Fat for the Holidays or Impressively In-Shape? You Decide




➡ Amidst global turmoil and health crises, it’s crucial to prioritize personal health. Many Americans struggle with obesity and chronic diseases, largely due to unhealthy lifestyles and environmental factors. Energized Health offers a solution with their unique system that focuses on cellular health, helping individuals lose fat, gain muscle, and potentially reverse chronic diseases. They’re currently offering a challenge where you can experience their program and potentially lose five pounds in five days for just five dollars, aiming to help people take control of their health and improve their lives.
➡ The Energized Health Protocol is a simple, affordable program that helps you lose weight and gain energy without needing a gym or complex diet. It’s a sustainable method that trains your body to burn stored fat and improve overall health. The program also includes advice on hydration, exercise, and diet. It has a high success rate and positive reviews over its 27-year history.
➡ Visit zstacklife.com/S-P-N and use the code ‘S-P-N’ for a 15% discount. They offer subscriptions and a product called Kid Z-spike gummies, created by Dr. Zelenko, which are designed to protect and heal children.


Living on the brink of World War 3, being in the middle of a massive presidential election cycle, watching on a daily basis as new hurricanes and unprecedented storms just boom form in the Atlantic Ocean, make landfall in the United States, we all need to take time to start nurturing our bodies and care about our health because no matter what is going on in the world around us, our bodies never take a break. Our bodies are always working. Our bodies are always changing. And so, of course, if we neglect our bodies, our health will suffer.

And right now, just as the world, geopolitically speaking anyway, is as unhealthy as it’s ever been, Americans as a people are unhealthy as we have ever been. Obesity and chronic disease, they just run rampant in America. Our food and our water, we’ve talked about this on the program ad nauseam, are full of poison and the air. We really do have everything imaginable working against us when it comes to our health. So we obviously need to take steps to push back. We need to take control of our bodies. We need to become healthier right now than we’ve ever been before because we’re at war.

And so, of course, we need to be in warrior condition and being fat and being chronically tired isn’t good for anybody. Now, obviously, most people know this, but a lot of people just don’t know where to begin. They see these fad diets all over the place, these fad workout routines, but they just don’t know where to start. And when they do, they get the rebound effect, the boomerang, because they stop when they don’t see the results that they want. They don’t know where to go to get solid, reliable information and training. So that can take back control of their own bodies becomes impossible.

But fortunately, our friends at energized health can help you do just exactly that. Now, we’ve talked about energized health on this program before. So at this point, you probably know who they are, John and Chelsea Jubilee. You probably know that they have this amazing patent pending system of intracellular hydration that will help you to lose fat, help you to gain muscle, even cure chronic diseases or reverse them by nurturing the most basic level of the human body, the cells. They start with the building blocks of life to build a healthier version of you.

Energized health can change everything. But as we all know, it can be tough to take that leap of faith. A lot of people are skeptics. And I understand that especially in today’s day and age, believe me, and when I started the energized health program, I was a skeptic as well. But right now energized health is running their 555 challenge where you can lose five pounds of fat in just five days for only five bucks. So this is an amazing opportunity to turn your skepticism around to get 1000s of dollars worth of information and experience something that will completely change your life for the price of a cheeseburger, which will also compound to changing your life.

So if you want to get started, head on over to my 555 challenge.com. Again, that’s my 555 challenge.com. Because as a matter of fact, right now, this is the last opportunity today to sign up for the last my 555 challenge session of 2024. So again, head on over to my 555 challenge.com to learn more and see firsthand testimonials from real energized health clients. And for more on all of this, we’re now joined by our good friend john Jubilee of energized health. The last day today to sign up for 2024 last 555 challenge.

This is it. This is it, Stu. And I want to encourage people with something and I’m going to share a little bit of a what I call family business. I took a picture of myself. 27 years ago, I read an article that said there’s a mind body disconnect that happens within men and women. We get a disconnection between our mind and our body. In other words, we really have an unrealistic picture in our brain of what we really look like. And when I read that article, Stu, I thought, well, that’s ridiculous.

