Fri 27Sep24 David Knight UNABRIDGED Movie Music Trivia with the Audience

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ The David Knight show discussed power outages, an upcoming hurricane, and the importance of listener donations. The host also shared his views on the upcoming vice presidential debate, the increasing tribalism in politics, and the manipulation of public opinion through media. He criticized both Trump and Biden, and expressed frustration over being shadow banned on various platforms. The show ended with a call for listeners to support the broadcast and a discussion on politicians the host supports.
➡ The speaker criticizes a political candidate for not revealing any policy issues or personal background. He also expresses his negative views about Trump, explaining that he was fired from Infowars for not supporting Trump’s actions. He refuses to lie about his beliefs, even if it costs him followers or his job. He also mentions a potential audience of 12 million people who view both Harris and Trump unfavorably. The speaker plans to continue his broadcast as long as he has support and can speak truthfully about his views.
➡ The text discusses the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the film industry, specifically by Lionsgate studio. The studio is partnering with AI firm Runway to create AI models for movies and TV shows, potentially replacing storyboard and visual effects artists. The text also mentions copyright issues related to AI use, with Runway previously sued for copyright infringement. Lastly, it touches on the potential for AI to replace scriptwriters, and the impact of tech companies on the film industry’s profits.
➡ An independent journalist published a controversial piece about Elon Musk, leading Musk to shut down his Twitter account. This sparked debates about free speech and censorship. Meanwhile, the leader of the Chechen Republic accused Musk of remotely disabling his Tesla Cybertruck. In other news, NASA is studying the effects of space on synthetic human bodies, using mannequins filled with radiation sensors, to improve the safety of future space missions.
➡ The article discusses the increasing energy demands of AI data centers and the subsequent resurgence of fossil fuels, particularly coal, to meet these demands. It criticizes the hypocrisy of tech companies and the government for promoting nuclear power plants without proper oversight. The article also highlights the environmental impact of natural gas and the inefficiency of renewable energy sources. Lastly, it criticizes the idea of a carbon-neutral future, arguing that it’s a fantasy and a tool for wealth transfer.
➡ The article discusses the controversy surrounding Coca-Cola’s custom can creation feature, which allows users to personalize their cans with a message. However, it was found that while the system accepts names like “Allah”, “Buddha”, and “Satan”, it rejects the name “Jesus”. This has led to some Christians threatening to boycott the beverage company.
➡ The text discusses the speaker’s experiences and observations about the use of religious figures’ names, particularly Jesus, in different contexts and cultures. It also touches on the speaker’s views on a company’s decision not to allow certain phrases on their products, sparking a boycott. The speaker also discusses political corruption, surveillance, and allegations against a political figure. Lastly, the speaker shares his thoughts on climate change activism and its connection to other societal issues.
➡ The article discusses a case where a woman, who showed no brain activity, woke up after hearing her daughter’s voice. The woman had been in the hospital for a procedure and didn’t wake up afterwards, leading doctors to believe she had suffered a stroke. After two days in intensive care, her husband suggested she might respond to their one-year-old daughter’s voice, and she did, waking up in perfect condition. This case challenges the medical understanding of brain death, as it shows that patients can recover consciousness even after being declared brain dead.
➡ A recent study found that 25% of patients in a coma or vegetative state showed signs of awareness when asked to imagine themselves doing complex tasks. This challenges the understanding of brain death and raises ethical questions about organ donation and life support withdrawal. The article also discusses the importance of reflecting on mortality and living a meaningful life, emphasizing the need to prioritize loved ones, take risks, and live in the present. It ends with a reminder that salvation is a gift, not earned through deeds, and encourages trust in Christ.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including the importance of free speech, the decreasing support for the First Amendment, and the role of public figures in influencing public opinion. They also touch on the issue of voting and the perceived lack of impact it has, as well as the need for open debates and ballot access. The speaker criticizes both Trump and Lala for their stance on the First Amendment and their actions that contradict its principles. Lastly, they discuss Trump’s inconsistent tariff proposals and the need for a balanced approach to protecting American industry.
➡ The text discusses concerns about the impact of the Paris Climate Accord on manufacturing, particularly in the UK and Germany, due to high energy costs. It also criticizes the lack of action on these issues by political leaders, including Trump. The text further discusses the upcoming election, with wealthy investors reportedly favoring Harris over Trump. Lastly, it mentions the importance of identity politics in the campaign, with Harris emphasizing her middle-class background and previous work at McDonald’s.
➡ The text discusses a political debate, focusing on a woman’s claim of working at McDonald’s, which is disputed. The speaker criticizes a man, presumably Trump, for not offering solutions to problems and instead focusing on personal attacks. The speaker also mentions the issue of green steel making electricity unaffordable, and the need to address climate change. Lastly, the speaker criticizes the use of financial rewards to influence state policies, and holds the president accountable for his administration’s actions.
➡ The text discusses the speaker’s frustration with political figures and their actions, particularly regarding education policies and funding. The speaker criticizes the use of money to influence decisions, such as allowing boys into girls’ bathrooms. They also express concern about the potential for lawsuits against school districts due to misconduct and the financial burden it could place on communities. The speaker ends by thanking various contributors and discussing a health issue affecting someone they know.
➡ The article discusses the controversy surrounding the drug Remdesivir, produced by Gilead Pharmaceuticals. It has been promoted for various diseases, including HIV, Ebola, and Covid-19, but has been criticized for its ineffectiveness and harmful side effects, including death. The article also mentions that the drug has been found to contain glass particles, which can cause serious health issues. Despite these issues, the company claims immunity from lawsuits due to the Prep Act, which provides protection for companies producing drugs under emergency use authorization.
➡ The article discusses the potential health risks of water fluoridation, a practice common in the US for over 70 years. It highlights a recent court ruling that found the current fluoride levels in drinking water pose a health risk, especially to infants and young children. The article also criticizes the lack of control over fluoride dosage when it’s added to the water supply. Lastly, it mentions a study linking a pesticide, rotenone, to an increased risk of Parkinson’s disease among farmers who use it.
➡ A dog developed cancer possibly due to exposure to harmful chemicals used on lawns. The same chemicals are linked to cancer in farmers and are found in food packaging. Despite evidence, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has not banned these chemicals. The article also criticizes the pharmaceutical industry for profiting from chronic diseases and criticizes the FDA for being funded by these companies.
➡ The author discusses an endorsement of President Trump by Robert F. Kennedy Junior, who believes Trump can restore American health. The author criticizes this endorsement, suggesting it’s based on personal gain rather than genuine belief in Trump’s abilities. The author also mentions a movie trivia game and thanks various contributors to their platform. The text ends with a call for prayers for a newborn named Liam facing health issues.


Using free speech to free minds. You’re listening to the David Knight show as the clock strikes 13. It’s Friday, the 27 September year of our lord 2024. Well, it’s been nip and tuck this morning as we’ve had power going in and out. I lost it. Thought we had lost it for good just before the show began, but now we’re back, so evidently there’s nothing in our area. Perhaps they shut the power down so they could do something with something somewhere else. But we have the preliminary storm winds of the tornado, tornado. Hurricane that is coming through here.

And so it appears that some people are losing power in the area. We’ll see what happens. We’ll go as far as we can with this broadcast on this Friday, and we’ve got some unusual things to do today. So I was kind of disappointed that we’re gonna lose power because we were doing something a little bit different today that we’ve not done before. So stay with us. We’ll be right back. All right, thank you for joining us. And I see on rumble for the love of the road, let’s get zero says tip rally. Thousands of people watch or listen to the show daily.

If everyone just gave $1, that gas gauge would be full every month. Lots of people giving a little makes a big difference. And, of course, over the road has made a big difference himself. He’s picked up the slack for a lot of people, as many of you have. And today we have. Marty is picking up the slack for people. Marty has agreed to match tips today, and we really do appreciate that. Marty, if you remember, sent us some coupons, said, this is good for matching funds once a quarter. And so we’re getting, this is, we got two days left in this quarter, and we’ve only got two days left in this month, and we’re just under 70%.

So we really do appreciate Marty doing that. And so we’re going to take a look at what happens on rumble. Thank you, Gustav seven. Thank you very much. He said, here’s some money. I appreciate that. Thank you. Well, let’s take a look at politics today. I know that I didn’t talk that much about it this week, actually. And next week we’re going to have the vice presidential debate. Everything’s going to be all about that, and people are going to be all caught up in this or that because it’s kind of interesting. And I said this quite a while ago, I said, as we get closer and closer to the election, everybody’s going to get more and more tribal.

They’re going to get more and more into one camp or the other. And that’s always, I’ve always noticed that because I’ve always been involved in third party politics, and I could always see that you would do really well. And I would have a candidate who’s maybe pulling in double digits and everything. And you get your expectations up. It’s like, all right, you know, well, then you get close to the election and everybody’s like, they start listening to the media. That other side is just so bad. But my, I know I don’t like this guy, but he’s a lesser two evils, that type of thing.

And then once you make that decision, then you start going down this road of supporting that candidate. As I’ve said, a friend of ours who a few months ago saw me just out of the clear blue sky, I just hate Trump. And now he’s got go Trump all over his Facebook stuff. We’re still friends. I have had political disagreements almost all my life with everybody. So I would have absolutely no offense if I cancel people because they disagree with me politically. But here’s where we are. This is a Washington Post pointing out hardly anyone dislikes both candidates anymore.

That’s right. Now it’s no longer, well, okay, I’m reluctantly going to support a or b now. After they’ve done that, and they live with that for a while now, they start convincing themselves that they really do like A or BDE. Lala is much more popular than she was, but so is Donald Trump, says the Washington Post. Because, you know, now we got, you got to pick your side because the big game day is coming up, and it is a big game day. It is a game. You’re being game. A few months ago, the 2024 presidential election was on course to be an inverse popularity contest.

In other words, who do you dislike the least? Polls consistently showed that both Biden and Trump were unpopular, and often that voters wished neither candidate would actually be on the ballot. A Pew Research center analysis found that a quarter of the country viewed both candidates unfavorably. A higher percentage said the same, then said the same thing in 2016. Even an election that was decided by voters who didn’t like either major party candidate, that was Trump and Hillary. As you are aware, this is no longer the case, says the Washington Post. Before the 2016 election, a big chunk of Americans said they disliked both Trump and Hillary Clinton, something reflected in their polls.

When voting was complete, the segment of voters, a fifth to a quarter, depending on the state, was responsible for the narrow margins that gave Trump the presidency. You see, you can play these games. You can pull endlessly. And the endless polling is what is part of what draws everybody in. Like a horse race, right? I got the horse right here. His name is Paul Rivera. That type of thing. Yeah, he can’t, he can’t lose. And so people start getting into the horse racing, the polls, thinking that that stuff is real. Like, this is not an election.

This is a selection. All of this back and forth about polls and this and that, folks, that’s about manufacturing consent. You do understand, don’t you, by now, that the mass media is about manufacturing consent? I don’t remember who first used that, but that’s been around. That term has been around for decades because manufacturing consent has been around for decades. It is a tactic, a proven and practiced technique. And so they want a manufacturer consent, and they want you to believe that you have a say in this american empire and you don’t. You may be able to block it at the local level.

You can and you should prepare for it. You know, just like we have the storm thing. And I, you know, everybody says, well, you gotta get ups. Well, you know, we don’t have a reliable wireless Internet either. So, you know, we’re not prepared. We have power outages. You know, we can see the storm coming, but we’re not prepared for that. And so there are different threats that are going to present themselves depending on whether it is the Lala cult or the Trump cult in charge. And so that’s worth talking about. But all this polling stuff is really not.

But the reality is, is that what they’re seeing here in this poll, in terms of looking at what we’ve all seen, this, they said it comes as no surprise. You know, we know that this is the case. It’s been the case. Each one of these. In January, for example, Quinnipac’s poll show 25% viewed both Trump and Biden unfavorably. And the latest poll is not 25%, but it’s 4%. Only 4%. You and I, if you’re still listening to this broadcast, because the people who have bought into Trump, and it’s not going to be anybody that listens this broadcast for a moment that’s going to buy into the Democrats.

But the people who bought into Trump have long since left. And still, when we think about it, how come I can’t, if I had 4% of, let’s say, 300 million people? Because, you know, they’re, they’re going to go to Fox News or CNN, and Fox News or CNN is going to be pushing their candidate a or b. Those 4% of people, you might think would want to be interested in an objective look at policies, an objective look at what these people have actually done versus what they say. But, yeah, that would give me 12 million listeners.

But I don’t have 12 million listeners because, see, I’m viewed unfavorably. Bye. Uh, places that. Where the program is put out, whether you look at Twitter or Facebook, Spotify, I’m completely banned. YouTube, I’m completely banned. So that’s why it’s so important for you to like the broadcast. I mean, really, we’re fighting this shadow banning that is going on everywhere. I mean, even on some of the lesser platforms, I believe it is happening. But, you know, that is when I look at it, and this is a good example here, Mister David Knight, this comment sent to me, one of the podcasts.

You seem to have no problem criticizing other politicians and media personalities. Trump, Biden, Tucker, Haley, Putin. Yeah, I don’t like Trump Biden. I don’t like Tucker, the CIA shill. I don’t like Nikki Haley or Putin either. So how about letting us know who you stand behind and who you promote? Well, let’s see. There’s Thomas Massey. There’s a senator nicely here in Tennessee, but they just voted him out. Jesse Schills got an unbelievable amount of money from the Walton foundation and the Aspen Institute and everything, as a Republican, supposedly, who had no policy issues whatsoever, didn’t say anything about any policy issues, and a complete blank slate when it comes to his personal background.

Don’t know anything about this guy. Nothing. He put up zero. I’ve never seen a candidate who put up absolutely no issues and who said nothing about himself. Instead, what he did was he had this massive campaign where he kept showing Senator nicely next to Biden as if that was a thing. Anyway. Yeah, so there’s Thomas Massey, Senator nicely. I don’t know. That’s just two people, and one of them is going. So he says, you have so much negativity. I understand about Trump because you got fired from Infowarse. So he thinks that I’m negative about Trump because I got fired from Infowars? No, I got fired from Infowars because I was negative about Trump, because I wasn’t going to toe the line, because I wasn’t going to tell people that it was okay to be locked down, that the vaccine was sugar water, and that you ought to go to Washington and try to do what on January 6 to make sure that Biden never gets into the presidency.

As Alex said, I don’t know, what was that about? What was the plan of action there, except to get people entrapped, which is what happened. And then Trump left them twisting in the wind, literally, when he could have pardoned each and every one of them. But he didn’t because of his own best interests. He was worried that they were going to do something to him. So he didn’t want to touch that with a ten foot pole. So he goes on to say, because of talking negatively about Trump, he said, how about a little bit of positivity, please, about a guy that murdered our republic, murdered millions of people, tens of millions of people worldwide.

You want me to be positive about that? I am positive. I’m positive I’ll never support that. Never support that. He says, maybe if you spoke more positively, you would have more followers. I never thought of that. Wow. You know, you mean if I suck up to Trump and tell people what they want to hear because they’ve chosen the side, I would have more followers? Wow. Why didn’t I think of that sooner? No. I’ve been fired by tens of thousands of people. Yeah. Not just by Alex. Because I oppose Trump, and I’m not changing. I don’t care if this.

