FBI Releases Kissinger Death Threat Files

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ The article discusses newly released FBI files from the 1970s, revealing numerous threats against former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger. These threats came from various groups, including those who disagreed with his political strategies and those who blamed him for the Cambodian genocide. The files also highlight the extensive surveillance by the FBI during this period, with many Americans reporting on each other’s activities. The article concludes by noting how technology has since amplified this kind of surveillance and reporting.


I think that’s the perfect way to talk about this, but his point is, is that if we look at this, we can see that this is a sign of God’s divine judgment on our country, because that’s exactly what it is. It’s God’s judgment on us. Well, who wanted to kill Henry Kissinger? These are newly released FBI files. Now, they’ve not released the FBI files about who wants to kill JFK. I have an alibi. You weren’t even born yet, yeah? These go back to the 70s. I was around, but I had no, I’m not a part of these files, I gotta say.

A lot of strange threats against the former Secretary of State’s safety, he says, reason. So a lot of people wanted Kissinger dead and made no secret about it. He says, one person, travel journalist Anthony Bourdain said, once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands. Referring to his role in the bombing of Cambodia and then his satisfaction when the Khmer Rouge took power after that, and we all know what happened with that genocide that was there, Kissinger became the face of US proxy warfare in the 1970s.

He became the face of ruthless Machiavellian geopolitics as well. However, most of the threats of the FBI was worried about didn’t come from progressives like Bourdain. Much of the file is concerned with cold warriors who thought that Kissinger wasn’t hawkish enough, that he was possibly a traitor. The files also shine a light on the FBI’s intense surveillance penetration of different parts of American society in the 1970s before there was social media and the internet. I mean, it was a lot harder back then, but they were still watching everybody.

They were still listening to everybody. I mean, they had worked out an agreement with the phone services and everything. I mean, you know, they could wiretap anybody. Everyone from gas station managers to church staffers and university students were informing the government about what they saw as a national security issue. So it began with these kind of staasy snitches, like the East German snitches, you know, snitching on their neighbors. And then once a neighbor had raised the alarm, now the FBI can go through the phone system or do whatever they want to.

And as Reason points out, it’s a real indictment against the FBI, but it’s an even stronger indictment against Americans informing on each other. During Kissinger’s so-called shuttle diplomacy between Israel and Egypt in July of 1975, a group of Israeli military veterans wrote a series of letters to the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv threatening to kill Adolf Kissinger, they said, for his, quote, guile trickery threats, lies, and hate against the Jewish nation. Kissinger was transforming a military victory into a diplomatic defeat, they said. So he was hated by pretty much everybody and for valid reasons.

So they said, the FBI files are a cross-section of the types of Americans who like to inform on their neighbors. Some of the threats in the files were clearly empty words, but members of the public found it necessary to get the authorities involved anyway. A few cranks even snitched on themselves, writing their threats directly to the government officials. So really human nature hasn’t changed, but what has changed is the technology has weaponized this to a new level. Now here’s what Reason misses as they look at all this stuff about Kissinger.

In my opinion, Kissinger was president. He was the first globalist president. He was the guy who managed everything. And of course, he was followed by another globalist president, Brzezinski, Sivigniew Brzezinski, who essentially ran the Carter White House. Kissinger also, and I say that he was a global president, he was the one who opened up China. Yeah, that happened during the Nixon administration, but it was Kissinger, I believe, that was running the entire show. Certainly everything had to do with geopolitics. Maybe he let Nixon decide what the speed limit on the interstates is going to be, you know.

Henry, what did I do? I don’t know, Mr. President, you know, go with a double nickel, you know, the 55. He was a globalist tool, and he turned China into a globalist tool. Look, he was the guy who held court at Bilderberg, pretty much, you know, from its inception to his death. He was at the epicenter of all these globalist things, but he made China the cat’s paw, the beta test site, always for depopulation, population control, for control and surveillance of the population, with all of these different things that have been put there, and to transfer our economy to China.

He was a Machiavellian, a cynical Machiavellian politician who is playing these games with everybody. He had absolutely nothing but contempt for the common man. He was the essence of Bilderberg. You know, our government is not Jeffersonian. You know, some people said, well, everybody wants to believe that America is, you know, in reality, a lot of people say, well, it’s thoroughly Hamiltonian with a thin veneer of Jeffersonianism, right? Hamilton wanted a strong central government, central bank, centralized control. Jefferson was against all that. He was for individual liberty. So we keep that veneer, we label it that way, but the reality is, it’s all about centralized control.

But the reality is, our government’s not Jeffersonian or Hamiltonian. It’s Machiavellian. It’s Machiavellian because the people like Kissinger. People like Zbigniew Brzezinski. We’re going to take a break, and we’ll be right back. Oh, I’m missing you. You’re the doctor on my dream. With your crinkly mind, and your classy stuff, and your activate, and young schemes, all right, so people said that you don’t know what you’re hearing of biased and false news has become all too common on social media. More on some media than on podcast. Unfortunately, some members of the media use their platforms to push their own personal bias and agenda to control exactly what people think.

And this is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. Break free from the usual script with a David Knight show, a fresh perspective bringing you genuine insights on current events. But if the show is going to stay on the air, we’ll need your continued support. Sharing the show, subscribing, and even just hitting the like button all help.

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American citizen reporting during 1970s FBI files 1970s release FBI surveillance in the 1970s impact of technology on reporting activities Kissinger and Cambodian genocide political disagreements with Kissinger technology amplifying surveillance threats against Henry Kissinger

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