Frank – One Way Or Another Biden Is Being Replaced The Attempted Assassination Was A Double Op

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ A Texas doctor recommends a unique protein drink for people over 50 to improve bone strength, joint pain, and overall health. The doctor’s formula has received positive reviews and offers a money-back guarantee. The text also discusses a podcast host named Frank who shares his thoughts on current political events, including the upcoming presidential election and potential threats to the candidates.
➡ The speaker believes that Obama initially wanted Kamala Harris for presidency, but due to her low poll numbers, they had to settle for Biden. However, the speaker suggests that Biden is harder to control due to his stubbornness and age-related cognitive decline. The speaker also discusses the possibility of war, suggesting that the deep state might create a scare event to convince people of the need for war. The speaker also mentions the significance of an alleged attempt on Trump’s life, and praises Putin’s control and desire to preserve mankind.
➡ The text discusses the potential political implications of Donald Trump’s continued presence in the political arena, particularly in relation to international relations and potential conflicts. It suggests that Trump’s potential for negotiation and peace-making could be crucial in diffusing tensions, particularly with Russia. The text also criticizes the actions of other political leaders and suggests that they may be willing to risk conflict for their own agendas. Finally, it introduces a natural pain reliever called Conalidine, which is presented as a safe and effective alternative to traditional pain medications.
➡ The text discusses a controversial incident involving an alleged assassination attempt. The speaker questions the official narrative, suggesting that there were inconsistencies and potential cover-ups. They express disbelief at the lack of security measures and suggest that the incident might have been an inside job. They also speculate that there might have been more than one shooter involved.
➡ The text discusses suspicions about a young man’s involvement in a serious incident, questioning whether he acted alone or was manipulated by others. The speakers express doubt about the official narrative and the speed at which information was released. They also discuss the potential political implications of the incident, suggesting it could be part of a larger plan. The text ends with a discussion about the future of politics, particularly focusing on the potential impact of Trump’s VP pick, JD Vance.
➡ The speaker discusses the potential of JD Vance as a political pick by Trump, appreciating that Trump didn’t just choose someone to fill a diversity quota. They speculate that Trump might be considering a long-term plan involving Vance due to his youth and ability to attract a younger generation. The speaker also expresses a desire for more decentralization in media, suggesting that smaller podcasts could offer more authentic and diverse perspectives than mainstream media. They believe this could be a part of Trump’s future strategy.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of diversifying platforms for sharing information, highlighting their success on Rumble after facing challenges on YouTube. They express gratitude for platforms like Rumble and True Social, which they believe help prevent information control by a single entity. The speaker also emphasizes their love for traditional radio and hopes for its resurgence, despite the digital shift. They end by promoting their show, which airs on various platforms including their website, Rumble, and YouTube.


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He reports on the news. You can find all of his work on, quite frankly, tv. He does a stream weeknights at 07:00 p.m. eastern standard time. And I am very happy to have Frank back on the x 22 report spotlight. Frank, welcome back. Oh, it’s been so long. Too long, Dave. I almost thought would never happen again, but I got to say, that’s the first live I, I have heard in a while, and you’ve got a little bit more of a rasp to it now. Yeah, a little more grizzled. What happens when you get older? Your voice, you start losing your voice and everything else.

Well, it’s great to be back. Thank you for inviting me. And I can’t wait to have you back on, quite frankly. Yeah, thank you for coming back on. I think the last time you’re on was like 22, 21, long time ago. It might have been early 22 at the latest. Yeah, yeah. And, yeah. But, but here we are, we’re knocking or almost knocking on the door of, of 25 or halfway through 24. And, boy, the next four months, what, what’s, what’s to be said? I know it’s, I think it’s going to be a crazy next four months.

So, I mean, since we’re leading up to the presidential election, do you think that Biden is going to make it? Do you think he’ll make it to the presidential election? Speaker two I, if left alone, if left unmolested, then, yes, I think that, I think that, I think that they’ll push that ball over the, over the goal line. And it’s really just been about. All right, first things first. Let’s just secure ourselves a little bit more time. If you, if we really just go back and we do a lot of reminiscing about everything that we watch from 2016 onward happening.

Yeah. We can talk about the nitty gritty of any particular scam at any particular time, whether it be Russia, whether it be scoops of ice cream, whether it be impeachment, one or two. It’s really all about buying time, cobbling together months and years, the calendar, getting from one election to the next, figuring out what the hell you’re going to do afterwards, just buy time and take the election. If they have to try to push Joe Biden over the, over the goal line for November and try to make that work somehow, I think they would take that and figure out what to do after the fact.

Does he have four more years in his physical body? I don’t think so. But, but to be honest, I know we’re going to be talking about the assassination attempt at some point today. But, Dave, the last 48 hours, I cannot shake the feeling that what happened on Saturday was a way to get rid of both Trump and Biden. I can’t shake the feeling. And I’ve seen other people mirror that feeling as well. I believe that they, they wanted to take Trump out and then, and then turn around and, and set up the retaliation. I really believe that they want to get rid of both.

Mendez. That’s very, very interesting. So you think they want, they were planning this to take them both out? It does make kind of sense. I mean, you can see now that they’re building the narrative that because the individual was registered as a Republican, which he donated to act blue, so I don’t think he was a Republican. I think he just probably registered to vote Trump out when the nominations were happening in Pennsylvania. But it’s very interesting that you would say that because they’re pushing the idea that there’s going to be additional violence. I think the FBI, DHS has come out saying that there might be other political assassinations from extremists.