I’m a very logical person. I’m a, I’m a mathematician. And, you know, like, for sure, I have a realistic, you know, picture in my head of what I look like, you know, we see ourself every day in the mirror, right? Well, Stu, this is 27 years ago. They didn’t have the cell phones like we do today. I had to use a real camera. I had to take it to a one hour processing place. I got eight by 10 pictures. I looked at this picture of myself and I challenge everyone to go do this today.

Today, men pull your shirt off, take 10 selfies of yourself and look at yourself front side and back from every angle. Ladies put on a sport top, take and take your shirt off other than your sport top. Take those pictures. Look at yourself. And see if you experience what I experienced, which was when I saw that picture with fresh eyes, looking at it like it was a different person, I was shocked. I had a 10 inch belly. My face looked horrible and looked unhealthy and I was shocked. But that did a good thing for me, Stu.

It made me realize not only did I feel bad, I knew I felt bad, but I looked bad. I looked bad too. I looked bad and I felt bad. So some of us it takes looking at ourselves through fresh eyes to rock ourselves to say, hey, I got to go do something different. So I challenge you today, go take a picture of yourself. And if you don’t look and or feel like you want to look and feel, I invite you to come and join us. Look, it’s only 30 minutes to an hour a day.

It’s not all day, but for five days in a row, Chelsea and I are going to show up every day. What we’ve learned for 27 years, we can’t obviously share 27 years worth of information, but we’ll share everything we can in five days for just literally the price of a cup of coffee, guys, for five bucks. You can come and find out what this groundbreaking science is that has changed tens of thousands of lives and starting with the most important one, which is yours. You know, your life, your health is priceless. So come and spend five days with us.

It’s the last one of 2024, your last opportunity to get in on one of these. We only do a few of these a year. This is the last one of this year. I want you to talk a little bit about reversing life-threatening ailments and diseases, chronic disease, diabetes, inflammation, joint pain, muscle pain, ligament pain, migraine. You even have women on Tuesday nights joining into the group, giving testimony about no longer having menstrual cramps. Yes, a thousand percent. So for the first 10 years when I was helping people, Stu, they’d come to me and say, John, you know, women were going through a period of menopause or menopause, or they had, you know, horrible types of hormonal issues that a lot of women struggle with.

And they’d say, John, could you help me? For 10 years, Stu, I had one answer. Could you reverse my diabetes, my spinal stenosis, my arthritis, my Meniere’s disease, whatever it was, I had one answer for 10 years. I don’t know. Let’s see. I don’t know. Let’s see. That’s all I would say because I am a truth teller. I don’t care what the truth is. I just want to know what it is. And then I want to share truth with people. But after 10 years, Stu, I changed my answer. And now my answer is I 100% will guarantee you in writing, you will reverse whatever it is because what I learned is about 99.9% of all chronic disease, of all inflammation, of all pain, of all lack of energy is tied to one thing.

It is intracellular dehydration, dehydration. When your cells are dehydrated, your organs lose function. When your organs lose function, this is where you get autoimmune disorders. This is why you have rheumatoid arthritis, or you start losing the cartilage in your joints, or you have neck or back pain, or you have hormonal issues as a woman, or you have menstrual cramps. All of these things absolutely, even kidney function, which if you went to a medical doctor today, they’ll say you can never reverse failed kidneys. We have a doctor, a medical doctor on the front of our website, who says I cannot explain medically, but I reversed my failed kidney function.

And oh, by the way, side effect, I lost 60 pounds of fat. Unbelievable. Yeah, absolutely reverse it. And we can show I mean, one of the most awesome side effects of intracellular hydration and the energized health protocol is the physical appearance, the way that you look, which also will lower your cortisol levels. For men, it will boost your testosterone production, because of course, being confident is a huge part. If you’re not right mentally, you’re not going to ever be right physically. Mind over body. This is a spiritual transformation. This is a confidence transformation.

