Financial Prepper – Dig a Pond Stock it With Fish and Wait for the End Game | Rafi Farber

Posted in: News, Patriots, Rafi Farber



➡ Rafi Farber hosts a conversation about financial preparedness, or “prepping”, which involves saving resources like gold and silver to ensure survival in case of a societal breakdown. The speakers discuss the importance of money in maintaining civilization and preventing chaos. They also talk about the idea of creating a community that understands the value of real money. One speaker shares his experience of investing in rental properties and precious metals, and how he started a YouTube channel to share his knowledge about financial prepping.

➡ The speaker discusses the current state of the world, noting that many people are aware something is wrong but are unsure of what to do. They started a channel to discuss these issues and encourage people to form their own opinions. They also discuss the importance of financial responsibility, cautioning against risky investments and encouraging people to pay off debts before investing in precious metals. They end by discussing the potential for a financial crisis, where the stock market performs well but consumer prices rise faster, leading to financial hardship for many.

➡ This text discusses the financial value of gold versus stocks since 1971, suggesting that gold has outperformed stocks. It argues that despite seeming wealth from stocks, Americans are poorer now than in 1971 due to inflation and other factors. The text also discusses the potential for hyperinflation and the government’s attempts to tax everything, including gold. It concludes by suggesting that in a hyperinflation scenario, people might resort to trading in commodities like silver or goods like corn, as they could lose faith in the value of currency.

➡ The text discusses the potential collapse of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) if it’s not backed by gold. It suggests that people won’t accept payment in a currency they can’t spend, leading to its downfall. The text also mentions the possibility of a chaotic future with war, fines, and penalties, and the importance of preparing for such scenarios. It ends by discussing the potential for a liberating anarchy, where the government shrinks significantly, but also warns of a dystopian future where authorities will do anything to maintain control.

➡ Rafi, living in a remote area, prepares for potential crises by keeping chickens for eggs, storing extra water, and maintaining a supply of canned food. He also has a handgun for protection and is part of a local militia. He’s also started a chat group to discuss prepping and financial strategies. Chris, on the other hand, has built a pond stocked with fish and installed a massive water filter. He also invests in ‘freedom seeds’ and precious metals, and has a variety of tools for self-sufficiency. Both believe in the importance of community and self-reliance in times of uncertainty.

➡ The discussion revolves around preparing for a potential economic crisis. The speakers suggest investing in practical items like machinery and tools that won’t lose value. They also discuss the importance of learning hands-on skills like welding or sewing, which could become highly valuable in a crisis. They predict a shift towards local, domestic production and foresee a period of hardship followed by recovery. They also discuss the potential impact on employment rates, suggesting that community cooperation and trade could help mitigate job loss.

➡ The speaker discusses his strategy of selling silver when the silver to gold ratio reaches 30 to 1, and more as it approaches 15 to 1. He also mentions a unique ‘chicken to silver’ ratio he created, where a laying hen is worth 1oz of silver. He encourages people to shop around for the best prices on precious metals and promotes his YouTube channels, where he shares financial advice and teaches people how to build things. He also mentions his presence on other social media platforms like Twitter and Rumble.


I just built a three acre pond. It’s kind of like a lake stock full of fish. I’m putting a massive water filter. Enough. It’ll filter enough water for, I don’t know, I don’t know, several. It’ll filter the whole pond if I wanted to. Are you also building a three acre lake to stock with fish in your backyard? Well, before you do, dig a little hole at the bottom of the foundation of that lake and put a dirty man safe in it. It’s also waterproof. Or if you don’t want to do that, just dig a hole somewhere and put your dirty man safe in it.

It can store up to a million dollars in gold bullion at today’s prices. Use the discount code endgame ten for 10% off and check the link at the bottom in the description. And you’ll also get ten free coin holders with your order. Endgame ten at checkout. And support the endgame investor and be a prepper at the bottom of a lake, etcetera. Hey, guys. RaF here from the Endgame investor. And I got Phil with me conducting this wonderful interview with financial prepper Chris from Louisiana. And I’m just going to make a few introductory comments and then we’ll get to it.

I just wanted to say that I consider myself a financial prepper, but I didn’t call myself that. I called myself the endgame investor. But sometimes I’ve gone on some prepping shows, canadian preppers, one of them, and I get a lot of comments kind of deriding us financial preppers. And I know you’re more of a bona fide prepper than just a financial prepper. I understand that. And they don’t. I think what gets lost in the mix is that the only thing that prevents society from really breaking down and every man for himself and mad Max sort of thing, is the fact that money exists because we’ve determined as a species that it’s more efficient and better, and we’d have a better chance of surviving if we just trade rather than kill each other.

And then we get into groups where the leader of our group says, you know, invites us into his group and says, well, what can you trade? And we still need money to trade with our own group. And then we can make bigger and bigger groups, and eventually we have a civilization, but that’s only because of money. So eventually our money derivatives are going to break down, like the fake money is going to break down, and everyone with fake money but no real money will suddenly be kicked out of the division of labor and the problem is, if you have too many people kicked out of the division of labor, they start killing each other.

So the way to prevent the zombie apocalypse and to prevent society from breaking down is to make sure that enough people have enough real money so that they can keep trading and not kill each other. And that’s where our communities, I think, should understand that we meet and you take care of more of the finer details of how to amass resources and stay out of the Mad max scenario. Even if it were to introduce itself, even briefly, would be dangerous enough. And we don’t see it that a lot of financial purposes don’t see it that way.

But what we’re really trying to do is make the. Whatever zombie apocalypse ends up formulating itself as short and as mild as possible by making sure the maximum amount of people have as much money as they can get, which means gold and silver and anything very, very close to the bottom of the pyramid around there. So, Chris, thanks for coming on. And, Phil, I’ll let you take over from here. Wonderful. So I was. I was originally quite skeptic of prepping. I wasn’t. I wasn’t horribly skeptic of prepping. I would. I wasn’t like, these people are dumb.