Speaker one. And that’s not our MO. And I’m going to say our, I’m not talking about members of the GOP. I’m talking about anybody that’s not on that globalist, you know, totalitarian way of micromanaging mankind into something they believe is utopian and equitable for all, which is in itself just a really crappy facade. But you know that the, the violence mo, is not ours. It’s always been the state. And of course, sometimes it is delegated out to some of the more mentally deranged foot soldiers that are created through our just cultural grooming process. That is, you know, the, what has been turned into, it’s pretty much MKULTra that’s been turned into a cultural protocol for creating generations of.

Who the hell knows? And, and I do think that. And what, what do I have as far as evidence of that? I don’t know. I just think that it’s a, it would be a really logical cascading effect, especially since you see that there is a real effort to convince, at least in a dignified way, to get, get Joe Biden out of there. But he’s, his talons are in there, and at least a couple of the people behind him, especially Jill and a few others of his closest confidant, it seems like they really want to stay, even though Barack Obama has even looked like, or sounded like it might be something worth considering to get out when they’re withholding PAc money and everything else like that.

George Stephanopoulos went out there running a very different script a week or so ago. And that’s not because the, that’s not because the, the networks have suddenly found some integrity, journalistic integrity, just, they’re running a new script, and I think they’re very concerned about Joe Biden. And I started thinking, all right, he’s old, he’s a liability, isn’t function anymore. And, I mean, you’re starting to become expendable at this point. So I, it just makes sense to me. If there’s any evidence that comes up that actually confirms it, we will see. But that’s just what I can’t help myself from feeling that the last 48 hours.

I mean, you said, if he’s not, if he’s unmolested, if he is molested, do you think they will put Kamala in his place as the presidential nominee? And how do you think they would remove him? Do you think it’d be, they still will put a hit on him, do you think, or remove him with the 25th Amendment? Uh, 25th amendment? I don’t know. I don’t know. Um, that, at that, at this point, I just, I just don’t know. It’s too close. Uh, maybe 25th Amendment, if they. If they pull some shenanigans and actually, um, actually, uh, swipe another one where they sit.

Like I said before, uh, as long as you get past election week, then what do you do after the fact? Hey, at least we locked up another four years. So that just might be the hierarchy of. Of, you know, priorities there. Like, what do we do here and there? As far as Kamala goes, why pick her as vice president at all if this was not, if it was always going to be unthinkable to push her into the limelight for just a little bit, even if there’s a very quick plan to then get her out afterwards. I don’t know.

It’s always about. They always have some considerations about symbolism and. And. And, you know, glass ceilings, even though she would be a very, very. That would be a really weak first female president. But I always. I always wondered what? Okay, well, there’s. There’s plenty of women out there who are progressive and aren’t white that you could have put into the. That spot. You could have nominated to be your vice president when you were running and running in 2020, um, especially since there’s anybody could have gone in there pulling higher than Kamala. She was pulling hot. She was, you know, barely pulling higher than dirt.

And so it. I never understood that in the first place. But if you’re going to go with that, then. Then why, uh, when it’s time to ascend to the presidency, are you going to pull a switcheroo for the entire ticket that. That I never got? So I always just thought that if he was going to be ushered out prematurely, she was just going to have to, uh, take the baton and, you know, run with it. I think in the very beginning, back in 2020, I think Obama actually wanted Kamala. I think he wanted her. But when her poll numbers came out, when, during the democratic national Convention, she was, like, polling, like, 1% or something like that.

It was terrible. So they couldn’t use her. It wouldn’t make any sense, especially when they cheated in the election. I mean, can you imagine how many ballots they would need? Forget about 80. They would need all of them. So. So I think they. They had to settle on Biden. But I think he still wanted her in there, because, again, if you remember that recording from Obama, he goes, I just want, you know, someone to be in the presidency, and I can be in the basement. I could tell them what to do. I think Kamala was a very easy person to control.

She would have done everything he wanted her to do. Biden, on the other hand, he had better poll numbers. He was the VP. And I think that he had to make that choice at the time. But I think Biden is a little bit harder to control. He’s kind of stubborn because he has, he’s getting older and his dementia is starting to pick up. He’s even becoming even more nastier when he speaks to people. So I think it’s, it’s much, much harder for him to control Biden than Kamala. And I think he always wanted Kamala to be in that position.

I think that’s why they kept her for maybe for future use. I don’t know. Speaker two it’s a good, that’s as valid a theory or an assessment as, as any, because when you really think about it, when push comes to shove, they never, anytime over the last ten years, especially, never really had any good choices to make. Yeah. So that’s why it was always just a toss up. I like building character profiles for people, you know, you know, what could the pro be over, this con over there? But, but really, is it a good choice compared to what everybody else has as far as raw talent goes? And the other thing is there, too, is that there, there really is no room for any kind of improvisation.

There’s no room for any really good ideas. They’re running a very limited script. And it’s all about being able to whittle away national sovereignty and kind of melt us into this international stew that is, I don’t know. They need this. They need to be there, there to be no more superpowers in the world. And that is, that’s the path that we’re on right now. So no good choices because the future is not going to provide any good choices if they win. So I guess they’re just pushing it. And that’s the question I have for you, just, just to start off, because now we’re talking, we already talked about Biden.