I didn’t care if I lost my job. I didn’t care if I lost it. I wasn’t planning on even continuing, but I had donors who contacted me and supported me and said, you know, we’d like for to keep going. And I was very concerned at the time about what was going to happen on January 6. So we continued on the broadcast, and we’ve been able to do that with your support, with God’s blessing. I will do this as long as people want me to and as long as we’re able to do it. But I’m not able to lie about this stuff.

I refuse to do that. I’m going to stand before God someday. It’s not that I’m going to stand before Nuremberg trial or something like Alex’s threatening Francis Collins. That’s no threat. That’s not going to happen. And he knows it’s not going to happen. There’s not going to be justice in this life, but there will be justice in the next. And I am not going to put that on myself for not having warned people about what is happening. I wish I had known about the fluoroquinolones, but we didn’t know. It’s just our lives are being destroyed because of ignorance, and I hate when it’s done to me, and I’m not going to do it to somebody else.

So only 4% of Americans say they view both Harris and Trump unfavorably. That’s a potential market, 12 million people that we can’t reach. So because I’ve got a 0.0.0 .001% of the population really hates me, they’re going to make sure that you don’t see this stuff. So they goes on to say, this is the way Washington Post finishes up. What decides the next president, it seems safe to assume, is how enthusiasm for the candidates translates into people actually turning out the vote. No, it’s going to be whoever decides the next president. Your vote can make a difference in the local elections.

It’s hard even there when big money comes in and people are so sheepish and gullible, they see a picture of a guy who has offered conservative solutions, as Senator nicely did, really thought this stuff through, focused on that came after the banking industry. And guess what? The banking industry came after him with a lot of you baseless fake videos. Oh, look, he supports Biden or something and it’s like. And people fall for that when they see it. We’ve had a lot of people who have jumped on here, let me talk about that on Rockfin. Seth Landrigan, thank you very much on Rumble.

Matthew Ronson thank you cuz for the love for love of the road recommended thank you very much on Rumble. KAFB I’m not sure how to pronounce that. Thank you for the tip, though. He says thank you for your good work on Rumble. Anna Strong Culper tipped twice truth and more truth, she says in the two tips on Rumble M. Sellers thank you very much. Happy Hurricane Friday. There you go. We’re going to have kind of a hurricane party. Here’s what we’re going to do in this broadcast. I’ve got several songs that I was working on for something else and not necessarily for bumpers, but I’ve got several songs that I have pulled from movies.

One of them is from a tv show. And I want to see if you guys could recognize these. So we’re going to do a name the tune thing. I’m going to play the tune. And when we go to break, I’m not nearly there yet. Lots more to say. I’m just giving you an overview of what’s going to happen in the program because we got a lot of stuff to talk about. I mean, we’re not just going to talk about politics. We’re going to talk about what’s going on. Fluoride, for example, I didn’t get to that yesterday.

We’ve had a big win with fluoride, with other things. And that’s good news. That’s really good news for a lot of people. Many of us finally got the memo on fluoride and filtering our water or on well, water, things like that. But so we’ve got a lot of things to talk about, more stuff about AI and how AI is influencing us and the elections. And so we’ve got a lot of things coming up. But as we go to each section here, I’m going to play you one of these songs, give you a section to think about it.

And then I’ll show you a clip where the movie, use that music because some of them are kind of obscure, you may not get. And so, and then I’ll play the next one. So that’s what’s coming up. Let’s see. Happy Hurricane Friday from M. Sellers. Thank you. On rumble cicada 17. Thank you. Tornado Cane 2024 tip rally. Everyone toss in a dollar. Thank you very much. I appreciate that. Yeah, I called it a tornado. I got used to tornadoes, actually. This reminds me in many ways because it has rained so much. We had Hurricane Fran, we went through North Carolina when we were there and we had, at the time, we lived on a little over six acres and we had some massive trees and they’re so big around, I couldn’t chop them up with a chainsaw.

They were, they were too big for my chain, way too big for my chainsaw, not even close. And they just, they got knocked over. And we lost about 30 trees, but many of them very large trees. They lost oak trees and other things like that in Raleigh that had been there for over a century. And we lost power for several days. The only time that we had to shut our stores down because we had a snowstorm or anything else like that, I would get in a four wheel drive and I would call up people and say, where do you live? I’m coming to get you.

And that’s what I did the entire time. I ferried people back and forth in the snow because they couldn’t drive. And we kept, but we kept the stores open one way or the other, but we couldn’t do it for that. We didn’t have any power. Finally, after four days, one of the six stores came back with power and we went down and opened that one up and the cops came in and shut us down while Wall street. While Wall Street. Wall street. Yeah, Wall streets. Walmart was open. The Wall street stores, the big box retailers just like what we saw in 2020.

Boy, I tell you that that really hit a nerve with me when Trump did that, because I’d had that done to me personally. Cops come around and say, you’re going to have to shut down. You’re encouraging people to come out. And it’s like I said, Walmart is open. Well, Walmart’s central, you know, it’s like, are you kidding me? People will come out to go to Walmart more than they’re going to come out to go to this video store. So anyway, took us quite a while to get power back that time. And it was, and I was neither.

Karen and I were taking that seriously as a storm because we’d been in Florida. I grew up in Florida, and it can rain a tremendous amount, but you got a porous soil there with a sand, and they do get flooding. They’ve got the storms surges and stuff like that. But this is a completely different thing. And I thought by the time it gets this far inland, winds aren’t going to be that much. They were like 70, 75 miles an hour, but we had gotten like 20 inches of rain or something in the previous 48 hours. And so the trees just started blowing over, even with a 70 miles an hour wind.

So we hope that doesn’t happen around here. On Rockfin, Michael Pomeroy, he says, well, thank you for the tip. He says thanks to Marty. Prayers for your safety. Thank you very much. On Rockfin, John Jones. Thank you. I’m with Tlav, last american vagabond. I don’t think our vote actually counts. Yeah, you’re right, it doesn’t. That’s right. I mean, they’ll even tell you that. Even if you play the game, you know, and you sit there with the fantasy political league instead of a fantasy football league, even if you play the game, you’re going, they’re going to tell you, if you’re not in these seven states, it’s not going make any difference.

I could, I could Tennessee, I could vote for Clive Schwab if I wanted to, and it wouldn’t make any difference because it’s so solidly republican. That’s in the bag for Trump on Rumble. North american house Hippo, good to see you there. Only thing not silly is the power of people’s vote. And I think the people should use it to vote for none of the above, said Richard Pryor and Brewster’s million. Yeah, that’s a great quote from that movie. That was funny. Rumble the 12 June 1776. Thank you very much for the tip. I appreciate that. Friday Tip train, good work this week.

Thank you very much. On Rumble, Owen 61 says thank you David for what you do. Thank you Owen, I appreciate that. And on Rumble and strong Culper, thank you very much. On Rumble, north american house hippo. Again, another tip. Thank you. Probably just as well that I can’t vote, he says. And another dollar tip from Anna Strong culprit. Appreciate that. DG eight. Thank you very much David, hearing that letter, wow. Thank you for being honest and a man of more character. Well, thank you. It wasn’t a letter, it was a comment. And that’s the other thing too.

I get negative comments like this on the broadcast. I appreciate and many people have left positive comments. I’ve noticed some people have left multiple positive comments and so I really do appreciate that you don’t have to do it every day. I appreciate a couple of people who have done it over and over and over again. But if you like the program and leave some positive comments, that helps. Let’s see, where did I leave off? Anna Strong Culper, thank you very much. I appreciate that. That is kind a third tip and this one is a much bigger at $20 instead of the other two at $1.

I appreciate that. On Spromford, thank you very much. God bless you Mister Knight. And on Rumble, Sam Miller 123. Thank you very much. That’s very generous. David, you’re an inspiration to us all. Thank you for standing strong and speaking the truth. Thank you very much. Well, a lot of people don’t want to hear the bad news about their candidate and a lot of people don’t want to have free speech. It’s no wonder that nobody really was upset about the fact we didn’t have any debates, right? You know, Biden wasn’t going to debate RFK junior or was that guy Dean Phillips or something that ran.

I mean, he had multiple candidates. Even, you know, Marianne was there, but she’s not serious. But you know, he had a couple of serious challengers in terms of people who could actually think and actually had financial backing behind him, but not that I supported them. But still, the Democrats were not going to have any of that. As a matter of fact, they weren’t even going to have these guys on the ballot. They shut them down in Florida and other places. And as I’ve said from the very beginning, as everybody was freaking out in 2020 after the election with all the stop to steal stuff I said, you realize that it’s not even just the voting, it’s not even just the mail and stuff.

It was a computer stuff as well. But it’s not the computer or the mail. And it all begins with ballot access and debate access. And we need to open up this whole system. But they don’t want to have debates. They don’t care if the major candidates don’t want to debate. And so it’s not surprising to see USA Today saying America’s faith in the First Amendment is waning. And it’s surprising that the majority of people in America no longer support the First Amendment. That’s what public education does for you. Seriously. Only 34% now support the First Amendment.

Only a third of Americans support the First Amendment. Survey found that Americans. I sound like game show. Family feud survey says Americans today are less likely to say that they would ratify the First Amendment if they could. Then if they did what? Said four years ago. So four years ago, they said 41% said we would ratify the First Amendment. Today, only 41%. Now it’s dropped to 34%. Four years later, they hate speech. That’s the whole point of hate speech, is to get you to hate speech, to hate free speech, you hurt somebody’s feelings. That’ll be one and a half billion dollars.

Seriously. I mean, that’s what this is about. That’s why it was so important for Alex to take that on head on. Instead, he decided that he wanted to not comply with discovery because he didn’t want him to discover where he had his money. So, you know, he didn’t, didn’t make this about the First Amendment. But most people don’t support the First Amendment. Only about a third of Americans said they supported the First Amendment, who said they believe that all five freedoms protected by the First Amendment are essential. And we’ve got a Supreme Court justice appointed by Trump, Amy Coney Barrett, who could name all five of them.

And she has shown with her decisions that she doesn’t support all five of them. It’s amazing. It’s amazing. Of course, you find the three that were appointed, two by Obama and one by Biden, they may be able to name all five of them, and they probably oppose all five of them as well. So it’s interesting. They said that this was also divided along lines of race, gender and class. The survey found that older respondents and white respondents and those who earn 60 to 100,000 a year were more likely to say the First Amendment was important than others.

By the way, you know, neither, neither Trump nor Lala support the First Amendment, as you’ve seen. Right, Trump, when he doesn’t like what they do on NBC says, or ABC says, take their license. They got a license. Take their license. When Lala doesn’t like what’s allowed on Twitter, she said, he’s got privileges and he needs to have those privileges taken away. And they’re both saying that the other person needs to be shut down or censored because they said bad things about them that could cause people to want to kill them. And both Trump and Lala shut down churches.

That’s also part of the first Amendment, you know, so they don’t support it either. They don’t support it. His Supreme Court pick doesn’t even know what it is and certainly doesn’t support when it comes up as a question. Yeah, we’re in difficult times. It’s no wonder there’s so much censorship out there now. Donald Trump has promised 100% tariff on every single car coming across the mexican border, and he vows to bring foreign manufacturing to the US. Well, it was just two days ago that he said, because John Deere was moving their factory to Mexico, he said 200%.

200% tariffs on that. First of all, you realize if it’s 200% one day and it’s 100% next day, he’s just making this stuff up and he’s just throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks, number one. Number two, the president doesn’t have the power to do that unilaterally. He’s just making this stuff up. And I say this because I lean towards protecting american industry. But at the same time, you better get people who say, well, we want to have a flat tax or this tax or that. So you better make sure that you don’t get that in addition to the income tax.

And if we were to shut down the income tax, which neither of them are talking about doing, they’ll rearrange the deck chairs on this juggernaut that is going to drive right over each and every one of us, going to make the thing seven times bigger than its $13 billion budget here, have another $80 billion and hire 80,000 agents, add artificial intelligence. All the rest of this stuff, folks, you understand what they’re doing with the IR’s, what a weapon they are creating against us. Lala is going to be pedal to the metal. Trump isn’t going to care either.

You know, he’ll try to mollify you with a. All right, you can have your sales tax deduction back. And I want tax tips and stuff like that, but they’re not going to touch the income tax. So if you’re not going to get rid of the income tax, but you’re going to add tariffs on everything that’s coming into the country. Come on, let’s get serious about this stuff. Let’s understand where the real problem is. And if you want to have manufacturing, understand that it’s energy. It’s energy. And it’s the Paris climate accord that’s making energy expensive, that is destroying manufacturing, that has completely destroyed manufacturing in the UK already.

It’s done. Forget about it. They closed down their last steel plant and they’re closing this and they’re closing that because they can’t compete to manufacture with China, because China is allowed to produce the cheapest energy of anybody on the planet. They can use coal, they don’t have to scrub it, they don’t have to clean it, they don’t have to do anything about it. They can build as many of them as they want. Meanwhile, we’ve got to reduce the number of our plants and we just got to shut them down. So if you’re not going to tackle the Paris climate accord, which he refused to do, he refused to say, this has never been ratified.

Instead, he pretended that it had been ratified and he was going to abide by its prohibitions and say, well, I can’t get out of it for four years and it gets out of it. So we’re out of it for like a month or two after the election. But the reality is, is that why obey the Paris climate accord? You should obey the constitution. The constitution says you got to have 60% of the Senate approve any treaty. It should have been dead in the water. He should have said, no, this is of no effect. And I’m making that declaration, and we’re not going to follow any of these prohibitions.

We’re going to have affordable energy so that we can manufacture in this country. But he didn’t do any of that. And so if he’s not going to do any of that, if he’s not going to get rid of the internal tax, what a disaster. If he really did raise tariffs 100% or 200% or whatever he wants to now, he does go on to say, and this part of it is good, he says, I want german car companies to become american car companies. I want them to build their plants here. Well, okay, Volkswagen is announced it’s just going to fire 30,000 people in Germany.

They’re shutting down plants in Germany for the first time since this company that’s been in business for over 100 years. For the first time, they’re going to shut down a german. German factories. Why because of energy costs, they can’t compete. And because of the regulations. You know, they had wonderful diesel, clean diesel engines that could get close to 100 miles per gallon and last forever. It was huge. It was wonderful. It was the best thing anywhere on the planet. But you had Obama’s EPA shut them down, actually got criminal charges against you, cheated on your emissions test and so forth.

Nonsense, absolute nonsense. If you don’t stop that kind of nonsense, there isn’t going to be any volkswagen to come here. I mean, theyre having trouble making cars in Germany. Why? Because of energy. And if you dont have energy, if you made energy available, they might put their power plants here so they could actually manufacture cars instead of Germany. But hes not talking about getting out of Paris climate accord. Hes still not talking about it. And if he gets in, he wont do anything about it for four years. And thats why when the UN put that in there, they put that four year clause in there because they wanted to make sure that presidents would have wiggle room to not have to get out of it.

And they don’t want to get, it’s a lightning rod. He doesn’t want to take that on. He doesn’t make that kind of a difficult decision. So you got plants that are closing everywhere, plants that are closing in Germany, plants that have already closed in the UK. And there’s not going to be any point whatsoever and setting up trying to get industry here. And so Steve Nguyen tells Trump Point blank, he says that you’re off message. They’re buddies. You know, they’re, they’re both casino owners. For longtime friends, Trump and win share a lot in common. They are both billionaires.

