Former Gov Cuomo Claims Ignorance About Nursing Home Order | The David Knight Show

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➡ The David Knight Show talks about how former Governor Andrew Cuomo denied responsibility for controversial decisions during his term, blaming unknown staff members instead. This denial of accountability is common among leaders, including Trump, who despite their actions, refuse to accept blame. The article criticizes this lack of responsibility and calls for accountability from those in power. It also highlights a controversial directive from the New York Department of Health that allowed COVID-19 positive patients into nursing homes, which Cuomo denies knowledge of.


Former Governor Andrew Cuomo went before Congress and he says, well, I’m not responsible for any of this stuff. We’re now at the I know nothing stage, right? If only this was the Nuremberg trials, except of course we know that the Nuremberg trials, there are a lot of people who are Nazi collaborators, collaborators, and there are a lot of people who actually ran some of these horrific experiments or brought in with Operation Paperclip or they’re brought in with Operation Ticker Tape, as I call it, the bankers, and they were set up in various places.

I got Wernher von Braun. The rockets go up, the rockets go down. My concern says Wernher von Braun. So, you know, he’d run the V2 rocket thing. Well, we could use that. We could have him do some rockets for us, the mainstream media, or even much of the alternative conservative media. It’s not really coming out with a full truth now. A lot of them are still selling this panic of the lab stuff. A lot of them are still selling Trump as your savior, ignoring his culpability, ignoring his leadership in this globalist war against us and every country.

Don’t tell me this guy is an anti-globalist when he did everything that they wanted, at the exact time that they wanted, as long as he was there. He was their servant. Look at what he did, not what he said, not what he says now. He betrayed us. Benedict Donald, there’s absolutely no doubt about it. But let’s talk about Cuomo. Congress, he goes before Congress, and he says, well, I wasn’t the one who was responsible for the order. It was not me, it was somebody else. Wasn’t me. He tries to pass it to people above him.

And quite frankly, there is the culpability does, and the responsibility does flow uphill. The buck stops with the president. And the financing of all this, the buck started with the president. Cuomo told us that he didn’t know that this directive existed. I didn’t authorize that, he said. He says his department of health commissioner did not authorize it. Somehow it just popped up from an unknown staff member. That’s a report from a Republican, from New York Republican Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis, I guess. Anyway, I’m not sure about the pronunciation of her last name, but anyway, she told that to reporters in a briefing after this closed door hearing.

He says, he said, I didn’t sign that order. The guy who works for me didn’t sign that order. I don’t know who signed that order. It’s an unknown staffer. So, you know, we’ve got monuments to the unknown soldier that we honor. And I guess maybe what we could do is burn an effigy, the unknown staffers and the unknown bureaucrats who did this because none of our leaders wants to take responsibility. Fauci doesn’t want to take responsibility. Francis Collins doesn’t want to take responsibility. Trump doesn’t even have to push it away.

He’s got people like Alex Jones and Wayne Allyn Root who will push it away from him. Nobody wants responsibility for any of this stuff. So we need to, we could set it up in every locality. We could have the unknown medical health dictator, the unknown gazoon height fuhrer, as Eric Peters called him. And we could set that thing up and as, you know, we pass by it, we could all spit on it or whack it or something like that, you know, take out our ingrown because, you know, Cuomo and Trump and all the people who are doing this, they don’t have any responsibility at all.

They know nothing about any of this stuff. The governor finds out about this directive that kills thousands of seniors a month later, she said. She said, this is outrageous, this, this lie that he’s telling us. He finds out about it. He says a month later, but he still did not do an internal investigation to find out who this lowly staff member who is still unknown. Who was that person? Who was that masked man? I don’t know Kim Wasabi. She said that to me is unconscionable. Yeah, you know what? Republicans are playing that same game with Trump.

You mean he was present and he was funding this at every level and he doesn’t know who did it. And he’s not responsible for anything that anybody did. And even though he brags and says that it was all him, even though he says, I saved millions of lives with my lockdowns. I did more of a lockdown in the vouch he wanted and all the rest of the stuff. But Trump’s not to blame. No, no, the Republicans will never hold him to blame. It is outrageous that Andrew Cuomo would say this.

