Free Magnesium Giveaway! Get Your Free Bottle Of MAGNESIUM BREAKTHROUGH Today! | Stew Peters Network

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➡ The Stew Peters Network talks about how Around 75% of Americans lack enough magnesium, a vital mineral for our health. This deficiency can harm our physical and mental health, causing issues like poor sleep, stress, weak immune system, skin problems, and even heart and bone problems. However, Bioptimizers has developed Magnesium Breakthrough, a high-quality supplement containing all seven essential forms of magnesium. This supplement can help improve your health by addressing the widespread magnesium deficiency, and it’s available for free as a travel-sized bottle at


A whopping 75%. Three quarters of the United States population is believed to be deficient in magnesium, a critical mineral that plays a major role in human health and development. And magnesium deficiency doesn’t just attack our physical health, it attacks everything, including our mental health. It can lead to a poor quality of sleep, high levels of cortisol stress hormones, it can suppress our immune systems, it can even lead to problems with our skin. In some cases, a magnesium deficiency can cause heart issues and weaken our bones, which obviously could lead to very serious problems, including early death.

But despite all of the health risks that a magnesium deficiency can pose, and despite the fact that a super majority of Americans are suffering from this deficiency right now, high-quality magnesium supplements have been almost impossible to find. Until now, thanks to our friends at Bioptimizers and their amazing product Magnesium Breakthrough. Magnesium Breakthrough contains all seven critical forms of magnesium in one convenient bottle, and each batch is produced under strict quality control standards, unlike a lot of these other magnesium supplements that actually act as a laxative. Who would ever intentionally do that? So you just take it twice a day, it can be taken on an empty stomach or with food.

There’s no synthetic additives or preservatives in this formula. No, magnesium breakthrough can help to turn your health around by addressing magnesium deficiency that so many Americans don’t even know that they have, but are suffering from in multiple ways on a daily basis. Right now, you can go to slash stewfree, that’s S-T-E-W-F-R-E-E, and get a travel-sized bottle that’s 30 capsules of magnesium breakthrough, absolutely free. It’s an exclusive offer just for you. You’re only going to get it here on the Stu Peters Show. And more than that, it’s an opportunity to fix your sleep and improve your skin health, fire up your energy levels, take advantage of all of the benefits that high-quality magnesium supplementation has to offer.

Everyone should be taking the supplement. If you’re not, this travel-sized bottle gives you the perfect opportunity to do it. It gives you 14 days, that’s two full weeks to experience the full benefits of magbreakthrough risk-free. Again, that’s slash stewfree. And if you’re already taking magnesium breakthrough, it’s a great opportunity to get a backup bottle or an extra supply to take on vacation or just give to your parents, your friends, your relatives, anybody. For more on magnesium breakthrough and the life-changing benefits of magnesium supplementation, Wade Lightheart from BiOptimizers joins us now.

Wade, thank you so much for being here. We appreciate it. I mean, a lot of people don’t realize that they’re magnesium deficient. No, we just can’t get enough from our soil because of the way farming has developed over the last hundred years. And this is having massive effects on metabolism. There was a study recently performed that people who have a higher magnesium intake have better body fat levels. Another study today out of Science Daily said that a higher dose of magnesium each day keeps dementia at bay. The reasons this is, is because of the interaction of how magnesium is the relaxation molecule.

So if you’re feeling stress, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, if you’re consuming a lot of caffeinated beverages or stimulants, your needs for magnesium actually go up as well as exposure to electromagnetic radiation like we all are because of cell phones and technology. That’s not a tinfoil hat wearing program. It’s just like, this is the environment we don’t get enough magnesium. And we found a solution not just to get one magnesium, but all seven of the types that work in every single part of the body so that you can feel the benefits.

If you try to magnesium and you try magnesium breakthrough, you’ll see and feel the difference. That’s why you get this free bottle offer. Yeah. And like I alluded to a lot of these other mag supplements, they act as a laxative, which means that everything that you’re putting into your body, not just the magnesium, but any other supplements that you’re taking, anything that your vitamins, all these things, you’re just getting rid of them. You’re just discharging everything good that’s in your body and then leaving yourself weak. Yes. And the reality is, is there’s a lot of companies that take advantage of trends.

They call white label companies where they just take ineffective or poor quality ingredients with a whole bunch of contaminants or garbage, slap a label on it and sell it. And they don’t put the time, the research. We have our own lab. We go beyond lab assays and we are the most superior form of magnesium that you can take. And everyone who tries it finds out that, wow, I really feel the difference. Yeah. They’re getting better sleep. I mean, that’s, that’s the thing that I noticed right away. Um, I take it with my evening meal or just before my evening meal.