Both were rival real estate titans in the 1980s. Both at one stage donated Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Both of them at one point had casinos. And he says that he has told Trump point blank that he’s off message as he joins a growing list of allies, warning the former president he should be doing better in the 2024 race. And again, I don’t care about the, the election is phony. However, it is important from the standpoint of building consensus. And he should be talking about these issues. He’s not offering solutions. He’s not focused on the Paris climate accord, for example, and ending that.

He’s not taking leadership to even expose the real problems. He’s just looking at peripheral things and throwing them against the wall. And most of the peripheral stuff that he’s doing is really about personal issues and how these things are going to affect him. And it’s not just Steve Nguyen this wealthy investors in general are supporting Harris over Trump, says a new survey. A new survey finds majority of millionaire investors plan to vote for Lala in November, even though they give former President Trump a better rating on the economy. They say, well, again, this is, whether you believe this is election or not, these are the people who are investing in Washington.

That’s why we have billions of dollars there. As HL Menken said, an election is an advanced auction of stolen goods. And so these are the people who are piling on. And it has always been the case that the demagogue party gets more of the uber wealthy, donating them because they’re so corrupt. And meanwhile, it’s important for them, because the Democrats have so many billionaires typically, that are supporting them, it’s very important for them to look like they are from the people, even if they aren’t from the people. They have to pretend that they’re one of you, even as they show their contempt for populism and for the common man.

And so this has been very important for Lala Harris to pretend that she was middle class, to talk about the fact that she worked at McDonald’s and so forth. Babylon Bee was laughing about it. After being asked where his brother is, Cain explains to God that he grew up in a middle class family. Well, I’ll start with this. I grew up in a middle, as a middle class kidde. My mother was hardworking. She raised me and my brother Abel, she saved up. And it was only about the time I was a teenager that she could afford to buy her first home.

And then he says, my punishment is too great to endure. I grew up in a middle class family. Please allow me to experience what can be unburdened by what has been. He doesn’t want to be held accountable for what he did, just like Lala. And his excuse is he grew up in a middle class family. She grew up in a upper, upper middle class family. Quite frankly, Trump is obsessed with her talking about working at McDonald’s, though. And so this is what the campaign is going to be about, because you see for them, and they understand what this campaign is about.

This campaign is about identity politics. This campaign is like survivor who gets voted off the island. That’s what this is really about. So here’s what Lala is telling the people about her McDonald’s experience. I worked at McDonald’s. I was a student. When I was working at McDonald’s, there was not a family relying on me to pay the rent, put food on the table, and keep the bills paid by the end of the month. But the reality of McDonald’s is that a majority of the folks who are working there today are relying on that income to sustain a household and a family.

Okay, so it’s about our identity politics. I’m middle class. I would just like you. Really? Really. I’m just like you. The people she’s talking to sleep their way to the top. I don’t know. But she’s one of you, nevertheless. But she does make the point. She does tie it into their concerns that, you know, do you want to work for minimum wage at a fast food place? Are they going to be manufactured? So here’s the thing. Trump could say, well, we need to have manufacturing jobs if he wants to attack her. He could say, she doesn’t have any plan for you getting out of McDonald’s, as a matter of fact.

And of course, McDonald’s has already made the transition away from meat long ago. I don’t know what you’re getting if you eat there, you know, plastic and some soy or something like that. But he should say, she doesn’t have any plan for getting you into higher paying, more productive jobs. And what he should say is, because of this green steel, they’re making electricity unaffordable and unobtainable, and that’s going to destroy our society. So I’m going to fix that. I’m going to fix the climate. He could make this about the issue himself, but instead he sees her middle class virtue signaling, which I believe is a lie, and he focuses exclusively on that.

And he doesn’t focus on offering a solution to people to counter the problem that she identifies with the problem that was a product of the administration that she was part of. As Biden said on the view, every policy, foreign and domestic, she was a part of it, say, about her McDonald’s story. Remember this? For a long time, she’s been talking about her experience at McDonald’s. I worked at McDonald’s over the french fries. It was so hot. I think I’m going to go to a McDonald’s next week. Someplace I’m going to go might not be here in your place.

I’m going to go to a McDonald’s and I’m going to work the french fry job for about a half an hour. I want to see how it is. But she said she worked, since she grew up in terrible conditions. She worked at McDonald’s. It was such she never worked there. And these fake news reporters will never report it. They don’t want to report it because they’re fake. They’re fake. They don’t want to report it. She never worked at McDonald’s, but it was a big part of her resume. They went and they went to the different places that.

You work here? Did you work here? Did she work here? She said, we don’t know who the hell she is. Leave us alone. We’re making hamburgers. Okay. It’s a perfect opportunity for him to talk about the economy, talk about the green steel and all the rest of it, but he makes it 100% about her. 100%. Okay. Yeah. I’m going to go to McDonald’s and I’m going to do the fries or whatever. And so a guy who doesn’t like Trump did, took that audio and did a video working this out, a really crazy video of Trump going to McDonald’s, and he’s going to work the fries.

For a long time, she’s been talking about her experience at McDonald’s. I worked at McDonald’s over the french fries. It was so hot. I think I’m going to go to a McDonald’s next week. Week. Someplace I’m gonna go might not be here in your place. I go to a McDonald’s and I’m gonna work the french fry job for about a half an hour. I want to see how it is, and the McDonald’s blows up. There was a detective. She never worked there. Now he’s in the press. They don’t want to report it because they’re fake. They’re fake.

They don’t want to report it. She never worked at McDonald’s. It was a big part of her resume. They went to. They went to the different places. Now he’s on a time machine. Going back, did she work here? She said, we don’t know who the hell she is. Leave us alone. We’re making hamburgers. Really hate that sad loser, Mister Newberger. Who? Me? If all you’re going to do is talk about irrelevance as to whether or not she worked in McDonald’s, you deserve to be mocked like that. But look, all the stuff that he goes on and on and on about whether or not you worked at McDonald’s, if he wants to make it personal, he could very easily do it in one word.

What’s the first word that pops into your head when you hear the name Kamala Harris? Liar. That’s all he had to say. And move on. Move on to some solutions. Talk about how you’re going to get rid of the lies around the climate, the Paris climate accord, that whole thing is a lie. That’s more important, right. That’s more important. That thing. And so, as a matter of fact, I just couldn’t resist when I saw that. You may remember, if you’re old enough, Art Linkletter and I think they kind of revived this for a while with Bill Cosby.

But here’s a couple of clips from a kid say the darndest thing, by the way, who’s the boss in your house? Your mother or your dad? Both of them. Hey, you’re a diplomat, are you? No, I’m a Catholic Baptist. I don’t know what a Catholic Baptist is. Thanksgiving and all. We’re supposed to be thankful. What are you thankful for? I’m an American. Ah, you are an American. That’s good. I’m glad you’re thankful for that. You, um. You know what an American is? What is an American? Someone who lives in California now. That’s what Newsom says. That’s Gavin Newsom when he’s two years old.

The world today, in your opinion, George Washington. George Washington. That’s right. He’s married, isn’t he? Yes, sir. You know who his wife is? Miss America, Mark Sheverton. One more here thing about school. Button in my pants. That could be said of any of these politicians who are in office. It’s pretty hard for them to button their pants, isn’t it? Well, Biden and Harris are offering $153 million in awards for states to adopt pre crime gun confiscation laws. You see, this is how it’s done. This is how it’s done. I have talked for the longest time. As a matter of fact, I get another one of these quotes here.

Here’s one. This is sheer ignorance on your part, with a continual hatred and blame on Trump for everything. Watch the recent Tucker Carlson show. My news from Tucker. I like to just go right straight to the source and go to the CIA or Voice of America. Just consume the propaganda. Yeah, exactly. I mean, his dad worked his entire career for a CIA front group, right? Voice of America doing propaganda. They had the Smith Munt act because voice of America was propaganda. And they said, you’re not going to do that here in America. And then that was taken away by Obama.

And they said, now we’re going to propagandize Americans. Tucker Carlson admits that he wanted to work for the CIA. He was trolled by Putin for saying that. He said they only take the best people. You know, Tucker, I think he is working for the CIA. I think he is not the CIA, but I think he’s working for the right wing part of the intelligence community. But here’s what Tucker Carlson says. Explains Trump had no experience in politics. He didn’t know what he was doing. He had on the job training and his worst year was his fourth year, right? That’s when everything really, he didn’t learn anything the first three years.

And in the fourth year, it just went haywire. He relied on those around him who he hired. And there was a mole in his cabinet, Tucker. Alex, all these people telling you these lies like that? Well, if there was a mole in his cabinet, he hired the mole and kept him there and he didn’t know what he was doing. But I, look, I tell these people who want to excuse what Trump did, I said the way that he did this, the way that all of them do it, this is how Trump and Biden and La La and Obama and all of them, they don’t, they don’t even have to do an executive order.

They just say, well, I’m going to give you a reward of money if you do what I want you to do. And that’s the way they ran this whole thing out. And folks, that was the plan. That’s why as they were setting this stuff up, two months before 911, they do the first germ game. One week after 911, the anthrax false flag attack. Two months later, they send out model legislation to all the states. Why? Because you give yourself this power. Because we can’t do it because of the 10th Amendment. We don’t want to have any constitutional issues that somebody suing us because the federal government says, do this or do that.

And somebody says, you don’t have that authority. So what we’ll do is give yourself that authority at the state. The states have those powers. And then when it was time, Trump gave them massive bonuses, trillions of dollars to do this stuff going out. Gavin Newsom had bankrupted California. He saved, Gavin Newsom, gave him this massive surplus. Of course, he spent it again within two or three years. But, you know, there’s some responsibility, isn’t there? A, wasn’t it true when Truman said, the buck stops here? Yeah. The president is responsible for what happens in his administration. I don’t care if he hired a mole.

I don’t care if he didn’t have any experience in politics. I don’t care if he not only didn’t learn on the job, but he got dumber on the job. No, he wised up and he did exactly what the globalists wanted. That was what he learned in his job, to do what the globalists wanted, which is a lockdown in the vaccines. But the bottom line is that he paid him and he knows that as well. Look, we had just take a look at the bathrooms, the boys being in the girls bathrooms and showers, to the boys being out of the girls bathrooms and showers.

You have Obama and Biden, we’re giving you money. We’re going to take that money away. If you don’t put the boys in the girls bathrooms and showers, then Trump has recently said, if they do this grooming stuff and put the boys in the girls bathrooms and showers, I’m going to pull their money. They all understand how this works. Why is it that these stupid Trump people don’t understand anything about how Washington works? No matter how many times I explain it, the MAGA people can’t understand it, won’t understand it, because again, they’ve bought into this thing. That’s how power works.

You get the states to do the regulations and then you pay them to do this stuff or you pull the money back. It’s bribery and blackmail. Bribery and blackmail. That’s how Washington works. People need to figure that out. Some of the people in Tennessee have figured that out. We had some good, besides Senator nicely, there was a couple of other good people there that he was working with. And they said, let’s begin to wean ourselves off of the Department of Education money. We can pay for our kids educations ourselves, and we don’t need to be bribed by that.

And you have to do that as an individual. You have to say, I know that they’re telling me that I got a free school education there. And even though it’s costing you your home, and it will cost you your home, you’ll never own your home because you’re going to pay perpetual rent, but it will cost you your home as they bring in unlimited numbers of people from other countries for free education. And as these lawsuits mount up, as I’ve given two examples in Oklahoma last few days, multimillion dollar judgments against these small communities who had insurance that cover like maybe a million dollars, but the judgment is 5 million in one, seven and a half million in the other.

So what they’re going to do is they’re going to take the stuff they don’t have any insurance for, and they’re going to distribute the misconduct of these teachers in the school board. And one of them is sexual misconduct. And, you know, it’s their grooming kids as they’re molesting kids. All the rest of the stuff that’s there, you groom a kid into this surgery or whatever, and years later they regret it and they’re suffering, physically suffering with this, been sterilized. You think they’re not going to come back and sue the school districts? And guess what? When the lawsuits mount up, school districts only have so much insurance and that’s going to be distributed as a bill to each and every one of you in one small community, rural community where people don’t have that much money, $1,000 a year for several years is what it’s going to cost them.

So before we go to break, I just want to thank people who have come in with tips on rock fan, a syrian girl. Thank you very much. Praying for you and your family to weather the storms. Thank you. All of them. Yes. Physical storms going on and other things swirling around. As a matter of fact, what we’re doing is, I know you can’t hear it on the microphone, but I’m hearing a lots of wind here. So we’ll see what happens on Rockfin. Jeb Clinton, I don’t know if that’s a job. I don’t want to laugh at your name, but it’s, when you put Jeb there in Clinton makes me think of the politicians.

But that is a very generous contribution. Thank you very much. Something for the tank. Thank you for the matching donations. Go wolfpack. Hey, north Carolina state. All right. That’s great. Didn’t mean to laugh at you. So many people put up these things. Sometimes they’ll put up politicians names. Clanton. It just autocorrected and I didn’t catch it. Oh, okay. All right. Okay. No relation to Hillary then. That’s good. That’s good. I don’t want to make fun of your relatives and I’ll get an angry letter for that, but thank you so much for the generous contribution. I appreciate that.

On Rockfan, Amos pool, thank you very much, Amos. Another regular contributor that we see many times on Rumble. Do not obey. Thank you, says tip rally. Thank you, David Knight and family. And again, everybody, they’re just tuning in. Marty has agreed to match tips today on Rumble awoots. Have you looked into BPC 157 for Whistler’s condition? I haven’t put that, send that to me, Travis, so we can look for that after the show. I’ve not heard of that before. We’re doing a lot of, a lot of people have given us really good tips for this. And if you don’t know, he got floxed.

This is an antibiotic that has been hurting people for more than 40 years. The FDA has put seven black box warnings on it, but they won’t tell anybody, the doctors won’t tell anybody about the black box warning. And the pharmacists don’t, uh, there’s nothing on the bottle. All it says on the bottle is, uh, don’t take this with calcium and magnesium and a few other things like that because it’ll block the operation. Yeah, yeah. So, you know, when he started with this stuff, I looked at the bottle, no warnings except for that. So I said, grab as much magnesium and calcium as you can right now.

Let’s try to stop this poison. Uh, but, uh, it’s just horrific. Hundreds of thousands of people have been harmed by this and many of them, uh, its been permanent. So were praying that this is not going to be permanent for him and were hes in a great deal of pain, he cant walk, but a few steps we have to put him in a wheelchair. Were taking him to get glutathione and vitamin C injections and stuff like that. And um, but its very, very painful. And if he does, if he types on the computer, it starts hurting in his hands and it affects your tendons.

He was looking at the computer yesterday and looking over to the side for about ten minutes and he said, I got to stop stone a number on my neck. It’s just horrific. I can’t believe that this is allowed on the market, except that we know what the FDA is and we know what the medical community and the pharmaceutical companies are and the pharmacies that distribute this stuff, we know what it is. And so. But they got us, they got us on rumble. Geesebusters. Geese busters. Good to see you again. Thank you very much. I appreciate that.

David, the day you stopped bashing Trump as a day I turn you off. Thank you. Great work for exposing this show on Rumble, misses Moody. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. It’s very generous. Here’s some fiat for a good cause. Keep fighting the good fight. Thank you. On rumble, a non a moose. Thank you. When I started gardening, it struck me that if you plant one seed, you get a lot of fruit in return and thousands of seeds. God’s economics man puts a patent on those seeds and siphons off the wealth to a few. Absolutely right.