What do they do with him? And then, you know, Trump, we haven’t talked about what happened on Saturday just yet, but I always wondered of all the things that could happen this year if they feel, especially since that, horrible, if you want to call it a debate, but ever since that debate, did they feel that they have completely lost any kind of real momentum, any way of getting it back? Because it’s not about a guy just freezing up and, you know, you know, not able to counter good, you know, data with some stronger data. It’s about a guy who has been exposed to the world of being on the outs physically, there’s a cognitive degeneration there that you can’t make up for.

It’s even pharmaceutically impossible at this point to really perk him up for much longer than, than they’ve been able to do in very short spurts. So I’m saying, what else is going to come our way? Obviously, we have assassinations and stuff, attempts that have already made this, this early in the summer. But what about war now? What’s going on overseas? Very interesting to me. I don’t see, because Trump, the main reason why I’m voting for him again was always going to be, the main reason was always going to be peace candidacy, whatever you can say. There’s always something that you can, you can dish out about a person where they fell short or you think they can get a little bit stronger.

But the one thing that everybody should be able to agree on is that there was no, there was only de escalation, military de escalation in the world. And I would really, really love a little bit of that right now, just a little bit of a stalemate on that respect. So I always wondered if, if this was going to be something that pops off or made to pop off in the summer so that if there is a Trump presidency that comes in, if the, if the vote actually is, you know, true, then if he inherits a war, it leaves no room for him to de escalate a war once he gets in, in January.

This is a lot of time to throw a lot of stuff into his lap on day one of term two. So that’s what I’m worried about, especially with all the, the long range missiles that are being moved around in Europe right now. This is some pretty hot times right now, and we have way too long until the election and inauguration day. So that’s what I’m worried about. Well, I think we are approaching war. I think that is definitely in the cards, because if you go back a little bit in time, it’s almost like a year and a half ago, maybe, maybe a year, year and a half ago, where Trump actually put out on truth.

That, and he said in many of his speeches that he sees war where nobody else sees it, it’s going to escalate. And that’s why he’s continually saying, I know all the players, I can usher in peace. And if you notice Viktor Orban, he has been visiting Russia, Ukraine, Ukraine, China, then came back to Trump. And of course, the fake news puts it out. You know, he’s, he’s trying to put together a peace plan without a plan. So I think Victor Orbin is out there speaking to all these individuals. I think they know that the deep state is going to try to push us into where I think we will get very, very close to where I even think there’ll be some type of major scare event.

Because, again, how do you convince people there’s going to be a war? You actually have to scare them into thinking there’s, we’re going to war. Yeah, you just can’t say it. You can’t say, hey, by the way, we’re going to war. That’s that. I mean, when you look at Pearl harbor, when you look at 911, something happened and it scared the people. And it scared the people enough to accept war. People normally do not accept war. They don’t want to send their children. They don’t want their parents or their cousins, brother, sister’s mother. They don’t want anyone to go to war.

So the only way I see the deep state doing something is with some type of an event. And I think from what Trump is saying and what he’s been saying in the past and even in the present, that he knows the players, he can have peace if I’m elected. Of course, if he’s not elected, it’s going to be war. So I think as we get closer to the presidential election, I think probably around August, that timeframe moving forward, I think we’re going to see things really start to escalate and we’re going to start to see that we’re moving towards war.

And, yeah, I got to, just got to put it in there, too, is that this is another real reason why the significance of the, the attempt on his life on, on, on Saturday was so much more far reaching than anybody, really, at first glance, could understand. Because there’s a holding, there’s a certain level, there’s a holding pattern here that I, I really do feel there’s, there’s considerations for that. You know, for example, Vladimir Putin, he has shown incredible, incredible control, and I thank God for that. I’m at the point where part of my daily prayers is that Vladimir Putin has a greater plan to preserve mankind has a plan to preserve mankind that’s greater than the kamikazes, that NATO’s desire to flatten mankind.

And I, you know, I think about what was going on in Ukraine during Trump’s term, especially leading up to 2019, when they were, they were winding down the Russiagate nonsense and then going around September, kind of leading us into impeachment. And the Ukraine phone call, Burisma, all of the poking around that’s been going on out there. Vladimir Putin knew exactly what was going on in Ukraine. He knew exactly what kind of a satellite state that was. That’s a deep state shell company. It masquerades as a country, but it’s a shell company. He knew what was going on out there.

And knowing that he has common enemies with Donald Trump, that their enemies are, those are held in common. I think that that’s one of those things where just sit back, let’s see what Trump can get done. And while he’s still on the playing field right now, I think that a lot of the people out in the world who see what is being stoked in eastern Europe and what really dangerous game is being played as long as Donald Trump is alive and is climbing in the polls and has a real chance of overwhelming all the fraud attempts that might and will be coming his way again in, in November, that is a very, very important thing.

Knowing that he is still floating out there and he is still a man that can be negotiated with if and to save the world at that, at that. At that level. So for him to still be alive right now is huge, because who knows how much more resolve Vladimir Putin would have if he knows that, you know? Okay, well, I was waiting to see if there’s some kind of sanity that could be restored over there at the State Department in the United States after January if Trump would win. But if he is just gone, if he’s not even on the earth anymore, it might just be go time that nobody else is coming to our rescue.

We might just have to duke it out with the new Soviet Union, which is NATO. So I’ve been thinking about that a lot, too. There’s, there’s, there’s a lot that can be, could be missed because of the gravity of, of. And just the drama of what happened over the weekend. Yeah. I mean, if they did take him out, they would have no problem pushing their agenda. It would be very, very easy because there would be no one on the side of peace. And actually, if you look back in history, there are not many presidents that actually call for peace.