And you can see the difference just in the color of your there it is, you can see the depth. I mean, look at just the color of my skin, the skin tone, the happiness, the confidence, everything as I started to lose that belly fat started to firm up, started to put on lean muscle. And there it is at at 12 weeks, right? That’s just 12 weeks. And the thing is that this is 100% sustainable, this is not difficult to do, you don’t have to spend hours in the gym, you don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen, you feel better immediately, you’ll start to notice the energy production is just like unbelievable, you’ll have stored energy.

And your body just trains itself to start eating away that stored fat. Even if you have a day where you’re like, you know, today is my calorie spike day, I’m going to go eat a bunch of calories, because you’re not really computing calories and macros and dealing with all this difficult mathematics stuff. You’re just following a very simple protocol that is all laid out in the energized health program. It is a beautifully laid out thing, it helps you to talk about what you should consume and when the best idea for how to hydrate yourself when to start in the morning, some of the exercises that you can do.

And by the way, the exercises that you’re doing are not keeping you in the gym, you don’t need a gym, you don’t need a weight room, you don’t need a workout facility, you don’t even need a treadmill. And you can look like that. Put it up there again, my 12th week, because I was really proud of that. And then you just keep going from there. Things just get better and better and better with the energized health protocol. And right now, if you’re a skeptic like I was, because I was, there’s no way that this thing is going to work, because I’ve seen all the BS, I’ve seen all the Snapchat and the Instagram and the Facebook and the X ads that show, you know, these guys eating dozens of donuts while being ripped and saying that they have a magic pill or potion.

A lot of this stuff, then you watch the TV and every other commercial is for ozempic or some other poison from big pharma to keep you a lifetime subscriber to the big pharma and medical industrial complex and poison you and keep you sick. But I’m telling you, if you’re a skeptic like I was, here’s your opportunity to go into it with eyes of skepticism, because we encourage that you question everything. So go into it with eyes of skepticism. But you can do it for just five bucks. So you really have nothing at all to lose.

If you just go to my 555 challenge.com, that’s what the site looks like right there, my 555 challenge.com. And john, you know, I don’t know why 100% of our viewing audience wouldn’t take you up on this five pounds and five days for five bucks. Yeah, and Stu, I want to jump piggyback with you there for a minute on, you know, I have a phrase I call it a beautiful, beloved skeptic. Because I love people like you Stu, you know, that even though you were skeptical, you still did it, you’re still skeptical, but you still did it.

So can I just encourage everyone, look, guys, there’s nowhere to hide on the internet today, right? So you know, we’ve been around for 27 years. So you can go check, go check on the internet, do a little bit of research, take 15 minutes, go on the Better Business Bureau, go on Trustpilot, go on Facebook Reviews, Google Reviews, guess what you’re going to see for 27 years, we have a 99.1% success rate. We’re not even a member of the Better Business Bureau, by the way, but you know, they track your company, whether you’re a member or not.

But guess what our rating is, A plus, A plus for 27 years, you’ll see nothing but five star reviews from tens of thousands of people for 27 years. And most of them say the same things, Stu, they say it sounded too good to be true, but it changed my life. It changed my life. Yeah, well, it certainly changed mine. And what I love the most about it is that everybody else notices and then they ask me, what are you doing? And I tell them the energized health protocol and it just makes sense.

Five bucks, five days, five pounds of fat, go to the my five, five challenge website at my five, five, five challenge.com. Again, that’s my five, five, five challenge.com for the energized health protocol. We will continue shortly. More from the Stu Peters network. Wow, for five bucks. I don’t know. You guys are gonna have to raise your prices or something because what you pour into people for five days is unbelievable. It wasn’t five pounds I lost. Guys, I lost seven pounds in five days of the 40 pounds of fat that I clearly needed to lose.