And if your Monsanto or one Satan, I guess, is where they got that from. What you do is you poison the ground and make sure that only the seed that you’ve patented will grow in that ground. And that’s now happening with the Kamba drift. It’s drifting on other people’s farms, poisoning their land. Just, just amazing how these people, the big companies and big government in Washington constantly poison and rob people. Death and taxes, that’s what they do. And it’s the corporations that are part of that as well. M. Sellers, thank you. Says party on rumble is rocking, and I’m on my second cup of coffee.

Dougalug, thank you. He says, did I hear tips are being matched today? Yes, with Marty. Thank you very much. On rumble, a non a moose. Thank you. When I was a kid, my mom bought me, brought me to and bought me an easy bake oven because I wanted to make tasty treats. Today, I would have been put on hormone blockers and had my privates cut off. That’s right. That’s right. On rumble. Treval long, thank you very much, David. Look into a seven day fast for Whistleregh. We will. And thank you again, Marty, for matching the tips.

All right, I said we’re going to do something different today, so I’m going to play a clip. And this is from a movie. And we’ll give you this next segment here to guess what movie this is from. Maybe you recognize this tune. Sadeena. Sadeena. All right, let’s see if we can get some guesses as to what that is from. And I want to, after we get finished talking about the drugs that they’re using on us, I’ve got something to say here about remdesivir as well as the new information about fluoride. It’s been covered a lot by the last american vagabond and others are been covering this trial for quite some time.

We now had a judgment from the court there. But before we get to that, I want to talk about remdesivir. And this is a drug that, just to give you the history of this, of course, quickly, this is Gilead pharmaceutical. We’ve had Fauci try to sell remdesivir as a remedy for a lot of different things. He tried to push it for HIv. They said, no, it doesn’t work, but it kills people. Then he tried to push it for Ebola. They said, it doesn’t work, but it kills people. Then he tried to push it for Covid. And there was a study that was done in China that went up on the World Health Organization.

I think it says doesn’t work, but it kills people. They took that study down within a couple of hours. And a week later, Fauci published his own unreviewed study that says, yeah, while it doesn’t help people doesn’t cure it. If you. If you survive, you’re going to get better 30% faster. And this is now the standard of care right now. One more thing I’ll add to that. It’s part of my bipartisan contempt. Rand Paul, who is a doctor, who knows this stuff, is all baloney. And B’s, would never call Fauci out for the real issues that were happening.

He pushed all this stuff about it being engineered in a lab in China, which I don’t believe for a second. I think this is all a psyop. It was all a Siob strain of flu. Even if they tried to engineer something, they didn’t get anything. The vaccine is what they engineered. But anyway, Rand Paul’s wife invested in Gilead to make profits off of remdesivir. As if we’re not going to figure out that is Rand Paul engaged in dirty trade, just like Nancy Pelosi and the rest of them. Uh, so, yeah, they’re all dirty in this stuff.

It’s not just Fauci. Let’s call out the people on the other side, uh, who have their hands dirty in this stuff as well. And so it killed a lot of people. Killed a lot of people. Just like their ventilators, just like midazolam, other things like that. The Rem deserver killed a lot of people. But now, apart from it, that status, they have shipped this stuff with glass particles in it. Lousy manufacturing. They got broken glass particles in the remdesivir. And so, listen to this clip from parks and Rec, where this little bureaucrat decides that she’s going to put fluoride in the water and she can do it.

And the crazy guy who is saying, oh, that’s bad, and he starts talking about glass and drugs as well. Councilwoman Leslie Knope wants to put fluoride, which is a chemical, into your drinking water. You know what else is a chemical? Strychnine and cyanide. What? And dirt and rust and even broken glass. Exactly. Even broken glass. I understand what chemicals are. I would suggest if you want to contact the psychopath that wants to turn your kids into bad at math, communist fluoride zombies. Well, just call the number at the bottom of your screen. Leslie. No. Stop right there.

You know what? Fluoride protects your teeth and is perfectly healthy for you. Well, if jam says that, then he is a lying idiot. And if you believe it, then so are you. Whoa. Conspiracy theorist, like I talked to you. You can’t do that. Why not? What are they gonna do, kick me out of office. Why did it take me so long to realize this? There are no consequences to my actions anymore. No matter what I do, literally nothing bad happens that can happen to me. Yeah, that’s right. No, she’s just joined the FDA, hasn’t she? Right? You’re free to do anything.

FDA. They can’t kick me out of office. I can do anything I want. And. Yeah. Oh, these crazy conservative, like, glass or something. And here we have glass particles in remdesivir. We’ll get to the fluoride here in a minute. An investigation by Gilead, maker of remdesivir, confirmed the presence of glass. But guess what they said. You can’t sue us. We got glass in there. But that’s. You can’t do anything about that because we’re covered under the prep act. Can you believe that? The prep act there’s going to be for this biological warfare. Oh, and we got an emergency authorization.

Well, these contaminated vials can cause stroke and lead to death. Of course, even without the glass, it can lead to death. And when used as direct, that’s why the nurses nicknamed it run. Death is near. But now, if the drug itself wasn’t dangerous enough, they’ve added glass to it and claimed that they have immunity. If a product containing glass is injected, it may result in localized swelling. Oh, no problem. Okay, so you just put that on the. On the thing. This might result in localized swelling. The glass particulate can potentially travel through the blood vessels to various organs, block blood vessels in the heart, lungs or brain, which can cause stroke, even lead to death, the company warned in the recall notice.

Gilead said it is informing distributors and customers via a letter sent to UPS next day air. The letter advises facilities that have called that recall the drug to stop using it and return the vile substance, not v I a l, but vile, to the company following the instructions in the letter. Hey, you know, I wonder if we could have doctors and pharmacies and give you the black box warnings even. Right on stuff. No, can’t even get that. How about giving us an insert? No, not going to do that either. But a Michigan man, Daniel Nowake, who received five doses of remdesivir, including from lots that were later recalled, and this is back in 2021.

The glass has been there for a long time. They said the contaminated lots caused him to have two strokes and a leg amputation, leaving him unable to care for himself. So he sued them for compensation, which is the very least that should happen. You know, RFK junior wants to shut down companies that aren’t playing around with the, you know, aren’t obeying the CO2 mandates, give them the death penalty. He said put them in jail. Well, he wasn’t talking about putting them in the jail. He, even though that’s what he said, he was talking about putting in the people who were running the companies into jail because they didn’t comply with his climate alarmism.

But I agree with him when he said that companies that are doing this kind of stuff ought to be given the death penalty penalty. I think they ought to take their money and shut them down, but they’re not going to do that. Gilead instead sought to have the case dismissed, claiming that the company was protected under the prep act, public readiness and emergency preparedness that George W. Bush put in so they could give them stronger immunity for what they were going to pull off 15 years later. Because Reb Desire was under emergency use authorization when it was administered to Milwaukee.

Well, they’re still putting this stuff out there. Maybe not with glass in it, but they’re still putting it out there. And maybe they’re, they are still putting it out there with glass because this is a recall that has been issued. Uh, is it still under emergency use authorization? You know what emergency, emergency that Trump declared on that Friday the 13th, March, 2020, the emergency, the medical emergency, did that. So he had released money, just like when a hurricane comes through. But Alex Azar, his big pharma CEO from Eli Lilly that he put in charge of HHS that was there the entire time he had declared an emergency health emergency, the end of January.

How long is this emergency going to go on? How long is the authorization for these fatal drugs going to be allowed to be administered to people without any consequences for these companies, even including putting glass in them? In a July 20, 2023 ruling, Judge Carroll Kunke of the circuit Court for the county of Washtenaw rejected Gillian’s motion to dismiss. I wonder what the corrupt feds are going to do, because, you know, once you get this to the FDA, they’ll tell you that you’re free to do anything. So the FDA granted remdesivir emergency use authorization, even though the clinical trial showed the drug wasn’t very effective for treating Covid-19.

Again, it was also shown to be ineffective against Ebola. They mentioned that in the article. They don’t mention that Fauci tried to do it for HIV, so they got a window of time before their patent runs out. He was determined he was going to push this through for Gilead pharmaceuticals, Forbes. Listen to what Forbes said. Forbes said, what’s weird about remdesivir is that it hasn’t been held to the same standards as other drugs. Who, who knew? Who knew that they weren’t going to actually test this stuff? So on Rockfin, Handy says a positive PCR test would get you a five day remdesivir infusion protocol, where he is in Georgia.

And because it was an infusion, you had to stay in the hospital, no visitors, isolated and alone. This is just unbelievably criminal, isn’t it? Unbelievably criminal, by the way, that all happened under Trump. So you can excuse that if you want. I’m not going to excuse that. And if he’s not even going to talk about it, let alone apologize, if he’s not talking about how that’s not ever going to happen again. Do you see anybody talking about how we need to really reform all of these institutions? Well, no. Now, Redfield, who was head of the CDC, has now come out and endorsed RFK junior.

We’ll talk about that in a second. But they’re not talking about real reform of these institutions. So let’s talk about fluoride before we get to that. In a pivotal decision that could impact the decades long practice of water fluoridation in the US, a federal judge has ruled the current fluoride levels. Levels. This is important. The levels of fluoride and drinking water pose an unreasonable risk to people’s health. Now, how do you know what the level is? This is why I’m saying we didn’t need to have a long debate. It’s useful for people to know that this is dangerous, right? That it destroys IQ.

And they’ve determined that, determined that a long time ago. But how do you set the level when you dump it into the water supply? How do you control the level of it in the, is it uniformly distributed? Are you sure about that? And if it’s uniform, okay, it’s uniformly distributed. So are you going to give the same dosage of fluoride to a toddler or, you know, a baby and its formula that you mix? You get a formula that you mix and you’re going to put tap water in it. You’re going to give the same amount of fluoride to a baby that you give to an adult man, 200 pounds or so.

And then apart from that, assuming, again that the fluoride is evenly distributed, which I think is a false assumption. It’s a ridiculous assumption, but assuming that is evenly distributed, how much water do you drink a day? That’s going to change your dosage, isn’t it? We don’t even need to have the discussion, even before we get to the discussion of whether or not fluoride is dangerous for you. And again, why is it that they’re making all these antibiotics out of fluoride compounds, all these floxins, and there’s a nearly a dozen of them now. They keep changing the name so that you don’t know what, you know.

People find out about Cipro. Oh, okay, we’ll call it something different, and we’ll re patent it, tweak it a little bit, and do another patent. People won’t know, but they’re all fluoride based. And. But before we even get to what fluoride does to you or what fluoride in your water does to you, how can you justify medicating people in the water supply? That’s the whole point in the water supply. That’s because they can do anything. Just like I showed you that clip and do anything. Nobody’s gonna fire me for this. So he ruled the current fluoride levels in drinking water pose an unreasonable risk.

You don’t know what these levels are. Most people consume water treated at the long recommended optimal level of 0.7 milligrams per liter. Well, how many glasses are you going to be drinking? Again, assuming that that distribution and concentration is uniform, how many glasses are you going to be drinking? But we don’t know what the concentration is. It’s not uniformly distributed. The CDC, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Dental association promote water fluoridation as a vital public health achievement. Well, it is because public health is there to kill you. It really is. They despise individual health.

Just as public schools are not there to educate you, public health is not there for your health. They want to kill you. And the sooner we realize that, the better off we’re going to be. We got to realize that public health, we’re going to either going to kill these bureaucracies, or these bureaucracies are going to kill us. Judge Chen highlighted that scientific research now clearly points to fluoride’s potential neurotoxic effects. These effects are especially concerning for the developing brains of infants and young children. This is one of the things, when you get fluxed with these antibiotics, one of the things that talk about is how it fogs your brain, attacks your nerves.

All the rest of the stuff that’s fluoride, whether it’s in an antibiotic or it’s in your waters, fluoride does that kind of stuff. The judge wrote, plaintiffs have proven by a preponderance of evidence that water fluoridation at the level of 0.7 milligrams per liter, the prescribed optimal level of fluoridation in the US, presents an unreasonable risk of injury. You know who tried to set on all this stuff and keep it quiet? That celebrated tranny of the Biden administration, Dick Divine. Actually calls himself Rachel Levine or something. I call him the divine Dick. He doesn’t want you to know what they’re dumping in the water.

He doesn’t want you to know any of this stuff. He wants to keep it all quiet because there were scientists in some of these bureaucracies that were blowing the whistle on this stuff. They didn’t want this to get out. They gave it to pregnant women, everything. For more than 70 years, this has been going on. They began this in 1962. And I was going to play a little bit of the clip, but it was a little bit long, even in Doctor Strangelove, right, there’s a. You got the general who kicks off this war and gets, you know, fires the missiles and everything that start all this stuff.

He starts this war on the base where they’re attacking things, and he sets down with a yemenite, Peter Sellers character who is a british officer visiting, and he starts explaining to him how it’s a communist plot to destroy our bodily fluids and all this other kind of stuff. And Peter Sellers like, yeah, this guy’s crazy. He thinks he’s worried about fluoride in the water and all this. They ridicule up one side and down the other. So that was done in 1964. They started putting, you know, doing this stuff in 1962. The federal government is advising community water systems to add this.

People started pushing back. Stanley Kubrick jumps in with the establishment, says, yeah, these people who are worried about fluoride in the water, they’re a bunch of lunatic conspiracy. There’s like General Jack D. Ripper. Yeah, these are people we don’t watch out. They’re going to start a nuclear war. These conspiracy theorists. As research increasingly revealed the potential adverse effects of fluoride, surgeon general Vivek Murthy lowered the recommended level. In 2015. He nearly cut it in half. And yet again, they’re dumping it in the water. You can’t control the dosage. If you dump it in the water, the people are going to be drinking in what concentration? Oh, we don’t know.

We don’t care. Right? Absolutely don’t know or care. So when you look at all the rest of stuff, that they’re dumping in. NBC admits that Parkinson’s disease was caused by chemical pollutants pumped into the air. They’re not talking about chemtrails either. So again, this is something that is in rural areas and the Parkinson’s belt, as they call it, the chemicals that they’re spraying. But I guess, you know, this is, by the way, this is NBC News. This is not nuclear, biological, and chemical, which is really what this war is. This war really is against us by our own government.

This war is biological and chemical and is about to become nuclear. As they start adding these power plants, they’re going to ramp up all the nuclear stuff as well. In the US, something called the Parkinson’s belt. And there was a doctor, doctor Tim Greenmeyer, director of the Pittsburgh Institute for Neurodegenerative Disease. Always common theme here, going for the nervous system. He’s been conducting lab studies on a pesticide, rotenone, which is believed to be a contributing factor in the disease. After years of study, he too developed Parkinson’s, and he believes it was because of his overexposure to the chemical while studying it.

My guess is that my lab work with making a model of Parkinson’s disease led to my getting Parkinson’s disease, he told NBC. Beginning in the 1990s, Doctor Greenmeyer began to see investigating that began his investigation of this chemical in 2011. A study found that farmers who’d use rotenone had a two and a half times higher risk of developing Parkinson’s disease than those who didn’t. We had, I remember we had a basset hound who was an amazing escape artist. As small as he, you know, as heavy as he was, with these short little legs, he could, he literally would climb over the fence.