I was thinking, these people are possibly wasting their resources. But even in the best case, sort of overly preparing. Like, you know, maybe, maybe a few weeks of canned goods is a good idea, but a stocked lake in your back property is a bit of an overkill, you know? So I never. And this is all. This is all pre Covid. So when Covid hit and I realized something was wrong, and I’ve covered this on both your channels, uh, I started investigating. And that. That led me to Raffi. And Raffi said, um, the magic words that mean probably mean nothing to you, Chris, which was necessity and monetary regression.

But that turned my blood to ice. Uh, and then I started watching. I started avidly watching prepping channels. So then I discovered you and started watching you. And I said, okay, this guy, you know, he definitely has some great ideas. And what intrigues me about you, Chris, is that you, like Rafi and I, are austrian school educated. You’re mostly instinctual. I think you came to the same conclusions we did, but through more just looking at the world around you and saying, well, this is what I think I should do. So I’m curious. What made you start prepping? When did you start prepping? And what made you start a YouTube channel about prepping? Okay, so going back to what Ralphie said, oh, by the way, thanks for having me on.

So you talked about financial prepping. And that’s what I say on my channel all the time, is if we can keep the good people that make this place what it is from being part of the problem, you know, hedging their wealth in precious metals or, you know, or maybe prepping, or if you’re broke and you don’t have any food, you can’t really help anybody. Right? So that was the whole thing on the financial side going into it that I thought of was. That’s exactly right. It’s going to be a community, and a community that knows what real money is.

And how did I get there? Well, I started buying rental properties, and it’s one of those things that I always wanted to do, and it’s hard to get up the nerve to do it. And we bought one and then two and then three, and I learned how to do it with zero money down. They were paying me at the closing table. It was great. We were just, you know, I did six and a year and a half, and my plan was to have 100 doors. But as you get into investing and buying assets that, you know, things that pay you to own them, and you’re starting to have your own balance sheet, your assets and your liabilities, and you figure out what you’re worth, and you start to kind of pay attention to interest rates.

Well, what happens when interest rates go up? The bank says, I can get an arm loan. Should I do that? And you start seeing what the wealthy, and I’m talking the mucco wealthy, are really watching. You start watching that, and it’s like, okay, I need to start paying attention to inflation a little bit better. I’ve always had precious metals. I just knew that was money. My grandfather taught me that. And my mother’s a fine jeweler. She makes fine jewelry for 40 years. And so as I started paying attention to all of those things, we started seeing crazy stuff happen in 2020.

We started seeing people not having to pay rent. So I started going down the rabbit hole of what happens when inflation gets worse. And it’s easier to understand what to do if you make the problem much bigger. So what happens if a man’s paycheck goes to food instead of rent? Where’s the threshold on that? And it’s usually about 30% to 40%. If 30% to 40% of a man’s paycheck goes towards food, the landlord is the very first person to get stiff. He’s, you know, he’s the person that doesn’t get paid. So knowing that I thought, well, it’s probably time to start thinking about selling.

Well, how do I know when to sell it? Well, the only way I really know is when prices are high, right. Real estate was expensive, so I started selling the rental properties that I just purchased. But there’s an old saying, a quick nickel is better than a slow dime, if you’ve heard that one or not. So far it’s. It’s been good. The YouTube channel. I started running around going from not really going anywhere, just working around here to probably two or three times a year going to the rebel capitalist live in Miami. Uh, I went and met, uh, George Gammon, actually hung out with him and then in his condo for till three in the morning talking about everything that we all talk about.

And met Mark Moss and hung out with Robert Kiyosaki a little bit. And just people that, that are like us, you know, for the most part. And you, you just start to learn and start to really start to see what’s coming. And we’re talking some major, major changes in our life, like what we’re going into. Nobody has ever lived through what we are looking straight in the eyes. Right. And there’s a ton of recency. Biased. You know, it’s always been this way, it’ll always be that way. But I’m telling you, things are changing fast and it’s hard.

People have scales on their eyes and they can’t see. Most people can’t see what’s coming until it’s too late. And that’s the people that I feel for the most, because they’re waking up every day. I don’t know if you’ve guys noticed it. Have you noticed the amount of people that have woken up in the last year? Yes. Yes, absolutely. I’m in a different. I haven’t, I haven’t seen as much, but I’m noticing, noticing other subtle things. But here we’ve gone from one insanity to the next. So it’s hard for me to even separate them. Well, it’s not like everyone suddenly wakes up and they understand Rothbard fully.

It’s that people just realize. It’s almost like a blind panic already. People know something’s wrong and they don’t know which way to go. That’s part of why I started my channel. As I said, the main reason I started my channel was because I was talking my wife to death. Like, I was just telling her the same things. She’s like, I understand I’m on the same page. And I was like, but I have to, like, process this in my head, and I want to talk to other people about it. So I was like, I’m going to form a channel and we’ll start talking to other people, too.

But I do notice that there’s a lot of people with, they know something’s wrong, they just don’t know which direction to go in. And there’s a lot of people offering a lot of different ideas, and that’s fine. I’m not objecting to that. That’s the marketplace of ideas. I would never say, you know, hypothetical. I’m just picking a name out of hat. Someone like Brent Johnson with his dollar milkshake. I would never say, don’t listen to him. I don’t think he’s correct, but I would never say, don’t listen to, listen to him. Listen to me later off he listen to you and make your own conclusions to all viewers.

Man, that’s perfect. That’s the thing. Come up with your own convictions. That way you don’t, there’s nobody to blame but you. You got it. And if you don’t have the conviction, you’re not going to hold on to your decision. These people that get too heavy in precious metals and the price goes down, they sell it at low prices, you know, they don’t have what it takes. Yeah. I had a private conversation with you where it sounded like you had just spoken to somebody. It sounded like you had spoken to somebody who you, they had watched your show and went really heavy into precious metals, and then there was a dip, and they sold some off, and apparently they were yelling at you or something.