Normally, if there is an event in the country, usually everyone says, okay, let’s go to war. We got to strike back. If there is an event in this country, I don’t think Trump is going to say, let’s strike back. I mean, I use examples in my reports where, let’s say there’s a missile that’s fired over the ocean or something and it’s intercepted. Will that scare people? Yes. Is there, if there’s a cyber attack, will that scare people? Yes. I think Trump is going to be on the side of saying, you know, you know what? Let’s have peace.

Let’s talk to these people. Actually, Putin has already said he’s open to listen to Trump. He thinks he’s sincere. Zelensky actually said, well, if Trump has a peace plan, let’s hear it. And she is pretty much saying the same thing. So it seems that they’re on board with hearing from Trump about this peace plan. And I think as things ramp up, because, you know, with, like you said from the very beginning with the long range missiles, the, the treaty is pretty much gone. So now you can have mid range, long range missiles. They can be delivered to NATO countries that are very, very close to Russia.

And Russia can deliver the missiles, say, to their warships that are docked in Cuba or to North Korea now or right up to the border of the NATO countries. So, yes. I mean, will this look like another cuban missile crisis? Yeah, it could in all reality, because if you look at the reports, I think Biden and other leaders, I think german leader and maybe even France, they’ve given Ukraine permission to fire the missiles into Russia, which, I mean, I think that tells you everything you need to know right there, what they’re trying to do. Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely.

I mean, it’s not very, very naked at this point, and it’s psychopathic. There’s a, I always say that when you analyze, you know, domestic current events or even anything on an international level, it’s really, it’s really, it’s really incredible when you come to the realization that, yes, there is geopolitical histories, there is economic considerations that you have to even just basic economic considerations, what tariffs do this and that. But then when you go, when you get beyond just supply and demand or, you know, tribal differences, age old feuds between countries, anything that completes the telling of our story as a world, the fact that you have to, on top of it, add a new layer of perspective, that you have to think like a psychopathic criminal, like, you have to think like the criminal class to say, okay, if your job was to really neuter the sovereignty of nations, to, to do, to diminish the, the true diversity of the cultures in this, in this world, the ethnic backgrounds of the nations of Europe, you think about the open borders on both eastern and western hemispheres, what that all mean.

Like you are, you have to be able to think in a way that normal people don’t think, which is why I think it’s just so hard for people to grasp what kind of a movie we’re living in right now. Like Independence Day is nothing compared to what reality is right now. I mean, there is a, they’re cutting the world up and playing it like a game of dominoes, and it is just so incredible. And unless you have something that breaks your trust in the system first completely, you really can’t see it, because average people just, I don’t think they can conceive of the evil and the duplicity and the machiavellian approach to everything.

It’s, it’s serious. It really is. And I, and it’s, it’s just so much, the stakes just get higher and higher because now we’re talking about the lives of millions and millions of people just for a game of what, chicken? While, while these people, you know, they found nice little bunkers and alcoves that are, they’re going to shield them from one, one bit of fallout or another. But my, oh my, Dave, they really do not care about cracking a whole lot of eggs to make this crappy omelet. No, they don’t. And I think the, the deep state, the evil people, they’re counting on that.

The people with their moral compass, they won’t go to that area where they believe that they could do things like, you know, bring us to war or release a virus or anything like that. And I think they count on that sometimes. I think they count on the people saying, no, that they could never do that. They could never actually plan. Talk about our health. If you suffer from daily pain, I need you to listen to this message very carefully. What we know about pain relief is changing forever as we age. Aches and pains are normal, and we’re all searching for an effective way to relieve pain without side effects and addictions.

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It’s like right in front of their face. And now they’re like confused, like, wait a minute, who’s doing this stuff? Who’s, what’s going on here? And I think this, this is happening more and more where people are starting to wake up, especially with the assassination. And now from the very beginning with your statement of saying that, you know, they wanted to take out Trump and they wanted to take out Biden. So from what I’m getting is, you believe that this was some type of op? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, did you see all the recent updates and statements from the lady head of the secret service, Cheadle? We got director Cheadle.

Yeah, there is a, let me see here. Says that the decision to leave the roof unguarded, the only structure in the area, mind you, the. The leave the roof unguarded was deliberate because it was unsafe to have snipers on a sloped roof, even though the response team that took the guy, it took the kid out was on a sloped roof. Like, it makes no sense whatsoever that the roop was sloped, slow sloped. And then, of course, after the fact, when everybody’s up there taking pictures of the, of the body, which. That in itself, Dave, is just so weird.

The fact that we have this gruesome face shot of a dead sniper guy on the top of that roof, that would. Had to be tweeted out there or something by officials. So because there was no civilians up there, it was only response teams. When the. Do we ever get. We ever get body shots like that? Just so. Everything’s so weird. Very, very weird on that. There was a door left open. It was the only door to be opened. And, you know, 30 minutes of. 30 minutes of response time. That’s what everybody had to go 130 yards, 30 minutes.

That. What we’ve learned in the last 36 hours alone is incredible. So I don’t. I don’t know. It’s not even a matter of this. This woman having to be fired. I mean, she should. She should go to prison. Yeah. It’s just her excuse. I don’t think it’s going to work because like you said, the other roofs were, you know, sloped. I mean, even if this roof was sloped, you know, had a, you know, a much larger slope. That’s ridiculous. That the whole thing is ridiculous. And if you’re going to protect the president, you need to make sure that the perimeter is secure.