I couldn’t believe it. And we had neighbors when we lived in a neighborhood in Raleigh, they would put, have people come by and treat their lawns, call it Kim lawn, and they would put little signs like, keep your dogs and your pets off the lawn. And they’d say, well, this dog climb the thing. And he would not only run through the lawns, but he would eat the grass. And, yeah, I don’t usually dogs will eat that if they’re sick or something. He just did it all the time. And so he gets sick, he gets this non Hodgkins lymphoma thing.

And we were listening to a news report, and they were talking about how all these farmers who were using this chemical, we’re getting that exact form of cancer. And I thought, well, yeah, maybe that’s what it is. We it was. We had the vet school was there in NC State, and we took him there and they were giving him treatments and stuff like that, chemo and things, like he’d feel better. And he felt, first couple of times he got it, he was feeling great after he got out. And after a while, it quit working. Yeah, we spent a lot of money.

Instead of buying a set, of buying a dining room set of furniture, we gave him treatments to keep him alive for another six months. But you look at that and it’s like, well, he’s kind of the canary in the coal mine. Why are we putting this stuff on our lawns? Just so that it looks green. We didn’t put it on our lawn, but our neighbors did. And this was happening to a lot of farmers with glyphosate and decambadrif. So the EPA has restricted the use of rotenone twice. It’s no longer available for purchase by home gardener.

Still, with a little bit of red tape, it’s available for use. And the EPA said that there is, quote, insufficient evidence to link the chemical to Parkinson’s. They’re very skeptical about this. Now, they’re not skeptical about all the climate predictions. They’re going to shut down all the power plants. They’re going to take all the cars. The EPA is. But. Oh, you talk about something that we got a long history of people getting sick from. Well, I don’t know. I think we just don’t have enough evidence for that. But they’ve got enough evidence for the climate alarmism.

You think hundreds of cancer causing chemicals are found in food packaging? I mean, you know, glyphosate especially like life is, it’s associated with a 41% increase in non Hodgkin’s lymphomas. And. And that’s in your food. But of course, we’re talking about in the packaging. I hate to give you bad news like this, but you need to be warned. One person says, well, I understand it can be a little bit overwhelming because basically it tells us that there are known carcinogens in our food supply. We got carcinogens in our food supply because we got criminals in Washington.

But I’m not supposed to call out the criminals in Washington. I’m just too negative about all this stuff. Pardon me. I guess I should shut up and cheer Trump as our only hope, right? So these things are found in plastics, even in paper. Some of the potential mammary carcinogens include polystyrene, polyamide, which are used in styrofoam, these go to containers from restaurants, black plastic spatulas and things like that. If there’s one change you’re going to make, said the studies co author, stop using poly steering. Get rid of it. Especially don’t heat your food up in it.

Even if you get it, somebody gives you food in it. You know, we have great local barbecue around here that we get every once in a while. And they, everybody, you know, take out food, they all put it in that kind of stuff, but we don’t heat it up in that. And so then we get to RFK junior and Robert Redfield, the two who now have a romance, at least a lot of respect for each other for some reason. You’ve got Doctor Robert Redfield, former CDC director under Trump, just wrote a powerful editorial on Newsweek endorsing Trump and Robert Kennedy’s bold plan to make America healthy again.

He says after more than 40 years in the public health arena, it might surprise some of my colleagues to know that I think Trump chose the right man for the job. RFK Junior well, that’s concerning, because as I pointed out, Robert Redfield is one of the biggest grifting shills out there. He’s running around telling everybody it’s inevitable this bird flu is going to jump to humans, and when it does, it’s going to have a case fatality rate of 25% to 50%. You don’t know any of that. This guy is just fear mongering. Why is he doing that? Because he works for a company that sells the tests and other things like that.

He’s got financial interest in pushing this in the same way that Alex pushed the panic in the spring of 2020 so he could sell storable food. It’s not bad to sell storable food. And people needed storable food because of the idiot things that were happening with Trump. But he told everybody that was fine. It was 40 chess. So Robert Redfield says, we know chronic disease is more than 75% of the country’s $4 trillion annual health care expenditure. We have become a sick nation, folks. That was by design. I was talking about Gilead and remdesivir earlier in May of 2018.

You can look it up. It was all over the financial press, all over the pharmaceutical press, the fact that Gilead was being lectured by Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs wants more gold in their sacks. And so they said that Gilead made a mistake. They came up with a hepatitis drug that actually cured it. They said, we don’t want that. Look at what happened to their sales. $12 billion. The first year, and then it just goes straight down. We don’t want that said Goldman Sachs lecturing the pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical industry. What we want is drugs that address a chronic condition and don’t cure it.

So we have an income stream. And of course, it’s even better if their drugs can create more chronic conditions that can’t be cured. So you want to talk to me about how we got $4 trillion annual health care expenditure? Where does that go? Big part of that pie goes to the big pharmaceutical companies that Robert Redfield and other people work for that are part of this revolving door. Yeah, we’ve become a sick nation because of people like Robert Redfield. He’s jockeying to get in position in a Trump administration again. Says more than 40% of school age children and adolescents have at least one chronic health condition.

He’s not going to tell you that’s because of vaccines, is he? Obesity in american children has increased dramatically since John F. Kennedy’s presidency, from around 4% in the 1960s to almost 20% in 2024. Kennedy is right. All three of the principal health agencies suffer from agency capture. Is he admitting that he did something? No, it’s not him, it’s the agency. Right. A large percentage of the FDA’s budget is provided by pharmaceutical companies. They get royalties. They get secret royalties that you’re not allowed to see. It’s hard to even get the truth from them about how many hundreds of millions of dollars they give.

They only reported about 10% of it. And then people dug deeper and they found that it was, you know, nearly a million dollars. But you can’t see who got the money and how much people got you to see the total figure. So a large portion of the FDA’s budget is provided by pharmaceutical companies. Guess what, large part of the budget of Fox News and CNN, you know, while Tucker Carlson was there, he was getting paid a couple million dollars a month to not tell you about the jab, and he didn’t. NIH is cozy with biomedical and pharmaceutical companies, and its scientists are allowed to collect royalties on drugs, NIH licenses.

President Trump has pledged, if elected, to establish a panel of top experts working with Kennedy to investigate what this is nonsense. He brought, he talked about all this stuff and vaccines when he was a candidate in 2016 and the transition period he brings in. RFK Junior goes to Trump Tower. RFK Junior comes out, does a press conference, says, yeah, we’re going to take a look at vaccines. There’s just, you know, we gotta. We gotta make them safe. There’s a lot of unsafe stuff in the vaccines. Bingo. Trump gets millions of dollars from the pharmaceutical companies. And he puts Alex Azar from Eli Lilly, the CEO of Eli Lilly, in as HHS, who then ran this whole scam on us.

And then the guys that he had these two FDA directors go back to where they came from, Moderna and Pfizer. But believe it, this time, this time, you know, this time, oh, it was a mole that was making Trump sell out to the pharmaceutical companies. Give me a break. That’s the kind of lies that Tucker Carlson, who got $2 million a month, tells people, and people believe it. It’s amazing. Amazing. Kennedy pledged, within two years, we will watch the chronic disease burden lift dramatically. Here’s what RFK junior actually has to say. I’ll tell you something that interesting that happened today.

And I actually was going to mention this to Rand because it was an extraordinary event to me. But Robert Redfield, who I really go after in my Fauci book, kind of hammer and tongs, wrote an editorial in Newsweek magazine today saying that he was endorsing President Trump because President Trump was going to restore american health. And that President Trump, he said, a lot of people might surprise me to see this, but to say, hear me say this, but he has chosen exactly the only person who can do this. Robert F. Kennedy Junior. This was breathtaking to me because this is the guy who’s the head of the CDC that I’ve been criticizing for years.

So is that all it takes? He praises you and now all is forgiven? All this guy to the wall? I mean, you know, look, is Robert Redfield talking about anything other than, oh, well, now he’s. For putting me in office, so now he’s a good guy. Robert Redfield is saying it’s time to make America healthy again. But he’s not talking about, yeah, let’s. Let’s redo the food pyramid. Okay. Yeah, it ain’t the food pyramid. Yes, we’ve got a lot of, you know, high fructose corn syrup and other things like that. And there’s a lot of garbage in our food, but fundamentally, it’s also these chemicals that they’re using to directly harm us.

Well, I see that. Marky Mark, New Jersey on Rumble was the first to say that the song was from the movie Rudy and DGA on Rumble also said so shortly after. So you guys got that one. Let me play a clip from Rudy where you can hear the theme song. This is fantastic. Yeah. Pete, where did you find this? I saw it in the surplus store and I said, that’s gotta be yours. This is unbelievable, Pete. I don’t know how I’m ever gonna thank you. How does it look? You were born to wear that jacket. Do you know that era is the only head coach in Notre Dame history that encourages walk on players? You probably know more about that team than half the players.

I can’t wait to get there. Guess how much money I have saved up? What? 2030? $80,000. That’s a good start. The only one who ever took me serious, Pete. Well, you know what my dad always said, having dreams is what makes life tolerable. Accepted, Mr. First. Oh, thank God. All right. And to Marky Mark and DG eight. Congratulations. You guessed that. That’s good. I didn’t think people would catch. I thought it was kind of obscure. But if you know that movie, that’s going to stick with a great theme by Jerry Goldsmith. And this is what it sounds like.

Play one more time for you. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. All right. And again, congratulations to Marky Mark and DGA for guessing that. I’ve got another one that’s coming up that I think is a little bit more obscure. I’m going to play that in just a moment, but I want to thank people on here again today. Marty is matching funds he gave us at the beginning of the year, a gift saying that he would match him quarterly funds. And so we’re at the end of the third quarter, and we’re at the end of the month, and we’re down pretty low.

I mean, we’re just under 70%. So we would appreciate your help, and we’ve had a lot of people who have helped us here on Rockfin. Brandon Bennett. Thank you very much. Writes God bless on rumble. Apoptosis 22. Thank you very much. Prayers for Whistler and the rest of the night. Family. Thank you. On rumble. It’s Plissken. Thought you were dead. Thank you very much. He says, thank you. Hold fast. Guard Goldsmith. Good to see you, guard. Thank you for the tip. You didn’t need to do that. Guard helps us so much filling in with the show.

And, of course, I hesitate to ask him, because he is so busy with his own show Monday through Friday, liberty conspiracy and great, great show. You can see that on Rockfin, on Twitter, and maybe other places as well that I’m not aware. I know those two places. But guard writes, thank you, Marty, and God bless David and family. Praying for Whistler. Thank God for the strength. Yes. On Rockfin. Charles Truesdale. Thank you. He says, I love and sincerely appreciate all you stand for and all you do. Thank you. Praying for your family daily. Thank you so much.

Grace and peace to you and yours. Thank you. On Rockvin. Dustin Helm. Thank you very much, rumble Emrico, thank you for the tip. Great reporting. Screw Trump. Go Jesus. They get a yard sign for that. Actually put up a yard. Jesus. 24. And I said, you gotta take that down. It’s not political. It’s like, I don’t know what he said, but he said, yeah, he should have said it is political. But he said what he said, well, we will not comply. Instead, we will multiply. So he gave out signs like that to all of his people in his church.

On rumble junk silver, thank you very much. That’s very generous. Appreciate that. Thank you for matching today, Marty. May the gas tank overflow on Rumble Macr seven. Thank you. Stay safe and God blessed on Rockfan, Angela Oswald, thank you as well. And she thanks Marty. Yes, thank you, Marty Anzell, David Ramsey, thank you very much. As a matter of fact, I’ve got Zelle here and I mean to thank the people on Zelle. I’ll do it coming up the next break. Since I’m reading out so many names here on Rumble YJ 72. Thank you. Very concerning. That medical field is so profitable.

If they care, there should not be so many sick people. They want us sick and they keep and to keep depending on their products. Yes, it is. It is. Rumble Grammy, for God, thank you. God bless you, David. Wish I could afford more because you’re worth so much more. Thank you. And thank you, Marty, for matching unrumble atomic dog. Thank you. Tell Travis he’s doing a great job. You’re doing a great job, Travis. Thank you. Thank you. He’s had a really rough couple of days. He created a detailed manual. He’s been and doing everything he normally does, which is a full day’s work.

Plus that because he and his wife are going to be heading to Texas. The baby’s due in about a month and a half and she wanted to be there with her family that’s there, but especially her obstetrician that she’s worked with for a very long time. Yep. November 16. He’ll be here soon. That’s right. And that reminds me, I haven’t heard back from Jason Barker. Nights of the storm and foxhole report. He sent a thing yesterday and it was about. I mentioned it yesterday. I think he sent it the night before. His grandson Liam was just born and then had respiratory issues.

They had to take him to an emergency basis to the hospital put a tracheotomy and to him to help him to breathe. Very serious condition. And he asked for everybody’s prayer. So please pray for Liam, for his mother, the family that is so concerned for him. Let’s see, where was I? Rockfin Andromeda one. Thank you. Thank you. Appreciate that. The social engineering in this country is remarkable. The people continually fall for the same lies over and over again. A very sad state of affairs. Thank you, Marty. Yes, thank you, Marty. Yeah. If you think social engineering is bad, wait until you see what they’re able to do with artificial intelligence.

It’s going to be much more convincing than Tucker Carlson. So. Yeah, it is. It is the surveillance, the censorship, the targeting of us on an individual basis. This stuff will be able to individualize the propaganda for you. Right. And to see how, if you’re taking this back, that’s why they’re rolling this stuff through on social media. On rumble. For the love of the road, thank you again. Says, here’s four more for a good job, everybody. Kudos to Marty and his quarterly coupons. I’m missing the movie. Music, trivia. Sean Astin plays in a lot of wholesome movies I’ve actually never seen.

Rudy looks good. Yeah, it. Excellent, excellent film based on a true story and who knows how much did they change? But it is a wonderful story. Really wonderful story. I won’t spoil anything for you. I’ll let you see it. But it’s. It is based on a true story on rumble Trevalong. Thank you. He says, thank you, David. I wish I could do more your families in our prayer. Thank you again. Please look into fasting. It’s a great detox method, cell rejuvenation. And it’s biblical. That’s right. Absolutely. Jason Barker was just in Rockvin. He said he’ll send an update later and just said thank you.

Okay. All right. Okay, well, keep praying for Liam and for the family. Well, I’m going to give you another one here, and this is a little bit more obscure. See if you can figure out where this one comes from. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. All right, see if we can figure out what movie that came from. And it is. It’s kind of an obscure, you know, the Rudy theme. You hear that throughout the movie, but that is one that’s just in the film for a short period of time. And I want to thank the people on Zel. It is very important to us and I have gotten behind on this.

So let me run through the names and try to do it quickly for people, but it is important that we acknowledge their support because everybody who donates makes it possible for the show to continue. JH, Felicia H. Peter H. Michael P. Sean S. Manny D. Susan L. Linda M. Alex C. Matthew SDhe Aaron G. Raymond G. Benjamin R. John B. William R. James O. Robert B. Susan L. Manny D. Again, both of them. Scott L. Michael P. Raymond G. Jeffrey B. William W. Daniel M. Lisa K. Almost done. Kenneth c. Amy B. And Kimberly m. That was as of the 26th.

So thank you so much for your support, all of you. And north american house hippo got it right away. He says it’s from Forrest Gump. I’m surprised that you got that. That’s a real obscure part of the movie, and I think they only used it once in the movie. I heard it as part of the Force Gump suite, and I knew the rest of the Force Gump movie music, but I didn’t. That did not ring a bell with me. And when I went back and saw where they used it, maybe they used it in more than one scene, but that’s worse.