Did that happen? No, nobody’s yelled at me. I’m pretty straightforward about that. But I have people call me and say, hey, you know, I want to buy, I just ran into some money, and I want to put it all in precious metals. Like, well, that’s fine, whatever you want to do. But first, what, what’s your situation? What’s your financial situation? Well, I’ve got $20,000 worth of credit card debt. Pay that off first. Not financial advice. That’s just what you should do, you know, but no way I can buy precious metals, and then it’ll double, and then I can pay it off, and I’ll have you know, that’s what I see mostly the gambler mentality that, hey, I’m sure we’ve all fell victim to some type of that.

Right? Well, inflation fuels that. It makes people much worse at calculating how to balance their incomes and stuff. And when people don’t, what I caution everybody, I caution, my viewers, just about every episode, I said, there’s probably going to be some period of deflation before the hyperinflation. And you’re going to see, I mean, that’s gonna be hard because you’re gonna see your metals positions go down with everything else. And silver especially, might go down harder than many other things. So you need to have the, you need to have the logical foundation and the spine of titanium to sit through that part, because that’s gonna test.

That will test the. That will test the soul of any man. Right. There’s two ways to look at, and this is what I tell my subscribers that you can either look at, you can either use precious metals to make more dollars, which is the gambler, or you can use your dollars to stack more precious metals, which are money like it. Those are opposite ways of looking at it. I’m not against using precious metals to make more dollars. If you want to do that on the side with some trading and gambling, that’s fine, but you have to know that it’s an addictive and it’s a trapping.

It traps you just like any, any, uh, any gambling addiction will do. And if you can handle it, and you could do it responsibly, do it. But this is. That’s not what I’m about. I’m actually a short gold right now. I shorted it at 2023. Three. Three. And it’s just, that’s watching the market so much, uh, it never goes up in a straight line. So it’s got these, these areas where it likes to turn around and there are imbalances in the market. I trade it and. But I don’t trade my precious metals that are physical. That’s a hedge, it’s an insurance policy.

You have insurance on your health, your, your cars, everything else. Why not have it on your. Well, it just sits there and it hangs out. It’s up to you to come up with the right conviction. You know, whatever you. What percentage you want to come put into precious metals, what, you know, how bad do you think it’s going to get? You know, that’s up to you. But as far as, you know, gambling with it, uh, I could care less about going to the casino. Everything. If you want to gamble, just open up trading view and, and, uh, yeah, yeah, buy some stocks, man, because it is a gamble.

I would like to get your opinion before we get off here about the melt. Do either of you have a opinion about melt? That we can do it after you interview. Crack up, boom. The crack up. Boom. Melt up. Whatever you want to talk, it’s almost certainly an inevitability. In fact, I would say it certainly isn’t inevitability. What’s your, what’s your specific question on it? I’m just trying to get people’s layout. What are they? You know, we have a deflationary event, and then they make QE of some type, whatever it be. You can call it money printing if you want to, but it could be whatever.

And that money runs into the stock market. And we have the best performing stock market, kind of like Venezuela, kind of like all the other countries that had hyperinflation. The difference between this one and the previous ones, if this is indeed the end game, is that consumer prices, the money is going to be helicoptered out directly and the consumer prices are going to go up, probably faster than the stock market. In fact, I would say, yes, definitely faster than the stock market. So everyone’s, especially in the initial stages, people are going to notice their nominal savings going way up in the stock market.

But every day they go to the store, the prices are getting worse and worse and worse. And at some point, people are going to be taking emergency cashing in their 401 ks, doing emergency loans, all that kind of stuff, just to make the ends meet. And this is going to be en masse. And this is when you get the. This is when the government comes in and starts instituting capital controls, trying to control the inflation. So they say you can only withdraw, you know, $10,000 a month, but, you know, dinner at Outback is $5,000 at this point.

I mean, this is when the craziness starts happening. So it is the final. In some ways, it’s still euphoric because the numbers are still going up and people don’t quite realize it until the end that they’re, like, completely wiped out. But it is, it is definitely like the end of a crack bench. It’s like the very end when you’re really strong out and there is a little bit of euphoria in there, but it’s also mixed with a, with a, with a real desperation. So the people that have the house and the swimming pool and the two cars, they could never really afford, but they got it through debt and they’re swimming in it.

And, you know, it’s the, the waves are overtaking them and it’s getting worse and worse and worse. And, you know, their kids are wondering, why are we only having two meals a day now? Why is summer camp no longer happening? All these things are building up, and it comes to a blow off top. Rafi ill just add that on a longer term view, it can feel like if youre invested in stocks, that youre really outpacing inflation. Because you log into your brokerage, you see a certain dollar amount. You imagine in your head what real wealth I could acquire with all those dollars.

And then you’re rich in your mind, and maybe you’re also rich in your emotions because you have this padded brokerage account of the stocks that you own. So if you have a big bill, big doctor’s bill, tragedy in your family, whatever, you can always pay for it because that number is still there on the screen of your computer. But if you look back in real terms from 1971, when the last link to gold was officially severed, gold is outperforming stocks. If in 1971 you had bought 100oz of gold for $3,500 or you bought $3,500 worth of stocks, you would be up more in gold now, which means that the entire bull market run from 1971, including all the little bear pullbacks since then, it’s all an illusion, which means that the hyperinflation that’s to come is going to get rid of the rest of it.

So it’s really like people think they’re outpacing it with stocks, but they’re really not. I mean, some people who get off at the high point from some luck or whatever, they really do win out. I’m not saying there aren’t winners in the inflationary system. There always are. But as a society, Americans are much poorer now than they were in 1971, and they continue to be that way. And it’s hard to even realize it because technology makes lives easier in some ways and very much harder in other ways because disconnects us from each other, and it makes us feel less human.