And it tells me that this guy was able to bring a ladder, climb up a ladder, bring a rifle. I mean, nobody saw this. Of course they did. And I’m talking about the officials, and it’s a police. And, and he, he climbed up the, the, uh, the side of a building that was the official police. There was probably police inside of a building he was climbing up on. It blows my mind, you know. You know, go ahead. Sorry. No. And nobody heard the ladder. Like, nobody heard of the guy getting on top because. Or rustling around up top.

Nobody heard anything. I mean. Well. Well, Dave, here’s the other thing. You have to consider going back a little bit farther than the day of. If you are a sniper in war or just some, some kid who is committed one way or another is committed to doing what he. What he was a part of. Don’t you have to go scout out areas? Where, where is this going to happen? What’s going on here? And then you go and you check out. Okay, well, there’s where the, uh, there’s where the rally is going to be. There’s the stage.

Let me look around here. About 100 yards or so off there is the top of a, you know, groove, a garage or standing structure. Where the hell do you get off? Even assuming that that is going to be unattended the day of that, you wouldn’t you assume that this is going to be swarming with people. It can’t possibly be open, but you show up anyway with a rifle strapped to your back, and you climb up the side of it, and you’re given a half hour, just a suntan, and it makes no sense. And then when I was thinking about how I’ve always talked about the impossibility of another JFK situation down there in Dealey Plaza, you know, I said, you think about how in 1963, this shot, this, this situation.

People say, oh, if it was a, if it was a. An official operation, he would have never missed. I said, well, then you don’t know anything about the JFK assassination. There was about six or seven sharpshooters that were involved with that. Cubans. I mean, that CIA brought everybody in for the job, and almost everybody missed until the last couple of shots that came in from the front, as we all know. But, I mean, it’s, so. It’s not impossible for people to miss their shot. And not for nothing, if President Trump had not turned to the right, the back of his head would be gone right now.

Right? So that’s number one. Number two, I said, it’s 1963, and this was all done right there in the open. Obviously, they pull the secret Service back so that the, the car, the motorcade was a lot more, you know, unprotected. So we see an unprotected lane going on there. I said, but, you know, they would never try this again because too many people have cell phones. I said, think about how 1963 was comp, all the official stories of the JFK assassination out the window just because of Abraham Zapruder. One guy that they couldn’t account for with an eight millimeter, eight millimeter camera right there on the grassy knoll.

And, and here we are again. They did it despite everything, despite that. There were thousands of cameras all over the place. They just did it. And, and it almost, and almost got away with it. I. You cannot do that without institutional help, in my, at least in my, my personal opinion. How can you do that without institutional help? Obviously, there’s a lot of just, there was a lot of things that just looked optically bad. And obviously there is. Whenever there’s a human element to anything, there can be, there can be plenty of things that go wrong just because of, I don’t know, just sloppy work like Dan Bongino had brought up, that it wasn’t the, it wasn’t the hardened, detested, true Secret Service people that were really working a lot of the event.

There was a lot of, a lot of people from homeland security or something like that that are, you know, no, no less professional, but just not honed in to do that kind of work. So yeah, maybe there would be some gaps, but again, the only roof in the area left unattended. And then the, the director of the secret service comes out and says it’s because the roof was sloped. You can’t. I can’t. No thinking person can accept any of this. No, no. They brought in the b team. They brought in and this was done on purpose.

They have a six foot tall Mandez and they’re bringing in a short woman. How in the world is she going to protect him? It’s impossible. Plus, that kid, crooks that was on the roof, I think everything got messed up because the people at the rally, they were pointing him out and they were saying, there’s someone on the roof, someone on the roof, someone on the roof. And I don’t think that was ever supposed to happen. And then the police officer climbed up the ladder, poked his head up, and this is when the kid panicked and started to open fire.

He pointed the rifle at the police officer, the police officer went down and then he started to open fire. So I don’t think this was planned in that way. I think the individual was supposed to open fire at a different point in time. But since someone realized he was up there, he panicked and he started to shoot. Plus this kid, crooks, back in high school, he tried out for the rifle team and he was the worst shot ever. Like they said, he couldn’t even hit the target at 20 yards. Which then leads me to believe that there’s no way that he is the only shooter.

I’m thinking there had been someone else. I think. Yeah, he opened, fired on, you know, from his position. But then again, if you have. I haven’t seen the weapon yet. I don’t know if you have, but if you have a weapon, an AR style weapon with a scope, and you have a, you know, you’re laying down on the roof and everything’s steady. Your target is not moving. It’s not like Trump was walking back and forth or anything like that. He was stationary. So if you have a weapon like that, your shot is pretty good. If, if your scope and everything is calibrated.

So this kid was a very terrible shot. And I have a very funny feeling that he wasn’t the only person. And I think what happened was he panicked and everything went haywire after that. I’m with you. I’m with you on having suspicions with the, the kidde. And now, at first, because they released so many old videos of him. Like, the, the Blackrock video was from 2022, right? Yeah. So from 2022, he still had a very boyish kind of look to him. He had short hair. And then what we just saw from the roof, his, his death photo, he has long hair.

You know, obviously, the nose looked, I mean, but, but I, the more I looked at it, the more I said, okay, yeah, this, this, this does look like him. But the question, again is, what happened to him along the way? How is he being used right now? And it, was he really the only factor in this equation, especially with the way that they have trotted him out there like a trophy bass. Like the. Again, Sean, there’s something, when you don’t see something happen the way that happens for so long. He’d say, well, we know assassinations don’t happen every day.