So good. Good find there. That’s amazing that you got that, actually. I’m very impressed. And on rumble neurodivergent, thank you very much. Thanks, Marty, David and Travis, for all you do follow the money. Thanks for not being for sale and for having integrity to call out the ones who are. Well, thank you. I appreciate that. Well, let’s talk a little bit about movies here. We got Lionsgate. This is a studio behind franchises ranging from John Wick to the Hunger Games. Cult classics like American Psycho. Yeah, american wonder, wonderful film like American Psycho. I don’t care if it’s well made.

I mean, you know, let’s talk about what’s being pushed here. But anyway, they are jumping on board with AI. Lions gates AI deal sounds a lot like it wants to replace the jobs of storyboard and visual effects artists. And quite frankly, AI has gotten very good, is getting very good at this, the movement and everything, creating very imaginative stuff. If you look at YouTube, you’ll see that people are taking cartoon things and making real life versions of them. And it’s pretty amazing. A lot of those things up. They see a lot of stuff with Flintstones and Jetsons and comic book superheroes and things like that.

The goal is to save millions and millions of dollars. Guess who’s going to be saving the millions and millions of dollars? The consumers who don’t go to the movies. We save a lot of money because of the quality of films that are being churned out in general, save a lot of money on subscription services, watch Disney or Netflix. But yeah, the really, they’re talking about storyboard and the visual effects artists, but I think the easiest people in the world to replace right now would be the script writers, since they’re just imitative hacks. AI can do that.

They don’t have any scripts and I have any characters. I mean, it’s one thing to do visual special effects and other things like that. But again, they have announced a major partnership with the AI firm Runway, which is doing the action stuff. You can take a still picture and you can give it to it, and it will animate that part of the deal. Announced last week, Runway receives access to Lionsgate’s treasure trove of movies and tv shows without being sued for copyright violation, which in return, the startup will then use to develop new AI models exclusively for the Hollywood studio.

And so that’s like the old expression, I want it just like that, only different. Okay, copy that, but make it a little bit different. And that’s what these people have been doing with movies for long. It’s why they’re so derivative for the most part. But it is kind of interesting because, and I mentioned this before, that movie the Congress, which had Robin Wright in it, and they did it, I guess it was about ten or 15 years ago, and it was all about this. And they actually even referred to her as Robin Wright. And the first part of the movie was really good.

And then it kind of, you know, what happens is they talk to her. She needs to have a large lump sum of money. Maybe she’s had some professional setbacks or something like that. And so they come to her with a deal and say, let us scan you and have exclusive rights to make AI versions of you. And you also have to sign a contract that you’re not going to do any more acting. So, you know, right now you’re in your prime. We’re going to scan everything about you, create clones of you, and put you in all these different movies, but only the AI version of you.

And I guess they didn’t want her acting anything because people would see her aging and that type of thing. So they’re going to preserve her as she is right now, no more acting at all. And so you see them doing that in the process and everything, and then it gets, then the whole movie goes off the rails, and it, she, like, goes into this animated AI universe and all this other kind of stuff and gets really stupid after that. But that part of it was really very interesting because it posited where this was all going to go about 1015 years later, and that’s where it is headed.

And so essentially what Lionsgate has done is what they were showing the one actress doing in the movie, the Congress, and signing this deal with Lionsgate Runway avoids those copyright hurdles. And they’ve had says they entered this relationship holding some baggage, along with several other generative AI companies, like mid Journey Runway was sued by artists for committing copyright infringement by using their artwork to train its AI models without permission. Yeah, the copyright stuff is really out of control. I mean, first of all, how long it runs, it’s important for people to be paid for their work, and I understand that.

But the idea that these corporations are going to get this stuff and they’re going to keep it renewed in perpetuity, which is essentially what Disney has done. Yeah, they lost the copyright to steamboat Willie. So what? I mean, they’ve got, they have, because of the money that they have, they got Congress to specially craft certain copyright protection and extended, and extended, and extended. And then when you look at things like it’s a wonderful life, that was a movie that failed miserably at the box office, even though it was Jimmy Stewart, Frank Capra, and a lot of other excellent actors and actresses, it just didn’t go over.

And then when it passed out of copyright and they started airing it every Christmas, then it caught on. And when we were in the video business, everybody was making their own copies and selling them of its wonderful life because it was in the public domain and it was a clerical era that they forgot to do the paperwork to renew it. But at that point in time, it was like 50 years past the point where they had made the movie anyway. But the studio went back because it was so popular and had become popular because of home video and because of the Turner movies and things like that, they went back and they played this game of re upping their copyright by saying that the script is still copyright.

So since the script is copyright, the movie is copyright. No, they’re different things. And nobody bought that argument except the corrupt United States government stood on that. Everywhere else in the world, that movie is in the public domain except in the United States. And then that copyright violation was used as an excuse for YouTube to take down my video on the hundredth anniversary of the creation of the Federal Reserve, when I used a couple of clips from it under fair use, saying that it was copyrighted and so forth, it wasn’t that at all. I had got the short little clips that I had, and I did a lot of other commentary with it.

I got those clips from the entire movie that had been up on YouTube for a decade and had over a million views. So tech companies like YouTube have been taking people’s content, music and movies and all the rest of stuff, and they become the ones to make almost all the money. All these streaming services and YouTube, they’re the ones making the money. Nobody’s really making much money now. So now tech is going to jump in, and they’ll make even more money from this. And the quality of it is likely to go down because they don’t care about the aspect of story.

A warlord straight out of Mad Max says that Elon Musk remotely shut down his cyber truck. And, of course, yesterday we had Elon Musk maybe remotely shut down a journalist who. There was, uh, research that was done by the Trump campaign on JD Vance when they were vetting him for VP. It was leaked. Nobody wanted to publish it. And again, other journalistic organizations said, well, I’m not really sure if that’s true or not. We can’t really vet the accuracy of this stuff. But, you know, they didn’t want to want to print it. And it may have been that more than anything, because I think if it was really something that was, um.

If they were, if they believed that it was legit and they believed that it could hurt Trump, they would have published it. So maybe they did have legitimate concerns about that. Nevertheless, an independent journalist published it. And when he published it, Elon Musk shut down his Twitter account. I mean, he didn’t publish it on Twitter, he just published it and he shut down. So that’s got everybody thinking about Mister free speech. You see, even if it is false, that needs to be handled outside of censorship, right? You could have defamation charges on it, whatever. I mean, you know, sue them if it’s.

Or debate them in public. You don’t just shut people down. But that’s really what Twitter is now, what x is now with Elon. It’s not a free speech platform, not in the least. And just take a look at this. I talked about the other day how one guy who was a big fanboy of Elon Musk, it would have been too obvious if Elon Musk would have shut down his account, which he did with this guy, this journalist. But instead, he got shadow banned. And he talked about how he was shadow banned on. On Twitter. This is a russian warlord, leader of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov.

He’s now accused Elon Musk of remotely disabling his Tesla cybertruck. He was installed as Chechnya’s leader in 2007 by Vladimir Putin. And in a video that he shared on telegram, he can be seen riding around the grounds of his presidential palace. And what looks like a genuine cybertruck, except for one small difference. It’s mounted with a huge machine gun with it geared up for war. Kadyrov claimed that he had sent the electric pickup to the front lines of Ukraine, where it had since been performing well in combat, he said. But now, recently, Musk remotely disabled the cybertruck, he said.

In a new telegram post, he said, that’s not manly. No, it’s technocracy. It’s technocracy. That’s what it is. We had to throw. We had to tow the iron horse. How could you do that, Elon? He says, well, NASA is analyzing what happens in space to human bodies. They’re using synthetic human bodies and they’re sending them to the moon to orbit the moon. And this article from Futurism says, well, we thank them for their sacrifice. I’m just wondering, you know, didn’t we do that with real humans? We didn’t learn anything about that with real humans. I mean, supposedly we went to the moon multiple times.

We didn’t learn anything from that. So now we’re going to analyze human bodies that are synthetic approximations. Did they never do this? In the 1960s, the results of an experiment conducted aboard NASA’s Artemis one, in which an uncrewed Orion capsule flew around the moon for roughly a month in 2021, has yielded some of the most intriguing data yet on the topic. For that, we can thank two inanimate passengers, Helga and Zohar. Why would they call them Helga? And so are we american or are we Russia? Is this. Are these people secretly following Putin? A pair of advanced mannequins who are giving us a sense of how safe the Orion’s interior is to mimic our frail human bodies.

The duo were painstakingly designed with precise synthetic analogs of soft tissue, organs and bones. And they were absolutely stuffed with radiation sensors. Each mannequin contained over 6000 of them, recording measurements in everything from the lungs to the stomach and down to the bone marrow. And again, they never felt like they needed to do this back in the 1960s. And, you know, we had the astronauts who went there and hung out for a while and, you know, played golf and rode around there, dune buggy and all this. And they seem to be fine. Some of them are quite old now.

So if you believe the moon landing, you are the space dummy. Let’s take a look at this force gump clip where this came from. That was guest early by american house hippo. I gotta get out of here. Wait, Jenny. Forrest, you stay away from me, okay? You just stay away from me, please. Can I have ride? Where you going? I don’t care. In the truck. So bye bye, Jenny. They sending me to Vietnam. It’s this whole other country. Just hangdan. Hang on a minute. Listen, you promised me something, okay? Just. If you’re ever in trouble, don’t try to be brave.

You just run, okay? Just run away. Okay? Jenny. I write you all the time. And just like that, she was gone. Yeah. And just like that. Well, again, that’s from Forrest Gump. And I don’t know if they use that anywhere except in that one particular scene, but kudos to house Hippo for catching that from the version that I did, which is a bit different. I thought maybe the beginning of it might throw people because it’s done with a chorus. Actually, the reason I’m doing these songs, that’s an ulterior motive for it. I’ve. I listen to this stuff and it really kind of sinks in.

A lot of times when I’m reading the Bible, it’ll come back to me with what I’m reading there. I put lyrics to it. So someday maybe we’ll do a Jesus goes to the movies album. But here’s the, here’s my version of that. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. All right. And thank you on Rockford. And thank you handy. Appreciate that. Sent via cash app. Thank you. And by the way, let me, let me read people this month on a cash app. It’s a shorter list going back to the first day of the month. For the love of the road, who supports us extensively on subscribestar, very active there.

He also sent a very generous donation on cash app. George W. Patrick V. Valerie S. Amy b. Chris H. Ken GhDev, Michael B. George W. Again and DM, Robert m. And Valerie S. Again, so, and of course, handy just now. Thank you, all of you, for your support. And thank you to Marty for matching the funds, as he’s doing on a quarterly basis here. And let’s talk a little bit more about what is happening with the tech people. Oh, and there’s another contribution there among a monkey 55. Thank you very much for the tip. Thanks, David, for so much news over the years.

I’ve watched since a few months before you left infowars almost every day since then. I’m living off of disability, so I’ve never donated, but thank you so much. Well, thank you. And again, you know, we don’t put it behind a firewall. Firewall. Paywall. For that reason. And I do appreciate that. Thank you very much. Matter of fact, that reminds me, that was one of the things that someone criticized me for. I have trouble listening to your disapproval of others, like students or immigrants receiving money or being forgiven student loans. You yourself receive money from others. What’s the difference? Okay.

In a word, coercion. Coercion. We don’t put this behind a paywall. We don’t force people to pay before they see it. And you can watch it without paying for it. And we don’t expect people who are on disability, that type of thing, to pay for it. But I’ll tell you why I criticize student loan forgiveness and why I criticize immigrants receiving money. Because this is money that is coming from government. It has been coerced under threat of force by government and handed out to other people. There is coercion involved. It is not voluntary. That’s the thing that people can’t understand.

I got booed back in the early nineties when I went to speak at a local congressman, was a Democrat, hardcore Democrat. So most of the people that with Democrats, and they were in favor of Hillary Clinton setting up national health care. And I said, look, I’m all in favor of charity, but, and, you know, but. And I got booed as soon as I mentioned the word charity. Charity is something, you know, that, that comes from love, right? Means love. It’s an older word meaning love. And we understand that some people can’t work, and we understand that it honors God when we help those people.

We also understand that welfare honors government for something they stole. And that’s the difference. And I don’t support welfare at all under any circumstances, but especially for people who entered into an agreement. How is it fair, you want to talk about fairness? How is it fair for somebody to get forgiveness, a student loan, when other people have had to pay it back plus interest? And how is it fair to give them a free ride? He’s simply buying votes, and that’s what they’re doing with this big welfare magnet. They’re simply buying votes, and they have other things that they’re involved in as well.

But yeah. On rumble B. Turner, thank you very much. Have a great weekend. David. Well, thank you. And Ansel, Jason Mills, thank you very much. I appreciate that. Did you want to say something, Travis? I heard you click on the mic there. I guess not. Okay. That’s fine. I was just going to make a joke that I’ve never showed up to anyone’s house with a gun demanding support. We should try that. You will support the David Knight show. Okay. I would not get very far in this area. I’d probably get one property and a good shot.

Yeah. Okay, well, let’s talk about what’s happening with the tech people and the. Again, the hypocrisy of saying that they’re going to pave the way super fast. No, not much oversight. We’re going to pave the way for them to have nuclear power plants and we’re not going to pay any attention to what they’re doing. And so we’re going to talk about that. But before we do, let me just give you the next one of these and see if people can guess. This one is actually from a tv series. Very long running tv series is the only hint I’ll give you.

Okay, so what is the tv show that that is coming from? Meanwhile, the US is backsliding. It’s funny how they use all these terms. We talk about sin and everything. It’s like you buy permission in order to sin with emissions and all the rest of this stuff. The US is backsliding into dirty fossil fuels because of a ravenous. Because of ravenous AI data centers. It’s not just one, it’s many of them. So now we’re going to have clean nuclear radiation. Isn’t that great? So we’re going in the opposite direction. We were getting away from all of this dirty fuel and now we’re going in the opposite direction.

The monstrous energy demands of AI data centers are set to keep surging. And it’s no coincidence that fossil fuels industry is having a field day they want. Earlier this year, energy providers already signaled that they would keep coal plants once set for retirement online in order to meet demands. Well, it’s not just the AI stuff. Look, we couldn’t meet demand with these idiotic renewables that are unreliables. We couldn’t meet the demand before the AI centers came online. And now they’re coming online with energy demands that are going to be essentially a million homes that they could supply with power out of that one three Mile island reactor that they’re going to grease the skids on and go super fast.

And it’s not just the Pennsylvania governor. We got the energy Secretary Granholm yesterday talked about it. Yeah, whatever it takes. Let’s get them their own personal nuclear reactors. Their own Mister fusion, Mister Fission, I guess is what we call it, according to the Sierra Club. Who cares what they think? Power companies have announced more plans to construct new natural gas infrastructure in the first six months of this year than in all of 2020. Well, nobody was doing anything in 2020, first of all. In other words, the industry is doubling its pace of expansion. If this rate continues, that’ll be the most new gas generation announced in a single year since 2017, when tracking of such data began.