She’s absolutely right about it. But it’s also outrageous. I guarantee you that this Republican Congresswoman from New York would never hold Trump responsible for any of these consequences. And we’ve seen this now with Francis Collins and with Fauci before that. I don’t know where that six foot rule came from. I don’t know who thought it was a good idea to do masks. I have nothing to say about that. Well, it was there. You’d never asked to see any studies to see if there was a reason for the six foot rule or the mask.

No, no, I never, never, never, never asked about that. It’s funny, you know, I never, and the governor sees this, you know, all these people are being sent to and he doesn’t know who did it. Doesn’t care about it. Doesn’t investigate it at all. And of course, you know, they will investigate to try to make political capital out of it, but they will not investigate or ask any questions of Trump. The March 25th, 2020 directive from the New York Department of Health stated that nursing home operators couldn’t refuse to accept residents even if they tested positive for COVID-19 quote, no resident shall be denied readmission or admission to a nursing home solely based on confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19 said the order.

Now, again, this is noteworthy because if this were a real pandemic, which it was not, then, uh, you know, it would, uh, that, that makes absolutely no sense. It was really medical martial law. It was really an effort in every way that they could to get elderly people sick with a cold or whatever, because you know, cold will turn into flu, turn into pneumonia, turn into whatever. And you know, uh, people die from it. Uh, they wanted to have dead bodies that they could, uh, that, that were caused by medical malpractice or by non-treatment or by novel new treatments that made absolutely no sense.

But now he says he’s not responsible. Well, he turned it over to them, but see, this is the same game that the Congress always plays. Well, uh, you know, we didn’t do it. It was a bureaucracy that did it. You fund the bureaucracy. You continue to fund the bureaucracy. All you’ll do is maybe if it gets really bad, you won’t even defund the bureaucracy or change anything or pass any conflicting laws. You let them pass the rules and then if things get really bad, you have a trial and you give them a tongue lashing, but things remain the same.

We even see that with the president. Well, I can’t, uh, undo the executive order from preceding president. Let me ask the Supreme court if I can do it. So of course, they said, no, can’t do it. Okay. Well, I’m, I’m off the hook now. I really would like to do something about immigration, but everybody tells me that I can’t do anything about it. So that’s the end of it. So what’s the difference with Trump? Well, the difference is, is that Trump, unlike Cuomo, unlike Fauci, unlike Francis Collins is really not trying to pass the blame off to anybody.

You know, he’s kind of in this neutral position. The first thing that we have seen from him to indicate that he understands that he’s has some culpability and all of this, uh, was when he started, he sensed a threat, uh, uh, there’s disturbance in the force. And, um, he was worried about RFK junior because our RFK juniors got the goods on him. He says, yeah, he used me. Basically he used RFK junior to bid his price up the big pharmaceutical companies, talking about being a vaccine skeptic and everything. And then he, he took the millions of dollars from the vaccine companies and they put the CEO of Eli Lilly and Alex Azar, uh, who, you know, kick this thing off, uh, and, and run it through HHS.

But here’s what Trump was saying about RFK junior. Now, even though Trump has bragged about being the father of the vaccine, and it’s such a wonderful thing. I’ve saved so many millions of lives. You people don’t want to talk about it, but hey, it’s great. It’s a wonderful thing. And now he comes after RFK junior. And by the way, he said the other night that vaccines are fine. He said you did too for years, television show that vaccines are fine. He’s all for them. And that’s what he said. And for those of you that want to vote, because you think he’s an anti-vaxxer, he’s not really an anti-vaxxer.

That’s only his political moment. He said it the other night, he’s okay with the vaccine there. Well, are you, are you, what’s your position? You childish, juvenile liar. I mean, it’s just unbelievable. That guy, I just, uh, you know, the, the Maga myth that has been created around him, the Maga myth of people like Wayne Allen root, you know, the chosen one guy and then Alex Jones, the it’s a sugar water jab and all the rest of stuff. And how many times we’ve seen Alex, you know, Alex is, is like the Trump tulip, you know, he loves me.