And I noticed that my sleep immediately, it not only it’s, it’s, it’s hard to explain that the quality sleep, that REM sleep, that deep sleep where you know, wake up, you just feel re-energized. It’s just like the quality of the sleep that you’re getting. It’s not necessarily that you’re sleeping more or that you’re, you know, super groggy and tired from taking magnesium. It’s just that when you do fall asleep, it seems to be that the quality of that sleep is just so much better. And the only thing I can attribute it to is magnesium breakthrough.

Yeah. There’s a lot of people in the biohacking industry that track their sleep daily and virtually all of them, when they take two capsules of magnesium before bed, report that their sleep tracker results improves, but more importantly, you can feel the difference. Yeah, absolutely. And by the way, these cortisol stress hormones, they are also a testosterone production inhibitor. So, uh, this has led to the, you know, the soyification, I guess you will, or the softening of American men. Uh, as we see that this deficiency is just, I mean, 75%, three quarters of the country is suffering from this magnesium deficiency, which could be part of the wussification issue that the pandemic, the real pandemic that we’re looking at here in our country right now, go to slash stew free, and you’ll get a free bottle, a two week supply, uh, 30 capsules of magnesium breakthrough.

Again, slash stew free way, light heart. Thank you so much for being here. We are. If there is one mineral that you should be worried about not getting enough of, it’s magnesium. Magnesium is the body’s master mineral. 600 critical reactions, hormone balance, stress management, sleep quality, even digestion is influenced by the presence of magnesium. Well, there’s two big problems with what I just said. Number one, magnesium has been largely missing from U.S. soil since the 1950s. I wonder if that’s intentional. It certainly does explain why up to 75% of the population may be deficient in magnesium.

Number two, most supplements contain only one or two forms of magnesium, when in reality your body needs seven. The only full spectrum magnesium supplement, the only magnesium supplement on the market that has all seven critical forms is called Magnesium Breakthrough by Bioptimizers. And that’s why I’m so excited to tell you that I was able to arrange a killer deal for you. You won’t find this deal on Amazon, you won’t find this deal on the company’s own website. This deal is exclusively for you, my audience, and it’s for a limited time while supplies last.

So right now, you can get a bottle of magnesium breakthrough for free. Just go to slash stewfree, again that’s slash stewfree, and get your bottle of magnesium breakthrough for free right now, today. Again that’s slash stewfree. A message for parents that love their kids and of course want to keep them safe and healthy. It’s a health product that you can’t ignore. Kids Z-spike gummies from the Zelenko Lab Z-stack supplement line. Now these aren’t just ordinary supplements. These are your child’s shield against upcoming health threats and a recovery mechanism to help dissolve and block spike proteins.

Of course, inspired by the legendary Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. Dr. Z didn’t just practice medicine. As you well know, he changed the entire game over the pandemic. He provided counsel on the prevention and treatment of COVID-19, the bioweapon, and the removal of the dangerous and deadly spike proteins from the body. His pioneering work lives on in these gummies crafted to repair and empower your kids’ immune systems. Powerful stuff inside of these things, all based on solid research that you can trust by Zelenko Labs, Vitamin C and Dandelion Root. These help to cleanse and fortify.

Of course, there’s a whole lot of other things inside of these Z-spike gummies as well. Pomegranate peel and bromelain arm and defend against these invaders like the spike proteins that are wishing to enter your kid’s body and destroy their health. Targeting those tricky spike proteins is difficult, but not if you have the Z-spike gummies. All natural, zero artificial junk, low in sugar, and a strawberry flavor that your kids will actually want. This is about more than just avoiding colds. This is about giving your kids a proactive protection and repairing them from damage caused during the pandemic.

As we know that there’s shedding involved and parents, they didn’t leave you out. You can achieve the same goals for your health and body, pairing Dr. Zelenko’s Z-spike and Z-detox for daily support. Rise up and protect your kids with Dr. Zelenko’s Kid Z-spike Gummies, perfect for kids ages 4 and up. Head over to slash S-P-N and then use the code for 15% off. The code is S-P-N. Secure your bottles right now. They have subscriptions too. Remember, this isn’t just a supplement, it’s a shield. It’s Dr. Zelenko’s legacy. Shield up with Kid Z-spike Gummies, the smart way to protect and heal our kids. slash S-P-N, again slash S-P-N. [tr:trw].

See more of Stew Peters Network on their Public Channel and the MPN Stew Peters Network channel.


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benefits of seven essential forms of magnesium Bioptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough heart and bone problems from lack of magnesium high-quality magnesium supplement importance of magnesium for health improving magnesium deficiency in Americans physical and mental health issues due to magnesium deficiency poor sleep due to magnesium deficiency skin problems caused by magnesium deficiency stress and weak immune system

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