They only began tracking it in 2017. Sounds like the climate that they only began tracking a few decades ago and then missing all their predictions in terms of its carbon footprint. Proponents argue that natural gas provides a cleaner, they put that in quotes, a cleaner source of energy than other fossil fuels, especially coal. It’s this perception that has helped to justify natural gas overtaking lumps of carbon as the largest source of electricity generation in the US. But don’t be fooled. It’s still dirty. We’re never going to have a sinless power source because, you see, the whole point is to make sure we don’t have any power.

They’re going to find something wrong with everything. And, you know, again, going back many years ago, when I was working with a group that’s talking about power stuff, David Schneer, who used to work for the EPA, joined the EPA when they began. When they began, they were about cleaning up pollution sites and that type of thing. It was about stopping pollution. Then it became about controlling society, controlling what we eat, controlling what we drive, shutting down power stations, all that’s what the EPA has metastasized into this cancerous tumor that is trying to kill us in our society.

And so he retired after 30 years, and he started fighting against the EPA. And he would go around and he would have presentations and he’d ask people, what is your favorite source of energy? What do you think we ought to focus on? You know, we got all these different things, solar, wind, nuclear, coal, we got biomass, we got all these different things. You know what? He didn’t list all those. He just said, what’s your favorite, what would you like to see us focus on? And he said, it never failed. There’d always be one idiot who would raise your hand and say, electricity.

That’s my favorite source of energy. Yeah, that just shows how ignorant people are. All of those things are there to produce electricity. It is nothing source of energy, except when you’ve got only a consumer mentality. But they’re not going to be producing it if everything has got to be dirty, even if you don’t factor in the environmentally damaging methods that are used to extract gas, they said like fracking gas, infrastructure is notorious for leaking methane. Oh no, another gas, a gas that leaks gas that’s like the other gas. Look, we just need to laugh these people off.

They’re a joke. There isn’t any concern about CO2 again, 0.04% of the atmosphere. CO2, how in the world is that going to change everything, first of all? Secondly, only 3% of that according to them, is coming from humans. So how in the world could they say this and they don’t? You look at. As a matter of fact, I don’t know if I covered it or not yet. I might have skipped over. Washington Post had a chart showing temperature going back for, I think it’s thousands of years. But basically it’s like this arc, we’re down it and cool temperatures right now and it’s very embarrassing for the alarmists to see the Washington Post putting out something like that.

But this, this outlet here, futurism, is still up in arms and righteous. Well, let’s say unrighteous indignation over gas. Pound for pound, methane’s greenhouse effect is 80 times more potent than CO2, which means that it still wouldn’t have any effect. You take 110 thousandth of a percent and you multiply that by 80, what have you got? There’s no doubt that this undermines a carbon neutral future. The only way they’re going to get a carbon neutral future future is to kill all carbon based life forms with two legs. That’s us. Look, don’t worry about this. It’s all a fantasy, all a fantasy with this stuff.

So when we look at what they’re doing with all of this energy, however, the energy monopoly is the key thing to see here because this is a part of resetting everything, as I said yesterday, to make sure that we have unaffordable electricity, first of all, unreliable electricity, and that they ration it as well, while they get their own private nuclear power plants that are not going to put anything back onto the grid. Every client we speak to is interested in investing in infrastructure, especially the energy transition, says these investors. And of course you’ve now got Blackrock partnering with Microsoft.

Oh, didn’t see that coming, did we? It’s all about the green grift, it’s all about wealth transfer. And when they talk about an energy transition, this is a transitioning of all the energy to them. These people are as insane as I said yesterday, as the gender transitioners. And again in the UK, the techno feudalism that is there, they’ve recommitted to the 2030 net zero grid target the new Labor Party has, because it was the only last month that he and his sidekick sent out an So’s to the national grid asking, how in the world are we going to do this? They don’t know.

They’re just politicians are making this stuff up. Miliband rejects the free market. Instead, he called for massive spending on what he termed to be an armory of clean power. These technologies would include onshore wind, offshore wind, solar power, nuclear, tidal, hydrogen, and carbon capture. He said he only wants to break the power of the petro states. No, what he’s going to do is break the power of Great Britain. And he already has, pretty much, as they write here in the daily skeptic. The trouble is that the only technology on this list that can deliver firm power is nuclear.

The others are too expensive to unreliable, intermittent sources of expensive technologies that have not had the bugs worked out of them. Every single contract awarded was awarded at a higher price than the market rate so far this financial year. No wonder he doesn’t want the free market anywhere near the electricity generation. Carbon capture applied to a gas to gas power stations will increase the quantity of gas needed to produce the same amount of electricity. Carbon capture will increase the power of the petro states and increase energy prices. So they’re going to capture stuff at the site, which means that it’s going to require more input in order to do the carbon capture.

It actually is less efficient. And that was another thing when we were talking about renewables, the group I was in, I was just talking about David Schneer, and all they got involved, and the very first renewable mandates were Colorado, and they got involved in a lawsuit. We lost that lawsuit, but they were trying to stop it, the renewable energy mandates. And the point they were making was that solar and wind are not reliable. They don’t operate all the time. The wind doesn’t blow all the time. The sun doesn’t shine all the time. And so what you wind up doing is cycling the power plants that are there, like coal and gas.

You take them up, you take them down, you take them up, you take them down. It’s like driving a car in the city, stop and go traffic. And we all know that a car uses far more fuel in the city than it does on the highway when it’s operating at a steady speed. And so the power plants are the same way. If you’re cycling them up and down, it’s like driving your car in the city and you’re going to get more. So now they’ve added to that nonsense, carbon capture. This is a centrally planned economy. And what they always centrally plan by design is poverty, austerity, because that’s what allows the marxist to control you better.

They don’t want people out there who are independent, they want people who have disposable income. I mean, it’s the whole reason they keep the income tax thing going. It isn’t because they need the money. They don’t care about balancing the budget. Haven’t you noticed that by now they even have invented new and more ludicrous forms of intellectually explaining this stuff away? They call it the modern monetary theory. And so this is daily skeptic in the UK said, we’ve had an anti industrial strategy in the UK since the Climate Change act of 2008 that has pushed up energy prices and destroyed highly productive jobs.

Six times as many jobs have been lost in energy intensive energy industries like manufacturing as have been created in green power. So yeah, we’re going to stop making steel and we’re going to make solar panels. Well, you’re going to still have to do some, something that’s got energy intensity in it. And of course the solar panels will be made in China because they have cheaper energy. Whenever you manufacture anything, the energy is going to be one of the biggest price factors that you’ve got there. And they’ve been given a monopoly on being able to use cheap energy because of the Paris climate accord, which was enacted in all these different countries and in the United States is not legitimate.

And any president who pretends that the Paris climate accord is legitimate is not legitimate himself or herself and any congressman, especially the senators who just ignore this, people like Rand Paul or Ted Cruz or any of these people. Mitch McConnell was the worst. He was. He had, when they said, we self ratified this, they had a majority in the Senate. He was a majority leader. He should have called b’s on all this. He should have called constitution on it, is what he should have called. So anyway, Milbrand is more likely to lead us down the path of the 1970s labor government.

That led to a bailout from the IMF. But there’s not going to be any bailout from the IMF this time. This is designed to level down and to bankrupt all of western society. That’s the purpose and that’s what it’s going to do. They say, finally, this is an act of stunning hypocrisy. Miliband is going to fly to the UN to demonstrate that Britain is back in the business of climate leadership. Yes, he’s going to fly there because curbing emissions is just for the little people. He’s going to use his plan as a stick to beat other countries and to demand they follow suit in some sort of grand economic suicide pact.

Well, it’s not really a suicide pact. These people are not going to commit suicide. They’re going to have power for themselves. They’re going to have food for themselves. This is a murder pact. That’s what it is. The UN pact for the future is a murder pact. Only a suicide pact. If you think that these people, and look, deindustrialization is the preceding step to depopulation. That’s the ultimate goal that they’re after, is depopulation. While we’re supplied unrenewable and unreliable energy, reliable green nuclear energy will be supplied for data centers and for AI. Because this is all for SPC surveillance, propaganda and control, so will the owners and the advocates of AI systems rely on renewable wind and solar energy as they expect us to.

No, they’re going to use new nuclear power. It tells you just how vital, by the way, artificial intelligence is to their plans to control society. They’ve got to have this power there because that’s part and parcel of their nuclear power. Okay, so do we have anybody? Guess. Yeah, we did. Game Clipper on Rumble says the music is from the rifleman. Yes. Good, good. And here’s a little clip to show everybody else where this is from. Here’s the rifleman. Where’s Vernon? He’s gonna be all right, son. Are the horses ready? Yeah. Mister McCain, I take it you’re leaving town.

That’s right, judge. North Fork’s beginning to grow up, Lucas. We’re gonna need people like you to help it. I hope you’ll stay. What do you say? You still want that wrench? Yeah, that’s right. That was the leap motif that they would always use for Mark. And of course, in every episode, it would end with this father and son thing. Great, great series. I really like that. As a matter of fact, that was a favorite of Brezhnev. That was his favorite tv program. So much so that when he came to the west, he wanted to meet Chuck Connors.

It’s quite funny. You can see the, the picture on the Internet of the two of them standing next to each other. Chuck Connors is huge, in case you haven’t noticed there. But he played basketball, played baseball. He’s an accomplished athlete and everything, but he was very, very tall. So Brezhnev is, like, coming up to hear on him, but, yeah, Brezhnev loved the rifleman. I’ll play you the next one that’s coming up and see if you can guess where this is coming from. Well, let me think. See if you can figure out where that is coming from.

That’s also from a movie, by the way. On Rockfin, Greg talent. Thank you very much. And also on Rockfin, Dusty Milton. Thank you. Says, happy matching donation day. Yes. And thank you to Marty for the matching on Rumble. I’m Marty. Thank you, Marty. You can match your own donation. This is the guy who’s doing the matching donations. Thank you very much. He writes, I donate to support a hardworking family team. Any donation represents payment for value of content received. I wouldn’t call it charity. Well, thank you. That’s really kind. Yeah. When I was talking about charity, I was talking about people who are disabled, who can’t work and that type of thing.

And, you know, it is. I really do appreciate your support, Marty. Thank you for that. On Rockfin Liberty, Mama. Thank you very much. That is very kind. Appreciate that. Great deal. Let’s talk a little bit about what we see in society. The animosity that is really strange. This is an article from Daily Dot and people, this is going around on social media. A couple of different things. We’re seeing the same type of stuff from Coca Cola that we see from AI. You know AI, you can ask it questions. Tell me something good about Trump. Well, I can’t think of anything good about Trump.

Tell me something good about Lala. Well, yeah, she worked at McDonald’s or whatever, right. You know, that type of stuff over and over again and again. You can see the kind of political bias is also there in this, but also religious bias. Coca Cola has the Coca Cola store. And I’m guessing that this is in Atlanta. That’s where they’re headquartered. I don’t know. Maybe they got out of the Coca Cola store. They got a really big one there. After a Facebook user posted a video showing that he couldn’t create a custom Coke can with the word Jesus on it.

Some christians are saying they’ll be boycotting the beverage company. He was able to create a custom coke can using Allah or Buddha or Satan, but not Jesus. Here’s the clip. This is no coke. Pepsi, right? This is coke. Says no Jesus. Buddha. So at this coke store, you can personalize a message. You can put Allah loves you, or you could even put, let me see out. Buddha loves you, but he’s putting these in cannon. Confirm it and type in the word Jesus. Oh, look at that. Oops. Can’t do that. Allow this text on the can. Everything else is good, though.

Even if I put. Let’s see, Satan. Oh, no, bro, hold on. Satan loves you. You can put that. You can put. Satan loves you. Allah loves you. Buddha loves you. But when you type in this word, you can’t even type the word in. That’s crazy. That’s ridiculous. Yeah, it is. It is. We had friends who. She was from Japan, actually. Her father was american. She grew up in Japan. He married her mother, and then they got divorced and came back. So she grew up in Japan, and she said, all through Japan, she said people would use Jesus name to swear to revile his name and all that kind of stuff.

She said they would never. Even though they’re all Buddhists, they would never use Buddha’s name there. It’s always Jesus. It’s like. It’s just something about that name, isn’t it? Penn and Teller. I’ve told this story before. We were in Vegas, and we went to see them, and they were. Because I always thought that they were funny. And so we’re sitting there, and it was. It was a dinner, and it was, like, in the round, and we were in the center. And I guess about 20 minutes in, you had pendulette start was talking, and he said, you know, everybody uses f word all the time.

I think it’s just stupid. You know, they use it every form of speech. Use it as an adverb, as a verb, as a this, and he says adjectives. Whatever he says, I go out of my way not to do that. I want to have a good vocabulary, because I do go out of my way to blaspheme Jesus, and I use that all the time. So he gets off on this thing. And so we said, excuse us. We got to get out in the front. We made everybody stand up and let us out. We walked out. But there is that hatred, that deliberate aspect of it, and isn’t interesting that in all these different cultures, they do that.

Actually took a screenshot. Some other people took a screenshot further down that article. Customize your cans with a name or the phrase of your choice as soon as you type in Jesus. Looks like the name you requested is not approved. They don’t approve of Jesus, except maybe another way. One person on deck says, coke won’t let you say Jesus loves you, but still allows Satan loves you and so many more. So the person who put it up had a comment, said, well, this isn’t real persecution, he said in a comment on Facebook. I’m pointing out the obvious.

The only name that gets this much backlash and hate is the name of Jesus. It is a name above all other names. The name that every knee shall bow. Just make sure that you bowden. Every knee shall bow and say that Jesus is Lord. Just make sure that you do it before it’s too late. That’s the key thing. One person said, I support the boycott if it sends a message that we stand. He’s still talking. Same guy. He says, I support the boycott if it sends a message that we stand for the name of Jesus. He said, I’m also very conflicted with the whole thing because I’m in the streets daily seeing the much bigger issues, drugs, violence, homelessness.

So for me, this just doesn’t seem nearly as big as these issues. But nevertheless, I won’t support any company that doesn’t support Jesus. Why would you say to him, think about the fact that you’ve got problems with drugs and violence and homelessness. Because Jesus is not their lord. See, that’s the key. So they’re facing a boycott over this and other people. That’s the angle that daily dot picked up. Of course, Breitbart doesn’t care about, you know, the Jesus aspect. That’s. It’s about Trump 2024. Coca Cola faces boycott calls over not allowing Trump 2024 or Jesus on cans.

Yeah, about Trump. Trump, Trump. Yeah. It shows that it’s deliberate when you look at this, and it shows their bias of coke. And we’ve seen that before. Look at the hatred that they had for white people in general, that kind of vile racism that’s been exhibited. And we had whistleblowers who showed what they were telling their people inside the coke companies how they hated you’ve. And again, that’s a marxist technique. It’s a struggle session. It’s not enough to tolerate this person, that person. No. You must hate and denounce yourself if you’re what we hate. Right? If we.

If we don’t like white people and you’re white person, you gotta denounce being white. And that’s. That’s where coke has been for quite some time. And so, you know. Yeah. Okay. It shows that it’s deliberate. They allow people to put up Lala Harris 2024, but nothing Trump 2024. So this is a bias that is put in there, just like it is put in in the AI programs. But at the same time, Trump is not our savior. He’s just an empty can. He’s the container for people’s dreams and fantasies. Speaking of dreams and fantasies, some more climate crazy people.