So, I mean, there’s a lot, there’s a lot of countervailing forces here, but in the end, we’re all worse off right now. And they had, and you would have zero third party risk. You know, you would. If you had had precious metals, it would have just been at your disposal. You could have done anything you want to. It wouldn’t be the government trying to tax unrealized gains on the stock market. You know, it’s crazy. It just made sense to me. The government does tax, at least in America, the government does tax gold. The physical gold bullion, I don’t know how many bot system, you know, I don’t know if you take it to.

I’ve never gone to a coin shop to sell gold or anything. So I don’t know if there’s like reported somewhere, if it’s honor system that you have to report if when you, it goes by states, certain states. My wife’s a broker for Miles Franklin and she, certain states is there’s a tax when you buy it, but it depends on where you have it delivered. Hint, nudge, nudge. And when you sell it, if you sell it to Joe Bob down the road, then you know, that’s the way that works. But yeah, you’re right. I’m sure there’s, they’re trying to tax everything.

They will try and tax everything. Now I do want to say this is one thing, taxes completely break down in a hyperinflation because you can just, no matter what the tax rate is, if you can just delay it hours, a couple days, then you can, you can go out in the street and pick up the notes you need to pay whatever tax. And they’re not even, they’re really not going to even try because it’s worthless to them too. They, you know, the IR’s is not going to care, doesn’t care many worthless notes because they, the entire, all the juice they’re getting is from the print.

So they just, they’re just printing at this accelerating rate to try and get the last juice out of the lemon before they have to admit that it was all fake. Right. Go ahead, please, go ahead. No, I was going to say that’s exactly what happened in Israel in 1984. They just stopped collecting mortgages. The bank stopped collecting payments on mortgages and they reset to the dollar and changed monetary policy and the whole housing market and everything else just started over. I don’t even know how the society survived it, but they did anyway. So let me ask you this.

Did they? Because this is very curious to me. Whoever is living in the house, they get to keep the house. I don’t know. I don’t know what happens because I would, I mean, what will happen if they let it play it out is that, you know, a cabbage costs $400 trillion. So you just, you, you know, you take $400,000 and pay off your house or whatever it is and pay off your house loan. But if they don’t let that happen, I don’t, they’re gonna have to, they’re gonna have to do something. I don’t know. Yeah, they have to look into that era more.

I don’t know exactly what happened, but I know it was a tumultuous year, but somehow they got through it, the country got through it, and somehow the rest of the world will get through this endgame, too. I do know in Weimar when they reestablished the currency with one that worth the Renton mark, I don’t know exactly how they did it, but they reactivated some of the old loans in the new money. They said you owe something like ten or 20% of whatever the old loan was in the new money. And they had some four formula because people had basically gotten a bunch of property, theyd loan money, gotten property and then paid it off with hyperinflated notes.

And so whatever the compromise was, they came back with that. No, you actually do owe these landlords or you owe the banks some amount of the new currency for this. I dont personally consider it fair. I think they should have been able to walk away the property, but well see what happens this time. Yeah. Chris, where were you stay before they, they changed the rules as they go. And as you’re talking about that, two things. How many ounces of gold did it take to buy a house? 1930s, compared to how many ounces of gold would take to buy a house.

Now that ratio is really cool. There’s a good chance you’ll be able to buy a house with a very little amount of gold in the future. But that brings me to the main question was we talked about they’re going to tax everything, right? That’s, that’s no death and taxes. The two things that are for sure. What about the CBDC and taxing gold? If the CBDC is the currency that we are forced to use, the 1984 orwellian tool of the mother of all tools in their toolbox would be the CBDC, right? They can control everything. How much you get, how much meat you have.

They can shut your bank off. They can do whatever tax you, even if you have paid your taxes because they say you didn’t. Whatever. What if you got to sell your gold for CBDC and the tax is 80%? Is that, is that not par on what they’ve done in the past? Well, we’re not. I’ll let Phil answer this, but we’re not so worried about CBdcs because essentially what they are is complete price control of everything. And price controls always fail. So therefore CBDC will always fail too. By transitive property. They can force you to use a currency.

They can’t force you to value it at any amount. They can say uses currency and then it goes to zero. And then people just stop using it because otherwise they’ll starve to death and they use something else. And the government can’t do anything about it. So there’s no such thing as absolute control. It’s impossible. So I just did a video on this on my channel. The way I think about looking at it is, you know, imagine you go to the store and you want to buy some meat and your CBDC beeps at you and say, no, no meat.

You’ve gotten your monster ration. You can get some cricket powder over there, but no meat for you. So you go to the owner of the store, by the way, the meat is, the meat has an expiration date. The guy needs to sell it. So you go to the owner of the store, you say, look, my CBDC is beeping at me. Can I just give you some silver for this prime rib? Now the owner of the store, he likes to drink, he likes his whiskey, but when he goes to the alcohol beverage store, his CBDC beeps at him.

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep beep beep. You’ve had way too much to drink. Government doesn’t like that. So he said, you know what, I will take your silver because I can’t buy the liquor with my CBDC either. And so there’s a quick workaround which is just trading in the most liquid commodity, which is silver. And then additionally, what are people going to do with this currency? They’re going to turn it into things they can buy as fast as possible. So I can’t buy the meat, but I can buy, let’s say corn. So I’ll go buy 100 years of corn and then go and try it.

I’ll can it turn it into, I’ll can it dry it, sell it, whatever. You trade it for something else, whatever. And when everyone does that, the price in all goods skyrockets, which is a hyperinflation because it’s people dumping the currency. So either, and if they just, if they just shut it down, then people will just abandon the currency outright. They’ll say, well I cannot access it. I see this number on a screen, but I can buy literally nothing with it. Its like when they shut down the bank accounts in Lebanon, right? You go to the ATM, it says you have $10,000 in your bank account.