No, but random acts of violence do. This obviously, is a lot more premeditated than being random, but we don’t. There’s police before an investigation even kicks off, before the night even comes. I mean, the, after the sun had not even gone down over here in eastern standard time, and everybody was, we had the picture of him with his mouth hanging open, his teeth busted out. I said, who the hell released this picture and why? I mean, we don’t get pictures like this in, in a matter of an hour, and there’s no civilians up on that roof.

I’m, there’s just very, very strange things. Obviously, he was part of this. He. A plan that involved him, and he has now, his, his piece has now been removed from the board. But there’s no way in hell that he was anything more than a pawn, at least in my eyes, at least until we get some better information. It just doesn’t add up. Plus, the reports continually came out and said that he was acting alone, a lone wolf, and they didn’t even get into his phone. So how can you actually tell everyone that he’s a lone wolf.

He was acting alone. If they haven’t access his phone, if they don’t know who he’s been talking to, which means they already knew that they were going to use this narrative that he was acting alone. And, you know, the FBI, how they do their investigations, you know, they’re not. They’re not going to find out anything. I mean, look, they can’t even find the pipe bomber where they know his cell phone, they know where he lived. They knew everything about the pipe bomber. But still, we don’t have the pipe bomber. I don’t think the FBI was going to do any type of investigation.

I think they were in on it somehow, some way. And. And I. And I think, yes, you’re right. They staged that photo up on top because this wasn’t, you know, someone just walking up with their cell phone, taking that shot. It was. There’s also, too. Did you also see the two other videos that were released on this kid? There was a. I don’t know where the hell it came from. I believe he was. You know, they’re putting it out there, these two videos from. I guess I’m a classroom setting. Yeah. To try to build up this idea that he was relentlessly bullied.

And I looked at these videos, and there’s no bullying going on. There’s, like, one video of him out there. I mean, one of them is him making some sophomoric statement about the size of his genitals and. But I only really got high school nonsense vibes from that. All we did was talk about our genitals in high school and someone yanks. The other one is someone yanks at the end, on the end of his jeans in class, while the camera girl giggles and he giggles. And are they trying, really trying to give us these two ridiculous, benign clips to build up a motive for him to go on a suicide mission against Donald Trump.

And it makes no sense. So I don’t know what we get from here on this kid or whether there’s a manifesto that is conveniently unearthed and, you know, anything can change, I suppose, but it seems like he was a flushable wipe patsy to me. Yep. And with the FBI on the case, like you said, can you. Can you. Would you really be surprised if this ends in another stalemate like Las Vegas, where they just simply said, we’ll never know a year later, we’ll never know. That’s it. Listen, they don’t know whose cocaine it is in the White House either.

They just can’t figure that one out. So nobody knows anything. So why, why do we have these agencies? I don’t know. I think they’re all part of it. So in the beginning, you said you think that they were going to try to take out Trump than Biden. Do you think they’re still going to go follow through with that plan to take out Biden? I don’t know. I mean, I guess, I guess there is to say that, well, you took a shot at our guy and now we’re going to take a shot at you. I mean, you can, you can still say that this is a, an issue.

I mean, what happened? The, what happened not even 24 hours after, after this all took place on, on Saturday, by Sunday afternoon, you still had George takei and every other nut case out there going right back to the approved messaging of the existential threat message. So I don’t, as far as my, the pit in my stomach, what I start thinking about, yeah, it makes sense to me that every situation can be used and has multiple upsides for the perpetrators. Yet you want, obviously, Donald Trump has been the biggest turd in the punch ball for them for years now.

And, and now, as of the last few months, Joe Biden is a pretty big turd in the punch ball. They can no longer manage his public appearances in an acceptable way anymore. He’s, you know, you can’t polish a turdip. So there are two guys that they would like to get rid of for multiple reasons. And, and ultimately what that would do if both of them are gone, however the hell they make that happen, I don’t know. But if both of them leave the stage for one reason or another, think about how big of a sigh of relief that would be for the unit party, for the bureaucracy to know that all of that stress has been immediately alleviated? Whoever the hell steps into the, the GOP nomination shoes can, can, can play up to the Trump base as much as they want.

But with Trump really gone and his legacy being ended so abruptly like that, you know, it would, it wouldn’t take too long before all the fakers start coming in and wearing the, the MAGA mask and, and, but it would all be controlled, which also, Dave, I gotta say, really brings us back to the bigger question of all that. In four years, Trump’s political career is done anyway. And what are we going to be afterwards? You know, are we going to be concentrating more like american, traditional Americans would on local politics? Are we going to be able to say that the central control that has been built up illegally and unconstitutionally in Washington, DC will be completely voided by, by a resurgence of states and the people of those states that would embrace the 10th amendment.

Where are we in four years? Because that’s, we know how quickly time goes by. And before we turn around, it’s going to be 2028 again. You’re right. And that brings us to JD Vance because that’s who Trump picked as his VP. So what are your thoughts on Trump picking JD Vance? You know, I didn’t know really too much about him. I was one of those guys. When it comes to VP picks, I understand that you’re really just thinking about the next, you know, who are you passing the baton to going, going on, you know, after you.

But I don’t know. I don’t really know too much about him outside of, I don’t know. There’s a, I would have to imagine that he’s at least at a glance going to draw some, some contested maybe to those contested Rust Belt states. Perhaps. That’s the biggest allure right there. Many of those states from Pennsylvania to Michigan and Wisconsin, all them, the chicanery that went on out there, I think it was like a total of like 50,000 votes or so in total, spread across all those states, really, really made things bad. You know, that that was really the difference maker.