New York climate doomsayers are hoping to lip sync the planet to safety with an environmental drag show. This is a headline from Breitbart. Yeah, they’re going to have drag festivals to save the planet. Well, why not? It’s all part of the same. It’s all part of the same culture, part of the same religion. These are the people who think that Satan loves them. You know, this is all part of their anti humanity, satanic depopulation. All the climate stuff is just like these. The tranny stuff is as well. They want to literally destroy body and soul. And if they can do it to kids, all the better.

If they can sterilize kids, all the better. Dressed in a sequin laced sleeveless top and puffy pink skirt, drag queen patty gonia strides around the stage and white heeled boots that come up to the knees, telling the crowd that nature must be a woman. But better not tell this guy that he’s not a woman by nature. Anyway, the New York climate week, while they’re prancing around here talking about toxic pollution and toxic meat, you know, I have no sympathy at all for Eric Adams, caught in this corruption scandal. We knew something was brewing. It was a few months ago that his entourage was stopped.

They go into his limousine there in New York, the federal agents, and, you know, got his phones and stuff like that. So we knew something was up. Now, the indictments, the allegations are that he took something like $10 million, I think it is. And it’s kind of interesting. It seems like it’s coming from the turkish government. But the turkish government is doing the same thing that Fatala Gulen in exile is doing. Both of them will buy. Politicians. For what reason, you might ask? Well, I don’t know. I don’t know what he’s selling. Why is the turkish government spending money on the mayor of New York? That’s what I want to know.

It’s not a really surprise to me that you got a mayor of New York that’s corrupt. It’s just I’m wondering what’s in it for these guys. Right. Of course, there was a lot of other contributions. People who had hit their limit and couldn’t legally contribute, they have like, what they call it a shell buyer or something. When you do it with a gun, a shell purchase or something like that. If you’re not allowed to buy a gun, you get somebody else. What’s that? River sale. River sale? Yeah, downstream, yeah. Yeah. Well, they’ve been selling us down the river for quite a while.

Now he may go up the river. They sent him up the river for downriver contribution. No, if you got too much, you can’t legally give to somebody else anymore to that politician. You can give the money to someone else who can then give it to the politician. And it just tells you, one thing it tells you is how thoroughly theyre surveilling everything, doesnt it? They can find that kind of stuff. And it makes me think about the situation with Mark Robinson, the lieutenant governor in North Carolina, who is running for governor now. They had already established in the past theres been a lot of allegations that he was heavily into pornography and other things like these local stores or something have these sealed stores and he was a regular there, according to the clerks.

But again, these guys have got a political bias. But, but he said, you know, well, that was back, I don’t know, was that in the nineties or something or the two thousands? And he said, no, I’ve changed since then and that’s good and that’s fine. But now they’ve come up and said, well, you know, we see that on nude Africa and everything, making all these really disgusting comments, sexual stuff and everything, confessing to this, this individual, confessing to being a peeping Tom and all other kinds of stuff and then making a lot of hateful and racist comments and so forth.

And, and I was kind of, you know, I was, first of all, first thing that surprised me was the detail of what they had about all this stuff coming from CNN. CNN doesn’t do detail. They don’t do investigation. So first of all, I don’t think this is coming from CNN, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t think that he did it. That’s the other thing. He just kind of laughed it off. If this was a lie that was put out there by CNN, I would think that he would be furious about that. You’re seeing a lot more indignation from Eric Adams from this stuff, from these allegations than you’re seeing from Mark Robinson.

And so it’s like, I don’t know, why is he not more angry about this? Why is he not threatening to sue them and so forth? And the people around him don’t, don’t seem to believe it because all of them except one resigned over the weekend. All of his staff and all the Republicans who know him in the state, they’re running away from him. They’re not, you know, you got, the head of the RNC was in North Carolina. He mentions all the candidates except their candidate for governor. I mean, they’re trying to memory hole him and everything.

And so, so everybody that knows him seems to believe this. He kind of laughs this stuff off. I could have believed that this was perhaps manufactured. I mean, is it really evidence if you really wanted to set somebody up? He’s got this public handle, mini soldier or something like that, or mini solder. They’re trying to guess what they said. Well, maybe it’s mini soldier, except he’s a big guy. So maybe it’s not that. Maybe it refers to the fact that he’s got a hobby of model trains. Yeah, maybe that’s what that’s about. These soldering model trains.

I don’t know. But regardless, all the stuff that they found, they said, look, you know, this person on these websites uses the same handle that Mark Robinson uses in public, and he says the same things about his life that Mark Robinson says in public and everything. A lot of overlap with all this stuff. And I thought, okay, well, anybody could sign up on a site and say if they wanted to frame somebody, right? They go down, they look at it, put in some details, use the handles that he uses on public sites that he’s associated with himself and put them in there.

I mean, you know, if it is a setup, and it could be a setup, that’s how you would do it. Of course, the other aspect of this is what made me think about it when we started talking about it. The other aspect of it is that the NSA knows everything about everybody all the time. Right? The government is constantly grabbing everything. They grab everything. They have it on their servers. And Bluffdale, Utah, again, when we talked about how they were trying to portray crypto as something used too much power, it’s got to be shut down. Well, they’re storing everything there until they’ve got enough computer power to go back and sort through this stuff.

So maybe, you know, they had this stuff on him and they don’t like his politics. And maybe they did the research and they did the investigation and they sent it to CNN, because I just don’t see CNN doing an investigation. I could be wrong, but I watched these people for too long. They’re incredibly shallow and propaganda. So it is a head scratcher that is there. But the thing that I find puzzling is his reaction and the people’s reaction around him seems to verify that. But when we get to these people, and we’re going to go a little bit longer because we started a little bit late, but when you get these people around him, what this drag queen is doing in New York, save her mother Earth, Gaia, the pagan goddess.

And these people put forward Gaia theory. Oh, yeah, the earth, it’s female and it’s a living thing that just happened out of all of these random consequences. It wasn’t created or anything, but humanity, which also just randomly happened, I guess humanity is a virus and we’ve got to eliminate that virus. Well, you know, you could give everybody antibiotics, I guess. The show aims to inspire the audience to talk about climate change caused by the burning of fossil fuels like gasoline and coal while making people laugh. Well, that’s not too difficult. Anytime these people start talking about saving the world from climate change and cutting down our fuel, I always laugh.

You should laugh too. I mean, the drag queen up there is just superfluous. Just give us your climate spiel and give us your predictions and talk about what your computer models are saying is going to happen. That’s funny enough. I don’t need a drag queen. I mean, that’s just Coles to Newcastle, as they would say. Right. It’s way over the top of what we actually need. Well, I want to say thank you to people who have made contributions here. Karen Carpenter, thank you very much. Random guy. Thank you very much. That’s very generous. I appreciate that.

And rumble, sewer flower sower. Thank you. On rumble. Thank you so much. Those are very generous. My charity vote for best value online goes to David Knight and crew. Thank you. Prayers first, moolah second. God bless you. And Marty too, they write. Thank you so much. I really do appreciate that. Well, before we close out and we don’t have to go the full 15 minutes since people probably not schedule this here, but I do want to finish this article here. This is a woman and I’ll give you the answer. Nobody has guessed that last song yet, huh? Oh, okay.

All right, well, I’ll show you the clip for that as well. A woman with no brainwave activity wakes up after hearing her daughter’s voice. This is on lifesite. And lifesight has been their pro life. And they mean pro life at all stages of life, from conception all the way through, even when somebody is quote unquote brain dead. And they’ve talked a good deal about this and about their concerns about how hospitals are so eager to turn off life support so they can harvest organs and things like that. And this particular case, it’s a 36 year old woman without brain activity who woke up after hearing the voice of her daughter, who was folks one year old.

This is a daughter who’s not saying anything. It’s just the sound of her voice wakes up the mother. You know, it is interesting, as babies are developing, and we’ve played the clip of a father who you would always get close to mother’s belly and. And, you know, sing to the baby or whatever. And then when he would do that with the babies crying, the baby would stop, recognize his voice. And this mother recognizes the sound of her one year old daughter’s voice, who’s not saying anything to her, just the sound of it. One of many incidents that calls into question the long held medical understanding of so called brain death.

A catholic priest who has heard the play by play of the remarkable episode from one of the nurse anesthesiologists involved, told Lifesite News that the woman recently went to the hospital for a double endoscopy. While patients normally wake up within five to ten minutes of the end of the procedure, the mother did not wake up. Hospital staff found that her heart had stopped. She received CPR, and soon her heart was beating on his own again. Believing that she had suffered a stroke, they sent the mother to receive an MRI and found that she had no brain waves.

She was then transferred to an intensive care unit, put on a respirator to help her breathe. After two days in ICU, her husband told the nurse on duty that if his wife could only hear the voice of her one year old daughter, she would be okay. Amazingly, when he prompted his daughter to speak over his cell phone to her mother, even over the cell phone, she woke up. She was in perfect condition, according to the priest who related this. The priest has verified the details of the chain of events with a woman’s doctor, Omar Hussein, who has also confirmed to life sight news that the mother woke up upon hearing the voice of her daughter.

Hussein has said there is no way that he can scientifically explain what happened. No brainwaves, and been that way for a couple of days. And then she hears for two days. Then she hears the voice of her daughter, her one year old daughter, over a cell phone, and that snaps her out of it. The long time medical consensus on brain death in the US has been contested by various doctors, some of whom point out the patients can indeed go on to recover consciousness after meeting what has been considered official criteria for brain death. Like every other organ, the brain shuts down its function when its blood flow is reduced in order to conserve energy.

At 70% of normal blood flow, the brain’s neurological functioning is reduced, and at 50% reduction, the EEG, the electroencephalograph, becomes flat line. But tissue damage doesn’t begin until blood flow, the brain drops below 20% of normal for several hours. You see the problem here. We got a test, an EEG, to see if somebody is brain dead and if there is a 50% reduction in brain activity. It flatlines, shows that there’s no brain activity, even though it’s only dropped by 50%. And even though you don’t start having brain damage until it drops below 20%, that test is going to give you a false positive for death.

We got to question these so called tests, like the PCR test and all the rest of the stuff. So this is a term that doctors use to refer to that interval when the brain’s blood flow is between 20% and 50% of normal. They call it gip. Last. Just last month, the New York Times shared the results of a large study that found at least a quarter of unresponsive patients. Those diagnosed in a coma, vegetative state, or minimally conscious state, have some awareness. During the study, teams of neurologists asked 241 such unresponsive patients to do complex cognitive tasks, such as imagining themselves playing tennis.

Remarkably, 25% of the patients exhibited the same patterns of brain activity that is seen in healthy people. So they’re in a coma, they’re in a vegetative state, and somebody comes up to them and says, imagine that you’re playing tennis, and they can see the brain start to operate. It’s not okay to know this and to do nothing, remarked doctor Nicholas Schiff, a neurologist at Weill Cornell Medicine, said the New York Times reported that this puts a whole new light on the Terry Chavo case, said the priest, referring to the court’s decision to allow the husband of a cognitively disabled woman in a persistent vegetative state to have her life support removed.

Yeah, and as a matter of fact, I saw pictures of where she was moving. And regardless, I mean, this is, this was a real eye opener for a lot of people about the bushes. And then it was an affirmation when I saw that their grandfather, that George and Jeb’s grandfather was the treasurer for Margaret Sanger on the very first fundraising letter they put out, Prescott Bush for Planned Parenthood. Yeah, the bushes are just as much a part of that agenda as the gates people are. They noted that the diagnosis of brain death becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

Most people diagnosed with brain death and who have do not resuscitate orders very quickly have their support withdrawn and become organ donors. So just one more thing before we close the program out, and I’ll tell you where I’ll show you the clip, show you where that song comes from. Top five regrets that people have on their deathbeds. You’re going to have time perhaps to think about that. You may be in a vegetative state, but you may still be thinking about that. And, and of course, I hope maybe that information that you hear about how eager these hospitals are to do an organ donation and the reality of brain death, quote unquote.

When you look at the tests that they do, I hope that maybe that makes a difference in your life or somebody in your family’s life so that you’re not victimized by this predatory, immoral medical system. To live a meaningful, fulfilling life, you have to accept that it’ll eventually, though, come to an end. So here are five regrets, says one person who has done a podcast around this. She says, people often say these are five regrets when they get to the end of their life. I didn’t spend enough time with the people I love. I worked too much and missed out on life.

I let fear control my decisions, and I didn’t take risks. I wish I’d been braver in the face of uncertainty or opportunity, or I focused too much on the future and lost touch with the present way. In a psalm 90 says, teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. This person says, remind yourself that your time is limited, that it’s unpredictable, and regularly ask yourself some big, important questions. How do I want to spend my time? What matters most to me in my life? She particularly encourages young people who often haven’t yet faced significant health challenges in themselves or in their loved ones, to think of that reflection as really integral to living for a long, healthy life and with good quality of life, unquote, she said, reflecting on your own mortality throughout life, whether you’re 20, 50, 80, whatever allows us to live better every day with more meaning and more purpose in our life.

And she said, just think about when you’re even outside. Just think how cool it is that I can feel cold on my hands, how cool is it that I have plates to eat off of and so forth. But when she talks about the temperature, it made me think. One of the other songs I do is based on the lyrics from a Shakespeare play where there was a song that nobody knows what the music was, but a lot of people have taken those lyrics and put them to music over the years, including people like Stephen Sondheim and one of his strangest plays called frogs.

But anyway, it’s the lyrics say fear no more. The heat, the sun, nor the furious winter’s rages. Well, I changed it to feel. Feel no more the heat, the sun, nor the furious winter’s rages. Now my time on earth is done home to take my gift or wages. Because that really is what life is about. Are you going to try to work your way there? You know, Jesus said on that day, many people say to me, look at all the things that I’ve done in your name. You know, none of these wonderful things in your name.

So I don’t know who you are. It’s not what you do, it’s who you trust. Because salvation is a gift, a gift of after you trust Christ. Well, I’m going to play the. Here’s the clip. Nobody, I guess, got that. Oh, before I do, let me think the last three that are up here. Speedro 626. Thank you very much. God bless baby Liam. Yes. And Whistler. Thank you. We are in God’s hands. Yes, yes. May God bless baby Liam and Jason’s family. Unrumble rowdy iron. Thank you very much. Have a great weekend, sir. Thank you. And thank you everybody for all the support and especially Marty for encouraging everybody on rumble the 12 June 1776.

Thank you very much. It says, great work, DK viewers on the quarter and month end, weeks end tip train today. Thank you, David and team. Thank you too, Marty. Thank you so much, Marty. And thank you, all of you, for all of that. Well, we’re going to end out the program here. And what I’ll do is I’ll play the. What this is from. It’s from the movie man on fire with Denzel Washington. And here’s a scene. And then after we finish this, we’ll close the show out with the song, which is called smiling. Why, you feel sorry for the husband? Yeah.

Can you imagine my mom multiplied by a thousand? Gracie, you’re smiling. What? You were smiling. No. No, you weren’t. No, I was not. You’re not now, but you were. No, you were smiling. I wasn’t. You were. When? Like 5 seconds ago. I’m not smiling. Well, a second ago you were. No, you said 5 seconds ago. Now that’s six. 6710 seconds ago I was smiling. Okay, in the next 10 seconds, let’s see who smiles first. You smiled already. See, you did. No, that wasn’t a. That was a smirk. That was a smirk. That’s not a smile. A smirk is different.

They both thought with s, but they’re not the same. Do your homework. You were Sadeena Ramdez.

See more of The David Knight Show on their Public Channel and the MPN The David Knight Show channel.


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