Cant withdraw it. You can get mad about it, but you cant get the money out. So what do you do? Well you just write it off eventually people just write it off. So these are the things. And im not going to take payment in a CBDC that I cant spend, that I cant spend, that no one will take. Why would I take payment? Then im going to say, no, pay me in something else else when I go to my job. So I won’t payment something else. I don’t payment in the CBDC. So all these things will lead to the collapse of the CBDC.

Not to mention if the CBDC is not, the only way this would work, the only way the CBDC would even take hold is if it’s gold backed. If the CBDC is not gold backed, then it’s just going to die when the dollar dies because the dollar itself will be. The only reason they’re trying to bring in a CBDC is because the dollar is dying. So when the dollar’s dead, the CBDC will be dead as well. That’s the Hail Mary, right? It’s the Hail Mary past or the dog. The people that are in charge, really dumb, like the, they’re really dumb, like, watch.

What’s that got Bernstein, the head of Biden’s economics advisor, and they asked how does, how does it work? Jared Bernstein? Yeah, Jared Bernstein. They, they might think this would work and they might try it, but it’s not going to work. It’s going to, the currency is going to collapse. So I am, I’m not worried about the hyper inflate, about the CBD. I’m working with hyper provision. I’m not worried about the CBDC. I’m more worried about a Mad Max scenario that you and I have talked about that before, Chris, which is, you know, the thunderdome. We’re entering the Thunderdome.

But there’s one thing that you didn’t mention in the story where the, the clerk was paying, paid in silver because he liked to drink. And the fines in prison time that you’ll get for having precious metals, that is not uncommon. This has been going on through history over and over. They take from the population whatever’s valuable, whatever they deem to be money, which is usually gold and silver. And if you don’t do what you’re told, you know, we’ll cut your head off. So that puts another, a little bit of a spin on the, and I’m just, I’m right there with you guys.

I’m not saying any, really anything different. There is a few things to kind of walk through when it comes to the prepping side of things. When you kind of have a little bit of what you need to try to make it through that really weird Hail Mary CBDC time, that’s going to be complicated with war and rumors of wars and fines and penalties and all this stuff. When you try to do business outside in the gray areas. What? Well, Lagarde, Christine Lagarde said, you know, there’s. There’s. If you spend over a. Then you’re. You’re in the gray area.

You need to come back and, you know, I don’t know if you heard her talk about that. Now, we have in Europe this threshold above €1000. You cannot pay cash. If you do, you are on the gray market. You take your risk, you get caught, you are fined, or you go in jail. But there’s. That’s just something to think through, which will take you over to the prepping side of things. Well, in the free market, in the kind of scenario we’re talking about, the police are going to be rather broke as well. And you will be able.

I mean, if they want to kick down your door and go through your entire house with a metal detector and you’re handcuffed or dead, there’s not a lot you can do in that point. However, if you’re trying to make a transaction and the officer comes up, excuse me, sir, I can see you’re trading a metal. You can potentially say, well, yes, I am, but I can also have some extra metal if you want to pretend this never happened. Now, he’ll be very poor. So the black market and all these things will be thriving. I mean, police have been.

Since police were first invented, police have been taking bribes to look the other way on things. I mean, we’d have to talk survivor of the soviet system, who went, not a survivor of the gulag, but a survivor of the economy of the soviet system to see how it actually worked on a daily basis. You know, we haven’t really been there in the US, and I haven’t been that here either. But they’d have the answers to this. And, yeah, Gulag archipelago, that’s a good one. It doesn’t. That is not exactly about precious metals, but that is a wild read if you’ve ever been through it.

Sure. So I’ve read some books about North Korea. I’m just very fascinated by North Korea. And I can tell you there is a patronage system develops. So I don’t know if we’re necessarily going to a communist state, but if we were going to a very tyrannical communist state, then you get a position in the bureau and you use your largesse to protect your clan around you, and then it organizes that way. Now, I think we’re going to go into much more of an anarchy. The american citizenry is just so heavily armed, and there’s still enough of us that are imbued with liberty.

That I don’t, I don’t see, you know, I don’t see us going quietly into the good night of communism. I really, really don’t. We will not go quietly into the night. We will not vanish without a fight. I mean, half the states will go into open rebellion. Chris, what do you see on southern stone? Where, where do you think we’re actually headed, man? That’s something that I have to think about, but I don’t like thinking about. Let me put it, let me, let me give you some optimism, Chris. I see, I see liberty as very, I see the collapse in anarchy is very liberating.

There’ll be a lot of chaos and pain. But everything you hate right now, don’t you? I mean, if you hate the government, you know, spying on you and trying to control your currencies and all this stuff on a gold standard, the government must shrink by 95% to 99%. It must. They don’t have, there is not enough gold to survive for a government of this size to subsist. Not even close. So you’re talking about the federal government just disappearing. Now all these people are going to be on the pool. We’re talking about a 60. I don’t think that’s going to happen.

Unemployment rate, briefly. I think. I don’t believe a world superpower is just going to poof. I think we’re going to see, like I said, we’re going to see wars. We’re going to see a 21st century of gestapo. You talk about police. We’re going to see something like 1984, where when the CBDC is introduced and it’s failing, they are going to do whatever it takes. They’re going to do whatever it takes to make it work. Even though it’s done, let’s say it does die. I’m sure it will. It seems like they’re putting afterburners on a dying currency, me.

But in the meantime, these, these things take a long time. That’s what I miss. That’s the biggest thing that I’ve learned from my journey is it’s such a long process. Is real estate going to crash? Yes. When, holy smokes. It is just on and on and on. And they dress like a slow motion train wreck. And I know this, what we’re talking about could take some, several years. It could be fast, it could be, you know, a lot of times, I think, through history, it’s like three months. You had, you had to turn your currency in to get the new currency.

