think it’s kind of cool for guys to have something to do on Friday if we’re just sitting at home doing nothing.
You get to watch this. And if you don’t, if you want to watch it on a later day, you can, too. But anyway. All right, guys, enjoy your evening. Enjoy your weekend. I don’t know if I’m going to be doing anything live over the weekend. I may, I may not, I don’t know. But I probably will be uploading a few things over the weekend just because I’ve got a lot of stuff to you.
If you didn’t pay attention, I uploaded the raw video of the Mike Harris video because several people complained that the sound was kind of poor. So I’m not going to get rid of the other one. But I uploaded the raw video and amplified his audio so it could be heard. So if you guys wanted to hear that and it was kind of poor audio, I uploaded us the actual raw video instead of playing it live.
So that is also that, I think that uploaded earlier today. Anyway, that said, guys, enjoy your evening, enjoy your weekend. And if I don’t see you Monday, I’m going to be having Raphael. God, I’m forgetting I’m drawing a blank on her last name, but she is the weather reporter who talked about how Doppler radar is used to manipulate weather patterns and whatnot. So I’m going to be bringing her on live.
And I talked to Mike Harris, and he’s going to come back in a week or two. We don’t know exactly when. We’ve got to figure out the schedule, but he’s going to come back and we’re going to talk about military readiness of our current military. And he’s reaching out to an associate of his who actually does just say that he would know the readiness of the military. So I think that’s a question that is on a lot of people’s minds.
That is a project that we’re also working on. Anyway. All right, guys, thanks again for your time. Look forward to if I don’t see you this weekend, then I will see you live on Monday afternoon. So take care, everybody. Whoops, then go. Then go. .