So I said, all right, well, maybe he’s just thinking about those contested states, but everybody seems to have, when I just look at, to see how he’s being received, everybody seems to have pretty valid opinions across a spectrum of like, neutral dislike for one reason or another. So I’m just thinking in the immediate, it has to be about the Rust Belt. But I don’t know. What do you think? What do you think is the, the biggest strength of this pick? Speaker two? Well, I think, I mean, I don’t know too much about him. I mean, I know who he is, but I, it’s not something someone I researched before.

But I agree with you. I think the rust belt aspect of him getting the people on his side. The other thing I like is that Trump didn’t go dei, he didn’t pick just like a black guy or a black woman or just a woman just to fill the spot. I think he looked at who is out there and I think he narrowed it down to JD Vance where he believes that he is the best pick. He’s young. What is he, 39 now we know that Trump around there. Yeah, I think Trump, you know, in another four years, he’s not going to be 70.

He’s going to be in his forties. So I’m wondering if Trump is thinking, ok, he handles himself very well, he can debate, he knows the facts, he’s a veteran, and he is able to understand what’s going on. But what I’m thinking is, yes, the Rust Belt, but I think maybe Trump is thinking, you know, twelve years down the line, four years of Trump and then eight years of JD Vance, where if he picked him, and I think he was probably looking for someone who was at the younger age to attract the younger generation, to attract more people and have him be able to handle the four years and another eight years, because twelve years from now, he’s going to be in his sixties, around very close.

There was, there was a little part of me that was, that was hoping for a dark horse candidate, like a rand Paul that I think we all, I think we all were like, looking like, oh, can’t be someone on the list, it’s got to be somebody else. I was hoping, like, just surprise me with Rand Paul. That would be incredible. I will take the son if we couldn’t have the father, no doubt about it. Because, I mean, I was a Ron Paul. Ron Paul was really a huge part of my, my, my, my self, my education that I, I gave to myself, my, my home based constitutional education and everything else.

So I thought that would be a, that’d be an interesting pick. But we’ll see. There’s always a, there’s always, there’s always time. We’ll see, we’ll see what he, what he stands on. I’ll take a look at his, his foreign policy, and I guess the time will tell. But for now, I really don’t know too much. All I know is that whenever the left is going to call everybody an authoritarian nightmare. Nightmare. So that itself makes you want to knee jerk, just embrace anybody that they hate. But that’s not the right way to go either. I don’t know.

What do you think? Does Vivek Ramaswamy become the press secretary? I think he’s best suited for, for just wrangling a room full of ridiculous reporters. I think that would be a lot of great entertainment factor. Yeah, let me just say my math was off. He’ll be in his fifties when he’s done, because he’s 40 now, plus twelve years, or, you know, 52, not sixties. I don’t know where I got that number from. Some, I don’t have a calculator in front of me. But, yeah, I think that cash, I think General Flynn, I think all these individuals are going to have a place in Trump’s administration, either as press secretary, head of FBI, or head of intelligence.

I think one way or another he’s going to put these individuals in place. I mean, look, he has Devin Nunes heading up a true social as the CEO there. So I think all these people that have been loyal, all these people that have stuck by his side side this entire time never wavered. I think they will definitely be someplace in the administration. It would be, I hate putting the cart before the horse, but because, you know, it does, it doesn’t matter what we know, the actual polling reality and what everything is. We’re up against scoundrels. And I really do feel a little timid talking this confidently with you about this in the middle of July.

But it’s, I don’t know, every once in a while, I just feel like I just want to, want to let loose and talk, just talk about things that should be regardless. And what was it? There was one last thing I wanted to say about that came to mind and then it left. But, oh, that’s it. If there is one wish that I have that if things, I don’t expect the chaos to kind of like, taper off, I think that we’re going to get a lot crazier. It seems like, you know, everybody talks about October surprises that doesn’t exist anymore, the calendar year, especially in an election year, you get a February surprise, a march surprise, a mid march surprise.

I mean, it doesn’t, doesn’t stop, especially when you see how desperate people are to win. They don’t have the self control to keep anything big. Whatever they have, they’re going to try right off the bat. So I think about this and I say to myself, all right, well, despite all the chaos, if the turnout is as big as we know it can be and there’s no way to really squirrel this one away and steal it, what is some of the biggest, best things that Donald Trump can do as an individual going forward, aside from just suing for peace? And I still say the best thing you can do from the first time around I said he should be doing was appearing on more small podcasts.

I think that, I think anybody in his position who understands just how evil and detestable corporate media is, even the ones that, even the networks that claim to be center right, I think that the best thing that somebody like him can do is not try to get himself into the studio with Joe Rogan or, or anybody out, get onto small pot. You have plenty of people that are working for you. Vet out the quality of the host, vet out the quality of the conversation, get onto small pod. I get onto smaller podcasts and shows. I would love to see.

I would love to see more really great historian type people brought on, like real american history people. I would love to see how. So, I don’t know. There’s got to be more of a cultural rejuvenation and not only the furtherance of decentralized media, but also really, really big, great efforts for free public education for great teachers out there. Like, I have several friends of mine that I wish were household names just because of what they can bring as far as understanding of where our country came from, the philosophy behind our constitution, and that right there could do so much more to figure out where we are going to be culturally in four years from now after Donald Trump has, you know, hung up the red tie and is, you know, maybe just, you know, retires to Mar a Lago.