You know, that’s backed by whatever but it’s. It’s a go ahead. So let’s say it breaks. Let’s say a war starts and the currency dies. How are they going to. How are they going to pay the soldiers to go off to war? Are they going to pay for the material? Do like what they always do. They print money. But these dollars dead, how are they going to pay? Oh, but that’s a good question there. Eventually, they won’t be able to. Like Zimbabwe. You know, they. Doug Casey asked him, why in the heck did you print all that money? So we couldn’t pay our officials, we couldn’t pay our military.

You know, that’s. That’s what. How it ended up. But then how do we get goods from other countries if it’s our, you know, we are exporters of dollars. We are importers of almost everything else. So that is going to abruptly stop. I mean, abruptly stop. So I recommend. I don’t recommend anything, but I recommend to myself, you know, keeping. Keeping a year supply of shoes and clothes. Why specifically shoes? You want shoes? Okay. Yeah. It’ll take, well, clothes, food, everything, really. You know, it will take. There will be domestic shoe manufacturers will develop, but it will take some time.

Just funny that you’re focused on shoes specifically. Okay, shoes. Yeah, shoes. Clothes. Hawaiian shirts. You know, get a year supply of hawaiian shirts. Next Friday is hawaiian shirt day. So, you know, if you want to, go ahead and wear a hawaiian shirt and jeans. Okay. Are you a prepper at all, Rafi? Are you. What do you do in the prepping realm? I have chickens, so they lay eggs. I live, like, in very sparsely populated area, so I’m nowhere near the. The urban centers of Israel, but I’m much closer to Hezbollah, so I’m being bombed every few days, which I really don’t mind.

Compared to lockdowns and vaccines, this is much better. And I’ve got some extra water and maybe, like, a five, six month supply of canned food. It’s not that much. In the immediate aftermath of a currency collapse. I just want to be able to stay at home and then let things happen around me and not move too much and then peek out, like a few months later to see what’s happening. That’s my goal. I don’t know if. I don’t know if I’m just dreaming or I have a handgun. I don’t know if that’s going to do me any good.

Hezbollah invades. I don’t think it will. And I’ll have to go south. There’s a lot going on right now. And I’m trying to ignore it all and pay attention to it all at the same time, and it’s driving me crazy. That is wild. That’s a, that’s a different, uh. I have to think through that. If I was there, you know, you’re there, man. That’s a, that is wild. Yeah. He is going through the stage more physically than we are. But I don’t think, like I said, I. When, when it really breaks down, I think they’re going to, like, I don’t think they’re going to be able to muster forces, like, the way you’re thinking.

I think that whatever combat there is is going to degrade, I think, to, you know, 50 cal’s mounted on the back of a Toyota pickup truck driven by, you know, whoever. Now, can those people kill a lot of people? Can that be very, very violent? Absolutely, it will be, but I think it’ll be localized, and I don’t, I don’t know where those locations will be, but I don’t. I. And like I said, Americans can return. I don’t know about other countries. Americans can return fire. So, you know, you’re talking about neighborhoods organizing spontaneously, organizing self defense forces.

We’re already. We’re already doing that here. I mean, we already know that the army doesn’t do shit when we get invaded, you know, so we’re gonna. So we have to, so we have to protect ourselves. So there’s. There’s already militias in cities, and I’m already. I’m doing training tomorrow on getting bodies out of bombs, buildings. I don’t know why I’m doing it. I just, you know, people, they ask for volunteers, so I’m volunteering. And, like, who knows? You can’t rely on the army, so you got to rely on local militias. It’s already happening here. That’s a note that everybody should write down.

That’s something that we need to do in the United States. Everybody should. I’ve been doing my best to try to know and learn my community and meet as many people as possible. And around me, there’s just great people. I mean, they’re really good, salt of the earth people, and they all have, it’s like the same concerns. They don’t know what it is they’re, they’re concerned about. They just know something’s wrong. And that’s a, that’s a really good idea, man. I would participate in everything you could, and hopefully it’ll be over before long. So I’ll tell you what I.

One thing I did to just, just to pass the time while I’m preparing is. I started, I just emailed about everybody in my neighborhood, not just. Not just physically around me. I’m talking about the county wide people that I knew, people that I vaguely knew. I said, look, I’m going to start a chat group about this exact topic. Just prepping and financial prepping in general and everything. And if anyone wants to talk about that, this is the signal address. Come on and we’ll chat about it. I got about 30, 40 people, and I’ve helped people move millions and millions of dollars into precious metals positions.

Now it’s, you know, 30 people. So it’s not, it’s, you know, it’s spread out over a wide group and just also, you know, get some freedom seeds, get some, get some self defense devices, all that, all that stuff. So. And, you know, now each of those people is a node of civilization and chaos. And as long as this keeps spreading, it’s not going to be that bad. If we can get it, what are we at now for half a percent to a percent of people are stackers. If we can get that to two or 3% of dispersed nodes throughout the whole world.

When this thing blows, the money flows out, the assets get traded, and then, you know, and world money enters the system again and things move on. So let me. Chris, what are you doing? Go ahead. I just built a three acre pond. It’s kind of like a lake stock full of fish. I’m putting a massive water filter. Enough. It’ll filter enough water for, I don’t, I don’t know, several. It’ll filter the whole pond if I wanted to. So that’s. And mainly that’s for my pool, my floating swimming pool. I’m big into freedom seeds. I think they’re going to double in short order.

They always do. Anytime a black swan does something, that’s what happens. I mean, it’s just part of life. They’re cheap right now, considering they were very expensive over the last couple of black swans. So that’s something anybody can do. Find somebody that will ship bulk, and that’s just an easy, you know, you can protect yourself with it, you can trade with it, you can sell it, you can. I mean, it’s really kind of real straightforward and simple. That’s. That’s me. Straightforward, simple. You know, I had a bunch of rental properties. I got out of those. That was really me prepping for the thunderdome.