He loves me. Not. He loves me. He loves me. Not. Uh, these are the guys who are always out there to blame bureaucrats on behalf of Trump, just like, uh, the Cuomo is trying to do. Cuomo said in the investigation, say New York followed the federal guidance. See not. It was somebody, some anonymous person, some unknown staffer, not even the people that reported directly to me. Some low level staffer put this rule out there that killed people, put mixed sick people in with elderly people. Uh, it was some low level staff.

I don’t know who it was. I never bothered to look or it was somebody up above me. Wasn’t me. Maybe it’s federal guidance. He also said New York did well during the pandemic, but that the federal government failed this nation didn’t know New York do well. New York did was they pushed out this pandemic propaganda. Even one person wrote a book, a pandemic nurse. I interviewed her. She said, yeah, I was in Florida. Nothing was happening, but I kept hearing how everything was happening in New York. So I volunteered to go up there to help them.

And she reported in and they didn’t even bother to contact her for a few days. And then they brought her in the guy showing around. Yeah, we’re not really all that busy. These people over here, we got on ventilators. Um, about 90% of them are going to die, you know, a type of thing. Um, it kills people, but you know, we keep doing it. And, um, yeah, so she blew the whistle on it. Uh, but New York was positioning itself as being the worst place on earth throughout all this stuff. Now he changes that tune as well.

Cuomo acknowledged in the deposition that the language in the New York mandate was not the same as the CMS guidance. And so this is what Elise Stefanik is saying big Trump cheerleader. Okay. Um, who has no problem at all with what Trump did. It’s the problem is only with what Democrats did. They’re never going to talk about any Republicans doing anything wrong here. That would be nice if I could play that game. I can’t play that game. I don’t know how people in good conscience, you know, people like Elise Stefanik who will tell you the truth about the Democrats, but she will lie up one side and down the other about what her idol Trump did.

How do you sleep at night? You’ll stand before God one day and you’ll answer for these lies. It’s just amazing to me. I can’t understand that kind of faithless Machiavellianism that people have. It’s amazing. Anyway, uh, yeah, talk about CMS guidance. You know, the CMS guidance of, uh, ventilators to kill people, rim does severe to kill people under Trump. And then that kind of bribery I’ll pay you, you know, massive amounts of money, 20% bonus Trump though. It keeps telling us, even though people are getting very angry, even though people are starting to turn away from this.

The only thing that we’ve seen from Trump is him coming after RFK Jr. But, uh, you know, for the most part, he’s still saying stuff like this. The problem is, you know, we save tens of millions of lives all over the world, but I can’t talk about it because our base, our beautiful base of which some of you are there. You get angry when we mentioned the word vaccine don’t get angry. Yeah. Well, there’s a great rhetorical question on daily skeptic. It says, uh, so if the COVID vaccines saved 20 million lives, Trump, chump, uh, why did so few unvaccinated people die in the winter of 2021? Why is that? Right.

The deaths actually went down according to statistics, uh, kept in the UK, the unvaccinated people, their deaths actually declined. Uh, because he goes, maybe at that point in time, they started to realize what hospitals are doing to people because this was, uh, these excess deaths and everything with the hospital protocols that Trump was bribing people to do suddenly. It’s okay to question the vaccine narrative, uh, says, um, uh, a couple of people, Carl Hennigan and Tom Jefferson, uh, trust the evidence. They said, uh, suddenly it’s okay to question the vaccine narrative.

The David Knight show is a critical thinking super spreader. If you’ve been exposed to logic by listening to the David Knight show, please do your part and try not to spread it. Financial support or simply telling others about the show causes this dangerous information to spread farther. People have to trust me. I mean, trust the science, wear your mask, take your vaccine, don’t ask questions. Using free speech to free minds. It’s the David Knight show. [tr:trw].

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Andrew Cuomo denial of responsibility call for accountability in power controversial decisions during Cuomo's term controversial New York Department of Health directive COVID-19 positive patients in nursing homes criticism of leaders avoiding responsibility Cuomo denies knowledge of nursing home directive lack of accountability in leadership Trump's refusal to accept blame unknown staff members blamed by Cuomo

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