He’s a king maker here. He shows up the UFC, but he’s not, you know, rallying. He’s not campaigning anymore. That I think would be amazing. Double down on really, really decentralizing and breaking apartheid the media. That has to be a huge thing. And along the way, lead people to really great american educators that are all over the place and could really do a lot of good for people who want real solutions, which is get active locally. Thinking and acting locally is the biggest thing that we can do for the years ahead. So basically, you’re thinking like the founding fathers.

You want everything decentralized. Instead of everyone listening to the big corporate media, decentralize it. Have people, you know, listen to the smaller podcasts, smaller that are bringing on guests from certain areas, certain towns. And, yeah, I think that’s a very good way to approach it because we’ve experienced the corporate media, we experienced the centralized big conglomerates of like, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, and look what we got from them. Propaganda. Now, if you actually look at the movement, it has been the smaller pockets. I mean, think about how many podcasts are out there now. Think about how many people are watching all these different podcasts.

And yes, you do have certain ones that are very, very big, but there are many, many others that are smaller that have top quality guests on their top, top quality reporting on certain things. And I think that is the future. I think that will be the future. And I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump goes a, you know, goes out to other podcasts. He already started going onto certain podcasts. Yes, they’re much larger. But again, he’s campaigning. Yeah, I think later on, I wouldn’t be surprised if he decides to, you know, get on other podcasts and talk to people.

So, I mean, I think that’s a great idea. I think that’s the direction we should be heading in. Speaker one. And, you know, before we wrap up, Dave, I just want to congratulate you for really, I mean, a lot of people that we know had the rug pulled out from under them on YouTube and other places like that over the, you know, the last four years. But it’s been really great to see people like yourself who have really just duplicated your success on far more safer and stable and freer platforms. It must be really nice being on, out on the other side of that, of that fog, not knowing, like, you know, just, just how well you’re going to be able to, to get on with it.

And especially on Rumble. I mean, you’re, you’re, you’re almost back to where you were before they pulled the plug on you on YouTube. Yeah, very, very close. I mean, I mean, thank God for rumble, for true social, for Elon buying x, because I think without those platforms, if the deep state still controlled everything and we didn’t have those platforms, I don’t think we would be getting the word out the way we’re getting the word out. I think it would be controlled. Everything would be centralized with the social media company just like it’s centralized with the, with the news companies.

And I don’t think people would be hearing anything. So I’m very happy that we have these platforms. That’s one last thing. And you said hearing anything. I would also love to see a resurgence of people who take an interest in traditional terrestrial radio. I think the reason, the main reason why I started doing what I do, it’s not because I wanted to talk about the news. Current events just became a part of what I did a little bit more so around 2010, 2011. But when we started this, when I started broadcasting in 2006, it was really just about my love for mass communication and my dream that with building up my chops online, Internet radio would never, ever, ever compete with terrestrial.

I want to be on satellite, I want to be on AM FM, I want to be syndicated. That’s what I wanted. I said, I’ll just build. And then I just started realizing that everybody was going digital, and I found myself in a place where it was all coming up in the time where the audience was finally arriving. And I already had some chops and it was looking good. But regardless of where we go technologically and how industries naturally become obsolete. Radio. Amen. I fm. That will, that will always be miraculous technology. Perhaps the business model is obsolete of, you know, how everything you listen to is over regulated and it’s oversaturated with ads.

The business model is, is definitely, it needs a little bit of fine tuning, no doubt about it, and we need to deregulate the airwaves at least a little bit. I would love to talk about that some other time, but the, the technology of radio is miraculous. And I really, really hope that we can get back into finding a way of a new foothold in that technology again. You can see George Soros, media matters. They open societies. They are gobbling up hundreds of stations. They essentially bought, they’re buying radio stations and they’re buying local newspapers all over the place.

And if we continue just to write that off as obsolete dinosaur nonsense, we’re losing the plot, especially when it comes to radio. It’s a miraculous technology. The human voice is, is all we need to keep our spirits up to be able to, you know, to keep ourselves. It’s, it’s pretty much like the, the campfire that can be stoked for thousands and thousands of miles. You know, I would, I really, really hope that that becomes an interest for people to preserve again one day because I hate to see it going away because it’s not going to be any, it’s not going to lose its relevance, especially if we ever have any real communications disruption on a digital level.

If the Internet goes away, even for a couple of days, all we would have is the radio. True. So I just want to plant that seed for your audience. Hey, Frank, thank you very much for coming on the X 23 port spotlight. So if people wanted to watch your show, where should they go to watch your show? Well, the best way to learn everything about it is at, quite frankly, tv. I’m live Monday through Friday evenings at 07:00 p.m. until 09:00 p.m. eastern time. I am on, right there on the website is the, is the video and the chat for and foxhole.

But other than that, I’m on rumble. I’m on d live. Somehow. I’m still on Twitch and YouTube. Wow. You know, you’re on a year like this, who the hell knows what the hell happens? But quite frankly, tv, you can definitely check me out on all the places that you are checking out the x 22 report. And Dave, I’m just really happy that we got to reconnect. And I can’t wait until you come back on the show. Yeah, so my, I’m very happy that we reconnected. I can’t wait to come on your show. Thank you very much for being on the spotlight.

I’m going to put all the links at the bottom of the video to make it a lot easier for people. Once again, Frank, thank you very much for being on the spotlight. I really appreciate it. Thank you. It.

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