And as when properties get cheap again, or, you know, maybe we can buy some precious metals or something like that, I’ll get back into them. I still plan on. You know, I’m with you guys. I like Phil’s optimism. He’s very an optimistic kind of guy. I’ve got food, you know, I try to keep. I started with two, three months, and then I doubled it, and I doubled it, and I doubled it. You have a dehydrator. 2024 chickens. I got a dehydrator. A freeze dryer. I’ve watched your cooking videos. Interesting. I’m not going to eat those pancakes.

You made some weird. You made some weird pancakes. Well, they’re so good, man. Those pancakes are good. Well, it’s everything you need to have a bunch of energy and protein and all that. What else do we do? You know, we stack. We stack precious metals, keep a certain percentage of our wealth. And precious metals, I recommend not keeping it at your house. Just because you have to figure that out on your own. And it’s not smart. Grandpa taught me a long time ago, if somebody puts a gun to your head, you’ll give them everything you got.

You know, that’s kind of the way it is. If you feel brave enough to ignore Chris’s advice and store some of your precious metals at home or near it, then get a dirty man. Safe use code, endgame, ten at checkout. And don’t tell anybody. Even if they have a gun to your head. But certainly not smart. All of it in your home. But I would say you have to. You should have some near you. Near? Yeah, near. Or there’s a ip. But I can’t really do that. Right. So I came up with a way to do it, and it’s.

I just don’t keep any here. What else? I try to get tool. Okay. Any kind of tool you need. Rafi and I are not handy. I’ve discussed this the Rafi, like, I’m not a handyman. And I kind of wish I was. So one of my next. One of my upcoming videos is going to be on human capital. Improving yourself. So let me ask you this. If I’m starting from almost nothing. I got a power drill and I got a screwdriver. What tools do you think. What tools do you think I need for the zombie apocalypse? Well, I think everybody needs to know how to weld just a little bit.

You know, if something breaks, you need to. Just a little. Little cheap wire welder, man. You plug it into 220 and you can weld about anything you want. A grinder, anything to fix the tools you have. I have a big forklift and tractor. I went ahead and got hoses for those, you know, their hoses get old and they blow. They’re going to blow anyway. They’re not going down in value or price, you know, so those are. That’s a simple thing, stuff like that. Filters, fuel filters, hydraulic filters, anything my weather machines need, my kubota lawnmower needs.

Just go ahead and, you know, if one is none, what is it? One is none, two is one, and three is where you want to be. Here’s a question for you, Chris. What employment? Either self employment or for somebody else, what employment do you expect to do either in game or post? In game employment as in, yeah, what are you going to do? What are you going to do? What do you think you’re going to be doing during the zombie apocalypse? Well, I’ve worked for myself. I have a trade. I’ve been a welder for 20. Well over 20 years.

I have other skills and I was in the natural gas industry. I would take the gas from where they drilled the hole all the way through the equipment to the sales line. Kind of a turnkey deal. Hands on type stuff. I can do about anything with my hands. That’s kind of. I don’t like electrical very much. It’s kind of out of my wheelhouse. Wish I lived closer. Yeah. Hey, check out taylor welding weld over there. I’ll have a welding channel that teaches people. I’m trying to teach kids how to make a living without going to an indoctrination camp and get a degree in underwater basket weaving.

Just something you can do with your hands that nobody can take away from. You can. Worse. Underwater transgender basketball. Yeah. One draught of transgender basket. So one thing I expect, and I think Rafi will concur with this, is that when this blows, like I said before, there’s going to be an abrupt cancellation of international trade. So that means no more clothes, no more shoes, no more imported food goods. And we’re going to start making that stuff here rather quickly. Now, the good news is the prices are going to explode. So the people will be incentivized to start that process.

So one of the things I was going to advise people to do is if, for the human capital video I’m working on, if you like sewing, for example, or, you know, carpentry or brewing or any of those kind of things, let’s say you do it as a hobby. I would say upgrade to the next level of very low level cottage industry. So get an industrial sewing machine instead of your personal singer. That’s an awesome idea. But the problem is, the problem I’m thinking of is that, like, right now, you cannot compete with somebody from Bangladesh for sewing in terms of pricing, but suddenly it’s going to be the most valuable.

One of the most valuable things in the world is a sewing machine no one else can get their hands on. So how do you. How would you balance that, I guess, or how should someone think about balancing that? You know, when I went and looked at a sawmill yesterday, I’d like to have a sawmill as an additional. And when I went and looked at it, it was a really nice, well built lumber mill. They wanted five to $8,000 for it. And I was telling my father, I was like, you know, if I don’t use it, it’ll still be worth five to $8,000 probably, from now on.

So that’s a. That’s how I kind of look at it. If you’re. If your pool or the thing, your side hustle, as long as, you know, you’re getting a really nice machine that’s going to be way more expensive in the future, you can sell it later. You know, I wouldn’t go buy a bunch of new stuff, but I just restored a 1986 85 forklift of deer. John Deere forklift. Awesome piece of machinery. I went through the whole thing and got it up and running really good, painted it and everything. And now, you know, it’s worth equipment.

Think up about how expensive all that’s going to be when we’re completely cut off and we’re all in a grants. We will be cut off, or maybe not cut off, but our imports are going to go through the roof as our currency continues to be devalued. It just makes sense. So anything you can think of that’s not going down in value, buy it. You’re going to either use it, everyone’s going to use it, or sell it. Going back to what? I’m sorry, domestic production. Everyone in the world is going back to domestic production. And it might be very localized, like you might be.

I can see very easily buying clothes from your neighbors for a little while there, the neighbor who bought the industrial sewing machine, like, you may not be going to a store, you might be going to your neighbor’s house who’s running a shop out of his house for a while. These things will rebuild. I’m not. I’m not saying this is our future. We’re going back to the middle ages forever, but there’s going to be a period where, you know, you need a shirt, and there’s a guy making it over there. I think so, too. I think there’s going to be a period where it’s really hard, and maybe a lot of people die, and then there’s going to be a period where things really look really nice, you know, like, hey, we’re.