I’m 54 years young, but I was feeling 54 years old. But even over the course of five days, everyone, my ice and pains, they just, you know what, they just started going away. I’m looking at myself in the mirror in just five days. And I don’t even know how this happened. Be prepared to say goodbye to whatever that malady is, whatever that condition is, whatever that ache or that pain or that grumpy little spirit you’re hanging on to. Utilize these five days of this challenge because they’re transformative. They’re life transformative. So for five days, guys, at least for these five days, go for it.

And enjoy the five to seven to whatever pounds you might lose if you have to lose it. Maybe this is your last try of anything. Well, it will be because it’s going to work. I’m going to attention because I’m going to tell you about what could possibly be the most important life saving supplement that I have ever talked about. It’s called cardio miracle. Each serving of cardio miracle has a combination of over 50 high quality ingredients, including a huge variety of fruits, vegetables, amino acids and herbs, all of which come together to promote your body’s ability to produce nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide is so important for heart health. It helps to relax and dilate your blood vessels, which supports blood flow and circulation. And I love that you don’t have to take this giant pill to get all of this nutrition. No, cardio miracle comes in a powder formula. So it’s really easy to mix all day throughout the day into juice or water and take it at any time. That also helps to support mood regulation because it’s a neurotransmitter. It’s a neuromodulator in the brain. So it can support the release of serotonin and dopamine, both of which are really important and involved in mood regulation.

Cardio miracle also supports mental clarity, sleep quality, energy levels. It can even help with recovery after exercise. Nitric oxide is essential for so many functions in the body. And cardio miracle supports the production of nitric oxide. So you get many benefits from just one supplement. Please go to highpowerheart.com. Again, highpowerheart.com. I’m telling you, this could quite possibly be the most important supplement that I will ever talk about cardio miracle. Go to highpowerheart.com. A message for parents that love their kids and of course want to keep them safe and healthy. It’s a health product that you can’t ignore.

Kids Z-spike gummies from the Zelenko Lab Z-stack supplement line. Now, these aren’t just ordinary supplements. These are your child’s shield against upcoming health threats and a recovery mechanism to help dissolve and block spike proteins. Of course, inspired by the legendary Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. Dr. Z didn’t just practice medicine. As you well know, he changed the entire game over the pandemic. He provided counsel on the prevention and treatment of COVID-19, the bioweapon and the removal of the dangerous and deadly spike proteins from the body. His pioneering work lives on in these gummies crafted to repair and empower your kids immune systems.

Powerful stuff inside of these things all based on solid research that you can trust by Zelenko Labs. Vitamin C and dandelion root. These help to cleanse and fortify. Of course, there’s a whole lot of other things inside of these Z-spike gummies as well. Pomegranate peel and bromelain arm and defend against these invaders like the spike proteins that are wishing to enter your kid’s body and destroy their health. Targeting those tricky spike proteins is difficult, but not if you have the Z-spike gummies. All natural, zero artificial junk, low in sugar and a strawberry flavor that your kids will actually want.

This is about more than just avoiding colds. This is about giving your kids a proactive protection and repairing them from damage caused during the pandemic. As we know that there’s shedding involved and parents, they didn’t leave you out. You can achieve the same goals for your health and body. Pairing Dr. Zelenko’s hero products, Z-spike and ZD-Tox for daily support. Rise up and protect your kids with Dr. Zelenko’s Kid Z-spike Gummies. Perfect for kids ages 4 and up. Head over to zstacklife.com slash S-P-N and then use the code for 15% off. The code is S-P-N.

Secure your bottles right now. They have subscriptions too. Remember, this isn’t just a supplement, it’s a shield. It’s Dr. Zelenko’s legacy. Shield up with Kid Z-spike gummies, the smart way to protect and heal our kids. zstacklife.com slash S-P-N. Again, zstacklife.com slash S-P-N. [tr:trw].

See more of Stew Peters Network on their Public Channel and the MPN Stew Peters Network channel.


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