We made it and we’re coming up. And then maybe. Then maybe that’s the end. At that point, maybe we can reconnect after Zoom. Yeah. Yeah, it should be a lot better. I’m actually, like I said, I am very optimistic. I think we’re going back. I think we’re going to go back to the liberties of Jefferson and Washington, and all this nonsense is going to go away. So let me ask you this. Maybe there’s more of a question for Rafi. What do you think the unemployment rate’s going to hit? You think we’re going to hit, like, 60? I was looking at the Great Depression.

I think it was like 20 or 30, but that was 15 years of inflating currency. This has been close to 50, so I’m thinking 60, 70. Well, man, that’s a big question because you’ve got the new illegals coming over here that are from, you know, 20 million to 40 million. They’ve been shipping them over here across the Texas border. That’s the biggest problem. Now, most all of the jobs have gone to foreign born people over the last two or three years. So they’re going to be able to manipulate the employment numbers just like they do now.

And, you know, they’re going to tell us how good it is forever. And then when it gets really bad, we’ll never know how bad it really is, probably. And the jobs aren’t going to pay like they’re supposed to until later on, probably. You know, you’re gonna. What it looks like they’re doing to me is they’re incentivizing a new. The new slave. They’re incentivizing opening the borders to. I mean, you name it, what, 20,000 russian citizens? Nationalists. Chinese nationalists. In five months? You know, this is unprecedented. As much as I hate that word, we’ve never experienced that.

And now people are going to pay for cheap labor. That’s just the way it is. They’re going to. The cheaper the labor, that’s who’s going to get to do the work. So it’s going to make unemployment much worse and harder to watch, harder to understand, harder to keep track of. So my answer to this question is that in a hyperinflationary depression, assuming there’s no more government controls, the labor market should clear relatively quickly. I mean, the people that have absolutely no skill and can’t do anything, maybe they won’t be able to find a good job and maybe they’ll die.

I don’t know. But I don’t think it’s not going to be like the Great Depression, where there was a consistent 25% unemployment rate because the dollar was becoming more and more valuable. And there were these market clearing hurdles. Was there minimum wage back then? No, but there were the new Deal programs that were preventing wages from clearing. Roosevelt’s new Deal programs were preventing the labor market. So that’s where the unemployment came from. It wasn’t from the depression itself. It was from the efforts of the government to stop it from happening. So I don’t think that’s going to be able to happen this time.

Okay. Yeah. I was thinking when it blows that the unemployment rate might spike really high, but now that you say it that way. Yeah, people just start hiring each other. Like I would hire a welder for my welding needs. Or, you know, especially the stackers will need to get their money out, so they’ll start buying things and they’ll start employing people to work on their projects. So. Yeah, I could see. Yeah, I think you’re right. That’s the main thing, is getting people in the community to do well, because that’s the only way we get out of it, is good people do well.

So the fact, especially the silver, I think. I think Rafi agrees with me on this one. Especially the silver needs to leave your stashes as soon as. As soon as the crisis starts hitting so that people can trade with each other. And so you should make a point to disperse your silver either through. I mean, I would employ people, but if not just charity or whatever, and just get it out into the. Get it out into the system so people can trade. They don’t buy. What’s your ratio? Are you going to sell it when it’s 30 to 115 to one? What’s your.

Yeah, I’m going to start selling silver at 30 to one, and then I’ll sell more of it as it approaches 15 to one. And when it’s 15 to one, I’m going to minimize my silver stacks and buy what I can. And if I don’t know what to buy, I’ll just trade it for gold and then decide later. Nice. Yeah, that’s. That’s. We talked about the silver to gold ratio quite a bit. Now, there’s one other thing that you can, uh, kind of quantify. Silver is right now a laying chicken laying hen is worth 1oz of silver.

I call it the chicken to laying hen ratio. And so far, it’s keeping up. It’s keeping up. It’s, uh. I came up with that a while back. And as those things you go to the feed store to buy land hen, it’s about $30. Pretty interesting. So I have, like, 8oz of silver in my backyard. That’s pretty cool. Yeah. And just closing remarks. Chris, can you tell us where to find you? Any services that you offer? Where should people watching this video get what you can offer them? Absolutely. I have a YouTube channel, two of them. I have a financial prepper on YouTube.

It’s me and my wife. She sells precious metals for Miles Franklin. I encourage everybody to get the best prices, and that’s why I started selling for Andy Shackman’s, because I was getting my medal there, because he had best prices. And don’t take my word for it. Shop around. Get the. The list that she comes out with every two weeks and take it with you. You can text that number, and you can shop around with it. I have a Taylor welding channel on YouTube that haven’t been on in a while. That’s fixing the change. And I’m trying to teach young men and women how to build stuff with their hands.

How do I make a living building things? We need people to build stuff. Okay. And that’s the two media outlets. We have a Twitter FP network. No, sorry. That’s rumble. What is it? Financial prepper PPR. Financial prepper PPR. On the end. On Twitter. We’re doing our best to get people over there. We have a rumble as well. That’s a FP network. Uh, we’re. We’re about to get kicked off of YouTube. It is. I mean, we’re not long on there, so if you’re into Twitter and rumble and things like that, please go there as well as YouTube, because it’s getting uddy there.

I’ve been in the penalty box for a long time, and it’s a shame, but that’s where we live in. If you want to learn about thing prepping beyond just stacks, I think Chris is a great, great resource for anyone who’s curious. I don’t recommend his pancakes, despite what he says in game pancakes. Do I have anything to add? No. All right. Well, it was great meeting you. I hope to speak with you again soon. A good luck in Louisiana. And when we all have fiefdoms and we’re known as local lords, we should connect up again and maybe create a new international trading relationship.

Absolutely. Thank you for having me on. I’d love to have you on the financial prepping YouTube channel if you’re in. Great. I’d love to. Come on. We’ll work that out. Absolutely. Thank you.

See more of Rafi Farber on their Public Channel and the MPN Rafi Farber channel.


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